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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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And then with a quick shift, Maya is seated next to her instead.

"Hello, dear," she greets Sin with a steady smile.


"Hello, Maya." Hyacinth smiles softly. "It's nice to see you."


"Likewise. You've been very good to those of my loves you've gotten to know so far. I'm grateful we have you."


"Awww, thank you." Hyacinth cracks a smile.


She squeezes Hyacinth's hand gently, eating more of the stir-fry. "Hailey's cooking continues to delight."

After a moment, she looks up and asks, "Do you have a favorite coloring book? That is not a market we have looked into before."


"Not really. I like fantasy ones with detailed linework, but I haven't found something that fits quite yet."


"It will take some research, then. We will find something truly correct sooner or later."


"I'm really looking forward to it." 

Hyacinth finishes up with her stir fry and lets out a soft sigh. "Hailey's a good cook."


"She is," Maya agrees. "We were a touch concerned about her, when she first brought up the idea, but she has truly made it her own, made it about her enjoyment and desires rather than what she remembered being forced upon her. I'm proud."

She collects the dishes and brings them to the sink, setting about washing up.


"Awww. I'm glad." 

Hyacinth yawns softly. "I'm not sure what else there is to do today. Traveling by night would be foolish... any suggestions?"


She hums thoughtfully. "We could cuddle, watch a streamer, try a 'getting to know each other' question game of some sort..."


"Cuddling sounds good. Watching a stream together sounds cozy. I don't really want to play twenty questions right now, to be honest. It's been a long day."


"Extremely reasonable, darling."

She finishes the dishes and puts them away.

"To the pillow pit? A sofa? Bed?"


"Bed, I think. I kind of want to just while time until I drop off."


She nods and walks toward the bedroom with Hyacinth. "We'll have to see who is live."


Hyacinth goea and flops into bed, and gets all snuggly under the covers.

She wriggles a little and smiles to herself.

Lying here just feels right


Maya strips down to her bra and panties and nestles in beside her. "Hmm. We should get more clothes, when we get to Cordova. Wearing the same thing every day does get old eventually."

And she snuggles close, wrapping Hyacinth up in her arms, and pulls up a window for the streaming service. Who is online tonight, she wonders?


Callalily Markov is the only one she recognizes.


"This one," Maya says, pointing at Callalily in the list, "is a jewelry-focused craft streamer we originally picked out for Ruby. She is rather calming to watch, we've found. Does that sound good?"


Hycainth snuggles in closer. 

"Yeah." She smiles. 


And so the girls wind down snugly, watching a cheerful redhead talk about the fine gold wire she's pulling, the way this particular alloy of gold complements the play of color in that gemstone, and how she's satisfied with the way it's coming together.

It's cozy. Maya pets Sin's hair. They snuggle into each other.

Eventually they fall asleep, and the stream cuts out automatically not long after.


Hyacinth wakes the next morning still snuggled into the pirates' embrace. 

She's feeling soft and vulnerable this morning. The memory of dying flashes through her mind, scarybright. The way Hailey looked when she drove in the knife... The bright, sharp pain...


... okay, maybe she is actually a little horny this morning. 

She makes a wordless noise and wriggles a little.


Sable smiles softly and presses a kiss to Hyacinth's forehead, squeezing her tighter.

"Good morning, beautiful."


Hyacinth sighs softly and smiles.

"Good morning..."

She lays her head against Sable and takes a soft breath.

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