Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Food! The kobold goes for a couple things she's already tried; no experimentation today.

Anybody interesting in the cafeteria? She's giving off a bit of an 'I'm fragile, don't disturb me' aura, so they're probably not going to be approached once everybody who was worried has been reassured, but she might invite someone over.


Nom nom.

There are a few people from last night there, but all of the Masters are still at the Council session.


Nah, she'll hold off then. Nom.


When they're done eating: "It's not the best idea for me to go work on my cave right now; I should do something more distracting. I can get the math lesson I was working on from Bar, or we can go do something else if you'd like, I'm not really sure what our options are."


"Can you set up a more pemanent way to access that game field from yesterday? A post near the fields here to tag or something?"


"Sure, if you have an idea for a safe way to let people come back." She thinks it over for a moment. "I could add a password of some sort but I wouldn't want anyone to get stuck because they didn't know it."


"Um. Can you make a time-based portal?"


Nod. "Time based like time of day, or time based like 'stops working after a week', or both?"


"Like, open it and have it stay open for four hours or something? Wait, no, portals are one-way. Um. Oh, just have the same password on both ends."


"That would work, good idea."



Here is the field, here is a convenient pillar next to a wall! Ana wants the password to be "Go Gizka", a nod to her first team in her Padawan days.


The kobold has no objections. Behold: a portal.


"Cool, thanks. I'm going to get some people and share the password. We'll probably wind up playing a few rounds."


Grin. "All right."

She goes through and enspells the obelisk to respond to the same password, and retrieves her algebra holo from Milliways and settles in to watch it.


Ana informs the athletics coordinator about the new field he has access to, and winds up bringing him and several other new people along with most of the group from yesterday to demonstrate its properties.


The kobold keeps half an ear on the proceedings, and finds an opportunity to point out that she can still change the spells around if that's wanted and that they will eventually break on a dirt field.


"How soon is eventually?" asks the coordinator.


"A few months, maybe? It depends on how much rain the field gets, and I don't know what the weather's like here."


"There are artificial materials that are weather-resistant and last for centuries. We could resurface with those, would that help?"


"Definitely," she nods. "Let me know when you want to teleport them in."


"We do not keep a supply on hand, but it can be fabricated without too much effort. Tomorrow, or the day after, perhaps. Thank you."


"You're welcome. I might be busy tomorrow, but I can probably find time for it within a few days."


He nods, and returns to the the field. The Jedi will once again continue playing until the sun begins to go down.


The kobold makes good progress on her algebra holo, and sees no particular reason to interrupt the athletes.


The Jedi head home. Ana stops by the kobold.

"Hey. What're you working on?"


She pauses the holo and looks up. "Parabolas, at the moment. I'm not sure I see the point, though." She grins. "Have fun?"

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