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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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...How do you know that?


I was curious.


I'll be back within five minutes.


Um, you're leaving so soon?




Don't you think that leaves us, uh, a little outgunned?

Ileosa might surmise how you plan to have her deposed, and feel desperate enough to order an attack while you're away.


Guardsman, go find Watch Sergeant Kroft.


That's me?


I know you're bad with names, but how'd you confuse "Altronus" and "Watch Sergeant Kroft"?


Surely the four Acadamae Deans in the room can hold down the fort without me.


Ileosa definitely wants Altronus in the room if Ornelos's faction pulls anything - she was talking to the guy behind him.


I'm on it!

Though I don't know where in the mansion she might be.

Hope I don't miss her.


Hey, what's going on in here?

Is this the Committee Room? 

I tried the door earlier but it was locked - thanks to whoever left it open!

I'd better tell everyone that y'all are in here.


Salgar Irevotnin is still maintaining his silent image, so he'll replace the door with an imitation in a feeble attempt to filter out some interlopers.


I shall return.

[TOFF ORNELOS exits upstage center]


Toff Ornelos is teleporting out to get Glorio Arkona. 

His motive is a mite mysterious - what does Toff have against her!? - but his ends and means straightforward:

He wants Marcus Endrin installed as Seneschal (where "Marcus Endrin" is understood to be an entire category of people - Sable Company Marines from the right families who are loyal to the noble houses of Korvosa), which he'll do either by arguing that a Marcus Endrin is the only eligible choice (bullshit!) or that she wasn't allowed to dismiss Cressida Kroft (untrue!) and that Kroft should select a Seneschal. And then someone will challenge her claim to the Crimson Throne and the Arbiters will decide against her and the Marcus Endrin will decide who has the best claim after her. 


Or, if it's cleaner, maybe Ileosa Arabasti drowns while ice-skating.


It wouldn't likely help to pull out her hair in worry, so she'll belay that intervention for the time being.


What can she do about it? 

First of all, stick to Kroft like glue. Cressida Kroft will follow The Process, and The Process doesn't involve any ice-skating mishaps in her future.

The Process in Korvosa is Lawful Neutral on its very best day - 


It was made by and for bad people - 


- and she's only one alignment step away from that.

And you shut up, Arkona, you aren't even in this scene yet.


Actually, I've never made an appearance in the entire continuity.

Somehow I'm still everyone's favorite character.

You could learn something from that, maybe.


But The Process is a fickle friend, because,


while "The Process" is far from perfect ("in its majestic equality, the Law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg on the streets, and steal loaves of bread"), it is also old.

Too old to love any one living mortal in particular - even where it was written to the express benefit of your class or station.

The rules apply to everyone, and will only protect you if you follow the rules.

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