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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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I've asked Asmodeus of my own self whether He - and His dead Twin Ihys - were First among the gods. And They were.

If others tell another story, they tell it no more truthfully. 


It's Pharasma's system that sends the souls of sinners to Hell and the Abyss.

She's more guilty of the night's true horror than even are the Rough Beast and Pallid Princess.


If I can beat truthtelling I'm sure Asmodeus can prevaricate by commune.


...But I'll keep that observation to myself.


Maybe I'm the cultist, but I Modify Memory'd myself so I wouldn't know and could pass the truthspell?

I mean, how could any of us really be sure we're not behind this.


You know, it's kind of strange how many people in Korvosa's leadership are attractive women. 

I mean, while only Ileosa gets the whole 

"Queen Ileosa was a woman of breathtaking beauty, with red hair like the sunset, chaste alabaster skin, and features so fetching many claimed her mother must have been a nymph queen, as surely no mortal woman could give birth to a beauty such as she."

treatment, basically everyone who rates an entire adjective gets one what says they're pretty.

Lady Leroung is "lovely," Field Marshall Merrin's "a gothic beauty," the Seneschall is "ethereal" "has large wide-open eyes" and "was cleaned up nicely", the Vault Colonel -


Ahahayeah, what a wacky coincidence that the best person for that job had eyes that shine like wish-grade diamonds and perfection written on every line and curve of her body.

How wackily coincidential this all is.

Let's change the topic.


The! Turtle! Is! Crawling! Away!


Sorry, the turtle that used to be the Shoanti necromancer who set the progenitor shadow on Korvosa?

That turtle?

Toff left behind the turtle?


Wait, okay, but Queen Ileosa's dubious hiring practices can't have had anything to do with the head of House Leroung or ex-Field Marshall Cressida Kroft.


Kill it!!


Take him down, hard and fast!


Use nonlethal damage! But you have the general idea right.


...I'm sorry, what? You think that Cressida Kroft is hot.

Cressida Kroft.


...Yes? She's described as, paraphrasing, "a harried and tired-looking, attractive, dark-haired human woman dressed in red armor." [Edge of Anarchy pg. 26]


Described by who.


That... that does not look like nonlethal damage, guys.


That's just how she's described.


By who?!


I don't know.

Everyone, I guess.


Can I get a healing spell for this turtle?


Healing spell for the turtle!

(Well, a Channel Energy, actually.)

WTF, folks? I'm sure you didn't need your +4's to hit in order to incapacitate a Tiny animal with 6 Dex.

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