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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Kid. You need to work on that.

I could steal the teeth outta your mouth and you'd only ever realize when you saw yourself in a mirror. 


That's a little harsh.

...But probably fair.


I'm an extrovert, though, so I'll go through your Sense Motive instead. 

Heyyyyyyyyyyy Ileosa how are things going have you figured out how to work the channel energy yet and have you considered denouncing Asmodeus?




A) Have you gotten the channel energy working, and B) have you considered denouncing the Lord of the Pit? Publicly.


I'm not a, He didn't, I mean


Oh, ouch. And from what I've heard He's taking pretty anyone with a pulse. 


I'm a second-circle song-sorcerer, gods get less out of empowering people who already have powers, and I'm not very, I mean, if measured with detect anxieties, I mean to say 


You didn't ask to become a cleric.


I didn't ask to become a cleric. 


Any plans to?




Have you considered publicly denouncing Asmodeus?


Why would I? The way I see it, Asmodeus committed to helping us, and He's being as good as His word. 

We've got all of these spellcasters to protect the Vault, now.


Being trapped in a sewer with a hundred Sin Inquisition inquisitors is going to help me like smart kick in the teeth, but maybe it's different for you. 

Did you know that my Deadly Sin is Wrath? For some reason there isn't even a saving throw, they can just look at you and know it.


Maybe I have the Sin Inquisition, because I could have told you that one and we barely know each other.


If I were the GM, I'd rule that a Ring of Mindshielding blocks Sin Sense.

But what're these first-level inquisitors going to do for us if shadows get loose? "Oh, it looks like this shadow's Deadly Sin is Greed, what a useful thing to knooooaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggurgle."


They aren't all Sin Inquisition inquisitors... although there sure are a lot of those and I do have to wonder why... loads of them have other Inquisitions, including but probably not limited to Damnation, Imprisonment, Persistence, Politics, and Torture. Or domains or subdomains like Arcane, Ash, Corruption, Deception, Devil, Divine, Evil, Fire, Greed, Law, Legislation, Magic, Smoke, Sovereignty, and Trickery.


Well in that case we're saved.


Inquisitors are more useful for us than Asmodean clerics, since they don't have to prepare spells and channel negative isn't useful against shadows unless you're a high enough level to command them. Asmodeus is doing what He can for us. Why aren't you complaining about the Good gods who could be matching His inquisitors with positive-channeling clerics, but aren't?


I'm a Good person, so of course I'm not going to complain about the Good gods. It'd be a bit of an sore subject when I see them in Heaven, no?


Well, I'm an Evil person, so of course I'm not going to complain about the King of Hell.

Especially not when He's helping us.


Well, you can't say I didn't try.

By the way, I lied about going through your Sense Motive and I've already read your list of shadow-controllers. 


Okay, it's not - it's not meant to be private information anyway! They should be wearing yellow robes!


As that's the case, and as I'm your faithful servant, I'll get right on disseminating this public information.

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