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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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... then she reaches out and takes Sable's hand and places it firmly between her legs.

"Good morning." Hibiscus' voice comes out in a low, throaty purr.


"Oh my, what a fun morning I'm about to have," Sable replies with a playful smirk. She strokes gently, her fingers teasing softly along Hibiscus's folds through her panties. "Someone woke up eager, I see."


"I have a brand to uphold." Hibiscus grins and kisses Sable's shoulder, then rolls her hips in against Sable's teasing hand. 

She feels... safe. It's amazing how much this girl just gets her.


Sable arches her back, sighing warmly, and wraps her tail possessively around Hibiscus's waist, stroking up and down with her fingertips before slipping one beneath her lover's panties to feel the slick folds more directly.

"And we know brand protection is crucial, indeed. Especially thirsty brands like yours."


Hibiscus lets out a heavy exhale and chuckles softly. "Mmmmmhmmmm," she half-moans, working her body against Sable's fingers. "You have it juuuuust right."


She lifts her hand for a moment, then slips it entirely under Hibiscus's panties, fingertips playing along wet labia, thumb dancing lightly across the hood of her clit. "Oh good," she teases. "I wouldn't want to disappoint."


Hibiscus takes a sharp breath as Sable's fingers dance over her clit, then stops her mouth with a deep, tongue-tangled kiss.


Sable sighs hotly into the kiss, wrapping a hand around one of Hibiscus's breasts and caressing tenderly, while slipping two fingers into her entrance and teasing her clit again at the same time. She rolls her hips as well, grinding softly against her thigh.


Hibiscus pulls back with a deeply pleased smile and grinds in her thigh in turn, one hand coming in to grope at Sable's ass. 

"Fuck you're hot," she breathes. "Use me, please." 


She smirks. "Oh, is that what kind of morning you want," she teases, before rolling Hibiscus onto her back roughly. She straddles one of her thighs, grinding her cunt hard against her girlfriend. Her lips trail down Hibi's cheek to her neck, kissing and nipping and savoring the taste of her. Her right hand gropes her breast roughly, pinching her nipple, while her left keeps working two fingers in and out of her cunt and teasing across her clit.

"Dequip those clothes before I tear 'em off you and make you walk to Cordova commando," she growls lustily. Her tail unwraps from Hibi's waist to do the same, dexterously flickering through the menus and vanishing her own bra and panties.


"Oh hell yes." 

She de-equips all her clothes with a swipe through a menu and grinds onto Sable's fingers and clenches around them, her thigh rubbing in firm against sable's cunt, her breath rushing and falling and burning in her lungs with sweet heat. Sweat stands out on her skin as she gropes Sable back, her hands digging into the soft flesh of her breasts and ass. She even wraps her tail around Sable's leg to pull her more firmly onto her upraised thigh. 

Her thighs tense with each deep stroke of Sable's fingers, and she arches her back against the bed, her body rolling with each motion. 

"Ahhhhhhh, fuck, Sable..." Her tone is full of need and desire, eager and worshipful.


She curls in and down, her lips and teeth ravenous as she sucks and bites her way down across Hibiscus's shoulder, over her collarbone, and up the soft swell of her right breast. Her fingers curl upward as she plunges them in and out of her cunt, stroking firmly again and again against Hibiscus's g-spot. Her thumb flicks circles around and across her clit, and all the while she grinds her own cunt slickly against Hibiscus's thigh.


Hibiscus shudders. "Yes, oh yes, that's it, right there —"

Her hips buck against Sable's stroking fingers and she gasps out sharply. "Sable, Sable, Sable —" 

Electric shocks ring through her sex with every firm stroke of Sable's thumb, and her head is full of the taste and scent and sight of her, those eyes looking deep into her own, every touch and kiss from this beautiful woman searing itself into her brain with every stroke, stroke, stroke. 

She clenches her toes and pulls Sable even closer, dragging her up into another long hot kiss, and clenches around the fingers probing so slickly inside her.


Sable moans into the kiss, hungry for the sounds of pleasure that spill from Hibiscus's lips, desperate for the shudders that wrack her body, her own pleasure rising as she presses herself tightly against her lover and grinds against her thigh. Her fingers keep up their heavy pace, plunging hard and fast into her cunt, teasing spark after spark into her clit. Her other hand keeps pinching and twisting her nipple, groping her breast. "Hibiscus," she breathes between kisses. "Precious, gorgeous Hibiscus, I need you." She deepens the kiss, then pulls away for a moment with a bite to her lower lip. "I need your moans and your pleasure and your taste and your everything."

And then she captures her lips again.


Hibiscus gasps into the kiss, shudders, and grinds her body in hard against Sable. She's close, so close, and Sable's driving her over the edge with every firm stroke and kiss and nip —

The imprints Sable's left on her neck and collar with her teeth sting so sweetly, and her plunging fingers only stoke that heat, burning up her sex, hollow and needy and achingly satisfied with each hard pump — 

She comes apart, moaning into Sable's mouth past her tongue, utterly overwhelmed by Sable's assault on her dripping-wet pussy. Her whole body judders as her sex clenches up hard, and then slowly the tension goes from her, the heat washing over her in a blissful tide of release.


She savors every twitch, every shudder, every gasp. Her moans rise just behind Hibiscus's, her breath ragged and heated. She grinds down hard as she rides through her lover's orgasm, keeping up her thrusting and stroking fingers, reaching her own peak as Hibiscus's slows down. She shudders and gasps, compulsively ravishing her neck and shoulder and breasts with kisses and bites as she comes undone, before finally sagging down atop her.


Hibiscus grins and giggles. "Looks like someone had fun." 

She rolls her shoulders and then stretches out beneath Sable, like a cat that's lain in a sunbeam for a little too long. "What a gorgeous little snack." She kisses Sable's shoulder and then gently extricates herself from beneath her, getting up to pace, still nude, over to the sealit beach window and back again. She dispenses a small headpat to Sable when she comes back.

"Sorry," she says. "Not super in the mood for post-coitus snuggles right now." She stretches. "Honestly right now I'm tempted to go cook a little. Make some breakfast. You look ravishing by the way, you've got a great just-fucked face." She gives Sable a full-force grin. 


She smiles softly. "S'valid. Breakfast would be lovely."

She twists her mind a delicate sort of sideways, pulling Maya into co-con. Their wings drape snugly over her as a cuddle substitute.

"I'll manage on the snuggles, I think. Thank you for being your gorgeous, fascinating self."


... Hibiscus steps in and draws a hand over Sable's wing just once, up and down. 

"... You're ravishing," she says softly. "And I'm glad to have you as a partner. I..." 

Her gaze darts away. "... Thank you."


She shivers at the stroke along her wing, smiling gently.

"Always," she murmurs. "Loving you two is easier than anything has been in a very, very long time."


Hibiscus blushes a little at that. 

"... Awwwww," she says. "You're so cute. And so besotted, like wow."


She blushes as well, still smiling. "Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you're not far behind me, for all you're still sorting your feelings out," she teases back.


"I, um..." Hibiscus looks down. "Yeah, I probably am. But that hasn't stopped things from falling apart sometimes in the past with people I liked on chat, so..." 

She sits on the bed next to Sable..

"It's hard to love again when you've been burned. Hard to... accept the plunge again, knowing it could end in tears. It's different in person. More intense. I just... There's so many variables, and no guide I can look up to give me the optimal build path. I've specced communication as best I can, but..."

Hibiscus takes a breath and looks Sable in the eyes. "Yeah," she admits. "I think you're right and I probably do love you. But don't think for a second that that means I won't walk away if you turn out to be like — sorry, no, I shouldn't talk about my exes —" 

She taps her hand against her forehead. 

"... I want to be myself with you," she finally admits. "And not just a character. I want to get to see you in person. I want to... learn you, all your habits and foibles and — ways you are. I want you to eat me sometime. I just... It's hard to be with someone when I'm so used to being alone in any reality that seems physical."


"If any of us do anything to hurt either of you, you tell us and we'll do everything in our power to fix it. I like that you have standards for me to rise to meet. I like that you want to be yourself, want to make things as true and real and authentic as we can possibly make them."


Her face softens.

"It's reasonable for it to be hard after you've been burned. I have been there. Take all the time you need."

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