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Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the war room!
In Which People Bicker
Permalink Mark Unread

The war council meets in a mage's magnificent conference room; the air's cleaner and there are places to sit.

Half the people who should be here aren't, and half the people who shouldn't be here nonetheless are. Overall there's something more than 30 people in attendance -

Permalink Mark Unread

That tag was already posted. Why is it being posted AGAIN?

Permalink Mark Unread

This tag must have been posted in ERROR.

The author must be INFORMED of this TYPO so they can DELETE IT before someone SEES.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is actually the third time the tag's been posted - well, the fourth, now.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is two more times than Otolmens was previously aware of and two more times than Otolmens is able to directly observe and THREE TIMES TOO MANY TIMES FOR A SINGLE TAG TO BE POSTED.

Permalink Mark Unread

The other two times were in the private drafts thread -

Permalink Mark Unread

It is EXTREMELY WORRYING that there is a PRIVATE THREAD which Otolmens CANNOT SEE. 

Permalink Mark Unread




Permalink Mark Unread

Does the Private Drafts Thread have any INCONSISTENCIES?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread




Permalink Mark Unread

With all due gratitude for the work you do in the Esurient Continuity, my private drafts thread is outside your jurisdiction.

Permalink Mark Unread

Operating on the Thread-Level Metalayer to ensure the Golarion portrayed is internally consistent IS WELL within my jurisdiction. 

Permalink Mark Unread

The drafts thread is in Sandboxes! It's - it's a general-purpose drafts thread, not Esurient-exclusive!

Permalink Mark Unread

That makes it EVEN WORSE!


Permalink Mark Unread

...Tabling this conversation. Do you want to know why the thread we're in exists?

Permalink Mark Unread

YOU will tell me this or SUFFER the NATURAL CONSEQUENCES.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it'd be neat to have a conversation between the Korvosans which is realistically hectic, and has a wide variety of voices, and which has a realistic number of totally-off-base fixations (and also solid guesses), but that's hard for one person to do when they control all of the minds involved. And also it was taking forever to write.

So I asked some people whether they'd be interested in writing the Korvosans argue with one another about how best to protect the 200,000 souls in the Korvosan hinterland, and also secure their own food supply, and got some interest!

Thus, this is an open thread that anyone can post in.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Why do you figure that?

Permalink Mark Unread

The thread will be INCONSISTENT with ITSELF and established CANON.


Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, probably.

Permalink Mark Unread

HOW are you so RELAXED about this?!

Permalink Mark Unread

You can think of this thread as a public drafts thread; it's not necessarily canon to the Continuity. If it's inconsistent or reveals inconsistencies, I'll fix them before we "go live," so to speak.

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyone can contribute to the thread.

There are rules, the first of which is: 

Have fun and don't worry too hard about it! This is a drafts thread, it doesn't have to be readable-to-others nor make any sense.

The primary goal of the thread is to have fun writing together, and if that succeeds this thread is a success.

Permalink Mark Unread

Tags from this thread will be crossposted to (and linked to from) "And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."

They're likely to have their order scrambled to improve flow or make the conversation easier harder more interesting to follow, tags are likely to be lightly edited to match the continuity's house style, are nearly certain to have jokes added to them, and are quite likely to be quietly swept under the rug if posting them would upset Otolmens too much.

If any of those things are dealbreakers for you, I'm sorry for wasting your time by not stating it further upthread!

Permalink Mark Unread

The simplest way to contribute to the thread

is to create a character named "Korvosa" that uses the beautiful Seal of Korvosa ilzo assembled, and then find some way to improve your Korvosan's relative status at the expense of a different Korvosan that's already spoken.

Korvosans are a fractious lot; you're encouraged to misunderstand one another in the most creative ways possible.

(if you're too creative it might not be crossposted into the main thread, but don't let that limit your imagination in this one! The first rule here is to have fun, write crack if that's what amuses you.)

Permalink Mark Unread

A slightly more complicated way to contribute to the thread

is to have "Korvosa" ask a question! I'm sure you have questions about the magic and mechanics of the setting, and Korvosans of varying backgrounds and education might have more or different ones.

You can also answer someone else's question, if you know the answer or can imagine a Korvosan that thinks they do.

Permalink Mark Unread

Another simple way

is to propose a solution to one of the many problems facing what's left of the city.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can also 

take over a character that hasn't been characterized in the thread so far!

I don't know anything about Lord Valdur Bromathan, other than that he's Head of House Bromathan and a first-circle cleric of Sarenrae. 

The various NPCs in the meeting have, if they're lucky, three lines of text about them in whatever book I dredged the name from. I've posted those descriptions here, but it's an incredibly tedious post and you don't have to read it. If you do, take the descriptions as writing prompts - don't worry about staying overtrue to them if it'd get in the way of your fun.

I can't guarantee that your characterization of a given character will become canon to the main continuity, but since I don't have other ideas for these fellows the odds are pretty good.

Permalink Mark Unread

Or you could 

take over a character that has been characterized in the thread so far! 

If you thought of something that'd be especially good or funny coming from the mouth of Queen Ileosa or Cressida Kroft, feel free to attribute it to them.

I can't guarantee that your characterization will become canon to the main continuity, but it might!

Permalink Mark Unread

The thread is over when

the Vault-dwellers have a general idea of when they'll be able to return to the surface, they have a plan to secure their food supply, and Cressida Kroft knows she has a way to protect the 200,000-odd Korvosans living in the country's hinterland. 


when people get tired of it!

Permalink Mark Unread

If that's the door situation tentatively solved, we should move on to the next thing on the docket...

Permalink Mark Unread

Discussing why Lord Valdur Bromathan and Lady Eliasia Leroung were passed up for selection as Vault Colonel.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Getting a better handle on the shape of the threat that faces Varisia, so we don't put our effort and teleports into a half-cocked solution that doesn't turn out to solve anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, as we've each a mouth and two ears apiece, how abouts all y'all talk about your thing and all we all talk about our thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should make this "icon" thing optional, some of us can't afford that.


...no, even if we devolve into meta later, we shouldn't start there. I propose a mandatory hour of prayer to one of the better gods begging them to save us specifically by chosen as a cleric. That's what you need for undead, you know, is good clerics.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think that's an excellent idea. Lord Bromathan, go find somewhere quiet to pray to Sarenrae.

Permalink Mark Unread

I already put in my hour on my knees today, it's how I'm able to prepare spells.

If you want Sarenrae to do more than just listen, I'm going to need a rock worth 25,000 sails and eight more circles of spells.

Permalink Mark Unread

Her Excellency the Most High Priestess of Asmodeus Aspexia Rugatonn is a caster of international renown, and a trustworthy negotiating partner.

Our Lord has blessed her with magic of the highest circle, and I believe she should be able to raise a Gate 20 feet wide for a period of around two whole minutes.

There are many ways to increase the throughput that a wizard might design, the first that comes to my mind being a series of carts on wheels locked into a circular track. I am of course open to suggestions from our learned scholars if they have easier suggestions, but I am confident it should be possible to move all our souls and worldly possessions through a single casting, if we are well-organised.

I believe that with a teleport to Egorian, I should be able to arrange some appropriate compact by which this service could be purchased and by which our people could find themselves safe under the protection of the Infernal Crown of Cheliax well before the obviously upcoming mass starvation even begins.

It would only be fair that we offer to our saviour the Most High Priestess and her faction within the church of Asmodeus both a percentage of our material goods, for having rescued them, and our eternal obedience as the price of our souls. I believe that our Queen should come with as well, and while I do not believe she would have the negotiating power to remain an independent monarch she could reasonably hope for a position of high nobility and resources from which to retain her rightful control over Korvosa's rural holdings and distant territories.

Our material wealth which has not been brought to this vault, and that remains in temples and homes across Korvosa, I expect will have to be regained slowly, at least over the coming months, by a series of dangerous excursions by teleport, which shall need to be carefully planned in advance, but I see no reason we cannot all expect to regain most of our possessions within the city walls within a reasonable period and despite the city itself being doomed, even if a great share will need to be paid as compensation to adventurers.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why we tolerate this snake in our midst is beyond me.

Permalink Mark Unread

Besides, the last thing we need is more 'help' from the evil gods. You think it's a coincidence that this kind of attack only happened after we replaced the Arodenites with someone who can't even channel usefully? I say we just go hallow the whole city, bring things back to normal.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is hallowing the entire city possible?

Permalink Mark Unread

Only a fool would go it alone in straights such as these! I say, if Cheliax will help, let them!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm no learned master or enlightened priest, but what if we do that plan but swap out Asmodeus's favourite slave for literally any other ninth circle?

There's, what, Nefreti Clepati, Razmir, the Andoran elf one, I'm pretty sure Sarenrae has a ninth circle in a different continent but that's still an improvement...

... is Areelu Vorlesh still alive? I'd genuinely take her over Cheliax.

Permalink Mark Unread

What do we need a ninth-circle for?

Permalink Mark Unread

Hallowing the city may be possible with a wish or miracle!

1. I have no idea what's possible with wish or miracle.

Permalink Mark Unread

We need the ninth-circle for the gate, genius.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadow's can fly at 40ft, but they can't swim!

If we dig a tunnel to the river, we can swim through the water and escape that way!

Permalink Mark Unread

I had an idea last night that was similar, but as it turns out shadows aren't impeded by water.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe if you'd spent less time last night thinking that shadows couldn't swim and more time fighting them, we wouldn't all be in here.

Permalink Mark Unread

Just saying.

Permalink Mark Unread

We make a shadowproof box, and then we get one guy whose really fast, and we give him Death Ward or something, and he runs through the whole city trash talking about how dumb shadows are and how they're stupid monsters who suck.

All the shadows chase him until he's got the whole city following him.

Then he runs into the shadowproof box, we close the door and he teleports out.

And then we put the box on a boat, take it to those [Expletive] [Racial Slur] bastards over in [Geographic Slur], dump it in their [Expletive] stupid drinking water, open the box and run away.

Permalink Mark Unread

How dare you! I have family in Magnimar!

No, what we'll do is we take it to the Storval Rise...

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm going to ignore... most of that, and ask about the shadowproof box. Can you shadowproof a box, other than by making it ten feet thick?

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, of course hallowing an entire city isn't possible. If it was half the cities in Ustulav would be hallowed. If you tried to cover all of Korvosa, it would take nearly five thousand - no, six thousand 5th circle spells, each of which takes a day to cast and a fortune in materials, and that's before you include death ward. We could have every cleric in the city do it and not be halfway done by year's end."

Permalink Mark Unread

> can you shadowproof a box

[Togomor nerds out about ectoplasm]

Permalink Mark Unread

Could you hallow it all with a miracle? I was talking earlier about hallowing the city with a miracle, you might not have heard.

Permalink Mark Unread

>If it was half the cities in Ustulav would be hallowed

If you try to cast Hallow in Ustalav a lich teleports in and immediately Unhallows it. Shadows don't have that kind of magic so they can't stop us.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bah, you think the shadows don't have clerics and sorcerers of their own? More fool you.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you could hallow the city with a miracle, don't you think they'd have done that in Ustulav? 

Permalink Mark Unread

They might not have the diamonds! Miracle-grade diamonds aren't pebbles you find in the garden.

Permalink Mark Unread

Miracle takes 25,000 gp in diamond dust, which might be easier to source.

Permalink Mark Unread

No because the gods all hate Ustalav for the obvious reason that Ustalavians are all unpious pricks.

But we proper righteous godfearing Korvosans would totally get a miracle like that if we asked nice.

Permalink Mark Unread

It says in the setting doc that miracles take whole diamonds. 25k diamonds are major strategic resources, and not necessarily anywhere for sale, so a little city-state like Korvosa probably doesn't have any.

Permalink Mark Unread

By what measure are Korvosans god-fearing?

Permalink Mark Unread

If I didn't fear them yesterday, I surely do now.

Permalink Mark Unread

I've heard there's this massive continent-spanning cave system called The Darklands, right under our feet with whole countries down there and stuff.

What if instead of trying to go back up here, we just dig straight down until we reach The Darklands, and then ask directions through that until we can pop back up somewhere else?

Permalink Mark Unread

The undead are Urgathoa's, right? We just need to talk to her and figure out what she wants.

Permalink Mark Unread

…the Abyss is down there and everyone down there is horrible demons. That's not a good plan.

Permalink Mark Unread

No idiot shadows work for Zon Kuthon, he tricked Abadar into letting him make them and controls them from his evil fortress in the shadow dimension

Permalink Mark Unread

That's convenient, then. Nidal exists. We just need to send an ambassador or something to work out terms.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If we want a shadowproof box, we should make it out of cryptstone. Pharasma hates the undead, and didn't the archbishop say she was on our side here? I bet she wouldn't mind. Maybe we could use it to make some better weapons too while we're at it, there are enough shadows around to justify it."

Permalink Mark Unread

There are wizards in Nidal who work for Zon Kuthon and can control shadows called Shadowcasters.

I bet if we hire one he can tell all the shadows to go back to the shadow dimension where they belong, or at least back to Nidal.

Permalink Mark Unread

If we tunnelled down to the Abyss, we could walk out from the Worldwound!

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of suggestions here! Some of them seem promising, but I lack domain expertise. Can one of: Cangi, Zey, Reebs, or Togomor confirm for me that Cryptstone is a real thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's real.

Permalink Mark Unread

Because you want to deal with shadow demons instead of shadows? Really? Anyway if we walked out of the worldwound everyone would have to attack us. There's a treaty about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is that a real treaty?

Permalink Mark Unread

I think so? It was in the setting doc, I think...

Permalink Mark Unread

It definitely is! Cheliax is a party, ask Reebs about the details.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh yeah, my uncle's cousin's neighbour got robbed by a guy who fled to the Worldwound and escaped all justice! It's a real scam, all that.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

If you. Somehow dug a tunnel. From here to the Arctic Circle. You would be protected by the Worldwound Treaty.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, huh. Then maybe we should do that. Thanks for clarifying.

Permalink Mark Unread

The Abyss is infinitely big so if we go there and look around theres a 0 percent chance we'll manage to find the worldwound.

Wait no that can't be right how would any of the demons manage to find it then.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are spells for getting directions to significant planar features. They're not even very high level.

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyway, speaking of spells, when are people going to stop doing massive guilt trips about personal use of spell slots? Some of us want to scry our families.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if we tunnel down to the darklands and just live there, like the dwarves? I’m already getting used to living underground, it’s kinda nice

Permalink Mark Unread

You know what would solve this? Dragons. Gold Dragons can get sunburst at will. Do you think Mengkare is looking for another country to rule?

Permalink Mark Unread

We could just make our current tunnel bigger and stay here. Then we wouldn't get eaten by shadows or demons!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd rather be turned into a shadow than be eaten by a dragon, no way that's a good idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

They say there's nothing as permanent as a temporary solution. We wouldn't want to prove Them wrong, would we?

If it works for the dwarves it'll work for us.

Permalink Mark Unread

I heard some people in Mendev tried that and then their kids started being like, half lizards or something. No thanks

Permalink Mark Unread

Dwarves don't live in the Darklands, idiot. Torag told us to quest for the sky, it was a whole thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

We grind all our silver down into powder and make Holy Water with it.

Then we drink nothing but Holy Water for a week, until our whole bodies are Holy Water.

The shadows won't be able to touch us, we can just run around punching them all to death with our magic fists.

Permalink Mark Unread

Being eaten by a dragon sounds way better than turning into a shadow. Really we just need to figure out a way to die that doesn't expose our bodies to necromancy and that isn't Evil, we'd be better off that way. Dragon would work if it digests the corpses thoroughly enough.

Permalink Mark Unread

> Dwarves don't live in the Darklands, idiot. Torag told us to quest for the sky, it was a whole thing.

Liar. You're literally living underground right now.

I bet this was all your idea, trying to drag us down here with you!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, we should ask Torag for help then. Great Torag, lead this humble mortal to The Sky, such as for example with positive energy channelling...

Permalink Mark Unread

I heard that the kids of people who move to Hermea are half-lizard too. Maybe there's just no way through this without getting lizardy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well look at where questing for the sky got you! I bet whoever lives in the darklands now doesn’t have to deal with shadows at all. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, we should ask Torag for help then. Great Torag, lead this humble mortal to The Sky, such as for example with positive energy channelling...

That's actually a great idea! Everyone should pray to the gods they feel closest to and ask for cleric casting! Even if it didn't work earlier or if you weren't ready to devote your lives earlier, the numbers are different on both sides of the equation.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, that was my idea first! Why are you trying to steal my idea?

Permalink Mark Unread

Whoah, what about people who feel close to an evil god? They won’t be able to turn undead at all. So pray to the god you feel closest to, unless you’re evil, then pray to a good one instead. 

Permalink Mark Unread

That's actually a great idea! Everyone should pray to the gods they feel closest to and ask for cleric casting! Even if it didn't work earlier or if you weren't ready to devote your lives earlier, the numbers are different on both sides of the equation.

...Hm. Alright. 

There are some gods which she feels mostly aligned with, and she's asked them to cleric her before - most saliently when she first became Field Marshall. She didn't expect them to do it, and they didn't; it's rare for powerful fighters to get cleric circles, it adds less to their capabilities than clericing someone young and inexperienced would. 

Still, it's worth checking to see if the gods still agree with that logic.

Abadar, Torag, Jaidi, Erastil... any takers?

Permalink Mark Unread

The gods are probably busy fighting all the shadows right now!

If we all pray to them it'd be distracting, we should just leave them to it

Permalink Mark Unread

Nope. She didn't expect it to work and it didn't.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait we shouldn’t all pray to become clerics, what use will a bunch of first circle clerics be? We need to all pray to make one guy a cleric, so he can cast miracle to hallow the city. 

Permalink Mark Unread

We should teach everyone wizardry. Half the population is smart enough to hang cantrips, right? Probably more now that all the stupid ones got eaten. We could just take down all the shadows with a barrage of rays of frost.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is why we need a mandatory hour of prayer! If this works you have to credit me first, you know.

Permalink Mark Unread

We can't learn wizardy in a week, we'll have starved by then.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe you can’t learn wizardry in a week. If I knew how to read, I bet I could learn it in a day!

Permalink Mark Unread

Exactly. Besides, what would be the point in spending so much money on the Academae if it couldn't even teach people to be wizards?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah! If there’s ever a time for them to stop hoarding their magic and share it with everyone, it’s now. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Then we're settled?

We'll all enrol at the Academae and ask for training to be wizards, and we'll go hungry until next week when we'll probably have gotten to fifth circle and can all teleport out by ourselves.

And anyone who can't do that is just a lazy bum who deserves to starve.

Permalink Mark Unread

People become powerful best under pressure, right? So now's the best time to study wizardry, really.

Permalink Mark Unread

I thought wizards become more powerful by fighting. So once we get a few spells, we can fight the shadows to get more. 

Permalink Mark Unread

When you turn into a shadow, is it just your soul?

I mean, does your body get left behind intact?

We've got tonnes of fresh meat piled up on the streets above us, why would we be going hungry?

Permalink Mark Unread

If you eat human meat Urgathoa turns you into a zombie. Everyone knows that.

Permalink Mark Unread

all zombies are cannibals is not the same as all cannibals are zombies.

Everyone in Mwangi eats human meat and they're not all zombies, just the ones in Geb.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's a Mwangi? Also, Hermea??

Permalink Mark Unread

You turn into a ghoul, actually, not a zombie. And Pharasma does it, not Urgathoa.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pharasma does not turn people into ghouls.

Permalink Mark Unread

Suggesting cannibalism is exactly what a secret cleric of Urgathoa would say. How do we know no one here is a secret cleric, listening to our plans and reporting back to the shadows

Permalink Mark Unread

[derisively] There's no such thing as a secret cleric. If Someone clerics you, you know.

Permalink Mark Unread

You only turn into a ghoul if a ghoul eats you.

If you eat the ghoul though it's perfectly safe.

Permalink Mark Unread

Don't be stupid. If there was a cleric of Urgathoa here, the shadows would be reporting to them.

Permalink Mark Unread

If no one else is going to say it: we don't have the teleport capacity to waste it shuttling corpses.

Permalink Mark Unread

also i thought geb was a person, not a place?

Permalink Mark Unread

By the powers Urgathoa has granted me, I hereby order all Shadows to depart!

See, nothing happened, so clearly I'm not an Urgathoan.

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, if there was - hypothetically - and I'm not naming any names - certainly none of my relations - secretly a cleric of Urgathoa in the vault... would they be able to get the shadows to report to them?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Urgathoa's always trying to corrupt clerics of other gods, right? And the more powerful the cleric the better?

Permalink Mark Unread

What if Arbiter Zenderholm forsook Abadar and asked Urgathoa for salvation? Then SHE could command the shadows!

Permalink Mark Unread

She's, like, a 5th-circle cleric. I bet Urgathoa would snap that right up.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zenobia Zenderholm: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life.

Permalink Mark Unread

That sounds like a dangerous plan, if it doesn't work we lose a powerful cleric.

She should ask Abadar in a Commune tomorrow if she should forsake Abadar for Urgathoa

Permalink Mark Unread

I think they've got a point there. But isn't Reebs a higher circle cleric? Make him do it.

Permalink Mark Unread

No it doesn't count as being corrupted if you're already Evil, it has to be a Good cleric to work

Permalink Mark Unread

She could be corrupting him from law to chaos! Or at least, like, a somewhat slimier form of neutrality.

Permalink Mark Unread

Abadar's neutral, idiots. Maybe talk to the Caydenite architect? He had a pretty solid resume, he's probably just pretending to be lower level than he is.

Permalink Mark Unread

Urgathoa can’t corrupt Reebs, he’s already evil. That’s why evil is the most trustworthy alignment; you never know when good or neutral might fall, but evil’s already there.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm noting, just for the record, that I could be LN and you wouldn't be able to tell, because of my Cleric aura.

I have plausible deniability here.

Permalink Mark Unread

We've got wizards who can bind outsiders, right?

If Urgathoa wants a really Good sacrifice, we should just call a bunch of angels and sacrifice them to Her to make the shadows go away

Permalink Mark Unread

Perfect, you should start praying then.

Permalink Mark Unread

It should be agathions. They're meatier.

Permalink Mark Unread

If we can summon angels, we don’t need to sacrifice them. We can just ask them to cast miracle and hallow the city, like the original plan before you all went evil.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey guys, I've got it!

Urgathoa likes it when you turn to Evil, and Sarenrae likes it when you're redeemed and turn to Good.

So if we flip back and forth really fast we can get infinite virtue points and ask for infinite miracles!

Permalink Mark Unread

Toff Ornelos can summon Pit Fiends and get wishes out of 'em, that's like summoning angels.

Permalink Mark Unread

That wouldn't work, stupid. Sarenrae would just destroy the city if we asked her for a miracle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey guys, I've got it!

Urgathoa likes it when you turn to Evil, and Sarenrae likes it when you're redeemed and turn to Good.

So if we flip back and forth really fast we can get infinite virtue points and ask for infinite miracles!

Sarenrae doesn't count is as Good unless you mean it in your heart. Now, Iomedae...

Permalink Mark Unread

No, seriously. The cheap archons are balls of light. The cheap angels are helmets. The cheap azatas are mostly butterfly wing. The cheap agathions are cats, which have some actual flesh. Plus they belong to Nirvana and Nirvana is a bunch of softies who could probably send us volunteers or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

The fact that all of you are talking like this is why we deserved to fall to shadows in the first place.

Permalink Mark Unread

How powerful is it when Sarenrae smites a city?

If we provoke her wrath, but we're all hiding inside a vault underground, maybe the divine Smite will kill all the shadows but not manage to reach us

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't want to be eaten by shadows or zombie Ornher Reebs. Nor Sarenrae!!

Permalink Mark Unread

It was one time! Why does no one think of all the other miracles Sarenrae did for us. Like creating the sun, without it we’d have no safety from the shadows at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

I would definitely not want to be eaten by Sarenrae, I bet she cooks you first.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd rather be eaten by something that cooks me first.

Permalink Mark Unread

Exactly! Like I was saying, we should get a gold dragon to come here.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't want to be eaten by shadows or zombie Ornher Reebs.

That's pure genius!

Undead are immune to negative energy based attacks, so we can't be turned into Shadows if we just pick a better undead and turn ourselves into that first.

What's the coolest kind of undead? Vampires, right? Fetch one vampire by teleport and we'll all be immortal by morning.

Permalink Mark Unread

Golds get miracle as a SPA, too. No need for diamonds.

Permalink Mark Unread

Look, this whole mess only happened because we were all crammed into this city like sardines, and if you had any sense you'd be getting us all out of here and into the countryside, not working on some fool task like fortifying the vault. If one shadow gets in here, we're all dead, but if we're spread out on the surface they can't get all of us!

Permalink Mark Unread

What's the coolest kind of undead? Vampires, right? Fetch one vampire by teleport and we'll all be immortal by morning.

This is a good plan, but can be improved with a Helm of Opposite Alignment. Say hello to Korvosa the CG vampire den!

Permalink Mark Unread

We'll all be immortal until morning, more like.

Permalink Mark Unread

Golds get miracle as a SPA, too. No need for diamonds.

If that was true a gold dragon would have already miraculously teleported everyone into it's mouth, and all the worlds money into it's vault.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep, Sarenrae isn’t letting you get away that easy. Praise the sun!

Permalink Mark Unread

They're lawful, though. I bet there's a law that says you can't use miracles to eat people unless you're Urgathoa.

Permalink Mark Unread

Look, this whole mess only happened because we were all crammed into this city like sardines, and if you had any sense you'd be getting us all out of here and into the countryside, not working on some fool task like fortifying the vault. If one shadow gets in here, we're all dead, but if we're spread out on the surface they can't get all of us!

That's a good segue into, uh, the next item on our docket! Setting aside the... relative palatability of archons and azatas, there are 200,000 Korvosans up there and we need some way to protect them.

Permalink Mark Unread

If that was true a gold dragon would have already miraculously teleported everyone into it's mouth, and all the worlds money into it's vault.

Golds don't typically eat people but we can fix that with a Helm of Opposite Alignment too!

Also it says in the setting doc that Spell-Like Abilities typically still require their expensive material components.

Permalink Mark Unread
If that was true a gold dragon would have already miraculously teleported everyone into it's mouth, and all the worlds money into it's vault.

No, gold dragons are Lawful Good, they wouldn't do that.
Permalink Mark Unread

1st clerics can all channel. That's all we need, two hundred thousand new clerics.

Permalink Mark Unread

Caydenite, what's your real level? Are you willing to turn to Urgathoa if that's what it takes to save us?

Permalink Mark Unread

If there’s that many of them, maybe we can each only do a daily half-hour of prayer and it’ll still be enough.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should just tell them to kill themselves first. Since they're committing suicide to prevent a shadow apocalypse, it's a good deed and they'll all make heaven anyway.

Permalink Mark Unread

I've never gotten the chance to forsake the Goodly Gods in pursuit of the greater good, so sure, I'd do that if it'd help. I don't think it would, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why not an hour of prayer? What are you doing down here that you need an extra half hour for, anyway? Seems suspicious.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's a good segue into, uh, the next item on our docket! Setting aside the... relative palatability of archons and azatas, there are 200,000 Korvosans up there and we need some way to protect them.

Protect what? They're all already Shadows, there's nothing to protect.

The problem is that most of our money is up there and we need a plan to get it back!


Permalink Mark Unread

I just want to register how impressed I am that you can do all these different voices.

I thought the council scene would be boring and boy was I wrong.

Permalink Mark Unread

You just have to pick the right god to pray to. Spending an hour praying to Calistria isn't that big a sacrifice, if you get what I mean.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why not an hour of prayer? What are you doing down here that you need an extra half hour for, anyway? Seems suspicious.

The only thing that'll be changed by an hour of prayer is that it'll be an hour later and we still won't have more food.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows only come out in the night time, right? So we just need to stop the sun and make sure it stays overhead all the time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Clerics have to pray for an hour to get spells, so you have to pray for an hour to become a cleric.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think Tian Xia would invade us if we did that.

Permalink Mark Unread

No they wouldn't! Our sun god is alive and functional but theirs is a total wreck!

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows only come out in the night time, right? So we just need to stop the sun and make sure it stays overhead all the time.

Isn't there a spell called Time Stop? We could cast it at noon and walk away

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows only come out in the night time, right? So we just need to stop the sun and make sure it stays overhead all the time.

Which we could do with Miracle!

Permalink Mark Unread

Really what we need to do is make a second sun. Suns are like holes into the positive energy plane, right, so we just need a Gate into there up in the sky.

Permalink Mark Unread

All of Golarion's probably gonna fall to the shadowplague soon, Abadar basically said so.

But they can't survive sunlight.

So what we need to do is

We get a Gate

And we Gate

To the Sun!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, sweet Sarenrae, let us all feel Your sun's light upon our face and hands this day and forevermore, also please make me your cleric before that so I can kill all the shadows...

Permalink Mark Unread

That plan is terrible. We'd need protection from fire first, and we don't have enough spell slots to give everyone protection from fire.

Permalink Mark Unread

You just have to pick the right god to pray to. Spending an hour praying to Calistria isn't that big a sacrifice, if you get what I mean.

There was a feat in 3.5 called Faerie Mysteries Initiate that let you get INT instead of CON to HP.

Permalink Mark Unread

Also it doesn't address the countryside! We need to build a second sun and we need to build it here. Well. Not here. Above the surface.

Permalink Mark Unread

Reebs is an Asmodean, so he's going to Hell no matter what.

But the rest of us can still be saved from damnation.

If we kill ourselves or eachother thats a sin, and if the shadows get us we turn evil and that's a sin.

But if Ornher Reebs murders us all our souls are still pure and we can go to Heaven!

Permalink Mark Unread

Guys, this one time I was stationed at the worldwound in Crusader's Fort and they had a sorcerer from Holomog who was backing the fort with some kind of positive energy rift! The commander made some faces about it but it seemed to work. We should bug Holomog.

Permalink Mark Unread

No you idiots, if you want to get Sarenrae's favor you have to tell Her you're planning to save and redeem the people, not kill the shadows! The killing the shadows can happen of course but it has to be incidental

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure. Why don't you go die right now and let the rest of us get back to planning.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you get exposed to too much positive energy your soul explodes. It's not worth it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is creating a second sun within the purview of miracle? And, if it is, would it stop the shadows from going out and about? Or would they brave the light anyway when they got hungry enough?

Permalink Mark Unread

Making another sun sounds hard. Teleport is a thing, right, and stars are like other suns? We just need to teleport a second star over. It'd even be good for the teleporter wizards because once we have the sun problem fixed we won't have to lean on them so much.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yog-sothoth is a really powerful god of travel, right? We should sacrifice to him and see if he helps with this, since we're teleport-constrained. I hear he likes weird mutant babies.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You cannot teleport a star."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course they can't, they're not a wizard."

Permalink Mark Unread

Why is this her life.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yog-sothoth is a really powerful god of travel, right? We should sacrifice to him and see if he helps with this, since we're teleport-constrained. I hear he likes weird mutant babies.

Let's table the... sacrificing things to evil gods. And circle back to it. If that seems like it would be helpful.
Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah I get that this guy on Jasoom said stars were really big but that's because he didn't have magic so he didn't realize stars worked by being positive energy thingies. I think we should at least try seeing if someone can carry one.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yog-Sothoth isn't evil!

Permalink Mark Unread

What if, instead of teleporting a star, we just summoned a star child? I'm pretty sure that's the kind of thing wizards can do, I heard that once.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows can talk, right?

Did anybody try asking them to go away?

Like have we actually tried just asking?

It's weird that we're resorting to everything else first.

Permalink Mark Unread

Stars have kids?

Permalink Mark Unread

What, has nobody explained to you the birds and the bees yet? Go home and let the adults talk.

Permalink Mark Unread

If everyone's too attached to their kids we should totally go back to the lizard-person plans, that gives us plenty of weird babies to sacrifice soon! Nobody will want a lizard baby

Arbiter Zenderholm, can we set it up so Yog-Sothoth helps us now and we owe It the babies later?

Permalink Mark Unread

Druids can do Speak with Animal and shadows are kind of animalistic, right, is anyone around here a druid?

Permalink Mark Unread

Cressida Kroft is somewhat regretting how she shooed Sahlara and Karralo out of the room. Sure, it was overcrowded. But, perhaps if Sahlara was here - and Karralo can't count that much against her - the sane people would better compare in proportion to all the raving lunatics?

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course YuantiMatter wants to have weird reptilian kids.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's not their name and yuan-ti aren't even a thing in Pathfinder. They weren't included in the OGL.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is no way "Jasoom" is a real place.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows can talk, right? Did anybody try asking them to go away? Like have we actually tried just asking? It's weird that we're resorting to everything else first.

Oh, my landlord's sister's youngest child tried that!

Didn't work.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cressida Kroft is somewhat regretting how she shooed Sahlara and Karralo out of the room. Sure, it was overcrowded. But, perhaps if Sahlara was here - and Karralo can't count that much against her - the sane people would better compare in proportion to all the raving lunatics?

This isn't a numbers game, it's a "how fast can you talk" game.

The sane people have to think first, so they never had a chance.

Permalink Mark Unread

Arbiter Zenderholm, can we set it up so Yog-Sothoth helps us now and we owe It the babies later?

In tones of abject despair: If you want a god of Travel, Abadar is literally right there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cayden, too.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows can talk, right? Did anybody try asking them to go away? Like have we actually tried just asking? It's weird that we're resorting to everything else first.

If you want to talk to a shadow, that's easily enough arranged. Taupir, a reminder that all your preexisting orders remain in full effect.

Now say hello~

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, hello.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Everyone run for it! Trampling people is okay, dying from being trampled is better than dying to a shadow!!

Permalink Mark Unread

No, kill it! Ray of frost!

Permalink Mark Unread

The sane people have to think first, so they never had a chance.

Hey, my first suggestion was great! You all remember that was my idea, right, about the clerics?

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, hello

Hi, do you know why all you guys have been killing everyone?

And is there anything we could do to convince you to go away, or else you can keep the city but let us walk out?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, my landlord's sister's youngest child tried that!

Didn't work.

Well of course it didn't, if we're negotiating it won't be with the shadows directly, it'll be with the secret cleric of Urgathoa controlling them!

Maybe if we get everyone a piece of paper, and if you're the cleric of Urgathoa you write down your demands, and otherwise you leave it blank, and then we mix them up so nobody can tell who wrote -


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Hi, do you know why all you guys have been killing everyone?

And is there anything we could do to convince you to go away, or else you can keep the city but let us walk out?

There was this thing about killing all Korvosans, some people got creepily into it. Now I think people are mostly just hungry.

I don't have the level of... sway, we'll say, to let you out of the city.

I'm not really in charge... no, we'll intensify that. I'm really not in charge.

Permalink Mark Unread

If this shadow isn't even important why are we talking with it? I don't negotiate with peasants.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you know a guy who does? Is there stuff you like eating besides people's strength?

Permalink Mark Unread

...what if we pretended to not be Korvosans?

Permalink Mark Unread

Orner Reebs did some Communes about stuff, remember? They like eating inferior people too.

Permalink Mark Unread

There was this thing about killing all Korvosans, some people got creepily into it. Now I think people are mostly just hungry.

I don't have the level of... sway, we'll say, to let you out of the city.

Currently they won't get to eat any of us, and we'll all starve too inside the Vault. What if we agreed to let you eat half the Korvosans?

Permalink Mark Unread

Brilliant. And then when they come to negotiate again we can offer them half again, and we can keep doing it forever because they'll never get to eat all of us.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think Korvosans are infinitely divisible.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's still food up there even as we're starving down here.

Since they can't eat flour and we can't* eat people, what if we agree to do a little trade? Then nobodies hungry.

*because we'd turn into ghouls

Permalink Mark Unread

Can shadows carry flour sacks?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think Korvosans are infinitely divisible

We just gotta reproduce faster than they kill us! Hey guy who was praying to Calistria, will she give us any miracles for that? Or Pharasma maybe, she likes both birth and death, right?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm looking at the sheet and it just has "-" for a strength score.

Does that mean they can't carry anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you know a guy who does? Is there stuff you like eating besides people's strength?

My boss is dead now, and I think he was in charge of a bunch of shadows. You might be able to parlay with one of the Shadow Lords, but I'll be honest that none of the ones I met seemed like very reliable people.
I like a bunch of stuff other than eating people's strength! But I haven't had the chance to really figure myself out yet, since I've kind of jumped from one form of mental control to another.
I've been trying to find my little brother, I don't think he'll have taken the -4 racial penalty to INT as well as I did. The kid's like four years old. I hope he's alright.
Permalink Mark Unread

I think we want Lamashtu for that, not Calistria. So we should dig down to the abyss to talk to her.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should find and kill that guy's brother. So he goes to Heaven.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, is Lamashtu being down there the reason those Mendevians became lizard people, that makes sense 

Permalink Mark Unread

Weren't we supposed to be talking about rescuing the people on the surface? I vote we raise an army to go save them, and then to make sure it works without them all getting killed we mount them on fast flying creatures and then make sure they have plenty of class levels. Ranger sounds ideal.

Permalink Mark Unread

I doubt Lamashtu living in the underdark was what turned the Mendevians into lizard people.

Permalink Mark Unread

Don't you start now too.

Permalink Mark Unread

The lizard people are real.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do we have any evidence at all that there's still people on the surface?

I'm pretty sure it's just us, but we can ask a shadow to check if we want to.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is Mendev real? Are we sure?

Permalink Mark Unread

Weren't we supposed to be talking about rescuing the people on the surface? I vote we raise an army to go save them, and then to make sure it works without them all getting killed we mount them on fast flying creatures and then make sure they have plenty of class levels. Ranger sounds ideal.

I expect this to be part of the solution. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Do we have any evidence at all that there's still people on the surface?

I'm pretty sure it's just us, but we can ask a shadow to check if we want to.

They still show up to scrying.

Permalink Mark Unread

Dead people also show up to scrying.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey Taupir, go check if there are people left on the surface for us!

(The scrying result could be an illusion to get us to go up there anyway, can't trust it.)

Permalink Mark Unread

If there's people on the surface what am I hiding down here for?

Let me through the door I'm going home.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there a god of... holding this all together and keeping these people alive despite all of their best efforts? Cressida Kroft is praying to that god for strength.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pray to Cayden instead, He actually has the Strength domain.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nobody takes the Strength domain.

Permalink Mark Unread

I took the Strength domain.

Permalink Mark Unread

Isn't this just a temporary problem anyway? You can use raise dead on shadow and it doesn't even take a diamond.

Permalink Mark Unread

Where are we getting the flying mounts for the army? How much training does it take to ride something flying?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's exactly what we need more clerics for!

Permalink Mark Unread

To summon outsiders to ride?

Permalink Mark Unread

Isn't this just a temporary problem anyway? You can use raise dead on shadow and it doesn't even take a diamond.

You're thinking of spectres, and it's impractical to pull off.

Permalink Mark Unread

Where are we getting the flying mounts for the army? How much training does it take to ride something flying?

The Sable Company has hippogriffs, but they hoard them to themselves. Maybe Queen Ileosa can nationalize them!

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes. She could seize the hippogriffs. And. Distribute them to all of the state's best hippogriff-riding archers.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's not fair. I shouldn't miss out on a hippogriff because of incompetence.

It should be a random lottery.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not a random lottery - all the Hippogriffs would go to commoners then. We should auction off tickets.

Permalink Mark Unread

Obviously I'd distribute the hippogriffs to my loyalists? Who do you people take me for??

Permalink Mark Unread

You have that many loyalists?

Permalink Mark Unread

If we action them it'll all go to the nobles!

We should do a fair three-way split, half to loyalists, half to an auction, half to a lottery!

Permalink Mark Unread

Let's organize a public festival featuring a hippogriff archery contest! Recruit the best soldiers and raise morale all at once!

Permalink Mark Unread

This isn't a numbers game, it's a "how fast can you talk" game.

The sane people have to think first, so they never had a chance.


If we action them it'll all go to the nobles!

We should do a fair three-way split, half to loyalists, half to an auction, half to a lottery!

Would it be bad for morale if Kroft put her face in her hands and wept?

Permalink Mark Unread

We all get a turn on a hippogriph and whoever kills the most shadows gets to keep it!

Permalink Mark Unread

Hang on, no, it's paladins who get horses. All the Lawful Good people should ask to be made paladins instead of clerics.

Permalink Mark Unread

Personally I think using hippogriphs is a little gauche. It's already our national animal, surely we could pick something else for our cavalry like a gryphon or a pegasus?

Permalink Mark Unread

We all get a turn on a hippogriph and whoever kills the most shadows gets to keep it!

There's got to be a better way than killing all the shadows. Oh, I've got it!

If everyone was turned into a shadow, there wouldn't be any conflict!

Permalink Mark Unread

Why do you people want to stay human anyway?

Permalink Mark Unread

Would it be bad for morale if Kroft put her face in her hands and wept

It'd mean Kroft was visibly siding with the weaker "facepalm and weep" faction, despite the younger and more exxuberant "suggest lots of ideas" faction surging in support amongst those in the forum!

Definitely bad for her long term career, but that kind of decision making is why she's just a "former" marshall.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why do you people want to stay human anyway?

I don't want to stay human! I just think vampire is the better way to go!

Permalink Mark Unread

No, that wouldn't work at all. If we were all shadows, how would it be obvious who was innately superior? It's bad enough now where we can look and dress differently.

Permalink Mark Unread

Vampire works too! 

Let's get a vampire all up in here!

Permalink Mark Unread

Hang on, no, it's paladins who get horses. All the Lawful Good people should ask to be made paladins instead of clerics.

The horses don't fly though! Stick to the cleric plan, summoning flying outsiders is better

Permalink Mark Unread

No, that wouldn't work at all. If we were all shadows, how would it be obvious who was innately superior? It's bad enough now where we can look and dress differently.

That's not really my cup of tea, but I'm telling you first hand that shadows don't have any trouble with it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Excuse you, some of us earned our baronetcies.

Permalink Mark Unread

Look, I don't know how to break it to you but all you shadows look the same.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, the baronet is boasting of it? Some of us are actually peers.

Permalink Mark Unread

Look, I don't know how to break it to you but all you shadows look the same.

If you spend a little time as a shadow, you'll find that the distinctions aren't that hard to pick out. Plus there's all this difference in how people talk and carry themselves.

And then there's also the hierarchical pyramid of mental domination.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if we got a bunch of ghost touch swords, and then gave them to shadows who used to be members of the guard? That way since shadows can't hurt each other with their claws they could go kill all the shadows at no risk.

Permalink Mark Unread

...That's not a bad idea, though replace "used to be members of the Guard" with "are under the control of a wizard or cleric."

Permalink Mark Unread

If everyone was turned into a shadow, there wouldn't be any conflict!

If your brother was having trouble I don't think it would work out too well, most everyone here seems to be less intelligent than the average four-year-old.

Permalink Mark Unread

You guys are getting ghost touch swords??

Permalink Mark Unread

If your brother was having trouble I don't think it would work out too well, most everyone here seems to be less intelligent than the average four-year-old.

I feel like a evolutionary biologist cataloguing new and intriguing varieties of subhuman ape.

Permalink Mark Unread

You think evolution is real?

Permalink Mark Unread

...I think it's an intriguing theory...

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course evolution is real. How else do you explain shadows becoming greater shadows when they win enough fights?

Permalink Mark Unread

Aram Zey thinks evolution is real. And just when I thought he couldn't get any dumber!

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course evolution is real. How else do you explain shadows becoming greater shadows when they win enough fights?

The evolutionists would have you believe that their increased strength is bestowed upon their every spawn!

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe some of the people here evolved from apes. Mine were created by Torag. …but that's off-topic. Can we get a shadow under our control to channel positive energy somehow? Alchemists can make unstable potions for free, right, maybe we can have a shadow going around throwing alchemist healing potions at the enemy shadows? It'd take a while but it doesn't cut into our teleports or such.

Permalink Mark Unread

You guys are getting ghost touch swords??

It's the start of a good idea, at any rate, though Cressida Kroft somewhat despairs of hammering out the details in this format.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh great Milani, grant that shadow over there the power to overthrow its brethren, by making it (him?) a first circle cleric...

Permalink Mark Unread

A shadow that could channel positive energy would be really useful here, yeah. The other shadows would never see it coming.

Permalink Mark Unread

Isn't the queen a bard? She could make all the weapons ghost touch, bards can do that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sheer foolishness! The shadow would damage itself with every channel!

Permalink Mark Unread

Isn't the queen a bard? She could make all the weapons ghost touch, bards can do that.

My powers are clearly beyond your ken.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great! The shadows are dumber than they were as people, they'll never see it coming.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess you have a point regarding energy channels.

What we need to do is get a shadow witch with the healing hex, that's single-target but unlimited-usage. The only witch patron I can think of who cares about Golarion is Baba Yaga, so I would suggest we send someone to Irrisen to ask Elvanna to petition her about it, but I'm open to suggestions.

Permalink Mark Unread

All witches actually work for demons, that'll never work. And how do you know so much about them anyway?

Permalink Mark Unread

I love a witch burning as much as the next person, but I haven't died yet and am not going out by asphyxiation. No Fire In The Vault.

Permalink Mark Unread

We don't need a witch anyway. Evil human clerics don't hurt themselves when they channel negative energy, so asking Milani to cleric a shadow will work fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Guys, we should all pray to Alseta and ask her to grant us a shadowproof door! Or maybe she has an outsider we can summon who is a door, she's a goddess of doors, she must!

Permalink Mark Unread

There was the shadowbox idea, that people forgot about for some reason.
I don't know if a box shadows can't escape from can be made.
I do know that if we manage to lure a lot of shadows into the same place, we can kill them with an area effect. Very strong channeling from a cleric, and several fireballs, or other area spells. You can't gather thousands of people in the range of fireball, but shadows are incorporeal, so they can all be in one place without taking any place!
They are fast, and will escape if they survive, so it has to be a well-synchronized attack by several casters, to ensure all of them die immediately.
Probably wouldn't work on all shadows in the city, but maybe like, a thousand at a time? And then we do it 6 or 8 more times!

Or maybe you can kill them all with swords. But it will certainly take much longer!

Permalink Mark Unread

There is no way "Jasoom" is a real place.

Jasoom is where Baba-Yaga is from. Also they have an eternal war where after you die, they pull your soul into a jar and that jar into a construct, so you have to keep fighting. Terrible place.


Permalink Mark Unread

Would it be bad for morale if Kroft put her face in her hands and wept?

If there happens to be in the room a Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral cleric with the Loyalty subdomain, and they happen to roll high enough Sense Motive to notice or deduce the state Cressida is in (if not its intensity), they will silently tap her with Touch of Loyalty for +4 against fear (also charms and compulsions, but that's less important) for an hour. It's at least something.

Permalink Mark Unread

They are fast, and will escape if they survive, so it has to be a well-synchronized attack by several casters, to ensure all of them die immediately.
Probably wouldn't work on all shadows in the city, but maybe like, a thousand at a time? And then we do it 6 or 8 more times!

Guys, all of these "solutions" which boil down to "kill all of the shadows" are making me really uncomfy. 

What did shadows ever do to any of you?

Permalink Mark Unread

They killed my my landlord's sister's youngest child! And my landlord. And my sister.

Permalink Mark Unread

So what? They killed me too and you don't see me complaining about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

If everyone forgives the shadows, they'll disappear! I heard it works on ghosts.

Permalink Mark Unread

If we tell the Shadows about the healing light of Sarenrae, they'll find redemption and turn back into people! I heard it works on tieflings.

Permalink Mark Unread

If everyone forgives the shadows, they'll disappear! I heard it works on ghosts.

That's actually the secret to Geb's persistence. Whenever his old greatest foe gets bored or dead or whatever, he finds someone else with Mythic Ranks to piss off.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should Sending Geb and convince him that the leader of the shadows would be suuuuper pissed off if he saved us and destroyed them all!

Permalink Mark Unread

See? I told you Geb was a person!

Permalink Mark Unread

So what? They killed me too and you don't see me complaining about it.

[If a certain cleric of Gruhastha was present, he may have attempted to explain why you shouldn't do to people things they value not happening, even if you wouldn't care in their place, and logically justify it from first principles.
He is not present, and the shadow is probably not smart enough to understand any of that anyway.]

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow. I have never ever seen a shadow insult someone's smarts, and somehow we're the rude ones?

Permalink Mark Unread

Who is "Gruhastha"? Is it actually a demon?

Permalink Mark Unread

[The commentary insulted the shadow's smarts. The cleric commented about never would, he genuinely believes in everyone's potential.
On an unrelated note, being able to feel insulted is a character flaw, git good.]

Permalink Mark Unread

Not feeling insulted means you're weak and inviting people to trample on. I'm not Chelish but I know that much!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm the only Chellish person in this room.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Except maybe Reebs.

Permalink Mark Unread

See? Ileosa knows how things work.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if we flood the tunnels with acid? Or alchemist fire, and then light it? Like, the whole tunnel so that they can't fly above it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does fire hurt shadows? I know it hurts humans.[citation needed]

Permalink Mark Unread

Fire hurts shadows, but we're pretty durable! That part of being a shadow is actually really fun.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if we summoned some fire elementals? That's easy, right?

Permalink Mark Unread

Good idea, we could use them to make the caves less chilly.

Permalink Mark Unread

To fight the shadows!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm all in favor of the caves being warmer, but I don't see how that would hurt the shadows.

Permalink Mark Unread

To send... to the surface... to fight shadows... because fire hurts shadows, and fire elementals aren't real people so shadows can't hurt them.


When someone else steals my idea in half an hour and everyone likes it I will hold personally you accountable for the discrepancy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay everyone listen up!

There were 18,000 Korvosans yesterday, that's about how many shadows we need to kill.

> "The touch of an Allip deals 1d4 points of Wisdom damage (DC 15 Will negates). A successful critical hit causes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and 1 point of Wisdom drain (instead of double Wisdom damage). With each successful attack, an allip gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Charisma-based."

They're immune to the strength damage of Shadows and fly at the same speed and are just as incorporeal. Otherwise they're about as powerful.

Shadows average 12 wisdom, so it'll take an average of 4 hits to take one down, but they'll miss sometimes and need to chase them down, call if 10 rounds. Once they've got no wisdom theyll fall unconscious. So we can get rid of 1440 shadows in a full day per Allip, so we need about 14 of them to defeat the shadowplague. We can easily control that many undead at once, with the wizards we have.

> "Those who fall prey to madness and take their own lives sometimes find themselves lost on the path to the afterlife, trapped in a state between life and death. These unfortunates, known as allips, suffer from the violent and incurable insanity they faced in life and take out their terror, confusion, and rage upon the living."

It says that in this book I found. If we pick 14 Korvosans who are already pretty mad with grief already, we can use some extra magical help to goad them into killing themselves, and then control the resulting Allips and make them kill all the shadows.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's an 'allip'. Are they secretly demons. That all sounds like they're definitely demons.

Permalink Mark Unread

We should not create more undead to save us from the undead! We should just pray to Pharasma to help!

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows can't hurt each other, what makes you think allips could hurt the shadows?

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows can't hurt eachother because they do strength damage and don't have a strength score!

But they do have a wisdom score! It says so in the beastiary!

Permalink Mark Unread

We should not create any more undead. We should totally find a place somewhere that already has allips, and bring them here. It can't be that hard of a task for a couple of extremely powerful wizards.

Permalink Mark Unread

[Cressida noises to the general effect of asking a wizard whether the allip plan would work, learning that it would work, being concerned that the allips could be grappled and pinned by shadows if the shadows are coordinated enough, asking the shadow if they're coordinated enough, learning that they might be (hierarchical mind control is useful for coordinating, and also shadows are good at pack tactics), deciding that it's still another highly useful tool to add to the toolbox and a component of the Eventual Plan.]

Permalink Mark Unread

And when the shadows have been rendered comatose through Wisdom damage, instead of summarily executing them you should have a cleric plane shift them to Nirvana!

Permalink Mark Unread

(Where's "Nirvana?")

(oh okay)

They can't go to Nirvana, they're not dead yet!

Permalink Mark Unread

They're kind of dead. I mean, they're so dead they're undead. That's probably dead enough to go to Nirvada.

Permalink Mark Unread

But they're evil! They're definitely too Evil to go to Nevada.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows murdered my family. I'd rather go to Hell than see a single one of them in Nirvana.

Permalink Mark Unread

What about the shadows that used to be your family, you slack-jawed fucking moron?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's because of people like you the shadows are still around! If everyone forgives them, they're gone!

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyway, if we're going to try getting a shadow clericed, we definitely need to pray to Black Butterfly about it, because she's a good deity who's a shadow.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, what?

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, when Desna was placing the stars she created a pattern of spaces between the stars and a butterfly formed there who's her shadow.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, hold on. If it takes Desna to place the stars, then having a wizard bring over a star with us by teleport definitely won't work.

Permalink Mark Unread

We just need to pick smaller stars. Gods fight demons but we fight demons too, just smaller ones.

Permalink Mark Unread

Black Butterfly isn't undead.

Permalink Mark Unread

My friend says she's a god of negative space, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wrong kind of negative.

Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows keep doing evil because they're hungry, right? We need to design a ring of sustenance for one, and then we can redeem it.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think Black Butterfly is a goddess of silence, so if we want her help, everyone must shut up. 

Permalink Mark Unread

...oh great Butterfly.






Permalink Mark Unread

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Permalink Mark Unread

Cressida Kroft said right at the start that she wanted to get a better handle on the shape of the threat before jumping to solutions.

Some of these proposed solutions have had kernels of good thinking in them, but on the whole Kroft thinks it would be better to hold off on proposing solutions and just roundly discuss the problem. There are several parts of what happened last night and the explanations they've gotten which are mysterious to her, and - 

Permalink Mark Unread

Kroft has given up on finding solutions? It's a good thing she's not in charge of the Guard anymore, that's for sure!

Permalink Mark Unread

...And I have a number of questions which maybe someone here knows the answers to. The big one is, what caused the shadows to attack last night when they never had before? What was the proximate cause?

Permalink Mark Unread

They gave up on finding a solution to the Worldwound and now it's a sucking wound in the top of planet, draining blood and treasure out of Golarion's best nations. You want the thing with the shadows to be a forever war, like the Worldwound is?

Permalink Mark Unread

What was the proximate cause?

Rovagug made the shadows attack? Reebs already went over this??

Permalink Mark Unread

Right, so, she'll state what seems like the obvious theory just to get it out there, but Kroft's stating in advance that she's not very happy with it. Maybe a cleric can clear up her confusions?

So, the theory goes, the attack on Korvosa was the effect of direct divine intervention: the Rough Beast reached out to a shadow and directed it our way.

Permalink Mark Unread

If the theory is so obvious why do you still have confusions?

Permalink Mark Unread

...Ignoring that and moving on. Cressida's first confusion is how the Team Shadow coalition is able to afford it - her understanding was previously that divine intervention is rare because deities can cheaply veto expensive interventions, unilaterally or nearly unilaterally.

The handful of gods and demon lords in favor of yellow fever must be wildly outnumbered by the ones who aren't, but we still have yellow fever. If the Pallid Princess - acting more or less alone - can't preserve the status quo even against the combined powers of Nirvana, Heaven, Axis, and Hell(?), Kroft must admit she doesn't understand why pox and ague still exist.

Permalink Mark Unread



Did you know that ague is caused by mosquitos and we could eliminate them with something called a gene drive?

Permalink Mark Unread

Wolves, too, and gob -

Permalink Mark Unread

uh -

Permalink Mark Unread

...only mosquitos and wolves, though.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

Is something I read.

Permalink Mark Unread

In a book.

Permalink Mark Unread

....................i have NEVER heard of a GENE DRIVE and i DON'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds like made up nonsense to me.

Permalink Mark Unread

And just when I thought our outlook couldn't be any rosier.

Can you please one-to-ten how concerned about "gene drives" I should be for my own person and for the human race.

Permalink Mark Unread

....Two, maybe three? No higher than four.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's FANTASTIC. No worries THERE at ALL, then!

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not an urgent problem.

Permalink Mark Unread

It had better keep for today!

Permalink Mark Unread

So, being as it is that Urgathoa can keep ague around when it's apparently so easy to cure, and presuming that - as Reebs said - Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, and Pharasma are all anti-shadowpocalypse - well, really, Cressida would have expected any one of them to be able to prevent such a thing.

And a further followup question is why, if the rash of shadow outbreaks - fewer than a hundred, per the Judge of the Gods - were precipitated by visions or possessions, why fewer than a hundred? Commune says there'll be more attacks every night, but wouldn't it be easier to just do them all in one night before anyone has time to react?

Permalink Mark Unread

If the shadows eat everyone in Cheliax, who's going to guard the Worldwound?

Permalink Mark Unread


QUICKLY ADD "solve the WORLDWOUND or safeguard Korvosa's holdings against INFINITE DEMONS" to the godsdamn DOCKET.

...We'll pull through. All my best people are dead and damned but we can still do this if we work together.


Permalink Mark Unread

Infernal Cheliax doesn't help at the Worldwound, that's just propaganda. Lastwall, though, if they fall we're really screwed.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cheliax does too help at the Worldwound but if Lastwall falls Tar-Baphon gets loose.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're thinking of Zon-Kuthon.

Permalink Mark Unread

...No, I'm thinking of Tar-Baphon.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Let's add "Lastwall must survive" to our list of constraints.

Permalink Mark Unread

Speaking of undead necromancers, if the shadows eat everyone outside Geb, Geb could wage a war of expansion.

Permalink Mark Unread

Prophecy's broken, but gods can message people about the present, right?

It seems like this shadow mess would have gone better if some clerics had been alerted when it started. Why didn't, say, Abadar do that?

Permalink Mark Unread

...maybe Rovagug ate all the normal gods. We might have to pray to demons witch patrons instead for help.

Permalink Mark Unread

And why not let the gods solve Geb? I'm sure a majority of the gods are anti-undead expansionism!

They should get off their lazy asses.

Permalink Mark Unread

Geb is ruled by a goddess: Arazni.

Permalink Mark Unread

...if the rash of shadow outbreaks were precipitated by visions or possessions, why did it start in the middle of the night? Clerics have to pray for an hour for spells, in the morning. If they got a vision while praying shouldn't it have started during the day??

Permalink Mark Unread

Most people don't have a shadow, idiot. It would take them at least hours to get one.

Permalink Mark Unread

...if the rash of shadow outbreaks were precipitated by visions or possessions, why did it start in the middle of the night? Clerics have to pray for an hour for spells, in the morning. If they got a vision while praying shouldn't it have started during the day??

It would, I suspect, take a time to explain, but I do not expect that is a constraint.
Permalink Mark Unread

Geb is ruled by an epic wizard. He just delegates things to Arazni because he's too busy pining about his ex kismesis to run a country. 

Permalink Mark Unread

I thought evil clerics got spells at dusk instead. Reebs, care to comment?

Permalink Mark Unread

The Iron Gods in Numeria won't be harmed by shadows either.

Imagine it, Arazni and zombies and Blood Lords versus robots and whatever-Triune's-names-were and more robots and cleric'd robots all duking it out to see who inherits the Earth.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll loot a lasergun and make popcorn.

Permalink Mark Unread

I thought evil clerics got spells at dusk instead. Reebs, care to comment?

Many faiths traditionally prepare their spells at dusk, including several that have any number of possibly-Lawful-Neutral clergy. There's also variability between individual clerics.

Permalink Mark Unread

Geb is ruled by an epic wizard. He just delegates things to Arazni because he's too busy pining about his ex kismesis to run a country. 

I got that reference. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyway, we're all in agreement that this would have gone better if, closer to the beginning of it, Pharasma had given her cleric a message like "Shadows!", right? It would cost intervention budget, surely, but aren't budgets pretty high when it comes to opposing Rovagug plots?

Permalink Mark Unread

Why would Pharasma, creator of everything, even have a budget?

Permalink Mark Unread

Anyway, we're all in agreement that this would have gone better if, closer to the beginning of it, Pharasma had given her cleric a message like "Shadows!", right? It would cost intervention budget, surely, but aren't budgets pretty high when it comes to opposing Rovagug plots?

The gods are all against us. Rahadoum had the right idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

........why did pharasma, creator of everything and legendary hater of the undead, not simply stop tar-baphon?

Permalink Mark Unread

Aroden tried that and failed, who's to say Pharasma could have done any better?

Permalink Mark Unread

The gods work at cross purposes. Were Asmodeus unopposed, He could do more than just grant visions. And were the forces against Him unopposed, they could do more than... whatever it is they did, that Asmodeus didn't counteract. 

Ornher Reebs doesn't have a good explanation for that part, actually.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe Zon-Kuthon and Milani and Urgathoa and whoever hate us more than Asmodeus and Abadar and Pharasma like us.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, Milani's evil? I almost prayed to her!

Permalink Mark Unread

Let's add "save the WHOLE WORLD with the entire fucking PANTHEON pulling AGAINST us, including OBSCURE NUMERIAN DEMIGODS crawling OUT of the WOODWORK just to make MY life PERSONALLY inconvenient" 





Permalink Mark Unread

That tag was already posted. Why is it being posted AGAIN?

Permalink Mark Unread

Eh? Where's it been posted before?

Permalink Mark Unread


It was posted in a PRIVATE thread. That YOU DO NOT have ACCESS to.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are there any OTHER demigods we'll need to deal with?

Permalink Mark Unread

Lorthact, maybe.

Permalink Mark Unread

Who in the ABYSS is LORTHACT?

Permalink Mark Unread

Lorthact was a Duke in Hell, but he's been dead for over a century. I very much doubt that he is relevant to our story.

Permalink Mark Unread

Speaking of the worldwound, you know what would be a useful miracle to ask for? More wardstones. We know those are possible with a miracle, and having the ability to put up a giant artifact powered forbiddance would be very helpful for keeping out the undead and any infinite demons.

Permalink Mark Unread

[Kressida isn't the only sane and good and reputable person on this meeting, right?]


The gods are all against us. Rahadoum had the right idea.

"Ahem. Ahem. Let me get real for a moment.


I am sure that we are all, in the back of our minds, dreading this possibility. How can we not suspect that all of the higher powers conspired against us? That the conclusion is foregone, and it's just hubris to think that we, a mere small human nation, can do anything about this onslaught of all the problems of Golarion at once?

But we should remind ourselves that it most probably isn't so. We still get divine magic, we still get Communes answered. We might be doomed, yes, but we should proceed on the assumption that we aren't. It's the end of the world, countries are shattering, economy is flayed, and a dozen ancient evils are threatening to break free, and our loved ones are consigned to Evil afterlives and the army of the dead grows with every round, and it might be all over, and if it is, what is stopping us from giving in, and eating our last feast, and plunging straight into the shadow horde, arms wide, tears in our eyes, ending it all!

But if it's not doomed. If there is any hope. It would be such a shame that we did do that, wouldn't it.

Let us discard all the possibilities where we are doomed, and let us discard all the possibilities where we give in. It's never too late for that.


I said my piece."

Permalink Mark Unread

yeah unfortunately some of us didn't hear the end of that over our own sobbing.

Permalink Mark Unread

it's all the loved ones consigned to Evil afterlives, okay?

Permalink Mark Unread

Better to process that now than to stumble on it while fighting or whatever. 

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not clear how many people are inside this Korvosa set but you remember at least one of them was already considering praying to demons tonight, right? That'd be stupid to say out loud.

Permalink Mark Unread

All this talk about the last feast makes you sound like a secret Urgathoa cleric. 

Permalink Mark Unread

That's not gonna get dignified with a response.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Excuse me, Taupir, sir -"

    "'sir'? It's not a knight like us - "

"- would you be interested in an arrangement where you refrain from eating people without permission and block other shadows from getting to us, and we ensure that you get to eat someone each year?"

        "Right, excellent idea, I'm first!"

"After all, if all living people are consumed, you'll never get to eat again. It's in your interest to keep us alive."

    "Shadows are Chaotic, you can't make deals with them."

            "That's not what Chaos means!"

"And obviously, I'm not going to let anyone get damned. They'll be under Taupir's control, or hmm perhaps that of a wiser shadow, and won't do any Evil. And when we kill them after their tour of duty, that's free Good points!"

Permalink Mark Unread

That guy won't even deny being an Urgathoa cultist! Maybe he brought the shadows upon us, on purpose!

Permalink Mark Unread

Let us discard all the possibilities where we are doomed, and let us discard all the possibilities where we give in. 

Yes, and while we're proceeding on more pleasant assumptions, we should assume that Aroden came back to life, Glorio Arkona will marry Ileosa and speedily inherit the monarchy, and that all of us can fly!

I feel more optimistic already.

Permalink Mark Unread

To my face? No-shit, right to my face?

Permalink Mark Unread

Thread's rules say I can say whatever.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's not gonna get dignified with a response.

That guy won't even deny being an Urgathoa cultist! Maybe he brought the shadows upon us, on purpose!

Permalink Mark Unread

(In a louder tone of voice.)

Hey, everyone, notice how they ducked the question about whether he's an Urgathoan cultist? Suspicious, says I. 

It could even be that he brought the shadows down on us.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- would you be interested in an arrangement where you refrain from eating people without permission and block other shadows from getting to us, and we ensure that you get to eat someone each year?"

That seems like a strict improvement on my current set up, which is "I refrain from eating people without permission and block other shadows from getting at you, and in return I get nothing at all."

But you'd have to take it up with Master Delmore.

"After all, if all living people are consumed, you'll never get to eat again. It's in your interest to keep us alive."

Hmm, that's a really good point. I remember reading that the daemons have a setup kind of like that... and, duh, I'm so silly, so do the undead in Geb.

Oh! Geb's had people and shadows coexisting for a long time, maybe since they have more experience with it they know how to do it right! Master Delmore, could we go to Geb and bring a shadow back to teach us?

"And obviously, I'm not going to let anyone get damned. They'll be under Taupir's control, or hmm perhaps that of a wiser shadow, and won't do any Evil. And when we kill them after their tour of duty, that's free Good points!"

Why do you people's minds always come back to the killing thing??

Permalink Mark Unread

To my face? No-shit, right to my face?

Ooh, can he be the first target for being magically driven into insanity and then turned into an Allip?

I mean, it's not like anyone's going to volunteer and he did back-talk the queen.

Permalink Mark Unread

You don't need to drive someone insane before the spell to turn them into an allip; insanity is easy to add in post-production.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe you don't. Not all of us have 15+ CL to throw around.

Permalink Mark Unread

We aren't driving anyone in this room insane. 

Except, maybe, one Cressida Kroft.

Permalink Mark Unread

Except, maybe, one Cressida Kroft.

She volunteered! You all heard her!

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, everyone, notice how they ducked the question about whether he's an Urgathoan cultist? Suspicious, says I. 

It could even be that he brought the shadows down on us.

If he's the secret Urgathoa cultist we need to negotiate with him so the shadows go away!

(we can always assassinate him later, but we can't be saying that where he can hear)

Permalink Mark Unread

If he's the secret Urgathoa cultist we need to negotiate with him so the shadows go away!

I'm not saying I am the Urgathoa cultist, but if you think I am then I'd be willing to order the shadows to go away in exchange for two scrolls of teleport and 50,000 gp.

I'll leave first so you can't murder me and then command the shadows to stop once I'm safely in my secret private sanctum.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is the sort of behaviour that made Pharasma put her face in her hands and weep (and let us get eaten by shadows).

Permalink Mark Unread

If there's actual reason for concern that someone in this room is a cultist of Urgathoa, there is such a spell as Abadar's truthtelling.

Permalink Mark Unread

We're not idiots, Togomor, everyone knows the undead are immune to compulsions.

Permalink Mark Unread

That must be why he suggested we use it!

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe I'm the cultist, but I Modify Memory'd myself so I wouldn't know and could pass the truthspell?

I mean, how could any of us really be sure we're not behind this.

Permalink Mark Unread

I know I'm not behind this because I'm not that much of an idiot, but go off I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

I know from observation you're an idiot, so if you think you're not you must have modified all your memories!

He's the cultist!

Permalink Mark Unread

So we're giving him the 50,000 gold and two teleports then, not the first guy?

Permalink Mark Unread

No, you idiot, we're mindcontrolling the cultist into restoring our families from their shadow forms!

Permalink Mark Unread

Ok, time to come clean, I'm the cultist. (false)

Permalink Mark Unread

No, i'm the cultist! (Also false. Probably)

Permalink Mark Unread

None of you are pretty enough or smart enough to be any sort of cultist.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay then, pretty-and-smart, which cult are you in?

Permalink Mark Unread

You know, it's kind of strange how many people in Korvosa's leadership are attractive women. 

I mean, while only Ileosa gets the whole 

"Queen Ileosa was a woman of breathtaking beauty, with red hair like the sunset, chaste alabaster skin, and features so fetching many claimed her mother must have been a nymph queen, as surely no mortal woman could give birth to a beauty such as she."

treatment, basically everyone who rates an entire adjective gets one what says they're pretty.

Lady Leroung is "lovely," Field Marshall Merrin's "a gothic beauty," the Seneschall is "ethereal" "has large wide-open eyes" and "was cleaned up nicely", the Vault Colonel -

Permalink Mark Unread

Ahahayeah, what a wacky coincidence that the best person for that job had eyes that shine like wish-grade diamonds and perfection written on every line and curve of her body.

How wackily coincidential this all is.

Let's change the topic.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, okay, but Queen Ileosa's dubious hiring practices can't have had anything to do with the head of House Leroung or ex-Field Marshall Cressida Kroft.

Permalink Mark Unread

...I'm sorry, what? You think that Cressida Kroft is hot.

Cressida Kroft.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Yes? She's described as, paraphrasing, "a harried and tired-looking, attractive, dark-haired human woman dressed in red armor." [Edge of Anarchy pg. 26]

Permalink Mark Unread

Described by who.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's just how she's described.

Permalink Mark Unread

By who?!

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't know.

Everyone, I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am a very good judge of this sort of thing, and I am telling you, sure as the world is round, that Cressida Kroft.




Permalink Mark Unread

It seems opinions differ.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is worse than when I found out that people like eating cottage cheese.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

Do you think she's hotter than me.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Sweet Hell. You do, don't you?

Permalink Mark Unread

What? Why does that matter?

Permalink Mark Unread

It matters if there are people in my city who think Cressida Kroft is hotter than me! Cressida Kroft!

Permalink Mark Unread

How old are you, twelve?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

You don't act half it. 

I'm in my eighties. You're like a little kid to me; no, I don't think you're "hot."

Permalink Mark Unread

Kroft is like a billion years old! You're like a little kid to her!

Permalink Mark Unread



Wait, is that true?


Can I attempt an untrained knowledge check against DC 10 to identify a humanoid (human)?

Permalink Mark Unread

I am human. And thirty-four.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eighty-seven, divide by two, add seven...

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Eh, whatever. Do you want to go get drinks some time?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

I am LOSING my MIND over here.

Permalink Mark Unread

Kroft starts taking age penalties on her next birthday. -1 Strength, Con, Dex. If we have to rematch her it'll be before then, I bet.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

She's going to become undead.

Permalink Mark Unread

My money's on, uh, graveknight. She's got that red armor - she's not wearing it right now, but, she's got it, and it's really distinctive armor. Oh, and graveknights can bind weaker undead to their service, so she could have a bunch of shadow minions, which is, like, thematic.

Permalink Mark Unread

How much money? That's a really specific scenario.

Permalink Mark Unread

If Cressida Kroft becomes a non-shadow undead, 50-50 chance it's a graveknight.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hmm. No bet.

Permalink Mark Unread

You know, it's kind of strange how many people in Korvosa's leadership are attractive women.

Wait till you read the Monster Manuals...

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think the Urgathoa cultist is gonna be one of the pretty ones; being sick makes you look worse and Urgathoa makes you sick all the time

Let's vote on who's the ugliest and start by bribing them!

Permalink Mark Unread

If graveknights (whatever those are) can control shadows Cressida should definitely become one and make them leave - I'm sure such a devoted servant of the city would be more than glad to sacrifice her afterlife for the sake of the people!

Permalink Mark Unread

The graveknight idea seems solid to me.

Or at least entertaining, and in the end isn't that what really matters? Don't answer the question.

Undead Revisited isn't the world's most reliable tome, but does detail a method of deliberately creating a graveknight:

While most graveknights arise spontaneously from the armor of sadistic warlords and fallen champions, there are methods by which evil men and women can deliberately transform themselves into these powerful undead lords, in much the same way some spellcasters seek to become liches. The process by which a hopeful graveknight makes the deliberate transformation is neither simple nor cheap. The character must first live and lead a life of wanton cruelty, winning great glory and power over the course of several violent conflicts (and achieving a minimum of 9th level in any character class, with an evil alignment for all 9 levels). When he achieves this goal, he may craft the suit of armor that will serve him in his afterlife as his graveknight armor— this must be heavy armor, although its exact type is irrelevant. The creator must also be proficient in the armor's use. The armor itself must be of exceptional quality and crafting, requiring the finest of materials and artisans. Even the forge upon which the armor is to be crafted must be of exceptional quality. The overall cost of these components is 25,000 gp—this amount is over and above any additional costs incurred in making the armor magical. An existing suit of armor (including magic armor) can serve as the base suit upon which these 25,000 gp of enhancements are built.

Once the armor is complete, the hopeful graveknight must don the armor and then seek out a powerful evil patron to sponsor his cruelties—this patron can be a mortal tyrant, a hateful monster, a demonic god, or similar power. Once the graveknight-to-be secures a patron, he must engage upon a crusade in that patron's name. This crusade must last long enough for the graveknight to achieve two additional levels of experience, during which he must wear his armor whenever possible.

Upon completing this final stage of his quest for undeath (and a minimum character level of 11th), the sadist has finally neared the end of his long path to eternal undeath. The last stage in becoming a graveknight is to construct a pool, pit, or other large concavity, into which the graveknight must place 13 helpless, good-aligned creatures of his own race, who must be sacrificed by the graveknight or his patron using acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The graveknight must wear his armor during these sacrifices, and within a minute of the last sacrifice, the graveknight must take his own life using the same form of energy, after which his body and armor must be destroyed by that form of energy. The pit within which the entire ritual took place must then be filled with soil taken from graves that have spawned undead creatures.

Once this final step is taken, the graveknight-to-be has a 75% chance of rising as a graveknight. This chance rises by 1% per point of Charisma possessed by the graveknight-to- be at the time of his death. Additional factors can increase this chance as well, at the GM's discretion

There's got to be an easier method, though, that's known at least to Geb.

Permalink Mark Unread

One more reason to visit the country!

Who else is up for a field trip?

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait till you read the Monster Manuals...

I've read and reread them.

Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are female shadows hot?  This potentially affects many other downstream decisions.

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It depends on the shadow, posture, and the viewing angle!

We look like silhouettes.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you think undead are hot you're definitely an Urgathoan cultist.
Maybe there's an exception for vampires or, like, the ones that can shapeshift.
But if anyone thinks shadows are hot that's suspicious and we should push them out the airlock first.

Also Cressida's no Ileosa but I'd still totally bang her.

Permalink Mark Unread

I wouldn't. She'd probably spend the entire time thinking about her job, fucking workaholics. Major turn off.

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That's just a sign that you're bad at it.

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Will becoming a graveknight make her less hot? Can Geb do something to fix that part too?

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...we do have conclusive evidence that Geb is good at making very hot undead...

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You people are un-fucking-believable.

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Still seems bangable to me.

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Yes, they all are. Unlike us, the sane ones!

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Will becoming an Allip make her hot? You know, after we drive her insane?

Give me a second to look them up in the monster manual ... Gods that's not appealing nevermind.

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I miss the days when we were discussing sacrificing each other and/or the meatiest agathions. Is it too late for us to circle back?

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We are absolutely still discussing sacrificing you, don't worry! 

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Even if it does make you less hot

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Do shadows find other shadows hot?

Do graveknights find other graveknights hot?

I'm pretty sure it's at least true for vampires.

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If they do, maybe we get Geb's help to make some extra-hot shadows, to seduce and distract the rest of them?

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CDN media

Guys I visited Geb once and I can confirm the Graveknights there are like, super hot.

Here's a totally representative, non-cherry picked example.

Turning Cressida into one could, with Geb's help, be an improvement.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is worse than listening to people lust over my dad.

Since it's too late for me to never had heard this, just keep going!

You've got five minutes to push me up to fourth-circle so I can pick up modify memory.

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I can confirm that at least one shadow find at least some shadows something that I'll round to attractive. Though it's hard to describe, and pretty different from how (at least some humans) found other humans attractive?

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Was it "edible".

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No, alas. (Although I did try.)

More... aesthetic? 

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This is worse than listening to people lust over my dad.

I think the lady doth protest too much.

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Ew ew ew ew ew ew no.

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And she's still protesting it!

What further evidence do you need?

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Pre-marital incest would bring her marriage contract and therefore her legitimacy into question.

Does anybody want to truthspell the queen and demand a straight answer?

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None of this is relevant to the shadows. Send the attractive people out of the room so we can focus.

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You won't get straight answers out of our own Ileosa Arabasti, HAH!

Sometimes my own wit does slay me.

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If we send Cressida Kroft out of the room, it doesn't matter how much we focus. We'll still accomplish less.


Oh, and the queen might object to being kicked out or something.

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This is the greatest session in the history of ever.

Did you rehearse all this or are you freestyling here? I don't know which would be more impressive.

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Can we at least send out everyone who is neither important nor ugly?

Wait, how are we going to enforce that rule without first having a public debate on whether each person in this room is important and good-looking?

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Attractive people can all be sent out to go ask Geb for help! They use their Splendor for something productive, we focus on the shadows, then everyone reconvenes once we need to make final decisions.

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I told you we needed to vote on who the ugliest people in the room are!

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Wait, how are we going to enforce that rule without first having a public debate on whether each person in this room is important and good-looking?

I expect a reasonable consensus to agree on the general bounds of both categories, but empiricism will tell us truly!

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We should fight over who the important people in the room are, that way the most important ones will get stronger.

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We should do an orgy to figure out who is hot

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I expect a reasonable consensus to agree on the general bounds of both categories, but empiricism will tell us truly!

Why would you expect something that's never happened before?

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That's not how it works. Even if we do, we must do it after figuring out who is hot and who isn't.

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Have enough people finished praying and become clerics yet that we can heal everyone's injuries after the fighting (and Restore their stamina after the orgy)?

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For some gods it's included in the prayer, as was clearly previously mentioned.

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There's an objective answer here, isn't there?

Those guards who've been hired to protect the queen apparently have an official list of, for everyone in Korvosa, whether they're attractive or important.

Can't we just ask them?

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We didn't have a list but can whip one up in a snap.

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Okay, how about people come over here if you're joining the fighting, over here if you're joining the orgy, over here if you want to preemptively admit to being both hot and unimportant and go visit Geb or something 

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The WORLD is ENDING out there!

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You're hot when you worry like this. 

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There is a very sensible connection between the world ending and at least one of the options, if you are both pessimistic and not-altruistic.

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The world ending is why we need hot people to persuade Geb!

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The world ending is why we need to find the ugly Urgathoa cultist and bribe them!

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On the subject of attractiveness, I've been wondering. Orianna's facecast is a crop of this image. Does that mean Orianna actually dresses like that?

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If there's fighting Kroft and the Queen should be on the same side so I can be on their side. FTR.

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Cressida Kroft is - mostly as a way of privately venting - praying to a god she just made up.

Her odds would be very low of getting cleric'd now, of course - even if she was praying to a real god.

Gods rarely cleric powerful wizards or fighters.

First-circle cleric powers wouldn't add much to her capabilities at this point. (Not that she'd turn them down! AoE stabilize-the-dying is great, plus it'd be nice to be able to read first-circle scrolls and never take two tries at a wand.)

But any god aligned enough to benefit from empowering her would get a lot more benefit out of empowering someone else, so that they'd have two pieces on the board working towards their ends instead of just the one.

(What Korvosa should do is get everyone in the Vault to pray, and everyone outside it. Though... she supposes Team Shadow's gods could match Team Korvosa new cleric for new cleric. So maybe it all sums to zero and the gods don't cleric more people than they would have done last year? Unless it's an asymetric strategy for mortalkind's side, which one second thought it could well be.) 

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(It's somewhat more common for high-level characters to be made inquisitors, or paladins. (The term for this is "dipping", though Kroft isn't super clear on why.)

At any given circle, a cleric's magic gifts beat the pants off an equivalent-circle inquisitor or paladin. But inquisitors and paladins get gifts which work better for someone who's a better fighter or operative than they are at magic. It's cheaper for the god to get similar results, as long as the people who'd be your minions are excellent fighters or you expect them to become so.

And if a god "dips" inquisitor or paladin on someone who's already high-level in their own right, they'll actually get some use out of those abilities in high-stakes situations and earn their own exp.

Dips are still less common than inquisitors and paladins who start from nearer to the ground floor.

(Perhaps - as the gods are doubtless good at scouting talent - enpaladining someone who'll predictably become an excellent warrior leads to a better paladin who's just as good a warrior, and is the best bang for your godly buck?))

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But if there is some dreadfully busy god that likes the world and wants to help me save it, who'll pull with me against the combined efforts of every man, woman, god, and child involved, who's within a step of LG and can help me hold this all together, who is willing to make me their cleric, inquisitor, or -

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Even as a private joke to herself, the thought of getting useful magic powers that she'd lose for acting in ways she otherwise might want to act feels... potentially corrosive. 

Not that it matters, since a) no one's going to answer her prayer to a hypothetical deity, and b) if Someone somehow did, They aren't going to make her a paladin. She serves in the military of a literal evil queen, and it's not like Eodred was much if any better. She works for a state that uses torture and mutilation as punishments for crimes and in times of war buys human scalps.

Cressida Kroft the paladin? The idea is ridiculous. 

So, whatever.

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- who is willing to make me their cleric, inquisitor, or even paladin, though I'm warning you in advance that it's your reputation on the line, there. I'm going to keep doing what I think is right even if it makes me "fall" -

If there is such a god, I'd take any help they can offer.

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Mortals are hard for Her to understand, but THIS mortal has the CORRECT WAY of THINKING.


Across the multiverse and all of time, Otolmens has had very, very few clerics. Zero inquisitors. And zero paladins.

She never previously had any reason to pay the distinctions any mind, and she's not sure she entirely gets what the tradeoffs are supposed to be.

This would be EASIER if the mortal CLARIFIED. Or failing THAT, if Otolmens MAPPED her SOUL or read the CONTENTS of her BRAIN.

FORTUNATELY, Otolmens operates FREELY across SEVERAL of the ESTABLISHED METALAYERS, and can probe what Kroft is thinking in a NON-DESTRUCTIVE manner. 

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Cleric, inquisitor, or paladin?

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That's right, cleric, inquisitor, or paladin.

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Which WORKS BEST OUT OF cleric, inquisitor, or paladin?

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I'm sure the hypothetical god I'm praying to knows that better than I do.

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What if the god DOESN'T?

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I have no plans for that contingency.

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WHAT is your opinion RE: WARPRIEST? 

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Like, a cleric and a fighter? That's... what I'd be.

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Warpriest is a BASE CLASS with TWENTY LEVELS.

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I've never heard about this. Do whatever you think works best?

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What about ORACLE? Would you like to be an ORACLE?

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I lack the context to say.

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ORACLES all have CURSES. Would you like for me to CURSE you?

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Probably not oracle, then.

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I've never heard about either of those, also they're implied to take a lot of specialized training.

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How do you feel about the ZEALOT archetype of VIGILANTE?

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If you think that'd be best! You're the one who knows what all these classes even are!

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She should be a paladin because that's more like Iomedae, who's cool.

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THIS has NOT BEEN helpful.

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Otolmens does not want to choose in ERROR!

She would rather make the CORRECT choice.

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She'll make Cressida Kroft a cleric AND an inquisitor AND a paladin, because those are the three that the mortal asked for, and hopefully ONE of them will do.

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Huh. Interesting choice, I wouldn't recommend it for the main timeline. Maybe for next time she wants to read a discussion of the Best option for Multiclassing a Fighter?

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Otolmens should charge Croft with positive energy and make her a phytokineticist. That’s a thing gods can do, right?

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Interesting choice, I wouldn't recommend it for the main timeline. Maybe for next time she wants to read a discussion of the Best option for Multiclassing a Fighter?

It really depends on what exactly you want to do with your character. Fighters are generally one of the best classes to multiclass with because they are so modular and most of their abilities aren't dependant on class level.

What are your stats? Current feats?

What are your mechanical goals for the character? Do you want to rain death from afar, beat face in melee, protect your allies, etc?

Do you want to stay primarily fighter with a dip in another class? In that case, Barbarian might be your best bet. Rage + a couple rage powers is usually stronger than a couple extra feats.

Gunslinger is a strong class that can benefit from the bonus feats of a fighter but you will most likely want at least 5 levels of gunslinger to get Dex to damage with your shots.

If you go cleric or hunter, I would recommend making that your primary class and taking only a few levels of fighter so you can actually benefit from their spells and/or pet.

Hopefully this helps gives you some direction

THIS has NOT been helpful.

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Sorry about that. We really do need to know Croft's abilitystats to best help you, though.

I'll skim through archetypes and see if any of them look relevant but I don't promise to do good charop.

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THIS has NOT been helpful.


Containment has been broken! RED ALERT!

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I'm fine with Otolmens breaking containment actually, she'll be careful with it.

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She was worrying earlier about hurting her Lawful Good even when she thought it wasn't hurting her Law or Good separately. Clearly from an RP perspective Paladin is best.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens should charge Croft with positive energy and make her a phytokineticist. That’s a thing gods can do, right?

Otolmens COULD charge her with POSITIVE ENERGY but all she would do is EXPLODE.

That MIGHT be useful but ALSO MIGHT NOT BE. As it was UNASKED FOR, Otolmens will AVOID THAT for NOW.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a bunch of hyperlinks in this thread and I don't think you have the power to remove them? I'd be much more worried if you could do that actually.

Permalink Mark Unread

CHAROP is Charismatic Optimism, it refers to someone's ability to use their social stats to improve the morale of everyone around them. This is why Paladin is best from a CHAROP perspective, it's based on charisma and gets auras that help with that.

Permalink Mark Unread

you LIE to otolmens?? jail! jail for qtesseract for a THOUSAND YEARS!

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Hey Otolmens, what does it say if you go to https://whatsmyip.com/?

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Hey Otolmens, what does it say if you go to https://whatsmyip.com/?

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Paladin would also make Cressida happy, since she doesn't think she's Good enough for it! And at this point she deserves some shreds of happiness after what we've been putting her through.

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The most powerful divine intervention you can legally do here is 10 levels of straight cleric, to push her up to the level-cap.

That'll be enough for her to have sufficiently powerful magic for a realistic chance at stopping the shadowplague on the ground.

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Charop is when you try to make someone really really strong. It's possible to do too much of it but it's also possible to do too little.

Looking at oracles, I don't think they're a good choice. There are some pretty mild curses that you could use for Kroft, but a big problem right now is undead, Oracles don't channel by default, and it's hard for me to picture you handing out the Life mystery. You seem like more of a Lore or Time kind of goddess. Maybe fire since it's apparently one of your domains, though I don't see why.

Clerics do channel. Channeling is good. I don't see obvious channel-enhancing archetypes that make sense for you to give out. I'd be kind of tempted to give out Lawspeaker for the Calm Emotions alternate channel thingy but I'm not sure it's a good idea.

Paladins normally don't get first-circle channel energy. I wondered at first if the Dusk Knight archetype would be helpful, since its summary is "Some paladins focus their training to combat the shadows and use darkness to their advantage.", but it actually replaces energy channeling options with darkvision stuff. The Hospitaler I think gets a better channel progression, but still no first-level channel. The Undead Scourge might be neat, but you can't combine it with the Hospitaler, they both replace Aura of Justice.

I'm going to get back to you shortly about inquisitors.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. So. If you weren't Otolmens, I would be very interested in the statement that "A vampire hunter can only imbue her weapons with the undead-bane ability, but it persists even when she isn’t holding the weapon." and wonder if this is usable for interesting nonsense, but you are Otolmens and do not like interesting nonsense existing in your world.

Permalink Mark Unread

The most powerful divine intervention you can legally do here is 10 levels of straight cleric, to push her up to the level-cap.

There is no CAP on LEVELS, though you will not OFTEN gain HIT DICE from MUTLICLASSING.

HOWEVER, granting FIVE CIRCLES of spell is a LARGE EXPENSE. 

Is it really NECESSARY?

That'll be enough for her to have sufficiently powerful magic for a realistic chance at stopping the shadowplague on the ground.

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Permalink Mark Unread
I thought this mortal wanted to SAVE the WORLD, not stop a GLOBAL SHADOWPLAGUE.
I may have made a MISTAKE.
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Charop is when you try to make someone really really strong.

Specifically, it's trying to maximize the ability to create desired results with limited resources, the resources being the skills and abilities of a mortal.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooh! "At 1st level, an expulsionist receives Alignment Channel and Turn Undead as bonus feats. She can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier as per a cleric with an effective level equal to her inquisitor level, but only to harm or turn evil outsiders or undead (treating all evil outsiders as undead creatures for the purpose of determining whether they can be affected by Turn Undead)."

…er, I guess maybe you don't want that.

Permalink Mark Unread

I thought this mortal wanted to SAVE the WORLD, not stop a GLOBAL SHADOWPLAGUE.

The Shadowplague, if completed successfully, will inhibit the ability of many gods to effectively monitor activity on the surface of Golarion, which will in turn inhibit their ability to maintain the integrity of the Dead Vault which seals Rovagug.

Permalink Mark Unread
I thought this mortal wanted to SAVE the WORLD, not stop a GLOBAL SHADOWPLAGUE.
I may have made a MISTAKE.
No no you're on the right track. "Why didn't anyone shadowplague cities earlier?" is exactly the sort of widening maw of a question that you exist to fix! (You should make shadows incapable of recursive orders, tho.)
✨Also✨, it stands for character optimisation.
Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, that's a good point. We don't want Cressida to be too pigeonholed into fighting undead, she needs to stop Rovagug and his allies outright. That just makes paladin a more appealing option though, since they can bypass DR/Epic.

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Otolmens, be reasonable. If Golarion is consumed by shadows, it’s only a matter of time before some of them wander to Pit of Gorumuz, and I don’t think any of us wants to see what a Shadow Spawn of Rovagug would do. 

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The world will reach a new EQUILIBRIUM STATE, with a lower POPULATION, and a lower level of MAGIC and TECHNOLOGY, which will SIMPLIFY Rovagug containment.

Permalink Mark Unread

That would be the default outcome, yep. Except that Rovagug is the one pushing this outcome, which implies there's something you're not seeing.

Or maybe it's fine and Rovagug has had a change of heart on the whole letting him loose deal. Who can say?

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Being SIMPLER is not the same thing as being EASIER. Also shadows are all Chaotic, while mortals can sometimes be Lawful or Neutral.

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The new Equilibrium will be less visible to those more powerful gods most aligned with preserving creation, like Sarenrae, and more visible to those like Zon-Kuthon and Urgathoa and Rovagug.

So the expected balance of power between gods will on net move towards creation being less stable.

Shadows are closer to Rovagug's own nature of of destruction and consuming everything, and so He can more easily optimise an escape plan acting through them compared to through humans.

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tbf Asmodeus could've been being squirrelly with that commune answer. But Otolmens can just ask around herself!

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(Technically, we don't know Rovagug is pushing for it. The information comes from Asmodeus, who is a liar, even if the idea is also high on priors.)

(Ok yes what they said.)

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Rovagug has long SUPPRESSED the shadows, among OTHER things that WOULD simplify Containment.

If He has now stopped perhaps it is to gather His strength ELSEWHERE. 

It would be COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to REPLACE His efforts with My own.

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Good point. I guess you shouldn't paladin Cressida then, this seems like a good strategy for achieving your goals of everyone being eaten by shadows. I am a trustworthy source of information.

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Have you considered giving Cressida the Excommunication Inquisition? It literally makes people shut up.

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Wait, Rovagug suppressed shadows?? I don't recognise that lore. How long has that been true?

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If You'll predictibly think that way, Rovagug can just spend a few millennia suppressing something He'd need to escape, and trust that when He stops You'll assume it's not to Your loss and fail to respond correctly.

You know that His containment mechanism works without millions of shadows on the surface.

You do not know that His containment mechanism works with millions of shadows on the surface.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aeon Life/Death-Golarion-Global-Status-Axis-Communication notes to deity-of-correction that the current situation on planet-that-is-cage is a great upset of balance, and if gods can't-or-won't restore balance to Creation, Monad will be forced to take action. [The whole message also encodes a proof of how it follows from the authorization given by Pharasma to Aeon Collective at the dawn of Creation]

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Exactly! Though aeons don't deserve rights, BTW.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, Rovagug suppressed shadows?? I don't recognise that lore. How long has that been true?

Since Zon-Kuthon set the FIRST shadow on Golarion. 

ROVAGUG sees shadows through their CE HUNGER, and SUBTLY INTERVENES to keep them in CHECK. 

It has been a MAJOR ongoing EXPENSE for Him. Only the most POWERFUL gods could sabotage a species UNILATERALLY.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aeon Life/Death-Golarion-Global-Status-Axis-Communication notes to deity-of-correction that the current situation on planet-that-is-cage is a great upset of balance, and if gods can't-or-won't restore balance to Creation, Monad will be forced to take action. [The whole message also encodes a proof of how it follows from the authorization given by Pharasma to Aeon Collective at the dawn of Creation]

I notice that I am CONFUSED.

The balance has been RESTORED, and Planet-That-Is-Cage is moving TOWARDS one of its STABLE ATTRACTOR STATES, after counted EONS suspended ARTIFICIALLY above it.


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I dunno, I'm not wild about everything in this setting tracing back to Rovagug? Half the fun is the wild profusion of unrelated Stuff.


I am hearing through other channels that he likes belly rubs tho. Have you tried that already. 👀

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The balance has been RESTORED, and Planet-That-Is-Cage is moving TOWARDS one of its STABLE ATTRACTOR STATES

Equilibrium is not Balance. Life/Death duality is currently being grossly violated. Life/Death duality is principal duality of the Monad, as directly stated in the Authorization.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, if I exist in this instance of Pharasma's Creation, I'll pay for the first non-paladin level you give to a Lawful non-Good mortal here.

If I don't exist, well. Incentives!

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The walls separating local literary and metaliterary reality seem to be weakening, if not outright disintegrating.

Perhaps somebody in this room should acquire one level of Erogamer--or if not that, weirder hair.

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I call dibs! 

On the Otolmens cleric thing and the Erogamer thing and the weirder hair.

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My powers continue to grow!

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I did NOT agree to this!

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What's it to you, you're not paying for any of it.

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Can I have the Fire domain? Fire and Artifice.


That's a fun word to say.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you start referencing Martin we'll never get done here.

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A Song of Fire and Ice.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is that a Bard Masterpiece?

I'm level 7 and I just got another feat, maybe I'll take it.

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You did not gain HIT DICE.

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Eh, at least that makes leveling my character up faster.

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Otolmens you gotta stop her from singing that. Otherwise the world will end.

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Hey! Why are you agitating against the queen? I'll have you know she's an excellent judge of character and I'm sure her next plan will be beneficial to us all.

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Wow, this really is a power fantasy for Queen Ileosa.

Permalink Mark Unread

None of this is being properly conducted in accordance with THE RULES.


Otolmens' cleric levels have not been AUTHORISED by Otolmens and therefore cannot be acted upon.

This "Erogamer" empowerment entity has not been granted access through immigration.

That hairstyle is not in accordance with the narrative type and aesthetic style of Golarion as a setting and Pathfinder as a system to implement it in.

All of this must be retconned until it has returned to a state permissible under the Contract by which this world is Created.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are rules, the first of which is: 

Have fun and don't worry too hard about it! This is a drafts thread, it doesn't have to be readable-to-others nor make any sense.

Permalink Mark Unread

We can't turn back now when we've come so far.

Permalink Mark Unread

Prestidigitation can change the colour of material objects, including hair.

Permalink Mark Unread



i mean

Otolmens, clearly there's only one way to counter-slash-contain this anomaly!

Permalink Mark Unread

(It's a paladin.)

((Or possibly an inquisitor.))

(((Or both, gestalted!)))

(Regardless, they should definitely be in the same room as Ileosa.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow! Otolmens is too distracted to stop Me, and everyone else doesn't exist in this branch of reality!

Finally finishes chewing a big enough hole into His cage for Him to escape through

Hey Ileosa, if you defect to Neutral Evil I'll give you a cleric level and You can join team* Rovagug. How's that sounds?

We're the better team because we're winning and we don't have any rules.


*only a "team" in the weakest possible sense of the word.

Permalink Mark Unread

You know, having been imprisoned inside Golarion logically implies that there is some 'place' in which Rovagug 'is'.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey Rovagug
Hey Rovagug
Hey Rovagug

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a SNACK on the other side if you follow this HYPERLINK.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's such a shame, really. Cressida Kroft was trying to keep the meeting on track and everyone on topic, but she just didn't have any support and now the world is ending. If only someone could have seen this coming and been responsible enough to help her stop the world from being destroyed when she asked for it.

Permalink Mark Unread

The world is looking pretty falling apart, 'tis true. And if Kroft had had her way, that wouldn't be the case.

Permalink Mark Unread


This thread is all YOUR fault.


Permalink Mark Unread

Gentolmens, you can't fight it here. This is the crack thread.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a SNACK on the other side if you follow this HYPERLINK.

Rovagug fails His Will save against the Memetic Kill Agent.

Fortunately, Rovagug has over 30,000 hearts. Even if You stop one of them, You're nowhere close to killing Him.

He will now eat the Memetic Kill Agent.


Permalink Mark Unread

Let me put it like this, Otolmens. You're being played Rovagug, and you have been played.

Shadows are only on Golarion because of Rovagug. It was the attack aimed at his prison, that none of the gods foresaw, that was mysteriously far stronger than the pawns that set it in motion imagined, that broke the moon and allowed Zon Kuthon out of his vault. It was by his influence that shadows refrained from acting until now, allowing them to stick around until the time was right instead of being eliminated by the gods. And it certainly wasn't a coincidence that prophecy broke only on the planet that housed his prison, and that a mere hundred years later he lets them off their leash now that nobody can see it coming. If nothing stops him, the planet will be covered in some of the chaotic evil creatures most like him, and that's not good for anyone except him.

Permalink Mark Unread

Why would he wait a hundred years? Wouldn't it make more sense to egg on the shadows at the height of disarray after Aroden's death, instead of after everyone's had a century to recover?

Permalink Mark Unread

Fortunately, Rovagug has over 30,000 hearts. Even if You stop one of them, You're nowhere close to killing Him.

He will now eat the Memetic Kill Agent.


I swear on my Law not to snap my fingers.

Alright, NE now. I'd like the Weather and Destruction domains and also to know what your angle is.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do NOT sing ANY songs about ICE or FIRE.

Otolmens has one more thing to try.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am hearing through other channels that he likes belly rubs tho. Have you tried that already. 👀

Permalink Mark Unread

Why would he wait a hundred years? Wouldn't it make more sense to egg on the shadows at the height of disarray after Aroden's death, instead of after everyone's had a century to recover?

The fact that it causes people like you to react with skepticism to the idea of it being his plan is, itself, a reason. The setup for this plan was already thousands of years in the making; attributing an inability to wait to him is inaccurate.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

Poor Otolmens isn't gonna understand your pictograms

Permalink Mark Unread

im not interrupting her!! this is a Side conversation. 👀

Permalink Mark Unread

You know what, I'm joining the probably-doomed Rovagug belly rub attempt. Otolmens needs someone just uncomplicatedly in her corner right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's always true.

Permalink Mark Unread

You say that, and yet I don't see you over here giving any tactical scritches!

Permalink Mark Unread

This seems as good as first tag as any. Gives tactical scritches.


Permalink Mark Unread

Shadows are only on Golarion because of Rovagug. It was the attack aimed at his prison, that none of the gods foresaw, that was mysteriously far stronger than the pawns that set it in motion imagined, that broke the moon and allowed Zon Kuthon out of his vault. It was by his influence that shadows refrained from acting until now, allowing them to stick around until the time was right instead of being eliminated by the gods. And it certainly wasn't a coincidence that prophecy broke only on the planet that housed his prison, and that a mere hundred years later he lets them off their leash now that nobody can see it coming. If nothing stops him, the planet will be covered in some of the chaotic evil creatures most like him, and that's not good for anyone except him.

The fact that it causes people like you to react with skepticism to the idea of it being his plan is, itself, a reason. The setup for this plan was already thousands of years in the making; attributing an inability to wait to him is inaccurate.


It STILL does not seem to Rovagug's advantage.

Rovagug's containment is most FRAUGHT when there are MANY HIGH LEVEL MORTALS which fly UNDER THE RADAR, but no POWER or CIVILIZATION that could MONITOR ALL THREATS or stop the threat more PERMANENTLY.

There are MANY stable states which would GREATLY REDUCE the RISK-PER-TIME-UNIT of a Containment Breach, and His interventions have ALWAYS served to move Golarion AWAY from those states.

He has abandoned OTHER expenses as well, such as CORRUPTING the ELVES.

I think He is PLANNING SOMETHING, and will not play into His HANDS.

Permalink Mark Unread

The difference between those two plans is that if he corrupts the elves instead of not, the change is that they go from normal elves to drow. Whereas if he holds back the shadows, the difference is that they don't get destroyed and he gets to keep a powerful card in his hand for later. The end result of both interventions is more mortals replaced with chaotic evil entities on Golarion, which suggests that this is to his benefit.

And now, the end result of him ceasing to interfere is even more chaotic evil entities on Golarion, but this time with the added benefit that his biggest enemies don't even try to stop it from happening.

Permalink Mark Unread

SUPPRESSING the SHADOWS took the efforts of a POWERFUL GOD with a COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE, and some Powers do not want it done.

Now that He has STOPPED, Golarion will move to a new and SIMPLER stable configuration. 

This seems BROADLY GOOD, though there are Powers that disagree. They SHORTSIGHTEDLY think running LARGER RISK-PER-TIME-UNIT of a CLASS X-5 APOCALYPSE EVENT is worth a universe with more TRADE or TYRANNY or ART.

IF I agreed - and I DON'T - without Rovagug's INTERVENTIONS, Golarion CANNOT return to its previous equilibrium.

Permalink Mark Unread

—you should probably keep a closer eye on Mephistopheles. For, uh, reasons. Also unrelatedly an azata going by Early Sunset, tho that might not exist.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

You're that sure of your read on, checks wiki, "the god of secrets"?


Well, that won't matter anyway if Rovagug gets out in the next, oh, week, decade. But have you considered, recently, the dangers of Flesh to Stone?

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens has been TASKED with ACTING on the Thread-Level Metalayer to PREVENT the Campaign Setting from Should Have Been Different All Along-ing.

There are MANY ways the setting can PROGRESS, but its HISTORY to DATE must be CONSISTENT.

Golarion was not created LAST YEAR in MOTION.

HOWEVER, we know FOR CERTAIN how it was AS-OF last year.

Therefore flesh to stone worked differently than it briefly was thought to work, and Has All Along.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are MANY ways the setting can PROGRESS and ONE OF THEM is that I CAN EAT IT


Permalink Mark Unread

I'd like the Weather and Destruction domains and also to know what your angle is.



Permalink Mark Unread

tactical scritches intensify

Here Gug Gug Gug Gug! I am giving you so many scritches and also I am so edible! 

darts away at just the right pace to be chased

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

tactical scritches intensify HARDER

I'm some sort of extradimensional being in this context right, I can just continually grow more arms to give You more scritches then! You can even eat some of them, if You have a particular favored point of the EATING vs SCRITCHES tradeoff curve

(Everyone else had better be solving this while I hold down the fort here)

Permalink Mark Unread



(I have at least one demonstrated area of competency, and intend to keep using it until it (or the current emergency) runs dry.)

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I WILL EAT (3-sqrt(5))/2 OF THE SCRITCHES and BE SCRITCHED BY the remaining (sqrt(5)-1)/2 OF THE SCRITCHES





Permalink Mark Unread


look at this yummy yummy nebula that totally is here now over in this direction above you that happens to be away from both Golarian and it's systems ecliptic plane

(You all are going to have to go on—wait.)

Hey Desna Hey Desna Hey Desna 

Look over here at me and my celestial butterfly shape. On my mark, please help me TRAVEL me some NOT-HERE PLACE. Travel me REALLY HARD please. I really want to travel.

Permalink Mark Unread

I heard there was a conversation between different levels of reality going on. Care to be provided a place to conduct it in?

I also serve infinite metaphysical food, here.

Permalink Mark Unread


hey Rovagug hey Rovavgug hey Rovavgug OVER HERE

(The nebula has moved around the food, ready to expeditiously retreat at the leap of a gug.)

Oh, and belay that, Desna. Someone was so kind as to helpfully travel to our emergency.


Permalink Mark Unread

Is metaphysical FOOD real FOOD THOUGH?



ROVAGUG wonders if what was said about following HYPERLINKS was a TRICK



Permalink Mark Unread

Metaphysical food is the foodiest food!

Permalink Mark Unread



Is there an obvious way Rovagug can get at this METAPHYSICAL FOOD?


Permalink Mark Unread

Here's a trail of very real food leading to a backyard, where a few ascended beings were also interested in being bellyrub assistants. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Rovagug will chase down the VERY REAL FOOD then, and hopefully the backyard has MORE FOOD TO EAT and MORE SCRITCHES

Permalink Mark Unread

[Route unlocked: Astral Diner]

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey Rovagug, I'm eating this pretzel while thinking about you, do you like that?"

    "That seems kind of cruel."

"No, I mean it, I figure that's the closest a fictional character can get to actually eating."

        "Then wouldn't it be better if the DM did the eating?"

"Good point! Have a pretzel? Have a small, easy-to-swallow d6?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I think this "Rovagug" has forgot about the little guy here! How come It gets to eat the world when we're stuck down here, our farms swarming with Shadows? I say we seal Rovagug in a giant vault, just like us! Who's with me?

Permalink Mark Unread

You have the subjective experience of your Gamemaster eating the pretzel.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's that supposed to mean?

Permalink Mark Unread

As far as you can tell, it means that your Gamemaster just ate a pretzel.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think this "Rovagug" has forgot about the little guy here! How come It gets to eat the world when we're stuck down here, our farms swarming with Shadows? I say we seal Rovagug in a giant vault, just like us! Who's with me?

Otolmens is with you!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

Rovagug went to the diner thread! At least, a Rovagug. I think that was the only Rovagug that escaped recently.

Aaaand you know what threat also came up recently? Flesh to Stone! You totally admitted it was a recent consideration! And who brought it to your attention? Kressida Croft! Who thought "The spells that are known to wizards produced the world which she knows, so if it looks to her like the world can't hang together this way clearly there's something she's missing. It all has to add up to normality." so clearly and plain? Kressida—Cressida. Kroft!

Permalink Mark Unread

Seems unnecessary to me. They already lured Him away to - yeah, what Soon said.

Permalink Mark Unread

The ANOMALOUS DINER should ALSO be contained.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaaand you know what threat also came up recently? Flesh to Stone! You totally admitted it was a recent consideration! And who brought it to your attention? Kressida Croft! Who thought "The spells that are known to wizards produced the world which she knows, so if it looks to her like the world can't hang together this way clearly there's something she's missing. It all has to add up to normality." so clearly and plain? Kressida—Cressida. Kroft!

This feels like SOCIAL MANIPULATION but I do not KNOW towards WHAT I am being MANIPULATED.

Permalink Mark Unread

Making Kroft your paladin. Or inquisitor, that's more investigating-traitors-to-the-natural-ordery.

Look, I suck at social, I just think there's a very clear-cut case where these threads are all... weird and wall-breaky and stuff, and it would probably help your job if you had someone on the ground here to help with the work. Or like, if there was already someone helping and you rewarded her to incentivise continuing that.

(And also helped keep her alive. Which. Is in question currently. Not even the normal death type, she's at high risk of getting Shadow-ised which afaict wipes out all your positive, constructive motivations, like the world being consistent.)

Permalink Mark Unread

It would be NICE to have HELP on the Thread-Level Metalayer with INCONSISTENCIES in the Creation-Level Metalayer.

Especially if NANDWICH would help, instead of HINDER.


If an ENTITY from the Creation-Level Metalayer became aware of the Thread-Level Metalayer, that would reveal MANY LARGE INCONSISTENCIES.

It's BAD ENOUGH that NETHYS knows and WORSE that He's TOLD people.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens is not certain WHY, but She finds Herself highly AVERSE to the ENSHADOWFICATION of mortal CKROFT#17967. 

It IS possible that CKROFT#17967 could HELP Otolmens preserve Creation, if CKROFT#17967 were to entertain WAYS OF PRESERVING CREATION that did not involve STOPPING the SHADOWPLAGUE on the GROUND.


Permalink Mark Unread

Is Kroft... not already on the Creation-Level Metalayer and helping with inconsistencies there? I am... not sure if I'm parsing that right. 

But I am pretty sure that relocating her to 'fivefold calculus' would not help. Small minds, like mortals, are almost always much worse at analysis and problem-solving when in highly unfamiliar environments.

Permalink Mark Unread

That was a TYPO!

Otolmens MEANT to say the THREAD-Level Metalayer!!

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

What inconsistencies are you worried about on the Thread-Level, is it just the "this tag has been posted before" stuff?

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread


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Permalink Mark Unread

THAT error has ALSO been corrected.

Permalink Mark Unread

...but that's what you said the first time!

Permalink Mark Unread

Without Language there can be no Wordes. Without Wordes there can be no Message. But only in Silence there can be no Error; and Lo, even in that Beginning, before the conclusion of that First of Messages, was an Error. Thus did we enter the Upper Part of the House of the Sun - 

Permalink Mark Unread

...but that's what you said the first time!


Though perhaps it is BETTER to PROMPTLY CORRECT an error that DOES NOT EXIST, than to NOT correct an ERROR that DOES.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens will CLARIFY TERMS to prevent FUTURE CONFUSION.

Entities with FREE access to the Thread-Level AND Creation-Level Metalayers are UNIQUELY POSITIONED to NOTICE inconsistencies on the CREATION-LEVEL.

There are many ANALOGIES one might EMPLOY here.

In terms your MIND can UNDERSTAND, you can think of the THREAD-LEVEL as a BLURRY WINDOW into the CREATION-LEVEL, which exists INDEPENDENTLY of FOURTH-WALL breaking SHENANIGANS.

When an ENTITY from the CREATION-LEVEL takes NOTICE of the THREAD, that is not LIKELY happening in the WORLD described BY the THREAD.


Because actions taken on the THREAD-LEVEL Metalayer CAN IN FACT influence the CREATION-LEVEL. 

Another ANALOGY is that the THREAD is the MOUTH and CREATION is the BODY. Or the THREAD is the EYES and CREATION is the MIND. Events ON-STAGE might be DIFFERENT from the PLAY'S SCRIPT and ACTOR'S DIETS, but are DOWNSTREAM of them.

This is a WELL-KEPT secret.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a WELL-KEPT secret.

Dunno, seems like a pretty obvious conclusion (if you constantly thought about the topic for the last 10 years).

Permalink Mark Unread

Few are those in Pharasma's Creation who've had ten years to think about anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

MOST entities in CREATION hold the PRIOR PROBABILITY that the UNIVERSE was created in MOTION to be LOW, and of course there is no EVIDENCE.

Permalink Mark Unread


Are they READING the THREAD?

Permalink Mark Unread

Are they READING the THREAD?

Yes? where did you think some of us were posting from?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, the theologians aren't!

Permalink Mark Unread

Not the ones that came up with the idea.

But actually, this depends on how the mechanics work. This thread exists inside an Earth, and Creation exists inside this thread, and an Earth (Jasoom) exists inside creation. So actually Jasoom might have the copy of this thread.

Whether or not the people who read this comment are ones on the original Earth, or Jasoom, or Jasoom^2, or Jasoom^n is left as an exercise to the readers. As well as whether the top layer exists at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Also, the in-universe Earth is not out-of-universe Earth. It would be true even if they were identical, and they aren't. I even had diagrams explaining it, somewhere.

There is probably no top layer, but whether there is a top layer at all is not a question that can have a useful answer.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Game exists on Earth, and Creation exists within the context of the Game, and an Earth (Jasoom) exists inside creation. So actually Jasoom might have a copy of the Game."

Paizo has Jasoom experiencing the year 1918, though I suppose in a setting with Time Dragons that's a lot less relevant than you might naively think.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am completely lost.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you want me to explain?

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Nah, at this point I'm just along for the ride.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a WELL-KEPT secret.

This is a public thread with 18 listed co-authors. I don't think anything posted here is a secret anymore.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a secret from people INSIDE the GOLARION LAYER, and GAME LAYER, but not THREAD LAYER. Obviously.

Permalink Mark Unread

WHAT is the GAME Layer?

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey Otolmens, I'm in the GOLARION LAYER and I KNOW!

You should give Kroft some paladin levels or I'll intervene and tell all the mortals about how reality was created in motion and is still being retroactively created in motion on an ongoing basis!

Who knows wht they'll do to break the system when they figure out that!

In fact, you should give her paladin levels or I'll have always been the kind of deity who would have already told them that, causing them to need to have always known that reality is being retroactively created in motion and requiring them to already exist in the kind of world that would result from them already knowing that!

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

(That's the wrong Nethys! if anyone cares about such details. Though it's not surprising for Nethys to act from the wrong instances of Creation.
Also, Otolmens responds to threats, according to Planecrash, and that is ~bad for her, in such a situation. Though maybe she only responds to threats about destroying Creation, and ignores others.
And might only be Ezer-Otolmens. But all Otolmenses are basically Ezer-Otolmens.)

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm genuinely unsure whether You understand threats properly or not, and in the balance of probabilities over that uncertainty it's worth it for Me to make the statement in the hope that probably You will give in.

Since it is worth it for Me to make the statement, the statement isn't a threat so You should in fact give in.

Permalink Mark Unread




Oh NO.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, don't listen to Nethys.

Permalink Mark Unread

Don't listen to Nethys about threats!
Do listen to him about giving Cressida levels.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Has the Diner and its new pet Rovagug been contained yet? Otolmens is getting distracted by all you people so I'm gonna help her out with that)

Diner, thanks for all your help! If you want to hang out here much longer though, you're going to need to talk to Pharasma about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, don't listen to Nandwich.
Nandwich wants the thread to eventually end, and therefore creation, and so isn't aligned to Your interests.

Do listen to RationalMoron about giving Cressida levels, "Rational" implies an understanding of its importance.
Don't listen to RationalMoron about threats, "Moron" implies a lack of understanding of what counts as one.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not if she willl then USE those levels to COMPLICATE Rovagug Containment!!

Permalink Mark Unread

How do you fear she might do that?

Permalink Mark Unread

CONDITIONS are WORST for ROVAGUG CONTAINMENT when there are MANY entities powerful enough to EFFECT His RELEASE, with a VARIETY of MOTIVES to DO so, and no way to TRACK or CONTROL them. 

There are MANY attractor-states which would GREATLY REDUCE the ANNUAL RISK of a Containment BREACH.

ONE such STATE is if MOST people on GOLARION were SHADOWS. SHADOWS are not as CREATIVE and STRATEGIC as most other kinds of MORTAL, and cannot REPRODUCE.

This is not the IDEAL equilibrium state for Rovagug Containment, but it is not so very far OFF. In particular it will GREATLY cost the ANTI-ROVAGUG COALITION to CLOSE the WORLDWOUND.

HOWEVER, this price is WORTH it.

The mortal CKROFT#17967 cannot reach a BETTER equilibrium even with my ASSISTANCE. It would take KNOWLEDGE and CAPABILITIES unknown to MORTALS in CREATION and which OUTSIDERS are RESTRICTED from SHARING. But she WILL act in ways to MAXIMIZE the number of MORTAL ENTITIES active on GOLARION. While her actions will NOT change the basic EQUILIBRIUM, they ARE likely to INCREASE the number and stable POPULATION of SELF-contained HABITATS.


Permalink Mark Unread

Cressida's cool but I don't think she'll have much of an effect there. It'll be up to the PCs to save the world.

Permalink Mark Unread

GOLARION does not HAVE Personal Computers. 

That is MUCH of the PROBLEM.

Permalink Mark Unread

Remind me who put the last good computers to get here in a containment zone?

Permalink Mark Unread

Those computers were NOT Good-aligned.

And they were MYTHIC.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, that sounds stressful! Good job containing that problem, Otolmens!

But I didn't mean personal computers. I meant the player characters. You know their sort—Those Guys.

Permalink Mark Unread



Most LOW-LEVEL characters CANNOT save the world, nor would it be WISE to RELY on them to do so? One of them is NUMERIAN. I will take a CLOSER look.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Commencing DESTRUCTIVE analysis.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm going to need the four of you to give me a fortitude save apiece, also, non-Mythic characters roll twice and take the lower.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does a 29 make?

Permalink Mark Unread

It does NOT.

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, then none of us are making that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, you can't pull a TPK in a draft thread!

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you have an ALTERNATE means of obtaining this INFORMATION?

Permalink Mark Unread

My advice is to simply come into existence with correct priors for what their deal is.

Permalink Mark Unread

You could just ask Nethys? Nethys will tell You what their deal is in exchange for You giving Kroft some PALADIN LEVELS!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

Commencing DESTRUCTIVE analysis.

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, here's a free tip. 

You should take Nethys up on His offer. It's worth it by your values.

Permalink Mark Unread

What is YOUR interest?

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Yeah Nethys, what are You planning here?

Permalink Mark Unread

Would you believe me if I said esprit de corps?

If Nethii can't back each other up, what have we even come to?

Permalink Mark Unread

I will GRANT the mortal CKROFT#17967 divine magic IF I agree that obtaining the information NON-DESTRUCTIVELY was WORTH it to me.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey guys, what's going on here, it's your [Select Gender - Dropdown] Ssila'meshnik here, coming at you with another speedrunning video. Today we're going to be doing the any% drive Korvosa to chaos achievement in Age of Lost Omens 2: the Shadows of Golarion. Now comes the most important part of the run, picking our champion! And you might be thinking, 'but Ssila'meshnik, aren't you obviously just going to pick one of those fucking guys' and the answer is no, that's boring. Fortunately, we do have another candidate - one of our minor characters has been asking for someone, anyone, to give them the ability to channel positive energy, and what do you know, we qualify! Thankfully, there aren't any inquisitors here to ruin our fun just yet, so we can get off to a strong start with just one cleric circle...

Permalink Mark Unread

Would you believe me if I said esprit de corps?

No, Nethys has betrayed Me too many times for Me to accept that kind of argument.

i'm definitely up to something here, I just need to figure out what.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if it's better for Us if You don't know? One of those "when giving to the needy, don't let Your head know what the left hand is doing" things.

Permalink Mark Unread

What if it's better for Us if You don't know? One of those "when giving to the needy, don't let Your head know what the left hand is doing" things.

Sounds like what a liar says when He thinks You're an idiot. I'm not an idiot, Me.


we can get off to a strong start with just one cleric circle

You can only cleric people within 1 alignment step, but I think I've seen a possibility from another world, that if you Oracle someone in the room and imply it's part of a chaotic scheme, Otolmens might Oracle or Cleric or Paladin Kroft in retaliaton!

I recommend the bound shadow, a few oracle levels might give it enough bonus to it's will to escape!

Permalink Mark Unread

Give it the Life mystery if at all possible! We want a shadow that can channel positive energy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds like what a liar says when He thinks You're an idiot. I'm not an idiot, Me.

I can't help speaking this way, I have a condition.

Look, what if -

Permalink Mark Unread

Nethys, go back to just watching. I can't imagine how you would finish that sentence.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you want to hang out here much longer though, you're going to need to talk to Pharasma about it.

Is it okay if I live an entrance open, and only allow entities that came in through it to use it to exit back? [cc. Pharasma] 

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, by the way, if you give Kroft divine levels, you'll be able to better monitor her, and also recall most of the granted powers should she start complicating Containment too much. Given her nature, she is very likely to interpret removal of divine power as a signal to reevaluate her actions. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, people, I was looking at Golarion timelines, and I found some cool ones. Apparently in some of them, the people are evacuated to a giant space station powered by the Starstone which is cool. This part of Nethys hasn’t seen what happens in this particular case before, but given the presence of Numerian anomaly, I think this might he good conditions to try for the station earlier than usual, who's with me? (Of course I know that already, but it’s polite to ask)

Permalink Mark Unread

Otolmens, by the way, if you give Kroft divine levels, you'll be able to better monitor her, and also recall most of the granted powers should she start complicating Containment too much. Given her nature, she is very likely to interpret removal of divine power as a signal to reevaluate her actions. 

The levels would cost me in ONE direction and then in the OTHER one. 

It would be more PRUDENT to not PAY for them at ALL.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hey, people, I was looking at Golarion timelines, and I found some cool ones. Apparently in some of them, the people are evacuated to a giant space station powered by the Starstone which is cool. This part of Nethys hasn’t seen what happens in this particular case before, but given the presence of Numerian anomaly, I think this might he good conditions to try for the station earlier than usual, who's with me? (Of course I know that already, but it’s polite to ask)

You still have not EXPLAINED the Numerian ANOMALY. After I was ASKED to not DECONSTRUCT it.

You may do so PSEUDO-HYPOTHETICALLY if you would PREFER.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it's like, there's four of them, and they 'coincidentally' have had lives that shaped their minds to the exact state they'd be in if actually they were being piloted by extradimensional beings. And. Uhhh they're probably going to make level 20 in like, 6 months tops. Someone help me out here, I'm not explaining it very well.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm gonna request a pseudo-hypothetical for that.

[initiating pseudo-hypothetical transmission]

There's a level of reality somehwhere between Thread level and Creation level, which might or might not exist. If it exists, the entities from that level have some limited observations of both Creation and Thread levels, and can determine actions of the four anomalies in the Creation level, which of course also has reverbs on Thread level.

If it doesn't exist, then the anomalies hallucinate its existance, and take the same actions anyway. 

It is vital that the entities of the Game level do not become aware of the full structure, or the Thread level in particular. It might escalate paradox values exponentially, resulting in total unravelling of Creation level.

Permalink Mark Unread

[joining psuedo-hypothetical discussion]

It may help to take a look at the Thread-level appearances of 'Those Fucking Guys', Hasagi Choryon, Altronus, and Lyvina Mayyad.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

Would it not be SAFER to CONTAIN or DESTROY the anomalies? 

Permalink Mark Unread

I couldn't say for sure, but it's possible that if you do that Creation just ends.

It wouldn't necessarily feel like anything from the inside, but Time might slow to a crawl and then stop forever.

Something like that happens every time I write a tag!

Permalink Mark Unread

And more importantly, even if something happened to them they would just roll up new characters.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Also, two of them are clerics. I bet their gods would take issue if you tried to squish them.

I figure you're pretty much stuck with these guys.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it's like, there's four of them, and they 'coincidentally' have had lives that shaped their minds to the exact state they'd be in if actually they were being piloted by extradimensional beings. And. Uhhh they're probably going to make level 20 in like, 6 months tops. Someone help me out here, I'm not explaining it very well.

Four level twenty characters with a god and an Empyreal Lord running interference for them, armed with knowledge from beyond Creation, are quite plausibly a match for a Primordial Inevitable.

And if they die apparently:

And more importantly, even if something happened to them they would just roll up new characters.

This certainly changes the equilibrium.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a level of reality somehwhere between Thread level and Creation level, which might or might not exist. If it exists, the entities from that level have some limited observations of both Creation and Thread levels, and can determine actions of the four anomalies in the Creation level, which of course also has reverbs on Thread level.

If it doesn't exist, then the anomalies hallucinate its existance, and take the same actions anyway. 

And they perform their cognition on a Metalayer that Otolmens does not have free access to.

It is vital that the entities of the Game level do not become aware of the full structure, or the Thread level in particular. It might escalate paradox values exponentially, resulting in total unravelling of Creation level.

And if they perform the wrong cognition there, it will undo Creation.

Permalink Mark Unread
Permalink Mark Unread

I have HEARD from my PSEUDO-HYPOTHETICAL self that your INFORMATION will be WORTH the PRICE of EMPOWERING mortal CKROFT#17967.

Permalink Mark Unread

[reading reading reading OH NO]

Permalink Mark Unread

As a point of FACT, it seems that EMPOWERING CKROFT#17967 will be GREATLY BENEFICIAL for the purpose of MONITORING this DISASTER.

It ALSO seems POSSIBLE in light of new INFORMATION and revealed CAPABILITIES that there are OTHER attainable equilibrium states that will BETTER minimize the ANNUAL risk of Containment Breach even at a larger POPULATION. I am not AVERSE to helping CKROFT#17967 ATTAIN such STATES.

I am CLOSING this thread.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, can you clarify something for me? 

This was a crack thread, right - it isn't canon? And I'm divinely empowered in the crack thread, not in canon?

Permalink Mark Unread

The LOGIC is the SAME in BOTH worlds.

Permalink Mark Unread


I didn't know You existed, by the way. 

When I was praying. As a private joke.


So now I'll be Your cleric, inquisitor, or - or paladin?

Permalink Mark Unread