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the minion of disaster
a spark summons a secretary
Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn's day could be going considerably better.


Walter was supposed to be helping Opalyn get packed up for the movers, but he bailed. Walter was supposed to be doing a lot of things.

Walter was supposed to love her forever. He'd wax poetic, saying how bright Opalyn's sun burned in their binary star system of romantic destiny, especially when he was lying sweaty and spent on top of her. The rhapsodic language was generally lost on Opalyn, but she'd thought it meant something real to him, at least.

He changed his mind. Now Opalyn has to do the packing on her own, and she's out of boxes.


Time to make a quick Home Depot run. She knows exactly where the moving boxes are, in the back center of the store on aisle 44. She can be there and back in half an hour.

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You wouldn't think walking across the parking lot of a Home Depot would come with significant hazard exposure to high-speed truck hazards.

Apparently, it does.

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What the ---

Opalyn launches herself sideways out of the path of the truck but oh shit it's swerving it's gonna hit ---

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There's only a split second for the truck to loom larger in Opalyn's vision, coming for her head.

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And then, just before it hits -- she is somewhere else.

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Inside a room of dark metal, lit by crackling arcs of green lightning.

Opalyn's eyes may take a moment to adjust to this from the outdoor daylight.

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A man's voice is shouting something.

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Opalyn was dodging to the side to escape the truck, before ---

--- and now she's on the floor, her shoulder a little wrenched, her hands scraped a bit from where she landed, blinking to adjust to the strange lighting, trying to make out the figure of the man,

who, while strange, is most assuredly NOT a giant truck ---


What in holy hells just happened.


And what does he mean, SECRETARY? Like, of STATE? Of DEFENSE? Of the TREASURY? It better be one of those.

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He seems, after his final statement, to actually notice Opalyn and her disarrayed position.

"Are you all right, my new minion?" he says, in a voice that sounds like it would be drawn with jagged edges if it was a font.

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"Minion?" Opalyn sputters as she stands up.

"Who the fuck are you that you think I'm your minion? Explain yourself."

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He doesn't look at all offended by this language or this request, almost as if it's a very routine way of talking in his native culture.  "I am Doctor Disaster!  Builder and ruler of the glorious utopian city of Little Damar!  The mightiest spark that the southwest corner of the Black River region has ever known!"

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Okay, he's just insane. No point in being indignant at him. She'll try asking nicely instead.

"I see! Nice to meet you, Doctor Disaster."

Uh, that came out a little skeptical. She clears her throat and tries again.

"If you really brought me here, and we're not just part of the same nightmarish delusion, please put me back where you found me. Er, correction, please put me back either a full minute earlier or else translated five meters south. Or both. Whatever. Just not in exactly the same time and place. But very nearby. Um, thanks."

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"A ha!  I infer that the most intricate element of my design, to bring forth my new secretary from a moment when she would have otherwise faced a dire fate, has proven entirely successful!  Kindness is not unknown to me, you see.  I have made an extensive study of its most famous practitioners and their surprising effectiveness.  That is why -- in a stroke of genius that not one spark in a thousand could ever match -- I have summoned forth my future lieutenant under conditions that should ensure she faces me initially with gratitude rather than immense resentment for her permanent, irreversible, one-way summons!"

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One-way summons?


To whatever extent this guy is even coherent, he would claim that there's no way for her to go back.


(Or at least, this is what Opalyn is desperate to believe, because if it's really true, then ugh.)

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Opalyn does not have a lot of moves here. She's in a strange place with no resources and no local knowledge. This crazed loon is calling at least the next few shots.


"Well, now that you point it out, I CAN sort of see how kind you are! If I squint!"

"What do you have in mind for me, oh Doctor my Doctor?"

She wonders if he can even perceive sarcasm, or if he's the wrong flavor of narcissist for that.

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WHY would he perceive SARCASM when his MINION is talking like a NORMAL MINION?

"I intend for you certain tasks that have proven too arduous for the usual methods of hiring or creating employees, which indeed is why, after a few failed forays into the field of human resources, I realized that it would be easier to solve the unprecedented scientific problems associated with shaped dimensional retrieval rather than those associated with reading resumes and conducting job interviews."

"You, my secretary, shall take charge of organizing my castle, and less importantly my glorious utopian city. This shall enable me, Doctor Disaster, to attend to more urgent matters, such as the resonance anomaly in the city's cascade generator, and also of course fighting the war started by my last secretary."

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"If I'm going to take this job at ALL" -- not that she has a whole lot of choice here --

"I demand a better title than 'Secretary.'"


"Like... Supreme Sultana. Or the Zesty Czarina."

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"I think that may be the most reasonable job benefit request I have ever heard.  You shall be known henceforth as the Supreme Sultana of Doctor Disaster, Miss... what was your name exactly?"

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"Opalyn. Opalyn Miller."


She grudgingly admits to herself that being the Supreme Sultana of a castle and an allegedly utopian city sounds a little bit more fun than finishing packing her apartment and nursing a broken heart.

"Can you say more about what you expect me to actually... do?"

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"If I knew how to run a castle I wouldn't need you."

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Oh dear.

"Well, what are the things that are going wrong from your perspective, and what future state of affairs would satisfy you that the problems had been fixed?"

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"A correctly conceptualized invention has a purpose, a function, and a design.  For example, the purpose of the material castle around us is to contribute to the glory of Doctor Disaster.  The castle's functions include for example sheltering the people within, whether from the weather or marauding sneep-birds.  The castle's design, therefore, includes solid outer walls."

"Applying a similar philosophy to the people inside the castle has not, for me, proven successful.  I hasten to say this is because they seem to be dissatisfied with that philosophy, not because I am."

"Nonetheless!  The purpose of the castle and the city--including now both the material elements of them, and their personnel--is my glory and preeminence as a spark."

"Their functions include!  To provide an environment in which I can work on my inventions!  To provide minions who can assist in phases of constructing inventions!  To provide soldiers who can wield my inventions to defend that environment!  To host workers who can use my inventions to produce profits that can pay for more inventions!  And then, surrounding all this is a larger edifice of city personnel who provide goods and services required or desired by those minions, soldiers, workers, and the city itself.  To serve that function in turn, my glorious utopian city of Little Damar must succeed at being a nice place to live -- even for the people who are not me -- as compared to the cities offered by other sparks who fail to understand this non-obvious concept."

"As for the design of the castle and city, it seems to be failing.  You, its Supreme Sultana, may perhaps be called upon to revise that design.  Its relatively more sapient components are not reliably carrying out the functions I have attempted to assign."

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"So you're saying the people who work for you don't do what you want?"

Opalyn's top theory is that they can't figure out what he wants, if this is the way he tries to explain it to them.

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"So, you basically just want everything to run smoothly while you go about making inventions, and something about that is not working for you. But also you're just about to leave and go deal with the resonance anomaly and the war. So... imagine two possible futures. In one of them, you conclude that I've done an excellent job as Supreme Sultana. In the other, you think it's gone terribly. How will you tell the difference between those two futures? What is the concrete, measurable thing or things you'll be looking at?"

Opalyn gets that there's supposed to be a whole ecosystem that works harmoniously together, but how does it cash out in ways he actually cares about?

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"I have not proven adept at coming up with precise, carefully constructed measures which my minions in turn cannot figure out how to defeat.  There was, for example, that time when I believed that the solution to our ongoing cobra problem was to measure success in dead cobras, and neglected to consider that using my lab equipment to clone cobras was a faster way for a minion to apparently achieve this goal."

"If your advanced interdimensional secretarial powers enable you to understand what I actually mean, however, then I think I shall be happy enough when my minions are smiling and productive, when my soldiers are as triumphant as could be expected given the forces arrayed against them, when my workers are profitable, and when the people in my city are not rioting.  Please do not take this set of requests as an invitation to administer drugs to my minions that place their faces in permanent smiling rictuses, like my last secretary."

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Ohhhhh he's one of those kind of CEOs. He just wants everything to magically work without having to explain clearly or even think clearly, for that matter. Okay. That narrows the search space.

Still, he can tell that something specific isn't right, or he wouldn't be grumpy.


"Let me try one more thing. Which one of these sounds the closest?

1. You rarely get interrupted, somebody else handles most problems without needing to escalate to you.
2. Someone anticipates what you're going to ask for and has it ready to go when you need it.
3. You have a translator to explain what you mean to other people so that they actually get it.
4. You somehow end up feeling more glorious and preeminent than you even expected.
5. Other."

He's going to say all of the above, isn't he. Of course he is.

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"I am tempted to say most problems not escalating to me, but I have been recently traumatized and it is hard to trust that you would achieve this end without murdering potential escalators like my last secretary.  Anticipating what I need in advance of my needing it sounds impossible.  I did not even try to work that into my summoning machine because I would not expect any secretary like that to exist in the entire multiverse."

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"Okay! That helps! You don't mind me talking to you and asking you things, and it's okay if I don't read your mind. However, there's a big impedance mismatch between you and the rest of the world and you need help with that, and the outcome of the whole thing should be glory."

Opalyn would feel pretty good about this as a set of desiderata -- except for the part where she also really struggles to understand what Doctor Disaster wants!

Maybe it'll be moot. Maybe he'll go deal with his other problems and she can just run the castle and the city however she wants. Or maybe she can just coast a bit while she figures out what she really wants to do with her second chance at life. Because it's not obvious that being a secretary -- even one who's called a Supreme Sultana -- is what Opalyn wants to do.

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Also, wait -- his last secretary:

  • started a war,
  • drugged people into appearing happy,
  • murdered people who tried to escalate problems to him,
  • and was possibly implicated in the dead cobra incident?
That's one impressively bad secretary!

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"An impedance mismatch?  Are you saying that my problems result from a simple defect of my electrical conductivity?  That thought had never occurred to me!  It seems straightforward enough to fix... perhaps by infusing myself with high-biocompatibility hyperconductors..."

Doctor Disaster looks quite taken by this helpful suggestion, and is already turning towards a dark-chrome whiteboard with equations drawn on it in glittering metallic colors.

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That was not what Opalyn meant! But if he thinks it's plausible, maybe that's because physics is different here. She doesn't want to gainsay someone in his own area of expertise when she has no context and no understanding of how things work here.

And anyway, it's all beside the point. She doesn't know the first thing about how to survive here and she can't let him get distracted before he finishes talking to her. She's met these mad genius types before and once he gets hyperfocused on the next thing, it'll be too late. Opalyn will wither away into a skeleton before he remembers to feed her.


"Er, um, that's not totally what I intended, but more importantly, don't get distracted from this conversation, please! I still need more information to go on! Like, where do I go when I leave this room, where do I sleep, how do I find food, and is there anyone else at all who knows anything and who can help me with the hundred questions I have after those four?"

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"I expect my surviving minions will be able to provide you with much of that.  I am not quite sure who is in charge of what, at the moment, besides of course my Supreme Sultana.  Your predecessor carried out a number of successive reorganizations.  I would offer you her former accommodations, but... I am not sure that all of the mess has been cleaned up.  Um.  You could have the suite for visiting Sparks in the meanwhile?  Yes.  Yes!  That should be suitably luxurious for my Supreme Sultana!  I... believe all the weird modifications from last time have been undone."

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"Your... surviving minions?"

"Can you say more about how they died, or, like, best practices for not dying around here? I just almost died and I'd like to make it at least a week before I go through that again."

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"Hm.  Best practices for not dying?  I have never heard of such a thing, and yet, now that you have suggested it, I can see its potential usefulness!  Hm.  Hmmm.  Item one:  Start working on immortality well in advance of needing it.  Don't wait until you're already getting old and senile to begin building immortality-related machines.  Item two:  Don't stick your head into any glowing energy fields especially if they are larger than your head.  Item three--"

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Opalyn is mostly going to have to piece things together for herself. Or else start a comedy routine in which she's the straight man and he says all the punchlines.

"All right! Thank you for starting to work on immortality! That will probably serve us well eventually! But meanwhile, could you show me those quarters, or tell me how to get there?"

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"Of course!  No, wait!  I almost forgot!  I must give you the means to command my machines -- and show others that you speak with my own voice."  He whirls over to one of his possibly-workbenches, and starts picking out assorted steampunk gidgets and geegaws, including in one case by smashing the clock on the workbench and picking several bent springs out of its wreckage.  "Begin speaking, Supreme Sultana.  Anything will do."

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He must have a lot of confidence in his interdimensional summoning ritual if he's giving her full authority on a few minutes' notice! Or maybe he just has a lot of confidence in everything he does!

She has a premonition about what he's going to do.

"The Supreme Sultana is the bomb diggity and you must do as she says."

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In a quite unreasonably short period of time, the man presents Opalyn with a steampunk torc to wear, hinged in multiple places so that it can click around her neck -- not all the way around, it'll stay open at the back.  The centerpiece is a huge red jewel-or-something that will fit over her throat.

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Oh no. This mostly makes Opalyn think of the talking dogs from Up. She will try to be more dignified than they are.

The torc is pretty enough and she likes the look of it. She'll put it on.

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"Excellent.  Now, whenever you tense your neck, for example when you are upset, you shall speak in a voice of command."

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Opalyn takes half a second to remember that she almost died and that she's now beholden to a madman, which does serve to get her a little riled, and then wrenches her neck into a weird position.

She clears her throat, and says:

"You forgot to synchronize the beam modulator with the ship's warp core!"

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It comes out in exactly Doctor Disaster's voice.

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"Synchronize the what with the what now?"

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Oh, this is fun. She's been kind of wanting to do an evil villain laugh ever since she got here and figured out what kind of place this was, but it's going to be so much more satisfying with the voice changer.

"Don't worry about it. Beam modulators are not for you. Bwahaha. Bwahaha. Bwahahahahaha!"

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The man might possibly worry that he's created a monster, if that were something that Sparks ever worried about, ever.

"Good.  I see the authority torc is operating as expected under normal usage.  Now, let me show you to the nearest minion so that you can order them to see you settled."

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In a castle like this one, you never have to look far to find a minion!

"What now--oh.  Is this the new secretary."

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"You will refer to her as my Supreme Sultana!"

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Good, having Doctor Disaster correct the minion is slightly less awkward than 1) correcting him herself, thus cementing her new identity as an unbelievably arrogant jerk, or 2) not correcting him, thus cementing her identity as a meek secretary!

"Can you show me to the quarters normally used by visiting Sparks, please?" whatever that means.

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He turns and heads off down one of the many steampunk-appearing corridors in this steampunk-appearing castle.

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Doctor Disaster will also turn to head back to his important experiments, if nobody stops him.

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Opalyn will follow the minion, paying attention as she goes, so that maybe she can find her way back to Doctor Disaster in case she wants to ask him more questions later. Or in case she wants to break into his lab and build a device that will launch her out of this universe and into one she likes better. She hasn't made up her mind about this universe yet, and isn't sure whether it ranks better or worse than her expected-average-universe.

Does she see anything in the corridors that strikes her as especially noteworthy, worth further investigation later, or just nifty?

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It all kind of looks like this, is the issue.  Opalyn hasn't been here long enough to decode which mysterious inscrutable arcane flashily-lit dangerous-looking doorways are more noteworthy than others.

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After they've been walking long enough to probably be out of earshot of Doctor Disaster, the minion speaks!

"So.  What sort of Supreme Sultana are you, exactly?"

It doesn't exactly sound like the jagged-font voice when the man says it, but one can tell it's meant to refer to that voice.

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What does this question mean? It's the kind of thing people on Earth say all the time, and it's probably supposed to have a standard meaning in Neurotypical, but Opalyn has trouble guessing. He probably doesn't literally mean that Opalyn should index over all possible Supreme Sultanas, organize them into some sort of ontology, label the types, place herself in one of the categories, and then emit the label on that category. Right? That's not what he means?

So... probably he just wants her to say anything at all about herself so that he can get a better sense for what he's dealing with?

"I think hexagons are the best regular polygons, because they tile the plane but they're not boring like triangles and squares."

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"Got it."

He doesn't say anything else until they're at her new suite.

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Ohhhh. It's so pretty! The mountains out the window! All the gadgets to examine! The total lack of moving boxes, or expectation that she is supposed to pack! She loves it!

"Thank you! This is great!"

"I also need: paper, pens in various colors, a selection of pillows of different squishiness, a washroom that includes a giant bathtub, some help finding food, and a list of the most pressing problems to solve in the castle and the city."

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"That is a much more sensible list than I was expecting.  You sure you don't also want... a sack with 200 hamsters, or something like that."

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"Not yet! I'll let you know when that comes up, and glad to know that's an option!"

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"Right then.  I'll get you the paper and pens, ask Dame Fleur to send someone over with the pillows, Von Gaston to send over someone with a menu.  Larger tub in the washroom means you're going to have to appoint somebody to be a new manager of construction minions and then talk to them about that."

"I'd say the most pressing problem in the castle is that nobody knows anymore who's doing anything or in charge of anything, except for food and laundry.  I can try to get a message to the chief assistant under our last secretary to present himself to you, on the very remote chance that he knows something helpful."

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Opalyn did not actually expect to get everything on her list. It's heartening that she can, in theory, spin up a team of construction minions! And that the food and laundry services supposedly still function!

"Right then. Two questions. First, when you say 'our last secretary,' do you in fact mean Dr. Disaster's last head secretary, the one who allegedly started a war and drugged a lot of people into appearing happy and so on? Or is this some other person?"

"Second, if I wanted to take sort of a census of who all lives and works here and what they do, how would you suggest I go about that?"

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"Yeah.  That secretary."

"I'm... sort of surprised that you wouldn't just construct a giant robot that roams the halls of the castle, kidnapping people and forcing them to answer a list of census questions?  Finding it a bit hard to think past that, honestly.  I guess you could just appoint a census-taker?"

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"Yes! I would like to meet that assistant! And also, roughly how many people are we talking about here, and how big is the castle?"

If it's twenty people and she can walk all the halls of the castle in half a day, she wants to do all of it herself. No substitute for direct data-collection, unfiltered by alien sensibilities. But if it's five hundred people and it would take two weeks just to walk swiftly through the entire space, then she's going to need to delegate.

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"Dunno.  Three hundred?  Six hundred?  You've always got new hopefuls arriving and old hopefuls getting accidentally teleported to the jungles of Iguana."

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"The... Jungles of Iguana? Why do people continuously get transported to the same strange location instead of getting randomly teleported to other strange locations sometimes? Do people continuously make the same mistakes over and over instead of making new mistakes? You know what, never mind, I'm getting distracted, that is not the most important thing. Cancel that question."

"Instead, what is it that makes people so hopeful about working here? Why do they want to do that, despite the obvious risks of accidental teleportation, cobra infestations, marauding robot census-takers, and so on?"

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"For as long as I've known Doctor Disaster, his entire life, the man has never deliberately killed a single person who's pledged allegiance to him.  There's people who come to Little Damar -- that's the town you can see out below your window -- who've traveled a thousand miles to get there, carrying all that's left of everything their family owns, just because they've heard about that part and figure it's maybe one-third of the way true."

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Not killing the people who are on your own side is enough to get people to swarm to your team? That is a depressingly low bar and Opalyn's opinion of this universe just plummeted.

On the other hand, she seems to have landed in a relatively decent part of the world, and maybe she's standing in a solid enough place to improve the rest of it, once she gets her bearings? Worth further investigation anyway.

But before she can overhaul a world, she needs to overhaul a city, and before that, a castle. One step at a time.

"Going back to the census thing, now that I realize there are hundreds of people, I don't need a complete list of them yet. How would you suggest I identify the most important people? Feel free to make up your own metric for 'important' but tell me what it is."

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"I guess I'd try to get everyone who's in charge of anyone else, and then maybe ask them that question?  I'm not, actually, important."

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Sigh, yes.

Opalyn had been hoping this was the sort of situation where the first minion you meet in the castle turns out to be the quiet, steady, brains of the whole operation, but that doesn't seem to be true here. This guy is pretty friendly and helpful but is not poised to do Opalyn's job. She'll try again to explain it better, kindly.

"Yes, that's right! Being in charge of other people is probably a good metric for who's most important! And how would I go about locating those people? For example, do you have a suggested list of names already in your mind? Or do you have an idea who I could talk to who would have such a list?"

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"Um... huh.  I could run around asking everyone I know who's been in charge of anything to come by your quarters, if they can get there before sunset?  Or I could send over Zoltan Lennart, he's a bit shady but has a reputation for knowing who's been up to what."

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"Yes, thank you, that sounds great!"

"So what I am now expecting is to sit here in this room while a parade of people come by to offer me things and information that I've asked for. That sounds ideal! The only thing is, I will want them to stop when it's getting close to nighttime so that I can have some privacy and rest, and I will want to leave my room occasionally and wander through the castle trying to get a sense of the layout."

"Oh, that reminds me, if anyone is likely to have a map or diagram of the castle, the city, the whole world, or any of the above, add them to the list of people who should come and visit me."

"Anyway - I need some sort of sign or light for the outside of my door that indicates whether visitors are currently welcome. Visitors should still knock, even if the light is in the 'welcome' mode. Is that technology that already exists here or do I need to create it from spare parts found in this room?"

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He's taken out a beat-up looking marker-pen and is now writing things down on his forearm, already smeared with many layers of faded ink.

"You'd probably be better off creating it from spare parts," he says absently and without much attention while he's doing that, "instead of trying to figure out which button does what?  I sure don't know myself what anything in the Spark suite does."

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Opalyn's not quite sure how this world works, yet; evidently just wishing that the perfect door sign existed already doesn't do the trick; she'll figure something out.

"All right then! Thank you for all of your help. I've asked you for lots of things, I'll let you get on with it. Oh! By the way, what's your name? I'm, ahem, the Supreme Sultana, as the doctor already mentioned, but you can call me Opalyn if you like."

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"Tihomir, Supreme Sultana.  Tihomir Castillo, if it matters, though I think there's only the one Tihomir here."

He departs.

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And now Opalyn will look around her quarters looking for door-sign materials. She's looking for any of:

- very simple small lights of the kind where you push a button and a light comes on and you push it again and the light goes off
- simple standard small components like batteries, wires, light bulbs, and switches, such that you could trivially build the previous thing
- paperclips, brads, staples, little bits of wire, anything that you could use to attach two things but still let them spin freely with respect to each other
- paper and pens, which she already ordered from Tihomir but maybe there's some already in here?

She will explicitly not fiddle with things that look like they could open a door to a demon dimension, or shoot a freeze ray, or cause a cobra fork-bomb. She'll only play with things that seem too simple-looking to wreak havoc.

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There's definitely things that are already glowing, which could conceivably be diassembled to extract the glowing parts.  The light-containing gadgets do have visible screws, and there's plenty of screwdrivers lying around.

There aren't papers and pens immediately lying about in this room; does Opalyn want to check the other rooms in her suite, or start opening desk drawers?

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Yeah, she's not going to start taking apart the glowing things, though if she's supposed to sleep in here they are definitely going to need to stop glowing at some point. Why are hotel rooms always like this.

She'll start by checking out the rest of the suite, taking special note of:

- anywhere small and dark and cave-like, where she'll be able to sleep properly;
- the state of the current bathtub, to evaluate how important it is to improve it;
- books, looking especially for something like "A Beginner's World History";
- a mini-fridge fully stocked with Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi

After that she'll start looking through drawers, if she's not interrupted first.

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Wow. Not bad, not bad.

Taking these things in order:

- No, that is not nearly dark enough, good lord, this is going to be a problem.
- The bathtub is large enough and does not need to be improved. Her BATH TUB has a LADDER! Maybe Opalyn can put pillows in the bathtub and put a roof on it and sleep in there? It looks big and dark enough.
- Is that... a mini-fridge? Opalyn is scared to open it and find out. She'll wait until the next minion is around.
- This book looks like a D&D companion guide; she'll look through it when she gets a minute.
- Ooh! Paper and... presumably a pen? And assorted other little bits of metal!

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Opalyn takes the paper and pen and makes herself a door sign. She attaches the arrow to the main circle using a little bit of wire, and tests to make sure it will stay where she puts it even when it's hanging up. She puts "SILENTLY GO AWAY" at the bottom in case the arrow droops under gravity.

She hopes people even notice it. It doesn't light up. She also hopes they can read English, but everyone seems to understand her so far?

She hangs up the sign on the outside of the door to her suite.

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Knock knock!

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Opalyn almost says "Come in!" but realizes that doesn't match the protocol on her own sign!


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Did the Supreme Sultana order a wide variety of pillows?  A wide variety of pillows are here!

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Why are so many of them... anemones?

She takes about eight of the most promising ones and sends away the ones that will give her nightmares, like why does one of them look like a lobster claw? shudder

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Knock knock!

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Tihomir is back, bearing paper and pens.  If he notices anything anomalous about this delivery given the implied prior existence of paper and pen to create the sign outside, he says nothing of it.

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"Oh good, Tihomir, you're back. Thanks for the pens and paper, you can put those down here. Can you help me with this object?"

She points at the potential mini-fridge.

"I hypothesize that it's a drink cooler but I'm afraid maybe it's a small nuclear reactor or something, do you know what it is or how to use it?"

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"Got no idea what a 'nuclear' reactor is, but I could buy drink cooler.  You'd... pull the door open and see if there's drinks inside, I guess?"

"Sultana, maybe you've got the wrong impression of me, I've got no Spark myself to figure out how any of these things work."

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Mostly she just wanted a friendly human around when she tried to open it and a thousand tiny mechanical spiders came tumbling out. She notes that he doesn't know about nuclear power; she rather suspected he wouldn't but good to have that confirmed.

She'll try to pull the door open.

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"Based on your implicit knowledge of living in this world for (I assume) your entire life, would you guess that these are beverages, and safe to ingest? Or could they possibly be, like, battery acid, or antifreeze, or formaldehyde, or something?"

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"Don't see how you'd possibly find out without a sniff and a taste, but those do look a bit like lab jars... oh hey there's a second side to this thing."

He opens the other door.

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"I bet those are the drinks, unless somebody's having extra fun.  Oh hey, pickled mouse brains, they mostly use those in automata but they aren't bad snacks either."  He points to one of the jars.

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"I think I'll wait until that chef person you mentioned comes to talk to me before I resort to the mouse brains, but thanks for the tip!"

He can go now.

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Knock knock (wait for yes) enter.

What's she wanna eat.

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She looks, and then she looks closer, but that doesn't help.

"How... food-scarce is this place? Like, if I order one of everything, do twelve orphans go hungry tonight?"

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Nah.  Survival won't be food-limited until the war is over and there's been more time for new refugees and settlers to arrive.

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Great! She'll have one of everything, then. The Gear-Grilled Gers are probably her best bet but you never know how the Gokduira Tars are at a new place until you've tried them!

Also... war? Oh! Right, probably the one the last secretary started. Somehow it hadn't sunk in that the war would be so big that it would affect immigration levels and food supply and such. Say more about this war?

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Last secretary ate an ambassador.  Or something.  He wasn't paying close attention.

It's, like, war?  The enemy spark's soldiers come in with giant clanks and your guys fire the ray guns and a bunch of people on both sides die and eventually the clanks march away for a while and then come back again.  He's not sure of the details.  He's more the kitchen type, and gets more than enough danger that way without trying to skive off and play soldier.

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Ate an ambassador?

Is there much cannibalism in this world?

Are any of the dishes she ordered for dinner made out of ambassadors, or other humans, or other sentient creatures?

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Nah.  Doctor Disaster'd probably be sad about that.  Guy never like eats anyone even if they're already dead.

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Great, that's so reassuring! Thanks!

He can go.

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This guy enters right as the other guy is leaving!  Maybe the fact of the door being open caused him to miss the signage.

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Opalyn will let the lack of knocking slide, given the open-door thing!

"Hi, come in. Who are you, please?"

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"Jurgis, your Supreme Sultanitude.  Jurgis Schäfer.  Chief assistant to your predecessor."

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She tentatively likes the jazzed-up title, though she'll wait to see if he's mocking her!

"Ah, yes, right, thank you for coming so quickly, I appreciate that."

"As you may have heard by now, Doctor Disaster summoned me from another dimension so I'm starting from scratch here. What can you tell me about how this place works, or doesn't work?"

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"Oh, I hadn't heard about that other dimension part.  Kinda figures, I'd expect him to have trouble hiring locally given the way he treats his secretaries."

"Doctor Disaster is an incredibly nitpicky, micromanagy, impossible-to-satisfy boss who goes through secretaries like he's dealing through a deck of cards.  I hope whatever dimensional shenanigans he tried, it got him somebody who'd put up with him.  Though, the one big advantage of working for Doctor Disaster is that he won't actually kill you, at least, not on purpose.  Just fire you as soon as you somehow manage to upset him, no matter how hard you try not to."

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Huh! Opalyn really did not have Doctor Disaster pegged as a micromanager, quite the opposite. The part about firing people might be true, though. Opalyn wonders what happens to her if she's stranded in this world without a fancy title and voice changer and people to do her bidding. She'd rather not find out on the first day.

"What kinds of things does he fire people for?" 

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"Doctor Disaster complains that 'morale' is low among his henchlings.  Pereira, your predecessor, tries to find out what Doctor Disaster even means by this, or how to measure morale, or how to know if morale is getting better or worse, or how Doctor Disaster even knows that 'morale' is low in the first place, and eventually Doctor Disaster finally explains that when he sees his minions, they're not smiling as much as they used to.  Pereira works for three days on very little sleep and manages to adapt some stuff in the medical cabinet to make people smile more.  Doctor Disaster is all like 'no no no that's not what I meant' like he expects Pereira to be a fucking telepath."

"I guess that's not literally the part that got Pereira fired, that was when Doctor Disaster said there were too many complaints and Pereira turned some of the complainers into zombie-automatons but I think at that point Pereira was basically fed up with the guy and trying to get fired, if you know what I mean."

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"Got it, cool, that explains a lot. Thank you."

"Would you be able to help me figure out who all works here, who's in charge of what, and where there are big gaps in the org chart?"

"And, how would you like to be compensated for helping me with that?" She tacks this on hoping that she can essentially hire him as a contractor for two hours, not as a long-term employee. She does not want this guy as her assistant.

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"What's an 'org chart'?"

"And there's no need to compensate me, ma'am.  The pleasure of serving a glorious tyrant ought to be enough for anyone!"

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"An org chart is a drawing of the organizational hierarchy in a company, or, um, in a Spark's glorious tyranny."

Opalyn grabs a piece of paper and starts drawing.

"See, here's Doctor Disaster up at the top, and then we put a line going down to me, I'm the Supreme Sultana, and then I am guessing there are several department heads. People who are in charge of particular functions within the organization. So there might be someone in charge of housekeeping for the castle, and someone else in charge of the exterior grounds of the castle. There might be someone who keeps track of currency and spending. Someone in charge of food. Someone in charge of procuring supplies for the Doctor's experiments. And so on."

Opalyn is adding boxes and labels to her chart.

"And then presumably each of those people also has people who support them and help them get everything done."

"I would like to make a chart like that, but accurate, with all the correct names and boxes and labels, and empty boxes anywhere there's an obvious role that no one is filling."

Opalyn smiles at Jurgis and checks if he seems to get it.

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"Hmmm.  Yes.  There were temporarily some people like that at various points before they acted insolent to Pereira.  Though I'm not sure there's ever been anyone who keeps track of currency and spending, I think that'd just make somebody sad."

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"What happened to the ones who were insolent to Pereira?"

She also needs to follow up on the budget thing, but first things first.

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"Just demoted," Jurgis says scathingly.  "Doctor Disaster doesn't like actually maintaining discipline, he only wants the results of it."

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"Hmph!" Opalyn scoffs noncommittally, hiding her relief.

"Maybe you can give me a list of those folks! It's important to keep track of the insolent ones!"


"And what were you saying about the budget? If anyone looked at it, they'd just be sad? Why is that? How does Doctor Disaster fund this place?"


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"The Disaster family specializes in dimensional technology, as you may have gathered.  We sell twisted plants that grow better under the light of alien suns, engine lubricants that are easier to synthesize in vats with non-Euclidean geometries, spy-bred rats that were raised in four dimensions and can sneak around the corners of space, that sort of thing.  Then the money goes to Doctor Disaster and Doctor Disaster gives it out to people who need it and if they ask for what he thinks is 'too much money' he complains to his secretary about it and his secretary tries to do something about it and then Doctor Disaster fires the secretary.  I think that's our basic system.  But I don't actually know how else you could run a system under Doctor Disaster's constraints -- if you try to write down all the places that people are spending money, it just encourages them to try to get other people to spend the money instead, so they don't get blamed.  The usual method is to perform brain surgery on people to make them be passionless financial decisionmakers, but Doctor Disaster doesn't want to do perfectly normal brain surgeries either."

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Opalyn has so many questions, but she'll just start at the beginning!

"The Disaster family? Are there more of them? Do they live here or do they have their own castles?"

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"Oh, most of them were killed in a hyperspatial bypass accident when our current Doctor Disaster was just fourteen.  I'm sure he would have been a much more sensible Doctor Disaster if his parents hadn't died so young.  Though, to be clear, some of it must be down to him, plenty of his ancestors had parents who died just as early and they turned out fine.  There's bastards and bastard-descendants galore among the minions, naturally -- why, I'm one-eighth Disaster myself on at least five sides -- but in terms of the main Disaster family, I think old Detrimenta Disaster and her husband are the only survivors whom Doctor Disaster hasn't exiled, or accidentally teleported to the moon, or slain by his bedroom traps when they tried to sneak in to assassinate him.  Perfectly normal Spark dynasty."

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Opalyn stares directly into the camera.

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Opalyn thinks for a bit if there's anything else she wants from this guy in particular, and can't think of anything. Tihomir is supposed to be sending her several more people, that one shady guy who knows a lot about everything, plus anyone else Tihomir can think of who's in charge of something.

She does want to make sure Jurgis doesn't end up being underfoot, though.

"So, what have you been doing to keep busy since Pereira was fired, then?"

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"Just maintaining discipline in a sort of freelance fashion, I suppose.  Someone has to."

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"Say more?"

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"Just stalking around the castle halls and city streets looking for possible miscreants, giving them stern looks, writing their names down on cards for future secretaries to look at, that sort of thing.  I'm not actually authorized to punish anyone, though I have every confidence that someone will change that soon!  Though Doctor Disaster had all the real punishment pits filled up with concrete the same month he took power, a decision I'm sure he's regretted many times since then."

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This is far less terrible than Opalyn feared a moment ago! She should probably encourage this kind of relatively innocuous behavior!

"Okay! Well, thank you for your service to the Glorious Domain of Doctor Disaster! If you like you can continue what you've been doing, and deliver those cards to... do I have a mailbox?"

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"I don't think so.  But I could seize the nearest minion and order them to stand outside your quarters to serve as your mailbox, glorious Sultana!"

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"No, thank you, please don't do that! I will construct an inert, non-sentient mailbox at some point soon! For now you can just leave the cards in a tidy pile just outside the door of my suite!"

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"I hope Doctor Disaster isn't cramping your style too much already, my latest glorious tyranness?"

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Oh, gross, is he flirting?

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"Oh, no, don't worry about me, I'm fine, thanks!"

"Thank you so much for stopping by," Opalyn says. She gets up and walks to the door and opens it, smiling invitingly for him to go through it.

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"Did you still want that list of previously demoted troublemakers?  I wouldn't mind staying here and glowering at your other visitors while I write those down!"

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"Yes, I do still want that list, but I don't want to keep you from your very important patrol duties! You can just bring the list by later and leave it with the cards. Have a good day!"

Opalyn's smiles and gestures toward the door are getting more emphatic.

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"If such is your imperious command, I'll have the best day ever!"  He marches enthusiastically toward the door.

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And Opalyn will close the door behind him and lean against it from the inside, catching her breath.

Is she going to find anyone sane in this world at all? Tihomir wasn't terrible, but he wasn't exactly BFF material. It's going to be pretty lonely here if they're all... "insane" is the first word that comes to Opalyn's mind, but it's something more subtle than that. It's like none of them have any self-awareness or sense of humor.

If she asked what to do about this problem, someone would probably tell her to build herself a talking robot friend and program it to her specifications. That might actually be the answer in this universe but if so it's going to take a while.


She could use a breather, but doesn't want to turn her sign to "Go Away Silently," because she's also pretty hungry and maybe the food will be here soon.

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Sure, she can have a two-minute breather.

And then, knock knock again!

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That little break helped! She moves away from the door so it can open.


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Dame motherfucking Fleur.  She runs the laundry.  She owns the laundry.  Some whisper that she is the laundry.

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"Hello! Thank you for coming to see me!"

Opalyn explains about being new here and so on.

"I hear that your department runs smoothly despite the chaos all around you! How do you manage that?"

Please let it be through kind, careful, and thoughtful management, rather than by exclusively using dark red fabrics and washing them in the blood of her enemies.

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Being allowed to wear clothes is a privilege, not a right.

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Reducing the flow of incoming work is certainly one way to ensure timely service on the remaining work!

But Opalyn hasn't seen any naked people around the castle so far? What does that imply about the laundry equilibrium?

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That people are fast learners.

...well, not in general, but they're fast learners about "which courses of action cause you to end up dressed in nothing but an old curtain you wrapped around yourself".

Dame Fleur has never been one for pussyfooting.  What are Supreme Sultana Opalyn's own opinions about laundry?  That'll determine whether this relationship gets off to a good start.

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The Supreme Sultana's opinion is that nothing should be changed about the operation of the laundry, given that it is one of the few departments that actually functions around here!

And in fact, the Supreme Sultana is seeking Dame Fleur's advice on how to improve other departments.

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Rule by fear.  Fear of nudity.

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(And again, an open door means there's no visible indicator that people should delay before entering!)

Did somebody call in all previous managers to present themselves to the new secretary?  This man is the former head of construction minions before the previous secretary fired him.  He just goes by Chief Builder; he did have a regular name at some point, but one of the previous Doctors Disaster ran some experiments and now he doesn't.

He's heard rumors that there's a plan in the works for a GRAND BATHTUB.

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"Oh, hello, welcome, come in, Chief Builder."

"It turns out my bathtub is sufficiently grand, so we don't need to improve it."

"What kind of experiment destroyed your regular name, and did you lose any other brain functions in the process?"

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Mostly it just caused himself, and everyone else apparently on the planet, to lose all memories of him from before the age of 24.  He's fine with this actually.  He's never seen anyone else become any happier or more successful from anyone remembering what happened to them before age 24.

What sort of life ambitions does she have if not a huge bathtub?

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It seems very likely that we'll need to build things, but Opalyn has only been here for less than two hours, and does not yet know what we need to build!

How many people work in the Building and Laundry departments respectively? How much spare capacity does each department have? Does either department need anything from the other? Does either department need anything from anyone, for that matter?

Opalyn will jot down notes while all of this is discussed.

What are her overall impressions?

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They don't really have the whole department thing going, but there's like a dozen people in the castle who work on repairing or rebuilding the castle, another dozen who do nothing but work on Doctor Disaster's mad science projects, and lots of other people know their way around a wrench well enough to be dragooned into more temporary projects.  The situation in the city is more complicated, that place has its own chief but it's around the same number of people to partially maintain the mad-inventor pieces of the city, and then some distinct system for maintaining ordinary carpentry.  Ultimately, anything sufficiently weird in the castle or city is going to require attention by Doctor Disaster if it breaks.

Laundry is four specialists to operate four inscrutable machines, a bunch of kids who get press-ganged to deliver laundry if they can't convincingly prove themselves to be doing something else, and Doctor Disaster plus henchlings to repair or improve the inscrutable machines.

...Dame Fleur the Laundress would like an Assistant Dragooner to run around kidnapping and press-ganging kids so she didn't have to do that on a daily basis.

The Chief Builder would like to actually be a chief again.  Right now he's maintaining a list of all the major castle architecture and town architecture that breaks and is sort of gently suggesting to people what they might choose to prioritize about fixing it.  And he wants to be able to spend as much money on he wants on spare parts and tools, without anyone else complaining about that.

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Opalyn dutifully records what she's learned.

How much money is "as much as the Chief Builder wants," relatively speaking? Like is it 10x the budget for the whole castle and city combined, or is it much more modest?

And why is it that only Doctor Disaster can fix weird machinery? Can the skills to fix weird machinery not be taught?

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Oh, definitely not as much as 10x the castle and city budget, however that much is.  But the Chief Builder doesn't really have any numbers like that planned, he's just hoping there'll be money there whenever he wants it.  He's a construction manager, not an accountant.

Wow, her Supremacy really is from another dimension!  Only Sparks can make weird machinery.  Prudent Sparks can sometimes make it be the case that some of the parts are maintainable by trained normal minions.  But there'll always be some Weird Science parts that occupy a sliding scale of "you must be a Spark at least this powerful and/or specialized in order to do anything with this particular weird subinvention".  Whatever summoned Opalyn to this dimension, for example, probably the core of it was a bit of machinery that could only be built or repaired by Doctor Disaster or one of his direct rivals in dimensional mechanics; or by one of the great continent-bestriding Sparks like a Heterodyne or Sturmvoraus.

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What makes a person a Spark? Can you become a Spark later in life, and what is the mechanism for that? Do Sparks vary in Sparkiness?

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Nobody publicly knows what makes a Spark, though obviously all sorts of dreadful human experiments are conducted every day with the goal of making an army of obedient superinventors!  Also obviously, if anybody did know they'd probably keep it a dire secret!  Sparkitude runs in families, though not reliably.  Sparks definitely vary in power.  The more powerful they are, the younger, usually, when they "break through" and create their first invention; sometimes one of their most powerful or thematic inventions.

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Additional minions are arriving while all of these discussions are happening!  This lady is the hereditary Milliner of the Disaster family, aka the Disastrous Hatter, and plays a subtle role in regulating status throughout the castle by determining who gets the fanciest hat.

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Leader of the male soldiers.

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Leader of the female soldiers.

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Chief detective of the town.  Nobody summoned her.  She just... heard.

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Very shady-looking fellow.  He'll not say much with so many other people around.

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Presented without further comment.

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And also, Opalyn's dinner!

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Okay! Good thing she ordered everything on the menu, just in time for her impromptu staff meeting! Opalyn snags a few of the more appetizing-looking items off the tray and stashes them away from the crowd, so she can eat them later, and then invites everyone to help themselves to a snack. Once that's under control, she stands in front of the crowd and clears her throat expectantly. And then clears it again, this time with the voice changer.


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"Thank you all for coming. As you may have heard by now, I'm the new Supreme Sultana. Doctor Disaster has summoned me from another dimension to run this place, and if he tuned the summoning device correctly, then he actually got someone good for the role for once."

"I've chatted with a few of you already, but I need information from each one of you."

She indicates to whomever is standing nearest to hand out paper and pens to everyone.

And Opalyn goes on to outline the kind of information she's looking for:

- Name, rank, serial number Name, what you do here, how to get ahold of you
- How many people work for you in what capacity
- What's going well
- What's going poorly
- What resources or budget do you request, for what purpose, and what goes better for everyone else if your request is fulfilled
- Your suggestions for general improvements of the castle or the city
- Your complaints
- Who else should I talk to
- Anything else you want me to know

While they start scribbling down all of that information, she asks if there are any questions.

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Is the new secretary planning to engage on any additional fronts or launch any new offensives?

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Does she need a hat?  This is a trick question, the answer is yes.

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What does her home dimension taste like?

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Opalyn is certainly not going to start any new wars, fronts, or offensives until she knows anything about relative strength of nearby potential combatants, what Doctor Disaster stands to gain or lose by engaging in conflict, what sorts of improvements in the general human condition Opalyn might be able to bring about by fighting about it, whether diplomacy is a potential alternate avenue, what kind of casualties might be expected on each side, and so on. But she won't rule out wars, that would be silly.

Opalyn would be happy to have a new hat though she cautions the milliner that it needs to stay on without giving Opalyn a headache or bothering her neck.

Opalyn perceives her home dimension as mostly flavorless unless Opalyn is actually eating or inhaling noxious gases.

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Did the Secretary Supreme, or whatever she was called, demand maps of the town and castle?

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Excellent. Is there by any chance a system of pneumatic tubes that will deliver messages all over the place, or perhaps mechanical ravens, or mail-carrying spiderbots?

Failing any of that, Opalyn is going to need to cultivate a small cadre of Irregulars to run messages for her.

Opalyn also makes a note to walk the castle and the grounds, little by little, matching map to territory and learning her way around.

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There's a system of pipes which has its own gravity and its own spatial arrangements, which only makes sense to kids who've grown up in the castle and only before they turn seventeen.  To send a message you give it to somebody who hands it off to a kid if they see one; or alternatively hands it to somebody else who's still moving and might run into a kid, etcetera.

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That's... strange. Opalyn is going to try to learn the message-pipes system, as soon as she can find a willing teenager to teach it to her. Opalyn's current theory is that adults can't use the message-pipes the same way Opalyn's grandmother "couldn't use a computer" or Opalyn's mother "couldn't use a cell phone" when they were in their seventies, having more to do with learned helplessness than actual physical, biological mechanisms preventing them from learning.


Does anyone else still in the room need anything else? If not, they can all go. Opalyn wants to eat her food and read the stack of papers that people have been turning in.

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She's caught a couple of spies and a couple of criminals that she's been keeping in her home dungeon, for lack of a functioning prison intake system in the castle.  It'd be nice to know when her home dungeon can get freed up for normal use.

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Normal use? Huh.

How long has the castle been lacking a prison intake system? Like, did this ever work, and what caused it to stop working, or does Opalyn need to invent this from scratch?

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The prison intake pipe is broken.  It whooshes a prisoner halfway in, and then stops, and then whooshes the prisoner half of the remaining way, and stops.  A simple bit of math shows that the prisoner will never make it all the way into the prison.

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Is there any reason at all that the person who stuffs the prisoners into the pipe can't just walk them to the prison?

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Any change to the prison process requires authorization so that the warden can't just, you know, eat the prisoners.

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Opalyn will authorize the new intake procedure using walking instead of pipe-based transport!

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It's better than literally nothing, but the Sultanic Secretary needs a bigger hat.

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Is there anything else or can Opalyn eat and think now?

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Consider an entire room full of deranged minions of a mad inventor.  Then, consider that each of them has some independent probability of making an error about whether or not Opalyn needs to know something, or about whether it's important for them to respond to something that somebody else said.

At what point in this process does Opalyn start saying that everyone in her office needs to get out now or she'll turn them into mechanical spider parts?  Because that, in this world, is considered the natural way for a meeting to end.

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Yeah, fair. Opalyn wants to know all of this stuff! She is learning something from each and every one of these questions! But also she's starving and she needs to collect her wits, and presumably she can get more requests of this nature whenever she wants, there's probably an unending supply.

Can Opalyn somehow guess or ask roughly where they are in the day-night cycle? It matters for how she closes out the meeting.

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Her room has windows!

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Yes, and what does she see when she looks out those windows, pray tell? Lightwise, that is. Does it seem like maybe the sun is starting to go down, or is the countryside blighted by industrial smog that makes it impossible to tell?

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The Sun is maybe 20 degrees above a mountainous horizon; day's not as bright as it was when she first entered this room.  No industrial smog visible locally -- plausible dark cloud in the distance, to the right of the Sun, maybe.

Also her room has clocks everywhere.  Just saying!

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Evening it is!

Opalyn thanks everyone for coming and tells them she's done for the evening, but she'll hold office hours starting at... is 10am a time that makes any sense here? Mid-morning tomorrow, anyway, whatever time that is. Until then she should not be interrupted except for emergencies, where an emergency is defined as a somewhat serious problem that will get much worse if it has to wait.

And then she'll move them out the door, starting with polite requests and the gentle pressure of her hand on the small of their back, and only amping up to voice-changed threats if absolutely necessary.

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As the Sun starts to dip below the mountainous horizon, the manifold glowing devices and lights of her suite start to dim and shift towards warmer, reddish colors.

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Finally alone in her suite, Opalyn digs into her food – it’s not bad – and numbly stares out the window at the sun sinking behind the mountains.

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This has been the most surprising day of her life, she thinks, maybe going back to the day she was born. Of course she doesn’t remember that, but surely going from the warm-dark-whoosh-whoosh of the womb to the cold outside world for the first time was even more surprising than this. Nothing else since then can really compare.

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She wonders, of course, if this is all a hallucination or a dream, if she’s going to wake up in her own bed or a hospital bed soon, but this feels far more real than any dream ever has. It has much more rich detail. Things take the right amount of time. All of her senses seem to be operating normally. She should probably treat it as real, because it probably is, and it’s not like she loses points for trying her hardest even if it does turn out to be a dream after all.

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If it’s real, what would trying her hardest actually mean? How should she run this new life she finds herself in?

This is a big question, and not one that Opalyn wants to think through while staring out the window with Copprer Chicken juice on her fingers.


She goes into the bathroom and washes up a bit. She amends the sign on her door to say “GO AWAY SILENTLY (UNLESS IT’S AN EMERGENCY)” and sets the pointer to that. She gets paper and pens, and she sits down to think.


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(At least she has paper and pens, here… imagine if she were transported somewhere without those. She’d never be able to think straight.)

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She writes.


  1. Basic safety: shelter, food, water, nobody immediately trying to kill me
  2. What happens if I quit my job
  3. Social and emotional support
  4. Grief about my old life apparently being over
  5. Sex / relationship
  6. What to do with my life
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Some problems on this list are new since this morning. When she woke up on Earth this morning, she had a basic understanding of how the world worked, what her options were for earning money and paying for shelter and food and so on. In this world, it seems like the basics are being provided because she’s the doctor’s new secretary, but if she quits this job, what options does she have? Is she basically immediately homeless in a world she doesn’t understand at all, with no obvious other means of employment?

She’s also up against the huge issue of needing to entirely rebuild her social substrate. On Earth she had friends, co-workers, neighbors, people she could call on if she needed to borrow a truck or get a hug or brainstorm ideas. Here she has no one, and none of the people she’s met so far seem like they have friend-potential. Mostly they just seem insane.

Grieving everything she’s lost feels like an immense task, too big to sink into, so she’s basically just going to have to ignore it until she feels more secure and established here.

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On the other hand, her relationships were already in tatters on Earth, she hadn’t had good sex in months, and she was halfway through a career reboot that maybe wasn’t going to work out anyway. So… plus ça change.

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Opalyn gets up and stares out the window again. The sun has fully set now. The outlines of the mountains have disappeared against the dark sky. There’s a warm orange glow of street lamps and storefronts down in the village.

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Opalyn will get up tomorrow morning and run this castle. That should, in theory, mean that she continues to be sheltered and fed. She’ll keep meeting new people; maybe any of them will be friend material after all, and she can soldier on alone for a while if she just journals a lot. Maybe she has something special to offer this place. They seem completely lacking in Earthly common sense and they seem hidebound by local notions of what’s not possible. Maybe she can bring order to some of the chaos.

It does seem like she’s a bit lucky that she landed on Doctor Disaster in particular and not some other Spark. Everyone keeps making a big deal out of how kind he is not to murder people on his own side. If Opalyn helps him expand his empire, that seems purely good for this world, based on her current information?


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Satisfied that she knows her priorities for tomorrow, Opalyn layers the bathtub with pillows, climbs in, puts another pillow over her head to block out all the lights, and falls immediately asleep.

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"Your Supreme Sultananess!  There's an event in progress where we're not sure whether to define it as an emergency because we don't know how further delay will affect it!  Or what exactly counts as 'getting much worse' from the perspective of your own goals!"

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Mumblrphmph what time even is it?

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"Yes, come in."

Needing to calibrate people is to be expected.

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"Doctor Disaster has been kidnapped again."

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Again? Is this routine? How routine would a kidnapping need to be, before it wouldn't be an emergency anymore?

Opalyn fumbles through the drink cooler, trying to guess which one might be a mild stimulant.

"All right, tell me what you know."

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Trying to drink THAT one sure will wake her up, though whether it was a stimulant per se remains an open question.

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A team of mercenaries wearing power armor in the colors of Professor Predicament signed into the Disaster Castle using the recently streamlined and automated security system, writing down their purpose in the automated logbook as "to kidnap Doctor Disaster", and paid one of the local kids twenty disaster-dollars to guide them up to Doctor Disaster's bedroom.  Chemical residues reveal that a gas grenade was probably used to knock out the Doctor.  Afterwards they seem to have successfully navigated back to their entrance point, and properly signed out themselves and Doctor Disaster using the recently streamlined and automated security system.

A skyship with Professor Predicament's logo emblazoned on its side then picked up the mercenaries from the ramp of the castle.  The air defenses were offline due to nobody currently having the authority to sign a new requisitions contract for ammunition after the last secretary started a war with a neighbor that their previous ammunition shipments were coming through.

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Opalyn is not normally a flappable person in a crisis, and she's not about to break that streak, but it is taking something of an effort to remain unflapped about this set of circumstances.

Bright side: she's getting a lot more confident that she can really help this place!

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She sips the drink -- it tastes like sour carrot cake -- and starts barking orders in between sips.

She wants the leader of the male soldiers, the leader of the female soldiers, anybody who knows anything about Professor Predicament's demesnes and castle, anybody who knows anything about previous kidnappings and how they were resolved, the chief detective, and the shady guy.

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They can be found in short order.

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Chief Detective: What are the odds this was really Professor Predicament, given all of the livery and whatnot? Or did they maybe wear disguises to throw us off the trail?

Person who knows anything about the history here: Any intel about whether to attempt diplomatic vs. military solutions? Or ransom maybe?

Soldier leaders: Do they advise direct assault and if so by what means, or would recovering Doctor Disaster be better as a stealth operation?

Shady guy: What do you have to contribute, if anything?

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Sending in mercenaries openly wearing his colors is fully characteristic with the previously observed psychology of Professor Predicament, who is another Spark specializing in similar but not identical dimensional shenanigans and an obvious past rival.  None of this, obviously, prevents anyone else from masquerading at Professor Predicament.

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Ransom is beneath the dignity of the Disaster Dynasty, especially before anybody's even tried military and spy solutions!

She's honestly a bit confused about what "diplomacy" is supposed to mean in context.  If Professor Predicament has gone to all this trouble to kidnap Doctor Disaster, he's unlikely to give him back for being asked politely...?

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She's not sure they could take Professor Predicament in a direct, uncreative head-on assault.  Professor Predicament is slightly weaker as a Spark; but the home-ground advantage is huge, if Doctor Disaster's forces are fighting on ground that Professor Predicament has prepared.

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He'll observe for the record that Professor Predicament sure did seem to know a lot about Doctor Disaster's ammunition difficulties and recent security revisions.

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The notion that there's a mole in Disaster's organization doesn't go unnoticed, but this is not the right time for a molehunt, so Opalyn lets that go for the moment.

Instead, she latches onto the suggestion that really anyone could impersonate Professor Predicament's forces. Anyone at all? Even the people in this room?

Do they have enough intel to infiltrate the Predicament stronghold and find their way to where Disaster might be imprisoned, without themselves being captured?

Do they by any chance have any of the following equipment to aid in such an adventure?

- more Predicament-colored uniforms or armor, or ability to quickly hack that together
- knowledge of Predicament passwords or shibboleths
- stealth devices
- homing beacon for locating Disaster
- rapid transportation mechanisms for a quick getaway once they've recovered Disaster

And also, are they only out of the kind of ammunition the air defenses use, or are they completely out of ammunition overall?

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Some people in this room would have more difficulty in carrying out a successful impersonation than others.  He'd be fine.  He doesn't recommend the Disastrous Hatter trying it, unless they're expecting all security checks to be really, really easily fooled... which, to be fair, they might be.  Working in security for Professor Predicament is not any relatively sane person's first choice of vocation.

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Professor Predicament doesn't have standardized uniforms and armor, just standardized colors.  Dame Fleur can get something thrown together that'll pass casual inspection in an hour.  If they want it to pass up-close inspection, that realistically takes longer, unless one of the lesser Sparks around here can do inventions for clothing alteration.

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He does not already know Professor Predicament's passwords, but those aren't very hard to obtain if you kidnap a current security guard and, you know... tickle them for a while.  Offer some other positive inducements if they confess.  Their forces include specialists of both sexes in that sort of work.

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Opalyn shoots a Look at the chief of male security forces but doesn't say anything while others are still reporting in.

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He'll give her a very earnest look in reply!  These are good specialists!  Really!

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There's not a homing device for locating Doctor Disaster, but Professor Predicament would probably put him in Professor Predicament's Special Spark Storage Cell, if it was actually the Professor.

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She wouldn't want to try out any teleporters with Doctor Disaster not present to fine-tune them, and not reliably able to help after being rescued; but they could always unfold one of the folding catapults on-site and fling themselves out of the area.

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Nobody is ever totally out of ammunition!  There's always, you know, more boxes of ammunition that you can... find... places.

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A plan is definitely starting to form in Opalyn's mind, but first, just to double check... it's bad, if they don't get the Doctor back, right? Like, things get even more chaotic, Sparky machinery breaks down and can't be repaired, some worse Spark swoops in and captures this territory? Are Opalyn's models correct here?

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Yes, obviously if they don't get Doctor Disaster back at some point, some other Spark will march in with an army and take over the city of Little Damar.

Though it's not that unlikely that, even if they do nothing, Doctor Disaster will charm one of Professor Predicament's lieutenants with his sheer earnest good-naturedness and show up back at the Castle of Disaster with a new lieutenant in tow.

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Indeed.  That has happened before.

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But not to the point where he'd want to rely on it.

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It is her own personal opinion that this outcome has its own disadvantages and should be avoided if at all possible.

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Opalyn is more and more confused about whether this is an emergency and what bad outcome they're trying to fend off!

"What's the 20/50/80 on number of hours before irrecoverable catastrophe?"

Opalyn does not expect them to understand this question but wants to see what happens if she doesn't explain it at first. She's also curious what they'll fill in for 'catastrophe.'

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"I've never seen him charm a lieutenant in less than two days or more than a week, if that's what you mean?"

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"I think she's asking how long before another Spark marches in, or they finish playing with Doctor Disaster and do something permanent to him."

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"Yeah. That, more or less. By 20/50/80 I meant, how long until there's a 20% chance of some kind of takeover, how long until 50%, and how long until 80%. But if that feels complicated then just give me one best guess."

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"Sounds like Spark-talk to me, honestly.  I don't see how anyone would get that kind of knowledge unless they brought it back from the madness place or built some sort of inscrutable machine --"

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"Five days, twenty-three days, seventy-one days."

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Opalyn is surprised that Dame Fleur is here! She was not on the original invitation list for this hastily assembled meeting! Though it's actually kind of good she came, if she's going to be making costumes!

Anyway! Opalyn doesn't totally trust crazy-guy's estimates!

"Does that sound right to everyone else? Like it's equally likely that we'd have some kind of invasion sooner than 23 days vs. later than 23 days?"

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"It... doesn't sound wrong."

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(His estimates are UNBIASED because he ATE HIS OWN BIASES.)

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All right! Here's the plan!

They don't need to rush right out in the next hour to try to rescue the Doctor. They have a little time to figure things out. Also, if they wait a day or so, he might just wander back on his own! For that reason, Opalyn intends to mount the counter-invasion the day after tomorrow. Are there any objections to this timeline, before she starts getting into details?

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It's acceptable.  She'll go on providing her Supremacy with clothing.

So long as her plan works, anyway.

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Great! In that case, they'll use the time to prepare.


Zoltan: Determine how many people to bring if it's meant to be a stealth operation and make a shortlist of people who would be good on the team. Consult with the two military chiefs to see if they have any good people for this. Also make an even shorter list of who should lead the expedition.

Dame Fleur: Make some outfits in the appropriate Predicament colors.

Male chief of security: Obtain the passwords. Good luck and godspeed.

Somebody find Map Guy and see if they have maps to Professor Predicament's Special Spark Storage, and if they don't, maybe they can draw some up from individual knowledge of people who have ever been to Predicament's castle, or using Male chief's tickle-victims.

Female chief: Develop three additional non-catapult-based methods of retreat that are less likely to squish the retreating team. With two days to plan, it's better to come up with more options and then pick the best one, rather than just going with the catapult thing.

Crazy guy: Find some ammo. And the weapons that fit with the ammo. Consult with Zoltan and the chiefs to make sure you've got enough of all of it.


Any questions?

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He'll try to do it first, and then see if he has questions.

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He'll get those passwords one way or another, and everyone will be happy.

Some people will be very, very happy.

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People wouldn't use catapults if they just squished their users!  She's traveled by catapults plenty of time and not been squished once!  At most, like, one-quarter of a time!  If they can't retreat by catapult and don't want to rely on teleport, she doesn't actually have a better idea.

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Huh! Opalyn did not expect catapults not to squish their passengers! Can she maybe see a demo and maybe try it herself because that sounds rad

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She will arrange a catapult demonstration for her Supremacy.

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The trick is that you tell the Spark designing the catapult's flinging motion to make it so that the cargo's trajectory goes up quickly but down slowly.

Then the Spark does that.

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Physics is almost certainly different here, unless very important parts of this system are being omitted from the description! She'll just check...

"Are there... parachutes? Or anything? Why does the cargo come down slowly?"

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Because the catapult knows what is good for it if it doesn't want to be disassembled.  All invention is a contest of wills to see who is more stubborn, the laws of physics or you.

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Hmph. This will bear further investigation.





Opalyn shakes her head and breaks out of her confused reverie.

"All right! Off you go then! Everyone report back here tomorrow morning so we can sync up on our plans!"

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Bidden, they go!

What's Opalyn doing the rest of the day?

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Good question!

Theoretically she should go back to bed, but between the adrenaline rush of discovering that her interdimensional patron has been sparknapped and the aftereffects of the sour carrot drink, she does not feel incredibly sleepy!

She needs to give her staff time to execute their orders without her bugging them to report on other things.

Is it light out yet? Maybe now is a good time to wander around the castle or even the city and gather her own firsthand data about this place.

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It's summertime and they're not that close to the equator; even during the unfortunately early morning, the sky is dim blue light on the darker side and warming and brightening on the other.

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Great, then she'll... not change her clothes, because she doesn't have any new clothes yet... note to self, should ask Dame Fleur about that. She'll wash her face and freshen up just a bit, and then head out to explore the castle.

Are the maps of a size that she can roll them up and take them with her?

She'll also bring paper and pen.

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She can roll up the maps, sure, and carry those.  It'd be a pretty large map if Opalyn couldn't even lift it once rolled!

Relatively few people are about, at these hours; there's nobody in this cozy common room nearby, for example, though some sort of automated breakfastmaking(?) machinery is already burbling quietly to itself.

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"Cozy," sure, that's a way to describe this vast atrium!

Opalyn infers that Doctor Disaster is actually quite wealthy, especially if this is just one minor common room and not, say, the main receiving room for the whole castle. And the windows look fairly clean, despite how numerous and inaccessible they are. That suggests that the cleaning crew is pretty well staffed and efficient - or, potentially, that there are mechanical window-cleaning bunnybots or something.

Can she tell if any of the machines on the tables do anything intelligible, or if they're just inscrutable tangles of gears?

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This machine probably has something to do with making coffee!

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And Opalyn thought the espresso machines at her old workplace were enigmatic! She'll avoid bumping any of the mysterious levers sticking out of the coffee machine as she walks by; she doesn't want steam burns!

What's down the next corridor as she leaves the atrium? And more importantly, does it seem like the paper map matches the castle territory?

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Normal hallways and stairs in a modest interior decorating style, pretty much more or less where the map says they should be!

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Also this person, looking not unfriendly.

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"Oh hello, good morning, excuse me!"

That's three greetings. Opalyn should finish up with the greeting segment and move on to the main body of her utterance now.

"I'm new here. Can you tell me how safe it is to wander around the city alone in the early morning? Or any other time of day, really?"

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Little Damar?  It's about one of the safest places in existence!  Plenty of people are still alive in Little Damar who'd have long since been dead if they lived anywhere else.

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"So glad to hear it! Can you tell me how to get to the food market?"

It's not so much that Opalyn wants to buy food... or has any money to pay for it. It's just that when she travels on Earth, she always likes to check out the local grocery store. Exploring a grocery store tells her a lot about where she is: how wealthy or poor they are, what kinds of things grow locally, what weird snacks they have. And usually there's no dickering at grocery stores; you're left alone to browse and pick things you want and then pay at the end.


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Huh.  There's enough turns along the shortest path from here to there that it seems hard to remember a set of directions like that.

However, it also seems solvable to compose a more memorable set of directions that will still arrive at that destination.

So, it's not the shortest path, but you'd get there if you went that way, then went up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, and then start.

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Opalyn starts to write down the instructions and then realizes she doesn't actually have to. Also what would 'start' even mean in this context? Is she being interdimensionally trolled or is this particular sequence of steps somehow fundamental to physics in a way that transcends dimensions?

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"This may seem like a strange question, but... is that often a path to get from one place to another? Or is it really just the instructions to get from the palace to the food market and that's it?"

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Sorta?  It's a decades-old memorable password based on a famous story about one of the recent Heterodynes getting lost in an alternate universe, and castle-builders will often arrange for that pathway to go somewhere interesting from an interesting starting point.  But in this case, it seemed sorta the right direction, so ve visualized the actual pathway, and in fact that'd take Opalyn to a Little Damar entrance where the smaller of two grocers ought to have a shop visible from there.  It was the fourth memorable set of directions ve tried before one worked.

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"Is the... Heterodyne? Is that a family name? Anyway, is that Heterodyne still living? What's their name?"

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Kazuality Heterodyne, and prooobably not although you never really know with Sparks.  She was last seen being swallowed by some sort of gigantic snake made out of mirrors along with her harem of enslaved logicians.

The Heterodyne dynasty is among the most famous, long-lasting, and terrifying Spark families on the planet.  They rule from Mechanicsburg.  It is wise to live your life in a fashion that never causes them to think about you in any way.

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How far away is Mechanicsburg from here and what kinds of things should Opalyn not do if she doesn't want to get their attention?

Because, unspoken, Opalyn is now somewhat dying to get their attention and find out if there are any records about Kazuality's trip to some version of what was presumably Earth! But maybe this tale is so well known she can read about it in any library and not get involved with the scariest people on the planet.

(Also... harem of enslaved logicians? Opalyn doesn't ask.)

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(Lots of people have harems of enslaved logicians!  It's not weird!)

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Mechanicsburg is around 1,500 miles away and the main predictable way of getting their attention is to be an overly powerful Spark who might challenge them for dominance.  But you can also, for example, get their attention by sending two hundred warrior homunculi to assault the Castle Heterodyne, as in the famous case of the Skull-Queen of Skral who succeeded in getting Dagon Heterodyne to track her back to her own castle and overcome her army and storm her private sanctum and marry her.  Though this may also have had something to do with how the Skull-Queen dressed.

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Noted! Opalyn suspects that Doctor Disaster is not currently prominent enough to draw the Heterodyne family's attention, and she will avoid sending any warrior armies to assault their castle unless she's thought through the inevitable marital consequences!

Wandering around and meeting people and talking to them is paying off!

Opalyn thanks this earnestly helpful young person and takes her leave, continuing to head for the exit of the castle.

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It may take some puzzled moments for Opalyn to work out how to go B and then A at the appropriate intersections, but pressing Start on the final elevator will seem obvious enough!

She'll emerge in a place that has clear line-of-sight on this corner of Little Damar, with sunrise now fully in swing modulo some mountainous mists.

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She made it! It's quaint and charming! The name of the market should probably be Ye Olde Foode Shoppe!

The fruits and vegetables all look familiar from a distance. Do they look like standard tomatoes and peppers and so on? How does that even work? Why is there such a high degree of commonality between this world and her own? Should Opalyn have read more physics books?

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Yes, if Opalyn walks closer, they'll go on looking like standard tomatoes and peppers and carrots and also, it appears, giant orangish balls and inscrutable edible topiary.  And yes, probably anyone who'd read more physics books would already see why any random alternate universe would have recognizable hominids as well as standard tomatoes and peppers and inhabitants that speak English.

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Hmph, well, the fact is, there were a lot of books to read and Opalyn read other books, under the theory that hopping to a parallel universe seemed vanishingly unlikely, and, well, here she is, underprepared and feeling a bit salty about it.

Anyway, she'll lift up her chin and go into the Shoppe and see if she can infer anything about the local culture and economy based on what they have for sale. She's a bit worried she might actually have to interact with the shopkeeper, as the place looks cozier and more enclosed than she pictured, but everyone's been friendly so far so she'll just brave it.

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Household necessities do seem to include a lot of mysterious vials -- though behind the counter, maybe they're expensive.

Opalyn's strange interdimensional garb will garner an interested look from the shopkeeper.  "Welcome to our humble little shop, ma'am.  New in town?  New to Europa, maybe?"

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This is indeed not the faceless, anonymous, snack-aisle browsing Opalyn was going for! She had hoped to browse the local equivalent of the Swedish Fish and Donettes aisle, but it seems like they mostly eat fresh vegetables around here! What a primitive place!

Well, she'll make the best of it.

"Yes, you're right, I'm new here, just exploring a bit on foot this morning. If you're not too busy," -- and it seems she's the only customer in the shop -- "would you mind answering a few questions for me? Like, how is this shop supplied and who shops here?"

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"Ah.  Scoping the place out for an invasion, I take it?"

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"As a matter of fact, no, more like trying to secure it from invasion and ensure prosperity and health for all. Question still stands though."

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"Yes, of course, but you've got to invade us first, see, to secure us from being invaded by other people, and ensure our prosperity and health."

"We get our supplies roughly weekly, when the trade-blimp from Doomton descends in on its way to the Perilous Wasteland.  If you ask in at the guard-station a couple of streets down, they'll have a more detailed schedule."

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The naming scheme in this place! Opalyn wants to found a new city and call it Happyville and see how confused people get.

"Is the blimp pretty reliable? Does it always come on time, fully laden?"

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"...nnnnooooo?" the shopkeeper says, sounding very confused about where in the entire world you'd find a supply blimp that kept a reliable schedule.  "The Doomton Blimpers aren't exactly the Corbettite Railway -- who did you say was going to conquer us, again?"

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"So what do people do when the supplies don't come on time? Do people have to stockpile a lot? How do they get on?"

Opalyn ignores the question about the invasion for now, though she should probably address it before she leaves, lest she inadvertently start a rumor.

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"Nah, that'd be expensive.  There's always enough rats n' weird tentacle things bopping around in the basements and sewers to tide you over another few days if you run out of cabbages."

(Of course they have stockpiles of salt-fried ricecakes and the like!  But he's not going to say that to a would-be invader.)

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A rather weary-looking man strides through the shop door, then.  "What's the issue, citizen?"

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"Says she's here to conquer us in order to make us safe from invasion and ensure our prosperity," says the shopkeeper, who promptly pressed an alarm button to alert the nearest guard station.  (The nearest guard station is also not particularly where you'd go to find the blimp schedule, to be clear.)

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"She threaten you?  Hurt anyone?"

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"Nah.  Well, my feelings were hurt that she thought I'd betray Doctor Disaster that easily, but I don't blame an outsider for that one, she wouldn't know."

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"I work for Doctor Disaster, you dunderheads. I'm new here and trying to figure out how to make Disasterland great again."

She crinkles her neck the way she practiced before.

"You can stand down."

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"So it's not that I don't believe you, but that I ought to check.  Would you mind terribly stepping over to the command station with me to verify that, Mistress...?"

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"What part of stand down felt unclear to you?"

Opalyn straightens her neck again. It's kind of exhausting using the voice collar.

"Doctor Disaster assured me that speaking in his voice through this collar would be sufficient to convey his authority. Is that not so?"

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"It'd had helped if I'd received explicit orders to that effect from somebody I already knew to be in my chain of command?  I agree it does sound like exactly the sort of thing our good Doctor would do, and then expect everyone else to figure out on their own without his bothering to have sent anyone orders about it."

"Are you in the middle of anything urgent I'd be putting you out of your way from doing?"

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On the one hand, Opalyn is by nature inclined to collaborate with this very reasonable request, and indeed to commend this guardsman for his sensible actions and decision-making.

On the other hand, it's a worrying update that the collar does not successfully convey authority, and Opalyn wonders if she takes any damage to her authority in the long run if she goes along with this request.

Back on the first hand again, he can totally make her, and there's nothing she can do about that. Getting forcibly arrested would definitely not be good for her authority.

Compliance it is, then!

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"Tell you what. How about we go to the guard station together so you can give me a tour and tell me a bit more about your work and what challenges you regularly face."

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"Sounds like an excellent idea along several different dimensions, really."

He gracefully pivots in a gentlemanly fashion and gestures toward the door, as though to request that Opalyn precede him or maybe just accompany him.

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Then she'll sweep through the door in as dignified a manner as she can under the circumstances.

Is the direction of the guard station obvious, once she's outside, or does she now need to awkwardly wait again for him to catch up and point the way?

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It's not ultra-obvious, but the man follows quite close behind her and it's obvious momentarily which direction he's moving in.

"Lieutenant Sergeant Josephus Twoodle, hopefully at your service," he says.  "Yourself, Mistress?"

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"You can call me the Supreme Sultana if you're being formal about it, but just 'Opalyn' is fine too when it's not a state dinner or anything. I'm Doctor Disaster's new secretary."

She's mostly gotten over the 'secretary' thing.

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"Wouldn't that be a nice thing to have be true, especially by contrast with his previous secretary.  You seem -- how can I put this -- not immediately obviously completely insane."

"I'd heard that Doctor Disaster had been kidnapped again, has he been retrieved yet?"

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"Why thank you! You also seem not immediately obviously completely insane! I wonder if there are others like you!"

Josephus does actually seem like the most sane person she's met so far, on first impressions at least.

"As for Doctor Disaster, I'd rather not say what the status is there. Need to know basis, you understand."

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That sounds a lot like 'I don't know either' but if so he's not going to press the point and maybe embarrass her.

"Most people who live up until their thirties have been filtered to either have some form of sanity that let them stay alive, or some form of madness.  I like to think I'm in the first group, and so are a number of the other town guards, because the problems we face aren't easily survived by being insane.  A few months, maybe, but not years."

"Were you serious about wanting to hear about our work and the problems we face?"

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"Yes! Tell me more about these problems that are better solved with sanity."

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Josephus Twoodle could talk about this subject for an arbitrary amount of time, though he will politely pause now and then to see if the Supreme Sultana has comments or further questions.

The city of Little Damar does not really have laws in the sense that polities have tried now and then; it has order-keepers and an assumed common sense of what constitutes disorder.  Disaster-controlled polities have occasionally tried having laws, but there's always some person with enough de-facto authority to overturn whatever that law says, and a tendency to actually do that -- mainly the various Doctors Disaster -- and that often makes people more upset than not having any laws at all.

And that makes sense.  But Lt. Sergeant Twoodle would personally like to live in a world where there was at least a clearer, more hierarchical process for having decided in retrospect what had constituted disorder.  Such that they weren't, for example, throwing some kid in jail for improper grenade handling, and then waiting to see if anybody with real authority in the entire Disastrous Castle felt like rescinding or doubling the jail sentence anytime in the next week.

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Oh no.

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"And you said... it was helpful to be sane, in this job? Are you really very certain about that? Seems like it would be far easier to tolerate that kind of chaos if you didn't actually notice it."

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"Inconsistent enforcement of order tends to get townspeople upset with you.  At the very least you want it to be clear to the majority that it wasn't your fault and wasn't your idea."

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"I see, so you need your wits about you to avoid getting the torch and pitchfork treatment?"

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"Dunno what that is, but it sounds like the sort of thing that Doctor Disaster yells at everyone not to do again after the first time he hears about it."

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"Oh, it's an expression where I come from, meant to convey that a mob of relatively unimpressive people is coming to hurt you, but there are so many of them that it's going to be a problem."

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"Little Damar, for all the flaws I've been yakking about, might be the calmest city in the world that isn't ruled by a Spark powerful enough to impose peace via total surveillance.  If enough people get annoyed with me, there isn't a mob.  Instead there's... people asking their elderly well-reputed parents to ask their friends at the castle to pass word around and eventually the Captain tells me I've been fired."

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(They are coming to what looks like a town center, more densely packed than the part that's nearest the Castle of Disaster.)

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It's pretty! Opalyn could have landed in much worse places than this!

"What's that big eye-looking thing?"

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"How big do the bugs get, here?"

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He casts a critical eye around town, then gestures at one of the larger buildings.  "Haven't seen any bugs larger than that, yet, but you want some overkill in your bug-zapper."

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Opalyn is going to focus on the fact that they are overprovisioned for the problem rather than on the problem itself.

Where's that guard station, anyway? Suddenly she'd like to be indoors.

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It's here!

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"Before we go in, just verifying that my stay here will be... brief?"

It looks like the sort of place a Sultana could get misfiled and never heard from again.

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"Assuming you're actually our new Supreme Sultana and... Doctor Disaster managed to tell somebody about that part before he got kidnapped?"

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In they go, then. There are at least twenty people who know her as the Supreme Sultana at this point, so this should be fine. She doesn't like that her freedom might hinge on the testimony of, say, Jurgis Schäfer, but her other option is to make a run for it and that's ridiculous.

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"What brings you here, Sergeant Twoodle?  And who is this young lady who looks like she just dropped in from another dimension?"

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"Says Doctor Disaster appointed her Supreme Sultana before he got kidnapped.  She can talk in his voice if she uses that torc."

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"Simple test for that, Sergeant!  Mistress, if you'd be so kind as to use your voice-changer to instruct our front door to lock itself behind you?"

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Suuuuure... that is plausibly the way locking a door could work? Opalyn turns and faces the door, just in case that matters.

"Front door, lock yourself."

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She might have overdone the command tones!  The door immediately locks all of the locks that it has, with clicking and chunking noises that manage to sound meek and terrorized.  It doesn't actually look like this but you can tell, somehow, that it wants to look like this.

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Opalyn will be more careful to be kind to doors in the future!

She turns back to the captain and looks expectantly at him.

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"What's your will, Supreme Sultana?"

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"Sir, have we actually heard anything about a Supreme Sultana at all?"

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"I vaguely recall hearing something about a new secretary.  Why?"

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"Never mind, sir."

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Opalyn smiles at Josephus -- he's not wrong, this is a ridiculous authentication protocol -- but at least she's through it.

She turns back to the captain.

"Captain, if you can spare Sergeant Twoodle here for the day, I'd like him to show me more of the town. As you surmised, I'm not just new to Little Damar, I'm new to this entire dimension, and I'd appreciate Sergeant Twoodle's help in making sense of it."

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"Of course, Your Supremacy!"

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Does Sergeant Twoodle appear dismayed by this idea, or is he up for it?

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It would seem that having more than one facial expression is a luxury this man can only rarely afford.

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Opalyn wonders what that's like, and if she can somehow fix it for him.

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"All right then, let's go back outside and discuss what there is to see around here. Shall we?"

She gestures in the direction of the door, and then remembers that she locked it with the collar.

"Door, if you would be so kind, could you please unlock yourself?"

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It unlocks!  Very quickly!  As one does when confronted by a Spark saying "if you would be so kind"!

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As long as it doesn't give the impression of making that face again!

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And he'll go where he's gestured.

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As soon as they get outside, Opalyn remembers again why she wanted to be inside: sudden onset acute entomophobia. But then it turned out that the guard station was ominously prison-like, so there was no winning. She'll take her chances that the bug-zapper is effective.

"So," she begins, looking at Sergeant Twoodle. He seems to be looking back at her and paying attention, so she launches in.

"I'm new here, as you know. And not just new in town, new to this dimension. Things are different where I'm from, and I need to get oriented to things that probably seem so basic or obvious to you that it never would have occurred to you to show me. That's why I was in the food shop asking about supply lines and customers. The shopkeeper was not foolish to think I might be scouting for an invasion: it's true. I'm scouting for an invasion of exactly one person: me. I have invaded -- somewhat against my will -- and now I need to figure out what kind of a place this is. I'd like you to help me, if you're willing."

"Some things that I'm interested in include:" -- and she starts ticking things off on her fingers --

  • "The overall political system, including an overview of the nations, city-states, tribes, and so on, as well as any major conflicts or shifts in progress;
  • Some information about how the government is organized;
  • The level of industrialization, as well as the latest advances in engineering and automation;
  • The robustness of the economy, both at the present time and in general; whether the economy fluctuates a lot, and whether anyone has any idea how to stabilize it when it does; Some sense of how wealthy people are, and how much disparity of wealth there is, and how correlated hard work or ingenuity and wealth are;
  • An overview of the things most likely to kill or injure a person, as well as some general information about how healthy people are and what kind of medical infrastructure there is;
  • An overview of the local laws of physics;
  • An explanation of what Sparks can and can't do and what you know about how that works;
  • And probably a hundred other things as they occur to me."

"I don't expect you to know the answers to any or all of that off the top of your head. I'm happy to canvas other people and go to the library and investigate for myself. But since you're the most sensible person I've met so far, I thought I'd just explain the whole problem to you and see if you have any suggestions for where we might start."

"Also, it might not be a bad idea to get a bite to eat. I don't have any money on me because I don't know how money works here, but I can probably just ask for things in Doctor Disaster's name, so maybe we could get some food and talk while we eat and then you can show me things you think would be interesting."

Opalyn decides she should probably stop monologuing now and give Twoodle a chance to say anything at all.

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Yeah, that's a tall order.  He would prefer that she not just walk into a cafe and demand food in Doctor Disaster's name.  But she's not the first person who's been Suddenly Hired By Doctor Disaster, and they can stop by a local bank and get a loan that won't carry interest if she pays it back within the first week, maybe?  Or the Captain might loan the money to her personally if they ducked back in and asked about that; the Captain is one of those people who survives his job because he's got the right sort of insanity for it.

It sounds like maybe the Supreme Sultana is from a world where a single Spark-analogue finally took over everything, and organized it centrally, and wasn't bad at it -- is that about right?  Josephus Twoodle is sort of inferring this part from the way Opalyn talks about "the government" and there being somebody who could do such a thing as "stabilizing the economy".  Here there's just, you know, more and less powerful Sparks, and their territories.  The most powerful Spark he knows is Queen Albia, who rules an island-subcontinent of fifty thousand square miles to the north and west of Europa, and has done so reputedly for thousands of years, personally.  Even she doesn't rule the world.

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Sure, they can go back in and borrow money from the Captain rather than shaking down restaurateurs for free food, that seems pretty reasonable. At some point Opalyn is going to have to figure out how she gets money in a more legitimate way than that?


They are currently in a place called... Europa?
And there is an island-subcontinent northwest of here called... Albia?

Opalyn would like to see a world map, stat. She expects it to look pretty familiar. She's not sure yet what to think about that.

And finally... is it common for people to live for thousands of years? What is a typical lifespan on this world?

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Typical lifespan?  20/50/80 years is about 20/50/80 %.  Albia is a very very very powerful Spark, who evidently cracked immortality or close enough; and even then she's alive by virtue of keeping to her island and not being a threat to, say, the Heterodynes.  Not that every Heterodyne could take Her Undying Majesty, not even close, but it would still have been unwise to give their dynasty reason for abiding hatred over centuries.

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Does he literally phrase it as 20/50/80 years at 20/50/80%?

Opalyn will make as if to hug him, and if he doesn't flinch, she'll go through with it.

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Maybe not exactly but close enough, phrasing-wise.

If she makes as if to hug him, he'll take a quick step back and raise his eyebrows questioningly but not un-friend-i-ly, as if to say, 'I'm not afraid of you per se but lack context on what strange interdimensional activities you might be about to perform such as might unknown-to-me result in our being suddenly married from your own standpoint, as has happened to many protagonists in famous stories around these parts.'

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Then Opalyn will not hug him! She's still happy about him though. She'll buy him breakfast, as soon as she has any money.

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The Captain doesn't seem surprised at all to see Opalyn again so soon!  Sure, he'll loan her some spending money if she's willing to sign a receipt for it.

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Of course!

What does the money look like?

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Pretty! Breakfast, then?

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He can begin escorting her toward the nearest cafe that's open at this hour and actually good, sure.

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There'll be more people in the streets, now, with the sky having already lightened, and some will give Opalyn curious looks; though the apparently friendly presence of Sergeant Twoodle will be seemingly sufficient for them to react with no visible alarm to this foreign?? dignitary being escorted about.

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He'll try to answer some of her other questions along the way.

From the perspective of a jumped-up peasant kid like himself, there aren't really such things as laws of physics, just, stuff that Sparks are or aren't powerful enough to do.  Doctor Disaster can pull secretaries across dimensions.  Other Sparks can, like... build time machines.  Or build machines that think.  Or create new, self-reproducing races of monsters.  Or blow up entire cities with a hand grenade.  It depends on their specialty.

Powerful Sparks can do all of that.  Queen Albia can do all of that.  One Heterodyne every couple of generations can do all of that.

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Say more about machines that think?

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Like... the Castle Heterodyne talks to people?  And plots their death if it doesn't like them?  Sometimes there's a bit of an accident and Mechanicsburg runs itself for a generation or two until some lost Heterodyne heir shows up to take over the place again, and when they do, it's the Castle Heterodyne that recognizes them.

Van Rijn, the self-proclaimed "greatest Spark of all time", gave the Eight Muses as a gift to Andronicus Valois the Storm King, the self-proclaimed "greatest king of all time", and since then those sentient clanks have been advisors and historians to the Valois dynasties for centuries.

...or on a much smaller scale of Sparkdom, there's, like, building a big battle-clank and making it smart enough to keep fighting if the pilot gets killed, though not so smart that it runs away.

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Is there any such thing as a thinking machine that is a Spark?

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...eehhhhhh you probably want to ask that one of somebody smarter.  There's thinking machines that are excellent engineer-minions to great Sparks.  There's artificial races that have given birth to Sparks.  He can't recall off the top of his head a thinking clank that was a significant-enough Spark to have gone down in history.

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All right, she'll flag it for further investigation later, then, but so far this world still gives every indication of humans being the predominant race, and it doesn't seem that they are on the brink of a very fast slide into irrelevance as thinking machines improve themselves and crank out copies of themselves and take over everything. She'd like to better understand what maintains that equilibrium, but it does look from the evidence she has so far like it is an equilbrium that has persisted for hundreds of years.


Jumping back up...

"no such thing as the laws of physics" seems unlikely to be the right framing but she won't get better from Twoodle, so she'll just let that go for now, too. She's learned a bunch more about Sparks but only by example, she still doesn't have a clean understanding of what Sparkdom even is or how it functions, but she's getting the hang of what looks Sparky. She'll table that too.

Probably go back to the big original list of questions, then?

Maybe talk more about how people on this world are organized politically? Like, are there nations? It sounds like no...

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There's Sparks with large territories, and dynasties that have ruled for more than just a handful of decades.  What is a "nation" if not that?

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Opalyn has at this point decided that Twoodle is a pretty stand-up guy, but not cut out to be her peer, probably, so she is not going to get into an in-depth explanation of the difference between a feudal fief and a nation, particularly because he's probably never seen an example of what Opalyn is thinking of. She'd explain it if he seemed truly curious, given that he's being such a good sport about her questions. Does he seem curious?

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He seems like a guy with a lot on his plate, especially with Doctor Disaster having been kidnapped.  He seems focused.  He seems alert to possible monsters in the shadows.  He doesn't give the impression of being actively uncurious, more like, he's monitoring events besides the kidnapped Doctor's interdimensional secretary's questions.

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Cafe BTW.

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Opalyn wants something like an oversized muffin with fruit in it and a chai latte. If accomplishing this task at a Starbucks usually costs her 10 Interacting With Strangers points, how many points does it cost her here?

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Prooobably more than 10 such points; she is going to need to explain how to make a 'chai latte' to somebody who absolutely WILL and will be INTENSELY FOCUSED about GETTING THAT DONE, like a tiny little Spark of Beverages.

Oversized muffin with fruit in it can be ready in 5 minutes, they have a horrendous offense against the laws of Nature and Nature's God for baking muffins quickly.

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Do the words for cinnamon and cardamom and cloves and ginger seem to translate? Can they make her a drink that tastes like those things and is a little sweet and a little spicy and has a lot of milk in it?

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He will absolutely get that done even if it requires breaking the laws of physics.

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She loves it. She'd put on ninja clothes to steal that drink, if she had to.

Opalyn kind of loves Europa's earnestness.

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At a table with their food.

So. Where were they?


Oh yeah! Opalyn would like the rundown on the economy. How much money do regular people have? Or, not money so much as wealth. Like, what kind of housing do they live in, do they always have enough to eat, do they have any leisure time, what do they do with it, and so on.

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It really varies by the territory.  The people in Doctor Disaster's territory don't have the highest mean wealth around, but their median is pretty good because of how Doctor Disaster's more politically powerful minions don't just take away stuff from anyone who seems to have it, and Doctor Disaster himself doesn't take "people aren't starving" as an automatic cue to raise taxes and spend more money on Spark-things.

...Queen Albia probably has a wealthier territory, though.  She doesn't tolerate much of that sort of thing either.

In a town like Little Damar built into the mountains, housing happens when the castle's construction-related minions make it happen, on a break from reconstructing the castle.  They run behind of newlywed couples needing housing, rather than getting out in front of them, and if Opalyn had enough pull to fix that, she'd probably earn herself some noticeable helping of goodwill from newlywed couples and the relatives who'd otherwise need to house them for a few months.  At least, until people forgot that life had ever gone any other way or that Opalyn deserved credit for it.  A newlywed couple with well-to-do parents can afford to sleep in separate bedrooms, have separate bedrooms for younger or older kids, have steam-lighting in a clank-kitchen.

Doctor Disaster is not as naive as people think; he doesn't accept more immigrants to Little Damar than Little Damar has contracts to import food and food reserves to feed for a month if the blimps stopped arriving.  People here don't starve because Doctor Disaster made dumb decisions, only because they made dumb decisions of their own; and even then, there's dangerous work you can sign up for rather than die of starvation directly.  Mercenary companies are always recruiting.  People here don't starve to death, but they might die rather than starve, if they've made the wrong decisions leading up to that point.

Wise masters know that their apprentices will not output linearly more work if forced to work linearly more hours.  Not all masters in Little Damar are wise.

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Is the economy growing, globally and/or locally?

Or to use more words to explain the question: are most people of this generation more economically secure than their grandparents were? Are they more likely to have housing with multiple bedrooms, to have enough slack to avoid dangerous jobs without starving, and so on?

And if so, does Twoodle have any idea how the economy grows?

Opalyn can provide helpful suggestions of how she thinks an economy might grow, if he seems lost, but wants not to lead him prematurely.

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...nnnooo?  People in Little Damar have better opportunities because Doctor Disaster is an unusually non-destructive Spark.  In time, he'll die, and then a lot of people will be sad; they won't keep the improved conditions past however long it takes the next Disaster heir to start running things their own way.

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Sooo that sort of seems to imply that the economy would be growing, if only Sparks would stop destroying the natural growth? Like, Sparks as a rule just consume any wealth that's generated above some baseline, so everything always stays the same. Does that sound right?

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Yep.  Sometimes people break through as Sparks and go on a crusade to kill as many other Sparks as they can, for the good of the rest of the world. In his own opinion, it doesn't really help much on the margin to only kill some of the Sparks, because it just means the remaining Sparks rule larger territories; if people like that were smart enough to target the worst Sparks and competent enough to take them out, maybe that'd help.

Cynic that he is, he suspects that absent any Sparks, you'd just have some other kind of people who pushed themselves up into power and stole everything that wasn't nailed down.

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Why do most Sparks destroy value? Does Twoodle really believe in his own cynicism? People in power can't help but take, take, take, at the expense of everyone else? And it's completely independent of the fact that they're Sparks?

Or is there some sort of congenital sociopathy that goes along with the ability to go into a fugue state and invent weird mechanical contraptions?

Perhaps it would be better to ask this inside out.

What explains that Doctor Disaster is not, apparently, an asshole?

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He doesn't know.  It's actually sort of never occurred to him to wonder.  Josephus Twoodle is not a hereditary Disaster minion -- Twoodle showed up on purpose to work for that one Spark who was rumored to not usually kill his own people for dumb reasons.  It made sense to him that there'd be some Sparks like that.

His theory of human nature is that people usually do again what they perceive themselves as having been rewarded for previously doing.  Sparks tell their clank to shove somebody around, it works, they feel themselves to have been rewarded, they do it again.  Maybe one time as a little boy Doctor Disaster tried to shove somebody else and that didn't work for him...

Twoodle doesn't know, really.  Just.  His own father, when he was alive, would've absolutely told him off, for shoving another boy.  And maybe Sparks' parents don't get around to it, or the nannies they hire don't dare, so their children grow up to -- think it's okay.

...this is maybe the sort of thing where if you could get a mad social scientist to figure it out, it would help the world a lot, now that Twoodle thinks of it?  Except that actually the research would be used to build an army of obedient Spark slaves instead.

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Opalyn suddenly feels crushing, bone-deep fatigue.

This is a strange world in multiple senses, it's going to take her a long time to make sense of it, and it's probably going to turn out to be in stable equilibrium. Not just stable, but nigh immovable. Worlds are big and have a lot of interlocking parts. It's hard to shift even tiny systems with a few parts.

Maybe she doesn't need to do all that.

Maybe she just needs to find Doctor Disaster and keep him safe, because apparently he's an extremely bright and rare resource: a Spark powerful enough to hold some territory who is also at least somewhat good and wise at the same time.

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She probably shouldn't just take Twoodle's word for it, about how this world is. He's just one person, and not a very well-traveled or introspective one at that. She'll try to remember not to overindex on what he's saying.

But still, she's not happy about how things are here, and how unlikely it is that she'll be able to shift them.


She takes a deep breath and another sip of her chai.

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"So. You mentioned earlier that you were interested in news of Doctor Disaster's kidnapping."

"I have my own teams working on that, but let me get your perspective too. How serious is it, in your opinion? What would you be doing about it if you were in my place? How have you already been involved so far? And are you grumpy that I've commandeered your time this morning, because otherwise you'd be directly doing something about the kidnapping?"

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"No, that's definitely not my job and I'm a great believer in people who do actually and only what their job is supposed to be."

"How serious... I think this has happened, if I'm remembering right, three times since I started working here?  It's just, every one of those times actually is an emergency because it would be very very bad if Doctor Disaster didn't come back even one single time."

"In your place -- I guess I'd start with asking if I could go steal him back from wherever he is, Professor Predicament according to the rumors, and if I thought I couldn't do that then things would get complicated.  Where the basic reason we might succeed, at that, is that they think it's fun to hold him, and for us, it's life and death to get him back."

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"Do you think it really was Professor Predicament?"

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"I think you hear about a lot more clever masquerade plots than actually happen, because the clever mistaken identity conspiracies are more fun to retell about in taverns.  Most crimes that were obviously, blatantly committed by somebody were actually commited by them.  So probably it was Professor Predicament, but if there's any clues hinting otherwise I wouldn't look away, and if there were places I could look for more clues I wouldn't be too sure to bother."

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Cool. That's what Opalyn is doing already, though there's really no need to say that out loud. It's not that she doesn't trust Twoodle and the half-dozen people within earshot, it's just that... well, no, it's exactly that.


Anyway, she's learned a lot from this conversation and is kind of starting to think about maybe going back to the castle and taking a nap, given 1) she was woken up very early, 2) she has crushing fatigue as sequela to dawning comprehension of intractability of world optimization.


What if anything does Twoodle think she should really see about the town first, if she only has a little energy left at the moment?

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Town Hall, maybe?  Even if just to see it from the outside, and know where it is?

If Twoodle was setting out to straighten out Little Damar, he'd sure want to know where to locate the Town Hall so he could start firing missiles.

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You can't fight Town Hall though

No but seriously, what's Twoodle's beef with Town Hall?

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Doctor Disaster doesn't usually force people to do jobs they don't want to do.

This means that the people running the city government actually want to do that.

They have goals.  They have hopes.

They have good ideas.

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How DARE they.

What kind of goals and hopes and good ideas offend Sergeant Twoodle so?

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As of literally last week, to have everyone in town answer a survey and then recalculate who ought to be married to who else for maximum economic productivity and childbearing optimization purposes.

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Huh. And how has that gone over with non-Twoodle residents of Little Damar? Any takers for the program? Or is it mandatory?

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They made the classic error of also applying their mandate to the castle residents too; which caused Dame Fleur -- she runs the castle laundry, which gives her a lot of de-facto power inside the castle -- to object to their requirement that she divorce her current husband so he could marry the Disastrous Hatter instead; which, in turn, led Dame Fleur to issue a ruling that the mandate would be non-mandatory.

While some townsfolk did declare that they were happy to marry their new designated targets, for some odd reason, in all such cases, those designated targets did not want to countermarry their new designated spouses.

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Opalyn wonders if some particular bureaucrat had their eye on some particular alternate spouse? Or maybe they're just crazy enough to want to do this in the abstract, without any specific personal gain.

"For increased economic productivity" sure does seem like a fishy reason in a world where no one expects the economy to grow, though!


Anyway, sure, she'd like to see Town Hall. And maybe meet the mastermind behind the failed remarriage program!

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He's at her service, of course.

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Then she'll pop the rest of the muffin into her mouth and off they'll go.

What does a Town Hall look like around here, anyway?

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Sergeant Twoodle will lead her there.  The Town Hall is more toward the edge of Little Damar than the dense city center, interestingly.  Probably somebody demanded a big building with lots of space to house the appropriately dignified majesty of the Town Hall, and the city center was too crowded for that.

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Probably at some point Opalyn is going to get used to how everything looks here, but not yet.

Town Hall back where Opalyn comes from looks more like this:


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How shameful.  Even the poorest town can at least afford to decorate their town hall with clockworks!

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You know, that's actually correct. If Opalyn ever makes it back, she might well personally sponsor some clockworks for the Town Hall in her hometown.

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There's also a tiny rooftop rocket launcher if you look closely.

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She might not bother with that part if she's being honest.


Anyway, can she meet the re-matchmaker?

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"Hello! I'm Doctor Disaster's new secretary, also known as the Supreme Sultana. Nice to meet you! Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

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"I am very busssssyyyyy no nevermind!  Supreme Sultana, you say?  A person of your status could be just the thing I need for the next step in my plans!"

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"And I'd be very interested in hearing about your plans, but there's something else I want from you first."

"Do you still have all the survey data from the matchmaking program, and what assurances did you make about the confidentiality of said data?"

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"Why, of course I still have the data!  And I'm afraid I don't understand the second part of your question."

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Yeah, that's what Opalyn thought.

"I would like you to run a little additional matchmaking for a woman-interested-in-men of my acquaintance who somehow missed the first round of the survey. Or if you're too busssssyyyy you could instead just hand me all the completed surveys and I'll handle it myself. Oh, and she's only interested in available men, not men who would need to divorce their wives to get together with someone new, so you could filter the surveys according to that."

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"Requiring everyone to agree with a matchmaking plan is an impossible and stupid constraint!  Obviously when the current arrangements are the results of haphazard chance, moving to an optimal mating arrangement will involve rematching some people to new mates of a lower sexual market value than those they currently, undeservedly, lucked into possessing!  A woman such as yourself deserves the best man in town -- nay, a whole harem of them -- irrespective of whatever women have them now!"

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Rats, he's seen right through Opalyn.

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"Just give me the surveys and I'll figure it out."



"Anyway, what's your next plan and how do you hope I can help?"

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"If you'd give me some notion of your -- pardon me, mistress, her -- criteria, I can have my Automated Mate Sorter prioritize the prospects for you accordingly!"

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Opalyn strongly suspects that if this guy is anywhere near the machine when it's doing its work, it will somehow magically say that's he's the top match!

"Orrrrr maybe you could let me borrow the Automated Mate Sorter as well!"

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"Of course, mistress!  It shouldn't take me more than a week to teach you of the mating codes that would be required to operate the machine, and the very process of learning would no doubt open your eyes to unprecedented vistas of romantic diversity!"

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That is incredibly kind but will not be at all necessary and Opalyn will just take the raw surveys with no automated sorting, please!

And then she will very firmly change the subject!

What is Aqqord's new project?

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He always has several brilliant projects in the works, aside from his more usual activity of doing all of the planning for all of the town government's logistics!  The one in which she might perhaps be most interested is his proposal to relocate all of the town government's buildings to within easy walking distance of the Disastrous Castle, along with installing direct speech-transmission lines between each person's office and the bedrooms of the individuals in the Disastrous Castle who most often overrule that person's ideas!

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Anything else that is entirely different from that?

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He has a plan to rework the town's defenses!  For example, a single Zangordian Death Laser could replace the Wolfen Bug Zapper and three out of five Air Defense Stations, and would actually be cheaper to operate now that their usual routes for missile ammunition for the Air Defense Stations has been cut off.  It would involve cutting most electrical and steam use in town, if the town actually came under assault, but that seems fine to him.

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Opalyn cannot immediately tell if this idea is good or terrible!

Has he already run it by the Chiefs of the Male Soldiers and Female Soldiers and anybody else relevant and what did they have to say about it?

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Nobody else in this city has any idea of what constitutes a good or bad plan, such as for example it being cheaper and equally effective.  There is therefore usually little point in showing his plans to anyone.  They can only be successfully implemented as surprises snaked through the predictable malfunctions of the Town Hall voting machines. 

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Opalyn finds it equally believable that Aqqord's good ideas are overlooked, or that they are not good ideas at all!

He is welcome to write down what the idea is, what advantages and disadvantages his idea has as compared to the current system, and submit the plan to Opalyn for review. Opalyn will then talk to other folks and find out their objections and try to figure out if the objections have merit or not.

But fair warning, if Aqqord's ideas are flawed in ways that Aqqord should already have known about and did not account for in his report, Opalyn will trust him less in the future.

If Opalyn looks into the idea, can he promise not to sneak-implement it for two weeks?

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Of course!  It wasn't at the top of his stack anyways!

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Great! Then Opalyn will take the surveys now, and Aqqord can send the proposal via messenger up to the castle when it's ready!

And as a reminder, there is no need for him to announce it by voice directly into Opalyn's bedroom!

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Here's the room with the survey reports, containing everyone's recorded claims about what they want in a mate, everyone's self-reports on what they have to offer a mate, and everyone in town's reports on what all of their ex-partners were actually like and actually seemed to want!  Opalyn can peruse them at her leisure!

...or she could say a little about what she wants and then Aqqord could produce a neat stack of the top twenty candidates, yo.

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Onnnn the one hand Opalyn could in theory pick through these a few at a time late at night, tossing most of them in a pile to her left. She's done that for years and it feels pretty familiar.

Onnnn the other hand... ugh maybe she should accept some help. If there are twenty in the pile maybe they won't all be Aqqord?

"Can you promise not to put your own top pick plus nineteen duds in that pile? They'll be twenty good ones?"

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Aqqord would never dream of falsifying any aspect of any of his plans, as this would cause them to be less than completely optimal!

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Okay. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Fortune favors the bold. And other similar truisms.

This is going to blow up in her face isn't it.

Even so.

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Opalyn anxiously shares the following criteria.

  1. Male. (She doesn't explain her complicated feelings about pansexuality, it'll just be easier this way.)
  2. Between the ages of 25 and 50
  3. ACTUALLY AVAILABLE, seriously, for real, why would she want someone who would drop their current partner?
  4. Smart
  5. Has ideas
  6. At least occasionally successfully implements those ideas

Oh no this does actually kind of sound like Aqqord, if he's single, what can Opalyn say that will rule out Aqqord himself in a way that also further narrows the search criteria helpfully? How about IS SANE? But she doesn't trust Aqqord to know how to filter for that. How about: can take others' perspective well... but Aqqord won't know what that means either. What would perspective taking look like to him?

  1. Seems to make a lot of compromises
  2. People like him

And then if it's not too much to ask,

  1. Funny
  2. Great in the sack


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Well obviously if you want a man, and you prefer a loyal highly sentimental man who won't drop his current partner for someone 125% better, you'll have to take him away from some other woman currently in possession of him!  Attractive men aren't going to be just lying around with nobody having claimed them!

And wouldn't making compromises indicate that your starting positions were not already perfect?  Either that, or indicate weakness and being willing to move away from perfection.

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Sometimes, attractive men are just lying around with nobody having claimed them! This is because people measure attractiveness in different ways! One woman's trash is another woman's treasure! Also, sometimes you catch people at just the moment when they happen to be available! Please filter the search to AVAILABLE MEN ONLY, thank you!

And yes do the compromise thing too. Opalyn does not have ten years to explain to Aqqord what she's going for there.

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...there isn't really a standard entry in his coding system for "willingness to compromise" because he hadn't thought of this as something that enough people had to variable degrees, and varied in how much they wanted, to form part of an idealized relationship pattern to compute.  There's an entry for "weak-mindedness" for the sort of person who likes a minion who's easily bossed around?  And separately sexual submissiveness, which some people don't realize is not the same thing at all?

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Yeahhhh so this is kind of why Opalyn expected to have to go through the surveys herself. Can Aqqord maybe just have a bunch of street urchins load the surveys into wagons and take them up to the castle.

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Eventually, of course, he'll be happy to do that!

Meanwhile he intends load up the sorter for "male", "underlying biological age 25-50", "recently single in a way that doesn't reflect too poorly on him and/or has an open polyamory slot", "tested well on intelligence tests", "has somewhat succeeded at life", "overall high ratings from past partners", "rated as funny by past partners", and "rated as sexually skillful by past partners".

How does Opalyn feel about cybernetic replacement limbs, dependent relatives or kids from past marriages, troubled histories from before the man came to Little Damar, ratings for openness to intimacy, and Opalyn's acceptable relative positions inside of a man's harem?

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Okay, having at least some filtering on the clearer criteria does sound helpful, thank you!

Opalyn fears, though, that the criteria that Aqqord doesn't understand, the ones Opalyn hopes are good proxies for skills such as perspective taking, may be quite rare in Europa, or might correlate inversely with the other qualities that she wants. There seems to be a high incidence of megalomania here. She's going to have to build a working model of why, at some point, and how she might disrupt that equilibrium.


ANYWAY. To answer Aqqord's questions:

- Cybernetic replacement limbs: neutral
- Dependent relatives or kids from past marriages: neutral unless they want her to immediately take an active role in supporting / nurturing those others, in which case negative in proportion to how big the role is
- Troubled histories from before the man came to Little Damar: neutral but definitely provide more data on what kind of trouble
- Ratings for openness to intimacy: more open is better, less open is worse
- Acceptable relative positions inside of a man's harem: anything is fine but specify, and if the role is small it better not also come with the expectation of exclusivity

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Does Opalyn have any particular tastes in previous trouble?  Like mercenary service or men who've otherwise seen war, and have some trauma about it that a good woman could help to heal?

Some men in Little Damar aren't explicitly polyamorous, and wouldn't voluntarily let themselves be seduced away from their current wife.  But when strapped into the Romantic Preference Extractor, it showed that if those men were forcibly taken away by a new woman, they'd find that very romantic and would be very flattered and turned on despite their overt protests and tries to escape.  Does this count as "available" in Opalyn's book?

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War trauma: not positive, but acceptable. All else being equal Opalyn would prefer not to get the kind of guy who gets confused and strangles her in his sleep?

Does it count if they're flattered by forcible reassignment: No. No, it does not.

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Hmph.  Well, to each their own tastes, Aqqord supposes.

He'll just head off to the Matching Machine.  Does Opalyn want to stick around to watch for 5 minutes, or head on out and wait for papers to be sent back to her later?

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Wow that is something. If it's literally only five minutes Opalyn might as well stay and watch? She can think of it as research into how Sparky things work.

By the way, is Aqqord a Spark himself? Is it typical for there to be multiple Sparks in the same... political division? City? Whatever this is? Like, how is it that Aqqord is working in Little Damar, which is Doctor Disaster territory?

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He is a very weak Spark, as Sparks rate things.  Hardly a Spark at all, by the standards of Sparks.  He needs help to build any artifact that does anything except plan.  The Matching Machine is his own work, made with premanufactured parts; for the Romantic Preference Extractor he needed help.

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A few minutes later, Aqqord hands Opalyn a stack of top-5, top-10, and top-50 romantic prospects!  Each file is quite detailed, thick enough to be maybe a 5-minute read apiece, and includes data not just from people and their ex-partners but also in some cases surveillance reports or intelligence interrogations.

It may contain some men who are 18 or 55 or would need to be seduced away from their current partners, if they're otherwise really excellent matches, because the Matching Machine does not actually have an infinite-weight setting for any desideratum.

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That's fine, actually, because that's how most preferences work in real life too! The age cutoffs were somewhat arbitrary. Opalyn remains resolute in the "available men only" criterion but if someone is amazing she could just remember they exist and otherwise do nothing about it because sometimes circumstances change!

Opalyn is grateful for the help and says so and makes polite noises until she remembers that courtesy works entirely differently here and she can probably just go now. She takes the files with her. Are they so heavy she needs an urchin and a wagon after all?

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Nah, couple of kilograms of paper.  Noticeably heavy, but not, you know, urchin heavy.

Though there's plenty of urchins and other potential minions in Little Damar who could be press-ganged into her service, to be clear!

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Opalyn can definitely handle a few kilograms! Off she goes then.

Has Twoodle just been standing around this whole time? Opalyn feels a little bit bad about not releasing him sooner. What did he make of the whole Aqqord interaction?

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He continued to not have more than one facial expression, at least while on duty and when not instructed to express any opinions.

(Having opinions about your boss's sex life -- causally interacting with it in any way, really -- is not a trivial decision to make in Europa.  Sparks and Important People get up to some stuff, you know?)

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Opalyn releases Twoodle back to his regularly scheduled life! Presumably she can look for him at the guard station if she wants to talk to him again? He's been an excellent tour guide and remains the most sane person she's met so far in Little Damar, but that's not really grounds to completely derail his entire existence, especially if he's not enthusiastic about that.

If Opalyn is extraordinarily lucky maybe the stack of paper she is presently holding contains the file of an additional sane person!

She thanks Twoodle and waves goodbye to him and walks back in the general direction of the castle. It's easier to go back than it was to navigate outward early in the morning, given that the castle is rather imposing and obvious when she looks around.

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Well if Twoodle isn't steering you away from it, you are liable to walk through this here district.  Unlike some other places or cultures, the local version of the profession offers cheerful early hours for those needing a morning pick-me-up and not given to coffee.

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They've really committed to the bit, haven't they?

Opalyn will continue walking through this district, as long as it seems like she's still heading vaguely back to the castle.

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What is the population of Little Damar and how many of them are sex workers, Opalyn wonders? Also what's up with the... gloves?... on the third one there? They seem to cover the fingers but not the thumbs or the rest of the hand? Should Opalyn even ask or is it better not to?

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None of that is to Opalyn's taste, hmm?  Well if you keep walking in the same direction, maybe this will do for your... morning coffee.

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Opalyn should not stop. She should go back to the castle. She should find out how contraception and disease prevention work in this universe.

She does not want to get mechanical crabs or anything even worse.

Not that she's not tempted!


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This really isn't fair. Opalyn starts to hurry. She almost trips because she's not looking where she's going, but she catches herself and smiles nervously and fixes her hair and keeps going.

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Okay that wrapped around past sexy and into "I have additional questions I really don't want the answers to."

Opalyn makes a run for it and the density of sex workers seems to be falling, finally? Has she escaped?

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For now.

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Okay! Well, it's good to know she has options, if inevitably everyone in her pile of potential mates turns out to be INSANE.

She'll make her way back to her quarters as efficiently as possible. She'd really like to get off her feet and regroup.

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Her apartment is where she left it!  She'll probably get lost in the castle a couple of times along the way; but not die even, like, once.

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Thank goodness. This new existence is exhausting. She'll grab an entirely different kind of drink out of the cooler and flop down on that soft-looking surface over by the window. She needs to think about where to go from here, what to do next, but her head is swirling, and she needs to clear it.


There's an image Opalyn often thinks of for meditation: it's like your mind is a silty glass of river water, too cloudy to see through, but if you meditate, the silt all sinks to the bottom and the rest of the water is clear. She thinks about that sometimes, and then wonders what good it is to have a glass of water with an inch of silt at the bottom. You still end up with a mouthful of silt if you try to drink the water.

In lieu of meditation, Opalyn likes to think about how much she doesn't like that analogy. She does that for a couple of minutes and then she feels better.

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She's grabbing a strange drink from the cabinet?  Roll dice on a potions side effect table... 11... huh.

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Opalyn sips her drink. This one tastes like butterscotch, but bitter? Bitterscotch?

She has the pile of mate profiles next to her on the bench. She shudders, remembering the last time she used a dating app. She got Walter out of that. He was the best of a bad lot. She poured a lot of effort into that relationship, trying to explain what she wanted and trying to make him happy too, but it just never quite came together, and then he flaked on her in the end. Well, it's not like he's going to pop up here in Europa, like her mind suddenly suggested for some reason, so there's not a lot of point in dwelling on that.

She'd probably rather attend to something else before she goes through the pile. What else is there to think about?

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The top order of business is still recovering Doctor Disaster, of course. Opalyn wanted to do that anyway but after learning more about Disaster and how he runs his domain, she's more determined than before. Shocking to think that he's an exceptionally good instance of his class, given how whackadoodle he seemed, but she's not exactly ready to run this place without him. There's not a lot to do there at the moment, though; she already has her people working every angle on the problem that she's thought of so far.

She does still have this other stack of papers from the staff meeting that she should go through.

She should probably figure out where to get more clothes, ones that won't get her funny looks in the streets. Apparently she also needs a cool hat? Opalyn's never been a hat person but when in Little Damar, etc.

She needs to figure out how to pay back the Guard Captain, though that might be easier after Disaster is home.

She could probably use a nap. She got up really early.

And then, yes, there's the lurking pile of Romantic Possibility.

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Easy things first! Is there an obvious straightforward way to handle the clothing issue?

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There's devices inside this room that she could put her current clothes into and maybe something would happen to them in there?  What does Opalyn mean by this inquiry, exactly?

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No, she doesn't want a closet, or even an automatic steamer or shrinker or whatever those devices turn out to be. She needs clothing that's less conspicuous. How should she go about requesting things from the laundry lady and the hat lady? Or maybe Dame Fleur only washes clothes and doesn't create them? Is there a seamstress? Or a seamster?

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On her way here, she passed multiple castle urchins who could be dispatched to find such minions!

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Oh my god he's adorable. Opalyn hopes she does not end up having to wear as many distinct layers of vest as he does!

She sends forth the multi-vested waif to seek either Dame Fleur or the Disastrous Hatter.

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...Dame Fleur, at least, will be along shortly.

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"Thank you for coming back! I need your help. Do you make clothing as well as laundering it? How can I get myself a few sets of clothing that are more appropriate for my new surroundings?"

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She doesn't actually see anything wrong with Opalyn's current clothing -- it suits quite well such an entity as Opalyn appears to be.  Dame Fleur would be happy to make more clothing in Opalyn's current style, even.

If Opalyn wants to disguise herself as a normal person, for some odd reason, hopefully not having to do with poor self-esteem, Dame Fleur can send up one of her subordinate seamstresses.  Quick ill-fitting disguise would take an hour; it'd be more like three days for Proper Real Clothes.  If Opalyn's planning to get any substantial body modifications done, maybe get those done before ordering nice clothes.

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Opalyn is surprised! She's been getting a lot of funny looks around town, presumably about how few gears her clothing has, but maybe about her lack of body modifications?

What does Dame Fleur think most people will assume or conclude about Opalyn based on how she's dressed right now?

(Opalyn was dressed for packing up her old apartment back home. It could have been worse -- it could have been stained sweatpants and a ragged t-shirt with no bra -- luckily instead it was a fairly flattering pair of jeans and nice top.)

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Opalyn looks like she just got here from another dimension.  Opalyn did, in fact, just get here from another dimension.  Dame Fleur is in favor of people looking like who and what they really are.

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This is a compelling and appealing argument!

Are visitors from other dimensions common? Do people actually generate "just got here from another dimension" as a leading hypothesis? What kinds of things do people from other dimensions get up to, once they arrive here?

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The sort of people who have fingers or the sort of people who have tentacles?  Either way, the answer is the same: they find themselves a job, or on rarer occasions turn individual bandit or city ruler.

It's not, like, common, but it's more common around Sparks like Doctor Disaster or Professor Predicament.  Fleur's great-granddad had tentacles.

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All right! Opalyn will remain a Newcomer from Another Dimension, Finger-Having subtype. She'd like more clothes like the ones she's already wearing. Plus maybe a flattering dress in case she finds anybody good in the Romantic Potential pile.

Say more about potential body modifications? What kinds of modifications do people get? Opalyn sort of had the idea that people got prosthetics after terrible war injuries; she hadn't realized that opting into modifications was a reasonable thing to think about.

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Has Opalyn noticed that nobody with money or a Spark's favor looks plain, appearance-wise?  There are some who make themselves pretty and some who make themselves monsters, but few people with power are content to look undistinguished.

She could also just go for larger boobs.  Some otherwise nice men are simple that way.

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That is not a totally crazy idea! Opalyn always kind of wanted to do that!

Back in Opalyn's home dimension, that kind of body mod is expensive and painful and takes a while to heal from. What's it like here?

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It takes a Spark who knows what they're doing -- which Doctor Disaster does, in virtue of being generally good at things that aren't objectively difficult for Sparks.  The nicer Sparks will zap you unconscious first, otherwise it'd be quite painful, yes.  It doesn't take long to heal if you wear a mechanical corset that repeatedly zaps you with speedier healing, though it might be distracting for a few days while that's going on.  (Naturally there are even faster ways to get people out of an operating room and onto a battlefield, if you're in a hurry, but it's not optimal.)

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Opalyn is tempted! But now she's feeling incredibly vain. She hasn't even read all the staff reports about ways to improve the castle yet, her boss is missing and possibly getting brainwashed at this very moment, and she's contemplating making herself as pretty as possible? That can probably wait for three days.

Opalyn would like just one additional set of clothes then, and don't do the pretty dress yet, pending a decision on body mods.

Oh, and while Dame Fleur is still here, do any of the contraptions in this room clean clothing, or should Opalyn just send her clothes to the central laundry?

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If anything in this room cleaned clothing, Dame Fleur would have it shot.

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Of course Opalyn would never use a machine for laundry and will always send it to Dame Fleur!


And with that taken care of, she flops down again, thinking to take a nap.

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But finds that she's very curious what's in the Romantic Possibility pile, and can't resist opening up just one.

She'll start with the Top-Ten-but-not-Top-Five pile. She'd like to preserve the chance there's something good to look forward to.

What's in there? What does this dimension have to offer?

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Captain Lysander Fitzroy - A 32-year-old airship captain, thoroughly traveled. Lysander recently split amicably from his partner of five years, who decided to settle down in Paris. Known for his adventurous spirit, charming sense of humor, and a knack for navigating both the skies and romantic relationships with skill and finesse. Past partners have rated him highly for his wit, his adaptability, and his "creative problem-solving" in bedroom situations.

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Handsome! Though his face looks a little bit like leather patchwork. Horrible military trauma?

What kinds of problems did he creatively solve in the bedroom, Opalyn would like to know?

She puts him in the maybe pile.

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Rory "Rivet" Blackthorn, age 24.  He's had the sort of luck, both good and bad, that most young men his age only have in dreams and nightmares.  A few years ago in Wrenchton he pulled off the sort of heist that most kids can only fantasize about, picking up some scars and mutations to go with it, and decided to put all of that money into purchasing a single dream to live the rest of his days:  Moving to Little Damar where it's sorta peaceful, and paying off the local Spark to make it the official rule that the town guard looks the other way when Rivet sleeps on the streets, busks for a few bucks, or 'robs' a convenience store of a jar of jam.  He wants a lady who'll provide him a bed to come back to on one out of three days or so, but considers himself to have pretty high standards for the Sensible Woman in his life and is presently single.

It's okay for a woman to try to fix him up; so long as you understand that, to him, that 'fixing' thing is a game that ought to be good fun for both players even if one loses.

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He's probably extremely charismatic in real life and therefore Opalyn should make sure never to meet him, because on paper this is obviously a terrible deal! Like many people, Opalyn had a phase when she enjoyed fixer-uppers but she's over it.

She tosses that packet to the left.


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Dr. Thaddeus "Wintad" Winklemeyer, 48-year-old professor of theoretical metaphysics and part-time adventurer.  Retired, at least for now, after a particularly harrowing expedition to the Cursed Caverns of Krzzlvak.  Came to Little Damar in the company of a sad old lady with a terminal illness, mourned her for a year after she died, and is now back on the dating market.  The last words of his former companion included that she didn't want Wintad to be lonely and that he had always been very good to her in bed.  Can shoot a skeeter out of the air at fifty yards with the help of his cybernetic eyeball tweaker.

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Opalyn is always interested in a potential partner's other partners. Why was this guy dating a sad old lady with a terminal illness? Opalyn is not sad or old or terminally ill. She realizes that none of these things are catching, exactly, but there was something about that dynamic that worked for him, and Opalyn is not that.

Also... imagine having that face over you in bed.

She doesn't have a good feeling about this, but she's still not calibrated on Little Damar so she puts him below the airship captain in the Maybe pile.


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The Murchesons, identical triplets.  As brilliant as non-Sparks get, wealthy, charming and agreeable, said to be excellent in bed by the few women who are into being bedded by three guys at once.  They're single -- well, triple -- on account of having not yet found a woman who all three of them like well enough to settle down.

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Oh HELL yeah. The odds of it actually working out are low, but what an experience to have. She hopes their first names don't rhyme.

She puts them in the Yes pile.

One more left in the Top-Ten-but-not-Top-Five pile! Opalyn has the same feeling as when she's going through a new pack of cards from the gaming store. Will she get a rare or a legendary, or just another common?

It is now obvious she never had any intention of napping.

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Wilhelmina Hinterland, 29F.  A quadruple agent for three different countries -- through no fault of her own, it began with blackmail when she was only three years old.  She fled to Little Damar after executing, successfully, the only mission she ever gave herself.

Wilhelmina was born female, but has taken several different forms on different intelligence missions, and was put through unspeakable experiments that left her able to be attracted to any life form.  She'd cheerfully go male again for the right partner.

Extremely amenable to compromises of all kinds, if she otherwise gets what she wants.

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Uh, Wilhelmina is pretty hot and probably doesn't have to go back to being male if she doesn't want to.

Opalyn does worry that she'll never get to know the real Wilhelmina, because maybe there is no such person under all the layers of subterfuge. However, it might be good to date her just to hear some stories of politics in other countries?

She could maybe also get that from Lysander the airship captain.

Opalyn wonders what Wilhelmina actually wants and won't compromise about. Intriguing.

Maybe pile.

And who is she kidding, she's not going to save the top five for later. These have been intriguing so far. Maybe Aqqord's machine actually works!

Who's the first one in the top five pile?

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It's not Aqqord, right? Say it's not Aqqord.

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It is not Aqqord!  That would be classless, okay?  Inserting yourself as a woman's top match is the act of a person without any class.  Aqqord has at least some sense of classiness.

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Anyways!  The top match is some guy who goes by Doomnoper.  Judging by his photo, he is one of the few souls besides Aqqord himself to wear reasonable-looking glasses instead of machine goggles, as well as a trilby so dark that it fades into the dark background he was photographed against.

Doomnoper is apparently some sorta minor Spark who tried to stop some sorta staggeringly catastrophic opponent from taking over all of Europa and maybe destroying the world!  He, like, totally lost, and now resides as a refugee in Doctor Disaster's domain.  His profile says that he is probably something of a rare taste, bedroom-wise, but very tasty if you are the right sort of woman to be into what he has to offer.  Dominant, sadist, and a huge goofball (especially in the bedroom) despite his generally grim aura and backstory.

You can buy action figures of him, for a price.

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Nah. The action figure is just too much. Who does this guy think he is. He didn't even win.

(She does wonder about the rare taste, but reminds herself that she can always come back to this one later.)



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Mister Bloomlord isn't a tight match to Opalyn specifically.  But one of the first things you learn in machine learning: priors matter.  The fact is, the machine didn't really have that much specific info on Opalyn.  So the #2 match is just that one guy in town who you would guess, on priors, any woman might end up dating.

The machine did compromise on one part of Opalyn's request, namely, for the man to be available.  But Mister Bloomlord does still have some room left in his romantic schedule, despite the other 37 women he's dating.  In fact, given how many other women it's worked out for, the odds are if anything strongly in Opalyn's favor!

(Possibly there is at least one time machine involved here.)

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Thirty-seven! His milkshake certainly brings all the girls to the yard! Opalyn wants to know what the special ingredient is. He can go in the maybe pile for further study.

It does not sound like Mister Bloomlord will have a lot of room for Opalyn, though, so she should probably keep looking.

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#3:  He-Who-Soars.

A perfect match?  No.  But if He-Who-Soars is into you, he will damn well make it work.  He's a hardgoing perfectionist that way.  So, really, it's only necessary that he be attracted to you, not that you be attracted to him.  Statistically speaking, that's quite a boost to the probability of a successful match.

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Unacceptable! Opalyn is the main character in this story and if someone is going to work hard to pull something off, it'll be her.


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#4:  Some guy who renamed himself to "Mornelithe Falconsbane".

Who's not into rogueish catboys?  Another minor Spark, who transformed himself feline, and also got chased out of his previous domain after a bunch of, er, well, heroes, actually, brought down his reign of, er, terrifying villainy.  With a distinct sexual component.  Also he turned his own daughter into an unwilling catgirl as the prototype for his own transformation.  He's in Doctor Disaster's territory under probation, under supervision, and under condition that he makes himself useful and restricts himself to willing victims.

Some women are into that sort of thing!  The machine doesn't know otherwise!  Opalyn didn't tell Aqqord to restrict to Lawful Good alignments!

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Opalyn tells herself sternly that this one is not at all interesting and tosses it emphatically in the no pile.

Why are the top five mostly worse than the next five? Can match #5 save the day?

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(Worse, hm?  If that's what she wants to tell herself.)

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(...Okay but actually if you take the perspective that Aqqord's engine is going to behave like a not-very-debugged machine learning system, it's perfectly natural for the top results to be weird.  Consider Opalyn's real value function in mates to be V, and view Aqqord's machine as computing a proxy U of V, with an error term [U - V].  Indeed, view U as being composed of V plus the error term [U - V].  Then selecting the topmost results from U = V + [U - V] is not just selecting on high V (insofar as U correlates with V at all), but is also potentially selecting for places where the error term [U - V] is positive and high.  This is the generalized form of Goodhart's Law that we might combine with the Optimizer's Curse to yield a concept of Goodhart's Curse; to select high values from an imperfect proxy is to select for upward error in that proxy, even if on average U is a statistically unbiased estimator of V.)

(Or put less technically:  Just like search engines in Opalyn's world from time to time start to cough up spam or other weird things in their top results, it shouldn't be surprising if the top results from Aqqord's engine are a collection of weird cases that sideways maxed out Aqqord's imperfect attempt at a search algorithm.  Like result #2 being that one guy in town who everyone dates, or result #3 being some overly-determined fellow with the capacity to make any relationship work if he tries it at all, or result #1 being the all-around objectively best person.  It shouldn't be that surprising if you have to go down to #5 to start finding interesting people who might actually match Opalyn.)

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("the all-around objectively best person" SERIOUSLY who does this guy think he is)

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(Hey, he tried to create better people.)

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Anyways!  #5 is Kelsam, a man slightly older chronologically than he appears biologically, owing to some lesser optimizations.

Kelsam is not a Spark.  Kelsam is determined to show the world that it is possible to contribute useful science and technology to society without being a fucking Spark.  Kelsam thinks that technology which anyone can maintain, build, and extend is potentially more valuable than technology that can only be maintained by Sparks, even if this would require a reconceptualization of what is possible to non-Sparks and some amount of educational reform.  Possibly even trying to find men and women who are good at science and engineering without being Sparks, and encouraging them to have a lot of kids together.  Whatever it takes, Europan society needs to get that done, or it will forever be blocked on the limits of whatever inspiration Sparks tap.

This world has stagnated too long by trying to make Sparks solely responsible for carrying the torch of technology.  It's the path of least resistance, but it has meant that technology goes backward whenever a key Spark dies.  It won't be easy to resist the cheapest and easiest way of getting supertechnology, to build another entire path, but it must be done; things won't really change in this world until that happens; and whatever someone can contribute to making that happen, is the most good they can probably do in this world.

Kelsam is a sadist and not particularly monogamous, but has a reserved place for a primary partner that no woman has yet filled.

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Oh, now this. This requires a closer look. Is that's everything that's in the profile? Does it say anything about his dating history or what his past partners had to say about him? What has he actually done so far on his reconceptualization and educational reform program?

Opalyn is really wishing she could webstalk him a little bit but apparently she only has this one packet of papers. She'll scrutinize every word she's got, though.

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Some time earlier there was a period of youthful indiscretion wherein -- convinced that he could not know his limits, until he had tested them -- Kelsam tried simultaneously dating the thirteen most interesting girls he could find, mostly his own (young) age.  This does mean there's a number of different perspectives available on Kelsam -- though many of those are based on experience of a younger version of him.  Comments archived into Aqqord's machine include:

"He's absolutely going to get himself killed.  I bet 2:1 within the next five years."
  -- Mione Ranger (16 years earlier)

"The only really polite man I've ever dated.  This may say more about me than about him."
  -- Aisa Astilla

"Try actually asking Kelsam things.  He will actually tell them to you, or say straight out that he won't."
  -- A. S. Modia

"In retrospect that entire relationship was a mistake.  It caused more physical collateral damage than any other relationship I've ever been in.  This was more or less 50/50 the fault of both of us.  I'd say we've both learned a few valuable lessons in the process, and are unlikely to repeat either of those exact mistakes again."
  -- Rissase Var

"Do not tell this part to guys -- you're not going to show it to guys? good, because they won't understand -- Kelsam can be equally into sex where you're not having an orgasm, because he thinks that's hot if you're doing it for subby reasons.  If you're giving it to him as a gift, or allowing it to him as a freedom.  I personally just find it an overwhelming relief not to need to have an orgasm every time on pain of injuring some guy's ego, and I somewhat gingerly told Kelsam that straight out, and he said he was fine trying that out to see how it worked for both of us."
  -- several different girls, apparently independently

"He thinks he's cruel, but he's not.  I'd hit him up sometimes when hollow cruelty was better than no cruelty."
  -- Pi Larpin, E.D.A.

"Likes variety in bed.  Turns out, so do I."
  -- Mary Itxel

"A selfish man pursuing a good cause.  The selfish part didn't work for me, liked the cause though.  Adequate in bed, but too much about the bedding."
  -- Peran Za

"Will possibly be interesting when he grows up and if he turns evil."
  -- Gail Throon

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Opalyn approves of Kelsam gathering empirical data about his limits! But she wonders why there's nothing more recent in the file. Did he wildly swing from 13 girlfriends to 0? Exactly how wounded was he by the experiment all those years ago? Well, she's never seen a dating profile that answered that question, no way to find out but to step into the minefield and see what explodes.

She flags some of the notes for further investigation: selfishness, tendency to get killed, physical damage. She won't rely too much on any one of these reports but they do sort of paint a picture, together, don't they?

She likes the reports that Kelsam is not actually cruel, that he's candid, and the sex stuff.

That dating history was all on the first piece of paper. What's on page two? Anything about actual work products?

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It's probably going to sound a bit odd from an Earth perspective, and like Kelsam is trying some things that an Earthling would consider a naive, overly-obvious, hopeful approach, that isn't likely to work in real life.  As for whether it flies in Europa, who knows.

Kelsam did not go straight out and invent the saner parts of Earth scientific infrastructure; he has no way of knowing what sorta-worked on another planet.

He is taking what Europans would consider a more natural approach to this sort of thing.

As Kelsam analyzes the issue, the fundamental problem with non-Spark science and engineering is that it will take a lot of time and cost a lot of money to build it up to the point where it can compete with just having powerful Sparks run out and do crazy shit immediately.

If a sufficiently large or powerful group of people were motivated to construct Sparkless Science, they could (as Kelsam sees it) offer large monetary prizes for the sort of science or inventions that are learnable and duplicable by non-Sparks and push the frontier of that particular subvariety of human knowledge, over time.  Continue this prize-offering process for a while, and eventually civilization as a whole would have accumulated science and engineering to a level where it could compete with some Sparks.  But the expenses would be immediate, and the benefits much delayed -- perhaps for centuries.

From Kelsam's perspective, then, the problem reduces to, "How do I give a sufficiently net-wealthy group of people today, an incentive to care about what level of science and engineering exists a couple of centuries later, such that they pay prize money for it now?"

Having thus reduced the problem, the drawing-a-straight-line solution is... immortality!  If people were immortal, they'd have more incentive to care about what happens centuries later!  Also this is a long-term project and Kelsam might need to steer it for a while, because he doesn't trust anyone else to see it from exactly the right angle.

This obvious first approach is why Kelsam is a bit older than he looks -- his first act was to go out to investigate rumors and legends about immortality methods, like any Europan would consider the straightforward course of action in his situation.  Albeit the results he got are due too much to Adventures and Things Happening that do not properly scale.

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He's not NOT a mad scientist. He knows this, right?

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There are non-mad scientists?  Isn't that just the sort of attitude that goes along with any variety of Science, Spark-born or otherwise?

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Europa makes Opalyn a little bit tired. She'll probably get used to it?

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Making immortality safe and reliable in a way that scales is, evidently, somewhat hard.  A few of the greatest Sparks in the world are ancient, but most are not.  Perhaps Sparkless Science could solve that problem in a couple of dozen decades, but that does not give current people an incentive to invest.

Kelsam is rather smart for a non-Spark, though.  He has gone past what Europa would consider the first obvious thought on the subject, instead of throwing himself madly harder at replicable immortality.

Kelsam doesn't need large groups of wealthy-enough people to stay alive into the future.

He needs them to expect to be in the future, and in a way that depends on future science and engineering getting far enough.

So what if, when somebody got old today, they could somehow travel to a few centuries later, after post-Spark science and engineering had advanced to the point of doing replicable safe immortality?

There are several known historical cases of stasis pods, time-suspenders, etcetera.  They were all built by specialized or overpowered Sparks, of course, because that's just how Europa rolls.  But that can maybe be improved-on!  Whereas safe and reliable immortality is evidently hard, building cheaper stasis-pods doesn't have that sort of known hardness.  This is especially true if you're willing to tolerate the sort of incidental damage in the stasis procedure that a post-Spark, replicable-science Future Civilization could probably also cure; thus the problem Kelsam needs to scale is, in a way, easier than the standard problem of stasis pods.

So what Kelsam is currently working on is getting the sort of stasis-pod design that is allowed to cause some side effects, can be reliably reproduced by more than one Spark, doesn't take significant work or expense to maintain, and isn't that costly to have a minor Spark build a hundred copies of.

Then, he will build a generation-spanning conspiracy of high-net-worth individuals to sponsor the long-term development of Post-Spark Science under conditions where they can expect to personally see and benefit from the results of their labor!

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Kind of a sideways way of approaching it, but sounds basically sensible?

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What kind of side effects, Opalyn wonders?

But maybe that's the sort of thing she can just ask about on a first date.

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Does she have time for a first date before launching the counter-invasion to rescue Doctor Disaster?

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Sure! She's just waiting on everyone else to be ready, anyway!

How can she get ahold of this guy? Does she need to fetch an urchin who knows how to operate the pneumatic message tubes, or does she need to enter a video game cheat code to navigate to his house, or...?

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Opalyn is in charge!  She just orders somebody to see her will done, and then, something will happen, possibly the thing she had in mind!

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All right, well that's straightforward enough.

She'll scrawl a note to Kelsam and ask for it to be delivered ASAP.


I have recently arrived from another dimension and I'm interested in helping with your Sparkless Science program and/or having an intimate relationship with you. If you'd like to investigate the possibilities, please come up to Doctor Disaster's castle and ask for the Supreme Sultana tonight around dinnertime.




P.S. My dimension has science but not Sparks. It can definitely be done.

P.P.S. I'm a masochist.

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He'll show up bearing flowers in very very short order.

"I appreciate your directness," are the first words out of his mouth.

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"Oh good, you came right away, even though it's not dinnertime yet! I didn't want to order an immediate summons, I figured you might be in the middle of something."

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"I'm flattered that you think I could possibly have been in the middle of anything more important than you."

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This is probably shameless flattery.

It's working.

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"So. Should we start with the science or the sex?"

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"The science, if that works.  If it doesn't then various things will happen to you."

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Opalyn suppresses her urge to squirm too much, that would lead to things happening to her and they're doing the science first, but this is a great start.

She does squirm a little, though.

"Science it is!"

"What is the problem you're up against right now?"