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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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If Ileosa is done talking I'm off to beg Master Delmore not to take half our bound shadows with her when she cuts and runs. Or to at least wait a few hours for Toff Ornelos to fix the door.


And Ileosa is going to go talk to her personal guard. She has Questions.


And Togomor will take a crack at burglarizing the Hall of Wards.


What? A scene shift? Togomor, can't it wait? I think people have been excited to see Ileosa grilling the PCs.


I promise I'll be quick.


Why do you want to break into the Hall of Wards, anyway?


I hear there's a prize.


...There isn't.

The Breaching Festival is usually on the last Sunday of Desnus, you missed it by five months. And after the fiasco earlier this year who even knows if we'll ever have another. Plus, the prize pool's already been cleaned out.



Ah, well, nonetheless.

I approach the Hall of Wards from the air.

What does arcane sight see from 120 feet away?



Do you also have see invisibility?




You see an all-concealing bank of fog.


Permalink that somehow an invisible fog?


To your arcane sight it appears thoroughly nonmagical.


I wasn't born yesterday.

Is that. Somehow. An. Invisible. Fog.




It's invisible flame drake lymph.


Dried, powdered, warded against fire and the elements, transmuted down to one 4,000th of its original volume and mass, and hung in the air as a particulate. Now, this piece of trivia is slightly obscure, but Togomor may know in his capacity as an alchemist that flame drake lymph explodes violently on contact with air.

Or water.

Or flame drake lymph.

An antimagic field, or careless greater dispel magic, if cast here -


- would rattle the ceiling of the Vault.


And if he turned off his see invisibility, he'd be blind to all the invisible traps and monsters he presumes are currently hiding from him in the mist.

And out what he spent to make see invisibility permanent.

...Togomor will table his burglary-related plans for the time being.

But he will be back.


Next time, try the door.


Back to our heroes!


Ileosa started getting the impression that there was something deeply odd about the people charged with guarding her body... well, from the word go, but it intensified over time. 

A few minutes ago it came to a head. Quite rapidly, in fact.



"Group huddle," began The Fool, here played by Altronus the Numerian kasatha, as he entered stage left.

"The guy preaching Fascism with the big red pentagram on his shirt. That's a bad guy, right?"



The church of Asmodeus in Korvosa is perhaps less overtly evil in its presentation than the one in mainland Cheliax, which is itself less overtly evil than the all-the-scariest-and-most-viscerally-unpleasant-parts-presented-in-rapid-succession version of the church which non-Asmodeans pick up from Hell's enemies. So it's not too strange to Ileosa that something that Ornher Reebs said doesn't square with one of Altronus's prejudices, or that he's calling a group huddle to make sense of that.

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