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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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A soft smile warms Hailey's face as she reaches into the cabinets and pulls out a pan, a cutting board, a knife, oil, the aforementioned vegetables, and the venison. She starts deftly slicing the meat.

"What's your favorite food?"


"Honestly I think I'd have to say burritos. They're very pick and choose your own experience, and when you mix in the right combination of stuff they can be excellent. Like, recently I got one from this place called... burrito bowl? Burrito bar? It was alliterative. It was rice, corn, tomato, chili sauce, and a filling... ugh, I forget the name of the filling. It's a non-meat filling that's like a biscuit with I think beans in or something? I want to say it's shawarma but that's meat, which is wrong. Do you have any clue what I'm talking about?"


"Falafel, maybe?"

She tosses some oil into the pan, adds some spices, and then tosses in the sliced meat, stirring it a bit before starting to chop the vegetables.


"Yeah, that's it! Falafel!"


"Falafel's good. Ain't had it in a while. And you can do a lot with burritos."

Stir, stir, toss the first couple veggies in.

"Hmmm. I wonder if we can track down tortillas in a big enough city? If not, I can just get a recipe, I suppose."


"Good question. Learning how to cook would definitely be a nice time-killer for when we're not questing."

Hyacinth settles in and smiles. This... feels like home. 


"Be glad to teach you."

In goes the garlic and a few more vegetables. Stir stir stir.


"Oh, I totally forgot to help with the dicing... I had a summer job at a pizza place once so I have a vague idea of what I'm doing. Is there anything else that needs to go in?"


Hailey scrapes the last of the potatoes and onions in and gestures to the carrots. "I'll stir, you cut those up for me?"



Hyacinth sets to with a will and her own personal knife. She knows the basic grips, and it's not like carrots are that hard to deal with. Her slices aren't as thin as Hailey's, but they're not terrible.


And pretty soon those are scraped into the pan as well, while Hailey keeps stirring. The venison browns up nicely, and the onions and garlic cloves cook down.

"Almost done. Can you set the table for us?"


"Of course!" 

Hyacinth gets down bowls and... forks? Yeah, forks. And sets the table as best she can.


Hailey scoops the stir fry into the bowls, grabs a roll each from the stasis cabinet, and sits down. "Ta-da."


"Looks lovely." 

Hycainth eats, a little cautiously at first but then faster as she realizes she's hungry. The venison's delicious and the veggies complement it well. 

"... This is good." She grins at Hailey and returns to her meal.


Hailey smiles and sips some water as she eats. "I like cooking. Picked up the habit from shitty exomemories, but it's really nice when I'm cooking for someone I like."


"Exomemories? Exo... outside? Memories outside what?"


She gives Hyacinth a considering look. "Sometimes headmates are created from fictional characters, and are called fictives. Sometimes fictives come with fragementary memories of their lives in their source. Those are called exomemories."


"So memories outside this reality, I guess. That makes sense."

Hyacinth smiles and goes back to her food. 


She smiles and blushes faintly, leaning over to kiss Sin's cheek before going back to her own food. "Took that better than some people have."


"I think it's natural that you'd come with backstory, so to speak. And since you're real, those experiences were real for you."


"And yet so many dumb shites can't do that simple mental math." She shakes her head, smiling fondly. "You, however, figure it out just fine. Yet another reason to love you."

She takes another bite of her stir fry. "This turned out pretty well, I think."


"Yeah, I think so too!"

Hyacinth returns to her food.


Hailey keeps eating. Midway through the meal, she gives Sin a tired smile. "Think I'm getting front-fatigued. How d'you feel about Sable or Maya switching in?"


"I think I'd like to get to know Maya some more, if that's okay?"


Hailey squeezes Sin's hand, smiles, and nods.

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