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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Look. Altronus failed a Will save of unknown effect and provenance. I didn't have some specific scenario in mind, I just disabled him.

He'd have done the same.


Well, we did know that Altronus wasn't being scried on, because the rest of us -


Oh, yeah, if no one else has to roll anything and Altronus fails a will save that didn't seem to do anything that's probably someone scrying -


- not that we'd have known, unless he'd made the save -


If someone was scrying we'd have just sat around -


It's that we all had to save that spooked me -


And we didn't know what it did -


If Altronus said "oh no, I feel so afraid all of a sudden!" I wouldn't have jumped him, but all he told us was that he failed the save.


It could have been anything. Some spell we haven't thought of, some supernatural ability. It could have been confusion, and he was temporally "acting normally."

We didn't dress-rehearse for this, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.


Endorsed and undersigned.


If you trust each other so much, why are you willing to tie him up and interrogate him at the drop of a hat, at the - at the concern of someone from outside your group?


Well, you trust, but you verify.

Speaking of which, Lyvina, you should check that the divination aura is really detect thoughts.


It is.

Ileosa, what did you think would happen when you cast an AoE mind-effecting spell on us? Maybe we don't do - the thing we did exactly, the way you imagined it playing out. But we would have had to do something.


Ileosa hoped to eavesdrop quietly.

It was well within the realm of possibility that one or more of them would resist the spell - call it a fifty percent chance someone saved - but if enough of them failed it to think it wasn't say, a scrying attempt, Ileosa would just explain. Like she's doing now.

(By the way, you're taking this surprisingly well, compared to most people if they found out someone tried to read their minds?)

It's not like she's broken any laws.


Fifty percent...? Altronus, is that -


Of course not. She's nuts.


...Ileosa saw you all fight Cressida Kroft.

If you had buckets of hitdice she'd know.

And none of you are wearing cloaks, so the strongest Wills in the party belong to your clerics. Your first circle clerics. Ileosa doesn't know that her Spell DC is 17 precisely, except when she leans on the fourth wall, but she has a general idea of how likely a first-circle cleric is to fail against her second-circle spells.

What's your bonus to Will saves, archpope? +5? +4?



I actually happened to make second-circle this morning.

I'll update my resume.


Not +3, then.


Dear friend, my Will save is plus nine.




That's the average Will save of a CR 12 monster.




Will-saves-Georg here is bringing up the curve, but what about the rest of you? The rest of you just rolled lucky, right?


I spent my Resolve to roll twice and take the higher. That's like rolling lucky.


My Will is +10. I wasn't thinking about it at all when I built my character, +10 Will at level three just kind of happened to me.

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