Making immortality safe and reliable in a way that scales is, evidently, somewhat hard. A few of the greatest Sparks in the world are ancient, but most are not. Perhaps Sparkless Science could solve that problem in a couple of dozen decades, but that does not give current people an incentive to invest.
Kelsam is rather smart for a non-Spark, though. He has gone past what Europa would consider the first obvious thought on the subject, instead of throwing himself madly harder at replicable immortality.
Kelsam doesn't need large groups of wealthy-enough people to stay alive into the future.
He needs them to expect to be in the future, and in a way that depends on future science and engineering getting far enough.
So what if, when somebody got old today, they could somehow travel to a few centuries later, after post-Spark science and engineering had advanced to the point of doing replicable safe immortality?
There are several known historical cases of stasis pods, time-suspenders, etcetera. They were all built by specialized or overpowered Sparks, of course, because that's just how Europa rolls. But that can maybe be improved-on! Whereas safe and reliable immortality is evidently hard, building cheaper stasis-pods doesn't have that sort of known hardness. This is especially true if you're willing to tolerate the sort of incidental damage in the stasis procedure that a post-Spark, replicable-science Future Civilization could probably also cure; thus the problem Kelsam needs to scale is, in a way, easier than the standard problem of stasis pods.
So what Kelsam is currently working on is getting the sort of stasis-pod design that is allowed to cause some side effects, can be reliably reproduced by more than one Spark, doesn't take significant work or expense to maintain, and isn't that costly to have a minor Spark build a hundred copies of.
Then, he will build a generation-spanning conspiracy of high-net-worth individuals to sponsor the long-term development of Post-Spark Science under conditions where they can expect to personally see and benefit from the results of their labor!