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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Not here, not anymore.


The mental posture you have to assume to catch her attention is pretty unpleasant


Otolmens is the most popular deity in what's left of Korvosa, and it'd be great to have the vaguest idea what her edicts are.


Kroft didn't see this coming and in retrospect she really should have.


You're pretty much our patron saint. There's a vocal minority who think it reflects poorly on Abadar that He never chose you.

We'd throw in behind whatever obscure deity empowered you even if they were Lawful Good-aligned and we had to become better people or feel bad about that or something.



Anyway, Otolmens has given me the power to detect evil


Wait, I thought you said She made you a priest?


She did that too.

Otolmens gave me the power to detect evil, so while I prattle about the primordial inevitable I'll also be going around looking for shadows.

Ileosa, I think you wanted to give a decree about that?


When Toff -


Without spin, please. 


...From now on, anyone who is controlling a shadow needs to wear robes with black and yellow stripes. You'll observe that Reebs and Delmore already are.

Anyone who attacks anyone wearing those robes will be fed to the shadows guarding the door.

And all the shadows in the Vault need to be named and listed on paper along with their locations and randomly checked in on and all shadows need to be positioned so that bound ones can restrain any which are suddenly freed. This is hopefully an easier problem now that the door's been blocked, but Master Cangi will work out the exact details. 


The arbiters chime in that turning people into undead as punishment for a crime is unconstitutional.


Anyone who attacks anyone wearing those robes will be hung from the neck until dead.


What's the proposed punishment for not reporting a bound shadow?


Hung from the neck until... well, they might have other shadows too, hm. Anyone who fails to report a bound shadow will be charmed, compelled, and, if possible, dominated as well.


That works for her.


And it sounds good to them too!

Fuck necromancers.

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