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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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It's all such bullshit.




If you'd like to live where might makes right,

move to Riddleport get mugged in an alley catch the eye of fifth-circle Elias Tammerhawk and serve him as an mindthralled slave for the rest of your natural life.


I'd rather live in Korvosa where when it looks like someone might depose the Evil Queen she can count on Lawful "Good" Cressida Kroft to stop them.


Yeah, you can count on me to defend you.

If you follow the law.


is why you have,

decided to follow the law.

That is the system working as intended!


This from the woman who paid adventurers to break into my house while I was taking a bath.

Legal in Korvosa.


But don't feel singled out, I keep a file on literally everyone who I know to have class levels or a noteworthy last name.

Which practice of mine has been vindicated time and time again - remember those Skinsaw Men?

Are you immune to poison, Arkona?

If anything, I should have been more aggressive. That way I could have caught the fiasco with the Breaching Festival before it came to a head.


But I repeat myself.


I can't pretend to comprehend how you choose which potential threats to catch early.

Seems like public opinion is sour on the newest Queen - do you differ?


Not really.

It isn't impossible that she'll grow into the position - heck, maybe I've seen her grow into it a bit already - but if I'm holding out hope I'm not holding in my breath. 


Yet you wait in the wings with the executioner's sword, while she entrenches herself.



She hasn't broken the law, and she's the reigning Queen.

(At least until I have a legal way to get rid of her.)

The state is its legitimacy, that's the only thing that holds this consensual illusion together.



Look, I'd love to stay and chat, but someone just teleported onto my boat and I need to figure out what's up with that.


Take care.


Stick to Cressida Kroft, stay on her good side.

Ileosa does has any allies in the Vault, purchased for today; she could leave - or drop - the magnificent mansion and make the discussion more public... that's potentially a good idea, yeah, and she has some ideas for what she could say - "the Great Houses of Korvosa want to keep you down, even if your landlord's dead they think that you only deserve a tenant's life, they'll go against law and tradition and incite civil war just to spite you."

If that's her BATNA, she has something to threaten Kroft with! And anyone else with a moral compass - Lord Bromathan, maybe. 

She only needs to split off one of the Great Houses, as they rule by consensus... what does she know about Lord Arkona?


The sinister and wealthy House Arkona possesses perhaps more secrets than all other noble houses combined.[1]

1. Guide to Korvosa, pg. 58.


That cannot possibly be true.


Okay, but what does she know about about them?


If you knew a thing, it wouldn't be secret, now would it?


What does she know that isn't secret?


The Arkonas don't really have isn't-secrets. The best I can give you are their open secrets or those secrets poorly held.


Knowledge (local) says 16.

Lay 'em on me.


I will whisper what I know of sinister House Arkona...

on the strict condition that you never so much as murmer my name in connexion to what I tell you.


Sure, whatever.


Swear to it!


I do so swear.

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