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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Ramien nods. He's not really sure what kind of extraordinary ability would do that but it's not like he knows that much about extraordinary abilities.

"I can tell everyone that this room is occupied. Try not to break anything unless it's for an important reason."


"I'm just going to be sitting here casting Sending repeatedly, don't worry. Anything I should be sure to ask about that you think I might not think of?"


"Hmm. Ask to make sure they aren't regularly being interrogated so you don't give things away by giving them a sending while someone is watching their reactions, maybe? A password in case someone pretends to be them during the rescue is also probably a good idea, but it's not foolproof."


"Brilliant, thanks." So many fantasy protagonists just have to figure everything out as they go along, but Brenda has experienced friends to help her out and it's great.


Brenda here. Want to help you; you helped us. Are you being watched? Do they interrogate you? Are you in danger? How much, how soon?


They come by to taunt or hurt me, but not much interrogation. I'm awaiting execution, but that probably won't happen until they've stopped having fun.


I'm sorry. Hold on. Who are they? Names, kinds of demon? When did you last see Minagho? Where in Drezen are you? What's your name?


I don’t know most of their names; incubi and babau and vrocks, mostly. I haven’t seen Minagho since I was captured. My name is Arueshalae.


It's good to meet you; I look forward to doing it properly. Where in Drezen are you? What building, where within it? How's it guarded?


In the prison in the outer city. It’s mostly guarded by minotaurs, including at least one powerful cleric, but also some cultists, incubi, and babau. 


At least one and at most how many? What do you know about how powerful they are--spells you've seen them cast, or something.


He has two followers, but if they are they're weaker; I haven't seen them use spells. He's at least 5th circle but probably not 7th.


Thanks. Do they guard your cell or just the building? Where in the building are you? 


Just the building, but there aren't many prisoners; just a captured crusader, a minotaur, and a few other demons. My cell is near the middle.


Okay. I think we can put something together. When we find you, the password so we know we've got the right person is "blueberry pie".


Be careful. Darrazand isn't an active ruler, but he is a very dangerous one; you don't want to come to his attention. Dreamer bless you.


At this point Brenda judges that the next thing to do is go find Ramien and her friends and fill them in on everything she's learned so far.

"Does anyone have a map of Drezen and how to get there overland, or know where to get one? Ramien, am I correct that you can teleport us out but not in?"


"In order to teleport, you need the to have seem the place you plan to go and I have never seen Drezen. I could fix that with a scry on a willing target there, but that would still run into the problem that I only have one teleport a day until I hit 6th circle. Rathimus could get us a second teleport, but he's not one to take risks so it probably makes more sense to see if Torag will give Jhoran a wind walk. Maps are a harder question; the library might have some, but Staunton Vhane would be the ideal source if we wanted to sneak in."


"It sounded like she's unlikely to be killed tomorrow, so if we end up spending today and tomorrow on preparations that's worth it if it increases our chance of success enough. Potentially something to put in the Commune. How many people can you take in a teleport and does it help if some of them are in a bag of holding at the time?"


"I can take three other people with me, and anyone in a bag of holding doesn't count against the limit."


"So if all of us go we'd have to fit three in the bag or get at least one of us an alternate exit method. Not asking anyone to commit to anything yet, but who here is thinking they're probably in and who's thinking they're probably out?" Her best guess is that Seelah is uncomplicatedly in, Wenduag will say she's in no matter how she feels about it, Ember's not sure about the potential combat but will at least wish everyone else well, and Nenio is in if only because she gets to take a look at Drezen.


"If it's the best choice to rescue someone from the demons, it's an easy decision, but not if my coming along makes it harder for everyone else to get away - I don't want to put anyone else at risk just so I can say I helped."


"I'm not sure there's much to learn in Drezen, but it could be good practice for making better illusions."


"It sounds like Arueshalae isn't having a very good time there; they gloss over it in their responses to you, but being imprisoned even without torture is very bad for you, and demons can be very cruel to people in their power. I'll help however I can."


"If you're going, you can count on me."

And even if it goes badly and she dies she'll probably get to come back to life anyway. It's kind of hard to process that fully but it means the real risk is being captured herself and she can endure anything they try and put her through that doesn't kill her.

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