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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Hyacinth doesn't stir. Her gaze is faraway, now.


Hailey's right behind her in orgasm, gaze locked with Sin's as they both cum and Sin fades.


The next thing Sin sees, when the darkness clears, is wood. She's curled up in something round and cushioned — maybe a basket? — with her tail in her arms and several cozy blankets draped over her. Above and around her is something large and wooden, perhaps a desk. She's unbound, just cozily enveloped in warmth and softness.


She lays in the basket and marinates in warmth for a long while. 

She's died. She's died and gone to heaven. 

Very eventually, she uncurls from the basket, gathers the blankets around her, and gets up to inspect the room.


The room is well-lit, with soft rugs over a hardwood floor, a nice chair by the desk, and a few more by the bookshelves that line the walls. A fancy fountain pen rests in a pen holder atop an expensive-looking leather blotter on the mahogany desk. There's a single door into the next room.


She seems to be wearing clothes now, beneath all the blankets. But she keeps the blankets anyway when she goes into the next room.


There's a blonde with a messy bun in an oversized sweater and shorts curled up on a very plush-looking couch, and two overstuffed armchairs. Out the windows is a forest, the ground sloped as though they're up the side of a mountain, dense with enormous, old-growth spruce and pine trees.

She looks up at Sin with a smile. "Well hi."


"Yeah, um, hi." She ducks her head. Gosh this is embarassing. "... I figured it was best to... do it in a controlled way first, you know." 

She runs a hand through her own hair. "Still can't quite believe I actually went through with it."


"Yeah. I'm honestly impressed. Pretty sure you made Hailey's decade, too."

She shakes her head and cleans her glasses on her sweater, then asks, "How're you feeling, after all that?"


"Still haven't really processed it. I think I need to talk to Hailey about it, and I need to... just be held and petted and loved. It was gorgeous and I'm amazed she was able to do it to me and..."

She ducks her head. "It's weird, but it kind of makes me feel like I trust her more. She... did it so well."


May smiles warmly. "Sounds like it went well. Doctor May prescribes respawning as soon as you're ready and getting snuggled by your girlfriend, then."


"I am one hundred percent on board with this treatment plan."


"Well, it was good meeting you, Hyacinth. Say hi to the Pirates for me."

And blackness starts creeping steadily in around the edges of Sin's vision.


She awakens atop a mist-covered altar in a darkened room. The walls and ceiling seem to be natural stone, rough-hewn; but beneath her feet there's a curving pattern of fox tails cut into the stone, that shimmers with cerulean light. 

The cavern narrows at one end to a small flight of steps, which ascend to a door above her.

She gathers herself up, re-equips her gear, and heads for the door.


As Sin passes through the door, she finds herself in a hallway, similar to the one to the bedroom, with a couple doors on the walls, and still-naked Hailey just walking in through the curtained threshold from the living room. When she sees Sin, she dashes the length of the hallway in two bounding steps and wraps her arms and wings tightly around her.

"Welcome back," she murmurs into her ear.


Hyacinth hugs her so, so hard. 

"Hey," she murmurs. A slow smile breaks like sunrise over her face. "I love you."


Hailey pulls back just a bit to look at Hyacinth like she's a walking epiphany. "I love you too. Holy fuck."

And then she crushes her tightly to her chest again, hugging her as hard as she can.


Hyacinth giggles and flushes and holds Hailey close.

"Um, uh, you're welcome?" She kisses Hailey's shoulder. "Yours."


"Mine," she whispers. "Mine mine mine holy shit I love you."

She buries her face in Sin's hair and shoulder and squeezes tighter — between Sin being an inch taller than her and the boots adding an inch or two now that Sin's dressed, the height difference is perfect for that.


Hyacinth just holds hailey close and firm, as gently as she can.

"...Still can't believe we actually did that," she murmurs.


"Neither can I," she replies, her cheeks flushed, "holy shit it was amazing."

Then she looks down at her naked body, and the fact that they're in a hallway when there's a bedroom not thirty paces away.

"I have no idea why we're still standing here. I think I just couldn't be bothered to wait when I could be hugging you. But y'know what? Let's go to the bedroom."

She scoops Sin into her arms effortlessly and carries her off.


Sin giggles softly and lets herself be bundled off. It's really not far to the main bedroom, and she flops down on the suspiciously clean bed and smiiiiiles.


Hailey drapes herself atop Sin and smiles soft and tender and warm. "Think that fixed my touch thing, at least for you and Hibiscus. Probably not for other people yet."

She strokes her fingers through Sin's hair.

"You're lovely. That was fucking beautiful."


Hyacinth blushes deeply. "U-um. Thank you."


Hailey grins and snickers, blushing slightly. "Thank me? You're the one who gave me frankly the best scene of my life to date and put all that trust in me. No, dork, thank you."

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