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"Still kind of worrying. We should tell the gang. Though it's early and Jade at least won't thank us for waking her up."


"Yeah," he looks at his feet. "If the planet is dying Jen would want to be there. Well, probably."


"Do you think this" he waves a hand generally, "has something to do with that? Seems kind of too...much to be a a co-incidence, yeah?"


"Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I'm not sure why whoever built this place didn't just tell us that but it's too much to be a coincidence. That trajectory it's also too weird for me to think it's natural."


"You think there are some aliens aiming at destroying Earth, and then some other aliens decided to try and save some people? They didn't pick a very um high volume way to save people. Though I guess college students will get you an interesting mix of people."


"If you want creative explanations for things ask Emily. I'm not alien to outside the box thinking but Emily beats me by a mile and when she's being serious she's often right."


"I shall await her explanation with bated breath or something."


"Yeah, me too. I don't really see how it explains the weirdness with not talking to us or explaining things but maybe she'll have an idea for that too."


"Yeah. I'm getting mixed signals here."


"Yeah, me too."


"Do you want to go rustle up some breakfast before everyone else wakes up?"


"Yeah, I think that sounds good. I'm not that much of a cook but I'm good with cereal and we definitely got some of that."


"I can cook bacon and eggs and stuff but cereal works fine."

Off to breakfast.


Riley will wander into the kitchen after not too long.




"Good morning. You two are looking a little grim. Is it just missing Earth or did something happen?"


"Apparently, there's a neutron star on a collision course with the sun. So says the news from Earth at least. The news also says that Earth will survive just fine, but I'm not sure I believe that."


Riley pulls out a chair and sits down hard. "That's discouraging. Is there any way we could know with more certainty?"


"Not really, everything we're getting is from the news on Earth and that might be doctored."


"The timing is super suspicious, considering."


"The angle they're saying the neutron star is coming in at is more so. They're saying it's going to hit the sun coming almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. That's a good thirty degrees off the galactic plane which isn't entirely out of the question but it's still a little weird. The weirder part is that it's hitting the sun. The sun is pretty tiny in comparison to the solar system let alone the galaxy at large."


"What's that saying? Three times is enemy action?"


"We only have two events to work from but yes."


"I guess it doesn't change the immediate situation but it does kind of change the long term one. Like a lot."


"Yeah, I really don't want to be the last of humanity."

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