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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Believe it or not, but he's thrown some skill ranks in that direction.

Togomor is, however, perfectly happy to beam right back at her!



Oh wow, that went over pretty well!




She has no idea whether that went over well.


Though it's good to know which things she doesn't know!


Togomor is realizing that he'll need to invest his spells and sails in Bluff enhancements just to get by down here.

That's... honestly a lot of fun!


Finally, a worthy opponent.


Field Marshall, I want your opinion on how many magnificent mansions we must needs commission, and where I should order the entrances placed.


How should I know?


You're the Field Marshall, I'm sure you have people for that.




Kroft, how many magnificent mansions do we need and where should we put them?


Four and we should put them over there.


Field Marshall, I think she's waiting for you to -


Four, and I think we should put them over there.


Very well. I trust your judgement, Sabina.


Soup's on!


The people of Korvosa, bereaved, reduced to the extremest misery and poverty, many without even a fork or washcloth to their name, suffering together in close cramped quarters, who slept or couldn't sleep last night on unworked stone, at least now have food.

There's a lot you can suffer through, if you have the hard evidence of your own eyes and nose telling you that you won't starve.

The atmosphere as Korvosa queues is almost jubilant, and at a taste of the mage's magnificent fare, people cry with relief and good cheer.


Togomor has 18,000 square feet of mansion up for rent, which adds something between a fourth and a third again to the Vault's total floorspace.

Short-term lease; only thirty hours.


He finds buyers.


Ileosa had more to say but can at least read a room. She'll wait until she has a meal or a win to package it with.

What she'd give for a goblet and a spoon to tap against it.


I'll get their attention for you.

Besides, if Reebs got to give a speech I want to give one too.


Reebs got to give a speech because he'd just cast a divination spell and we wanted to know what was going on.

Not because we're amenable to religious weirdos speechifying in full generality.


I respect that. I think Cayden Cailean respects that too.

However, consider the following:


Clerics of the Lucky Drunk can create wine with an orison.


...We're listening.


It's not even ten AM.

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