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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Knowledgeable priests, including:

Archbishop Ornher Reebs, Asmodean;

Aforementioned Arbiter Zenobia Zenderholm, Abadaran;

Aforementioned Arch Megapope Olin Mull, Caydenite;

and their assistants;


Ranking members of the communal defense organization the Knights of the Vault, including:

Vault Colonel Qualins Rachmirol;

Vault Captain Portenus Gaskelinni;

Vault Captain Harmanuel Kendall;

Aforementioned Vault Captains Valdur Bromathan,

Eliasia Leroung,

and Julaei Cangi;

as well as Lieutenant Vault Captain Tauk Par.


Give - give me a moment to write all of that down.


Wait, did you think that was all?

Here's five more people who became aware of the meeting and insist on being a part of it - no, actually, make that six.

I'll start, alphabetically, with Lord -


NO! No, nope, thirty people is plenty.

More than plenty; Sahlara, take Karralo and go find someone with a problem you can fix.

Someone close the door and lock it.


Our first order of business will be discussing why Lord Valdur Bromathan and Lady Eliasia Leroung were passed up for selection as Vault Colonel.


Our first order of business will actually be discussing the situation with the door to the Vault.

There are dozens of shadows all controlled by different and ill-coordinated wizards and clerics. It's a disaster waiting to happen.


Easily remedied. Let me kill everyone else who's got a shadow and raise 'em as skeletal champions.


That way everything answers to me.

I'm very coordinated.


Archbishop Ornher Reebs doesn't like this plan very much.


I don't hear you suggesting a better one, Hat.


Well, we could -



I can't hear you~


What kind of aspiring lich dumps both Wisdom and Charisma?


Togomor is - although he doesn't mean to boast! - the foremost living expert on ethereal interactions with the material plane, so the place his mind goes is exotic forms of ectoplasm.

There are rare substances, made mostly of unhappily lingering spirits, which exist conterminously on the material and ethereal planes and bar the way to incorporeal creatures. Togomor imagines he can drum up a goop that Strength 0 shadows can't push through, yet through which fleshy humans can hold their breath and swim. Or they could wear SCUBA gear!

Although, as ectoplasm evaporates pretty quickly if it's carted away from the eddies where it naturally puddles, it'd need constant topping off. Or perhaps he could divert some River of Souls runoff?


Sometimes wizards say things which distress her.

With Togomor's eighth-circle assistance, there's possibly a more practicable solution than that, if interested wizards will swear under truthspell not to proliferate the knowledge or use it against the interests of the person who discovered it - at least not until she's arranged some sort of payment.

Cressida Kroft was shown this partial spell diagram and told it was half of the lost method to make a spell called phase door permanent. Does it look legit, and if so what's the tradeoff if Togomor teleports out to fetch the whole thing? How many teleports does he get per day?


Togomor loves secrets! Sure, he'll promise under truthtelling to take this one to his grave.



Oh, wow. Yes, this is legit, and - he doesn't need to go anywhere, the partial diagram is enough he can guess what the rest of it looks like. Thank you very much for sharing with the class.

Except - he doesn't have phase door in his book, nor the diamond dust.


I've already set my man in Absalom on finding those. He'll leave them in my Bag of Holding, and take his payment from the same.


I'm sorry, can someone explain what's going on?



I am telepathically linked to a Pathfinder in Absalom. I told him, just now, that we needed a spellbook with phase door in it. He quoted me a price. It was quite reasonable.

To hire a wizard powerful enough to teleport all the way here from Absalom today, considering the economic conditions which hold in the Inner Sea post-Westcrown, and to teleport all the way back, would not be reasonable.

Instead, I'm paying a cleric to plane shift. The man to whom I am telepathically linked possesses a fork attuned to my Bag of Holding.

He will leave your items in the Bag, and take the money that we leave in there.

Was that clear or must I say it again and slower?

...I suppose I ought perhaps explain what phase door does; did we lose you that far back?


Absolutely fantastic. Thank you, Zey.

Is that the door situation tentatively solved?


I liked my solution better.


Trapped behind stone, the air will curdle. I'd planned to animate a sailcloth bellows tomorrow had I the spells, and air the Vault out.


I'm three steps ahead of you. Give me half an hour and I'll have a Bag of Holding filled with topsoil, saplings, sod, and an Erastilian cleric for plant growth.

Pick a side tunnel you don't need to move through quickly; I'll have it turned to jungle.

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