Altronus is... unthreatened.
Perpetually unthreatened.
Altronus is "that's adorable" directed at other people.
Ileosa is catching up to something that he already knows, which is one of the few things which can stave off his constant low-grade annoyance, but if she doesn't reach the right conclusions he'll write her off entirely.
(This is somewhat problematic, because he is insane, and who knows what insane conclusion he expects from her?)
...But Altronus doesn't think that the other kasatha are like him. He in fact thinks it hilarious that someone might alight on the "his mind is strange because he's a literal alien" explanation because Altronus-the-alien was the only one who failed his saving throw in that circle of four, and doesn't think that Ileosa would attribute his oddness to kasathatude had Choryon had failed her save too. He's more like them than he was his kin in Numeria.