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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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"That sounds right, but I think you also have to be a pretty strong paladin to summon an angel at all; it's more the kind of thing you hear about Iomedae doing when she was alive than something that happens all the time."


"Makes sense. I'd expect it to be as difficult as Plane Shift; maybe harder, since you're moving someone other than yourself."


Seelah is not entirely clear on how hard plane shifting is either but that sounds reasonable.


"Anyways, it's really cool that you have magic! What spells did you pick today?"


"So far, I've got one that lets me protect myself against demons, but I might end up picking the one that lets me make my sword magic or stay up all night instead in the future."


"All cool choices! Does making your sword magic just make it hit harder or are there fancier things? Not that hitting harder isn't necessarily the best option."


“It would make it hit a bit harder and more accurately, but the bigger deal would be that I could do stuff like actually hit any more shadows or shadow demons we run into.”


"Oh, that's excellent!"

"Speaking of demons, possibly the Wardstone should be moved back where it started. I might stop by the temples and ask what the plan is there. And check for any other" plot hooks she might otherwise miss "problems it would make sense for me to help with."


“That seems sensible. There are worse places it could be than inside the gray garrison, but that’s still half the city demons have an easier time getting to, and there’s probably a plan of some kind but I don’t know what it is.”


"Yeah. I expect whatever it is will benefit from a bunch of people, if only to hang around deterring any demons from trying something."

They head to the temple of Desna first, pretty much entirely because Brenda doesn't want to talk to Hulrun if she can trivially avoid it.


The people at the temple largely share this intuition, especially the ones that aren't totally sure he's given up on trying to get them back in a cell.

"Welcome back! I see you've already found a new companion."


"Yes! This is Nenio, she's a scientist. Nenio, Ramien has been helping me find things to do and avoid dying."


"I don't usually have trouble finding things to do, but needing to avoid dying interferes with a lot of interesting experiments."


"Well, it's nice to meet you as well. Have you been holding up alright? You seemed calm enough once things got going that first day, but these last few days have been a lot for anyone."


"I've been figuring stuff out. It's a big adjustment from what I was used to but I think it'll be good for me in the long run."


He smiles brightly.

"That's good to hear. For my own part I have to say being able to fly and teleport is very exciting. I was talking with Rathimus about doing a run to Nerosyan to pick up some supplies for disaster relief before we learned it wouldn't be needed, and there are a lot more places I can see myself going if it means not leaving Kenabres behind for as long."

Ramien shakes his head a bit.

"In more material matters, the silver has continued to work fine and the clothes you donated have been very helpful; we'd take a few more to store for winter, if you're willing."


"Flying and teleporting sound great; I hope you get to go tons of awesome places! And I'd be happy to provide some more clothes."

Once the clothes logistics have occurred: "So I was wondering if there was a plan in the works for putting the Wardstone back where it was."


"We're just waiting on doing a bit more repair work for the fortress it's supposed to stay in, since we only have so many walls of stone available a day, but Terendelev says she can levitate it over when the time comes. It'll still need to be pulled, of course, but that's a much easier task without friction getting in the way."


"Excellent. I'm happy to help pull when it's time for that. I'm not sure how people in Kenabres get in touch with each other when they have messages that aren't urgent enough for a Sending, but I have a room at the Defender's Heart."


"I'll make sure you're informed. There's an inquisitor spell for it that the Iomedaeans sometimes use, but I don't know the details of it beyond that it can be a little finicky. Mostly people either send runners or go in person; Desna sometimes gives people a spell to make them faster at it, so it's a bit easier for us, but it's not really a sea change."

Another Desnan comes out of the temple towards them, and catches Ramien's attention.

"I'm sorry about this, but do you mind if I step out for a moment to help her? It shouldn't be a minute."


"Of course."


As thought it was just waiting for him to step away, there's another brush against her mind. It's different from the previous visions - less insistent, perhaps, or maybe less personal? - but still recognizably a similar phenomenon asking to deliver its message.


She is available to be messaged.


Then she'll find herself in a dreamscape, faced with a beautiful woman set against a backdrop of the night sky. Things she isn't focusing on feel more like impressions than distinct objects, and there's a sense that it would normally be hard to come away with concrete details.

"Hear me, dreamer, and take heed! The hordes of the abyss march on Kenabres! Their target is the wardstone, and they must not be allowed to succeed. Otherwise, the result would be disastrous..."


"What, again? Is this a prerecorded message?" How do civilizations function without the telephone for long enough to invent it.

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