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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Yesterday this would have completely sucked but today her magically implanted instincts let her identify someone who seems less busy than most of the other people here and confidently walk up to them and say with a friendly smile, "Pardon me, have you seen Terendelev? I just got into town and I've been given an urgent message for her."

(Also she is staring at everything like a tourist because new planet with nonhuman people eeeeee.)


Wow those look like magic items, this is probably an adventurer! Or at least a cleric, which is almost as cool.

"Certainly! She was just here a minute ago, she should be around here somewhere. Follow me!"

It takes a bit of looking, but they find her within a couple of minutes, greeting some of the citizens and asking about how they're enjoying the day and if there's any problems that aren't being solved.


Brenda thanks her guide and gets the attention of Terendelev. "Excuse me, ma'am, there's something I need to tell you right away but it might be better to do so in private." 


Someone she doesn't know, which isn't all that meaningful on it's own since she hardly has Hulrun's memory for faces, but with that much magic gear she'd definitely remember them. The magic items she recognizes are the kind you'd expect to see on a 7th circle, probably a wealthy one, except she doesn't recognize the gloves which means probably custom work. Definitely someone from out of town, almost certainly from outside of Mendev, who she didn't know to expect coming. Terendelev rarely thinks in terms of how likely something is to be an ambush, but this might actually be one.

On the other hand... even if it is an ambush, she probably does also want to be away from the townspeople when it hits, since they're a lot squishier than she is, and if it's not an ambush there might well be a good reason for privacy.

"Certainly. Would you all mind giving us some space?"

The citizens of Kenabres are, by and large, genuinely grateful for their protector - largely because she doesn't ask for much. When there is something important enough for her to request of them, they're pretty good about following through.


She wasn't actually sure until this moment whether she was going to go for the full truth or strategic omissions, but she looks at Terendelev and chooses truth. 

"I just got here from another planet, and the first person I met told me Deskari was planning to attack Kenabres today and asked me to warn you. That person introduced herself as Areelu Vorlesh and said you might not believe her, but she seemed serious and I wanted to pass on the warning. I hope you have some way to confirm or disprove it or some precautions you can take without being sure."


...What. Even as a ploy, that's completely ridiculous. Not the infighting between demons; really, it would be in some ways more surprising if Areelu wasn't stabbing her master in the back when she thought she could get away with it. But if that was the plan, it wouldn't involve admitting her involvement in a way that Deskari might be able to later learn about and would make more sense. In the incredibly unlikely event that a demon lord would decide to manifest on the material plane at a predictable time and you wanted to betray them about it, you would tell Lastwall so they could have a few dozen invisible paladins waiting in the wings to kill him before he has a chance to respond, not give Terendelev a bit of warning but not enough to actually matter. But that still leaves unanswered the question of what the goal of the intervention is. For Terendelev to blow her spells preparing for an attack, and then kill some patrols when she can't support them because she's out? Possible, but probably not worth the cost of revealing you have a high level wizard under your employ and risking losing them. To get her to cancel the festivities out of paranoia? Even less payout, especially as demons tend to reckon things. Get her paranoid and have her bug out when you trigger a normal demon attack, leaving the city without its best defender? Possible, and it might even work, but the story is still pretty confusing even if you assume that. Terendelev is beginning to feel lost, like her conversational partner is playing at something she's only half understanding, and it's pretty uncomfortable position to be in.

"I do have some spells that I could use to prepare for an attack, but most of them have a fairly limited duration, so if I cast them too early and often I would run out before too long. Did you happen to get a time? And, ah, I'm sorry to doubt you, but this story sounds rather unbelievable and that's giving me some issues, and you seem more than capable of faking most of the things I could check. Is it an immediate emergency, or do we have time to bring you to Rathimus and see about having him cast Abadar's truthtelling on you? That wouldn't erase the doubts, but it would help rule out some of the possibilities."


"I understand that it seems completely crazy and I'm taking someone else's word for it myself. If she's right we have a bit less than half an hour and other demons will show up a bit before Deskari does; I don't know how long it would take to get Rathimus and I don't know how to check whether Areelu Vorlesh lied to me but of course I'm happy to get an Abadar's Truthtelling if you want."


"Please follow me, then; it's slower than flying but less likely to give away that something unusual is happening."

Rathimus is apparently a relatively elderly but well dressed man; his clothes aren't especially decorated, but they're noticably higher quality than most people around him and very clean.

"Could I purchase an Abadar's truthtelling from you, at standard rates?"


"If the lady doesn't object, yes. To be explicit: Abadar's truthtelling will prevent you from speaking falsehood while it is in effect. It will not prevent you from being mistaken, deceived, or forgetful. If you try and resist, you probably will succeed; if so, Abadar's holy symbol will disappear from your forehead to signal it is not in effect any more. Is this acceptable?"


If it actually makes her tell the truth instead of just detecting whether she's lying it's possible Iron Will will block it, but if she focuses on wanting to be affected it ought to go through on the same principle as communicative telepathy, right? At least it will be obvious whether she accidentally blocked it or not.

"Yes, that's acceptable. I'll try not to resist it."


Then Rathimus will call upon Abadar to guarantee the truth of these words, and there's a delicate feeling that settles over Brenda's mind that compels her to honesty. She could break it, easily, but bypassing it without causing it to shatter would be a far more difficult to achieve. Upon her forehead (though not directly visible to her) is the image of a key.


"To the best of your knowledge, is everything you said to me today true? Is there anything you have stated or implied to be fact that you would not expect to know if it was false? Is there anything that you expect to, when it becomes known to me, lead me to believe you have substantively attempted to deceive me in this conversation? To the best of your knowledge, are you currently working for or have you ever worked for Deskari, Baphomet, any other demon lord, or any subordinate or comrade thereof? And for the sake of completion, do you maintain that you expect Deskari to attack shortly, and were told this by Areelu Vorlesh?"


"Everything I told you today is true to the best of my knowledge. I wouldn't expect to know if the person claiming to be Areelu Vorlesh lied to me about her identity or anything else. I don't think I've left out anything that would lead you to believe I deceived you unless I forgot to say I was from another world or it's important that I have a weird grab bag of magic powers and no practice using them. I'm not working for any of those entities and never have. Someone claiming to be Areelu Vorlesh definitely told me Deskari was going to attack this city in half an hour and if I had to bet I'd bet that he will."

The symbol doesn't disappear from her head, not that she can see this.


Okay, so she's also from another world. In a sense this is something rare enough that it ought to be striking her as even more implausible and raising the odds of her having beaten Abadar's truthtelling somehow, but at this point every option she's considering involves several very improbable things at some point in the explanation which means she's just wrong about something. And there's definitely a sense in which Brenda being from another world makes things hang together better; it implies there are a lot of specific circumstances and constraints and cultural gaps going on that she just has no context for and thus looks nonsensical from the outside. She's not definitely legitimate, but the odds are good enough that Terendelev does not want to take any chances.

"Alright. Thank you very much for the warning, I'll get started coordinating our defense shortly and appreciate you putting up with this. In the meantime, though, if you're new to Golarion there's some things you really ought to know. Areelu Vorlesh is an incredibly evil person who does frequently work with demons, especially Deskari, and is responsible for pretty much the entire ongoing war with the Abyss. She's also a 9th circle witch and thus one of the most powerful magic users on the planet - I'd offer to try and dispel you to remove any malign influences, but I'm not sure I could even dispel something she put together no matter how many times I tried; you'd pretty much need to go to another archmage or have a a cleric cast dispel evil on you, which I don't think Rathimus has prepared. I'd like to bring you to Hulrun so he can cast Magic Circle against Evil, and at least give you another save against any effects - actually, no, I should get you to Ramien, he's better at removing mind control by a fair margin. If the attack you've described materializes, even if Deskari doesn't show up in person, we will of course reward you for your help unless it seems likely you specifically caused it. Is there anything else urgent from your perspective?"


"One of my grab bag of powers is that I'm supposed to be immune to mind control but I haven't tested it and don't know how it stacks up against anything here. I might also be able to help fight but I've never been in a fight before either. I don't think there's anything urgent. --Good luck."


Terendelev will ask Rathimus to escort Brenda to Ramien and then meet up with her, Hulrun, and Irabeth to ready their defenses for an attack. After getting his agreement, she hurries off a little short of a run.


Ramien is apparently one of the non human people; he has some kind of a halo above his head, and his eyes glow golden. He's wearing a fancy set of robes embroidered with stars, and a around his neck is a silver chain with a butterfly pendant.

"Greetings! It's always great to meet someone who has traveled from so far away. What brings you to Kenabres?"


"It's good to meet you too. I sent myself to an arbitrary world looking for one with interesting magic to learn and lots of kinds of people to meet, and the person I landed near sent me to Kenabres to warn Terendelev the city was about to be attacked. I've done that and now I'm--waiting to see if the warning was a true one, I guess. It shouldn't be a long wait one way or the other."


"Oh good. I tried to warn people of what was coming myself, but I'm afraid I somewhat lack credibility in such matters and I didn't have anything so useful as a source, much less the actual time it would occur, so the most I could manage on my own was readying our temple for anyone the attack injured or displaced and positioning myself to help as many civilians as I can. How long do we have?"


"Less than half an hour, probably more like fifteen minutes at this point. How did you know it was going to happen? If it's independent that makes it more likely."

She puts a hand in her pocket; Alpina is still there. She hopes she'll get a chance to tell her what's up soon, either before the attack or afterwards; from her perspective Brenda said go and then went totally silent.


"It was revealed to me in a dream."

He then smiles disarmingly.

"I mean that literally; I'm a priest of Desna, the goddess of dreams, travelers, luck, and the stars, and she tends to relay us important messages through them. She's not the one speaking directly, since it's in words and not metaphors, but we're pretty sure she has someone spying on the demons and feeding us what intel they can. Still, it's hard to confirm any intel except by waiting for it to come true, and while lots of Iomedeans are quite lovely people they have a tendency to be suspicious of anything that strikes them as insufficiently serious. They've been assuming the sheer scale of what we're being told means that it's a demonic trick to lull us into a false sense of security and then spring a trap once we trust it, never mind that we sleep in a hallowed temple and trying to infiltrate the dreams of a Desnan cleric is a particularly foolish strategy."


She does not have nearly enough context to evaluate how much anyone should or shouldn't have acted on Ramien's warnings. Maybe someone fooled his source, maybe that's impossible, maybe his intel has been reliable in the past and maybe it hasn't. In this case it's probably correct, and she squashes down her sense of relief that she didn't start off her time in this world by crying wolf and replaces it with anxiety about incoming demons.

"My world doesn't have gods, so I don't know what to expect from them, but Desna sounds like an excellent ally to have. Are your eyes and halo because you're a priest, or are they just part of how you look?"


"I'm quite pleased with her! I resonate most strongly with her aspects of freedom and of being an Azata, but of course even amongst her followers that's hardly universal; I suspect you would resonate strongly with her aspects of travel and of fortune should you choose to follow her. She's not the right goddess for everyone, but there's a lot of room for you to be all kinds of people and still follow her. The eyes and halo are not completely unrelated, but the link is tenuous. I have them because I'm an Aasimar, the term for humans descended from good outsiders, which I think definitely contributed to my choosing to follow Desna, but of course the count is also an Aasimar and famously spurns all the gods. If you're a particularly powerful spellcaster of some sort you can temporarily embody the aspects of an angel as well, but the only ways I know of to do it permanently without dying are either extremely expensive or more rumor than fact."


"The process by which I came here gave me several other abilities, one of which is the ability to take on some of the traits of any kind of person I meet. Would you be alright with me potentially becoming more like an Aasimar myself? No need to answer right away, unless being an Aasimar is especially helpful for fending off demons and you think I should do it before we're attacked."


"I'd be delighted, though of course I wouldn't consider myself to have the authority to forbid you anyway. Quite aside from my being altogether too chaotic for that, Aasimar will randomly pop up in distant descendants of angels as long as their parentage happens to line up right, so it's not like there's any way to definitely say someone couldn't be an Aasimar. The halo is quite nice as a light source and offers some defense against attempts at blinding me, though of course I also have excellent night vision so it's not always needed, I can use glitterdust once a day without preparing it, and I have some minor resistance to acid, cold, and electricity. If I suddenly turned into a human I wouldn't consider myself especially more vulnerable to demons, but the advantages are often quite nice on the margins."

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