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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Well kill the fatted calf!

That's amazing, Arthur!


I figure there's no reason to have a corner alignment before you strictly need to.


(Hst. I need the other person who can beat truthtelling to take over the relay, and to mimic the original relay's voice.)




"The rakshasa you're on relay with knows that I'm a pagala. None of the others do."


The rakshasa they're on relay with thinks it hilarious how your voice hitched there. Also are we backstabbing all the others on account of how they're liabilities that can't beat a truthspell? Because even Evil has loved ones and this earthbound one needs a few moments to process.


I am Hakima Bahor and I will die in this hole before I see House Arkona fall.

Do what I fucking tell you to.


Yes, sir.


...I'll play your personal perjurious prowess close to the chest, so if things go sufficiently sideways you can denounce us and go solo.

But Plan A is to keep the whole headcount.


Are you sure you aren't a pagala?


Har har. You're very funny.


I'm fine with keeping your secret, if it's true, but doubt that's all that you want.

You could have kept it just as easily if you hadn't interceded on behalf of Melyia. 


That's less true than you might think. Somebody would have asked me to take a truthspell and say whether I'd known, and by somebody I mean Cressida fucking Kroft. 

My refusal would have been pretty conspicuous. 


So, Glorio, let me check my understanding. You wear the Seducer's Bane bracelet, that's been concealed by magic aura, and use your special talent to throw off Abadar's truthtelling after initially having accepting it (and successfully taking the semblance of an inevitable).

This part of the plan is simplicity itself, and we all know from long experience that improvising something in this order of complexity which relies on the precise interactions of spells, magic items, and unique special abilities always works and never fails. 

You then plan to spin a fantastic yarn which simultaneously convinces them that they shouldn't kill me and that I can't honestly argue my own case. This part of the plan also seems foolproof on first blush.

But what's your plan for detect evil?


Plan A1 is to get the samsaran not to contradict my assertion that all rakshasa have Evil alignment auras, and tell them I'm a rakshasa.


You're putting your own neck on the line like that?


My neck is on that line already. The four eldritch whathaveyous have already guessed, as, I expect, has the Field Marshall.

Plan A2 is to just cop to being Evil, and say under the truthspell that I'm working on it. 


And what's Plan B?


We kill everyone in the interview room and impersonate them. 


Some of the people I expect to be in that room would be hard to quietly assassinate. 

And others difficult to impersonate very long.


Which is why it's Plan B.


These are some of the most peculiar mental processes he's been privy to at any remove.


"Some of the"??


I perceive that you've made no study of aberrations. 


But we can't just gallivant off and weigh hearts against feathers.

We're in the middle of a social encounter! To take just one thing almost at random, I don't want to let the turtle out of my sight. 

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