You'd want to talk to scholar of the martial arts about it, but there's this whole panoply of traits which are known or thought to be co-related to each other like bodily resistance is with the strength of your alignment aura and whether you take reduced or no effect from certain magicks. Some people want to include things which are much less obviously co-related (or, if he's being honest, which seem like they're more parsimoniously explained in other ways than their being an expression of the same underlying factor as alignment aura), like skill at fighting, or even job skills and social skills and knowledge of the sciences. My understanding is that there rages a fierce debate around the world as to which things are true expressions of Selfhood, or caused by a common cause as Selfhood, or caused by one of the expressions of Selfhood, or not co-related with the rest of the panoply at all.
Some of what you've been saying makes more sense if I assume that you're all absolute Selfhood maximalists.