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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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How much do we owe you?




Something ANOMALOUS is going on.




If that's the door situation tentatively solved, we should move on to the next thing on the docket...


Discussing why Lord Valdur Bromathan and Lady Eliasia Leroung were passed up for selection as Vault Colonel.


...Getting a better handle on the shape of the threat that faces Varisia, so we don't put our effort and teleports into a half-cocked solution that doesn't turn out to solve anything.


Well, as we've each a mouth and two ears apiece, how abouts all y'all talk about your thing and all we all talk about our thing.


That sounds needlessly hectic.


If it's needlessly hectic, who's fault is that

We've sat patiently for long enough!


.....If you would be so kind as to wait patiently just a bit longer. 


It's clear that you're never coming back to this.

Because you. Don't. Care.

There are things I could say about Cressida the honorary commoner, the ungracious and unmarried last daughter of House Kroft - oh, how your ancestors in Axis must wail and gnash their teeth! - but as I have the slightest touch of class I will refrain.


That was completely unprovoked.  no

That feels completely unprovoked. correct but irrelevant 

Why did they say that?

...Because Ileosa knighted and landed three thousand people and they're anxious for their own position, that of those they know, of their children, and worried for the stability and prosperity of the Korvosan State.

Where "anxious" is a word which here means "terrified" and "furious."

So they're a) acting on their anger even in longterm-counterproductive ways as long as it feels at each step that they're angering in the correct general direction and b) trying to establish that Ancestral Rights Count For Something (though they might not do so in an effective fashion, because see point a.) 


If Cressida Kroft has fewer than the Rough Beast's 30,000 hearts at least she has the one.


I picked Qualins Rachmirol for her experience hunting monsters.


Sounds reasonable to me.

Rachmirol has a good head on her shoulders - at least by the standards of adventuring free lances.


Aw, shucks.

Thanks, Field - thanks Kroft!

You're pretty cool too, for a sedentary constable!


Eliasia Leroung has a pretty good head on her shoulders - at least for the University of Korvosa's Headmistress!

Nor did the Dawnflower choose Valdur Bromathan as Her priest for his foolishness!

When asked - in a unnervingly republican fashion - the People of Korvosa showed their unimpeachable character in choosing the Head of House Bromathan and the Head of House Leroung to lead and protect them. 

Queen Ileosa has defied the will of commoners and peers alike, and all the People of Korvosa, in placing our refined Lord and Lady beneath some random adventuring hero. Regardless how admirably she may have acquitted herself against the darkness last night!

Eight generations of Leroungs and Bromathans groan alike in Axis where they hear of this injustice and ingratitude!

For what purpose did they die in Korvosa's defense? For what purpose did they conduct themselves with inimitable nobility? To what Lawlessness have we come?

To place Lady Leroung and Lord Bromathan beneath some landless commoner is an affront to their dignity, is contrary to the very Law that justifies your monarchy, and a vicious snub to all of Korvosa's Great Houses, and all its noble houses, and - and to all the People of Korvosa! 

Surely that at least is obvious!


If he can get a word in edgewise, Lord Valdur Bromathan IV, priest of Sarenrae, would like to retract his earlier complaint. Selecting the woman with a proven track record against esurient shadows to lead the Knights of the Vault makes sense to him, if it does to the Fie - if it does to Cressida Kroft.

He has in life survived one surprise night-time raid.

By all means, sideline him in favor of an adventurer accustomed to hunting monsters outside the walls!


Ileosa Arabasti is idly wondering who is the Queen in this room??

Maybe she needs to do more to visibly Chair the Committee.


Lord Bromathan's too humble.


If you want to discuss this further, you can do so in a breakout room.


Will Ileosa be there?


Heavens, no.


Then I'll stay.

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