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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Women and men leap to their feet, weapons are drawn, spells readied - 


Toff stomps through the curtain of descending dust, bringing it with him into the room.

His staff - inlaid with gold and lanthanum, capped both sides with edged and unbreakable crystal - records his progress and faithfully reports. 

To mortal eyes, he shines like gemstones and mage-light and precious metal. 

To arcane sight, he glows like the Las Vegas Strip. 


On second thought, countermand that mental image; to arcane sight he shows nothing at all.

At his heels follow sundry special interests - nobles and hellknights and everyone who wanted in the room before the door was locked. 


Oh, it's the Headmaster of the Acadamae. 

This probably isn't a combat encounter.


Lucky him.


Toff Ornelos!

It's been a year and a day, old friend. I've held this of yours in your absence, against the day again we met - catch!


The black marble bounces harmlessly off his chest.

Did you... did you seriously just try that.


There's nothing on that marble save a magic mouth. :3

How the Hell has life been treating you, chum? And how did you get in my mansion, it's only supposed to let in those I designate.


i hate you so much


I walk paths beyond your comprehension. No ward of yours can bar my entry.

Slaving wage-wizard.

Ponder this mystery as you peruse the books of Heaven and bargain for the secrets of Hell, as you tread the paths I blazed on Castrovel and the Sun...

...and perhaps one day you will understand.


I'm renting a room in the mansion, so I subleted parts of it out to everyone else who wanted inside.

It wasn't even Toff's idea, we've been doing this ever since you disappeared - so folks could visit their neighbors.


There are also scalpers doing price discovery. 


Ah, Korvosa.

It's possible I should have been more precise in my designation... what is the going rate for a room in a mansion, by the way?


I'll tell you for a golden sail.


What are you doing in my city, Togomor?


Making myself useful.

What are you doing in my mansion?

Could it be that you're here, in my house, dusting my door and scuffing my floor, because you're looking to trade clones again?


It's a favorable trade - House Ornelos has a lot more money than you do.


Ah, but you see, my friend, I think it pains you worse to part with it.


The Committee Chair says you can't have wizard duels in here, or at least that you can't use AoEs.

Lord Ornelos, how do you know my man Togomor?


The Committee fucking Chair.


I studied at the Acadamae!


Although he was not enrolled.


Togomor is a snake. Believe nothing that he tells you. 


Sky's blue.


Cressida Kroft grilled him under truthtelling and he seemed pretty legit, plus, Ileosa knew Togomor before he showed up.

Meanwhile, you were responsible for that entire fiasco with the Breaching Festival. 

It's pretty clear that you don't like him for whatever reason (meanwhile Togomor is being perfectly friendly - look at him smile! And he even returned your lost marble!).

I think you'd say anything about him as long as it was bad.


Togomor will give a pained smile, as if to say "thank you for standing up for me" and "although I wish you didn't have to." 

Aloud, he'll say something backhanded as runs to the general effect of "Toff Ornelos has much of which he can be justly proud (and much of which he can't), so don't badmouth him (he won't take it well). I'm sure he wouldn't knowingly lie (in a tone that implies we all know he totally would (because we all know he totally would (because he totally would)))".

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