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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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...If something happened to the four of you, to make you how you are, it happened in that dungeon.

And something happened to the four of you.

So it happened in that dungeon.



Lady, you read my mind.


After paying and begging and one-on-one-ing with Korvosa's wizards, she persuades to stay Cangi, Irevotnin, Delmore, Remorri, Maganrad, Geezlebottle, Zenderholm, and two faces which are new to her. Zey is doing his own thing, which involves being intermittently in the proximity of Korvosa for now. And then, fantastic news, Dean of Divination Norva Allesain teleports back into Korvosa.

She talked Maganrad and one of the new faces into taking jobs as Spellmasters in the Korvosan Guard, which she hopes will make them a hair more reluctant to cut and run.

Which is nine teleport-capable wizards, plus Zey, though a few of them can only cast it once per day. That's honestly much better than she'd hoped; especially she's surprised and glad to have Delmore on board.

Considering that Delmore controls half of the shadows they have guarding the door.

Do you know what would really make her day? If Toff Ornelos came back to town and doubled their teleport capacity. And fixed the door. And fed everyone. Like he said he would. Where is the guy?




He's on a fact-finding mission.


But hey, hey, hey. Discard and draw, there's a new eighth-circle in town this morning.

Togomor, mercenary Hemotheurge, at your service. And this is my familiar Pudgyknuckles, mercenary Corvus corax.

Just... nobody look at him with true seeing up, okay?



What're you doing here, dude?



You look fabulous, and I absolutely love what you've done with your hair. Have you gotten taller, or just gotten taller shoes?

Kayltanya said you needed help but didn't say you were hiding under the sewer.

Have you been getting enough to eat?


I could certainly stand to eat better! I don't suppose you kept your seventh-circle slots open?


That or something alike to it. How many mansions do you need?


Hello, Mr. Togomor, and welcome to the Vault. This is the gift-horse dentist here for your annual cleaning.




let me see those chompers


Watch Sergeant.

Don't bother my friend.


It's fine, Ileosa, really, it's fine! He's glad that they're taking precautions!

Togomor favors the uppity fighter with a very wide smile. Because it's really no imposition, no imposition at all.

He loves cleaning his teeth - he does it every day - and if someone else wants in on the action, well, who is he to blame them!



Cressida Kroft wants to know his happy price to accept a truthspell and answer [list of questions apropos Togomor's history, capabilities, and intentions; which list would most certainly catch the fact he trapped Eodred's soul].


If I'm to be truthspelled, I must truthfully say, I'd be happy to do it for free! Mutual trust is its own reward.


Abadar's truthtelling.

Not these words exactly, but did you happen to trap our king's soul in a little rock?

Have you made a habit of doing things like that in the past?

Do you foresee doing things like that in the future?


Togomor will innocently answer all of her questions in comprehensive detail and without bloviation.

He's in Korvosa to do some Good old fashioned mercenary work.

Because he likes money and what you can buy for it, and because he thinks some of Korvosa's arcane knowledge will be atypically attainable, and also because Korvosa needs the help and he likes saving the day.

He wouldn't do anything as wicked as trapping someone's soul, not for any price, not unless they were a very bad man and he had no other option.


I'm going to need you to roll Bluff.




When making an opposed skill check, the attempt is successful if your check result exceeds the result of the target.[1]

1. Pathfinder Core Rulebook


Who wins if it's a tie?


An opposed check is a check whose success or failure is determined by comparing the check result to another character’s check result. In an opposed check, the higher result succeeds, while the lower result fails. In case of a tie, the higher skill modifier wins. If these scores are the same, roll again to break the tie. [1]

1. D&D 3.5, because Pathfinder doesn't have rules for this(?!).


...Alright, the uppity fighter climbs five notches in Togomor's threat assessment.


Maybe six.


Wait! Does Togomor get the bonus for having "convincing evidence" of his honesty?

He did do all of this under a truthspell, after all.

(Well, either that or something alike it.)


The DC to get a hunch that someone's trustworthy is 20. It'd be weird for Cressida Kroft to fail that, under normal conditions.

Togomor doesn't read as trustworthy, to her. 

He's not necessarily untrustworthy - and she can believe that he's telling the literal truth - but he still feels like a slimeball.

...It's probably a very bad idea to be on bad terms with one of the most powerful wizards in Avistan even as he worms his way into the Queen of Korvosa's inner circle. Can she bluff him into thinking she doesn't find him suspicious? Smiles smiles smiles thank you for your timely help? Cressida isn't a trained actor, but the raw Charisma score is often sufficient for people who aren't great at Sense Motive.

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