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The power of friendship and this pointy stick
Brenda isekais to Golarion
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There's a woman speaking, somewhere out of sight; her voice is inhumanly beautiful, and it's clear to any listeners that there's some excitement and anticipation bleeding into her attempts at a calm, matter of fact tone.

"Day 15, Arodus, 4715
Experiment: Mythic Fusion
Subject: Human, female, of exotic origin with desirable magical traits.
Desired Result: Restoration of a mutilated soul with the maximum possible continuity of personality."

A pause for breath, as she fiddles with something.

"Suture, bring me the prepared Nahyndrian crystal. I believe we have a success."

She brings it to the vessel containing what fragments she could locate of the soul she treasures beyond everything, and then triggers the ritual, dissolving both into a mist that can mix together and successfully bind to a host. If everything goes right, in just a few seconds when she finishes casting wish her child will-

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And here's a human girl appearing out of nowhere! She doesn't show up all at once, but gradually over several seconds, as a distortion in the air that moves colors into new locations until suddenly it resolves into the image of a girl and then the image becomes real. She's wearing strange but sturdy-looking clothes and a bulky backpack and holding a notebook and pen, which she promptly stuffs in a jacket pocket as she says probably-a-greeting in an unfamiliar language.

She looks around excitedly. New universe! Cool red-eyed alien lady! Room that looks like a laboratory of some kind, which would be extremely awesome!

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An unfamiliar language is fine, Areelu Vorlesh spent the diamond dust to make tongues and comprehend languages permanent a long time ago. No, what takes her aback is the girl's appearance. It's... not the same, and it wouldn't be even if you changed out what she was wearing and swapped how she styled her hair, but it's surprisingly close - especially for a wish wording that ought to prioritize personality and give no thought to appearance. For a moment, she wonders if she made a mistake on her wording, but even in retrospect it's not clear how this would have happened. Areelu knows the plan calls for her to use mythic sleep here, to transport her to Kenabres in time for the attack unknowing, but she finds she cannot bring herself to do it. Instead, almost despite herself she finds herself fighting a smile.

"Hello," she replies, echoing the girl's greeting in her own tongue.

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Huh, English. Possibly a coincidence, probably language magic. "Hi, I'm Brenda. What's your name? And would it be rude to ask what species you are?"

Ooh, there's the making-friends magic kicking in; it's easy to focus on the other woman's face and on what she might be thinking. She's not surprised to see Brenda appearing, for one thing; maybe the Isekai Roulette hooked up to a corresponding summoning ritual on this end so she'd land on someone who was okay being landed on. Polite of it, if so.

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"I am Areelu Vorlesh, and I was born a human, but if you're asking about my current form I ascended to become a half succubus. Forgive me my surprise, I was expecting to summon you but your appearance caught me off guard."

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"No problem; sorry for surprising you. I hope being a half succubus is fun." It occurs to her that Areelu could potentially be another person empowered by the Spirit of Femininity; she did agree to meet such people and it would explain expecting her. The jury is still very much out on whether Brenda wants to become part-succubus herself; she doesn't necessarily want sex-themed powers yet even if they're cool and she's kind of attached to the idea of becoming part notebook before anything else.

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Areelu Vorlesh can't help herself; she laughs.

"I'd certainly say I enjoy it, although I can't say the same for the process of acquiring it. Why, were you hoping for a transformation of your own? I think the ritual would be a lot easier to set up the second time, but it would come with its fair share of social problems, so I'm a bit cautious about reccomending it to you."

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Definitely not the Another One, then, if she's telling the truth about the ritual. And social problems aren't going to be mitigated by the "you get the benefits without the drawbacks" thing, unless it's something like being some kinds of fictional vampire where the social problems are downstream of the drawbacks.

"No need to set up any rituals for me, but thank you. I'm excited to learn more about this world."

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"You're currently in my laboratory; it's in a private demiplane, but it opens up to the country of Sarkoris on the planet Golarion of the prime material. I had planned to send you to Mendev, a neighboring country, since it's significantly more friendly to humans and is about to suffer an attack by Deskari, which would be an opportunity for you to earn some goodwill from them without any serious risk to you if you wanted a warmer reception than they would give an unknown traveler; in that case, I would advise not mentioning I sent you since I'm not the most popular there for rather understandable reasons. If you have any immediate questions, though, I'd be happy to answer them - there are a couple of magical items I planned to give you before sending you off."

One. It was one magical item, and now she finds herself laughing at the idea that she would ever have been satisfied with that half measure and some quiet shadowing. What would she have done if she somehow lost her again, after getting closer to getting her back than she had ever dreamed of?

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"Thank you, both for the advice and for the magic items. Who or what is Deskari? And why did you summon someone; is there something you'd like me to help you with on Golarion?"

Areelu seems weirdly--excited about Brenda? Happy to see her? She clearly wants something; hopefully the fact that she got Brenda rather than anyone else means it's something Brenda will be able and willing to do.

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"Deskari is a demon lord, commonly known as the lord of locusts for the swarm he brings with him wherever he goes. The reason he's headed for Mendev is to take out Terendelev, the dragon that protects Kenabres, but it's not exactly safe for him to stick around on the prime material for too long so he'll probably stick to a small handful of priority targets, which won't include you even if you attack him as long as you keep your distance. And no, you don't need to do anything for me besides stay alive, I've already gotten everything else I wanted out of this experiment."

Areelu Vorlesh doesn't, in fact, have that many extra magic items lying around. There are research projects she has, both largely half finished and not expectedly useful, and of course her own personal supply, but building up a surplus is hampered by the fact that she both already has pretty much all the ones she actually needs and her acquisition is largely limited to the things she crafts herself and that she can purchase in Alushinyrra. Getting to Absalom or Quantium from here is a major pain that involves multiple plane shifts and a teleport, and still leaves her with the issue that she doesn't, actually, have all that much in the way of normal money and no way to turn her spellcasting into that like most other archmages manage. Fortunately, her own personal supply is a broader term than might be expected, particularly given that it includes the backup items she leaves by her clone so as to have on hand after decanting if she dies. It's a bit risky to go without, but she hasn't actually ever died since her ascension and all that would really change is it taking longer after her death for her to be safe to be out and about again. She can pick up a cloak of resistance and ring of protection, both of reasonably high quality, and then a headband of intelligence and a belt of constitution and - no, not her robe of the archmagi, that only works for evil people, but yes to the amulet of natural armor. And she still has the gloves she crafted a century ago and couldn't bear to be rid of, that she didn't manage to finish in time for them to achieve their goal but would now have a second chance.

"I think this should cover most of your bases. Would you like me to grant you a permanent tongues and comprehend languages, or would you prefer not so you can better sell being a foreigner?"

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The magic items are So Awesome and Brenda is very appreciative! She wants to learn to make stuff this cool eventually. The headband of intelligence in particular is the most amazing item she has ever encountered unless Alpina counts as an item.

"I already have some language magic, but I haven't tested it out yet and I don't know how long it takes to get conversant; if the city's about to be attacked I should get whatever will be faster. Will it interfere with actually learning the languages later?" It would be kind of sad if she didn't get to learn any languages, but warning Terendelev is obviously more important and maybe she can get it taken off when there isn't an emergency.

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"It might interfere a little bit, but you can suppress the effect if you try to hear the actual words being spoken and you can always get it dispelled later if you decide you want to go without - actually, with my caster level that's probably a bit of a pain, but since I'm using limited wish to pretend it's you casting it you shouldn't have any issues with it if you do it yourself, even from a scroll."

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"Thank you! I'd love a primer on this world's magic system but I know there's an emergency looming and I don't know what else you're busy with. If I tell Terendelev Deskari is going to attack, is she likely to take my word for it?"

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"I don't know if I have anything I'd call a comprehensive guide by itself, but I do have what I consider to be a fairly excellent library. You're welcome to borrow anything you like, with a bag of holding if you'd prefer, though I'd recommend starting with 'Wizardry and Sorcery: an adventurer's guide,' Andrea's 'Memoirs of the hero of Odranto,' Camellia of Eldir's 'on the Question of Sorcerers,' and 'The Druids of Sarkoris that Was.' You should be able to supplement these from the library in any major cities, but I'd be wary of the ones that talk about witchcraft; they mostly aren't worth the paper they're written on.

"As for the attack, I would guess it's unlikely since he's never done this before for good reason. If you warn her about a more general demonic incursion, however, that's significantly more plausible and will have many similarities in how to prepare for it. If you really want to be believed on the matter, you could mention me by name, but this will probably make you seem very suspicious or be dismissed as crazy."

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She will take the advice under advisement, but privately she thinks that she's more likely to be dismissed as crazy if she doesn't provide any evidence. And if nobody in the city will believe something because Areelu said it then maybe she shouldn't either; it's not like Brenda has information on Areelu's trustworthiness that anyone else doesn't. She'll share the evidence she has and let the people with local context do what they want with it.

Also if the wizardry books aren't already in the bag of holding when they enter her possession, she's going to start reading them. She's only human (so far. There was a mention of Terendelev being a dragon.)

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There are definitely also books on dragons in the library, though none of the four recommended to her seem to be about them and only the discussion of sorcery gives it serious page time, and also on gods and monsters and angels and demons and devils and elementals mixed in with imposing academic treatises on subjects like spellform optimization and soul surgery and planar interactions and of course more normal works like geography and histories and holy books and biographies of famous individuals. If Brenda isn't careful, she might end up filling her bag of holding entirely with books.

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What else would you fill a bag of holding with??? (Also this world has so many species, it's great, she's going to meet as many of them as possible and be fifty different things!) Would Areelu like to look at some of Brenda's science books from Earth? She doesn't want to loan them out long term because they're irreplaceable but if there's magic to duplicate them Areelu is welcome to make copies. Also she makes no guarantees that any given fact in them is true on the Material Plane.

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There's no easy way to copy that many books in a short amount of time with magic from golarion, but that mostly just means Areelu Vorlesh is showing off when she taps each book in sequence and a quill starts copying each one significantly faster than is usual for scrivener's chant. If she has any objection to Brenda apparently deciding it is her life's ambition to carry as much of a library with her as possible at all times, she certainly doesn't voice it.

"I'm planning to keep an eye on you with scrying for the next bit to make sure you get through the attack safely, but feel free to wave me off if you decide you want more privacy than that going forward as soon as you're not in immediate danger or just want me to stop watching for a bit. If you do and decide to contact me, a sending should typically work to get my attention as long as you can find someone willing to send me on your behalf; I can give you a couple of scrolls if you'd prefer that."

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"I have no idea how much any of this is costing you or how many people can cast Sending, so I'm fine with whatever makes sense to you. You can contact me easily enough if and when you need your stuff back, right?"

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In that case she’ll slip three scrolls into Brenda’s bag, though it’s coming up on the limit of what it will fit.

”Don’t worry about it, none of the items are stuff I can’t replace and I made half of them anyway. I wouldn’t advise selling them, but mostly because you’d only get a fraction of what they’re worth.

”When you’re ready, I’ll transport you to Kenabres, but we do still have time if you have more questions.”

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She wants another sixty seconds or so of detail on where to look for Terendelev and how long until the attack is expected and if there are specific things Terendelev or Kenabres should do to prepare, but then she's ready to go.

(She's nervous, and trying ineffectually to hide it. Theoretically her Battle Maiden power should let her "be a match for" Deskari, but she did not ask enough questions about what that meant or where it applies because she had planned to avoid fights. She would still really like to avoid fights! But if it turns out that she got sent to this particular place and time so she could protect people she doesn't want to let them die by being too scared. And she can feel the belt making her tougher and the Inner Strength power sitting unobtrusively behind it, hinting at what she can do only by making everything she's currently carrying feel effortless.)

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Then Areelu will shapeshift into a more ordinary looking woman, and take Brenda’s hand to transport them. It’s a multi step process, first bringing them to a desolate rock with unusual coloration and a purple sky, then 6 seconds later the air over an ocean, but then they’re in a back alleyway of a probably preindustrial town.

”Terendelev should be in the festival plaza, but she’s rather difficult to scry so I’m not completely sure where. You want the woman with silver hair and eyes, but pretty much everyone should know who you’re talking about. You've got about half an hour before the attack, but other demons should start showing up before Deskari makes an appearance.”

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Ooooh teleportation she wants to learn that, what was that place with the purple sky, was it another planet, does Areelu have interplanetary travel, is it FTL focus Brenda you have a job to do.

"Thank you. I'll see you later, I hope."

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Areelu smiles at her.

"I expect I can manage to arrange that, yes."

Then she vanishes.

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Kenabres is bizarrely empty, but that can probably be attributed to the sounds coming from the nearby square; there seems to be a celebration in full swing, with excellent attendance. Most of the people are human or look it, but there are some shorter individuals that might be dwarves and a handful of more exotic persuasion. Terendelev is not immediately obvious.

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Yesterday this would have completely sucked but today her magically implanted instincts let her identify someone who seems less busy than most of the other people here and confidently walk up to them and say with a friendly smile, "Pardon me, have you seen Terendelev? I just got into town and I've been given an urgent message for her."

(Also she is staring at everything like a tourist because new planet with nonhuman people eeeeee.)

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Wow those look like magic items, this is probably an adventurer! Or at least a cleric, which is almost as cool.

"Certainly! She was just here a minute ago, she should be around here somewhere. Follow me!"

It takes a bit of looking, but they find her within a couple of minutes, greeting some of the citizens and asking about how they're enjoying the day and if there's any problems that aren't being solved.

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Brenda thanks her guide and gets the attention of Terendelev. "Excuse me, ma'am, there's something I need to tell you right away but it might be better to do so in private." 

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Someone she doesn't know, which isn't all that meaningful on it's own since she hardly has Hulrun's memory for faces, but with that much magic gear she'd definitely remember them. The magic items she recognizes are the kind you'd expect to see on a 7th circle, probably a wealthy one, except she doesn't recognize the gloves which means probably custom work. Definitely someone from out of town, almost certainly from outside of Mendev, who she didn't know to expect coming. Terendelev rarely thinks in terms of how likely something is to be an ambush, but this might actually be one.

On the other hand... even if it is an ambush, she probably does also want to be away from the townspeople when it hits, since they're a lot squishier than she is, and if it's not an ambush there might well be a good reason for privacy.

"Certainly. Would you all mind giving us some space?"

The citizens of Kenabres are, by and large, genuinely grateful for their protector - largely because she doesn't ask for much. When there is something important enough for her to request of them, they're pretty good about following through.

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She wasn't actually sure until this moment whether she was going to go for the full truth or strategic omissions, but she looks at Terendelev and chooses truth. 

"I just got here from another planet, and the first person I met told me Deskari was planning to attack Kenabres today and asked me to warn you. That person introduced herself as Areelu Vorlesh and said you might not believe her, but she seemed serious and I wanted to pass on the warning. I hope you have some way to confirm or disprove it or some precautions you can take without being sure."

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...What. Even as a ploy, that's completely ridiculous. Not the infighting between demons; really, it would be in some ways more surprising if Areelu wasn't stabbing her master in the back when she thought she could get away with it. But if that was the plan, it wouldn't involve admitting her involvement in a way that Deskari might be able to later learn about and would make more sense. In the incredibly unlikely event that a demon lord would decide to manifest on the material plane at a predictable time and you wanted to betray them about it, you would tell Lastwall so they could have a few dozen invisible paladins waiting in the wings to kill him before he has a chance to respond, not give Terendelev a bit of warning but not enough to actually matter. But that still leaves unanswered the question of what the goal of the intervention is. For Terendelev to blow her spells preparing for an attack, and then kill some patrols when she can't support them because she's out? Possible, but probably not worth the cost of revealing you have a high level wizard under your employ and risking losing them. To get her to cancel the festivities out of paranoia? Even less payout, especially as demons tend to reckon things. Get her paranoid and have her bug out when you trigger a normal demon attack, leaving the city without its best defender? Possible, and it might even work, but the story is still pretty confusing even if you assume that. Terendelev is beginning to feel lost, like her conversational partner is playing at something she's only half understanding, and it's pretty uncomfortable position to be in.

"I do have some spells that I could use to prepare for an attack, but most of them have a fairly limited duration, so if I cast them too early and often I would run out before too long. Did you happen to get a time? And, ah, I'm sorry to doubt you, but this story sounds rather unbelievable and that's giving me some issues, and you seem more than capable of faking most of the things I could check. Is it an immediate emergency, or do we have time to bring you to Rathimus and see about having him cast Abadar's truthtelling on you? That wouldn't erase the doubts, but it would help rule out some of the possibilities."

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"I understand that it seems completely crazy and I'm taking someone else's word for it myself. If she's right we have a bit less than half an hour and other demons will show up a bit before Deskari does; I don't know how long it would take to get Rathimus and I don't know how to check whether Areelu Vorlesh lied to me but of course I'm happy to get an Abadar's Truthtelling if you want."

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"Please follow me, then; it's slower than flying but less likely to give away that something unusual is happening."

Rathimus is apparently a relatively elderly but well dressed man; his clothes aren't especially decorated, but they're noticably higher quality than most people around him and very clean.

"Could I purchase an Abadar's truthtelling from you, at standard rates?"

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"If the lady doesn't object, yes. To be explicit: Abadar's truthtelling will prevent you from speaking falsehood while it is in effect. It will not prevent you from being mistaken, deceived, or forgetful. If you try and resist, you probably will succeed; if so, Abadar's holy symbol will disappear from your forehead to signal it is not in effect any more. Is this acceptable?"

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If it actually makes her tell the truth instead of just detecting whether she's lying it's possible Iron Will will block it, but if she focuses on wanting to be affected it ought to go through on the same principle as communicative telepathy, right? At least it will be obvious whether she accidentally blocked it or not.

"Yes, that's acceptable. I'll try not to resist it."

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Then Rathimus will call upon Abadar to guarantee the truth of these words, and there's a delicate feeling that settles over Brenda's mind that compels her to honesty. She could break it, easily, but bypassing it without causing it to shatter would be a far more difficult to achieve. Upon her forehead (though not directly visible to her) is the image of a key.

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"To the best of your knowledge, is everything you said to me today true? Is there anything you have stated or implied to be fact that you would not expect to know if it was false? Is there anything that you expect to, when it becomes known to me, lead me to believe you have substantively attempted to deceive me in this conversation? To the best of your knowledge, are you currently working for or have you ever worked for Deskari, Baphomet, any other demon lord, or any subordinate or comrade thereof? And for the sake of completion, do you maintain that you expect Deskari to attack shortly, and were told this by Areelu Vorlesh?"

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"Everything I told you today is true to the best of my knowledge. I wouldn't expect to know if the person claiming to be Areelu Vorlesh lied to me about her identity or anything else. I don't think I've left out anything that would lead you to believe I deceived you unless I forgot to say I was from another world or it's important that I have a weird grab bag of magic powers and no practice using them. I'm not working for any of those entities and never have. Someone claiming to be Areelu Vorlesh definitely told me Deskari was going to attack this city in half an hour and if I had to bet I'd bet that he will."

The symbol doesn't disappear from her head, not that she can see this.

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Okay, so she's also from another world. In a sense this is something rare enough that it ought to be striking her as even more implausible and raising the odds of her having beaten Abadar's truthtelling somehow, but at this point every option she's considering involves several very improbable things at some point in the explanation which means she's just wrong about something. And there's definitely a sense in which Brenda being from another world makes things hang together better; it implies there are a lot of specific circumstances and constraints and cultural gaps going on that she just has no context for and thus looks nonsensical from the outside. She's not definitely legitimate, but the odds are good enough that Terendelev does not want to take any chances.

"Alright. Thank you very much for the warning, I'll get started coordinating our defense shortly and appreciate you putting up with this. In the meantime, though, if you're new to Golarion there's some things you really ought to know. Areelu Vorlesh is an incredibly evil person who does frequently work with demons, especially Deskari, and is responsible for pretty much the entire ongoing war with the Abyss. She's also a 9th circle witch and thus one of the most powerful magic users on the planet - I'd offer to try and dispel you to remove any malign influences, but I'm not sure I could even dispel something she put together no matter how many times I tried; you'd pretty much need to go to another archmage or have a a cleric cast dispel evil on you, which I don't think Rathimus has prepared. I'd like to bring you to Hulrun so he can cast Magic Circle against Evil, and at least give you another save against any effects - actually, no, I should get you to Ramien, he's better at removing mind control by a fair margin. If the attack you've described materializes, even if Deskari doesn't show up in person, we will of course reward you for your help unless it seems likely you specifically caused it. Is there anything else urgent from your perspective?"

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"One of my grab bag of powers is that I'm supposed to be immune to mind control but I haven't tested it and don't know how it stacks up against anything here. I might also be able to help fight but I've never been in a fight before either. I don't think there's anything urgent. --Good luck."

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Terendelev will ask Rathimus to escort Brenda to Ramien and then meet up with her, Hulrun, and Irabeth to ready their defenses for an attack. After getting his agreement, she hurries off a little short of a run.

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Ramien is apparently one of the non human people; he has some kind of a halo above his head, and his eyes glow golden. He's wearing a fancy set of robes embroidered with stars, and a around his neck is a silver chain with a butterfly pendant.

"Greetings! It's always great to meet someone who has traveled from so far away. What brings you to Kenabres?"

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"It's good to meet you too. I sent myself to an arbitrary world looking for one with interesting magic to learn and lots of kinds of people to meet, and the person I landed near sent me to Kenabres to warn Terendelev the city was about to be attacked. I've done that and now I'm--waiting to see if the warning was a true one, I guess. It shouldn't be a long wait one way or the other."

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"Oh good. I tried to warn people of what was coming myself, but I'm afraid I somewhat lack credibility in such matters and I didn't have anything so useful as a source, much less the actual time it would occur, so the most I could manage on my own was readying our temple for anyone the attack injured or displaced and positioning myself to help as many civilians as I can. How long do we have?"

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"Less than half an hour, probably more like fifteen minutes at this point. How did you know it was going to happen? If it's independent that makes it more likely."

She puts a hand in her pocket; Alpina is still there. She hopes she'll get a chance to tell her what's up soon, either before the attack or afterwards; from her perspective Brenda said go and then went totally silent.

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"It was revealed to me in a dream."

He then smiles disarmingly.

"I mean that literally; I'm a priest of Desna, the goddess of dreams, travelers, luck, and the stars, and she tends to relay us important messages through them. She's not the one speaking directly, since it's in words and not metaphors, but we're pretty sure she has someone spying on the demons and feeding us what intel they can. Still, it's hard to confirm any intel except by waiting for it to come true, and while lots of Iomedeans are quite lovely people they have a tendency to be suspicious of anything that strikes them as insufficiently serious. They've been assuming the sheer scale of what we're being told means that it's a demonic trick to lull us into a false sense of security and then spring a trap once we trust it, never mind that we sleep in a hallowed temple and trying to infiltrate the dreams of a Desnan cleric is a particularly foolish strategy."

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She does not have nearly enough context to evaluate how much anyone should or shouldn't have acted on Ramien's warnings. Maybe someone fooled his source, maybe that's impossible, maybe his intel has been reliable in the past and maybe it hasn't. In this case it's probably correct, and she squashes down her sense of relief that she didn't start off her time in this world by crying wolf and replaces it with anxiety about incoming demons.

"My world doesn't have gods, so I don't know what to expect from them, but Desna sounds like an excellent ally to have. Are your eyes and halo because you're a priest, or are they just part of how you look?"

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"I'm quite pleased with her! I resonate most strongly with her aspects of freedom and of being an Azata, but of course even amongst her followers that's hardly universal; I suspect you would resonate strongly with her aspects of travel and of fortune should you choose to follow her. She's not the right goddess for everyone, but there's a lot of room for you to be all kinds of people and still follow her. The eyes and halo are not completely unrelated, but the link is tenuous. I have them because I'm an Aasimar, the term for humans descended from good outsiders, which I think definitely contributed to my choosing to follow Desna, but of course the count is also an Aasimar and famously spurns all the gods. If you're a particularly powerful spellcaster of some sort you can temporarily embody the aspects of an angel as well, but the only ways I know of to do it permanently without dying are either extremely expensive or more rumor than fact."

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"The process by which I came here gave me several other abilities, one of which is the ability to take on some of the traits of any kind of person I meet. Would you be alright with me potentially becoming more like an Aasimar myself? No need to answer right away, unless being an Aasimar is especially helpful for fending off demons and you think I should do it before we're attacked."

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"I'd be delighted, though of course I wouldn't consider myself to have the authority to forbid you anyway. Quite aside from my being altogether too chaotic for that, Aasimar will randomly pop up in distant descendants of angels as long as their parentage happens to line up right, so it's not like there's any way to definitely say someone couldn't be an Aasimar. The halo is quite nice as a light source and offers some defense against attempts at blinding me, though of course I also have excellent night vision so it's not always needed, I can use glitterdust once a day without preparing it, and I have some minor resistance to acid, cold, and electricity. If I suddenly turned into a human I wouldn't consider myself especially more vulnerable to demons, but the advantages are often quite nice on the margins."

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Yeah, she's definitely copying that, any subset of those things sounds neat. As soon as she gets fifteen minutes of no impending emergencies to get used to becoming a dragon aasimar notebook human.

(Fantasy book characters always assert that waiting for a battle to start sucks. Now she's in a world with dragons and demons and magic spells, and guess what, waiting for a battle to start sucks.)

"Thank you! Can you explain what you mean by 'Good outsiders'?"

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"Good outsiders, at least how we usually use the term, refers to any outsiders native to the three good-aligned outer planes. Other outsiders may be good, including some categorizations that consider aasimar to be outsiders, but they're not usually what is being referred to and weren't what I was talking about. In common parlance, this means lawful good archons from Heaven, neutral good agathions from Nirvana, and chaotic good azata from Elysium, as well as angels who can come from any of the three. They're often collectively known as celestials, and share some traits like their damage reduction usually only being bypassed by evil attacks, but the biggest shared trait is that the forces of good can make common cause even when we disagree heavily on our methodology, such as my working with Iomedaeans to defend this city."

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"Iomedaens are another religious organization?"

Also: she's heard those alignment terms before. This is a Dungeons and Dragons universe. Or happens to share a lot of features with Dungeons and Dragons as implemented on her Earth. She's never actually played Dungeons and Dragons, just absorbed stuff from popular culture, and if she understood Alpina's explanation correctly this world is as likely to be 84% similar to the game as 100% similar, so she shouldn't rely on that for anything, but: Dungeons and Dragons universe. Does she have a character sheet? She wants to see her character sheet.

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"Yes, Iomedae is the lawful good goddess of defeating evil. She used to be a mortal before she ascended about a thousand years ago, and she's become probably the most popular goddess in Mendev ever since the worldwound opened up and demons started showing up everywhere.

"On a separate note, do you plan to remain around civilians, or go out fighting demons on your own? I have two castings of magic circle against evil prepared, but most of the effects are redundant with your items other than it blocking mind control, so it's mostly a question of if you want to be able to to keep people nearby you safe or if I should be giving it to someone sticking close by to others."

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"I--" don't know if I have the guts to fight or trust the Battle powers to stop me from getting killed instantly "don't know if I'm any good in a fight. You should allocate your spells on the assumption that I might turn out to be useless." Everyone probably thinks she's a cool fantasy world person and not a child from Iowa with no idea what she's doing, oh no.

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Ramien looks abashed.

"I'm sorry about that, that was thoughtless of me. I know you said you were new to your powers, but I still let myself assume that your gear meant you were an experienced adventurer just missing local context even when you said nothing of the sort. If you wish, you should feel entirely welcome to stick by me when the demons come; I may not be that impressive to look at, but I'm one of the strongest adventurers in Kenabres and its third best healer. I can't guarantee it'll be completely safe, but demons tend to underestimate Desnans more than Iomedaeans because we're a less martial church so I'll probably have fewer people coming after me than Hulrun or Irabeth. Nobody with sense should take issue with you staying safe, and if anyone without sense does I'll have words with them."

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"I. Want to help. But uh." It turns out that the power of Friends In Places doesn't make you eloquent when you simultaneously want to say the thing and avoid saying it. Maybe she could be saved from this conversation by the demons attacking now.

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Demons aren't usually the type to go for helping people but in this case they're happy to oblige her! Some demons start teleporting into the square, their arrival staggered over a couple of seconds, while others shed their disguise as ordinary people or swoop in from the skies. People start screaming and rush towards the exits, which quickly become packed, filled with people desperate to get away.

Adding to the confusion are the town's defenders, who strike out impossibly quickly with glowing swords or shoot fireballs or loose barrages of arrows; the initial strike force is quickly annihilated, but not without casualties, and more demons pour in by the second.

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And over there, there's a dragon! She seems to be cutting a swathe straight through the flying demons, their attacks largely unable to injure her, but every so often she'll see a particularly large clump of them concentrated on the ground and freeze them solid with her breath or call down a strike of holy flame. Lots of them try and flee as soon as they teleport in, but it's an inherently difficult task to achieve when one is trying to escape an enormous angry silver dragon.

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Throughout this, Ramien at least is unafraid. He blesses everyone nearby, taking a bit of the edge off the fear, and then decapitates a disoriented incubus with a single blow from his starknife just as they arrive. He calls on everyone in earshot to remain calm, and miraculously many of them do.

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No that's not what she meant she didn't want that at all--


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The city is a chaotic mess of battles within battles, but Brenda doesn't see a chaotic mess. She sees every individual combatant and civilian in her field of view and what they're doing and where they're going, and how it all fits together into eddy currents of contested territory and momentum and morale, and has enough space in her brain left over to realize that the ironically named Battle Demon power is taking advantage of her unreasonably amazing headband. 

She strides into the fray along a path that won't draw attacks immediately, picks up a demon corpse and throws it into a flock of its living fellows, disrupting their attempt to dodge Terendelev's claws. She lets one demon get within range of her arms and punches it, not even as hard as she can, just hard enough to kill it instantly. She keeps going. Her mind is a clear pool of water in which the whole world is reflected and her hands are destruction and it was ridiculous to worry that she would be paralyzed by fear, why would she fear when she isn't in danger?

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Ah, a high level adventurer! They were prepared for this. While she's distracted by a frontal attack from a trio of Babau with enchanted weapons, two Glabrezu veiled to look like reinforcements will teleport behind her and then try to take off her head with their (currently disguised) pincers.

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She hears the teleport and spins, sees a pair of demons (what Veil? she didn't decide to be affected by any Veil), dodges fast enough to save her head but not fast enough to avoid having a chunk taken out of her arm.

Deliberate torture can't stop her Iron Will once she's gotten started. She punches the offending glabrezu with her other hand and whirls away, raining blood. 

(Her jacket sleeve is neither ripped nor stained.)

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Ramien is finishing taking out a Babau of his own, a process which consists of stepping inside the range of its spear and then stabbing its heart, when he sees the injury. He'll channel positive energy to heal everyone around him for 4d6 hp, demons excepted.

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Theoretically speaking, the correct response here is to immediate teleport in more overwhelming force on top of Brenda. They've just proven that it can work as a strategy, and if they don't then she'll continue to tear through the mid level demons like a hot knife through butter. Unfortunately, most of their best rapid response forces are already deployed, striking at Hulrun and Terendelev and the varying groups of paladins that are attempting to organize the defense, and the remainder rapidly decide to find other problems that they could plausibly be dealing with before Deskari notices they're refraining from going after her.

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The demons can't coordinate? Sucks to be them. Brenda can coordinate, keeping demons off her allies and letting them keep demons off her, staying in range of the healers and baiting demons into area-of-effect spells and never blocking the view of someone with ranged attacks. 

It doesn't suck to be her right now; it doesn't really anything to be her right now. She's in the flow state she's been in a thousand times reading or taking tests or working on a project and never once in gym class, aware of everything except her own awareness. With no conscious input on her part, her eyes have become featureless glowing blue spheres.

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Well, that's not going as well as he hoped, but he's pretty sure all the forces of good are committed at this point; there's nobody else secretly waiting in reserve to counter another push. He swings riftcarver, temporarily enlarging an existing tear enough to travel through at an unexpected location.

Time Stop. Greater Teleport.

Deskari cuts off the roof of the wardstone building, then seizes the stone and hurls it into the distance. Even weakened and in stopped time, it tries to burn him, but just as it wasn't able to stop his first wave of demons, so too does it fail to stop him now.

Greater Teleport.

And then time unpauses, with him in perfect position for a decapitating blow on the draconic irritant-

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Nope! Actually, riftcarver will catch on a plane of force and be slowed just enough that, hasted and graceful as she is, it fails to hit her directly and doesn't penetrate her scales. But now that you've been so kind as to put yourself in close range, how do you feel about a banishment?

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Irritating worm, you're not a match for me and you know it. Fine, it looks like we're doing this the hard way.

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Holy shit, giant boss monster! That must be Deskari. On the one hand, he is definitely "dramatic and plot-relevant" enough to get her "glamorously wounded". On the other hand, he's so huge (at least thirty feet tall) that he's likely to have a hard time seeing her, let alone hitting her, and he's clearly the highest priority target here (unless you count fetching and if necessary repairing that very important magical artifact he just threw, but that will take too long to be the right move right now), and her powers haven't failed her yet. Brenda has by this point acquired a sword from someone with no further use for it; she cuts a path to Deskari's nearest foot and goes at it like Ares' own lumberjack.

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So a mortal insect wants to die by his hand? It hardly deserves the pleasure, but he supposes he can show it the error of its ways with a kick-

Ow. That wasn't even an enchanted sword! He really hates smite evil, and that bitch Iomedae for thinking she can stop him without even showing up in person. Fine, new plan; kill the gnat, then Terendelev. How do they like half a dozen swings of riftcarver, each so quick as to seem nearly instantaneous?

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She does not like them! She gets at least one building destroyed by using it as cover! 

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Okay, once was bad enough, but at least Terendelev had the decency to be a dragon. A human doing this to him is simply intolerable. Let's try that again, but this time with all his swarms trying to blind and confuse and suffocate her. Oh, and how about he dispels whatever magic is affecting her, and all her items?

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Dispel them how, exactly?

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It's just one thing after another today, isn't it.

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The swarms are impairing for a moment, and then she reaches in a direction that wasn't there yesterday and acquires a beekeeper suit complete with mesh veil. (It's a very elegant and stylish beekeeper suit, with blue and green accents and lines that flatter her figure, and it goes under her magic items when possible and over them when necessary but doesn't conceal any of them.)

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Anyway, STAB.

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Deskari doesn't normally bother to hate mortals; they're too far beneath his notice for him to even care. Even Iomedae's own herald barely rates that kind of attention, which he typically reserves for his rivals amongst demon lords and anyone sufficiently connected to Aroden. But right now, he thinks, he's willing to make an exception. If he can't kill her now and be done with it, he'll at least get her out of his way. Deskari goes at her with his scythe once more, but this time in the hopes of getting her to dodge close enough to one of his legs that he can kick her and then imprison her.

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She can tell he's trying to sweep her that way so she's going to dodge this way. It takes her out of stabbing range of his legs (she has got to learn some magic so she has ranged options) but if she lines things up right she can hack at the scythe handle, or try to get Deskari overextended so Terendelev has an opening--

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He's hardly going to lose this fight. He's not sure Terendelev has enough anathema of his on hand to beat his spell resistance or his will save, much less do so reliably enough that she can manage it with the number of slots she has left, and while this mortal is incredibly annoying and her attacks actually hurt he can open up the range for a bit if she ever starts dealing damage more quickly than he can regenerate it. He'll get lucky eventually, and then it'll be over - if they don't die first of running out of spell slots or buff duration. The problem is, he doesn't actually have all day. What Deskari actually has is a probably small but unknown magnitude amount of time before one of the good gods notices he's hanging out on the prime material and decides to come smite him for it. Which would be one thing if it meant he got a chance to fight Iomedae at a time of his choosing in land half-tainted by the abyss, but he's pretty sure it'd be Desna.

And that means that if they won't die quickly and won't let him get close enough to trap them magically, he'll have to do it the old fashioned way. This girl can dodge a lot, but can she dodge a 20 meter wide chasm appearing right under her feet just as she lands? Riftcarver comes down like a meteor in a great overhand blow and splits the earth.

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Nope, she cannot dodge that, now she's in a hole. As soon as the rocks stop falling under her she'll start climbing right back out, but while she's falling she falls basically like a normal human.

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Climbing out? That sounds like a problem for someone who doesn't have earthquake as a spell like ability. There won't be a way out, unless she can teleport or turn intangible. Now, as for Terendelev-

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Plane Shift.

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Well, they’re not dead, but at least they’re gone. Now, who here is strong enough to be worth a moment’s time to kill them?

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Maybe some of those butterflies gathering?

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Did he say worth a moment? Actually, he meant just leaving.

Greater Teleport.

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Brenda has missed the end of the fight, because she's still in a hole. Actually it's more of a cave at this point. Good thing she packed a flashlight! What's down here, apart from rocks and more rocks? (Her beekeeper suit has replaced itself with a (beautiful yet understated) long sleeve shirt and pants and knee-high boots.)

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A short way down the crevasse she's in is a woman wearing metal armor, who seems to be struggling to move some of the rocks next to her. She looks up when the light falls on her, but thanks to how flashlights work she isn't able to tell who is holding it.

"Who's there?"

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Brenda points her flashlight at the ground between them to stop blinding the other woman with the glare. "My name's Brenda. You were fighting the demons too, I take it? I can help with those rocks if you want."

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“Thanks! Anevia got caught under them when we fell, but it’s a bit difficult for one person to move.”

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"Oh, yikes. Is she okay?" Brenda can pick up rocks one at a time and put them down somewhere more convenient, while being careful not to let anything slide down farther onto Anevia. She feels kind of bad about it probably having been her fault that there was a hole to fall down in the first place, and now that she's not actively fighting she feels some kind of way about having killed enough demons to lose count of without having thought through the ethics of it first, but getting someone out from under a bunch of rocks is uncomplicatedly helpful.

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“My leg is killing me, but I think that’s as much from the fall as the rocks. Seelah, you wouldn’t happen to have another lay on hands in you, would you?”

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“No, I used the last one so I could get up after that landing, and all the rest of them before. That fight sure was something, though; just a couple of minutes of it and I already feel exhausted.”

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She should have packed a first aid kit. And learned how to use it. Crap.

"I got here from another world about--wow, less than hour ago still. I have a weird grab bag of magic powers but no healing, sorry. Um, Seelah, is your healing ability something you were born with or something you learned? If it's the former I might be able to mimic it."

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"They're a gift to me from the goddess Iomedae, not something I was born with; I'm a paladin, which means I swear to follow a code and stay lawful good and in exchange I get powers useful for fighting evil. I'm sure some people have innate healing powers but you'd have to be, like, an angel, or maybe a dragon. And wow, from another world? I guess we get all kinds here crusading at the worldwound."

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"I can try mimicking Terendelev in case she has any and I manage to get it. . . . I hope I can do it without looking at her; I only got the grab bag of magic powers when I came here and I don't have much practice with them yet." The wording really makes it sound like it ought to work but she really should have asked yesterday.

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Okay, how does this work and does she want to try it with Alpina first? . . . No, she wants to wait to try it with Alpina until she can tell her about it immediately. She wanted Alpina to be her first copied species but trying for healing now is more important.

So then, what does she do to make this happen? She wants to discover her dragon heritage--

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There it is.

Scales that shine like polished silver appear on her temples and the backs of her hands, and her hair turns silver to match; her fingernails lengthen and harden into metallic claws and she knows instinctively that she can switch them back and forth at will. A sense of inner warmth blooms in her chest; she could walk outside in a t-shirt in the Iowa winter and not be bothered by the cold. Spell structures crystallize in her mind, waiting to be unfolded into the world.

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"Woah! Your hair just went all silver, and your skin- can you just turn all the way into a dragon now, or is that as much as you're able to get?"

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"This is as far as I can go. I got some spells too, though! Let me look at them and see what I can figure out about what they do . . ."

There are eight of them, five simpler/smaller ones and three slightly larger and more complicated ones. The simpler ones look sturdy, almost springy, like she could push them out into the world and they'd take effect and then fold themselves back up again; the more complicated ones are also more fragile.

"I've got two that do extra senses, one that looks like it's for analyzing other magic, one that's for moving things without touching them, and a communication one, and it looks like I can use those as many times as I want, and then I've got some fragile ones that might be single use or need to recharge between uses or something. . . . One of the fragile ones is healing, I think! And then there's another extra sense and some kind of defensive spell I can cast on other people."

To sum up: being part dragon is awesome.

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"Woah, you can just pick up sorcery? I think normally you have to be born with the knack for it, or at least do a lot of training to bring out buried talent. I guess it's not really all that more surprising than being able to turn into a dragon, since they're supposed to all be sorcerers, but still. Could I trouble you for some of the healing?"

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"Technically the thing I'm doing is getting the abilities I would have if I had a dragon ancestor, except I don't know if humans being descended from dragons is a real thing that can happen or if my magic is making it up. I will definitely try the healing spell on you." She taps Anevia's hand and her leg gradually starts feeling better, though it doesn't get all the way to fixed.

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"That's definitely a thing, plenty of sorcerers are descended from dragons. I think it might even be the most common kind of sorcerer, though I wouldn't swear to it and there are lots of kinds."

She does some careful stretches with her leg, wincing at a few points, but seems overall quite grateful.

"Thanks a ton, that's a lot less painful. I'll still have to be careful how much weight I put on it but I should be good to walk. I hope this crevasse opens up to the surface somewhere, or at least some larger cave; I'm not optimistic about how fast they'd be able to move enough rock for us to get out, not when they don't even know we're alive."

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"I hope so, yeah. If you want to lean on me as we go you're welcome to." (Friends In Places is such a good set of powers; she'd've been far too awkward to offer, before.)

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Anevia will gratefully accept this, and with her help manage to make pretty good time down the tunnel.

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Her flashlight will illuminate a young woman with pointed ears and a rapier in fancy clothing and a ball of glowing light above her head; a bit down the way there's a corpse on the ground.

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At some point she really needs to sit down and process all the death she's interacted with in the past hour; she's pretty sure she's only as chill as she currently is because of the "You can be upset but not traumatized" aspect of Iron Will and it's definitely upsetting.

"Hello. Are you alright?" She doesn't offer condolences for the dead person because he might have just been standing next to the woman when the chasm opened.

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"I'm a little injured, but nothing impairing - I just decided it would be smarter to save my healing for if something else happened since I didn't have a lot prepared. I was fine before I fell, which probably helped; a cambion got in close and it hurt him pretty badly before he killed it."

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"We're looking for a way back to the surface; want to come with us? Safety in numbers, after all."

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"That seems quite sensible. Does anyone need me to cast light for them, or has your magical item been sufficient so far?"

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"It has limited energy reserves and once it runs out I have no reliable way to replenish it; if your light is usable indefinitely I'd prefer to switch." Actually now that she says that it occurs to her that she might be able to use Dressing Room to acquire a headlamp, but she doesn't want to count on that without trying it. 

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"Orisons don't have a use limit, though my lights only last ten minutes a cast so I'll need to refresh them with some frequency and they mostly only illuminate around you. Perhaps save yours for occasional navigation or close examination, and make use of this for the meantime?"

She can give each of them a little glowing sphere that situates itself above their head to avoid blinding them, and with multiple light sources the shadows are only moderately annoying.

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"That's very handy, thanks!" She stows the flashlight. And now that she has a hand free and has confirmed that reusable spells are in fact reusable she's going to try out her new extra senses magic! 

"Oh, this is useful, I can see where there's magic now! And the other one looks for demons. Unfortunately I can't keep them both going at the same time; probably the demons one is more important." Which is too bad because magic is cool and there's any around to look at.

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It requires some digging to get enough rocks out of the way that a human can fit through without crawling, but the crevasse does open up into a larger cave system! Their light and voices will attract the attention of some large and aggressive insects, but none of them are even as dangerous as the weakest of the demons she just fought.

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Brenda has no problem with hauling rocks and killing any bugs that get past Seelah and keeping a magical eye out for demons, and in between she introduces everyone to the new person and finds out her name is Camellia. Not getting tired from physical exertion is surprisingly fun. If the larger cave system is branchy she suggests the "stick to the left wall" strategy.

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The cave does branch, but sticking to the left hand wall doesn't seem to lead them down any dead ends. Before long, she'll be able to hear some conversation coming from up ahead!

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Man, so many people fell down this hole that was made specifically to trap Brenda. She should have made different decisions. Maybe if she hadn't rejected the idea of trying to grab the scythe.

For now, though, the four of them can walk towards the conversation.

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"It's not in the shrine, but I'm not seeing it anywhere else either. Do you think it was buried under the rocks?"

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"I'm not sure. It's hard to imagine anyone else choosing to make coming here to grab it the priority, but I can't rule it out."

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Oooh, what a cool pair of species! She should ask Camellia about hers as well. 

"Hello! What are you looking for?"

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"We're looking for the angel's sword! It was here before the earthquake hit, but I can't seem to locate it."

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"Oh, sure, blurt out why we're here to the first person you meet. I don't see how that could possibly go wrong."

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"We're looking for a route to the surface. Is the sword likely to show up to magic detection, and would you like me to check?"

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"I'm not sure if it will; I can't do that myself, and I don't know if anyone I know can. It doesn't come up much, what with how the only magic around here is usually what Dyra is doing. If it does work and saves us a lot of effort, I'm all for it. But if you're looking for a way up to the surface, you're in luck - the reason I'm looking for the sword is so I can rally the tribes to challenge the shield maze, which leads to the surface."

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"I'm happy to try looking for the sword. When you say tribes, you mean there's a whole society down here and you're trying to convince them all to move topside?  My name's Brenda, by the way, and this is Anevia, Seelah, and Camellia."

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"Well, the goal isn't really to get everyone to move topside, though there's definitely some talk about it from people nervous about a followup quake or damage from the first one leading to more tunnels collapsing. The problem is that yesterday some kids decided it was a great idea to go explore the shield maze because they were told not to and they went missing, so I'm hoping with everyone working together it'll be safe to go rescue them. Wendu's good enough to explore it on her own, but she doesn't think she'd be able to get the kids out safely, and nobody else is good enough to manage even that. Ah - my name is Lann, and this is Wenduag. We're mongrels, been here since the first crusade."


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"Would it kill you to show the slightest bit of self respect? I'm not asking you to be like Sull and call yourself an underground crusader, but don't you think it's a bit much that you immediately decide to self identify as a mongrel and share your life's story the moment someone from the surface shows up with a pretty face?"

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"I apologize for prying, and I'm sorry to hear about the missing kids. I'd be happy to help look for them. But anyway, about that sword--" she drops the demon-detecting spell and puts up the magic-detecting one, turning slowly to scan the pile of rubble.

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It's not in the first pile of rubble she scans, but if she goes looking there sure is something really powerfully magical over there!

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"I don't know if it's what you're looking for but there's definitely something buried over that way," she says, and looks at the two locals for (verbal or nonverbal) cues as to whether they'd prefer she dig it out or stay away from their valuables.

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Lann doesn't seem to have any problem with her pitching in, but he'll get straight to digging himself where indicated rather than waiting on help.

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Wenduag, meanwhile, keeps a wary eye on everyone involved but doesn't seem to especially focus on Brenda, even if she joins Lann.

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Dig dig dig Alpina's list was not kidding about her similarity to construction equipment. Beats the pants off punching demons.

She is both pretty fast and able to aim straight for the magic thing rather than just pointing at it. Does it turn out to be sword-shaped?

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It does! It's a very fancy sword, too, and starts glowing as soon as she touches it; if Brenda doesn't stop it, it'll try to pull her into a vision.

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Her powers specifically allow purely communicative telepathy and also she's so curious what magic angels put on their swords!

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Then Brenda will find herself reliving the last moments of the angel Lariel. She can feel everything he felt, and while on close inspection the experience is clearly happening to somebody else it's really quite immersive. They were betrayed, stabbed in the back by the very people they descended from heaven to protect from the demons, and now they stand, mortally wounded, with their strength beginning to fade and a deathly foe approaching. Which would you choose, the memories seem to ask of her, though there are no words. Would you heal the one who stayed loyal to the end and risked everything to aid you against this betrayal, even though it didn't save you and it's unlikely all your help will suffice for her to survive? Or would you strike down those who turned on you, even though you know they are just the puppets of a darker power whose strength is too much for you to slay?

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Well, it depends, doesn't it, on whether healing the friend was completely doomed or merely a long shot, on whether striking down the enemies would solve anything, weaken the one puppeting them or even just release them from a fate worse than death. But if it was a choice between two equally long shots--and maybe even if it wasn't--she'd try to help her friend. Because her friend tried to help her when all was lost, and because if you're going to die pointlessly, better to die trying to help someone than trying to kill someone.

But also that's a really awful situation and it's not like she's in any position to judge whatever choice Lariel made.

Her body is standing perfectly still, clutching the sword-hilt, crying. Not entirely for the angels.

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The sword seem to pulse with approval, either at her choice or her reason, and in the vision Brenda-as-Lariel reaches within themself for that golden spark of heaven's might before breathing it out, the wounds of her companion mending themself before her eyes. Her companion is still weak, from the days and days of deprivation and the attack, but with the worst of her injuries mended she finds the strength to speak. Her voice is barely more than a whisper, but somehow it seems to carry enough to fill the entire cavern.

"Lariel... you said that everything was going to change soon? That all the angels had been recalled for a mission to stop the source of the demons? If that's true... then you shouldn't have stayed to help us, and you definitely shouldn't have saved me. We're not that important."

The echo of Lariel shakes his head. How can he explain to her, that people like her, so bright and shining and good despite all the pain they go through are the reason he fights? That the forces of heaven bind themselves never to break their word, because destroying that trust and abandoning their comrades is a far greater blow than their deaths ever could be? Perhaps he cannot, but there is not much left to him but to try.

"Do not diminish your own worth. To save a life... sometimes, we cannot bear the price such a task demands of us, but that does not mean that succeeding at it is not the right thing to do. And even if I die, heaven will not be defeated; there are countless others who will pick up the torch I now carry, and there always will be as long as goodness and honor reside in the hearts of mortals. You could be one such soul, if you wished it; were you to become an angel, I would be honored to count you as my comrade. But that is not the only option available to you; you have already given so much for this world, and Heaven is a place of healing as well as war. Worry not about your destination; I will not allow him to lay a single hand upon you."

Then Lariel calls out, his voice booming in the confined space and not advertising even an iota of the pain wracking his body. His sword glows like a second sun, and for a moment, the shadows are driven back.

"Deskari! Show yourself!"

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Then out of the shadows comes the monster who trapped her in these caves, appearing far more horrible through the eyes of an angel. With every step comes a horrible rasping sound from his armor, and the buzzing of the swarm is a cacophony upon her ears. Lariel is not his match, not as Brenda was, and with an unhurried gait he advances, the unholy blade of Riftcarver seeming to vanish at the speed of his swing-

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The vision comes to an end, but the light remains. Her whole body is glowing now, not just the sword, and the light radiating off her seems to take the form of wings. She can feel it bolstering her and everyone around her, a blessing of protection gifted by the angel from beyond the grave.

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She wants to be like that. Not in the Dragon Fairy Elf Witch way, not right now, that would be--she has never cared for religion but the word that comes to mind is "blasphemy"--she wants to be that brave, that wise, that full of love, that able to look at the situation in front of her and know what the right choice by her own values is and make it. 

It takes several seconds after everything stops glowing before she remembers to move or speak again.

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"Woah, did you just do that trick from before and become part angel? That's not really what I would have expected that to look like but that's more because I don't think I really had any expectations, my mind is coming up blank."

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"I don't think so? The wings Angelic Aspect gives you are white, at least, and if it didn't look like that I'd expect something more of an Aasimar kind of deal. But I'd be the first to admit I'm far from an expert about this kind of thing."

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Lann is currently doing a bit too much staring at Brenda with open mouthed shock to contribute to the conversation, check back in a bit?

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"I, no, I didn't do anything, I just picked it up--it had a message in it. Lariel--the angel whose sword it is--was--he died protecting people, fighting Deskari--he knew he was going to die and he did it anyway, he never gave up--"

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"So the angel really did save us. Lariel... we didn't even know his name."

Lann shakes himself from a moment of melancholy.

"Still, this is great news. If the angel's sword will respond to you, that would make rallying the tribes even easier!"

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"I don't know if it does that every time someone touches it, I don't know if it will do it again or only the once--do you want to try holding it now, or wait until the people you want to show it to are watching in case it only happens once per person? I don't know anything about how magic items work, sorry."

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"It's never responded to any of us in the years we've been down here; I sort of figured it was because we've been tainted. Old Sull might talk about a glorious history as underground crusaders, but it's not like anyone can't tell the difference between us at a glance. I don't have a clue whether it would work for everyone from the surface or just you, but it would be a bit surprising if it only worked once - it's not like the angel would have only had one occasion to use it, and you'd think if they did it would have been used before you touched it."

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Brenda isn't sure if "tainted" means they're all literally magically cursed or if it means this fantasy world has fantasy racists (or both), and there's really no good way to ask.

"Well, if it will help with your plan for saving the missing kids I'm happy to try to do it again. When you say you're crusaders, do you mean against the demons or something else? I literally arrived on this planet a couple hours ago and I have no context."

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"We're the descendants of soldiers from the first crusade, who fought alongside the angels against the abyss when the worldwound first opened up, and have resided in these caves ever since. We usually call ourselves Neathers, but underground crusaders is a common appellation from those who want to hearken back to the glory days or just want to hype themselves up. Lann would fall into the latter category, but he doesn't have any self respect so he's decided to embrace the term used for us by those on the surface - perhaps because he thinks if he uses it first, it'll hurt less."

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Fantasy racism is probably less bad than a demon curse but still disappointing. Anyway, given the number of giant bugs down here she should roll with the amount of context she has and do whatever gets the missing kids rescued fastest instead of trying to get fully oriented.

She smiles at Wenduag. "Thank you for explaining. Where to now?" 

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"Neatholm! It's the biggest village in the underground, and it's pretty centrally located so everyone else will have an easy time getting to it."

He gestures off to another tunnel on the opposite side of the room than they came in from, and then makes as though to lead them.

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Off she goes, offering one arm to Anevia again and holding the sword awkwardly in the other ha--no, apparently her outfit acquired a tooled-leather belt and scabbard while she wasn't paying attention. She'll stick the sword in it.

She's gonna get to see an underground city! Just like in Lord of the Rings except instead of everyone having been killed by demons, not that!

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On the way over, Wenduag will wait until Lann goes to retrieve some of his arrows after a fight with some giant flies to pull Brenda aside. She doesn't seem to mind Anevia listening in; apparently the one she wants privacy from is Lann.

"I know Lann talks a good game, but you shouldn't show off the light of heaven. Maybe say you can't make it glow on command, or that he must have been mistaken, or even just say you'll only demonstrate it in private. The shield maze is dangerous, and if Lann brings in everyone like he wants to it'll just get a lot of them killed. If you need to get to the surface, I can lead you through the maze, but even for me it would be hard to keep more than a small team safe, and nobody else can even manage that much."

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"That's a solid argument but I don't want to resort to subterfuge if I can avoid it. But I assume you've already tried to talk him around and failed--is the problem that the maze is full of physical hazards, or hostile creatures? What's Lann's theory for why more people would be better?"

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"Both, and also worse things. There were a bunch of us young hunters who thought we could brave the shield maze, and we figured we were good enough to deal with whatever we found. Every so often whenever someone was out exploring, they'd get lost or ambushed, and die, but we figured we were more careful, stronger, better, and we'd learn from their mistakes and be fine. But some of the people we thought were dead, weren't, and that was even worse. They'd come back changed, maddened, unable to even communicate but hostile to everything that moved, all in the form of someone who looked like your friend. There's a reason why I'm the only one left.

"Lann never went to the shield maze. He was more responsible than that, spent his free time hunting for more food to feed people better, or just practicing his skills, but he doesn't take the danger seriously. He thinks that if he just tries hard enough, everything will work out fine, and if it was just him I'd try to help him but he's going to get a lot of other people killed with him if he gets his way."

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Brenda shudders a little. "I'm sorry, that sounds horrible. I'm immune to mental alteration but I don't have a way to make other people immune. I'd really like to try talking Lann around; maybe two of us will have a better shot at it than one."

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"I haven't managed to get anywhere with him, but maybe you'll have better luck. He did seem pretty enthusiastic about your whole lightshow."

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"It would be kind of ridiculous if the light show made him believe me when you've been in the shield maze and I haven't but I'll take what I can get." And she flags down Lann.

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Lann remains just as enthusiastic about her as he was before.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

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"Tactics for the shield maze, basically. I want to help look for the kids. Can we go over what you know about the situation--how many missing, when were they last seen, that sort of thing--and the current plan?"

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"There are five of them that went missing. I don't know most of them, only one of them was from Neatholm, but they were friends, really adventurous kids, always clambering to go exploring and hunting and so forth. But early this morning they dared each other to go explore the shield maze, and we haven't seen them since. One of their group backed down and got teased for it, which is how we know they went missing - when their friends didn't come back a few hours later, they went to chief Sull about it. He didn't want to go make a rescue party since he didn't think it would be safe, but I figure with the angel's sword you could go rally everyone from all the tribes, not just Neatholm, and then we'd have three or four times as many people and we could handle whatever's waiting there. Most hunters aren't as good as Wendu or I but with enough people you can handle most anything easily and maybe we'd be able to move fast enough to rescue them."

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"Wenduag is worried that if too many people go in some of them will get separated from the group and die, and a smaller team of just the best fighters will be better off, and I haven't seen the shield maze but she has and I think she's right. I think you, me, her, and maybe a couple other people who know the area can move faster and more quietly. And we won't have to spend time going around to all the tribes and convincing a whole big group to go."

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"Do you think that would work? Nobody other than Wendu has managed to get very far into the shield maze, not consistently... I guess I also don't know how people on the surface fight either, and you do have the angel's sword and Anevia is really good with her bow. Are you all veteran crusaders or something?"

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"If she's the only person who can get very far that's all the more reason to have the search party small enough that she can guide it effectively. I don't know how experienced Seelah and Anevia and Camellia are or whether they'll be willing to help." She looks at Anevia for comment, mostly because she's relevant but also to buy time to figure out something true and nonmisleading to say about her own combat ability.

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"My wife and I used to be adventurers before we settled down in Kenabres, and we got pretty good at it. I'm hardly one of the legendary heroes you read about in stories, but I've got years of experience against monsters and demons and cultists by now, and I make sure to stay in practice. Seelah and Camellia are a fair bit less experienced, but if we might be facing something evil I'd rather not pass on Seelah being able to smite it and Camellia can spellcast and fight, which is a fairly uncommon - and useful - combination."

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"I only have one battle worth of experience but the weird grab bag of magic powers I acquired this morning are extremely useful in a fight." 

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Lann doesn’t have a lot of experience with magic, and indeed has only ever met one spellcaster in his life prior to today, but he has heard stories and ‘can do magic’ is a pretty good selling point if it’s all going to be as impressive as the bit with the angel’s sword earlier. Fighting demons is also the kind of thing that’s supposed to separate crusaders from just hunters. 

“If you’re confident it’s for the best, I’ll trust you on this.”


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Presently Neatholm will come into sight around the one of the corners. It's not the most impressive sight; the architecture is largely composed of huts made of mud, rock, and chitin, and the buildings are all short and squat. It has a bit of a stench, some of which Brenda might be able to identify as coming from fish, and it's frankly not that big a town. Still, it does have the advantage of being situated on an underground lake, which is quite something to look at, and the inhabitants - who range from the slightly inhuman to as unusual as Wenduag - seem more curious than hostile.

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Alright, so it's not as flashy as the dwarven cities in Tolkien, but Tolkien never had to handle the logistics of feeding and housing people underground with limited access to the surface. (Does this world have dwarves? That would be really cool. Also, wait, is there a universe that's basically Arda? Is she going to end up there at some point if she gets enough dimensional travel? (Wow, this intelligence headband has improved her tendency to go off on recursive tangents only inasmuch as she can now do it faster.)) She smiles at the city and the lake and the people. 

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"How tired are you all feeling? Now that we're decided to go as a small group, there's a part of me that wants to get some healing from Dyra and then press on today since we don't need to wait on gathering all the tribes, but this is going to be dangerous enough without trying to do it exhausted."

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"I wouldn't say no to one of Beth's lay on hands if she was here, but that's mostly for the healing. If Dyra is good enough to fix my leg, then I'm good to press on; I've fought while significantly more tired than this before and not been impaired."

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"I'm fresh out of smites and healing and won't be able to change that until dawn, but even without the goddess' help I can at least swing a sword."

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Brenda really really wants an hour to talk to Alpina and get her thoughts in order, but that's not the same as being physically tired, and any given minute could be the minute the kids die or get hit with whatever mind control Wenduag witnessed. And once she's actually into the shield maze, Just A Little Longer should keep her moving until they get out. "I can keep going. Camellia, how are you holding up?"

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"I've used up most of my healing, but I still have all my other spells and a couple uses of my spirit weapon. I say we go for it."

It's not that she's incredibly gung ho about saving children per se, but it's not objectionable and now that she's here she's realized she would really rather not stay the night. Besides, the shield maze probably has things to kill.

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"Sounds like we're all ready to go, though I'd like to get more of a primer from Wenduag on what kind of hazards we can expect in the maze."

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While Lann leads them over to Dyra, Wenduag can answer.

"It's not a constant spread, but usually I encounter a mix of monsters and the unknown; there are a lot of of things in the shadows or that make noise and I just avoid, like piles of rock that move and attack. Occasionally you'll see demons, though usually not very many of them, and some demon cultists following around after them. Plus whatever thing or things drives people insane."

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"There are demons in the shield maze? Why did you never say anything about it before now!"

Lann seems genuinely upset at her having left this out.

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"Not so loud! And of course I didn't say anything about it! Imagine what would have happened if I had - you think this is bad? Think about how many idiots would go off running into the maze if they thought that was their duty as crusaders! Half the young hunters would be dead or worse, for nothing."

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"You should have told me."

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"Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't be one of them?"

Wenduag manages to impart a surprising amount of scorn into her words.

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Lann looks hurt, but doesn't seem to be able to muster a real response to that.

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What if instead of interpersonal drama they did more strategizing. "Do you have a map of the maze? And/or a way to narrow down where in it the kids are likely to be?"

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"What's a map? And no, beyond probably not near the entrance or at least one of them would be out by now."

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"Oh man, maps are so cool, you draw a picture of an area with a line for each wall and you can use them to find your way to a particular place, or mark off areas you've searched so you can be sure you've searched everywhere--sorry, that's a side issue, we can just stay to the left again." She's pretty sure that was rude, but, but maps.

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"Normally I just remember where everything is? Like if I want to get to the other end of the shield maze, I just go down the route that gets me there."

Probably there's a reason to use them beyond not having a good memory but it's not instantly obvious, maybe she'd have to see one first.

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Dyra is also a neather, though somewhat older than Wenduag and Lann; she seems to be in good health, but is probably less ridiculously fit than they are. She apparently also runs something of a shop, with a sign labelled in pictograms and some unknown kind of text that Brenda can still effortlessly read advertising the services on offer. There's fishhooks, arrows, weapons, firestarters, string - all kinds of things you might want and would still be able to make underground - but also apparently magical services on offer. The sign proudly lists prices for "channeling," "cures," "truthtelling," and "carrying capacity," as well as mentioning to ask her for a quote for other castings. Around her neck is a necklace with a stylized symbol of scales that a native (or Brenda, if she has a good memory and read the right books from Areelu Vorlehs' library in her short pre-kenabres binge) might recognize as one of Abadar's holy symbols. 

"Lann, Wenduag, you brought uplanders! Welcome to Neatholm, and feel free to let me know if anything catches your interest or you have questions. I love to trade with new people! I'll take trade in barter, not just gold, but prices are higher if I'll have to sell it to get any use from it or it's the kind of thing with a limited market."

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"If your memory's that awesome then you really only need maps if you want to give someone else directions, yeah." . . . Oh hey, she can actually remember the entire route they took to get here in quite a lot of detail, including all the options for turnings they didn't take, and she wasn't even especially trying to. She loves her headband so much.


She doesn't immediately have ideas for things she should buy or sell at Dyra's shop; she contemplates trying to arrange something with the science books but she's going to leave soon and it'll be hard to come back.

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Lann does. He wants to buy a channel to heal them and especially Anevia, paid for by his future earnings as a hunter. When she points out that it seems pretty likely that he’ll die and thus those won’t materialize, he instead offers his hut as payment in that eventuality and hunting if he does return, which she accepts but says she’ll want witnessed since in that case he wouldn’t be around to confirm it.

 Once she has his word, she holds aloft the symbol of the scales on her necklace and glows; Anevia and Camellia are the ones that most benefit, but Lann, Wenduag, and Seelah all look somewhat appreciative.

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Channeling energy is very cool and it's too bad wizards can't do it; even if there was a god she'd make a good cleric of she's not sure she wants that kind of relationship.

Onward into the shield maze, then?

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According to Wenduag, the fastest way to get to the shield maze is by boat across the lake; there's a path along the shore that'll get them there, but it's significantly longer even if they take the side of the lake with only a very narrow lip of dry land between the water and the cave walls. They're not especially fancy, but they do seem waterproof and their equivalent of oars are good enough at moving water to allow them to travel at a decent clip. Once there, the entrance is rather unassuming; you have to slip through a narrow crack where a wall of what probably used to be a fortress at some point is coming apart, but she promises it opens up more once inside and is mostly only an issue if you're trying to leave in a hurry.

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"It's only an issue if you're trying to leave in a hurry" sounds like foreshadowing, and possibly the existence of the metanarrative means she should be on guard for anything that might be foreshadowing, but she's not going to not go into the shield maze about it, so she casts the demon detection spell again and keeps moving.

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Once through the crack, she'll find herself in a side chamber of some kind, with a dull red symbol on the wall that looks almost black in the lighting. There's a door leading further on that's closed, with a dim light coming in through the cracks.

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"That's Baphomet's symbol. I guess we know whose cultists they are, if it being a maze didn't give it away."

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"Does that tell you anything about what their strengths and weaknesses are likely to be? Also, are demon cultists usually being mind-controlled by the demon or are they" more of a Jonestown situation "acting of their own accord?" She's not sure which possibility is more fucked up; it's a very competitive field.

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"It means we should expect to see more cultists using glaives than scythes, if we encounter them, and more of an emphasis on clever plans and traps than brute force, though it's not an exact science there. As for who becomes a demon cultist... it's a complicated question. Some people just inherently find that the way demons operate, cruelly excercising your power over other people without regard to any rules or laws, to be inherently satisfying, and certainly many of those become demon cultists. But there are those kind of people everywhere, and most countries don't have as many demon cultists as we do. Sometimes you get people who are afraid of dying, and think that being a cultist will keep them safe or at least have some measure of control. Sometimes you get people who have all their friend group join cults, and get brought along with them as they become more and more surrounded by bad influences. Sometimes... you have people who feel desperate, like all of society doesn't give a shit about them and they could die alone on the street and nobody would care, and to them, the demon cults promise a sense of community and purpose, or a way to strike back at the society that they feel wronged them. And sometimes people don't even know they're in a cult until they've been there for months and by then peer pressure is enough to hold them."

She pauses to think.

"As for mind control, well, it does sometimes happen that someone just gets dominated into serving the demons. Succubi are rather fond of it. But even when mind control happens, it's usually stuff more like whipping up a crowd to stone somebody accused of being a witch, or someone who gets suggested into committing a serious crime and then doesn't think they have any good options if anyone ever finds out - often times, they don't even know they were manipulated. And then as part of the cult they're called on to commit more and more crimes, until there's no way out. It's not necessarily all that hard for a powerful demon to totally control a human being, but they can usually only get a limited number of them at a time and there's always a chance that someone will break free at the wrong moment from the more comprehensive types."

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Well fuck. Now she really wants to avoid killing any cultists.

"That makes sense . . . for that matter, what's the demons' whole deal? Do they ever make demands, or just show up and attack?" Whatever answer she gets is of course going to be from the perspective of someone on the other side of a war from said demons, but it could still be informative. 

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"Demons... aren't really the kind of thing you can do negotiations with, unless you've got overwhelming force and the negotiation is for something they can do right then and there and you can check it, like leave. Maybe that's not true of demon lords but I expect it probably is. They're all chaotic evil, which means they don't keep their word or act honorably or obey rules, even from each other, and that they delight in hurting people and causing misery and killing people and so forth. Mostly not all at once for the last bit, you'll get different demons with their own specific evil goals and one who wants to spend their time torturing victims might not care if the other people they fight manage to get away, but sometimes you do get ones that approach universally evil. Occasionally you'll here stories about some succubus promising to repent if only you'd spare her or trust her or sleep with her, but I've never heard of it being anything other than a trick and I'd expect to. The closest thing there is to tame demons are quasits who sometimes work for evil wizards, some of them are even nearly as opposed to the wound as we are and they can mostly keep their familiars in line."

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"Hm. Thanks." It's probably true. She saw a bit of what it was like to be an angel, and it was something only a tiny fraction of humans have ever approached. If demons are similarly alien in the other direction, then probably 'kill them all before they kill you' is the right strategy. Probably. Apparently her sense of narrative appropriateness likes this situation, because it let her get sent here, but she's not in the mood to evaluate the quality of today's events as an opening chapter.

She kicks a rock. The rock chips. 

"Where I'm from there's just humans, and no magic, and--well, things were still incredibly complicated actually, but I was less in the middle of them."

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"I wouldn't ever take that trade myself, and not just because it's hard to imagine life without Beth, but I won't deny there are days I'd be tempted if it meant we stopped having demon cultists."


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Wenduag can open the door, quietly enough to not carry even in the confined space, and lead them into the maze proper. She ignores the first few branches due to them being dead ends that terminate too close to the entrance to plausibly hold the kids, but pretty soon that stops being the case and Brenda's suggestion of taking the leftmost path means passing through a lot of branching corridors. The building isn't precisely in good repair, but some of the stonework looks newer than other bits and most of it is clearly not in any danger of collapsing. The light varies from a dim glow to brighter segments, sometimes lit by glowing mossess and sometimes by no apparent source whatsoever, but it never gets dark enough that Wenduag has any trouble seeing and they can usually see her clearly if not the rooms. Some minutes into their exploration, Wenduag motions them to a stop right before a corner; there's audible sound coming from around it, like some relatively large animal moving around.

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She really should have asked to copy Wenduag's eyes but it would have been so awkward and it turns out that when you suddenly get the ability to know in advance when things would be awkward, without any corresponding practice at choosing to do awkward things on purpose, this can result in Poor Decisions.

At least whatever it is sounds large enough that she should be able to punch it half blind, if it turns out to be bitey. Or possibly Disney Princess at it.

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Wenduag will speak to them in a low voice, though not a whisper since she doesn't want the sound to carry any further than it has to.

"There's some maddened neathers in the next room. We need to hit them hard from the start, ideally before they have a chance to alert anyone else. Anevia, you take the one on the right. Lann, the left. I'll take the one in the middle."

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"Hold on, you want us to just kill them like that?"

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"There's no helping them once they get to this stage. Believe me, I've tried."

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She should have asked for a way to make Iron Will contagious. She tries a very quiet detect magic to at least find out what kind of madness it is.

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If it’s a magical kind of madness, it’s not one that detect magic can identify, but they sure do seem to be acting differently from the neathers she had encountered before.

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That's unfortunate in that it means she doesn't have a magic radar for them, but she didn't get anything that looked like a counterspell so there's nothing she could have done anyway. She doesn't have a role in the ambush plan as stated, so she'll just keep an eye out and help anyone who gets in trouble.

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They go down very quickly to arrows, and Wenduag seems notably pleased at how much easier having three people makes this kind of thing. She would be fine herself, but it makes it much easier to get other people through.


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"Who are these people? I'm not sure I'd recognize everyone that's gone missing and presumed dead, not if they were from the other tribes, but I wouldn't expect to not recognize three of this age. Are there other mongrel tribes on the other side of the shield maze that we've never heard of because it's too dangerous to cross, or something?"

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"I've never encountered anyone I was sure wasn't from the tribes here, but I suppose it's not impossible there are some groups of Neathers not living with everyone else. You've always had a better memory for faces anyway."

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There are more signs of the cult of Baphomet around as they continue, and the walls start looking to be in better repair. They have to stop so Camellia and Anevia can disarm traps twice, one of them just before they accidentally trigger it, and soon after the first torches start appearing on the walls. The rooms here look to be more lived in, with sounds of conversation coming from a nearby room.

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Can any of them hear enough of the conversation to make out words, or at least tone and how many of them there are?

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Anevia knows some tricks for listening in on people without them noticing.

"Baphomet cultists, it sounds like. I think we can slip past them here, none of them are paying attention, but it might be dangerous to leave them at our back if we get discovered later and someone raises the alarm."

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"Slipping past them would be good. How much farther do we need to go through the maze?"

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"It depends on what our goal is. We're a little under halfway to the other end, if you want to get to the surface, but there's a lot of maze where the kids could be kept in."

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"So a lot less than halfway . . . how likely is it that this batch of cultists has the kids--or will know where they are if we can take them alive?"

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"I don't think they'd be here; I'm pretty sure this is their sleeping quarters and they're hanging out there, not where you would hold prisoners or, well, keep corpses. I think we could take them alive since they're not prepared for combat now, but without them screaming would be harder and without truth spells it's tough to get reliable information out of people in a hurry. Might be worth trying though, I could give it a shot."

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'If taking them alive turns out to be a bad idea we can always kill them afterwards' is another thing Brenda cannot say with her mouth words. Fucking why did she think it was a good idea to volunteer to get involved in a hostage situation again? Oh right, because she can punch really hard and the magic sword likes her. Ugh.

"I expect your judgement is better than mine." She wonders if this culture considers fourteen-year-olds to be basically adults or if everyone else is making a magic-sword-based exception.

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14 is a little younger than Anevia would normally consider an adult, either by the standards of Mendev or where she grew up, but it’s hardly sensible to not take an adventurer or paladin seriously just because they look a little young. She’s also not sure that Wenduag and Lann are more than a few years older than that either, frankly, it might just be cultural differences but the two of them feel young.

One advantage of the years of experience she has on them, especially the time spent doing intelligence work for the eagle’s watch, is that it makes reading Brenda pretty easy even across the cultural gap. If she didn’t think they could manage it safely, she’d insist anyway, but she she’s met a lot of Baphomet cultists like this over the years and is pretty confident in her assessment of their abilities.

”I think it’s probably worth trying, then. You can do nonlethal combat with weapons but we want a silent takedown here, not just leaving them alive, which means hand to hand is better. If you have experience with chokeholds they’re ideal for this kind of thing but if not I don’t want anyone trying it for the first time; aim punches for their stomach and diaphragm if you can, to knock the breath out of them, but the throat is also a good substitute. It’s not  perfectly safe as a takedown without more healing than we have going spare but we’re prioritizing our safety here, not their survival at all costs. If you think one of them is going to scream and you can’t stop them, kill them first. Wenduag, Camellia, can I trust you two to handle that while Brenda Lann and I go for nonlethal takedowns?”

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Camellia smirks.

”I think I can manage that, yes.”

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Wenduag just nods.

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Brenda's ready to go when Anevia gives the signal.

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She waits a few seconds to make sure they haven't been overheard, then gestures to go. Anevia can cleanly take down her first opponent in seconds, leaving them gasping on the ground, then go to grab the next one in a chokehold. Lann and especially Seelah are clearly less able but they're both physically stronger than the cultists and aren't caught completely by surprise. There are two people that Brenda will have to take down before they can scream if she wants to stop them from raising the alarm.

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She can punch one in the stomach, then turn and kick the other while he's still drawing breath to shout. Once they've both had the wind knocked out of them she can figure out getting a hold of them before they recover. 

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Anevia will jab the one that Seelah is trying to silence in the stomach, then start ripping up sheets for use as gags and ropes. It's much more ad hoc than she would like, but she thinks she can tie them tightly enough to prevent them wiggling loose soon, at least.

"Good work."

Then she continues to the group more quietly, stepping away from the prisoners.

"Do you think you want to stick around for the interrogation, or wait outside? I'm not going to torture them, but I'll probably have to threaten to kill them and may have to follow through, and it's probably not going to be pretty. I won't think less of anyone who doesn't want to watch."

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Brenda is going to go be a coward in the hallway. 

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Then Anevia can start with the most important looking cultist, holding a knife to their neck as she removes the gag.

"Scream and you die. Now, tell me more about what's going on here - how many cultists are there in the maze, who are your leaders, and where are you keeping the kids?"

"Fuck you. Why should I tell you shit, you're just going to kill me anyway."

"Do you think I care about some cultist goons? Sure, I'd as soon kill you as look at you, and I will if you don't tell me what I want to know, but I have bigger fish to fry. If you tell me what I want to know, get me in a good enough mood, you can end this encounter alive and you'll stay that way if you stay out of our way."

"You're crazy, bitch. You don't stand a chance against Hosilla, and then he'll torture you to learn who told you and then that's even worse for me than dying - he's way scarier than you. And at least then when Baphomet takes my soul he'll know I was his loyal servant until the end."

"Break me with torture? That's a laugh, kid. I grew up in Nidal."

Anevia rolls up her sleeve, showing off some of the intense scarification on her arms.

"Believe me, whatever he can do to you, I can do way worse. I bet even my parents hurt worse than he will, and they were soft on their kids. In fact, now that I mention it, I might not have all of my tools with me but there's some things you can do with just a knife.."

Yeah, that's fucking terrifying. The cultist will start talking like their life depends on it.

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A few minutes later, Anevia emerges from the room.
"Good news is, I know where the kids are. Bad news is, whatever bigshot demon is running the show here is planning something that they don't want to be interrupted during, so the magical barrier requires both of this Hosilla fellow's 'hands' to open to prevent trivial matters from interfering; we'll need to track them down to take whatever key or token they have. One of them is apparently down dealing with some kind of flooding, and the other is overseeing construction of new rooms. There's also a bunch more cultists that have started taking up residence here recently, but most of them aren't any scarier than these fellows - I think the only actually dangerous one is probably Hosilla, who's apparently a cleric or inquisitor or something, though we shouldn't take the others lightly."

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It's a Dungeons and Dragons universe; the fetch quest is par for the course.

"Thank you. Hm, construction guy first on the theory that we want the flooding solved, or flooding guy first on the theory that he's more likely to finish the job and go somewhere else quickly?"

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"I say flooding. If it's easily fixed, then we should get there before they finish, and if it isn't we should deal with him before before it gets worse and we have more water to deal with when fighting him."

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"Sounds good to me." She mentally flips through her list of powers for whether she has anything good for fixing flooding and concludes that she can't really tell without seeing the flooding, but at least her clothes might turn into a scuba kit if the occasion calls for it.

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Once they start heading down the stairs, it becomes clear that the flooding is actually fairly serious. In the lower level rooms, the water comes up past their ankles, and has an unpleasantly cool temperature. Fortunately the cultists also seem to want to avoid it, and if they're careful to avoid making a lot of noise splashing in the water they can find someone rather better dressed than the earlier cultists carrying a glaive and looking nearly as harried as his subordinates. He seems to be trying to seal up a door without proper tools for it, and is not having a lot of success.

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(What unpleasant temperature? Brenda's boots are both waterproof and nicely insulated. And they match her backpack.)

If it doesn't look like he's doing better than any of them could do, they should probably take him out and go through his pockets. Unfortunately with the water level "take him out" basically means killing him, doesn't it. That or doing a lot of loud splashing around carrying him back up to the dry areas, which may not even be dry much longer if they don't get this over with and fix the flooding.

She reminds herself that he abducts kids and hands them over to demons, and that he'd probably be happy to kill her if he needed to go through her pockets for something, which helps a bit. If nobody has a clever idea, she can take his head off with his own glaive, because if she's going to be making this kind of decision she should actually make it and not hide behind other people.

Does anyone else look like they have a clever idea.

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Does killing him painfully count?

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Brenda doesn't share Camellia's sense of humor. She sneaks up behind the cultist and takes his head off with his own glaive. There's blood on the door and blood in the water and no blood on Brenda or her clothes.

He had better have that plot coupon on him.

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His corpse has:

A magical-looking key.

A handful of healing potions.

A golden unholy symbol of Baphomet, set on a steel chain.

A paper sheet with orders from Hosilla written on it, instructing them to do something about the flooding, get the maze expansion back on schedule, and find a better hiding place for the paladin sword.


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Healing potions get passed around to anyone with inventory space appropriate pockets or bags, magical key goes in Brenda's pocket because so far Dressing Room has done an excellent job of protecting Alpina from various hazards, everything else can go wherever, now how do they stop this flooding.

"Actually, do we need to stop the flooding? Obviously we do if it will endanger Neatholm or another city but I don't know the geology around here. Lann, Wenduag, you're the experts, how high is the water likely to get?"

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“We’re currently further down than the lake’s surface, so I think that means there would have to be a lot more water than there is now before we notices? It depends on how high it’s going to get; if Kenabres has another lake on the surface that’s causing the flooding, that might be bad.”

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“Well there is the Sellen, but it seems unlikely that the flooding is caused by water coming in from there; you’d expect the higher up floors to spring a leak first. Probably they just hit the water table, though in that case I have no idea why they were trying to seal the door instead of whatever wall is letting water in.”

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"If they hit the water table that's not going to make the lake rise, unless the lake is fed from above. I guess the other risk is if it gets high enough to cut off access to the surface but I get the sense you don't really need access to the surface very often anyway." She's not going to push for a final decision either way; it's not her city.

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Lann is perfectly happy to leave it, he's mostly just here to rescue the kids. Maybe it'll be an issue later or maybe not, he's already at the extent of his knowledge here.

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Time to go back up and look for the construction area, then. 

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Getting to the under construction area of the maze requires passing through the central area, and one room they can't avoid has the distinct negatives of being too open to sneak through and filled with armed cultists. Nobody seems to have sounded the alarm yet, so they aren't specifically readying themselves for battle, but unless Brenda has a plan to get them to move aside there's probably going to be a fight about it.

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Someday she's going to be a wizard and have twenty different species powers and be able to avoid so many fights, but today what she has is the ability to ambush people and punch them.

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Anevia has seen Brenda's takedowns, and while she's really even better than Anevia is at it there's no way she's going to clear this large a room before someone can sound the alarm. Add in the fact that she's not sure they can take this many people prisoner... Anevia calls for lethal force in the surprise attack, with priority targetting on those near the far door. If Brenda thinks she can take down her opponents safely that's fine, but for everyone more squishy holding back in this kind if fight is an easy way too start losing people.

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That's very reasonable and she absolutely doesn't want to get her allies killed over what's not even a principled stance against killing so much as a persistent sense that she should be able to do better. She will punch to kill. (She's not using the angel sword for this.)

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With lethal force on the table, the cultists are a relatively easy foe; one of them turns out to be a cleric, but none of the people engaging in melee combat are vulnerable to a panicked first level negative channel and the same isn't true for his comrades. The one Seelah is in the middle of stabbing drops like a rock instead of successfully blocking, and the other ones aren't much happier about it. It's frankly a bizarre room once you get past the corpses; there are four incredibly garish pictures hanging on the wall and a magically-maintained pool of what looks to be blood at the front of the room. If this is the design sense of whoever runs this place, it's definitely for the best that it's still under construction.

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Pool of blood: gross and creepy. Do any of these people have the second key on them?

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No, though the cleric does have a less fancy version of the same unholy symbol.

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"This room is new; there was a cave here, but it wasn't this wide and it didn't have the lighting or decorations. Back then, there were two sets of branching tunnels; one of them lead to the other end of the maze, while the second was a dead end. Since I can't see the first one, I expect it's the one that was sealed, but presumably the expansion is taking place branching off the other one at some point, which means we need to go looking on the other side of that door."

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Past the doorway is a long hallway. It heads downward, but via long straight stretches and then stairs rather than a steady slant. There are numerous doors off to the side of the main corridor.

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She hopes the person they're looking for is at the end of the tunnel, because if he (or she) isn't they're going to have to go through all those rooms until they find them.

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At the end of the tunnel is a set of prison cells, currently empty but with clear signs of recent habitation. Guarding the area are some red skinned humanoid demons, looking bored; there are what look like torture implements on racks along the wall, and one corner of the room is conspicuously free of cages.

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All of that: fucked up! 

This room looks like a dead end but one of the demons might have the second key. She doesn't know how hardy they are and given the interior decor she's fine not pulling punches if the others don't know either.

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"Cambions. They aren't all but immune to weak attacks like most demons but they're notably tougher than an untrained human, about on par with a veteran soldier. Try not to let them use their magic; it's not especially powerful but most of us aren't paladins so they'll sometimes succeed at controlling us if they try."

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"Should I go in first so they waste the mind control on me, or would it target everyone at once?"

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"Enthrall can hit multiple people, but it'll break as soon as they attack someone and you can interrupt it by stopping them from singing. We've got a lot of people here who can fight at ranged, so yeah, I think it makes sense if either you get in close with them while the rest of us hang back and shoot them. Maybe you and Seelah, if you think you'll want some help; she should also be pretty much immune to anything they throw at her."

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"Alright." She and Seelah can line up and go in simultaneously on a hand signal. Demons: get punched.

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And cut, and shot with arrows! The cambions are quite skilled with their scimitars, which is to say they are notably less dangerous than anything trying to fight Brenda back at the festival square, so she shouldn't have any serious problems dealing with them. One of them tries to command her to fall prone, though asking nicely probably would have been more effective, and about half a minute later none of them are in any condition to fight.

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But do they have the macguffin of the day, is the question.

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They do have keys on them, but none of them look like the first one or show up to detect magic; the same goes for any of the other sets in the room. The empty area of the wall does show up, though, which could be promising.

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"Ooh, I think there's a secret door. Or something else is making the wall show up as magic but my guess is secret door." She starts poking around for hidden buttons/switches/etc.

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There are four magical sources, each a button with a small painted rectangle above them in red, blue, green, and yellow.

"Great, I hate dealing with Baphomet cultists that think they're smart. It's usually not half as clever as they think it is, especially since they need their own people to be able to solve it, but it's always annoying trying to figure out what they're going for."

She stops, thinking for a moment.

"You know what, I bet it's either yellow red blue yellow, or that backwards; that's the order on the paintings back in the main hall and I suspect they use that as a reminder. They're certainly not for the ambiance."

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"Is it likely to lock down or sound an alarm if we get it wrong, or can we just try both?"

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"You should be able to try both, if it locked down every time it got one wrong they'd have to unlock it often enough to annoy them. It'll probably try shocking you if you get it wrong, since that won't hurt demons."

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"Okay." Once she has her hands over the buttons, concealed from the others' view by the rest of her body, she deliberately adds rubber gloves to her ensemble over top of the magic ones. Yellow red blue yellow?

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It tries to shock her, but in between her gloves and the magic gear she can barely feel it.

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Yellow blue red yellow?

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That'll do it! The wall slides apart to reveal a small room that apparently serves as storage for some kinds of valuables. In center stage is a golden longsword, but there are also a few items of jewelry with the same holy symbol as Seelah uses and some suits of armor.

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From the moment she gets a glimpse of it, Seelah's eyes are on the sword.

"Is that Radiance? I know the orders said to find a better hiding spot for the paladin's sword, but I had no idea it'd be this one. I can't believe it wasn't destroyed!"

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"Awesome! It's not showing up as magic; is it historically important?"

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"Incredibly! It was used by the paladin Yaniel, a hero of the fourth crusade who ventured into the worldwound to rescue captured crusaders! She's an icon for a lot of us unaffiliated paladins since she wasn't part of any orders either."

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"That's so cool! I'm really glad it's intact."

Probably none of the other things in here are the second key, since it was supposed to be on someone's person, but she'll go through all of it just in case. And then put on some of the armour because this whole situation they're in is really an armour kind of situation as much as it is a spelunking one. 

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This about armor - it's really quite heavy, especially if you get the good stuff that actually protects you. Obviously it's designed for people to be able to wear, so it's not impossibly so, but armor will slow you down, reduce your flexibility, and tire you out quicker. It's the price you pay for staying safe, unless you're a monk and think of that as more of a skill issue.

Most people, however, do not have a strength stat of 40. Armor that picks a reasonable point on the tradeoffs of cost, weight, and protection for a normal person will not actually be much harder for her to lift than normal clothes.

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Also, when they head back out to search some more rooms, she deliberately ends up at the back of the group for a moment and then it fits her perfectly.


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The first room she checks is empty, but the second has several animated piles of rocks digging away at the walls.

"More humans!" one of them says, angrily, with a voice like tumbling stones. "Must you come to torment us more?"

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". . . We're a different group of humans. We come in peace. Are you okay, do you want help?"

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"A different group of humans? What do you mean, a different group of humans?"

"Yes, send us home!"

"You can't be trusted, this is a trick!"

Upon hearing she can understand them, the stone creatures start responding all at once.

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"I don't know how to send you home but I will if you tell me how!"

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"Use your human magics to send us back!"

"Idiot, she's got a sword and armor, humans with those don't do real magic. Kill the person who enslaved us here!"

"Keep hitting him until he agrees to send us back!"

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She looks back at the rest of the party. "Does anyone with more local context know what to do here because I really don't. Will killing the guy send them home or trap them here forever or what." She wants to read all of the books in her bag of holding and be a WIZARD and have half a clue what she's DOING.

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"Oh, is that what they were asking about? Killing demon cultists doesn't get rid of the demons they summon, even when we're certain the demons aren't just being smuggled over the line, so I expect the same holds here. I doubt it would trap them here forever but it might force them to finish whatever task they were bound for anyway. You can send them back directly with reasonably high level spells - I assume you can get them from your bloodline eventually since Terendelev had them - or you can get whoever is supposed to command them to declare their task finished."

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"Da--drat. Okay. Thanks."

She turns back to the elementals. "I'm sorry. I don't have enough magic to send you home. I'll--if I figure something out I'll come back. Can you tell me what the person who summoned you looked like?" She doubts she could successfully describe one of these beings to the other one and maybe they have the same problem with regard to humans, but it can't hurt to ask in case he's wearing a cubical hat or whatever.

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"He looked like you people! Tall, with a weapon and armor!"

"He was... loud?"

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Yep, same problem. "Okay, thank you. Good luck."

Time to totally bail on that sidequest for now and hope she gets a hint later! What's in the next room over?

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A completed room with a statue of Baphomet! There are some cambions there, but none of them look more important than the others or like the previous hand she defeated, and they seem to mostly be carrying bows and scimitars. They seem very bored.

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Then killing them should be easy, but will it turn up the second key or just prevent them from joining in when someone inevitably sounds the alarm?

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They do not. The next room looks significantly more promising, though; there's someone dressed similarly to the previous hand of Hosilla, berating another set of animated rocks in badly accented Terran to work faster.

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"Does it at all make sense," she whispers after Anevia has peeked through the door, "to offer to leave him alive if he gives us the key and sends all the rock people home? I understand if it's too dangerous but I'd like to help the rock people if we can."

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“The punishment for being a committed demon cleric is death unless you turn yourself in and give up your fellows, and often even then if you don’t get lucky with the inquisitor judging you. They’re all guilty of treason and pretty much all guilty of murder, and they’re tough to hold prisoner when they can take an experienced guardsmen in a fair fight unarmed. I’m not a paladin, so I could lie to them about it, but there’s no way they’d buy we plan to live and let live with them.”

She pauses to consider.

”Maybe if we could convince them we were also demon cultists instead of crusaders, and that this was an inter factional dispute where they could just switch sides, but I can’t really think of a good way to fake having the right connections to some high level demon without tools I don’t have.”

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Oh right, they're nominally in the territory of some kind of government with laws and stuff. Are they going to get in trouble for the murders they've been doing? Nobody else looks worried about it and it's not like any of them have an incentive to tell the cops.

She nods. "We've got those necklaces but it'd probably be obvious we stole them. If the elementals will get to go home eventually I guess that's something."

Sailor Moon and Matilda had way fewer trolley problems than this. Fuck her sense of literary merit for thinking this is an interesting story.

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"Worst case scenario, we should be able to find someone to send them back whenever the crisis is over and spell slots are at a bit less of a premium. Rathimus' prices for his stronger spells are pretty eye-watering but maybe this is the kind of thing that Ramien can do too."

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"Oh that's good, I didn't know how hard it would be." At some point she's going to end up with the ability to earn lots of money so she's not going to worry about how broke she is at this particular instant. Instead she is going to kill a demon cultist and loot his corpse like a normal gamer (and wonder if he had a family and if his parents know where he went).

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He seems more perceptive than the last few sets of enemies, in that he spots them as they come into the room and demands to know who they are, but not in the sense that he realizes what he's up against. Since channeling negative energy might kill the earth elementals and set him even more behind schedule, he'll instead try to charge with his glaive.

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That's a pretty reasonable response all things considered, but even if he can get through her armor he'll have a hard time getting through her flesh, and unless he's tougher than the last guy he won't get many tries at it.

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The Hand of Hosilla puts his whole body into his charging blow, his form flawless, and tries to take her head off. It instead skitters off her armor and leaves her completely uninjured, which leaves him pretty dumbfounded, at least until her counterattack hits and he suddenly has more important things to worry about.


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Brenda has only the vaguest unverified popcultural osmosis regarding this universe's afterlife setup. She should probably get more informed about it if she's going to keep sending people there. Does he have the key on him?

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He does! And about all the same equipment as the other one, really, Hosilla seems to have been keeping them balanced.

The earth elementals are very excited about this outcome.

"He's dead! No more new orders!"

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"That's--good. I'll look for a way to get you home when I'm done with my other emergency, if you haven't already solved it yourselves by then."

Onward to where the kids were supposed to be! She really hopes they're still alive. At a minimum she's made it harder for the cultists to do this again.

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They seem to find this offer a little doubtful but don't let it interrupt their happiness at the disappearance of their tormentor.

The door will open just fine for her when presented with both keys. There's a long spiral staircase leading upwards on the other side.

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Extremely reasonable of them to doubt her; she is flying by the seat of her pants.

Sneak sneak sneak up the stairs. Carrying the Hand's glaive, this time, in case the upcoming boss fight is against someone it's inadvisable to punch.

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The stairway lets out into a balcony overlooking a large, circular room, with staircases curving back down the walls to reach ground level. What looks to be a group of young teenagers are tied up, overseen by a someone in a fancier version of the Baphomet cultist uniform with a glowing magical glaive. As they arrive, a tall, four-armed batlike demon teleports in carrying a weakly struggling man dressed as an Iomedaean priest.

"Everything is prepared for you now, Hosilla. I want to see the ritual ready by tomorrow."

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They're alive! And there's an additional guy who also needs rescuing.

Does the big demon look like he's about to teleport right back out? The faster and easier this fight is, the less likely anyone she doesn't want to hurt will get hurt.


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He doesn't, no. While the now-confirmed Hosilla spouts some platitudes about his loyalty and service, the demon seems to be examining the captured kids more closely, though it's not obvious what he's looking for.

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Well in that case she's going to sneak as close as her battle instincts say she can get unnoticed and then CHARGE. How about that demon inspects the business end of her glaive.

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It resists the attack nearly as thoroughly as Deskari did, though the injuries do look deeper. In response, it manifests four incredibly nasty looking black flaming knives in its hands, and as soon as it gets a look at her there’s a feeling like something is trying to take away her life force.

“Oh, another sacrifice delivers herself right to me? I suppose it would be rude to turn down a gift.”

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She doesn't hear his words. There is nothing but the dance of attack and counterattack, the winding road through possibility to the reality of winning. She throws the glaive in his face and draws the angel's sword, ducks inside his reach and tries to put it through his chest. 

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The Vrolikai dodges enough not to take it straight on, but the sword still slices right through his side without any noticable resistance and leaves a bleeding gash. Lariel’s blade pulses reassuringly on her hands, bolstering her even as one of the knives lands a glancing blow and tries to rip out a chunk of her life force again. Hissing with anger and shock at this sudden shift, the demon fires off a lightning fast bolt of crackling darkness at her.

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Brenda ducks down and the sword comes up and if he's not fast he'll have three hands.

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The vrolikai is incredibly fast, but Deskari was faster, and it turns out to be a bit difficult to keep your hand out of range from a sword if you're also trying to stab them with a knife. How about she never does that again and instead just stays still while he kills her?

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Hm? What was that, did he want her to do something? Anyway stab stab stab.

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Where the abyss did this girl come from? The list of people in Mendev who can do that should have exactly one entry and this is definitely not Queen Galfrey. Also, for someone he's landed multiple stabs on this person does not look very drained of energy - which is a serious problem because if they have a death ward up it means they almost certainly knew this fight was coming. Add in the fact that they are, for some damned reason, down here in his maze when the entire city should be just overflowing with targets for a high level adventurer, all adds up to one conclusion: one of his rivals has sold him out. Even if he wins here, there's probably going to be another attack dropping by to take advantage of the damage their patsy did.More mongrels to transform would be nice, but he can just go back for them directly later, and even a relatively useful pawn like Hosilla isn't worth dying for. Time to cut his losses, and hope his regenerates are enough to fix all these injuries.

Greater Teleport.

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Being repeatedly stabbed and energy drained does in fact suck, but not enough to stop her from turning to see what Hosilla is getting up to right now. Hopefully she's up to getting rekt by Anevia and Camellia and Wenduag and Lann.

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It's not going amazingly. Hosilla didn't notice her companions at first, but they fired on her when she started trying to interfere with Brenda's fight with the Vrolikai, which resulted in her switching tactics and charging up the stairs. Thanks to the distance she had to travel under fire, said fire support, and the positioning advantage, Seelah and Camellia haven't lost just yet. It's not looking good though, and she's ranting about getting back at someone for their betrayal.

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How about instead he gets a back full of cold iron, courtesy of Brenda charging up the stairs behind him.

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Since she has no idea Brenda's coming, Hosilla has no particular ability to avert this, and a good sword will go straight through her defiled armor. What it doesn't do is kill her, and instead redirects her from trying to gut Seelah to slicing open Brenda. For someone with a hole in her chest, she's an astonishingly capable fighter - Hosilla isn't quite as hard to dodge as the Glabrezus that jumped her earlier, much less the Vrolikai or Deskari, but it's still enough that Brenda has to exert some effort into not getting hit by her attacks.

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She will put in that effort! And be distantly glad she put on some armor. And stab him again, can't forget that part.

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Then she'll go down relatively quickly, not helped by the fact that her trying to heal hermself involves stopping attacking Brenda and leaves her free to focus on hitting her harder. She's just surprisingly durable for a human, not proof against sword wounds. Once the fight is over, Seelah starts downing a potion; she got hurt pretty badly trying to keep Hosilla from getting past to their archers.

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"That was incredible! That demon was so terrifying it was hard to think clearly, and Anevia said the rest of us probably wouldn't be able to do more than scratch it, but you chased him off like it was nothing!"

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"It, I, thank you," says Brenda as her brain reevaluates its relationship with the passage of time and changes said relationship's Facebook status to It's Complicated. She leans against a wall and blinks several times and draws the connection between her ongoing dissatisfaction and her knife holes. "I'll be back in a second, I gotta, thingy--" she pulls one of the other healing potions out of her backpack and quaffs it. "That thing. Everyone in one piece? Kids all accounted for?"

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"That's as many people as Lann said was missing - I guess one of them could be someone else in disguise, we should check that because we're dealing with demons but I don't expect it - and the priest the demon kidnapped is still here and alive."

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"The only other thing I'm concerned about is what Hosilla said in the fight. Wendu, she knew you by name and expected you to help her.  What was that about?"

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"What did you think happened when I came here? Not everyone can be lucky enough to be chosen by an angel's sword and be able to defeat any enemy. They made me go through the same ritual they were planning for those kids, it's just I was strong willed enough to stay sane."

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"Why didn't you fight back! We're the descendants of crusaders, it's our duty to fight evil, not go work for it. If you didn't think you could do it yourself, you should have gotten help."

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"And accomplish what? Get all the neathers killed for nothing? At least this way kids going missing was a rarity, not what happened to everyone!"

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"Lann--did Wenduag actually help the cultists, or just let them think she would and then came back with overwhelming force? It would have been better if she had explained everything sooner, because then maybe the kids wouldn't have gone into the shield maze at all, but--Wenduag, it sounds like you were worried warning people would have gone badly? Either way, I'm really glad you're alive and able to help us."

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"She's been covering up what's really in the shield maze for years! Lying to everyone to help hide the demons, and she didn't even tell us when we arrived here to deal with it," Lann protests.

He feels that really ought to be enough.

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Wenduag shows some relief at Brenda's words.

"Yes. And now she's dead, and will never try to command me again."

A vicious smirk shows on her face as she looks down at the corpse, but she doesn't respond to Lann.

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To Lann: "It's pretty reasonable of you to be unhappy about being deceived but I don't know what would have happened if she'd told you years ago. Wenduag, can you explain more about why you didn't tell anyone? . . . More importantly, is there anything else you haven't been saying that we should know, and if so what would make it seem like a good idea to tell us?"

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"I didn't tell anyone because there's nothing anyone could have done. The best case scenario was the same thing that happened this way, the worst case was everyone got killed because some people wanted to be heroes. As for other secrets, I'm pretty sure there's not another set of Neather tribes. The maddened people Lann didn't recognize were from our set, just years and years back; whatever he does with his ritual makes us live longer, just at the cost of our sanity if we aren't strong enough."

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"When I came to Golarion I didn't tell my family on Earth that I was leaving, because I was worried they'd try to stop me. I just left them a note and snuck out. I don't regret that, but if I go back someday and they're angry at me, and decide not to trust me in the future, I won't blame them. And I'm never going to get to know  for sure what would have happened if I'd trusted them."

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That seems to boil down mostly to 'you didn't do anything wrong but Lann might not trust you,' which is perfectly fine by her.

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Now that the immediate concerns are dealt with, Anevia is going to head down the stairs to help out the priest and untie the kids. No need to leave them there any longer than they have to.

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"So, back to Neatholm or whichever city the kids are from? We'll need to go back through here to get to the surface but possibly that should be tomorrow." Please no more emergencies for a little bit, universe?

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"I'd like to get back to the surface today, since I'm pretty sure Beth is worried sick and there are doubtless a dozen fires to help put out, but you're not under any obligation yourself. I can handle reporting the cultist den we found here for a full sweep later, and even though we've dealt with the worst problems in the maze it's not amazingly safe for kids, so some people should be escorting them back. Does anyone else have a strong preference for which group they go with?"

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"As bad as the city undoubtedly is, it's certainly a more attractive offer than sticking around underground."

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"I'll stick with Brenda. There's not that much I could contribute up there without any smites or lay on hands, and it's always helpful to have more than one person who can fight close up to protect people."

Lann and Wenduag echo her agreement, probably rather unsurprisingly.

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Brenda smiles gratefully at Seelah and the Neathers. Clearly she should have asked for a version of Just A Little Longer that covers long chains of tangentially related projects.

"Anevia, Camellia, it was great working with you and I'd be happy to do it again sometime. Wenduag, what's the best plan for getting them to the surface and the rest of us back home without anyone having to go somewhere in a dangerously small group? I don't want to just assume you're fine navigating around a bunch of pissed-off cultists alone."

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"We shouldn't need assistance. Our cultist friends that I interrogated didn't know the way out, since they're apparently brought in blindfolded, but it can't be a very long journey because they have to transport down enough food to feed everyone, and demons can't carry much supplies with them on teleports even if you could get them to. Between that and where they were when they were inducted into the cult, there are only a couple of places this can let out to the old tunnels, and those things aren't actually very complicated to navigate -  you don't actually get a warren like this unless you're trying for it, much less one where which direction to go in is ambiguous both coming and going. My guess is that in under half an hour we'll let out somewhere in the inner city, though that bit's a tad less precise."

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"Ah, excellent. Didn't mean to impugn your skills, I just have no idea what's a normal amount of " don't say dungeon it's not a dungeon "tunnel system. I'll see you around!"

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"You as well! And take care."

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The trip back to neatholm is faster than the journey up; even with the extra issue of having to guard the kids and make sure to keep them out of sight of any cultists, not having to go searching down side hallways or do combat more than makes up for it. When they get out, the boat is rather more cramped with two extra people in it, but there's still enough room for everyone in one go, and when they disembark at Neatholm they are at first greeted with shocked disbelief and then cheers. Plans are thrown around for some a celebration, and not even the short notice is enough to dissuade anyone.

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That's very reasonable and also amazingly sweet of them.

Brenda would rather get stabbed by a vrolikai's energy-draining knife again than go to a party full of 99% strangers, even with the Friends In Places powers taking the edge off the fear.

She wondered, when she picked the Friends In Places powers, whether having the option to avoid offending people would simply demonstrate that she was the sort of person who preferred to do the sort of things that give offense.

If they want her at the party she will go to the party.

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They would be incredibly flattered to have her at the party but they don't really have a solid model of "things expected from storybook heroes from the surface with the sword of an angel," so she's free to do what she wants and have it considered not particularly more remarkable than anything else about her. It might be a little inconvenient to get food if she avoids the party entirely but there are absolutely possible solutions like asking someone to bring her something.

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She goes to the party and eats some exotic alien planet cave fish in the happy certainty that she can't get poisoned and makes small talk and hates being seen as a hero and also kind of enjoys been seen as a hero and hates that she enjoys it. And after like half an hour of this she says it's been lovely but she's worn out from all the fighting and wants to make an early start tomorrow and is there a convenient place to pitch her tent where she won't be in anyone's way.

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Then they'll be very excited about her and completely unaware of any internal struggles she has about this. If she only waits half an hour she'll miss the evening channel but presumably she doesn't need it so that's not a big deal. As for her tent, Neatholm is the largest neather village but still not objectively very populated; there are plenty of places to pitch a tent that vary primarily on how much distance she wants to get from the party and/or the center of town.

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In that case she will go set up somewhere relatively far out where it's dark and quiet. (Pitching her tent for the first time in the mostly-dark is super easy because of her amazing headband which is the best.)

And then she can finally pull Alpina out of her pocket and start writing.

Hi Alpina! Sorry I didn't write sooner; it has been an absolutely crazy day! I'm okay now, though.

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Hello! Are you all right? I noticed you put me away very quickly so I shuffled out all my pages with writing on them just in case.
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Thank you! I appeared in front of a mad scientist wizard lady and I was worried she'd ask how I got here and I didn't want her looking at you. But it turned out she was trying to summon someone at the same time so she wasn't surprised at all. (Does that usually happen, people appearing somewhere there was already a reason for a person to appear? It's pretty neat.)

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It happens a fair amount! People often like that kind of story. I'm glad you're safe! ♡

Do you want to tell me about your crazy day?
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I do, yeah. The mad scientist wizard was simultaneously skeevy and very nice, she gave me a ton of books I haven't had time to read yet and some magic items including a headband that makes it easier to hold a lot of information in my head at once (it's like the opposite of being groggy, I love it) and then teleported me to a cool fantasy-world city after explaining that it was about to be attacked by demons and I needed to warn them. I told the mayor(?) who was a dragon shapeshifted into a human and she said the demons were the mad scientist wizard's fault in the first place but I guess she got cold feet or something. I met a guy who was part angel and then we all got attacked by demons and it turns out Battle Maiden is--deeply weird but kind of amazing but also--it's complicated, more on that later. 

Anyway the giant bossfight demon showed up and I stabbed him and he dropped me and some other people into a cave and then closed it on top of us, which I guess is what happens if I fight someone I legitimately cannot survive against, is narrative causality making me stop trying. So Seelah and Anevia and Camellia (the other people I met who fell in the cave) went looking for a way out and found an entire underground city full of aliens! They're called Neathers and the ones we met were looking for an angel's lost magic sword, and I found out and it, liked me? and showed me a vision of the angel healing his friend and dying in battle which I am still not over apparently. Angels are really good.

But the reason the Neathers were looking for the sword was some of their kids had gotten lost in a maze of tunnels full of demons and demon-worshipping cultists and we had to go rescue them before the demons killed them or mind-controlled them. And we succeeded and got everyone home safe but I have killed people and helped people kill people and Iron Will is helping me not be messed up about it but I need to talk to someone who thinks of me as a kid from Iowa and not a fantasy protagonist.

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Oh my goodness! That sounds so intense! I'm glad the kids are okay. I can't hug you because I don't have any arms so I'm going to draw you several hearts instead. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Thank you! ♡ Is it okay if I hug you?

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Please do! Just try not to poke yourself with my corners, I can't do anything about them.
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Hug hug hug. Alpina is uncomplicatedly kind and doesn't need anything from Brenda that it's effortful to give and Brenda appreciates this so much.

Thanks. Your corners weren't a problem at all. 

A lot of what's bothering me isn't even that I killed people, it's the lack of rules about when it's okay. That sounds looks really stupid written down. When I was waiting for the city to be attacked I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to fight or if I would just stand there being too scared to try, and then it turned out I could fight, and  that I was really good at it, which I guess I should have expected, but I didn't think in advance about how that meant I would be able to kill lots of demons and decide I was okay with that, I just did it. And then in the caves it felt like everyone had a set of norms where it's okay to kill people to save other people, or because they would kill you if they got the chance, or because they're awful (the cultists were pretty awful) or because they're demons and demons are supposedly always evil every time (it's not that I have any evidence against this it just sounds like something people who are wrong would say). And it's not that I disagree with any of those reasons exactly but I don't exactly agree with them either? I don't want to just start killing people because everyone around me thinks it's okay, or not kill people who it would be better to kill just because the society I grew up in, not even "thinks it's never okay to kill people", thinks fourteen-year-old girls should never have to decide that sort of thing. I want to do what I think is right but I don't know what that is.

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That makes so much sense! I think this is a problem a lot of people have when they suddenly become much more powerful than they were before, and I hope it's all right to say that I really admire you for how much thought you're putting into it.

Do you think it would help if you had a list of questions more narrowly defined than "what is the right thing to do"? You mentioned not being sure whether demons are always evil; maybe you could make a note to look that up and see if you can find better information about it, and then it would be easier to decide how you feel about demons when you understand them better?
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I should look that up, yeah. The vision from the angel's sword made him seem really kind and heroic, like--either like the best kind of human or truly good in a way that humans never are, I don't know enough about humans to say. So if Lariel was really like that, and if angels are all like that, then maybe demons are all the opposite and it makes sense to have a different rule for dealing with demons than with humans. But I am definitely imagining Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. looking at me sternly and saying "that's a lot of ifs". 

If I write to-dos like "TODO: [stuff]", can you copy all of them onto a to-do list page so I can see them all at once and check them off and stuff?

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Absolutely, and I would love to! ♡
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TODO: Research demon psychology, ideally including at least one source who doesn't hate demons

TODO: Figure out what my ethics are? And possibly also what's legal in Mendev

TODO: Read all the books in my bag of holding

TODO: See how feasible it would be to translate my textbooks into a local language

TODO: Get a wizardry teacher

Also, I still want to use Dragon Fairy Elf Witch to become part notebook. It won't be my first one--I copied Terendelev to get a healing spell to help Anevia, she got caught in a cave-in--but I'm excited.

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The todo list is copied onto the facing page in the notebook's handwriting and supplied with little checkboxes.

I'm excited too! ✨
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Alpina is such a good friend. She writes

Okay, here goes!

And then discovers her notebook heritage.

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This is really cool!! I can make ink appear and disappear and move around on myself and sense where it is! Also it doesn't need hand-eye coordination so I'm way better at drawing things from memory. It's really neat knowing what it feels like to you to have ink on you. I'm going to use this for maps and helping with mental math and possibly keeping sneaky notes of which face goes with which name and maybe cool tattoos if I have any cool tattoo ideas.

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✨ Oh I'm so glad! ✨
(The words are scribbled excitedly and dotted with a scatter of sparkles.)

Can I make what might be a silly request? Can you write something on your hand and press your hand against my page so I can see it? I just think that would be really neat. ✨
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That does sound neat! Here's my hand!

Her handwriting with a pencil is pretty middling; with her new power it's much neater, almost but not quite computer-font perfect.

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It is very silly of me to write "eee" when I have never been able to make sounds, but, that said: ✨eeee✨eeee!✨
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All words are representing sounds so I think eeee is a perfectly reasonable word! Also you are adorable and I'm so glad we're friends.

Whoops turns out when you're appearing words on your hand it's easier to say things without thinking them over first, but whatever, it's the truth.

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Alpina draws excited little hearts right under the sentence in question, and it turns out Brenda can perceive that directly with her notebook senses, a not-quite-visual impression of the exact arrangement of colour and material pressed against her surface.

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! I can read your hearts with my hand! That's so cool. And it means we can have conversations while you're in my pocket if I'm worried about taking you out for some reason!

(Also she can legibly italicize now and that's awesome.)

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Ooh, italics! Fancy!

She writes a little faster now that she's writing for Brenda's notebook-senses, which can easily capture and remember even very fleeting patterns. Though she does also think to ask,
(Am I going too fast for you?)
(She isn't.)
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Nope, you're good!

My turn to ask for something kind of weird--can you transcribe the things I say like this so we have both sides of the conversation recorded for later? 

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Ink blooms under her message, recording it exactly, and then slides up the page to make room so Alpina can write,
Of course! ♡
(The rest of the conversation fills itself in above. Some of it scrolls off the top of the page but presumably Alpina is taking care of that somehow.)
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Awesome! I don't seem to have your ability to hide stuff and then take it out again exactly except by remembering it, or perhaps it's better to say we can both only store stuff in the amount of surface we have plus the amount of memory we have and you have more of them. I do seem to have an unusually good memory for things I've perceived with my writingsense, though!

She is absolutely not going to mention the possibility of storing information in her large intestine. Or think about it until she has to store something too long to memorize and extremely secret.

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Oh, neat! I guess it makes sense that you can't shuffle out pages since you have no pages. It would be weird and sort of disturbing if you could shuffle out your skin, it would be like me shuffling out my covers! (I can't do that and it's weird to think about. Those should stay on the outside of me!)
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Yeah, I'm happy with the amount and location of skin I have! 

Speaking of Dragon Fairy Elf Witch--I didn't realize until I actually started seeing people of different species that I would feel so awkward about it. It feels weird to copy a species without getting permission from someone of that species, which is kind of ridiculous since I can't possibly get permission from *every* member of a species, and then I'm worried about--political stuff? Like, some of the species here are racist against some other ones; if I copy the people other folks are racist against will they feel like I'm making fun of them somehow? If I copy some of the kinds of demon, will people be scared of me? If I copy the angel, will they trust me for bad reasons? I recognize that you don't know the answers to those questions; I just--I don't know, wanted to complain pointlessly I guess.

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Oh, I think I can see how that would be complicated, now that you point it out. But remember, your powers are metanarratively protected from unwanted side effects. Some of the things you're worrying about are harder to avoid that way—if someone's the type to be upset about you copying their heritage, and you copy their heritage, well, there you are. But the social stigma of a demonic appearance is the sort of drawback that Dragon Fairy Elf Witch can usually avoid, at least partially!

And as for people trusting you for bad reasons... it sounded like that angel was the kind of person you could aspire to be. I'm not an expert in this sort of thing, but I think, personally, that if you take on the heritage of a really good person because you want to be like them and do good things, and then you try to use it to do good things, and people look at you and see someone with the power of a really good type of being who is trying to do good things with it, well, that doesn't sound like a bad reason to trust someone at all.

It's still a really complicated situation, though, and it makes sense if you want to put more thought into it than that! That's just what I think.
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Yeah, that all makes sense. Probably if I copy e.g. the four-armed energy-draining demon I'll end up with four normal human-looking arms and not with horrible teeth or anything. Also there are already part-dragons and part-angels running around and Areelu Vorlesh (the mad scientist wizard) was part succubus, which might make things more complicated but also means I should maybe just ask some people what the political implications would be and they'd actually know.

Do you know if Dragon Fairy Elf Witch works on animals? It wouldn't 100% avoid the social awkwardness problem because some people look like some animals but it'd be somewhat less fraught and I bet this universe has some really epic animals.

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It absolutely does! You can acquire heritage from any animal you encounter, just as easily as any person. (And your heritage doesn't necessarily need to work the way normal heritage does; it can, but you can also achieve impossible results that no one who was really part human and part dragon or angel or succubus could ordinarily have!)
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That's really cool!

And then a moment later:

Now I have red-tailed hawk eyes and a dog's sense of smell and cat ears in addition to my human ears and four arms! I regret none of this but I do hope the magic has a convenient way of handling it when I run out of cosmetically modifiable body parts. 

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I think the traditional thing you get when you have enough heritage that it's hard to find more places to put it is shapeshifting.
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That's fantastic; I was hoping you'd say that!

I am very tempted to break off this conversation and go read all my magic books but once I start I won't stop until I'm done and then I'll be unconscious for a day so I probably shouldn't. But also I'm inevitably going to do it at some point and I feel like if I don't do it tonight who even knows when I'll next get the chance.

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That's very understandable.

Is now a time when it would be especially bad to be unconscious for a day? Do you think it would be better or worse to be unconscious for a day a few days from now, or is it hard to be sure? Are there people who would worry if you were unconscious for a day now who you could warn if you waited?
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I should at a minimum warn Seelah--we were planning to go up out of the caves together tomorrow--and at a maximum wait until we've gotten out and helped put the city back together post-demons. I think I can wait at least one more day, go topside tomorrow with Seelah, and at least see what needs doing. Then if it's nothing urgent or nothing I'm particularly good at I can camp out somewhere and read. I was going to say something about how wizardry will let me solve a wider range of problems but really I'm just insanely curious.

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That makes perfect sense and I'm pretty curious too! I wonder if you could copy the books to me while you read them?
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Yeah, I totally could! One hand scanning the book, one hand relaying to you. That sounds awesome!

Also it will prevent her from starting the reading binge tonight because now she can't do it without telling Alpina.

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I look forward to it! ♡
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Brenda says goodnight and goes to bed feeling a lot less off-balance. In the morning she packs up her tent and goes looking for Seelah, still four-armed and with large grey cat ears poking up through her hair.

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Seelah double-takes when she sees Brenda's extra arms, but then she sees the ears and has to stifle a laugh.

"Morning, Brenda! Do you really have 4 ears? Somehow that's even sillier than I imagined, but it's not a bad look."

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"I do have four ears and I can hear with all of them! Turns out I can copy abilities from every kind of animal I've seen as well as people, so I grabbed some of those and also copied the arms off the vrolikai from yesterday."

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Seelah sounds a bit nervous when she responds.

"That's from the demon? You might want to not spread that bit around, people might take it the wrong way. It's bad enough at times with tieflings, and they hardly had a choice about it. Uh, not that I think you got yourself corrupted or anything!"

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"I was admittedly wondering whether you'd say that. It definitely didn't do anything other than the extra arms but I appreciate the warning. And I won't be annoyed if you want to check me for corruption somehow or just be suspicious of me for a while. Though, uh, I hope you're still alright with going up to the surface together today."

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"Well, you don't detect as evil and you're definitely strong enough you would, so I'm not too worried about anything blatant, but let me know if you start having, uh, intrusive thoughts about it or anything? And yeah, I've got my healing and smite back so I'd like to go help out where I can."

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"I will, yeah. Anything you want to do before we head out? Is anyone else interested in coming along?"

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"Wenduag was asking me about what it's like up there, so I think she and Lann are at least considering it, but I doubt they both want to go. There's also someone else from the surface that wandered in to Neatholm last night and would probably be interested, but I don't know much about them or recognize the name."

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"I'm not likely to recognize them either--I talked to all of three people before the fight started--but I look forward to meeting them."

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The other person of the surface is not very difficult to locate; in addition to having a very unusual appearance for Neatholm, he's also wearing noticeably different (and higher quality) clothes from the locals and is making no efforts to hide his location. When he sees Brenda's arms, he clearly has to fight the urge to stare for a moment, but successfully masters himself and rallies.

"Ah, greetings. Are you the hero of the hour from that business with the local children, the adventurer with the magic sword?"

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"Hello! My name's Brenda. Seelah and I both helped rescue the children; I have the magic sword and I should figure out whose it actually is and give it back. What's your name?"

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He puffs up his chest.

"I am Horgus Gwerm - gentleman and nobleman of our fair city of Kenabres. I was hoping to prevail on you for some more adventuring, this time escorting me safely to the surface. Horgus Gwerm will pay handsomely for your help, of course."

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"We'd be happy to help."

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“Capital. I will be ready to set out whenever you are.”

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Then unless Seelah has objections it sounds like the next thing to do is find Lann and Wenduag and ask if they're coming!

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She'll find Wenduag first, likely because Wenduag is also looking for her. She seems to want to say something, but then hesitates and cringes at her own hesitation before forcing herself to push on regardless.

"I know I'm just a Neather, short lived and without any useful knowledge about the world, but I realized a long time ago that I wouldn't be satisfied with spending my whole life down here if I could possibly help it. And you... you're strong, strong enough to defeat Savamalekh in open combat, without even getting all that injured doing it. I want to serve you, if you'll take me."

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This is the most AWKWARD goddamn EVENT that has ever HAPPENED in the history of the UNIVERSE. If she hadn't taken Friends In Strange Places she would probably have just turned around and ran.

She smiles warmly. "I saw your intelligence and your determination yesterday, and I would be honored to have you by my side against the demons."

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Wow, that went great and she didn't even have to do any bowing and scraping or begging to get it. Obviously she'll still have to be respectful until she can figure out what Brenda wants from her in a minion, but it seems she has some goodwill build up.

"Thank you. I'll make sure not to disappoint you."

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"Thank you. Before we set out for the surface, do you know what I should do with Lariel's sword? It was extremely useful against Savamalekh, but it should go back to its rightful owner if it has one." Fantasy novel logic says she should get to keep it but fantasy novel logic is not actually a good reason to run off with something that belongs in a museum.

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"I mean, its not like Lariel had any kids down here, and it didn't respond to any of us; I don't see who else's it would be."

Wenduag wonders to herself if there's something she isn't getting here. She's not exactly clear on what people are like on the surface but surely someone as strong as Brenda doesn't have to give up a magic sword just because some neathers might be unhappy? Probably she's misunderstanding something, but she's not clear what.

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"Well, if you ever run into an angel you could ask them if he had any friends he would have left it to, or if it was loaned to him by someone for the mission, but there aren't a ton of angels running around these days so it might be a bit of a wait. They only show up on their own when it's really important and it's supposed to take a pretty powerful priest to call them for long enough to talk to."

No, she's not jealous at all, why do you ask Jealousy of others is not becoming of a paladin, not when the goddess has already favored her with her blessing so she can help people out. She should include her struggles in her next prayer even though it feels really embarrassing to be upset that she's not also already a powerful cleric as well as a paladin.

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Score one for fantasy novel logic, she supposes. "Okay. I'll--try to live up to it."

"At some point," she says as they go looking for Lann, "I'd like to ask you a bunch of questions about angels and demons and gods and religion, if that's alright. I only got a very brief and untrustworthy overview yesterday."

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"You might want to talk to a priest about theology, I'm more of a fighting evil kinda girl than a scholar, but I'd be happy to help with anything I can."

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Lann is also already up, but in his case that means he's doing... probably meditation? Something introspective, at least. Whatever it is doesn't result in him being unaware of the outside world, though, as he demonstrates by jumping to his feet when they approach.

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"Sorry for interrupting. We wanted to know if you were interested in coming up to the surface with us."

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Lann looks very tempted for a moment, then his eyes flicker to Wenduag and he winces.

”I’m not going to try to change your mind again, but I’m not sure Wenduag and I sticking nearby each other is such a good idea for the near future. I’d have a hard time getting by if I always have to watch my back for someone I just can’t trust, and I doubt our arguments will get better instead of worse if we stay in close proximity. Plus, I still owe Dyra for the channel.”

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Well heck, now she feels bad for having accidentally sort of picked sides in a fight. "Alright. Good luck with everything, and I hope we'll see each other again sometime."

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"Good luck to you as well. And... thank you so much, for helping rescue those kids. They had a bit of a scare, but it looks like they'll be okay when nobody even thought they'd survive, and that means a lot to me."

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"Thank you. I'm glad I was able to help."

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At that he'll smile at her, but won't delay her anymore.

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The second time around, traveling through the shield maze is a much easier task. They can afford to just take a straight path to the other exit, and if she lets any of the cultists catch sight of her they spook like deer in headlights or just take off running. Most of the previously under construction areas seem to be occupied in full by the earth elementals now, but they don't seem to have moved into the already finished sections that lie along her path.

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Hopefully the earth elementals will be better neighbors to the Neathers than the demon cultists were. And vice versa. She considers copying them but she doesn't want to be made of rocks enough to deal with the awkwardness right now.

"So, angels," she asks once it's clear they don't need to be sneaky. "What do they do, what are they like? Are there multiple kinds like there are multiple kinds of demon?"

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"Angels come from heaven - well, any of the good afterlives, but the ones that are famous in Mendev mostly came from Heaven because it was the church of Iomedae that was asking for help. They're all good, though they can be lawful or chaotic or neutral just fine, and I think at least most of them used to be mortals but not necessarily ones that lived on Golarion. And yeah, there are a lot of kinds, though I definitely can't remember them all; there's the Cassisians, who are messengers like Lantern Archons are, or Iophanites that are all lawful good, or the stronger ones that most end up looking like us mortals like Movanic Deva, Astral Deva, or the really strong ones like Planetars."

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"When you say they're all Good--my home planet doesn't have any magic that interacts with alignments, so everyone who cares about doing the right thing has to figure out what that is. There are organizations with opinions but they all disagree with each other. There are people who pick an organization to listen to; there are people who make up their own systems; there are people who just try to follow their conscience. Do people on Golarion have that same kind of disagreement on right and wrong? Do angels?"

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"I mean, if you talk to a Shelynite and a Desnan and an Iomedaean about what kinds of good they do, you'll get different answers? There are a lot of ways to do good. But it's not like I'm confused about whether say Torag is good or not even though I don't follow him, and an angel isn't going to be confused about that with other angels or azatas or archons. I guess maybe some of the evil gods would lie about it when they can get away with it, but angels aren't going to be fooled by those lies and the devils or demons they send to trick people would know its a deception. I think good and evil are pretty much all the obvious stuff; murder and hurting people and necromancy and abandoning people in need are evil, helping people and defending the innocent and caring for your family and fighting evil and healing are good?"

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"So different Good gods have different priorities, the same way humans have different priorities, and people mostly follow the god who has the same priorities as them? There's a famous ethical dilemma on Earth--if there was a rockslide, and a boulder was going to crush a group of five people, and you could deflect it, but that would make it crush one other person, is it right or wrong to do so? Do all the Good gods agree on what the answer is?"

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"I mean, I guess I don't really think that situation comes up much. But if we're talking more generally you could have a situation where, like, you could recruit a town's guard to go rescue a neighboring village from an attack and this means some of them will die from monsters when they don't have protection? And sometimes there the good gods might disagree on what to do. Iomedae or Torag wouldn't tell them to do that, because they have a duty to their town that they'd be abandoning and it wouldn't be lawful, but it wouldn't be Evil to do it, and Sarenrae or Desna might support it for doing more good."

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She nods. "Yeah, it's a fake situation so people can make up whatever details they want. I think I see what you mean about how the gods disagree. Are Law and Chaos basically the thing you said about having specific duties versus doing the most good in the moment or is there more to it than that?"

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aah more questions Seelah is a Paladin and can definitely explain what it means to be lawful good and probably once you have that explaining chaotic good is actually easy.

"Well for Paladins we swear a set of oaths, and we fall if break them or break our word do anything evil on purpose or stop being lawful or good. And the oaths include stuff like... not lying to people, not stealing, and not abandoning allies, because it's really important that being a Paladin means being someone you can trust. And not every lawful good person has to be a paladin but still more... along those lines of being someone you can work with when it's important  even if you disagree with them on almost everything else. Whereas a chaotic good person might swear up and down they never saw the runaway slave they have hidden in a back room?"

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"That makes sense! It sounds like having some Lawful Good people and some Chaotic Good people around makes things better than if everyone was the same kind. Do you know what the ratios are? I guess it would be hard to get ratios for Good and Evil because a lot of Evil people think they're Good and some more would lie about it."

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"I'm not sure you necessarily need people of all the good alignments around; like, Heaven is almost all lawful good and Elysium almost all chaotic good and I don't think there are any real problems from that? But I'd definitely rather work with someone chaotic good like Anevia than a lawful evil hellknight, and I think just about anyone else who follows Iomedae would say the same."

At Brenda's second question, she stops to think.

"I don't know if anyone knows that? Presumably the gods could figure it out, since they're way smarter than humans and Pharasma at least would know where she sorted everyone, but I'm not sure how we'd check. Most people aren't strong enough to detect as an alignment. I know babies and kids usually end up neutral so I guess maybe that's the most common alignment?"

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Brenda is very curious about her own alignment but it would be pretty self-centered to say that. "I wouldn't expect Heaven and Elysium to have problems; not having Evil people around is probably more helpful than anything to do with Law and Chaos. What are hellknights, what's their deal?" (She has gotten the ten-second overview of Hell and has no idea why anyone would want to interact with it in any way. Except maybe via the business end of a B52.)

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"They're knight orders from Cheliax, but frankly they're not much better than the demons. They're obsessed with making Golarion more like Hell, and they'll sometimes whip their own soldiers to death in the name of discipline. About the only good things I can say about them is that they're good at fighting demons and it's better that they're at the wound than anywhere else, though some of them don't even have that going for them."

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"What the fuck."

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"My thoughts exactly. If we didn't need Cheliax to hold a third of the border I'd want nothing to do with them, but as is I just hope to keep my meetings as far apart as I can."

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Nod. "Are there a lot of them in Kenabres? I haven't really decided what I want to do with my next several decades other than 'become a wizard and solve problems' so I'll probably hang around doing those things in Kenabres for a while unless there's a reason to go somewhere else."

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"None that stay there full time, though you'll occasionally get some traveling through the area. Mendev and Lastwall don't really get along with them, so we and they try to stick to our respective parts of the border so we fight the demons instead of each other. Becoming a wizard does sound pretty cool - Aroden himself was once a wizard, back in the day. But it's supposed to be really hard and there aren't a lot of wizards in Mendev to teach you so maybe it'll make sense for you to go to school in Absalom or Quantium or Andoran or... I don't actually remember of Lastwall has a wizarding school, or where any of the other ones that are safe to go to are, sorry."

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Nod. "I'll see how far I can get with the books I have, and then if I haven't found a wizard who's interested in teaching I'll ask around."

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The tunnels past the end of the maze seem a bit more complicated than Anevia made them out to be, but still not actually that complicated, and it's not too long before she can see a staircase leading up into what seems to be a stone-walled basement.

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Gosh, are they going to come out in someone's house? Do they know they have an entire cave system attached to their basement? If so they're probably cultists. Well, there's an easy way to find out.

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It does not appear to be a house! Instead, exiting the basement seems to lead into a larger building made of the same grey stone. There's the sounds of some fighting coming from up ahead.

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Typical Dungeons and Dragons universe, can't go from breakfast to lunch without running into some kind of violence. Who's over there and what do they think they're doing.

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A group of demons and humans, currently in the midst of trying and failing to hold off an attack by a more heavily armored force. The latter group is lead by a tall, muscular woman with golden armor and green skin who is currently facing off with the scariest demon of the lot.


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She's hanging back and thus not the easiest to spot, but Anevia is also with the latter group, taking shots at demons whenever she gets a clear line of fire.

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Demons on one side and Anevia on the other adds up to a good enough argument for the moment. She starts punching demon faces. 

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It's a relatively powerful force, mostly schirs and babaus lead by a succubus, and almost all the cultists have combat experience or power granted by their demon lord. You need that kind of strength to not go down quickly against a prepared force of Paladins, defensive positioning or no.

This is, actually, wildly insufficient to inconvenience Brenda, but if she's not careful she's going to start picking up some annoying burning sensations on her hands from the acid coating the Babaus' skins.

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When punching starts to suck she'll draw Lariel's sword again and switch to stabbing. If anyone has enough spare attention to consider the matter, she's clearly an inexperienced swordswoman. She's just making up for it with the strength to chop through bones and a keen sense for where the enemy doesn't expect the next strike to be coming from.

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If anyone would ordinarily comment on the fact that she's fighting like a particularly strong barbarian handed an unfamiliar weapon in a rage, they're certainly not going to say anything about it to someone currently mid combat on their side. Less than a minute from when Brenda entered the fray, the last demon collapses from its wounds and the crusaders pause for a moment to catch their breath.

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"Brenda! Seelah! Wenduag! Glad to see you all made it up here alright. You've got a good sense of timing."

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"Ah, so you're the ones Anevia was telling me about. Thank you for the assistance, both here and making sure she got out safely."

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"You're welcome; she helped me out a lot down there. How are things up here?" 

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"Yesterday was a pretty bad day, but Terendelev got back early this morning so the worst should be over. The fires are under control and the streets are... mostly safe, at least near the city center, but there are a lot of demons running around still and lots of them are with the cultists rather than obligingly showing themselves in public for us to take down. It's going to be a major pain to ferret them all out in the coming months, and the exceptions are the ones that are most heavily defended so we can mostly only send large groups to clear them out safely. That's what we're working on now, actually; there's a lot of demons hanging around the wardstone here, and for some reason they aren't getting fried doing it."

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"The wardstone is supposed to fry demons? Is that the thing Deskari picked up and threw?"

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"That's the one, yes. There's a whole string of them around the wound, meant to keep demons from crossing over and terrorizing the rest of the planet, but something seems wrong with this one - besides the fact that it's currently sticking out of the building here and not in the temple of Iomedae, I mean. I'm worried it's not just whatever Deskari did to it either, because the demons started showing up before he did and I would have thought it would stop him from picking it up in the first place."

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"Huh. Well, I don't know anything about magic engineering" YET "but if there's someone around who does I can at least keep the demons off them while they take a look at it?"

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"We're not exactly swimming in divine artifact specialists at the moment, and I'm not sure how much good anyone who wasn't an archmage would do if there was a serious problem. The closest we have is the storyteller, and I haven't seen the elf since yesterday. We were mostly hoping the issue will be obvious when we get there or that once we clear the building someone will be able to figure it out with enough time."

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"Would you like me to go look for him, or help you clear the building?"

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"We'd appreciate the help more, if you're willing to offer it; Anevia says you're as strong as a greater demon, and judging by that fight she was spot on. We'd have to team up to take on enemies like that, so having an elite adventurer with us could speed things up a lot, whereas unless you're good at divinations I'd expect a search team to be better at finding people."

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Yeah now that she thinks about it she was just looking for an excuse not to fight. "Makes sense; I'll come with you." She has a sudden sense that somewhere in the cosmos a bunch of teenagers are sitting around a table covered in bowls of chips and cups of Mountain Dew, introducing their characters to each other, Brenda the fighter and Anevia the ranger and . . . "Can I get your names?"

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"Of course. I'm Irabeth Tirabade, you already know my wife Anevia, next to me is Staunton Vhane..."

She apparently knows the names of all her subordinates off of memory, though there admittedly aren't that many of them.

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"Thanks." Between the headband and the friendship magic Brenda's odds are a lot better than they used to be. Also one of them is green and one's a dwarf, that helps too. She'll ask about copying them when they're done with this building maybe. For now: onward.

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The rest of the floor is empty of demons other than one unfortunate dretch they happen upon, but at the stairwell they're met with a vicious barrage of arrows from a barricade at the second floor. Irabeth, Staunton, and a handful of their subordinates in the heaviest armor charge straight up the stairs to draw fire while the others follow behind, but they end up needing to channel twice just to make it to the top, to say nothing of breaking past the defenders on the ramshackle wall.

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Brenda still has the armour she stole yesterday and can kick the barricade hard enough for that to be a meaningful attack on the people behind it. Channels continue to be very cool.

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In that case, she'll make herself the target for some hostile spellcasting! She'll be tagged by 6 undodgable projectiles of immaterial force, each strong enough to knock a normal person halfway unconscious, and have to dodge or withstand a slightly slower moving but more powerful ray of fire.

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She doesn't actually have more mass than any other weedy teenage girl in plate mail; it's not hard to blast her into a wall. She just pries herself out of the wall and comes right back at you. She's also getting better at dodging, with all this practice.

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One of them will try shooting her with lightning, more as a matter of principle rather than expecting it to take her down, but when she shrugs that off and doesn't stop heading towards them he'll break and run. As though the dam was broken, his fellow casters are not far behind him, and denied arcane support and with fleeing allies the fighting starts to turn from pushing back at the breach Brenda made to a slow disintegration.

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She hopes they actually run out of the building instead of just holing up at the next choke point where they'll have to go fight them again in a minute. 

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Probably at least some of them will choose the latter, exact numbers depending on how scary they find her versus how scary they find their boss.

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Also, given that all Kenabres is apparently a battlefield, even leaving the building probably won't keep them from getting in fight after fight until they either die or control the city. And she doesn't want them to control the city. So it's not like she's actually saving their lives by scaring them off, just getting them to die somewhere out of her line of sight.

At least if a lot of them run away Irabeth's team can get to the Wardstone quicker.

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That sure does seem to be the result. The path to the third floor stairs is empty of cultists, a fact which was clearly not always the case judging by the hastily scattered books and papers in the small library they pass by. This next stairwell is also only lightly defended, with a much smaller swarm of arrows arriving to greet the crusaders and the archers in question falling back almost immediately; the reason why is almost instantly apparent, as the same style of barricade that walled off the last two floors only covers half the top of the starwell, the construction half complete when they arrived.

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Instead, the forces on the third floor are over by the wardstone. The walls are dotted with unholy symbols to Baphomet and Deskari, and there a number of the more powerful demons from the initial attack -  especially Succubi, Incubi, and Vrocks - standing in front of the wardstone, who's golden surface is marred by a splotch of angry, pulsing red.

At the front of the group is a beautiful woman with long blond hair and a red dress. Her horns and tail identify her as demonic, but far more striking is the lack of eyes on her face.

"Well well well, if it isn't the crusaders here already, and Staunton darling came too! Oh, I'm so glad to see you've finally decided to stop running away from me; I promise you, I'll take good care of you. But I see Terendelev couldn't be bothered to show up in person? I wonder how many of you I need to kill to change that."

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"Stay the hell away from me, witch! I'm not some toy for you to play with!"

His voice shows no fear, but his eyes flicker, tracking the distance to the exits.

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"Or you could just go away instead of us having to kill you," Brenda growls somewhat more audibly than she intended.

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"Now why would I go and do a thing like that? I promise, your pathetic goddess isn't going to save you from me, and you certainly won't manage without her."

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This is not the time to get into Brenda's issues with religion, which are basically all about Earth religion anyway. Also if Staunton and Irabeth look like they'd rather not have this fight she's not going to be the one to start it. She glares at the demon's fucked-up half of a face.

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"We're not prepared to kill a Lilitu. Eagle's watch, we're making a retreat. Form up and-"

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"Did you really think I would make it that easy for you? Cut them off."

A few dozen demons teleport between the eagle's watch and the stairs they just came up, severing their line of retreat.

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"-make for the windows!"

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That gets Minagho's full attention, and she starts making gestures similar to what Brenda might remember from some of her own spellcasting.

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Any demon that tries to get between the Eagle Watch and the windows can answer to Lariel's sword. If they all get out safely she'll be right behind them.

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She can kill the vrocks and Babau interposing themselves, but even she isn't fast enough to kill multiple at once, which means they're only halfway there when a fireball detonates at the center of their group.

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Irabeth will slow down to channel, then, since she made her save.

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And get grabbed by the Lilitu's tail, pinning her in place; its touch leaves an angry red mark along her flesh.

"I suppose you'll make a fine consolation prize."

She starts gesturing for another fireball.

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Time to find out if an angel's sword can chop a demon's tail off! And also whether having her tail chopped at will break the lilitu's concentration enough to slow down the next fireball.

Her scream of "GET FUCKED!" might also be useful for concentration-disruption but mostly it's just how she feels right now.

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Minagho yanks her tail out of the way, dropping Irabeth in the process; the blade slices off the tip in a spray of blood, but the rest of the tail remains intact. Unfortunately for her, this does interfere with her ability to maintain concentration on the fireball and it fizzles out.

"Pitiful insect, you'll pay for that!"

Rather than continue the fight in melee range, Minagho ascends into the air. This time, whatever she's doing doesn't take a gesture or chant.

"Prostrate yourself before your mistress!"

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That is the most fucked up incantation she has ever heard, wow. Does Irabeth need help getting out of here?

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She's struggling back to her feet on her own, but it's definitely a struggle.

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Brenda picks her up with all the grace of someone picking up an equivalently sized bag of packing peanuts while having never picked up a bag of packing peanuts before and gets them both out the window, hopefully before another fireball can happen. It's not the most comfortable exit, but it's the fastest one available.

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There are a couple of vrocks harassing the last of the crusaders headed out the window, though they're treading cautiously around getting in range of Staunton Vhane and mostly lashing out with shrieks or probing strikes. As Brenda arrives, some of them turn to try and impede her, but this gives the rearguard enough space to make their own jumps to the street below, where they're promptly healed of the injury. The eagle's watch has apparently decided to make their retreat in clustered squadrons, separated enough that a fireball can only hit so many of them but with enough concentration of force to quickly deal with any demon that teleports too close.

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Brenda puts Irabeth down as soon as the heal goes off, then joins the nearest group and bugs out.


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Minagho tries another fireball, but it doesn't take anyone down and pretty soon they're past the inner city wall and out of the line of sight from the fortress. They don't slow down then, but no pursuit seems to be materializing; none of the Vrocks are trying to fly after them, nor is anyone teleporting in. Nobody actually relaxes until they arrive at a small hill with what looks to be a temple on top though.

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"Thanks for the save there, Brenda. I don't think I would have gotten loose on my own."

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"No problem. Sorry if I contributed to it turning into a fight in the first place. I still have a lot to learn about what kinds of demons there are." Her wonderful headband has prevented her from forgetting any of the kinds she's seen or any of the abilities they've displayed, but if there's a pattern there to extrapolate she hasn't found it.

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"It's possible we could have talked her into letting us go for not being a threat, but I doubt it; I expect nothing we said could have gotten us out of there without her trying to kill someone. Out-talking a Lilitu is tough at the best of times, and Minagho's particularly tricky for a Lilitu; she's the one that took the city of Drezen in the second crusade. We'll have to warn Terendelev that she's here - I don't know what it is that let her ignore the wardstone, but if it's her in charge I expect Deskari thinks he can use it to take Kenabres too."

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"Will Terendelev be able to take her out, if the rest of us help? It looked like she'd done something to the Wardstone to disable it, but if she's right there guarding it we might have to incapacitate her before anyone can fix it."

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"I expect so; there aren’t a lot of things that can take on an ancient dragon, especially one that's prepared. She's to all-but immune to hostile magic and her own sorcery is significantly stronger than the spells Minagho was showing off, plus of course if they fight in close I'd never bet against a dragon. The only thing that concerns me is that Minagho should know this too but she seems too confident about it going her way. 

"And you think the problem is with the wardstone? I couldn't tell anything was wrong, but I'll admit I barely know the first thing about magic."

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"The red mark on it looked pretty out of place to me but for all I know it's supposed to look like that." She wants! To study! Magic! She has no clue how anything works and it's like being a kid in a candy store with no money.

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"I didn't see any red mark on it - it definitely shouldn't have one of those, the wardstone is just gold and blue."

She asks the other members of the eagle's watch, in case it was just her not paying attention, but when none of them remember seeing it she nods to herself.

"Are you certain you saw it, and aren't just misremembering? Because if so, that's almost certainly the culprit; it's not easy to make an illusion good enough to catch Paladins since we have excellent will, so if the demons went through the effort to do that there's definitely something important going on there."

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"It was a really big red mark; I don't think I could be misremembering it."

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"Then we'll have to tell Terendelev, and hope she can convince Morgethai or Clepati it's serious enough to be worth their time and risk to help with."

She claps her hands together, and murmurs a prayer.

"Inheritor, aid us in this solemn hour..."

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Brenda is split between two or three hypotheses on the purpose of prayers that aren't spells in a world where some prayers are spells, but it would be rude to ask and it's off topic anyway.

"Staunton mentioned a Storyteller who might be able to figure out more. Think it's worth trying to find him and tell him what we know so far?"

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"Probably. I'm not sure how much he could help, but it's extremely unlikely to hurt and I don't like our other options. It's not like legendary spellcasters are the kind of people you can just call up with a sending."

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"Staunton, where did you see him last? Do you know where he lives when things are more normal?"

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"He's from Kyonin, but I doubt he's there now; it's a teleport away and he doesn't have that kind of magic. Before the attack he was in the Blackwing Library doing some research, but the people we sent there didn't find any sign of him."

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"Hm. Could check the library again, could check the temples or wherever civilians whose houses aren't safe are gathering, could walk around asking people if they've seen him--actually that one combines well with the other two things."

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"I'll send someone to check Desna's and Iomedae's temples for him; I don't expect to find him there, but it is worth a shot. I think you're right that the best case scenario is some civilians nearby the library took him in to shelter with them, but most of them are smart enough not to be answering their doors right now."

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"I can go to the library, check if anyone is still there who might know." She's pretty sure she's not suggesting this purely because the idea of being in a library even briefly is a comforting one.

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"Inheritor's blessing with you then, and stay safe."

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Seelah hesitates, then makes to follow Brenda and Wenduag.

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"If we can't find a lead on the Storyteller, we can go through the library and the books in my bag and see if there's anything that can help us," she tells them as they head librarywards. After all, it's worryingly possible he's dead, though fantasy novel logic says he's definitely alive and findable and can help, probably by asking Brenda to assemble the seven gems from the seven crowns of the great beasts or whatever.

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The streets between the temple and the Blackwing Library are empty, and eerily quiet. The doors that aren't smashed in are closed and in many cases barred, and all the windows are shuttered. For someone used to more populous cities, it might be rather eerie, but it does mean they make good time en route to the library and nobody interrupts their journey. The library itself is a grand building in a separate architectural style from the surrounding buildings, but also one that has seen better days; there are no structural issues visible, but the stone detailing is worn down by wind and rain and any colors that once adorned it are gone.

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It looks like news footage of war zones. Whatever demons are like as individuals, right now and collectively they're a menace.

Is the library door unlocked? It's at least not smashed.

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The doors open smoothly for her, and she can see the inside. The library has a fairly large open entranceway flanked by benches and tables for reading on, with a large statue in each of the front two corners. In the back half of the building are shelves and shelves of books; a veritable treasure of Avistani knowledge that looks to be about the size of a small town public library. 

Perhaps more attention getting, however, is a large number of books piled up on the floor, surrounded by armed crusaders; on top of the books are a number of what looks to be bound and gagged individuals.

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"Hello I'm looking for oh what now."

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“Demon cultists! They were running around pretending to be crusaders; we’re lucky we caught them when we did!”

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"And am I correct that instead of taking them to some kind of jail like civilized people you're planning to burn them to death in a pile of books?"

(It probably speaks badly of her character to be additionally mad about the books when there are human lives involved, but it's just so gratuitously awful.)

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“The secure cells are all full up after the attack, if we put them in the normal jail it’d just be begging for the next enterprising demon to spring them so they could get right to it. Besides, the fire is the best way to make sure none of them are disguised demons so they can’t just fake their own deaths and slip off.”

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"How is fire possibly better than beheading for that? For that matter, how do I know you aren't disguised demons? Or just cultists looking for an excuse to burn down the library?" Perhaps this is optimistic of her but she thinks most innocent people are less quick to jump to cold-blooded murder with a side of arson than this. "Hey Seelah, does your" spider sense "detect evil light up on any of these people?" Probably none of them are actually disguised demons; she can see through most illusions and all the demons she's seen so far look too alien to fit in a regular disguise.

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"Demonic illusions can fake losing their heads, but they can't hide the fact that their flesh doesn't burn. And of course we're not demons, if we were we'd be letting them go!"

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"None of them are showing up as evil, in either group, but that might just mean they aren't strong enough to detect. Probably not demons, but they could be cultists as long as they aren't empowered or can hide it."

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"Thanks Seelah. As for you," she says, pointing accusatorily with both left hands, "your logic is ridiculous. Obviously if you're evil they're innocent. Or the different demon cults hate each other. Got any actual evidence?"

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"Screw this. HAIL BAPHOMET!"

The alleged crusaders draw their weaponry, among which is in retrospect a suspiciously large number of glaives, and the leader she's been speaking to does the same thing that Ramien did at the start of the invasion and blesses all of his compatriots. The one who had been trying to light the fire abandons his flint and steel and scrabbles for his own weapon.

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She moves among them like water flowing between stones, breaking glaives and tripping them with the broken shafts and dodging so they run into each other. "Have you considered surrendering? According to you, jail's just a vacation!"

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They are not remotely capable of putting up a fight against this, but they do make a valiant (lit: totally doomed) effort anyway.They even mostly avoid hitting each other, though they still do so more than they hit her.

"Surrender? And face Hulrun? Hah, as if, I'm just going to kill you!"

Some of his followers seem a bit less enthusiastic about continuing to attempt to press the attack than he is, but they don't stop.

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Well, if they're determined to fight to the death she is going to kill them, unless Seelah or Wenduag has a brilliant idea. Leader first in case that causes the rest to see sense.

(Also, who is this Hulrun person who manages to be scarier at a distance than Brenda is up close?

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Once their leader goes down, the others get a lot less aggressive and start glancing at the exits, but they don't drop their weapons en masse. Another push might do it, but it's anyone's guess if that comes down to running away or surrendering.

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Will rendering all their weapons unusable do it? 

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Yep! She won't even have to finish before the rest of them drop their weapons and either hold up their hands or make for the doors. It's about an even split, leaning a bit towards surrendering.

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Cool. Great. Awesome. Between her and Seelah and Wenduag they should be able to get the prisoners untied while keeping an eye on the surrendered cultists.

What do the former group have to say once they're no longer gagged? It had better not be "Hail Deskari".

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They mostly just seem grateful, with quite a few prayers to Iomedae, but what might be a leader of them starts talking as soon as he's ungagged.

"Praise the inheritor, we're saved. Thank you for the rescue, miss, that very nearly went much worse. We're the order of the flaming lance, and I'm the head of this detachment; Klaem's the name. The Prelate sent us here to look for cultists in the library and rescue any civilians, but we got jumped when we arrived."

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"My pleasure. Pleased to meet you; I'd ask for some proof that you're not cultists, but if you're willing to go five minutes without attacking me that'll distinguish you pretty markedly from all the cultists I've met." She says it jokingly, but with an undertone of weariness. "Have you seen the elf known as the Storyteller? I came here looking for him."

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"He's the one tied up over there, with the white hair and beard. Looks unusually old for an elf, I know, but he matches the description we got."

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"Excellent, thank you." Brenda knows nothing about elves (subtype: knows lots of things about elves but not which of those things are wrong).

She keeps untying people, apologetically using her dragon claws when the knots won't yield to her human fingers. (Having four hands is super useful for this--she can hold a rope in tension and away from someone's skin with two and cut with a third.)

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Seelah and Wenduag will help out, and once she starts freeing people they'll be joined by the newly freed crusaders; it's not long before everyone is loose of the ropes.

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Then they can tie up the cultists in turn and Brenda can introduce herself to the Storyteller. "I was told you were a magic expert, and the demons have done something to the Wardstone so it's not damaging them. Can I get your advice on how it can be fixed?"

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"Magical expert is giving me perhaps too much credit," the old man says, his voice slightly rasping. "I study the hints of legend carried by items and people, though, and I was indeed here to examine the wardstone. It was a nasty business, that, extremely vile. It's been affected by a demonic poison that's eating away at it even now, and righting that would be no easy task. A miracle out of heaven could do it, like the one that created the stones in the first place, either directly by the hand of a god or called forth by one of their mightiest priests. The one who poisoned it could withdraw her taint, given a heartfelt plea from the one they hold dearest. A mighty Aeon could forcibly right it, returning everything to its proper state, though the consequences of such an act are hard to see. Or the poison could be fought with a greater poison; the essence of a demon lord, drawn forth through violence and shaped and wielded by one with the proper strength, could perhaps burn out the infection before it finishes its course."

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"What is 'the essence of a demon lord'?" And can she get it by Dragon Fairy Elf Witching Deskari, because she wasn't going to do that by default but she will if she has a good excuse.

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"A fragment of their divine power, which can be wielded by certain mortals through the medium of their crystalized blood. Though if there are any in Kenabres with the strength to do so, I do not know them."

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"If, hypothetically, someone was descended from a demon lord, would their blood also work, or would it have to be then directly? Also I assume you don't mean literal strength, but could you say more about what kind you do mean?"

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"Not on its own, though perhaps the likes of Treerazer would qualify. What is necessary is not the twisting strands of inheritance, but..."

He struggles with his words, trying to put to voice the concepts.

"The essence of myths and legends that suffuses them, I suppose. That which makes them more than an ordinary mortal or demon could ever hope to be."

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"That makes sense, I think. I lost the sword I stabbed Deskari with when I fell in the crevasse, but maybe it's still where I dropped it." That street was an absolute mess even before there was a hole in it and she kind of doubts it's been cleaned yet.

"What about the kind of person who can wield it? What do they need to be?" Fantasy novel logic says she either has whatever the important property is, can acquire that property, or will need to do a second fetch quest to find the one person in Kenabres who has it and convince them to help.

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"An old comrade of mine once said, it's the question of 'whether the world thinks it ought to listen to you or to the underlying laws of mechanical reality.' Being a little bit of a god, another called it, though that's even less right on the details. If there are better words to describe it, I do not know them; I have never had such strength myself, only seen it in others."

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Well, she's not any amount god (now there's a concept!) but she does have magic from outside this reality. "Would you be able to check if I was like that?"

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"I could certainly make the attempt."

He reaches out with a trembling hand towards one of her wrists.

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When his hand makes contact, there's a feeling like a static shock as he audibly gasps. His expression shifts to utter bafflement before being lost amongst a bewildering array of emotions that cycle across his face, one after another, before finally settling on confusion and joy as he breaks into a wheezing laugh. When he finally withdraws his hand, it takes him a moment to regain control of himself.

"Oh, how your legend adores you."

He takes a second to exult in it before continuing.

"I have never seen a legend like yours, child, in all my years of life. You have traveled far to get here, from a place beyond my imaginings where you lived a life outside all I have experienced and moved by a strength beyond my sight, but somehow that is the least unusual thing about you. And oh, how delightful it finds you; it spared no effort to sing your praises. 'She is special,' it says, 'and beautiful, and unique, and important' - and feminine, though while it seemed obvious at the time I confess I can no longer see how it fits together. It thinks the world of you, in a way I have never once seen in all my years of life, and yet despite the full force of its brilliant luster I cannot help but feel I only noticed a thing because it deigned to allow me. Compared to that, the question of your qualifications seem almost irrelevant, but you are certainly capable of wielding such strength."

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The Spirit likes her. 

Somehow, despite the amazing magic and Alpina's obvious friendliness, she hadn't thought of the Spirit as being the kind of entity that could like her. 

She likes the Spirit back. For the magic, for the willingness to search the multiverse for somewhere she would have a good life, for being the sort of entity that swims in the sea whose droplets are universes and yet is capable of liking humans and wanting to do nice things for them.

"Thank you. I hadn't--thank you."

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"Klaem, would you be able to take the cultists into custody? I need to go find that sword." That brings the total to three plot-relevant swords in under 48 hours and it's making her think about how people misremember Excalibur as being the sword in the stone when it wasn't, but if there's a useful inference in that beyond "don't drop any more swords, they might not be interchangeable" she isn't seeing it.

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"Certainly. We'll take them straight to the Prelate."

Then he and his order get to securing the prisoners, mostly with the same ropes they had been tied up with.

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Is it horribly low-standards-having to feel happy about having killed fewer people than she theoretically could have? Because she does. She can think about it while her party makes their way back towards the street which briefly had a giant hole in it.

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People seem similarly reluctant to waylay them on the way over to the festival plaza, though as they approach the sounds of people start to become audible. Unlike most of the rest of the city, the square seems to have some people in it who aren't trying to hide their existence.

When she finally lays eyes on it, it's to a scene not totally unlike the one she just left, though it obviously differs in many particulars. There are a number of people tied up under armed guard from what looks to be crusaders, and a roaring fire (that thankfully seems to be burning wood and not books), but most of the attention is on an old man with silvering hair and expensive clothes who seems to be conducting either an interview or an interrogation of one of the people tied up. They don't seem at all happy to be there, and their body language projects their terror in the face of his unflinching certainty.

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He probably isn't a Baphomet cultist but apparently you can't be too careful. She approaches from an angle where he can see her coming and says, "Hello. May I ask what's going on here?"

The narration would like to take a moment to make sure everyone remembers that Brenda has four arms, cat ears, silver scales on her face, a bunch of expensive magic items, beautifully polished armor tailored to fit the four arms, and very pretty foreign-looking machine-woven clothes. Thank you; now back to our regularly scheduled program.

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Some of the people dressed similarly to the man start to make to stop her, but stop when they realize she is headed for Hulrun and not the prisoners.

"Justice, of course. And who are you, exactly? I've got a good memory for faces, and I've never seen you before. A particularly brazen demon spy? What's your business here? Step to your left and answer promptly, or you'll join the rest of your sort."

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She makes the 'not about to draw my sword' gesture with both sets of hands, and steps to the left despite not knowing why he wants that. "A reasonable worry, but I'm new in town, got here yesterday and then spent most of a day in a cave. I'm on a quest to fix the Wardstone and drive the demons out of the city."

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"A likely story. Showing up on the day of a demon attack with an excuse for why you didn't help out, and now coming up with a story of how you ought to be granted access to the cornerstone of our defenses? Normally the ones strong enough to use undetectable alignment are trickier than that, but I've met plenty of foolish demons in my time."

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"Prelate, please. She was with me the entire time; she didn't do anything nefarious yesterday, just help Anevia and I rescue some kids from Baphomet cultists and get back to the surface. And today she fought a Lilitu at the grey garrison and demon cultists at the Blackwing Library to rescue crusaders. She's not a bad person."

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"Has she enchanted you too? Get a hold of yourself, covering for demons puts innocent lives at risk."

He steps into Seelah's personal space, and incants another prayer before touching her armor, to no visible effect.

"Hmm. There aren't many things that could grab a paladin strongly enough that two protections from evil wouldn't suppress it, but a lilitu would do it. Nothing for it, then; Dispel Evil."

He then moves back a step.

"Report soldier. Think back on the last two days. Are there any gaps in your memory? Times where you acted out of character, or did things that don't quite add up? Anything suspicious you saw?"

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"No, Prelate. Everything I said still seems true, and has other witnesses besides. Most of the Eagle's Watch saw the fighting in the garrison, and we rescued the Order of the Flaming Lance at the library."

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"Hmmph. Well, I suppose that's as good as I'm going to get in this damned attack. What's this foolishness about the wardstone, then?"

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"The demons--probably the lilitu in particular--damaged it somehow; an elf who was recommended to me as the best available magic expert and who demonstrated that expertise in a way that would be extremely hard to fake told me I'd be able to fix it using Deskari's blood, so I'm looking for the sword I stabbed Deskari with, which I'm hoping is still" she points across the plaza "over there." The bit about the demon lord blood sounds pretty suspicious to her now that she thinks about it, but lying sounds like a terrible idea.

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"So because some elf told you the wardstone was already poisoned, you decided to go bring it an even stronger demonic poison? Inheritor, this is worse than dealing with the Desnans. Instead of making things worse, you should stay out of the way and let Terendelev and I handle keeping the city safe."

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"The Wardstone is definitely poisoned; I saw the damage with my own eyes. I know you have reasons to mistrust me, but if you and Terendelev don't have a plan to repair it yourselves you should let me help. Our problems are too big for any one person to handle alone."

He has a point that she shouldn't necessarily trust the Storyteller's honesty even if he thoroughly demonstrated his competence. She wants a day or three in a library with nothing happening so she can get some actual understanding of the world not filtered through one individual's no-context assertions.

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"I'm not even convinced that it's damaged, but I can assure you, if it is we will deal with it. There's plenty of other work for adventurers in the city at the moment, from patrolling the streets to help keep them safe to supporting the guards and soldiers in raids on cultist dens. And if you really wanted to make yourself useful, you could bring me Ramien."

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"Prelate, surely you can't be serious! Ramien is a good man, and a cleric of a good god besides!"

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"Desna may be good, but she's chaotic; we can't count on her or her priests to be reliable except where their whims take them. And it's not just him this time; those out of town desnans of his broke into the wardstone before the attack, and I bet if it really was sabotaged it was them who did it. Unfortunately they tried to deny everything when we caught them at it, and the Voyager has gone beyond covering for them; he used the attack as a distraction to break them out of lockup. Hopefully, he's acting like this because some demon dominated him - the Lilitu, perhaps - and it's for his own good, but if he really has turned traitor Desna's endorsement is not a defense."

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"Would Desna really keep giving him spells if he turned evil? Surely it's more likely that this is all a plot by the demons to get the forces of good tripping each other up. Also, doesn't it seem likely that the Wardstone isn't doing its job right now, given the demons everywhere? If you have your own idea of how to fix it I'm all ears, but the Storyteller said it's going to get worse if we don't move fast."

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“If only we were so lucky. Even if the Voyager is dominated by a demon, she’d keep handing him spells as long as she thought there was some good in him, to say nothing of all the chaotic neutral people she’s perfectly happy to cleric. Barely better than the demons, if you ask me. As for the wardstone, hah, as if a miracle from the goddess would be so easy for demons to destroy. Even the archtraitor Areelu Vorlesh herself would struggle to get anywhere, much less some puffed up Lilitu, and I examined it myself before the attack and nothing was wrong then. More likely the demons figured out some spell to temporarily fool it and as soon as we reverse it they’ll regret their arrogance.”

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"How much time with it would you need to examine it again? I can get you line of sight on it, but if you need to be able to do things to it we should get Terendelev to help with the lilitu. And I should get the sword first in case you decide it will help."

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"I spent 10 minutes looking it over before the attack, and I suppose if it prevents you from doing something foolish I can spend 10 more after everything is dealt with. As for whatever sword you're looking for, if it belongs to you, a demon, or a cultist I have no issue with you claiming it."

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"Grabbed it off a dead demon, yeah. I'll go find it and Terendelev and get the logistics sorted--wait, you never actually said what you were doing here and I still want to know."

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"I'm interrogating the captured cultists. Most of them are going to face the death penalty anyway of course, but some of them will give up enough of their fellows that we'll give them a chance to repent, and of course occasionally the people you get are just convenient patsies and it lets you track down the real culprit."

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1. That seems fucked up.

2. She doesn't know enough about government to dispute it.

3. She misses the United States of America.

4. It's not like she can get on any kind of moral high horse about this; she's been killing cultists left and right.

"How are you checking who's a cultist? Some cultists were trying to frame the Flaming Lance for being cultists earlier."

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Hulrun nods, the first sign of anything approaching approval all conversation showing on his face.

"It's impossible to be sure, of course, but I'm checking their alignments in case any of them are demon clerics or demons who slipped up, putting them in a magic circle to help against enchantment, interrogating them under a zone of truth for what crimes they've committed, and then the fire makes it obvious who's a demon in disguise. If they're good or lucky enough they can slip through anyway, but it catches most of them and it's against the law to kill them without evidence."

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She still feels bad about executing people without trials, but this isn't an America, it's a premodern semi-post-apocalyptic city with truth magic. 

But what if one of them is innocent and also her godfather the problem in that case was specifically failing to use the truth magic they had on tap.

"If you're letting anyone go free who says they're not a cultist under zone of truth and doing what you can to make sure they can speak freely that seems like the best available option. Thank you for dealing with this; it sounds like the worst job."

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Well, he also checks for other crimes while he has them there, but really that's just details.

"No thanks are necessary for doing my duty."

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Brenda has gotten As in all of her history classes but this is not the same as a practical working knowledge of the ways law enforcement can suck and how to detect them. She heads over to where she dropped the sword.

Judging from the way the sealed-over crack looks and the direction she was facing when she tossed it aside to grab for a handhold when it opened, it should be right about . . . there.

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Above the rubble where the sword should be buried floats a sphere of pale bluish light. It seems like it should be immediately obvious to anyone nearby, yet nobody has remarked upon it. As Brenda approaches, she feels a tug not wholly dissimilar to that of Lariel's sword; she might see a vision here, if she allowed it entrance.

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The consequences were good last time, and they would have had to be really awful to make Brenda less curious this time. Hello blue thing! What's your story?

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The presence is alien and difficult to perceive, but it settles over Brenda like a set of spectacles, sharing with her its senses. The past, and present, and future are laid bare before her - or at least, they would be. Where her vision of what is to come should lie sits instead a fractally shattered kaleidoscope, as beautiful as it is impossible to interpret, but somehow the dizzying vision it offers fails to grab her attention compared to the sheer wrongness she can see elsewhere. In the past she can see the death of the sight's owner, though the more she sees the less owner seems appropriate; rather than a creature, the entity is more of a living process embodying cosmic order. It had arrived from far away to seal the worldwound and return the demons to the abyss, but had proven insufficient to the task and been slain by Deskari's terrible scythe. The ruins, the blood, the corpses; none of these are what had disturbed the entity about the incursion. Though foreign to Brenda, from the Aeon's perspective this distinction is obvious; in the end, the souls of the dead will go to Pharasma, and the living will continue as they ought, with no reason for the entity to interfere. Instead what disturbs its vision are the demons, splotches of awful color on a monochrome palette, each obviously not belonging at a mere glance. And yet more than the demons, what disturbs this last fragment of an Aeon is what lies below it, the very substance's existence on the material plane a mockery of everything it stands for. Had it the strength, it would unmake it utterly, and yet here and now it is a powerless existence on the precipice of falling apart into oblivion.

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The sense of wrongness is drowned in turn by a sense of wonder, joy in communing with this alien being and grief at its destruction. Its priorities are unlike hers, yet beautiful in their clarity.

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She's gonna try to Dragon Fairy Elf Witch it. Because she needs to see what happens.

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The new senses sharpen, like the difference between seeing the world through fogged up lenses and those same glasses after a cleaning. From this new perspective the abyssal traits stand out just as much, though without the Aeon's relaying the inherent judgment is gone; instead, it is simply undeniably clear that they are not of this world. The Aeon itself appears similarly, though it differs along a vector that is hard to put into words and most likely relates to the place from which they respectively come. The telepathic contact is also easier to maintain, which seems to be slowing the Aeon's deterioration but doesn't appear to be sufficient to stop it entirely.

Curiously, none of the sense of otherness lingers around her own body. For whatever reason, to an Aeon's gaze she belongs on the material plane as much as any local mortal.

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Brenda pushes respect and gratitude and sorrow along the telepathic link, though it's hard to tell whether the Aeon cares about such things. She sends also her intention to do what she can to stop the demonic invasion; her reasons may be different but their goals do overlap.

Does the lack of a sense of her own otherness mean that only her mind was sent to this plane, and her body was recreated anew as though by a Star Trek transporter? Did the Spirit negotiate her arrival here with some other power? Or is it just that seeing herself as alien would be uncomfortable, so her magic is screening it out as a drawback? Hard to say. 

She digs in the rubble for the blood-touched sword.

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What was once her sword is a broken, shattered wreck of over a dozen pieces large enough to be visible with the naked eye, and likely a fair few that aren't. It was clearly not designed for a tenth of the punishment it underwent, either in the combat itself or from being dropped and then buried afterward. Near the center of the pieces, however, lies a dully glowing purple crystal that is stands out like a shining beacon to her new senses. Contrary to what she might expect, however, the crystal is not attached to a piece of the sword or just an unconnected rock. Instead, someone has clearly taken the time to set it to a stone handle, allowing it to be carried without touching it directly. Along the hilt are runic patterns vaguely reminiscent of her gloves.

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What the ever loving fuck. Someone, possibly Areelu Vorlesh, dug up the sword, turned the blood into a crystal, put a handle on it, and then buried it again. Maybe Areelu or whoever couldn't wield the thing themselves, and wanted to make sure nobody would mess with it until she came looking for it? And couldn't just give it to her because . . . well, given Areelu's reputation it makes sense that she would want to come and go unseen. Alright, maybe it wasn't that much of a mystery.

That saves her having to figure out how to crystallize the blood herself, but also makes her somewhat more suspicious of the whole strategy. Areelu Vorlesh has been nothing but helpful to Brenda so farbut that doesn't mean she wouldn't use her in a plot to finish destroying the Wardstone. She'd complain about the difficulty of knowing who to trust, but honestly if this whole setting seemed totally black and white she'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop. The crystal gets an inner backpack pocket all to itself, and Seelah and Wenduag get the best explanation she can give of the last two minutes of weird shit.

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"So now that you've got the powers of an Aeon, you can see demons? That sounds very useful, especially if it works through disguises. Does it tire you out to do?"

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"I'd be very surprised if it didn't work through disguises; it's not really part of my vision, that's just the best way to describe it in Hallit. It doesn't feel tiring, but I haven't been doing it for long enough to be sure."

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"Then that sounds extremely useful. Even the Prelate back there didn't seem to have a way to see demons through disguises he thought was reliable enough, whereas you'll never be surprised again. Could be a very nasty surprise for any demon that thinks they have the better of you because they figured they were hidden enough."

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Kenabres is mostly eerily quiet, which makes even the distant sound of a roar distinctly audible to Brenda's enhanced auditory suite. It's hard to get an exact heading, but to her ears sounds like it's somewhere southeast of their current location.

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"Yeah, copying powers is great--oh, that sounds like Terendelev, we should go talk to her about the Wardstone. After she's done with whatever she's roaring at." Off they go.

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Apparently not everyone has gotten the memo to stay indoors, because there's a girl who looks to be about Brenda's age sitting on a bench singing to herself. The burn scars on her hands and arms are pretty attention getting, but with Brenda's new Aeon sight the crow on her shoulder having a touch of elsewhere about it might draw the eye more.

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Detect Fiendish Presence confirms her initial impression that the elsewhere the crow is from is not the Abyss, but that's still interesting. Also concerning, though the burns look long healed.

"Hello. Are you alright?"

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"I think so. At least, I'm not injured or sick. Why do you ask?"

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"Well, uh, because you're a kid hanging out in a war zone, but that's a bit hypocritical of me, sorry. Also your bird is kind of from another plane and that's cool."

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"Soot is very precious to me," she agrees. "My grandmother sent her. I didn't choose to hang out in a war zone, though, this is just where I live."

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"I meant that you're not in your house and most people are either fighting demons or in their houses. I'm sorry your city is having a bad week."

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"Oh I don't have a house, so that's why. I try to avoid fighting demons, though, since it always feels bad when nobody will let me help them."

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She's about to say something sympathetic about the homelessness but then gets completely distracted by the second sentence.

"You can interact peacefully with demons?" If the next thing she says is "Hail Baphomet" Brenda is going to be so disappointed.

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"I'm not sure; nobody has let me try long enough before to see if I can get anywhere. Demons have spent their entire lives learning that the way you succeed is by always being able to betray and hurt everyone around you before they hurt you, and by obeying anyone too strong to defeat so they hurt you less. It's hard to heal from that, especially when they're still in that situation even once they leave the abyss. But they're still people like you and me and Soot, that can learn things and change and even grow, just people that have always suffered terribly and never had anyone to trust. I don't think it's too much to believe that they could change for the better, not just for the worse, but people are really scared of them and if I put the demons to sleep to stop them from attacking people the people just attack them back."

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"I would really love a way to convince demons to change for the better. And cultists. So far they always attack me and they usually don't stop until I kill them."

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"With demon cultists, I think the most important thing to do is to help make sure they aren't afraid and then to talk to them. When people are frightened and lonely and hurt, they make bad decisions that can hurt people, and then they feel trapped, like they don't have any options. Once that happens they sink deeper and deeper and spend more and more time convincing themselves they made the right decision, but it's not actually good for them if you can just help them see it, and then you can remind them that they have other choices."

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"I'm not--" she remembers Friends In Low Places and amends her statement to "I don't know if I'd be any good at that. Next time I get attacked by cultists when I'm not running around between urgent tasks I should try it."

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“It does sound like it would be hard to help people when you’re busy,” Ember agrees. “And you seem a little lost and overwhelmed yourself. Do you need help?”

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The innocent friendly sincerity is radiating off the elf like sunlight. Brenda could probably have noticed it even without her magic helping.

"I'm doing okay, I think, for the most part. And I've got Seelah and Wenduag helping me. But I could always use more friends. My name's Brenda; what's yours?"

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"My name is Ember, and I'd be happy to be your friend."

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"Awesome! Want to come with us to talk to Terendelev? I want to ask her for help with diagnosing and repairing the Wardstone so it'll start protecting the city again."

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"Sure! I've never spoken with her before, and that does sound important."

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"So," Brenda asks as they set off again towards where she heard the roaring, "what's your story? Or the parts of it you feel like telling me, rather."

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"There's not really that much to tell; I've lived in Kenabres almost my entire life! My father brought me here from Kyonin when I was really little, so I don't really remember anything about it, but he died pretty soon after that so I've mostly just had Soot for company. Sometimes I get to play with the other children, but they grow up faster than I do and then they aren't interested anymore; it's not so bad when it's just mean words, but the rocks hurt. Occasionally I also make friends with the animals but most of them don't live that long no matter how often I heal them, and they usually aren't as good at talking as Soot is."

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"My condolences. Your species ages slowly, then? By the way, Soot, I have two different kinds of language magic going, so I ought to be able to understand you if you feel like talking."

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"Yes. I'm an elf, and we usually live hundreds of years. Do you want to talk to her, Soot?"

"If I wanted to talk to people, I would just speak to them in Hallit."

"Soot says they're not interested, sorry. Maybe once you get to know them better."

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"Fair enough. It's very cool that you live that long." Her desire to Dragon Fairy Elf Witch Ember is increasing rapidly, but as Soot says, better to get to know her more first. "Have you been here since before the Worldwound opened?"

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"No, I wasn't alive then! I was actually born the same year the wound opened, which my dad thought was a sign I would be able to help close it some day. He never told me why he thought that, though."

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That has some Fantasy Novel Logic implications. "It would be great if you did, that's for sure. What sort of things do you do when the city's not being attacked?"

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"I talk to people when they need help, and heal them when they're injured, at least when they wouldn't rather go to one of the temples. I also end up healing a lot of animals since they don't have families or clerics that can take care of them when they're hurt. Sometimes I sing, or talk to Soot, or watch the clouds go by. I help people with their laundry or cleaning too, since I'm a lot faster at that, and it's nice to eat a warm meal sometimes."

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She is going to find an excuse to buy this adorable kid sweet old lady lovely person so much food. As soon as she isn't herself broke. She should find that Horgus Gwerm fellow who came out of the caves with her and ask him to pay up.

"I'd love to buy you a meal as soon as I have some local currency. And you can heal without being a cleric? I didn't know that was possible."

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"I'm a witch, so I can actually heal as many people a day as I find, but I can only heal each person so much unless I'm using spells. "

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"That's so cool! How did you learn to be a witch?" Greed greed covetousness greeeeed.

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"I get it from my grandmother! She sent Soot to help me out with the spells, though I can do most of the healing or the talking with animals or the putting people to sleep on my own."

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"Would you be willing to teach me? I'd love to be able to heal lots of people." Technically she has a little bit of healing already but it's once per day and kind of crappy.

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"I'm not really sure how to teach it; I kind of just... did it. I think it happened because of how long I'd been a witch for, because I've never heard of anyone who wasn't a witch being able to do it."

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Inconvenient how she packed so many books for this isekai and none of them were D&D sourcebooks there's no guarantee they would even be accurate.

"Huh. Was being a witch something you were born with, then? Or is it more like being a cleric but without the god? Sorry for asking so many questions; I got to this planet yesterday and don't know hardly anything yet."

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"It wasn't something I was born with, no, I didn't become a witch until my dad died. He was a witch before I was. I've never been a cleric so I'm not totally sure what it's like but I don't worship any of the gods, if that helps. And wow, another world? I know some elves came here from another world a long time ago but I've never met anyone who did."

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"My home planet's called Earth. It's got lots of technology and hardly any magic."

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"Huh, what's that like? I think I would be pretty lonely if the only animals I could talk to were crows and ravens and magpies, and I'd hate it if I couldn't help people who got hurt, but maybe technology can do all that too."

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"We have lots of medical technology! It doesn't work as fast as channeling, but most things are fixable with enough work, and we can prevent a lot of diseases entirely. Basically nothing for talking to animals, though."

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It's at about this point that the building where Terendelev is comes into view. It's apparently a moderately large tower, easy identified by the fact that the exterior is currently half covered in ice and not especially happy about it. The interior seems to have been treated significantly more carefully, but there's some dislodged brick work around the entrance where Terendelev clearly decided not to transform into her human shape before forcing the matter.

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Brenda is going to go through the somewhat enlarged doorway, about 20% in case Terendelev wants any help and 80% because she wants to see what's going on in there. If any of the others would prefer not to do that that's very sensible of them and she's not judging at all.

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Wenduag is too busy trying and mostly succeeding at not gaping at the sight of more ice than she’s seen in her entire life to realize that a dragon might be something she could possibly expect to be frightened of.

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Ember and Seelah, by contrast, both know enough about who Terendelev is feel almost completely assured in their own safety near her, regardless of any property damage. 

Inside the doors is a short hallway that leads past a few statues of angels and crusaders and lets out into a large circular room, also spotted with patches of slowly melting ice. There are a number of shivering cultists under guard, as well as no small number of demonic and cultist corpses, both frozen solid and torn apart. Also among the bodies are a pair of large bipedal creatures reminiscent of bulls carrying enormous axes. Terendelev is not evident in either of her forms, but the stairways to the basement level are also flung open and there’s some regular traffic of uniformed people in and out of it.

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Labyrinth yesterday, minotaurs today, flying on wings of wax tomorrow. 

Brenda approaches the most stationary and least busy-looking uniformed person. "Hello. I need to talk to Terendelev about the Wardstone next time she isn't too busy. Anything I should be doing to make myself useful in the meantime?"

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"If you've got endure elements prepared, I expect some of the men wouldn't turn you down, but they'll be fine without it, and there are probably more valuable things you prepared in those slots today anyway. We're just waiting on Terendelev to handle a bit of a hostage situation without getting the hostage hurt and it shouldn't be more than a few minutes now. I assume it's not urgent enough we should interrupt?"

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Aaaaaaaaa he has mistaken her for a wizard with useful shareable magic when in fact all she does is get useful presents, copy biology, and punch people*. Too bad there's a hostage situation in the basement so she can't go down there as a substitute for sinking through the floor in embarrassment.

"It's not urgent on the scale of minutes but might be on the scale of hours. I don't have much for spells, I'm afraid, but--hmm. Just a second." She pops out into the hallway, gets out of line of sight of everyone, causes herself to be wearing a much-too-large warm parka over her existing warm clothes, takes it off, and brings it back.

"Would anyone like a coat? Uh, warning that it might disappear when I stop holding it, I haven't actually tried this before."

*Unfortunately Brenda is from 2005 and doesn't know that the appropriate way to end this sentence is "eat hot chip and lie". 

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Some of them will try dubious illusion magic coats, sure!

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The dubious illusion magic parkas are warm and comfy and she can make as many as there are people who want them, albeit only when nobody is looking.

(Brenda is fully aware both that this is extremely overpowered and that she probably hasn't even scratched the surface of how overpowered it is yet even if she can only make things that count as clothes. The Wardstone is a more urgent issue but she is absolutely planning to munchkin the living daylights out of Dressing Room.)

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Some of them are definitely parsing the 'when nobody is looking' limitation as her just not wanting to show off how she casts it out of paranoia about someone trying to reverse engineer it, but they definitely aren't going to say anything about it when this is resulting in them getting free stuff.


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After a few minutes of this, Terendelev walks out of the staircase, supporting an old man with one arm. One of the soldiers brings a blanket to wrap around him, and sits down next to him to talk in a soothing voice. She has a quick conversation with some of the guards, then heads over to Brenda.

"Hello again, Brenda. I didn't get a chance to thank you for your help earlier, but it's very much appreciated. A lot more people would have died without your warning, much less your willingness to face off against Deskari himself. You said you had another warning to deliver?"


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Brenda explains her observations of the Wardstone and the two conflicting pieces of advice she got. "So I was hoping," she concludes, "that the two of us and Hulrun could go in there, clear out the demons, figure out what the problem really is, and fix it."

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"I'm hardly an expert in magical items, but that does sound concerning. Even if there wasn't damage to the wardstone already, I can't imagine allowing a Lilitu to hang around it for prolonged periods of time would be a good idea, and after yesterday it would be very foolish to discount your tidings. I expect if the three of us dealt with it it would probably go fine, but Lilitus aren't stupid so there's bound to be at least some kind of trap involved and that's the kind of thing I would rather overdetermine as much as possible. As the one who actually saw the damage, how bad would you guess it is? Do you think it's the kind of problem where we can afford to take a few hours to see if I can shake loose a rapid response team from Lastwall, or where I should be getting Ramien and Jhoran and Rathimus to hand out whatever spells they can cast or prepare in the next 20 minutes and then go with whatever paladins are available?"

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"I am so extremely not an expert on magic items but the damaged area was about yea big and didn't visibly spread any further during the time I was in the room."

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"Then I think it's probably the smarter choice to play it safe," Terendelev replies, almost regretfully. "Is there anything else I can do for you first, or should I get started on that?"

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"No, that's all. When and where should Hulrun and I meet you and the rapid response team, and is there anything else I should do between now and then?" She's somewhat nervous about talking to Hulrun again, but if Terendelev is getting reinforcements it's the logical division of tasks and she's not going to be a scaredy cat about it.

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"I'm not sure they'll have any teleport points in Kenabres other than the temple of the Inheritor, so meeting there is probably for the best; the temple of Desna is a bit closer to the garrison, but I'd rather not have Hulrun and Ramien in the same building without me for longer than they have to be until they work through whatever Hulrun's annoyed at him for now. If you could talk to count Arendae for me about getting his retinue onto the streets and helping it would save me a headache but that seems unreasonable to ask of you. If your schedule is clear I assume the Eagle's Watch could make use of extra hands but I can't think of anything that needs your skills in particular."

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"Alright. I'll talk to the Count if you think it will help but if not I have other productive uses for the time." (Wizardry books. She has wizardry books.)

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"No, that was more me idly wishing because he frustrates me. Inheritor's blessing with you."

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"And with you as well." She heads out of the tower and starts walking back to the festival plaza.

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"What are your other plans looking like? I'd love to help out, but I'm worried I'd just get in your way when you end up fighting Minagho again."

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"I haven't nearly the tactical knowledge to know whether it makes sense for you to join the fight, but I trust you to be brave enough to join if it's tactically optimal and wise enough to stay out of it if that's optimal. If it doesn't take me the whole two hours to get Hulrun on board I want to spend the rest of the time reading the books on Arcane magic I got yesterday. I don't expect to get anywhere with them fast enough to be useful today, but the sooner I start the sooner I'll know things."

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"That makes sense. Well, there's bound to be something I can help out with at the temple, since they're probably dealing with a lot of displaced people now, and I can try and help smooth things over with the Prelate if it's needed again."

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"I'd appreciate that; he doesn't have any more reason to trust me now than he did an hour ago."

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Prelate Hulrun does seem somewhat less busy than he was then, and the corresponding reduction in miserable people awaiting judgment does a lot to improve the ambiance at the festival square. He's in the middle of another interrogation, which she could listen in on if she wants but is probably less pleasant or interesting of an experience than police procedurals make it out to be, or she could talk to one of his subordinates if she wanted to get a moment of his time without needing to get his attention personally.

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She expects listening in to be unpleasant, but if she's going to run around being a caped vigilante she should probably know any things about the law and its enforcement around here. She goes and stands in Hulrun's field of vision, obtrusively enough that she's not sneaking up on him but casually enough that she's clearly attempting only a medium-priority interruption.

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"You're here accused of working with the demons. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"Please! Have mercy! I didn't know they were cultists, I thought it was just a normal job at first! A-a-and I didn't hurt anyone, just smashed some windows and took some stuff! I'm faithful to Iomedae, you have to believe me!"

"There are no excuses for treason. Do you have any connections to higher ups in the cults?"

"Nossir, I don't know anything about that."

"Mendev has no room for tolerating your ilk. If you can prove your humanity, you may have a minute to repent of your crimes in the hope that the Judge has mercy on your soul, and be grateful to the goddess you're even offered that much."

The man starts openly sobbing, but doesn't dare resist when two of Hulrun's subordinates escort him at swordpoint over to the roaring fire and force him to stick his arm in until it burns, though the sound of his crying is briefly drowned out by his scream.

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She can imagine some circumstances where stealing things for a demon cult is the level of serious crime that justifies risking sending someone to an evil afterlife if that's the only way to prevent them from doing it again.

She can imagine a lot more circumstances where that's wildly disproportionate and horrible.

She does not, actually, have any reason Hulrun should do things her way, or anything to offer him in exchange. But she very much doubts that this is how the people of Kenabres want their city run.

The words TODO: Invent democracy if it hasn't been invented here yet appear on her back where they're hidden under several layers of clothing. Her eyes temporarily stop having tear ducts.

What does Seelah's face look like right now?

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Seelah started wincing when they got to the bit about it being for stealing, but she doesn't seem openly horrified or about to speak up. This is at least probably not wildly unusual.

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Yeah, she thought as much.

Getting the Wardstone fixed and the demons gone is still priority one. She continues silently watching Hulrun until he acknowledges her presence.

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After he finishes up that interrogation he gestures for her to come forward.

"Back again already?"

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"Yup. I talked to Terendelev and she said she'll be ready to move on the Wardstone in a couple hours; she's putting a team together that she expects to be able to deal with whatever the lilitu has up her sleeve. We're supposed to meet up with Terendelev and the paladins at the temple of the Inheritor."

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An annoyed scowl fills his face, but frankly it’s not especially different from how he normally looks.

“Hmmph. Well, if Terenedelev’s decided I suppose that’s that then. Did she give a time frame?”

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"Not more precise than 'a couple hours'; she's going to have some people teleport in."

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"Understood. I'll make the most of the time I have left before I need my subordinates to take over, then, since weaker truth spells mean more guilty people will escape their fate. If it were only practical to hold them until we finished."

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"Oh, I recognize you now! You met me when my father and I first came to Kenabres!"

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"I have no memory of this, and I rarely forget a face, much less scarring like yours. Unless by meeting you mean seeing in a crowd?"

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Ember shakers her head.

"No, this was a while ago, and you looked pretty different then. Your hair was still brown and you had this mustache."

She draws something vaguely reminiscent of a handlebar mustache in the air with her finger.

"I didn't have the scars back then, either, those are from when you and the other knights tied us to stakes and started lighting the bonfires. My father died then, so I guess maybe that makes it easier to forget, but I survived because one of your knights changed his mind and rescued me from the fire before I died too. Don't you remember?"

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"Don't be absurd, nobody's been burnt at the stake for being a demon cultist since the third crusade. Besides, if I did execute your father for his crimes I'm sure he was guilty."

Hulrun's reply is dismissive, but after he finishes speaking his eyes flicker to her ears and he looks ever so slightly less confident in his pronunciation.

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Hulrun has been doing what?

Hulrun has been doing this shit for how long?

Hulrun said that to the daughter of a man he had killed?

Her options for fixing the Wardstone are the one Areelu Vorlesh endorses and whatever this guy comes up with?

"In my home country," she says softly, "we have a proverb. 'Better to let ten guilty men go free than to imprison a single innocent.'"

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"That's pure folly. Sparing ten cultists their fate will end up killing innocents in even greater numbers, to say nothing of how many will die when the city falls and the world comes that much closer to being conquered by demons. Where do they publish this kind of nonsense, Kelesh?"

He's kind of betting it's somewhere in that area; it's the sort of foolishness you expect from overly idealistic Sarenrites and Shelynites before they learn enough about the real world to know better, and for all its other flaws Andoran has enough experience with the puppets of Hell that they don't tend to make that mistake.

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"America, on the planet Earth. We don't have demons, only human criminals, but we also have no magic with which to catch them and no gods to help us. And a family with no skill in combat whatsoever can wander the whole country from the cities to the farms to the forests and never spare a thought for their own safety. It's hardly a perfect country, but the closer it gets to its ideals, the better it becomes."

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"I'm sure it's an easier job without demons, since if they're just pickpockets it's safe to let them cool their heels in lockup or let them make up for their crimes with hard labor or a stint in a penal battalion, but I can't imagine why you'd be sure your country was on the right track without even knowing how the gods are steering you or what sparing criminals has to do with forests being safe. There's time to reach perfection in the next life, this one is for doing what's right."

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Brenda feels like she's lost the plot somewhere. "The country is on the right track because it's a good place to live, but also what are we even arguing about at this point? What's the difference between pursuing moral perfection and doing what's right? What are you trying to persuade me of? Why did you try to kill Ember?"

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“If this girl really is who she claims to be, she and her father were sentenced for witchcraft, consorting with fiends, heresy, and for being accessory to demonic plots. Given what you said earlier I don’t expect you to understand this, but I’m doing what is necessary for keeping this country safe.”

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“We weren’t consorting with any fiends, though. We get our powers from grandmother, not the demons, and he just came here to help people.”

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“It’s true that not all witches work for the demons; the ones from Irrisen are as wicked as they come, but even they have enough self interest to want the world to stay intact. But only the fiendish powers pick witches, since the gods of good stick to clerics and paladins and inquisitors.”

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"I don't know enough theology to say who's right but if an evil power is giving Ember healing magic they sound pretty bad at being evil." Sudden flashbacks to the time in second grade when Timmy said Satan invented dinosaurs and ten minutes later they were both in the principal's office.

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"Evil is often self defeating," Hulrun agrees, rather than engage with the rest of that point. "In any case, unless her patron is a demon lord witchcraft alone is no longer a capital crime in Mendev, so as long as she's fighting the demons I have bigger concerns. If you just need to learn more theology you can talk to someone like the Select, but I don't have time to do that and judge these cultists in the next few hours."

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"Oh yeah I definitely wasn't saying you should explain anything now. I'll read up on it later. See you at the temple, then." Time to exit the scene like a coward for lack of any clue what a better action would be.

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"That was very nice of you, but you didn't need to do that for me. I've had a long time to come to terms with it and my hands rarely hurt these days."

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And here she was about to apologize for not being helpful enough. "It isn't right. I don't know what's right but it isn't this."

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Ember will give Brenda a hug, then.

"It'll be okay. The important part is that I think he won't hurt as many of them now."

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Ember can get four arms worth of hug back. "That is important. Thank you for making that happen."

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Now, how does she phrase this without sounding like she might be questioning Brenda’s decisions…

“You have beaten people stronger than him. If you wanted, you could make him stop, and he does not seem like the kind of man with many allies.”

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“Wenduag, he’s the Prelate, not a demon cultist! We can’t just kill him because we don’t like what he’s doing!”

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“There are ways to stop someone without death. Perhaps without even needing to strike him, if she just stole all his prisoners.”

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"I can see your point, but--I don't want to just make everyone do things my way because I'm good at fighting. Even if it's open and shut this time, and I don't actually know that it is, I don't want to go down that road. I don't know how to run a city and even if I did I shouldn't just take one over. But I've been thinking. How was Hulrun chosen as Prelate? How is the government of this city chosen in general?"

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“I think he was appointed by the queen? But she might just pick the highest ranking member of the church, or who the local church recommends or something, I’m not sure. Uh, outside of the prelate there’s Count Arendae and the city council, and Irabeth is in charge of the Eagle’s Watch, and then there’s the churches but that might just be that people listen to them? The gods pick their clerics and the count got it from his parents but I don’t know much about how the council gets picked. Plus there’s Terendelev, I don’t think she has a title but you’d have to be mad not to listen to her.”

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Nobility and churches, she thought so. But first, "What determines who's on the city council? For that matter, what determines who's Queen?"

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“Like I said, I’m not really sure. I’m not from Mendev, I just came here to fight the demons, and the politics of it all goes over my head. I assume the queen inherited it from her father or uncle or something but she’s been in charge for a long time.”

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"I'm absolutely going to learn more about how things work here before trying to convince anyone to change them, but in America, the people living in a place get to choose who governs them, and if the government makes laws they don't like they can replace the people who came up with those laws and put in new people who'll change them. It's one of the things we're proudest of, as a country, that we get to choose our own leaders."

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"Oh, like in Andoran. I always thought that sounded a little intimidating but they also all seem pretty proud of it."

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"Well, yeah. If you're responsible for picking who's in charge, what if you pick someone bad? I feel like I'd just be super nervous all the time and not really do a good job of it, and then I'd be letting everyone down."

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"Ah, yeah. But you're not doing it alone, right, everyone in the city or the country gets a vote and the majority wins, so if you're totally wrong other people will vote for someone else and there are only problems when more than half of everyone is wrong at the same time. And that does happen sometimes, but there's a new election every few years so you're not stuck with a bad pick forever."

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The temple of Iomedae is easily recognizable, both by the giant statue of a woman with a sword in front of it and the fact that it has a notably different construction from the surrounding buildings. It's larger for one, designed to be able to fit large crowds of people, and has different architectural sensibilities than most of the other buildings in Kenabres. Perhaps the closest match would be the Blackwing Library, though there are still differences other than the fact that the temple is in better repair - recent battle damage excepted, of course. The statue is noticeably newer than the temple itself, but still probably not objectively new.

Also unlike most of the city, there are civilians visible around it and a number of crusaders on guard duty.

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She finds an out-of-the way place to sit down and wait and looks very seriously at Seelah. 

"Seelah, I need a favor. I am going to start reading wizardry books. When Terendelev and Hulrun and the rapid response team start arriving, I need you to make sure I notice. This may require punching me in the face."

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Seelah nods seriously.

"I can do that. Is there anything else you want me to get your attention for?"

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"Uh, fire, earthquake again, plague of locusts again, less friendly dragons, that sort of thing." She isn't kidding. Well, she's maybe kidding about any of those things being especially likely, but she's not kidding about needing her attention to be actively drawn to them.

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"Got it."

None of the books are detecting evil so hopefully that means they're not cursed books and this is more like the thing where you need to not be interrupted while praying to prepare spells or something.

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Yeah this is not a mind control situation this is just Brenda being Brenda. She falls on the books like a ravening wolf, if wolves were careful with expensive irreplaceable items. Goodbye Golarion she will be back Eventually.

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Fortunately for her privileged book standards obtained from living on a planet four centuries after the invention of the printing press and mass literacy, these books are straight from the curated private collection of an archmage. The unfortunate volume limitations of a bag of holding mean that she doesn't have everything from there, but she does have everything that caught her eye and quite a few things that didn't. Hopefully she's a fast reader and/or is good at prioritizing!

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She is a fast reader, and more so with the headband, and even more so now that she's part notebook and can read by putting a hand on the left page and another on the right page and then pick them up and turn to the next pair of pages with a third hand. Her fourth hand is in her pocket, discussing everything she learns with Alpina, but Time Enough For Love means that doesn't slow her down at all.

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Then she can learn a lot about (and, from handwritten notes on many of the pages, about Areelu Vorlesh' opinions and commentary on) various gods, polities, kinds of magic, and wherever else she ends up bouncing to between one book and another. Kenabres seems to be too local for the details of its ruling council's selection criterion to appear, but the fact that Queen Galfrey is a century-old Paladin of Iomedae or that Andoran and Galt have indeed been experimenting with various kinds of democracy are absolutely in there.

When it comes to witches, though, the sources of knowledge available to her seem to follow pretty predictably from the fact that Areelu Vorlesh doesn't consider most books on the subject worth the paper they're written on. There are exactly two normally published works on the subject, one of whom is more of a compendium of arcane knowledge than about witches specifically. Everything else is varyingly handbound or partially compiled sets of notes, many of which appear to be in Areelu Vorlesh's own handwriting. According to her, a witch is someone who makes a deal with a powerful magical entity for arcane power - entities which need not be limited to evil outsiders, and indeed she notes several empyreal lords known to pick witches. From what she has been able to determine, their magic is somewhat less versatile than that of wizards and sometimes idiosyncratic to the entity that granted it, but that in exchange they can do many things otherwise limited to clerics and have access to hexes, which can make the spell slot limitations of wizards look like something of a bad joke. There's also some musing on the possibility of creating an artificial witch patron or even her granting witch powers herself, though as of the notes being penned the latter was still something she was working on rather than an unalloyed success.

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Getting more oriented to this planet feels amazing. She isn't spotting an obvious hack to get witchcraft, but it's still important to learn about.

Is there time to read anything on the basics of wizardry before she has to stop? She doesn't expect to be able to learn any spells today, especially not without a wizardly friend or rival to activate Anything You Can Do, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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She can at least get a solid layman's understanding, including the fact that she'll need to get a spellbook and special inks from somewhere and somewhere to copy spellforms from if she wants to cast anything more complicated than the cantrips in this introductory text, though figuring out the notation on spellforms enough to read them on sight rather than puzzling them over a bit at a time will take more time than she has available. Her knowledge of math seems mostly adequate to understanding introductory wizardry but there are definitely a few things she'll need the books to explain to her and probably higher level wizardry has more of it.

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Brenda is in heaven Nirvana (she's still not super clued into the subtleties of Law and Chaos but continues to get the sense that they're both things she finds valuable and important) and will remain there, bits of spell diagrams appearing and transforming and disappearing on her arms, until she's induced to stop.

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Then soon (from a subjective standpoint) she will have Seelah start with shaking her shoulder and then steadily escalating if that doesn't get her attention.

"Hey, people have started showing up for the attack. They say they're expecting Terendelev in a few minutes."

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Shaking her shoulder works; she jumps like she's been electrocuted and then reorients and puts her latest book away. The notes on her arms scoot out of sight up her sleeves. "Thank you." She'll go introduce herself to the arriving soldiers and learn their names, titles, and combat specialties as applicable.

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Either Terendelev couldn't shake loose a force from Lastwall or they haven't arrived yet, because the only people not from Kenabres are a mercenary company teleported in from Andoran. In terms of people she's already met, Ramien can be seen conspicuously avoiding Hulrun, which Irabeth and a few of her paladins are trying to facilitate. There's also an old man who introduces himself as Rathimus, priest of Abadar, a dwarf smith who looks markedly similar to Staunton Vhane and who apparently follows Torag, and a girl with a harp and bow standing near Ramien.

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She remembers Rathimus, he helped her out with the truth spell yesterday! Very reasonable of him not to recognize her, she says; she looked rather different then. 

She introduces herself to the smith without making any assumptions about relatedness until his surname also proves to be Vhane, at which point she's relieved that it isn't just her brain refusing to process dwarven facial features, and also says hello to the archer-harpist.

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“Hello. Are you the one who got them to finally take this seriously? How did you manage it?”

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"I can see through illusions and I noticed the Wardstone was visibly damaged, and I have an item that might be able to repair it. Were you investigating the damage before now? I'd love to hear anything you've figured out."

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"We didn't get much time to look at it; Hulrun caught us when we were still trying to identify the problem, so we didn't get further on making a solution than figuring out we'd probably need ritual magic if we wanted to pull it off with our level of skill. We're pretty sure it was there before the attack, though. If you've got an item for it that sounds a lot more promising than trying to rush through the the research and just hope it all works out in time without too many side effects."

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"I have some reasons to believe the item will work and also some reasons to mistrust its provenance, so I'm hoping to get a bunch of different opinions." Because the more people are involved the more people would have to be in cahoots to trick her into doing the wrong thing. "Would you like to take a look at it?"

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Aranka strums on her harp and sings a short verse.

”Alright, ready. Also wow you have a lot of powerful magic on you.”

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She gets out the demon blood crystal knife thing and holds it up for inspection but doesn't actually hand it over.

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"Well, it's definitely strong enough that I buy it can do it, question is if it's aimed in the right direction. Let's see... there's an evocation effect, but I'm pretty sure that's built on top of it, not something inherent. Some stuff that's conjuration coded but not really a spellform... I wish Thall was here, he's better at this kind of fiddly detail with arcane sight, but if I look closely enough..."

Her words become less and less audible as she descends into mumbling before pulling out some paper and scribbling. About a minute later, she turns back to Brenda.

"I'm not sure! I can't for the life of me figure out how I'd trigger it if so, I don't think it'd respond to me naively or any of the standard tricks for working with magic items, but if the designer said it would work I assume they're right because they're definitely better at spellcraft than I am. I can say it should power up any evocation spells you cast with it but I'm pretty sure that was just them showing off and not necessary for it to work."

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"The person who told me it would work wasn't the designer but they said it would pretty much only work for me. The question is, if I poke the Wardstone with it, is it more likely to solve problems or cause them."

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“Figuring out all the details on how this works sounds like a multi month project; all I can tell you now is that my guess would be it’s more likely to work than not, and I would give it better than even odds that it works or does nothing. Do you know who the designer is? It’s probably worth a sending if they’d answer.”

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"I have some reason to suspect it was made by Areelu Vorlesh. I also have some reason to suspect that she's had a change of heart and genuinely wants to help. But she went out of her way to give me this thing without giving me a chance to speak to her, which makes me leery of trying a Sending and anyway she could just lie. I'm sorry everything is so complicated."

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"I'm not one to say it's impossible for someone to want redemption, and I'm sure you're already aware of all the reasons that sounds really implausible, but just in case; this is probably a trick and this makes me a lot less sure I was on the money. I'm barely good enough at this kind of thing to tell if it's trying the right kind of thing, mostly from where it crosses over with ritual magic, and definitely not qualified to figure out if an archmage is slipping things by me. If it weren't for the fact that this is a crisis she could probably get to the wardstone any time she liked I would be telling you not to bring it anywhere near the thing, and even so the fact that only you can use it isn't exactly reassuring. Are you sure that this isn't just a ploy for her to saddle you with the blame for destroying it?

"Also, er, if she really did change her tune that sounds like it would be the kind of thing that it's dangerous to her to spread around. Unless she didn't and that's why you're saying it, to make her and Deskari fight? And if that's it then maybe I shouldn't have said anything? Sorry, I'm not really good at this whole intrigue thing."

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Ah, shit. However bad Aranka is at intrigue, Brenda is worse at it. She just wants to fix the Wardstone and apparently she's in contention for being the best person for the job despite being totally clueless and in over her head.

"I'm afraid I'm going to reward your good sense in warning me not to talk too much by declining to explain my reasoning. By the way, if the spell is still up, I'd like to hear what you're seeing on me. I expect it's all things I know about but given that you've already looked at it I might as well check."

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"Uh, I'm seeing a lot of magical item effects; strong transmutation on the headband and belt, which means they're enhancements and good ones, a whole bunch of abjuration effects on the gloves and ring and necklace and cloak so I'm assuming they're mostly better versions of the standard items to keep you safe, and either one divination effect with two parts or two individual but overlapping divination effects on you? Then there's also a bag of holding, that one I definitely recognize, and a whole swathe of dim auras that I'm guessing come from you being effected by some very powerful magic recently. Conjuration for sure, but all the rest of them are muddled enough I can't tell them apart."

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The stacked divinations might be Tongues and Omniglot, the Conjuration and other recent stuff is probably all the Dressing Room and Dragon Fairy Elf Witch and possibly the teleports from yesterday. "Thanks!"



In whatever amount of time she has left before Terendelev arrives Brenda wants to attempt to get Jhoran Vhane to infodump at her about blacksmithing. (If this is a sufficiently rapport-building tactic there may turn out to be more time for it than a clock would suggest.)

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Well some of the more advanced topics in magical crafting are stuff he would only teach to an apprentice or if there was sufficiently great need, but he can talk her through the basics of smithing, or at least as much of them as you can do without having his forge with him and demonstrating. If you want to hang an enchantment on gear that will last, the armor or weapon needs to be of a high enough quality first to hold it, so there's no way to skip the basics. Given a sufficiently enthusiastic student, he can talk about heating and how to make sure your metal stays workable without getting hot enough that it deforms too much or cold enough that you exhaust yourself hammering and then get dragged into a tangent about fitting together chain links properly that wraps up about when Terendelev makes her landing and transforms again.

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"Good, everyone is here. All of you should have heard some of what we're planning, but I'll fill in the rest to make sure nobody is missing important details. We're making an assault on the Grey Garrison today, which is currently held by an unknown number of demons and cultists lead by a Lilitu witch named Minagho. Most of you should already recognize each other, but we're being joined today by Brenda, a capable swordswoman who has been helping us out for the last few days, and the Blazing Eagles adventurers of Andoran. The plan is for me to be the one to primarily engage Minagho, since I can outmatch her regardless of the range, while Jhoran Vhane will be staying in reserve to cover our archers and Aranka from any opportunistic demons and to have a central location for channeling once injuries start to pick up. The rest of you will be using your best judgment for how to engage, but stay cautious; we should have enough strength assembled here to solve this without serious casualties but there's bound to be some kind of trap that's made them confident enough to try this. Does anyone have questions not answered by this that we should go over before making our way over?"

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Brenda has SO many questions but part of the point of this expedition is to find the answers. She scans the group to make sure Hulrun is still around; he's kind of horrible and fantasy novel logic says to take the opposite of his advice, but also paranoia is a valuable skill.

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Yep, he's still here. He's over on the left side of the group, as far from Ramien as the paladins can keep him without escalating.

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The route to the Gray Garrison is as deserted as before, but this time they stop outside.

”It looks like they don’t have enough fliers deployed to stop me, which means we’re skipping whatever traps they laid and going in from the roof. Rathimus, Jhoran, Ramien; buff us now, please.”

As the last people are touched to protect them with communal protection from evil and Jhoran Vhane’s communal resist fire goes up, Terendelev reads off a fancy looking scroll and suddenly Brenda gets the sense that she can now fly. 

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And then Terendelev will turn into her dragon shape,  blessing everyone around her in the same breath, and then with a powerful leap take to the skies and head straight for the trio of Vrocks perched circling the garrison from above.

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Wheeeee flying no this is serious business. Brenda flies up towards the roof with everyone else.

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Then just as she follows Terendelev in through the newly expanded hole in the third floor windows, she and everyone else can get a fireball to the face. It doesn't exactly do anything to any of them through protection from fire, but when it comes to greetings it's the thought that counts.

"I see you decided to skip my little surprises. Well, it's no matter; at least you brought Terendelev this time, so she'll have front row seats to the lot of you dying. Jeslyn, be a dear and keep her busy while I deal with the rest of these crusaders, would you?"

Not waiting for her to finish speaking, a woman with pointed ears and an incredibly ominous scythe speaks a word and doubles in height, which allows her to stop Terendelev's charge as Minagho starts to cackle derangedly.

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Some of Brenda's powers are consistently subtle; Battle Maiden isn't. As soon as the fight starts Brenda's movement through the air goes from inexperienced to graceful and competent. Instincts blossom in her mind, knowledge of air resistance and angle of attack beyond the need for words.

Jeslyn is not the biggest asshole with a polearm Brenda has stabbed this week. If you limit the category to assholes with scythes, she's actually the smallest.

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Jeslyn seems to twist unpredictably, and the blade that was supposed to slide straight into her instead cuts into her side. With the help of Battle Maiden, it's easy to see that she's cheating somehow; she's reacting to Terendelev's blows before they even happen, and chance is tying itself into knots in her favor. It's not really enough to let her outfight either of them, let alone both, but she's making a valiant effort. Apparently she didn't catch the fight with Deskari, though, because she also tries setting swarms of insects on Brenda and Terendelev.

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As soon as the bugs and Brenda's own dodging make it hard to see her she's wearing a veil again. She grabs at Jeslyn with all three nonsword arms and tries to hold her still so she can't do the precognitive dodging thing.

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She’s really quite good at evading grapples, apparently!

… Less good at doing that and preventing Terendelev from going after Minagho, since the advantages offered by her size seem outweighed by the fact that whatever protection she has going on against stab and claw wounds doesn’t seem to apply to grappling.

”Quit grabbing me!”

When her words fail her, she switches tacks and calls down a pillar of divine fire on the both of them, half of which goes straight through Brenda’s protection from fire.

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The fire hurts, though it may be hard for Jeslyn to be sure of that because Brenda's clothes aren't even singed (and are instead growing nomex linings). Grab grab STAB grab KICK and do the sounds from behind her indicate a change of focus is necessary or can she just keep doing this?

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There's the sounds of a very angry dragon and more of the same eerie cackling Minagho was producing earlier, but there aren't any shouts of panic. At about the same time she shakes off the pillar of fire, she'll also start hearing Aranka start singing; the sound carries surprisingly well despite the battle din, and just the sound of it helps Brenda fight better and leaves Jeslyn even more frazzled.

"Fine, you want to grapple? I'll just make you regret it then."

Her right hand suddenly glows with black flame.


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She can't take too many more hits like that and stay in the fight. She raises the sword again, brain searching furiously for any advantage, anything she can use to tip the scales--

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And the sword shines with divine light, not the soothing glow of before but a blast of radiance.

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A pillar of light strikes down far faster than Jeslyn could possibly dodge, slamming her flat onto the ground and then through a new hole to the second floor of the building; the blast is bright enough to briefly outshine the sunlight coming in through the shattered windows. Through the gap in the stone, she can be seen lying spread-eagle on blackened scorch mark outlining her now steadily shrinking body while wisps of smoke waft off of her.

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Holy shit! (Metaphorical shit but literal holiness!) She did not know it did that! She spins to join the main fight, taking in everyone's positions and levels of injury.

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Terendelev is currently in the middle of dragonhandling Minagho, though she has some concerning looking red marks running across her body; they look like what Irabeth had after being grabbed by Minagho's tail. Hulrun seems entirely busy trying to kill a Nabasu, while Irabeth and the paladins are locking down a trio of Minotaurs, Ramien is playing keep away from some mad... chemist? throwing around acid and fire everywhere, and the mercenaries focus on crowd control and keeping the Babau and Incubi away from their archers and Ember.

Overall, it could definitely be going better - most notably, they seem to have some bards and archers of their own going almost entirely unmolested and Hulrun's complexion has looked better - but it doesn't look like anyone is dead yet and Minagho looks a lot less happy than she was half a minute ago.

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How about some of those bards and archers get tied up in melee, then!

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Since they're mostly Cambions, they do not like this at all! The abyssal huntresses have the skill and durability to not instantly go down, but there are only two of them and the shock enhancement on their weapons doesn't seem to work too well through the nomex. Some of the braver incubi try to step in with their scimitars but they have a rather hard time hitting her even when she's not actively dodging.

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Stab stab stab punch she should really see about getting a second sword, she's getting better with practice and she's got all these hands. Now that Cambion's scimitar is her scimitar. Stabstab stabstab stabstab.

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Unlike the first big fight against demons Brenda got into, these ones don't have Deskari waiting in the wings to punish them for disloyalty and any attempts by Minagho to accomplish the same role are stymied by the fact that she's manifestly in no position to do so. Once Brenda takes down the first abyssal huntress, the second one teleports away, and this sparks something of a rout among the other demons as about half of them pivot from trying futilely to stab or slash her to trying slightly less futilely to run away.

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Yes, good, go cause problems or better yet don't cause problems somewhere else. 

She would be surprised if Minagho herself gave up that easily, though.

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Then if she just focuses on the ones sticking around, she can pretty quickly clear out most of the rest of the mob of demons, and move on to the bigger threats. Does she have an opinion on which ones should be made to stop first?

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She's going to help Terendelev beat up Minagho; taking out the leader might get the rest of them to see sense, or at least feel fear.

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Minagho has enough situation awareness to see Brenda coming and redouble her efforts to slip free, but escaping from a gargantuan dragon once they have you pinned is one of those things that is much easier said than done. She tries again to teleport, even knowing that it's hopeless, but unsurprisingly fails again.

"No! This can't be happening!"

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Really when you think about it stabbing Minagho in the face is bringing her closer to having a normal number of face holes wow she needs to have fewer random shower thoughts during swordfights or at least ones that are less horrible. (Stab slash stab slash.) 

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There's a moment when Minagho's wounds look mortal, then there's a flash in which her appearance is momentarily overlaid by that of a graying man and her injuries vanish.

"What do you want? Wealth? Power? Just let me live and I'll grant it! Just name your price, please!"

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Brenda isn't dumb enough to trust the offer but neither is she so lost in the dance of combat that she won't be brought up short by 'please.' She hesitates.

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"Do you want a wish? A profane gift, far superior to that of a mere succubi? My loyal servitude? I'm a Lilitu and a witch, there are few who could offer you more than I can!"

Brenda stopping, even just for a moment, seems to have merged her terror with a sudden desperate hope.

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"I just want you to stop killing!"

She doesn't dare take her eyes off Minagho but she wishes she could look at Ember.

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Minagho tries her best to nod frantically around the dragon claw pinning her to the ground, and manages a result at least mostly recognizable as such.

"I will! If you let me go I'll go straight back to the abyss and stay there! If you want my obedience I'll give it!"

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She still wants to look at Ember but instead she looks at Terendelev. "Is she telling the truth? Is it possible to tell if she's telling the truth?"

She doesn't lower her sword.

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“Lilitus lie as easily as they breathe; I wouldn’t trust one as far as I can throw them, though I suppose for you or I that’s noticeably farther. And even if she’s telling the truth I wouldn’t expect it to last too long once she’s out of your sight and doesn’t have a reminder to be afraid. She’d laugh off any truth spell we could throw at her if she chose, but I suppose it’s not impossible she doesn’t have the means on her to fake Abadar’s truth so I would trust that more than nothing.”

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So, trusting her would be a risk bordering on the massively naive.


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But she can see a future laid out before her like a highway, the path she'll be going down if she kills this person begging for her life because she was too afraid not to. At the end of that road is a perfectly functional, untraumatized, fearless, ruthless death machine.

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"If you swear to stop doing evil, Minagho, I'll let you live. But if you make me regret that choice, then no matter how far you run, I will make it my quest to track you down and fix my mistake. Understand?"

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"Yes, I will! I swear, you won't regret this!"

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Terendelev is kind of reluctant about this, but if an ally has accepted someone's surrender than killing them anyway would be unthinkable. She'll loosen her claws enough that Minagho can move her limbs to teleport, though not enough that she's free to swing her tail around.

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And then in a puff of brimstone Minagho is gone. She doesn't reappear elsewhere on the battlefield either, so at least that much of what she claimed was honest.

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She really hopes she hasn't just done something idiotic, but before she apologizes to Terendelev: is there any remaining active combat going on in this room?

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There are some demons that haven't fled yet, but significantly fewer of them; the bomb thrower and minotaurs are down and Hulrun is in the process of decapitating the Nabasu he was dealing with.

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She kills anyone who seems to need additional killing and then turns back to Terendelev.

"I'm sorry. I hope I scared her enough. I just . . . " Couldn't. Didn't want to be able to. Could, and chose not to. "I'm sorry."

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The fighting is over enough that it shouldn't need her personal intervention, so she can return to her human form; people tend not to find claws as reassuring as hands.

"I'd hardly have done better at your age. Besides, while I wouldn't have spared her it would be an injustice to you to demand you refrain. There's an instinct in each of us towards mercy, and while we do sometimes need to ignore it it's rarely as often as we end up doing so."

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"Thank you. I need to learn--all the things that people who are good at fighting and do a lot of it need to learn."

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"I expect I'll be busy enough for the next few days with repairs and showing the flag that it'll be a bit before I can spend too much time helping you with that, though if you plan to leave soon I'll try and make the time; otherwise, Irabeth, Ramien, or Jhoran would be able to give you good advice in perhaps the nearer future if you spoke with them."

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"Of course. I don't want to take up your time."

On that note: they didn't just come here to kill. How's the Wardstone looking?

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About the same as it did this morning. It's gotten a little worse in the past few hours, but not so much so that it would be obvious she wasn't imagining it if it wasn't for her enhanced memory. Now that she's not in the middle of a fight, she can see that in addition to the angry looking red splotch there are little veins of red stretching out further into the gold and blue structure.

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Wow, that's pretty fucked up looking! She invites Hulrun to come take a look at it.

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"There's nothing here. Not that defeating a Lilitu and her minions wasn't well worth the time spent, but I'm not seeing any of this damage you're talking about."

He places his hand on the stone to be sure, but when that fails to reveal any illusion he seems convinced.

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Terendelev, however is frowning unhappily.

"No, there's definitely an illusion, just an exceptionally powerful one. I'm not surprised you didn't see through it, but it doesn't look good. Let me see if I can dispel it."

Terendelev chants a short phrase aloud to no affect, but the second go through catches. If Brenda is using detect magic up, she can see the structure of the illusion come apart like peeling off a covering of saran wrap.

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"Inheritor preserve us."

Hulrun's face whitens like he just went another round with the Nabasu.

"Can you remove the taint?"

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"My healing is meant for living beings, and my dispels didn't even shake it. Perhaps a cleric can get somewhere with dispel evil, but I'm not optimistic."

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"Then it sounds like our options, if a dispel evil doesn't work, are to do nothing and let the Wardstone be destroyed, or to try my long-shot option that might still destroy it but might fix it."

And the fact that Areelu Vorlesh could have assured its destruction by simply stealing the sword is a reason to believe that the crystal knife does something other than that.

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“That’s correct. I already asked Lastwall if they would be able to afford a miracle to fix a wardstone, but we are not so fortunate. If you didn’t have an option, I would try asking Cheliax and Morgethai and Clepati, but this would be even more of a long shot, especially since I think Clepati preemptively turned me down. I’ll go speak to Jhoran about the dispel evil.”


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The dwarf makes the attempt. A short prayer to Torag results in him being surrounded in a shimmering aura of light, which activates with a flash on contact with the wardstone. When the light clears, however, the red is as expansive as ever.

”That’s evil alright, not that there was any great doubt, but too embedded for me to dispel. Even if I had another dozen prepared I don’t think I would get anywhere unless the wardstone was destroyed first.”

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"Then I'm going to try." And if nobody stops her, she will draw the purple crystal not-quite-blade and lay it against the Wardstone's wound.

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There's a spark as the two items make contact, sending tingles through Brenda's arm like a particularly powerful static shock, and a feeling that has probably rapidly become familiar to her of the world trying to fall away into another vision.

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She wasn't expecting a vision but she'll listen/watch/participate/thing there isn't a convenient word for.

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From this angle, the wardstone's existence as an ordinary magical item seems more like smoke and mirrors than truth. This artifact, like all of its fellows to which it connects, is an enormous magical cage; one that imprisons within it hundreds of angels so that the collective can prevent the demons from escaping the cage it forms. But despite the fact that each and every prisoner within hails from the upper planes, within this enclosure of angels, a war is being fought.

One of the armies, much like the unblemished light of the wardstone and Lariel's sword, still shines with a pure golden light. When Brenda's gaze rests upon them, they speak of duty, of sacrifice, of taking onto themselves the weight of the world so that others are not crushed by loads they cannot bear. This, they say, is the truth of the wardstones; a great host of angelic volunteers out of heaven that agreed to be sealed away to save the world from demonic conquest after force of arms failed to stem the tide. Despite the many years since they arrived, they do not hold any resentment for their lot or desire respite from their imprisonment. If Iomedae were to call again for them to descend from paradise to save the mortals of Golarion, even knowing as they do the risk of their own death and suffering because heaven cannot spare the strength to win, they would to suffer it again without hesitation. They warn Brenda of the demonic plan to corrupt the angels within and change the artifact from a shield against evil into a corrupt beacon, and ask for her aid in removing the corruption and preventing this eventuality from coming to pass.

The other army glows with the same angry red that mars the wardstone's appearance when viewed from without. When Brenda's gaze rests upon them, they speak of suffering and disillusionment, for the truth of the wardstones is that their strength rests on the suffering of those trapped within. Every injury dealt to the artifact is reflected upon those angels who took up vigil to maintain it, and this demonic poison is merely the latest and most painful in a series of injuries inflicted upon them until it grew too much for even them to bear. Unlike the golden host, they do not speak with one voice; some among their number beg for an escape from the trap in which they've found themselves, while others sob wordlessly due to the pain, but by far the most common refrain amongst their words is begging for death. Even the oblivion of Abbadon would be preferable to having to endure the pain steadily driving them more and more insane. They no longer have any hope for salvation, and cannot trust that the gods of good will deliver them from their suffering after their prayers have gone unanswered for so long.

But this is not the only perspective available to Brenda. Through the eyes of an aeon, the problem is that the wardstone should not exist on Golarion at all. While the demons being permitted to travel freely across the prime material is something to be fought to the last, the angels no more belong here than they do. To balance a violation with more violation is nothing but madness; with a twist of the dagger's power, she could repurpose the magic trapping the angels within the wardstone to return all the prisoners to heaven, though there would be no possibility of discriminating who was moved and the stone itself would be consumed utterly in the doing.

Possibility itself exists within Brenda's hands. She could accomplish any of these wishes, if she so chose, and other options besides; these are not the only possibilities for the power she now can grasp, if only she could reach out and see them-

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She does not weep only because her mind is too far from her eyes. She cries out to the despairing angels: please hold on, hold on, you're doing so much good, saving so many lives, everyone you're protecting would be so grateful if they knew, I will find a way to ease your pain--

Is there a way to draw the poison out, to lessen the angels' suffering without destroying them?

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The power of the dagger surges in response to her desire, falling over the red warriors like a crashing wave and washing off the poison. It is not a wholly gentle process, for the demonic taint fights back fiercely against this assault, but it lacks the strength to remain in the face of the power arrayed against it and where it goes it leaves in its wake astonished faces and tears of relief. Though the wounds it dealt are not healed, without the added agony of the poison they can hear her words and those of their fellows through clear ears and drop their weapons. Some of them rejoin the host, to the joy of their brethren, while others who were more badly injured say words of farewell and pass into a deep slumber until their vigil comes to an end. The angels thank Brenda profusely for her help, and the obelisk glows brighter than it did before as the cracks upon its structure start to repair themselves.

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It's not just the wardstone that was changed by the events, however. While the poison was cleansed, some of the power Brenda wielded to do so remains and returns to her like a raging torrent. The golden wings from when she first picked up Lariel's sword return and she lifts into the air almost involuntarily, light emanating from her skin like a beacon. It feels almost like trying to fit an ocean into a teacup, and while some of the power can remain with her, there's simply too much for her to handle as she is now. Brenda gets the sense that she could pass a portion of it on to others if she chose, or release it upwards to dissipate harmlessly, but all of it must go somewhere.

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Her first instinct is to share it indiscriminately with everyone in the room, because why should she be the arbiter of who gets power, but--no. There are people here she doesn't know, people she knows and doesn't trust, people who might use additional power not to make the hard choices easy but to avoid thinking about them. Choosing to share with everyone isn't the same as not having the choice; it's just choosing irresponsibly in order to pretend she isn't responsible.

She throws streams of magic to Ember and Seelah and Wenduag, Terendelev and Ramien, Irabeth and Anevia, and to Alpina nestled in her jacket, and lets the rest go.

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Perhaps the most obvious result of this action is that a pillar of light blows part of the roof off the grey garrison, but from the gasps around the room receiving the power is probably at least as easy to notice for the person in question as the glow now surrounding them is for everyone else. After a few seconds, however, the flow of power dies down and her wings slowly start to dissipate. The still-active fly spell stops her from descending if she doesn't want to, but it's very clear to her that that's holding her up and not the same force that bore her aloft. 


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Hulrun is too busy fervently praying to Iomedae in thanks for the miracle to notice anyone other than Brenda was affected, but judging by the look on his face is not remotely in the mood to take issue with anything right now.

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Wenduag grins, marveling at feeling of strength suffusing her, and reaffirms to herself the correctness of her decision to follow Brenda.

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Anevia lets out a little whoop of joy, which Irabeth has too much self control to echo herself but she cracks a smile at her wife's enthusiasm.

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For Terendelev, the power comes as more of a shock to a woman who has long since formed the expectation that any growth in her strength would only come with time.

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Seelah goes down on one knee to give thanks for the blessing she received from the miracle.

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And Ember and Ramien, for all their differences in faith, find common ground in their reaction of staring at the world in wonder.

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And Brenda, in the moment after releasing the power, filled with relief at her success and determination to find a way to further help the angels, realizes that what previously felt wrong now feels right. A halo like Ramien's appears around her head; the guardians of the Wardstone are both her allies and her kin.

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She still feels too full of emotion for words, but it's clear she ought to say something. 

"The Wardstone is repaired. If anyone here still needs healing, I can heal now."

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"Jhoran and I have already gotten most of the ordinary injuries, but if your new ability handles energy drain I expect the Prelate would appreciate it. Mine does not, though, so if it's the same power for each of us that seems suggestive about yours."

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"I think I have the same one you do, it felt like--a bunch of one substance, not a collection of separate things."

She kind of wants to find out if everyone already knew the Wardstones were maintained by a host of angels, but if the answer is no she should think through the implications before blurting it out. What she needs to know is what would be necessary to stop the invasion and let them go home.

"So, what happens now?"

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"Now we leave a guarding force at the wardstone, just in case whatever method the demons used to get it in the first place lets them make a second attempt at it, and I go find wherever the rest of the demons in Kenabres are hiding and teach them to regret attacking the people of my city. If you or your party wished to help out with that, it wouldn't go amiss, but with their main strongholds broken It's unlikely there's anything else that would give me trouble. If what you need is to rest or grab something to eat, the temples of Desna or Iomedae should be safe locations to do so."

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She's not wounded anymore, her injuries were all the mundane sort easily fixed by a channel. She last ate . . . breakfast, this morning, in her tent on the outskirts of Neatholm, which was pretty recent even if it feels like a million years ago. So why does her brain feel like it's been power-washed.

"I. Might want to sit down for a bit and figure out where I'm going to be staying tonight. And then I'll help mop up."

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"Take all the time you need. Irabeth, I'm asking you and the eagle's watch to hold the wardstone; I'll send the rest of your people your way to help with that. Jhoran Vhane, can I count on you to assist until they arrive?"

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"Of course."

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"Thank you."

And then returning once more to her draconic form, Terendelev takes off into the air, exiting through window she broke on the way in.

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Brenda is going to make her way out of the tower and go to the temple of Desna. Ember and Seelah and Wenduag can come too if they want.

She sticks a hand in her pocket on the way.

How are you doing? I ended up with more magic than I could hold onto and threw some around; I hope it didn't come as too much of a shock.

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It was certainly interesting. I think I have more ways to write in myself than I did before, and if I'm right about how to interpret them, they have something to do with arcane magic? I might want you to press spell scrolls against my pages if you happen to find any.

Leaving that aside, though, how are you doing? Is everything all right? Or should I not ask until you have time to sit down and talk about it?
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That's really cool and I will definitely put a spell scroll on your pages.

I'm fine I think? Nothing bad happened, it was just kind of a lot. Short version is, I fixed the broken Wardstone. Long version is--a couple different things. The less complicated one is that the lilitu who'd been attacking the Wardstone swore she'd be my servant if I didn't kill her, and I said I just wanted her to stop doing evil and that if she made me regret sparing her I'd hunt her down and kill her. So now I need to scry her every some amount of time, and kill her if she's still arranging demonic invasions of cities or something. 

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Oh, that sounds pretty intense! I'm glad you're okay. I can help remind you to check up on her if you want. (And maybe help by storing or copying spell scrolls for you, if I'm right about how these new powers work...)
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Thanks. It would be really cool if you could copy scrolls. I can copy clothes with Dressing Room and that's pretty neat. (TODO: see if I can sell jewelry)

The other big thing that happened was 

So this might not be a secret or it might be a secret that I should tell everybody or it might be a secret that should stay secret. I trust you to keep my secrets but on the off chance you decide it ought to be public and I decide it ought to be secret I don't want it to cause problems between us and I feel like there's something I should say now to mitigate that risk but I don't know what. So, uh, warning: potential drama ahead?

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I trust you to make good decisions about what should and shouldn't be secret, and I might disagree with you if I think you're wrong but I won't try to make anything public behind your back and I won't be mad at you for doing your best in a complicated situation. Is there something else you're worried about?
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That pretty much covers it. Thanks.

So there are these artifacts called Wardstones that form a barrier around the rift the demons are invading through, and everyone talks about them like they're basically big chunks of machinery. But when I went to repair the damaged one in this city--it turns out the Wardstones are being maintained from inside by an army of angels. They all agreed to it, even knowing they wouldn't be able to leave, but some of them were in so much pain from the poison in the Wardstone and from all the last hundred years of attacks that they wanted to stop even if the only way they could stop was by dying. I was able to heal enough of them that some were willing to keep fighting and the rest could sleep but none of them can go home unless I someone closes the rift. I told them I would try--I figure with Anything You Can Do and Battle Maiden I have as good a chance as anyone of learning what needs to be done and doing it--but it might be impossible or I might fail even if it isn't. Or I might succeed but only after another hundred years and by then they might not be able to be okay again.

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Oh, wow! Those poor angels. I'm glad you managed to help them and I'm glad you're trying to fix the problem so they can go home. I hope you can learn how to close the rift soon enough for the angels to be okay.

So the secret is that the angels are in there? That makes sense. What are your thoughts on why it might be secret and what might make a good reason to tell people or not tell people?
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I think it might be secret because I talked to a bunch of important people in town about strategies for fixing the Wardstone and none of them mentioned the angels or said anything that suggested knowing about them even in hindsight. I think it potentially should be secret because if the demons found out they might be able to attack them more effectively, and because it might cause problems along the lines of idealistic people (potentially people who don't believe me when I say the angels consented) trying to free them, and because if it is a secret there might be other good reasons for that I don't know about. And then the reason to tell people is because I might need a lot of help to close the rift, but there are a lot of other good reasons to do that.

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That makes sense. So it sounds like you should probably keep it secret, at least for now, except from people you especially trust who you think would do better if they knew?
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Yeah, that seems like the way to go.

Also it seems like maybe most of the emergencies are done with for today, which would be really nice. I can start doing things like find a wizard to make friends with, and actually do any of the ideas I had for making money. Oh, I don't think I said--I found out I can make extra clothes with Dressing Room and take them off and give them to people! Which is both potentially a way to make money and very convenient for everyone else because it's very cold here. Do you happen to know if the clothes will disappear the next morning or if I can only have X amount of clothes existing at once or anything like that?

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Clothes made with Dressing Room and given away exist just as much as clothes made with normal clothes-making processes! They won't disappear or anything like that.
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Awesome! That's going to be extremely useful, especially if it works for jewelry and armor and wristwatches and things. 

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It should work for all of those!
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Fantastic! I'm going to go look into options for turning clothes into food via money and then chase the last few demons out of town but then we can hang out and chat and read magic books together some more. I'd say "unless the next plot event happens before I get the chance" but Time Enough For Love will guarantee I get to hang out with you sometime soon even if it does!

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Time Enough For Love is pretty great. ♡ See you later!
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See you!

And now she can also spend the rest of the walk talking to the various humanoids who are going to the same place!

"So how is everyone doing? Do you think they're going to try to move the Wardstone back where it used to be?"

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"Most likely, although that's probably going to be a few days since its previous locale is in even worse condition than the garrison. As for my condition, I'm doing fine; while my clothes certainly have seen better days, I'm resistant enough to acid that between that and Jhoran's protection from fire it wasn't so bad."

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"I'm doing better than fine. Ever since that light there... I feel stronger than ever."

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"Yeah! It feels like I can use a lot more spells now before I run out."

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"I'm glad to hear it! Oh, and Ramien, I found out earlier I can conjure clothes, do you want a duplicate of what you're wearing minus the acid burns when we get to the temple? I was already planning to leave them a bunch of warm clothes for anyone whose stuff got destroyed, if they want that."

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"If it's meaningfully limited, I have other clothes, but if not I would appreciate it and there are almost certainly people sheltering at the temple who would as well. We managed to stop most of the arson and looting before it got too far, but there are still some people who are now without a lot of their things."

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"The only cost is a few seconds of time per outfit. I'm hoping the temples will be a good coordination point for tracking what there's a need for and getting it handed out. Also I might sell jewelry later but for that I should find someone with a storefront."

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"Oh, it can do metals as well as textiles? I'm not enough of a magical expert to know if conjured materials are usable in for spell components, but if they are and you can produce it we would almost certainly be willing to purchase silver from you. We sell holy water at cost, but with the price of importing silver what it is here it's not possible to make nearly as much as people would want for protection from demons."

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"I'm happy to give you a bit to try with, and if it works I don't think there's any reason I couldn't undercut your existing supplier. Seelah, does the temple of Iomedae do the same things, should I be repeating everything there to make sure everyone has access to coats and boots and maybe-holy-water?"

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"Yes, on both counts; the temples are on hallowed ground and have clerics at them, so they're one of the safest places to go in a crisis, and I think pretty much every good church sells holy water cheaply. Abadar's is more expensive but of course sometimes rich people want to stock up. Nobody will be freezing or anything even if you wait until tommorow, but good clothes are a lot of work to make the normal way."

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"I'll stop by both, then. I should go through my textbooks and write up something on what technological advances from Earth might be easy to duplicate here, and cheaper spinning and weaving will probably be one of them, but that's a longer term thing."

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Her current destination, the temple of Desna, is fortunately the closer of the two to the grey garrison. Set atop the highest hill in central Kenabres for the best stargazing, it joins Hulrun's trial court and the temple of Iomedae as places in Kenabres where ordinary people can be seen out and about this soon after the attack. There's a short line at table promising free soup, as well as a number of other people nearby split between those currently eating and just talking. The people there seem to recognize Ramien and perk up a bit when they notice his arrival. Inside the temple there are some bedrolls and cots visible, though whether they mostly belong to people currently unhoused or just those who wanted a safer place to sleep is less obvious.

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Brenda finds a little out-of-the-way corner to hide in and comes out thirty seconds later with a clean, undamaged duplicate of Ramien's outfit, which she hands him, plus a few fleece jackets for good measure. Now, who here looks like they work here and have been talking to people whose homes got wrecked? She'd like to know where to put donations of coats, hats, boots, gloves, shirts, pants, and socks and a rough estimate of how many of each there'll be takers for. 

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Probably the people dressed vaguely similarly to Ramien? They don't seem to have a dress code so much as aesthetic guidelines, but there are two people wearing white or purple who also have butterfly necklaces and one person in blue with a firefly who recognizably have a sort of similar style. She could also talk to Ramien, since he unarguably works here, but he plausibly has less up to date information than any of them do.

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Yeah, if Ramien had a good guess he'd've said. She'll ask the least busy-looking of the cute-insect-necklace people.

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That would be the girl with the firefly! When she sees Brenda approach, she smiles reassuringly, though it becomes more genuine when she notices what Brenda's carrying.

"Are those coats? If you're able to donate them, that would make a difference to quite a few people - it's not as bad as it would have been later in the year, thank the Aurora, but it still gets chilly some nights and children and the elderly often have a tough enough time staying warm already."

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Brenda smiles back. "Yes! I have magic for conjuring clothes; I'm hoping you have a sense of how much people will need and of what, and somewhere I can put it all." She isn't sure if she can do kids' sizes with the constraint of having them appear on her body but she has a couple ideas for hacks and she might as well get the list.

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"There's only a dozen who lost everything and need it, but if conjuring them is cheap enough there are easily several dozen more people who could use the assistance and might be able to accept them in the crisis. I don't recognize the textile style - is that because it's conjured, or just foreign? And either way, how sturdy is it and does it need special treatment to maintain?"

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"It's copied off foreign examples but if you show me something less foreign you'd rather have I can copy that too. It doesn't need any maintenance apart from washing and it's pretty sturdy, but it might be more flammable than what's available around here by default, so if people here do a lot of working with open flames I should test that and possibly switch to some other material."

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“I think almost nobody would prefer it to not having one, but if it’s made of foreign materials I expect that might lead to a harder time patching or resizing it properly. And yes, I can go get one for you to look at.”

She heads off into the temple proper and returns about two minutes later with a woolen coat in her size. 

“Something approximately like this would be familiar to pretty much everyone.”

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"Great! I'll see what size range I can get in those. Do you also want any of boots, hats, socks, shirts, pants, gloves, that sort of thing?"

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"Boots would be angelic, lots of people didn't have a good pair before the attack. The rest seem less important but we'd still use any you donate, either for people here or at the inheritor's temple."

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"Sounds good; I'm planning to stop by the Inheritor's temple next. I need to be somewhere nobody can see me to make the stuff, so if that's all I'll be right back."

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She leaves the weird foreign coats, pops back into the little alcove, and spawns several nested wool coats with, yes, excellent, several children's sizes of coat attached to the outermost one by a single thread each like incredibly stupid pompoms. Then she dumps them all on the floor because ohnotoohot.

Once they're all separated and folded neatly and the process has been repeated a reasonable number of times she moves on to boots. Dressing Room is annoyingly reluctant to give her shoes that don't fit, possibly because of how wearing shoes that don't fit feels super unpleasant, but when she stacks on successive pairs of thick socks and then demands shoes that fit over the socks it cooperates, and she kicks off several successive pairs of boots.

Next challenge: getting all this into a form that can be transported without taking too many trips. Solution: backpack the size of a refrigerator! 

Brenda emerges from her hiding spot five minutes later, toting said backpack in front of her so she doesn't accidentally whack anyone with it, and wearing her prior outfit plus one chunky silver bangle.

"Here we go! If you point me at a storage room I can get all this squared away, and then I've got one other piece of business."

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The woman can find her some room next to the unused bedrolls and blankets to put it, and then thank her profusely before taking one of the coats and heading off to find the first person who needs one.

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Once back outside, it seems Ramien has made himself busy getting some flasks of water and a fancy steel file out onto a table.

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Now it is time for science! She gleefully holds out the bangle. "This should be pure silver; I'm excited to see if it works!"

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And Ramien will attack it with the file, steadily reducing it to a fine powder. Fortunately silver is soft enough that this isn't an especially lengthy task, but he seems to need quite a bit of it; the bangle is mostly gone by the time he stops and switches to casting a spell. The powder all vanishes, and one of the flasks starts showing up as magical to detection.

"It's genuine holy water, congratulations! Typically we pay between 26 and 30 crowns for enough silver for a casting, depending on the supplier. How much is your asking price per bangle, and what if anything are the limitations on how many you have for sale?"

As he speaks he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small bag, and then sticks more of his arm into it than should properly fit and starts removing rolls of gold coins stamped with a crowned woman's face and a sword.

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Awesome! She has such cool and friendly magic.

"I can sell you as much as you want, possibly already in powder form. Can I get a sense of how the amount you'll buy scales with price, and how much things like food and wizardry lessons cost in crowns? I expect I'll be able to find other sources of income but I don't have any yet." She is in fact the most well-to-do technically-homeless-and-broke person she has ever heard of.

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"If you were selling it at 25 crowns a bangle, I would take twelve of them now at that price, and at 20 I would take twenty of them. Any less than that and I would still want more, but there's limitations in cash on hand and I'd probably need a loan from Rathimus if you wanted the money upfront. A crown is... somewhere between two weeks and three days wage for most people, depending on their trade, and that wage supports them in food and clothes and housing. I wouldn't worry overmuch on your income for food, though; we would be more than willing to put you up if you needed it, but even prestidigitation can earn comfortable wages doing laundry and your fighting skills are in even higher demand. Getting upgraded versions to your magical items would be a different story, since I'm not sure you could find better in Kenabres for any price, but not much else. I don't think even Aravashnial earns more than a couple of crowns a day on his spellcasting, much less any of the other wizards in the town, so your issue is more likely to be finding a tutor you like than paying them for their time."

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She makes a subtle but perceptible face at "your fighting skills are in even higher demand". Dividing the world into 'people she'll stab' and 'people she won't stab' is already less than pleasant; adding a category of 'people she'll only stab if someone pays her to' would be worse. Maybe if someone wanted her to hang around being a bodyguard and deterring anyone from attacking them, or if someone wanted to pay her to be on call for any future demon attacks, that would be alright, but she'd rather get paid to do magic.

"Laundry sounds like a good idea once I know the spell. How about fifteen crowns per casting and you can pay me for the first twenty now and more later? No need to worry about a loan unless something comes up that makes me need lots of money in a hurry. Also, do you know the addresses of any wizards who might be willing to teach?"

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Ramien can count out thirty rolls of ten coins as he responds, then.

"Thank you, this will help quite a few people. As for wizards, the best one in the city that I know of is Aravashnial; he's an elf from Kyonin and a skilled third circle caster with the riftwardens, but Terendelev couldn't find him to help with the attack on the garrison so he might have been injured or killed in the attack. Other than him... Thall is second circle and last I heard was helping with the patrols but will likely be back at the temple tonight, some of the members of the order of the flaming lance are wizards, the propriotor of the ancestries and wonder's shop has some talent for it, and there was an old thiefling a few years back with some talent for it but I don't know if he had any students before he died; Irabeth or Anevia might know more, since the eagle's watch deals with that sort of crime. I'd guess that's not an exhaustive list but I don't know anyone else with the skillset."

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Aravashnial probably has the most to teach if he's alive, and the Flaming Lance wizards are probably some amount well-disposed towards her.

"Thank you! I'll be right back with the bangles." Pop into the alcove, design a bracelet full of the correct amount of fine metallic silver glitter in a hollow plastic shell with convenient removable cap, spawn nineteen of them and pop back over to drop them off with Ramien.

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Then she will now be 300 crowns richer! It's enough gold that someone with less ludicrous strength would be noticing the weight, but it's hardly enough to even mildly inconvenience construction equipment. He doesn't immediately get to creating more holy water due to a lack of prepared castings of bless water, but he does make sure to store them carefully in his bag of holding.

"Dreamer bless your travels."

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"And yours as well!"

Before she leaves for the temple of Iomedae, she goes and finds Ember. "Say, Ember. Do you want warmer clothes and shoes and stuff? It doesn't cost me anything to make them and I don't want you to get cold."

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"With most people, they need warm clothes or they'll get frostbite or catch a cold, but if you have enough magic that doesn't happen to you even when you get cold. So lots of other people need clothes more than I do."

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"Okay, but I already made a bunch of clothes for those people, and I want to know if you also want some, when it doesn't mean anyone else having to go without. If you'd actively rather be barefoot that's okay, but if you're just worried about other people you don't need to be; there are plenty of clothes to go around now."

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"Well, I don't really like wearing shoes, but I don't know if I would like new clothes or not. It's been a while since I had any."

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If Brenda had always been immune to cold, sharp rocks, maternal disapproval, etc she might never have gotten in the habit of wearing shoes either. "Okay. How about I give you a sweater and if you don't like it you don't have to keep it?"

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"Sure, that sounds fine."

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Cozy sweater for Ember! It's soft and warm and cream-colored with little crow silhouettes knitted into it.

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"Wow, it's so warm!"

Soot looks at the sweater and preens, taking the same pose as the knitted bird.

"You should keep it, it captures my best qualities. That friend of yours has a good eye."

Ember laughs.

"Soot really likes it too!"

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"Aww, I'm glad you both like it! I'd offer to make Soot something too but I don't know if he could wear clothes comfortably. Maybe a bracelet or a necklace or something."

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"Does that sound interesting?"

"I don't need a necklace, I'm a bird.


"Maybe if it was really shiny."

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Little crow-sized braided-gold necklace, smooth and polished with no gaps a feather could get caught in! It's very shiny.

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Soot will valiantly resist the temptation for two entire seconds, before flying over to Brenda for it.

"Thank you."

The response is in Hallit this time, though he doesn't seem inclined to further conversation.

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"You're welcome."

"Ember, there was something else I wanted to ask: I have magic that lets me copy traits from other people. I think if I copied you I'd be able to live as long as an elf, assuming I don't get myself killed, and I'd like that very much. Would that be alright with you?"

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"It's always really sad when the people I know get old and die, and I've never had an elf friend before. I think I'd like that a lot."

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"Thanks--and I'm sorry about your other friends. I'll do my best not to die on you." Dragon Fairy Elf Witch! (Her non-cat ears get pointier but they're hiding under her hair so it's not obvious.)

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She's also slightly more graceful and better at overcoming spell resistance, but admittedly the latter doesn't really feel like anything as such.

The temple of Iomedae is not right next to the temple of Desna, but it's in the same part of the city and large enough that it's readily visible from up on the hill. There are starting to be some people actually on the streets now, though not that many and mostly only nearby the temples. Brenda and co will receive a few cautious greetings on the way over, but nobody wants to stop and chat and it's not long before they've arrived at their destination for the second time that day. The person currently organizing things seems to be a rather harried woman dressed in red and white.

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"Sorry to bother you, but are you interested in donations of winter clothing? Also I'm selling powdered silver for fifteen crowns per Bless Water casting."

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"Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated."

Her response comes on autopilot, then her mind catches up.

"And, sorry, I think I misheard you. Did you say 15 crowns?"

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"Yep! I have a spell that conjures it, and Ramien at the temple of Desna checked and it works just as well."

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That's... a baffling thing for a spell to do, she thinks? If that were common, then probably bless water would already be cheap, and silver wouldn't be used for money. Maybe it would work if it was a really high level spell but that doesn't explain why someone would be selling it in Kenabres or why they would go to Ramien instead of Rathimus to confirm. Maybe it's a scam, or a cover for for looting and they're hoping selling it to the church offsets the evil of the looting? She's not really sure that makes more sense, though.

"That sounds useful? But I don't think I can buy it without confirming that and I don't have bless water prepared today. If you need money in a hurry you could sell it to the Prelate or the Abadarans."

And also she gives most of the money from the collections to help fund the eagle's watch and she couldn't buy all that much if she tried. The inquisitors are the Iomedaeans with all the money.

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"Not in a hurry; happy to come back tomorrow. Or leave you some so you can try it tomorrow morning and if it's good you can pay for it then, whichever. Where should donated clothing go and is there anything other than coats and boots that would be useful?"

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"If you could stop by tomorrow that would be appreciated. If it's not just clothing we'd take blankets, otherwise shirts, caps, and breeches would all be useful even if they're not as important as coats; if there's just a few I can get them distributed now but if there's more I should find a room in the back."

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"I'd appreciate if you found a room in the back; I make clothes by magic too. Not the teachable kind of magic, unfortunately."

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Then the Select can arrange that for her. Despite Brenda's words, she still kind of boggles at the sheer volume of clothes and how many hours of labor would go into making that the normal way; it definitely makes the silver claim a lot more plausible.

"Bless you, this will help a lot of people. I'll make sure these get to the people that need them most."


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"You're welcome! While I'm here, is there anything else found in clothing or jewelry that's a useful spell component? Silk, fine wire, gold, gemstones, magnets . . .?"

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"I think it's mostly just silver? Some illusion and necromancy spells use jewelry gemstones but I think mostly not the common ones, and message uses copper wire but it's pretty cheap. If more of them were as useful as diamonds are I think they mostly wouldn't be used in jewelry due to that driving up the price, but Rathimus might know more about that or what nobles would be interested in buying jewelry from you."

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"Are diamonds useful as a spell component and I should be talking to you, or for industrial stuff and I should be talking to Rathimus?"

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"...Diamonds are used by powerful clerics and wizards to raise the dead or heal things or do unusual magic."

What is an industrial stuff, and why does this person expect her to know it? How does one become a powerful spellcaster without knowing what diamonds do, or if they do know why would they pretend they don't? Maybe this conversation would make more sense if she had gotten more than a few hours of sleep last night but she didn't and her tiredness is not helping.

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She's seen mentions of raising the dead but it's still SO COOL.

"Sorry, I got to this planet yesterday and am learning everything in the wrong order. Do you want any diamonds, now or with the silver tomorrow?"

Possibly she should just go away and bother the poor priest when she's not so busy, but there are so many dead people in town today they've got to be bottlenecked on either spells or materials and if she's lucky it's materials.

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"I can't raise the dead. You need to be 5th circle for that and that's like, Jhoran, Rathimus, maybe Ramien or Terendelev? If there's someone you want raised you should go to them, and if it's been more than a few weeks or you don't have a body you'll need to go to Absalom or Lastwall or somewhere like that for a stronger cleric."

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"I don't actually know anyone who's dead. If you don't want any diamonds or anything I'll go away and stop bothering you. Thank you for explaining and for helping out with the clothes." She hopes this woman gets some sleep soon, she looks exhausted.

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Unfortunately she is way too busy and understaffed for that at the moment.

“Inheritor bless you.”

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"You too." Off she goes.

She kept mentioning Rathimus; Brenda will go check if the temple of Abadar wants anything. (And keep an eye out for any demons to kill on the way, because even with Time Enough For Love making the side conversation with Ember a nonproblem she is spending more time on this than she had intended and she said she'd help with mop-up.) She ducks into an alley along the way and emerges carrying a wool coat and with a powdered silver container and a diamond the size of a raspberry in a pocket.

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Once she's outside of the hallowed grounds, someone makes their way over to her. It's nobody Brenda has ever met, but based on the way she carries herself Brenda's social instincts are pretty clear that there's one obvious candidate.

"I must say, you certainly worked faster than I expected - I very nearly didn't finish working the Nahyndrian crystal in time. Congratulations."

None of her companions seem to be reacting to this occurance.

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GAH what the fuck, what is her DEAL

"Thank you. It did the job very well." 

(Are they not reacting like they think this is a regular nonspooky conversation, or not reacting like they can't see or hear Areelu Vorlesh at all?)

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(Like they cannot hear or see her at all, or notice Brenda reacting unusually in response)

"I'm glad to hear it. Is there anything else you anticipate the need of? Between how much you angered Deskari and Minagho's ignominious return you're the subject of rather a lot of abyssal rumors, though they mostly seem to think you're a 7 foot tall paladin of Iomedae so I wouldn't exactly expect a well-informed response when it comes."

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(Well that's fucked up and mistrust-inducing.)

"I'd like to know what your goals are, if that's something you're willing to share. Everyone around here seems to think you're on the side of the demons, but your recent actions that I'm aware of have been very helpful against them." Her tone is casual, neither accusatory nor afraid.

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"I'm mostly between goals at the moment; I've succeeded on my current goals, and while your books are very helpful for giving me ideas I haven't exactly finalized a new plan yet. As for the working with demons, well, they're right as far as it goes. I needed help with some things, Deskari made me an offer, and I took it. But we aren't exactly friends, so I don't feel any need to help him succeed of my own initiative and I don't need anything from him now."

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Ah fuck, she totally did give books on advanced science and technology to the first person she met, didn't she. At least it sounds like the demon invasion was a means to an end more than an end in itself.

"I've been enjoying your books too; arcane magic is beautiful. I'd love to hear more about your recent successes." Come on, monologue informatively or at least drop a cryptic hint or three, Fantasy Novel Logic knows you want to . . . 

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That'll earn her a smile.

"Aside from summoning you? Mostly advancing the boundaries of soul surgery, particularly with Nahyndrian crystals, so that the subject can obtain abilities otherwise impossible for their species - refining the process I used to ascend myself, I suppose you could say. Aside from that, I also had a breakthrough on interplanar routing that allows me to extend the usual range of a calling or gate, and I suppose managing to fit an enhancement of evocation spells onto the dagger without compromising it might also qualify."

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It sounds like she's trying to invent a version of Dragon Fairy Elf Witch built in this universe's magic system, which would be So Cool. Unfortunately there's no way she's doing it with exclusively consenting subjects, is there.

"That all sounds fascinating. Is the range extension work you're doing with Gate about interplanar Gates or about distance within a plane?" Or is it something cooler than either of those? She did ask Isekai Roulette for somewhere she could get the ability to wander the greater meta-multiverse, after all. She wants to go back to the book collection and learn if Gate works by folding space like an FTL drive . . .

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"More the latter than the former, though that's not exactly right. I've been able to get from here to the deeper parts of the Maelstrom and the Abyss in fewer gates, but moving outside of creation itself still eludes me. I had to use a custom Mythic Wish to call you here, and that's both too expensive to be practical for most purposes and frustrating to reverse engineer."

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Nod nod. "I'd love to do research that cool someday. I still need to spend a long time learning what's currently known, of course, but that's exciting too."

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"A sensible attitude. Much of my own work on planar interactions is built on the foundation established by an elven archmage who worked for Nocticula a few thousand years ago, though I have extended the principles beyond what they recorded. Perhaps I'll look into putting my findings to paper more understandably than my notes, though I've never had the same enthusiasm for dissemination as for research."

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Brenda's closest experience to this is middle school assignments, but that's already so relatable. "Yeah, I'm not surprised writing things up is the boring part. But if everyone does it science goes faster."

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“Indeed. I see you seem to have picked up some sorcery in the last few days; was that because it’s your preferred style of magic, or simply a question of easy availability?”

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"More the latter--all magic is exciting, but wizardry is definitely going to be my favorite once I have time to really study it."

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"If you use your sorcery to empower your wizardry, you can make use of the arcanist school techniques, which are a tad more flexible than standard wizardry, but it does mean you have fewer spells at each circle than the alternative since it doesn't let you cast as both a wizard and a sorcerer. You're splendid and intelligent enough to make either approach work, so it's really a matter of preference, but the longer you keep them seperate the more you'll have to relearn."

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"What sort of flexibility do you mean? The range of things standard wizards can do is already pretty impressive, even if clerics do get all the best healing options."

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"The primary difference between wizardry and sorcery is less what magic they can cast and more how they can cast it. A wizard, through careful preparation, learns to hang almost-completed spells with the magical energy stored within to trigger later, the number and potency of which depends on their skills and energy channeling capacity. A sorcerer, meanwhile, has something more roughly equivalent to a pool of energy that they can shape, but only to cast spells they grasp intuitively enough to to shape their magic into reflexively. Thus a sorcerer and a wizard might both be able to teleport, but the sorcerer can do it as many times as they have 5th circle spells to cast and a wizard only as many times as they prepare it, while a sorcerer can only cast a handful of spells this way and a wizard can cast anything they can discover or learn from someone else. Arcanists, meanwhile, use a slightly modified wizarding scaffold that doesn't contain more than a whisper of magical energy inside that they then channel the power of sorcery through to cast the spell, which unlike the rewarding equivalent doesn't destroy the scaffolding and it can be reused multiple times. So an arcanist is like a sorcerer in that they cast cast any combination of spells of a given circle that they know how to, but unlike a sorcerer can freely change which spells they can cast this way."

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"Hmm! That's something to think about. Maximizing total spell slots seems more useful for research where you know first thing in the morning what you're planning to work on today, but I didn't start this morning with anything resembling a plan and who knows when that'll change. Is there a formula for how many spell slots Arcanists lose? And why is that the tradeoff, are Arcanist scaffolds more fragile or prone to interfere with each other or something?"

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"An arcanist can cast typically cast as many spells of a given circle as a wizard can, though a specialized wizard can usually eke out a bit more in their particular area. I haven't been able to figure out yet if this is intrinsic or a consequence of the fact that there are more wizards and thus there has been more collective brainpower spent on optimizing it, though my best guess is the latter since the scaffolding isn't that different. However, compared to someone who is both a sorcerer and a wizard they can cast fewer spells of a given level since they only have one source to draw upon compared to two, though they do benefit from not splitting their focus as much. In terms of a comparison between a sorcerer and an arcanist, an arcanist will have slightly fewer but more potent spells a day due to the differences between intuitive and formulaic casting, though what form that takes seems to be ideosyncratic and not wholly dependent on what sorcerous power source they draw upon."

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"What would happen if someone drew on multiple sorcerous power sources?"

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"A fascinating question. In the usual case, from the mixing of bloodlines this results in them obtaining a weaker form of all of the individual sources, but sometimes it results in one operating at full strength and some abilities from one or more other lines. If you use Nahyndrian power to splice the bloodline, both function at full strength but only sometimes stack when they overlap. I suspect the latter is closer to your own methodology, but I would need to examine it closer if I wanted to be certain. If you applied multiple Sorcerous powers to an Arcanist framework... this is entirely theoretical, but depending on the mechanism you might be end up manifesting multiple bloodline traits more strongly than high level arcanists usually do, having more energy to empower and cast spells with, or even be able to cast both reflexively and prepared spells of a given circle from the same pool of energy."

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"Sounds like there's no reason not to find out empirically, then," she says with a grin. "What's Nahyndrian power, apart from 'in that dagger you made me' and 'very useful'?"

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"I certainly can't think of one. I'll make sure to get you my notes on arcanism; in addition to the research I did, I should also have some more practical information like a copy of the Arcanamirium's textbooks and coursework somewhere or the diagramming I did of the differences between arcanist and wizarding scaffolding under arcane sight - it's not really a substitute for seeing it yourself, but it should at least give an idea of when you have it right. Do let me know if you end up trying it and deciding against it, though; sorcery wants splendor instead of intelligence like wizardry does, so you'll want a headband that does both that way. As for Nahyndrian crystals, it's a small bit of concentrated divine essence of a demon lord. I named them after the demon lord Nahyndri, since it was in his corpse that I first found them, but it turns out it generalizes to other ones so the name is a bit silly at this point."

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"Textbooks and coursework would be super helpful, thank you! I really love this headband, by the way, it's amazing--does going Arcanist versus separate affect learning to make my own magic items one way or the other?"

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"Only insofar as being able to do more or less things impacts how much time you have to dedicate to it; they require very similar skillsets. The main limiting factors on what magical items you can craft is your skill at spellcraft, which will improve with practice, your caster level, which increases with your normal spellcasting abilities, and what spells you can cast, of which I am not aware of any differences between wizards and arcanists since it's fairly trivial to turn the spellform for one into something usable by the other."

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"Great! Speaking of turning spellforms into each other . . ." Brenda has some questions about which topological and energetic properties are conserved when doing different spellform manipulations! (It becomes clear halfway through the question that she's derived part of the process for preparing a spell at a higher than normal circle and wants to know how to tell what circles a spell can be heightened to by looking at it, but is missing a bunch of the vocabulary usually used to talk about it.)

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It takes her a moment longer than it would have with more familiar terminology, but she’s more than skilled enough to pick up unfamiliar words on the fly. You can actually heighten a spell indefinitely by repeating the process; a third circle spell heightened to fourth can then be heightened again to fifth, as long as you were careful enough constructing it to make it fit together! As she explains, she draws in the air with her finger and a visual representation follows her finger, showing how you need to tie off the end of one level of heightening to properly connect it to the next, and how once you’ve practiced enough you can do it all in one mental motion without needing to pause. Every stable spell form can be heightened, but some of them are more useful than others; outside of the utility of being able to prepare or cast a spell more times in a day, heightened spells are usually most valuable for the kind of magic other people try and resist because the extra energy going into them directly translates into making that harder.

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That's so neat! She's very curious about how resisting hostile magic works, on both a magical level and a psychological level. The existence of headbands and the matching buff spells--not to mention truth magic and mind-reading--must have such effects on the field of psychology, or at least they would if there was more widespread access to them and more of a systematized research paradigm.

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Resisting spells is actually a few broad categories of actions that all get bundled together because they all get more difficult against stronger spells and all get easier to do for more powerful adventurers. It's typically split into three parts - willpower, fortitude, and reflexes - though there are a handful of spells like phantasm killer or shadow evocation that can blur the line between the categories. The second two have largely physical correlates - the reflexes needed to dodge enough to mitigate a fireball impact are related to those you need to dodge attacks and are both influenced by dexterity, while the bodily fortitude that helps you shrug off poison or disease or energy drain is related to how injured you can be before you're at risk of dying and both are influenced by constitution - but they aren't exactly the same thing, and unless they undergo special training experienced adventurers usually need magic or gear to get better at not being hit but naturally improve at avoiding area attacks. Willpower is something more of an odd duck, though; how resistant your mind and soul are to attack doesn't really have a physical correlate, and spellcasters tend to be better at it rather than specific kinds of martially inclined individuals. From the inside, rather than bracing yourself against an attack or moving out of the way, it tends to feel more like keeping hold of yourself and not permitting things to change except in ways you allow. Becoming more wise does still help it, though.

Her cloak and gloves should both help her at resisting magical effects, and the belt helps with fortitude, but to get more than that the easiest ways are morale based spells like heroism or adventuring.

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The cloak and gloves and belt are very handy! It would be cool to find out if spellcasters are more resistant than martial types because of differences in the psychology of who becomes a spellcaster, or because something about handling lots of magic helps you learn to counter it.

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The obvious guess is that it's about the magic, because it's true of almost every kind of caster from bards to clerics despite them having a wide array of different types of mental tendencies. One alternative theory that got proposed in the past was that you just needed to be exceptional in at least one mental domain, but remarkably intelligent swordsmen don't pick it up and wisdom is the only headband that seems to assist unless you're a paladin. There are admittedly some edge cases that give the theory problems, like rangers seeming to lack the trait even once they become able to use magic, but if the cause of this is known it hasn't ever been published and there isn't any compelling alternative explanation.

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Maybe ranger magic is just really weird? But then rangers would be able to resist each other's spells especially well and everyone else would be especially bad at resisting rangers' spells and someone would probably have noticed.

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No, they're actually not especially powerful divine casters. Which you'd think would explain it by itself, but that's also true of paladins and they have it, not to mention that a powerful ranger is stronger than a weak cleric but a weak cleric is still unusually resistant for their experience. Her best guess is that there's some underlying property that rangers happen to have that suppresses or redirects it, but it's not an especially satisfying answer and it she couldn't find anything when examining souls that seemed like a promising candidate.

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What even are rangers anyway, like there's an extensional category but are they a fundamentally different thing from druids on the level of magic, they both seem to be getting their power from locations--

Brenda stops mid-sentence because she's realized she's being an idiot. Or possibly she was too scared to think of it before, but rightly or wrongly all the magic-nerding has shoved her fear into a corner.

"I just realized I've been ignoring the really important question. In all your research, have you learned anything other people don't know about how to close the Worldwound?"

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"Nothing simple. I exploited a weakness in the planar boundary to tear the hole in the first place, but it's grown significantly since then and there are powers on the other side invested in keeping it open. The direct intervention of one of the greater gods would probably be enough, like it is for most things, but they all bind themselves to treaties and delicate balancing acts that prevent that and it would be costly even by their own standards; lesser interventions like calling forth a miracle have already been tried. By more mortal hands... well, I'm hardly so arrogant as to make confident pronouncements as to what Geb or Nex or Arazni are incapable of, but ordinary wishcraft wouldn't suffice unless you spent more than have ever been cast before on Golarion. Ritual magic is a bit more hopeful, but Lung Wa didn't manage it and none of its successors have a tenth its arcane might. If you wanted to manage it without assistance of that magnitude you'd either have to obtain that level of power yourself or destroy the keystone of the wound."

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If she gets the option to befriend any of Nex, Geb, or Arazni she will take it. (Befriending Areelu Vorlesh is already helping via Anything You Can Do; her intuition for spell structures is noticeably better than it was before this conversation.)

"What's the keystone of the wound? Can it be destroyed with ordinary force or does it need to be " dropped in the fires of Mount Doom "magically unraveled somehow?" This isn't going to be as simple as her and her friends fighting their way to the center of the demon swarm, finding a giant rock, and smashing it, or someone would have done it already.


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"That would be me. And I've certainly tried to make both those tasks difficult, but there's no such thing as a perfect set of defenses."

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There's a very obvious argument that killing one person to stop a war is worth it, especially when that person started the war in the first place, but she isn't going to respond with that even if it wouldn't make Areelu Vorlesh immediately and understandably try to kill her first. She trusted Brenda enough to say it.

"I guess I'll just have to become a legendary archmage or assemble history's greatest ritual instead, then." Is it insane of her not to feel like that's impossible and she should just give up? Fantasy novel logic says that it might take five million words but she'll get there eventually.

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"I look forward to seeing it."

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Brenda has a weirder Dumbledore/Obi-Wan/Merlin analogue situation than any she can recall reading about* but that's massively better than them fighting each other. She smiles.

"To that end--there was something the book I was reading was unclear about, are abjuration and transmutation and conjuration and so forth fundamentally different the way iron and copper and tin are different even if you can have an alloy with more than one, or is it more of a set of convenience categories like literary genres or snow versus sleet or something?"

*Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality won't be published on Brenda's Earth for another four years and change.

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"Somewhere in between. Most spells in a school share a large number of spell components with other spells in said school, and the skills of preparing or casting one typically cross over to others, but some of them fit better than others - particularly in necromancy, where past politics has played the largest role in classification, or the so-called universal school, which is simply a catchall for spells that don't neatly fit into one of the other categories. The Azlanti had an entirely separate categorization system for magic, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that other worlds also did things very differently, but it's at least real enough that you can usually determine which school an unfamiliar spell falls into via detect magic and make useful predictions about what it will do or is capable of."

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"That makes sense. I was wondering if teleportation and summoning being examples of conjuration meant that they were in some sense disassembling one's body and reassembling it at the destination, but if it's based on copiable structural elements maybe it doesn't mean anything."

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"No, teleportation spells involve warping space like gates do, whereas a summoning spell is more properly a way of generating a temporary construct body for extraplanar entities. If you simply deconstructed and reconstructed a body to teleport, the soul would not come with without a further magical structure like that of the clone spell, but it might be possible to design a spell that transports inanimate objects in that way."

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"Hmm. My guess is that that would be more energy-intensive than the space-folding way, but it might be able to get into or out of places where space is too distorted for a traditional teleport."

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"The worldwound has no shortage of such locations, so it would be an easy matter to test. Naively I wouldn't expect it to stabilize below ninth circle, but there are often a lot of surprising ways to trim down spells that don't become obvious until you have an actually working model to toy with. If you come up with a plausible candidate before gaining the ability to cast it, let me know and I'd be willing to try demonstrating it for you."

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"Thanks!" She isn't sure she wants to provide additional useful things to Areelu Vorlesh but it does seem like a better idea than it did an hour ago. "Are there important safety precautions I should know about for testing spells? None of the books I've read so far got into spell development but it sounds like the kind of thing that might be best done away from fragile objects or people."

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"The only time I've ever been danger with an experiment is when it involved experimenting on myself, but Nefreti Clepati once blew up the temple of the all-seeing eye doing spell development so I know it's not just a question of incompetence from the people in the failure stories. I suggest keeping experiments well away from anything you don't want damaged and making use of defensive spells; Heroism and False Life are both solidly useful there, as is spell resistance if your draconic abilities give you access to it. Demiplanes are a bit of a mixed bag until you have clones, though; they keep isolated any damage, yes, but that would include trapping you in with them and something high energy enough to vaporize your body makes resurrection expensive."

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Brenda nods along. "I have enough still to learn from books that I think I can resist the temptation to experiment for a while, but when I do I'll have protective spells up. And I'll aim to have arrangements for a resurrection as well, if I can swing it."

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"The Abadarans are more expensive than having an ally do it, but they're extremely reliable about it and only require money to convince them, which I could supply if you don't feel confident sourcing. True resurrection insurance is significantly more expensive though, and at that point if you want both security and not needing to answer awkward questions about how you did it finding a wizard to make you a clone to revive in is easier and safer."

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"Good to know." She almost says she's on her way to the temple of Abadar anyway before realizing that if Areelu Vorlesh doesn't know about Dressing Room (and from her remark about money it sounds like she doesn't) she doesn't necessarily want to tell her.

She has some more magic theory questions, but eventually there's no substitute for going off and trying to hang some spells. Also it's hard to tell how far Time Enough For Love will stretch before the people who are standing right next to them start having a very weird experience.

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"I suppose there are some other errands I should accomplish now that I've already left anyway. I'll endeavor to remain reachable with sending."

And then without bothering to walk off normally like how she arrived, Areelu Vorlesh vanishes, taking her illusion with her.

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Brenda was aware that she was standing in the street for no apparent reason for an undefined amount of time but now the awkwardness is really hitting.

She turns to her companions and says, "Uh. So the thing that just happened. Was that Areelu Vorlesh just showed up under an illusion and said hello and gave me a bunch of advice on wizardry? Which I will be duly careful about relying on, don't worry. I have a power that fits friendly conversations into the time available and apparently that counted but I am aware of how weird everything I just said is. I don't really have an explanation other than that she seems to be reconsidering cooperating with demons."

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"The architect of the worldwound? Here? Are you alright?"

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"I'm fine! She didn't try to do anything hostile or get information out of me or anything. It's like she thinks it's perfectly normal to drop in on me for social calls. Or knows it's bizarre and doesn't care, more like. If I didn't know her history I'd say she was a lovely person. I suppose she could be some other arcane magic expert claiming to be Areelu Vorlesh for some reason but that seems even weirder."

She's not going to say anything about the keystone of the Worldwound business. She can always say it later but she can't unsay it now.

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"That still sounds pretty nervewracking, but I'm glad she didn't try and attack you. The fact that she decided to stop by is a bit confusing but I guess maybe she was spying on Minagho or something? Maybe when you're an archmage you can just decide to do stuff like that on a whim."

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"Maybe she just doesn't have very many friends to talk to. Demons mostly don't either, but I think they don't remember much of what it was like to be mortal so they don't know what they're missing and she still does?"

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"I bet she was spying on Minagho, she mentioned knowing she ran off. But I hope you're right too, Ember. It would be nice if she decides talking about magic with me is more fun than causing disasters." She shrugs.

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"It could also be she was scoping you out to see if you would slip any weaknesses. It's not every day someone beats demons like Savamalekh or Minagho; maybe you were making her nervous."

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"That's definitely a risk, but it was mostly me asking questions and her answering them. She didn't seem to be fishing for information about me at all."

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"Did you get any information about the demons' plans? That might be a good way to see how serious she is about it."

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"I didn't get the sense the demons know what their own plans are yet. Quote, 'Between how much you angered Deskari and Minagho's ignominious return you're the subject of rather a lot of abyssal rumors, though they mostly seem to think you're a 7 foot tall paladin of Iomedae so I wouldn't exactly expect a well-informed response when it comes.' She also said she was 'between goals' right now and that she'd only been working with Deskari because she needed something from him and now she doesn't." Shrug. "She acted more interested in magic theory than in anything directly related to fighting demons, and I was happy enough to ask about magic theory because I can use it for fighting demons. And because I would care about magic theory even if there weren't any demons, to be honest."

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"Well, I don't see how telling you about magical theory could be a trick other than getting you to let your guard down, but she's way smarter than I am so I'm not confident I'd figure out her plan even if I actually saw her talk to you. Just be careful, okay?"

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She nods seriously. "I will."

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Once outside of warped time, they arrive at the temple of Abadar relatively quickly. Its architecture is somewhere in between that of a church and a bank, and its exterior advertises both services right below an image of a golden key at the center of a pair of balanced scales. It's noticeably more richly decorated than the temples of Desna and Iomedae were, but not much less sturdy for it; the designer was clearly more willing to sacrifice cost than solidity when constructing it.

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Given the state of some of the houses near the festival plaza, she can't fault their priorities. She heads in and looks for Rathimus or anyone else wearing the same holy symbol.

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If Rathimus is in the temple, he's in one of the back rooms. Visible from the front is a fresh-faced young man in silver-dyed robes seated behind a counter; he seems to have a crossbow nearby him, but it's not currently loaded or in his hands. The room is lit by what seem like rows of torches on the walls, but they aren't emitting smoke and there's no pattern of soot on the wall next to them; on benches beneath them, a handful of people are sitting.

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Oooh, magic torches--focus. She approaches the counter. "Hi. I have a couple things I'd like to discuss; is this a reasonable time?"

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"It depends on what. If it's something lay priest like I can assist you with, such as small withdrawals, entering items into secure storage, simple theological guidance, or scheduling an appointment, then yes; I'm currently selling my time at reduced rates due to the state of emergency dropping demand. If requires the attention of Fiducia Rathimus, such as healing, sendings, financial advice or the like, then unfortunately I must inform you that most of his spellcasting has been requested by the city government with significant bids, so getting their use yourself will be expensive, and purchasing his time currently has elevated rates due to him being busier than usual."

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"I think it's more like the first category. First thing is, are you taking donations of warm clothing? I already dropped some off at the temples of Desna and Iomedae but I can leave some here too if people will come here looking for it."

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"The church of Abadar in Kenabres does not currently operate a charity, no. If you wished to hire us as a middleman to find you a vendor looking to purchase it, that would be only moderately unusual and we offer reasonable rates for such services, but anyone looking to purchase clothes is unlikely to seek out the temple of Abadar to buy them."

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"That actually leads neatly to my second question, which is, is the church interested in buying any spell components? I've got metals, gemstones including diamonds, and textiles. I'm very confident I can beat whatever price you're currently getting, and if you're not buying I might want middleman services for someone who is."

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"We do regularly purchase many spell components, though for some of them you might need to underbid or increase supply more than others to compensate for competing with a regular source. Negotiating a purchase of that magnitude will require the Fiducia's input, both for determining the details and supplying Abadar's truth. I will warn you in advance; the church of Abadar is not a fence for stolen property, nor are we take any lying lightly. If you expect you cannot testify under abadar's truth that the items are legitimately yours and your offer is genuine, I advise you look elsewhere. If that doesn't dissuade you, would you rather bid on speaking with Fiducia Rathimus or use collateral? The latter requires more money, but it will be returned to you after unless it is judged that you dealt in egregiously bad faith or were never honestly looking to deal."

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"I can put up collateral unless you want more than two hundred crowns' worth." Because getting herself and someone else on the same level of busy into a meeting in the absence of telephones sounds awful.

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"No. Collateral for a meeting is currently at twelve crowns unless you expect to need more than an hour of his time. I will need to see it before fetching the Fiducia, but per regulations you may keep it with you until begin the meeting and it shouldn't be held by the lay priest relaying the cost."

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Polite smile. "An hour should be enough, I think, and if we run over I can put up more and schedule another meeting." She takes out twelve of the coins and shows them to the priest.

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He nods gravely, and then walks into the back of the temple. About two minutes later, he returns.

"Fiducia Rathimus will see you now."


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Vassily Rathimus is waiting for her in a meeting room a short ways back, with a table and two comfortable chairs on each side.

"I'm told you're looking to liquidate some spell components?"

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She does the best formal-and-businesslike demeanor she can manage while being a teenage girl with cat ears. "Yes. I have the ability to create arbitrary items of clothing and jewelry, including jewelry with components like powdered silver and diamonds. Ramien at the temple of Desna was able to use silver I created in this way to bless holy water exactly as though it was any other silver; if anything I make doesn't work as expected I will of course give you a full refund. I can sell you as much as you're interested in today and am tentatively willing to become your regular supplier but don't want to promise to still be in Kenabres next week. Given those parameters, what if anything are you interested in buying?"

She takes the oddly shaped jar of powdered silver and the raspberry-sized brilliant-cut diamond out of her pockets and slides them across the table. "Here are some samples if you'd like to examine them."

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Vassily Rathimus is a man of great self control, who already knew coming into this conversation that it would be something very unusual. This is why he waits until he removes a scroll from his bag and casts mage's private sanctum before he allows himself to boggle.

"All financial transactions with the church of Abadar are as by default private, but if what you're saying is true this is a matter that requires additional security than simply being conducted by people difficult to scry on and the Law of the citizens of Kenabres. And please forgive me some skepticism, for the same reason; I have no cause to doubt your honesty or capabilities, but what you are suggesting is to my knowledge unprecedented on Golarion since at least earthfall. A genuine diamond of that size is, conservatively, worth over twenty thousand crowns, and possibly up to half again that much if it is indeed larger than the size required to assay a miracle. I lack the coin to purchase more than one such stone, and ten could easily exhaust everything I have stored with the church elsewhere and have a fortune in gems left over. If your ability is as you represent it, I simply lack the ability to pay you everything it is worth, and depending on the parameters the same might be true of the church as a whole even accounting for your ability to drop the bottom out of the entire market. Do you have a test in mind for demonstrating that your ability is what you say it is, or should I propose one?"

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Okay, possibly she should have realized that any material involved in resurrecting the dead would be stupidly expensive. The other cleric didn't seem to think it was a big deal but maybe she just thought that because she couldn't use one.

"I was imagining you'd verify that one by using it--no charge for that one since you may not have been planning to use one today--but if you don't want to use the spell slot or don't have a relevant spell prepared or if you'd prefer a test you proposed yourself I'm fine with that. If you want proof that I can make them and am not just hiding a mine somewhere, an inconvenient limitation on the ability is that I can't do it while directly observed, but you can describe a piece of jewelry and then walk out of the room and immediately back in again and I'll be wearing it."

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"I am not capable of casting resurrection, much less miracle, of my own power. I could test that it is genuinely diamond, but only by breaking off enough of it to cast raise dead or grind to dust for restoration, both of which would significantly decrease the value of the gem. Your proposed test, with some amendments, would suffice, but with some of the same downsides; since actual surety is impossible to acheive, the goal of these kind of assurances is to make faking the matter more expensive than genuinely achieving it. When it comes to this kind of money, however, that is rather easier said than done; with enough gold to purchase wish diamonds on the line, even an archmage might be tempted, so I need to to hedge out both known spells and unknown magical capabilities.

"From my perspective, that leaves a few possibilities at different tradeoffs between secrecy, value to you, and time discounting. The first involves my confirming your story, either via your methods or by me communing with Abadar, purchasing them from you, and then selling them. This will not require that I tell anyone else where I obtained them or any significant additional work on your part, but it purchases them with time and reduced profits for you per diamond. The second proposal is that I do a sending to Archbanker Sevandivasen of Absalom or Archbanker Kalit Maron of Totra, and they arrive to negotiate with you. This would mean leaking some information about them going somewhere and involve informing them of your identity and of the fact that you have a significant number of diamonds, but they are almost categorically trustworthy in this sort of matter, would be able to purchase more diamonds from you, and it would be harder to link them liquidating diamonds back to you after they confirmed that the stones are genuine. This also has the potential to be significantly faster than other options. The third is that tomorrow I ask Abadar for a plane shift, head to Aktun with the diamonds you wish to sell, and have the axiomites confirm their veracity and then sell to them. Mortal goods, even diamonds, don't go as far in Axis as they do on Golarion, but this could allow for you to earn more money than I have available without anyone else on the planet ever needing to learn or waiting."

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"I'm interested in driving down the price of resurrections on Golarion, which makes the second option appealing. On the matter of secrecy--my friends outside, Ramien, and a cleric of Iomedae all know enough to infer that I can make diamods, and I mentioned diamonds to the latter but she didn't seem to find the matter interesting. Should I ask them all not to mention anything of the matter to anyone else? What sort of threat model are you working from here, am I at risk of national governments trying to shake me down for diamonds or only smaller-scale criminals?" Her affect is serious but not nervous; internally, she's generating ideas for how she could make anyone who has her in custody regret giving her the opportunity to use Dressing Room. It isn't hard, especially if she sets up resurrection insurance right now today.

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"For an ordinarily large supply of miracle grade diamonds? Half the best adventurers in the inner sea would at least consider their odds, especially wizards who have reached the seventh circle, though most of them would think better of it, and you'd have some governments and churches weighing their odds. For an unlimited supply, someone like Razmir could just wait until you were asleep to sleep to kidnap you to a plane under his complete control, you'd have efforts from whatever dragons were willing to pick a fight with Terendelev about it, we might have to fend off a second major incursion of demons in as many weeks, and only the worldwound treaty would prevent Cheliax from trying the same. The black triune might attempt it, and they would be even worse. It's also the kind of news that would get a lot of old monsters to reconsider taking an active stance in world affairs, and who that would involve is about as unpredictable as it is difficult to ward off. This knowledge being public is the kind of situation where I would advise taking a sabbatical in Aktun with good kidnapping insurance, since I'm not confident that even Felandriel Morgethai or the Black Dome would be sufficient protection."

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Fuck. She wants to let everyone who wants to be alive be alive, but she doesn't want to bring the wrath of every bossfight on the planet down on Kenabres simultaneously.

"If I'm capable of producing diamonds I'm capable of instantly killing myself, and nobody has seen me produce a diamond yet, so I could pretend it turned out conjured diamonds don't work and buy resurrection insurance in case someone decides I'm lying. I realize that would make it hard to spend most of what I make until I find another excuse for having it, but I'm willing to wait. I believe I can become a powerful spellcaster in my own right relatively quickly, so time is on my side here. But I don't want to endanger everyone I interact with, and if the only responsible course of action is to operate from Aktun until I'm more dangerous than I am valuable I'll do that."

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"I think if that's the complete list of people you have told, you do not need anything that extreme. Most people will assume diamond conjuration is impossible without any effort on your part unless you convince them otherwise, and spying on clerics of Ramien's level or paladins isn't particularly easy. I won't assume I know the risks of your own party better than you do, but if you'd like I can tell the church of Iomedae I expect it's in their interests to bring Stasia to Vigil where she'll be much harder to spy on and some new clerics to take her place. And if you don't need hundreds of thousands of crowns in the next few days, I could simply buy a few raise dead stones from you for coin now or offer an advance on your profits while you wait for the larger stones to safely sell, and then if you wanted use some of those proceeds to commission some extra defensive items and comprehensive insurance for you or anyone else who knows enough of your secrets without the crafter needing to know who they're making it for."

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"That all makes sense. I think I've got defensive items in most of the places I can wear them except one more ring--unless having four arms means I can wear four rings?--but I should definitely get my party as much gear as I can convince them to wear, and resurrection insurance for at least me and possibly all of us. I don't want to disrupt Stasia's life that much but it sounds like I may already have done and the only question is how unpleasantly. I should maybe talk to her tomorrow. How much does resurrection insurance cost per person, and how much in Raise Dead diamonds are you interested in buying at what price points?"

On the bright side, if she buys her friends defensive items and resurrection insurance and doesn't specify a reason, they'll just assume she's taking the threat of Areelu Vorlesh seriously.

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"Typically, resurrection insurance costs the price of the diamond required, a small fee for the spell itself, and a fraction of the bounty you want the church to be willing to expend retrieving your body or hiring adventurers to do so, or to retrieve your soul if you expect it to be trapped or maledicted. You can pay in advance in case you need multiple in short succession and in theory you can set the bounty as high as you want, but in practice even for you I would expect you to start getting seriously diminishing returns past a hundred thousand crowns worth, since any situation sufficiently difficult that the church cannot solve it for less than that would require extreme payment to move the kind of people not typically very motivated by money at all. I suspect you could get by easily unless the knowledge leaks with significantly less than that, but if the gems truly are no object then having enough for someone to assay a true resurrection even if your body is completely annihilated or your soul sent to hell has its advantages. As for the diamonds, I don't have the funds to purchase more than six with coin at their fair price of five thousand crowns, but if you wanted more people brought back to life than that you could anonymously offer to donate or cover part of the costs for a church of your choice to raise people of your choice, or those who match certain characteristics if you don't have individuals in mind."

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"There are three people I feel particularly responsible for, in addition to myself; paying for True Resurrections sounds both more reliable and better for keeping a low profile than arranging for a large bounty on retrieving the bodies. Doing it anonymously seems wise. Would it be possible to pay for the insurance directly in diamonds, rather than exchanging diamonds for coin and then coin for insurance, and avoid your liquidity limits that way?"

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"Yes. Diamonds are especially liquid commodity, so it is easy to make use of them in purchases with the bank of Abadar. If you provide me the requisite diamonds and the names of who is to be resurrected if they die, I will use a sending to inform Archbanker Kalit Maron of their identities and where to send an axiomite courier to retrieve the spell components as soon as we are done here."

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"Excellent. The other three people are Seelah the paladin, Ember the elf witch, and Wenduag who lived in an underground city until this morning. Is that sufficient to identify them?"

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"Yes, it will be."

He reaches again into his bag of holding, pulls out a latched box, and then opens it to remove four sets of legal documents titled 'Insurance for Resurrection.'

"To confirm you understand what you are agreeing to, in exchange for this payment, we will take corresponding efforts to return you and the others listed to life, including by true resurrection, should you perish, subject to the listed terms and conditions which outline certain edge cases but do not substantively alter the core of the commitment. If you or a designated entity believe the church broke this agreement, you can go to court in Aktun or Heaven to get it arbitrated, at the expense of the church if it is the claim is judged serious even if the resulting judgment is against you."

The document, which is slid across to Brenda, goes into significantly more detail as promised.

In exchange for the payment provided, you are entering into a contract with the church of Abadar to take efforts, up to and including assaying true resurrections and hiring teams of adventurers to retrieve you, to save you from fates including but not limited to death, malediction, disintegration, soul trapping, imprisonment, and petrification. The precise details of fates in question may be found in appendix 1c. Note that this will NOT render us able to save you from situations such soul consumption by daemons, becoming an outsider and then being slain, certain defenses of the starstone cathedral, or direct divine intervention where resurrection may be impossible, and that the resources purchased may be insufficient to guarantee success. Once this contract is entered, we will refuse any contracts obliging us to violate it, and failure to execute part or all of the provisions about attempting it obliges us to pay the penalty clause for breach plus any punitive damages assessed by the Aktun arbitrators listed in Appendix 2b to you or a designated recipient or recipients of your choice, which can be changed at any point by meeting with an appropriate member of the church and confirming your identity and competence to enter contract. If you believe the church to have violated this contract, arbitration at the expense of the church for credible claims may be entered at the church's expense at any of the courts in Axis or Heaven listed in Appendix 2a...

The words go on like that for over a page, and it has several pages of appendixes.

"I swear upon my law and Abadar's name that everything I have summarized for you is to the best of my knowledge accurate, that I would expect to know if it was not, and that I have not lied to you or attempted to deceive you at any point in this conversation. If you need clarification of any of the terms or clauses in the contract, you may ask for explanation or take it to a barrister of your choice. If you desire, I will testify to the above under Abadar's truth."

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She reads the contract carefully; her headband makes this relatively fast. Does it say that the named individuals can void their insurance later if they decide they'd rather not have it? If not she'll want to step outside and get their permission.

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They can, up to and including after their death via paying for a sending or directly declining the resurrection, though in the latter case she won’t be refunded. 

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Excellent. Initials initials signature and she can provide the appropriate size and number of diamonds, plus a bunch more for him to sell anonymously through the Archbanker and pay her for when it's convenient.

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The latter comes with another contract, this one much shorter, that acknowledges the transaction and gives her a cause of action to go to arbitration if the church willfully or negligently fails to deliver the money as agreed or return the items to be sold, which he lets her peruse it while he signs, notarizes, and seals the resurrection contracts for transportation.

"I still have time cleared on my schedule for after this. Is there anything else you would like to contract with the church of Abadar for today, or questions I can answer for you?"

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"Do you sell spell scrolls? Especially ones of spells learnable by wizards." 

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"Yes, though I only have a relatively limited selection of spells available only to wizards above third circle. Do you have anything particular in mind?"

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"What do you have at first circle? I mostly want it for experiments. Mage's Perusal would be great if you have it, or Sleep."

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He has both available, yes. Mage's perusal doesn't get much call for, but it's cheap enough that he has one anyway, and she can purchase several scrolls of sleep if she so desires.

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She would love to! Also a spellbook and ink for it, if he has those despite them being for wizards.

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Spellbooks don't have any requirement beyond the paper being good enough to hold the ink, but he does have writing supplies and the correct sort of ink here. In an objective sense compared to the prices she was quoted earlier by Ramien for wages these are rather expensive, but they're a drop in the bucket compared to how much even Raise Dead diamonds are apparently worth.

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Great! Pleasure doing business with him.

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The same is true for him; it is pleasing to Abadar when people willingly make honest exchanges from which they both fairly benefit. It will take him 10 minutes to message Kalit Maron and confirm the contract, and a bit longer for an Axiomite to arrive to transport it, but while she won't be resurrected prior to Kalit Maron confirming the legitimacy it will still cover any deaths that happen in the meanwhile. He wishes her good fortune in her dealings.

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She wishes him the same and departs. (What a lovely church. Gods being real and useful is great except for how some of them are horrible.)

Are Ember, Seelah, and Wenduag all okay with having death insurance even with her being pretty cagey about what exactly she bought it with? It's nothing horrible, she just wants to play some of her abilities close to the vest.

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"Isn't that really expensive? I guess I knew you were already pretty well to do from all the magic items but that's still a lot. I'll work hard to live up to it, and Inheritor willing I won't need it except to save others."

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It takes Wenduag a bit longer to grasp the concept of insurance or deal with the fact that ressurection is in fact just a thing people can do but once she gets it she suddenly goes very quiet as she tries and fails not to have lots of emotions about this. Even knowing it won't do anything about the spectre of old age looming over her, it's not something she ever expected to get, and even knowing Brenda she has a hard time convincing herself it's real.

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She can say some more reassuring things to Wenduag later when she's had time to process it (Friends In Places: so convenient). For now, how about they all go help with the thing where there are still some demons lurking in odd corners? 

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Her aeon sight really is convenient for that! For instance, there's someone from the abyss in the basement of that house over there, and two more that seem to be walking a few streets over.

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That's so much better than the cantrip she was using before! 

With the demons only coming by ones and twos, she's willing to try talking first (and more importantly, give Ember a chance to try talking first), but anything that starts violence will get finished with violence. Do any demons not immediately attack them up on being discovered?

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The two walking down the street seem at first glance to be ordinary people, if slightly heavyset; they mumble out greetings when they arrive.

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"Do you need help? You look really scared about everything."

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One of them turns their head, projecting embarrassment.

"Of course I'm scared, all these demons around. Who wouldn't be?"

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Ember nods seriously. 

“It does sound scary, having all these people who are stronger and meaner than you telling you what to do when they just want you to die for their benefit. But you’re not just afraid of the other demons; you’re also scared of the crusaders. That’s why you killed those people, isn’t it? But just because you’re alone and afraid doesn’t mean you should hurt other people. I bet they were really scared too.”

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"I-I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't kill anyone!"

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"I'm talking about the people whose bodies you're wearing. There were a lot of people who were already killed by other demons; you could have hid in their bodies without having to hurt anyone else."

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"Idiot, that's a paladin with her! They know you're a demon, we need to kill them and get out of here!"

When the second person speaks, their mouth opens up to reveal oozing, pale pink flesh, and they draw their sword.

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As the second demon collapses to the ground, Ember turns back to the first demon.

"You don't have to listen to him, or any of the other demons. You don't have to keep fighting and killing and hurting people - yourself and others. But you should leave Kenabres. The people here will be hunting for you, and even if you don't get caught you'll end up running into other demons and then you'll get back to hurting people again."

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"I- I'm not an idiot. We're enemies, even if you meant it your companions wouldn't let me go. You just want me to let my guard down so I won't see it coming."

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"She means it and we mean it. If you attack us we'll have to kill you; if you leave the city we'll leave you alone." She makes two copies of the "my hands are not on my sword" gesture.

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"We definitely won't kill you if we agreed to let you go. I would fall for that, and Iomedae would be right to do it. But are you sure it's a good idea to agree to this, Brenda? They're a demon, and we already know they killed people earlier to get that body. How can you trust that they're not just going to do it again as soon as they get away from us?"

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"I know it's a risk, but--if we kill them because otherwise they'd kill us because otherwise we'd kill them that's really stupid." She looks at the demon. "Why did you come out here, anyway? What were you hoping for?"

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"We were ordered, and I didn't want to die."

That's not the whole story, of course, but he's pretty sure that if he mentions he was looking forward to eating some corpses that's the kind of thing that makes scary crusaders with swords more likely to try and kill him and not less.

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That's almost certainly not the whole story, but--it's a part that rather makes the rest irrelevant, doesn't it.

"Could you go back? What would happen if you did?"

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"I'd die, I can't cross the wardstones without help."

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What, they do damage both coming and going? That seems like a design flaw. On the other hand, it compensates usefully for the way it's dangerous to pursue demons back through the barrier because they can concentrate force inside it.

"I didn't realize. Asking the question more broadly, then: can you imagine any future in which we don't kill you and you don't kill anyone else? Can you convince us that that's a future we can get?" She's already committed to scrying Minagho regularly, but that's not going to scale.

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How could he possibly survive without killing anyone ? Less people, sure, if he has enough corpses there’s not even that much reason to unless someone orders him. Maybe if there  were only demons around so he’d only have to fight them, but then someone stronger would just kill or recruit him again. He’s still kind of tempted to tell her to let him go and that would be fine but the paladin seems too smart to fall for that.

”If I could go back to the abyss far away from the rift? Or went somewhere where everyone was really dangerous, or I was a prisoner?”

Ideally she’ll agree to the third option and then he can just escape later.

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She looks at Seelah. "Is the first of those feasible, if he can't go back through the barrier? Is the third?"

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"Sending people to other planes is a pretty powerful spell, but you could probably afford to pay someone to do it? I've never tried keeping a demon prisoner so I don't know how difficult it is besides harder than killing them, but either way they could be broken out."

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She needs to learn wizardry, then she'll have so many more options for solving this kind of problem. 

"Well, we can bring him to Hulrun and see what he says. Maybe he'll be willing to hold him long enough for me to get someone to send him home."

"I know it doesn't scale. I can't do anything that scales right now but I'm working on it."

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"I don't know if that would be very good for him. The abyss is already pretty bad for demons, but I think Hulrun would just kill him and then he wouldn't have any chance to get better."

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"The eagle's watch might be able to keep him prisoner for a bit without getting Hulrun involved, but what I'm more worried about is the other demon. They didn't even try to surrender, and I don't want to leave them here while we go take the other one somewhere else since I don't know how long it'll be until they wake up and wander off to kill someone else."

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"I would have been fine killing the other one if Ember hadn't been faster, he was clearly trying to kill us. I think that means I should still be okay killing him now. Ember, would it be--unfair to you, being a bad friend--if I killed him now?"

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"I don't know how to help them from here, or make them see how lashing out at the people around them is just hurting them too, so I think if you leave them there they'll start hurting other people again once you go and that would also be bad. But... they're still a person. I don't think being unfair to me or not is what should decide if they get to live."

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"That's a really good point, it's just--if they had tripped on a rock and knocked themself out, I'd just kill them, because every minute we spend trying to find other solutions is a minute other demons are killing other humans somewhere else in the city." (Unless this four-way conversation counts under Time Enough For Love, but she doesn't think it does.)

"But I'm not killing that guy" she points at the still-conscious demon "because he chose to talk instead of fighting or running and it feels--unfair--to repay that by killing him. And if you made the other one sleep because you thought you had a way to avoid killing him, or because you thought it would be better to leave him there unconscious even with the risk, it would be unfair for me to--decide in favor of killing him over your objections, when he's still right there for me to kill because of you."

"I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not in charge of this group and if you want to do things one way and I want to do them another way I shouldn't get to automatically have my way just because my way is more permanent."

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"I don't usually think about my decisions like that, but this sounds important to you, and if it means deciding not to hurt people who are willing to try to do better that's also a good thing. Thank you for listening to me and giving me a chance."

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"You're welcome. Do you want to talk to--" she looks at the demon. "I can't just keep calling you 'this guy', that's stupid, what's your name? Or I guess I can keep calling you 'this guy' if you don't want to tell me."

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"...You can call me Drovidra, if you want," the vermlek replies, in the voice of someone who would really rather not have been asked that.

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It's like it's impossible to have a polite conversation with someone when the topic is whether you're going to kill them and their friend. What a fucking surprise.


"Ember, do you want the five of us to all go to the Eagle Watch so you have more time to talk things over?"

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"That sounds helpful. If I encounter paladins on the way over on my own, I'm not sure I could get them not to kill Drovidra."

She then turns to the aforementioned demon, and decides to resume as they walk.

"Some people like to say that mercy and forgiveness are only for the strong, because you have to be good enough that your opponent can't hurt you to offer it. But I think this is just a sad way to look at it, because the whole point is that you don't have to fight in the first place. If Brenda and Seelah and I disagree on what to do, we don't have to fight or threaten each other about it, just like you didn't have to fight us to survive. Sometimes it's a bit harder than that, and you have to take care of yourself too, but two people can always just decide to try to stop hurting each other and learn to heal from their hurts."

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"But if you weren't strong enough to put him to sleep, you would have died back there. And an incubus would just take your head off anyway, they like hurting people if they can't fight back!"

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While Ember learns about the reasons why people don't usually try to talk things out with demons, Seelah is going to go kill the other one. A blow through the neck shouldn't even be painful, though she'll stab them a few other places to make sure. They'd probably get caught by the guards before they did too much damage, but probably still leaves room for people to get hurt.

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"That's always a possibility. I got these burns because someone didn't want to take that kind of risk, and didn't trust it when someone else offered it to them. But hurting everyone around you to protect yourself is even worse as an option, and it doesn't even make you any safer..."

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It's a not an especially long walk to the grey garrison, though having to escort a demon the whole route might make it seem longer. The eagle's watch is still back where Brenda and co left them, defending the Wardstone, though there are some more of them there and they seem to have commandeered the barricades that the demon cultists set up.

"Brenda! I didn't expect to see you back here just yet; did something happen? I see you found someone else to tag along."

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Why is this embarrassing. This shouldn't be embarrassing. "We captured a demon and Ember is trying to talk him into mending his ways; I wanted to get them to somewhere she'd be safe if he decides he's done talking so I can go back out, and Seelah thought you had some cells available. I hope we wouldn't be imposing too badly?"

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“Well. I can’t say I was expecting that, but I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. Be careful though, okay? I know you’re strong, but if demons promise to reform they’re probably trying to trick you and when you let your guard down is the best time to strike.”

She pauses for a moment to think about the logistics.

“Our jail isn’t really designed to hold demons, especially the stronger ones with more magic, but if that’s just a vermlek it’s probably fine? I’d be worried about the other prisoners, but we’ve only got a few people locked up at the moment because Hulrun’s been dealing with most of the arrests lately.”

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"Thank you. I'll try not to capture any more demons until I have a scalable way of handling prisoners myself."

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Then Anevia can flag down two paladins not currently needed on the defense to escort Brenda's prisoner and anyone going with them to the eagle's watch holding cells.

"Good luck with your searching!"

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Ember will go with them, yes. She's pretty sure this is going to be really scary, being held prisoner by crusaders the demon doesn't have any reason to trust, and hopefully she can help with that at least a little.

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Brenda will wish Ember luck and agree to meet back up later today and internally fret over her physical well-being (slightly) and her emotional well-being (significantly) and then head back out. Her eyes are steely gray.

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Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, trouble happens to find you first. 

“You there, girl, with the four arms! You wouldn’t happen to be a demon cultist, would you?”

The person ambushing her appears to be a human woman, with spiky black hair, an enormous backpack, and a scroll of paper in her hands. To her Aeon sight they seem thoroughly from the material plane.

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That's what she gets for DFEWing a demon! The woman seems surprisingly unafraid of her; maybe she's a powerful combatant and fellow looker-for-trouble.

"No, I'm not; do you have a preferred method of checking? I'm happy to take a truth spell if you've got one and feel the need." She doesn't think the woman is likely to be a cultist herself; she's not carrying a glaive or doing anything violent or stupid.

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"Disappointing! I was hoping this attack would mean more demon cultists out and about, but after the first day or so they've mostly gone into hiding. At this rate I might not even get enough responses to be worth publishing. What about the other two of you; are either of you cultists?"

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"...I'm a paladin. Of Iomedae."

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"No, I only follow Brenda."

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"That's a shame. Have you seen any recently at least?"

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'I only follow Brenda' is probably a play on words in which case it's amusing, and she's getting off that train of thought at this station.

"Some yesterday and some this morning--publishing? Are you a journalist or an anthropologist or something?" she asks, intrigued. "Do you usually succeed at getting cultists to give you interviews instead of just attacking?" She doesn't think this is the kind of society where you can wave a press pass and talk to both sides of a guerilla war with a guarantee of safe conduct, but it would be very cool to be wrong.

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"I'm a scientist of many disciplines, not just anthropology! And no, some cultists are incredibly rude and try to attack me rather than respond, which means I need to dazzle them or trap them or turn invisible. Hopefully their knowledge of theology isn't sufficiently different from their less violent peers to represent a significant selection effect, but unfortunately research must sometimes make sacrifices to practicality."

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Someone who talks like this. Someone who talks like this and lives like this and isn't a terrifying evil arch-witch. It's like going hiking in a forest and unexpectedly popping out in your own backyard.

"That's so cool! I love science but haven't had much chance to do any here, I got to this planet yesterday and I've been using all my free time learning the basics of wizardry. I want to hear all about your research." Friends in Places is telling her she needn't worry about asking, and Time Enough For Love means she can afford to get distracted from looking for trouble.

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"Right now I'm doing a survey of the theological education of demon cultists in Kenabres, for inclusion in the Encyclopedia Golarionica! Thus far the evidence I've found suggests that most of them are unintelligent and not very well informed about Baphomet or Deskari, but It's too soon to come to a definite conclusion on their tendencies. But enough about that, I need to come up with questions for someone from another world. Which world are you from? What is the status of your world's scientific achievements? What species are you and what traits do you have, and how common is it where you're from? What were the first five differences you noticed about Golarion after your arrival?"

The questions come out rapid fire, without any pause for breath between them, and without missing a beat mid stream of questions the woman rolls up her current scroll and pulls out a new one to record Brenda's answers.

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Brenda has the best intelligence headband and so much working memory! This is a totally normal way to hold a conversation!

"I'm from Earth; it's the third planet from a star similar to this one in a spiral galaxy I can't otherwise identify and it has humans but no other intelligent species or gods or magic! I thought we have a pretty solid understanding of our laws of physics except the way I got here is pretty unprecedented, and we've eradicated a couple diseases and put men on our moon and we have airplanes and instant communication from everywhere to everywhere! I started out as a human but I have magic that copies traits of other species and I've used it nine times now! Golarion has the magic and gods and lots of species that I mentioned and also has interaction with other nearby planes and a generally lower apparent level of nonmagical technology!

Are you human? Does Golarion have scientific journals or is it still at the 'correspondence between individual intellectuals' stage? Did life on Golarion evolve from a single origin or is it more complicated than that? Are any metamagic transformations homeomorphic? Are there any other inhabited planets in this plane?"

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"Fascinating. Assuming that the species you call human does correspond directly to the one found on golarion, that's evidence for the theories that humans were created or brought to Golarion from elsewhere, since it's unlikely that two worlds would have sufficiently similar evolutionary pressure to create the same species via natural selection. I'm a human, I don't know what you mean by scientific journals but when I'm finished I intend to publish the Encyclopedia Golarionica in Absalom and I work to keep abreast of the latest findings, archeological records from before earthfall are unclear on how much is native or not but your existence is suggestive on the topic and at least Elves came here from Castrovel, the existence of metamagic as a category isn't rigorously defined enough for that to have a sensible answer but by some definitions making a spell more fleeting counts and that transformation is homeomorphic the original spell, and yes but the examples outside of this solar system are much less rigorously attested to.

"How do you travel outside of an atmosphere without making use of magic? What species have you copied so far and what kinds of supernatural abilities can it successfully copy? Can you copy another human to obtain traits that vary within a species? How does instantaneous communication work without magic, do you have a nonmagical way of folding space or route through interplanar boundaries or a way to transmit information faster than light? How do you do healing and treating disease without gods, is it all advanced herbology and surgery or something Golarion hasn't discovered yet?"

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"Rockets throw mass out one end really fast and conservation of momentum shoves them the other way, and there are pressurized containers on top to hold the air in! I probably shouldn't list all my abilities for security reasons but that's where I got the four arms and the cat ears and a little bit of sorcery! I don't know; may I try copying you to find out? It's not technically instantaneous, sorry, it's lightspeed limited, but it works by sending pulses of light through very fine glass wires and pulses of electricity through metal wires and invisible frequencies of light up to satellites in orbit and back! We've posited that nonmagically folding space might be possible but can't do it. It's mostly just extremely advanced herbology and surgery but we can also use invisible frequencies of light to make visible images of people's insides and kill tumors, and we also have vaccines, which is giving someone a really weak version of a disease so they end up immune, and we know a bunch of stuff about cleaning things to prevent disease too.

How old is Golarion and how old are the oldest fossils on it? Is there regular travel to Castrovel? Why do elves look so much like humans if they're from a different planet? What are the other planets in this system and which ones are inhabited? Do you know how old this universe is? Are there diseases that spread to people who touch or go near an infected person? Does Golarion have atomic theory and if so how many elements are there? Do you have a convenient way to copy books quickly? I mean you personally right now."

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"Absolutely, that sounds like a fascinating experiment to try. By invisible do you mean the light bends around things that block its path or just has frequencies not perceivable by the native eye? It's difficult to confidently date sufficiently old fossils, since even Legend Lore only gives you so much information and only works on some kinds of remains, but humans and elves have been on Golarion for at least 16,000 years and there are remnants of civilization that have been here for longer than we can measure. Kyonin might still have a portal to the planet but they thoroughly refuse to let in outsiders to check despite my best efforts, and otherwise you'd need 9th circle spells or maybe something like your rockets to travel between them so it doesn't happen much. A surprisingly large number of species look somewhat similar to each other, which some people claim is because of interbreeding with outsiders and each other but there's no evidence that the former link doesn't go the opposite way and it doesn't explain why they're able to interbreed in the first place. The planets in the system are Aballon, Castrovel, Golarion, Akiton, Verces, Eox, Triaxus, Liavara, Bretheda, Apostae, and Aucturn. All of them except Aballon, Apostae, and possibly Aucturn are inhabited, and even Abalon still has constructs. Pharasma's creation is older than Golarion but I don't know by how much, yes there are diseases like that, not by that name and I assume by the context you're not talking about the planes, and only scrivener's chant or doing it by hand.

"Are you implying your homeworld isn't in creation, or was that question aimed to learn how much we know about cosmological history here? What is the most interesting experiment you have personally conducted? Are you speaking Taldane via magic or are you just that good at learning languages with a headband? Is your level of scientific education and enthusiasm usual for your origin or are you an unrepresentative sample?"

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"I'm going to answer your questions and then do the experiment and then ask my questions! I mean the frequencies thing. On earth there are substances that spontaneously transform into very similar substances at a fixed rate and you can use the ratio to figure out how old certain things are! If chemistry is the same here it should work for us too. My world might or might not be in Creation but explaining my evidence would take a long time so put a metaphorical pin in that. The most interesting experiment I've conducted is probably the artificial miniature cave I spent a few years making out of salt blocks--it had visible beginnings of stalactites and stalagmites when I left Earth--but here I have the opportunity to do much more interesting things. I have permanent Tongues up but I could probably get by in Taldane without it at this point because I also have supernatural language-learning ability stuck in underneath it. I'm a very unrepresentative sample! Here goes the copy attempt!"

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"Gosh, wow, that wasn't in my hypothesis space at all! It's pretty cool though!" 

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"Huh, you appear to have turned into a Kitsune! I wonder if that generalizes, do you always get abilities from a random new species if you copy a human? Or maybe it's something specifically about ancestry?

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"If you have Kitsune ancestors that would do it!" Brenda says, turning humanish again just to make sure she can. "Have you tried turning into a Kitsune yourself?"

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"No, I haven't. I should try that!"

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"Interesting. Once I thought to make the attempt, it felt completely easy and natural. I wonder if I can... no, it doesn't seem like I can turn myself into a dragon, or an algolthu, or even an elf or orc, just a Kitsune. What an unexpected discovery!"

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"Sounds like you've got some Kitsune ancestry, then!" She can decide whether or not to have the second pair of arms in this form, neat!

"Hmm, I wonder if--" she does a cartwheel. (Her clothes are extremely cooperative with this, as they were with shifting in the first place.) "Yeah I'm definitely more coordinated now, I couldn't do that before! Nice.

Anyway, I had questions--is light bending around things known to be how invisibility works and if so how do invisible people see? Can outsiders have kids with each other as well as with humans and what happens when those kids die, do they get sorted? How are constructs made, and how are their personalities determined? Why are there elemental planes of the things there are elemental planes of and not other things? Have people definitely found all the elemental planes there are or could there be an elemental plane of methane, or of spaghetti?" (If you can have an elemental plane of 'all the kinds of dirt and rocks', at that point why not an elemental plane of spaghetti?)

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"Most kinds of invisibility are glamor effects or transmutation effects that change the properties of the matter they effect to let light pass through, but that doesn't really make sense as a descriptor for light since even visible light can pass through itself and you said you didn't have any access to other planes anyway. The former gives you an illusory image of your surroundings, while that latter moves you sideways to the ethereal plane and only allows you to perceive and interact with a limited fraction of light. Native outsiders can have kids normally, as can many of those hailing from the elemental planes, but those from the outer planes typically can only have children with mortals. Half-mortal or native outsiders go to afterlives like everyone else, but the ones from the elemental planes die forever when they're killed just like angels and demons. Constructs can be made like any other magic item, typically with or without a specific personality at their creation but some of the more advanced ones can obtain one over time. Supposedly Pharasma made the elemental planes alongside the rest of creation, but other than some difficult to interview qlippoth she's the only one that was there. There's not really any room for another elemental plane in the inner sphere but maybe she made another set elsewhere far enough away that nobody has found it, or even some planes outside the normally understood boundaries of creation that she didn't make!

"How did you travel to here, what gave you the ability to get the abilities from other species, and are they the same thing? If you've only been here a short while and your home universe didn't have magic, where did you get your magic items and permanent spells from? You said your power gives you access to sorcerery, does copying multiple sorcerous bloodlines let you cast higher circle spells? More spells? A wider variety?"

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"My universe was visited by a . . . traveler, who helped me get here and gave me the copy ability and some other abilities." She cycles her eye colour through the rainbow by way of convenient example. "I'd rather not explain the magic items and permanent spells. I've only tried the one sorcerous bloodline so far--I guess it's possible the earth elementals I met had one, but there was enough going on that I didn't ask them for permission and it'd feel weird to do it now.

What happens when someone inherits two bloodlines the normal way? Does there not being room for more elemental planes mean people understand how they're arranged in higher-dimensional space? Where do demiplanes go? Do you know whether having four arms will let me wear four rings without them messing with each other?"

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"Usually they just get less general sorcery from a weaker bloodline and some abilities corresponding to each source, I think, but I haven't gotten around to running any actual tests to measure if it's true or universal or to what extent. The ethereal plane and the shadow plane mirror the material one, while the inner planes - the planes of fire, water, earth, air, positive, and negative energy - surround the material plane in higher dimensions. The astral plane intersects and contains all of the inner planes and material and stretches from there to the outer planes, where souls go when they die; souls go to their afterlife through it. All of the outer planes are supposedly set in a bubble that separates them from an outside reality that's somewhat similar to the maelstrom or the abyss, though it's hard to measure other than indirectly. Demiplanes are little pockets of reality adjacent to another plane, usually the astral or ethereal plane, where space gets pinched off into a separate space not contiguous in to anywhere else in three dimensions; one exceptional example of this is they fey realm, which is an exceptionally large self-contained bubble between the positive energy plane and the material. You can only have two rings on at a time even with extra limbs - and the same goes with feet and boots - but if the rings are well made you can actually put both on one hand.

"Can you imitate things that aren't people, like animals or rocks? What about the undead? Are there any other abilities that traveler gave you that you've made use of since you got here? Where did the traveler come from, were they someone from here like Desna or from your planet or from somewhere else entirely? Does magic normally not function where you came from, or was it just that nobody was able to use it? How many people live on your home planet?"

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"Animals yes, plants and rocks no, undead depends which kind. Yes, I have things for strength and toughness and fighting skill and for learning faster and for always wearing the most practical clothes for the occasion and for seeing through illusions and for staying clean and not getting sick, and also there's one going right now that's making this conversation take less time than it otherwise would. We'd probably sound like we're talking insanely fast if anyone walked by*. The traveler was from somewhere way far away, I don't know where exactly. The traveler's magic functioned so it was definitely possible for things outside the simple elegant physics that were usually operative to happen but I don't know how interactions between universes with different physics work in general. For all I know this world has different chemistry and my body has been converted to the local format. I know some experiments I could do to start checking but I'd need some insects, a potted plant, a candle, an airtight container, some wood, a scale, and a free afternoon with no demon nonsense. Or for you to be hanging out with me while I did it so the faster conversation magic would kick in. Six billion and change; more every year."

*Brenda has been talking very fast even relative to her own frame of reference for most of this conversation.

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"Ooh, what counts as seeing through an illusion, I specialize in those. Is it like true seeing, where you can also see through polymorph effects? If I make a silent image to demonstrate something, can you choose to see it or is it like there's nothing there? What about color spray, does it also prevent that from affecting your mind? Can you scry through a screen? What happens if you look at an illusion from far away that's producing real light, or legitimately blocking light from leaving? What are the conditions for speeding up time, presumably it's not just when you're doing science or else time would never pass for you? I don't have all the things you'd need for that experiment but I bet we can find them in Kenabres if we go looking."

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"I wouldn't expect it to see through polymorph effects because those actually change the person's physical form and not just their appearance. I can choose to see it but only if there's something I know I should be choosing to see. It should block color spray. I can't scry at all yet, can I copy the spell from you? We should try a bunch of things with illusions but probably I see the light that enters my eyes by default. I'm not always doing science, sometimes I'm asleep or reading books or fighting demons, but anyway it's when I'm talking to a friend, which is part of why I want you there for the chemistry but also I want you there because it would be more fun if you were. I told Terendelev I would help sweep the city for surviving demons but I bet we'll be done by tomorrow morning, there's hardly any."

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Nenio is already pulling out her spellbook before Brenda finishes talking, though it takes a bit longer than it should because they're trying to do it one handed while also writing with the other one and the quality of both tasks is suffering a bit. After a little trial and error, though, she props the book open to one of the later pages; the spell diagram follows the same principles Brenda would have seen before, but it mixes the notation she's encountered before with yet more unfamiliar script and shorthand.

"It doesn't seem to stabilize for wizards below fourth circle, which is disappointing because song sorcerers get it at third and I can't cast fourth circle spells yet, but I do have a copy. I don't have any current experiments I need demons for but maybe there will be some cultists with them. I should transform back first, though, in case my being a kitsune would change what kind of answers they give me."

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After a brief look of concentration, the spiky black hair and human features from before make their return.

"Odd. For some reason, now that I've returned to my human form, it feels somehow less natural than being a kitsune. Perhaps there's something inherently appealing in being a fox, or simply a desire for novelty. I should test that once I can cast polymorph."

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Brenda deduces the meaning of most of the shorthand, asks questions about the rest, and copies the whole thing onto her back (she's been chatting with Alpina via an occasional hand in a pocket for much of the afternoon but it's not the right time to drop everything and figure out spell ink). 

"Thank you! You're welcome to tag along and interview any cultists we see, but if they attack you I will kill them. I prefer human form to fox form; maybe it's because you're actually a human-foxperson hybrid for real and I just copied it or maybe you just care more about trying new shapes. Turning into other stuff sounds like a great way to find out."

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The ground floor of the house where she sensed the other demon is empty of everything other than a mess, which evidently comes from both the broken down door and various toppled shelves. The lack of people in the basement, however, is not nearly so innocuous; there are several armed corpses lying on the ground, though it’s hard to tell if they perished from the bleeding or the ice. In one corner of the basement lurks a shadowy presence, which might be difficult for even Brenda’s eyes to pick out if it wasn’t glowing like a beacon to her Aeon senses.

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Brenda spots the thing out of the corner of her eye and points without looking directly at it. "Anyone know what the shadow being is?" she murmurs, fully prepared for it to understand what she said and attack but hoping to take advantage of the possibility that it doesn't.

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Unfortunately, shadow demons have remarkably keen senses. Listening in on a whispered conversation in an otherwise quiet room, even from twenty feet away, doesn’t even require any particular effort on their part. It might well hear Brenda more clearly than the people she’s whispering to.

Normally, the thing to do when you’re outnumbered and trapped is to take down the person who can detect you, but the problem with that plan is that the two of the other party members appear to be a  Paladin and a Wizard; it won’t be able to hide from them once they know to start looking either. That means it needs to thin the numbers a bit - the wizard, then, since magic can hit incorporeal targets and they’re probably rather easy to kill.

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“That sounds like a shadow demon-”

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Ah shit here it comes, she draws Lariel's sword with one hand and the pocket where she keeps her flashlight with the other, whether it's ordinary logic or Battle Demon instincts she knows she wants light--

and before she gets her hand into her backpack the sword lights up like a streetlight, not from its own power this time, but starting under her hand and spreading almost instantaneously up from the hilt along the blade. It's high noon in this basement now.

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The demon shrieks as it suddenly becomes visible, and breaks off its charge to make for the rubble at the back corner of the basement; for the first second, it's moving noticeably slower under the influence of the bright light, but then it suddenly puts on a burst of speed.

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"-they hate bright light, but they can block out lower level forms of magic light if they have somewhere dark to use their abilities. Glitterdust should make sure it cant vanish on us, though."

A cloud of sparkling golden dust covers the demon as it tries to slip out of sight.

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Wenduag tries tagging it with some arrows, and looks very annoyed when they just pass through.

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"They're also incorporeal, so you need magic to hit them!"

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"I don't have much offensive magic yet, can you get it?" Everyone is looking at the demon. Magnesium hair ornament. Yeet.

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The magnesium elicits another flinch reaction as it passes through, and it scrabbles around for another crevasse.

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"They're also resistant to most spells!" Nenio offers cheerfully, as one of the air of magic missiles they launch fizzles out on contact.  "Magic weapons work a bit more reliably, but they're less harmed by anything primarily physical unless it's specifically enchanted for the job."

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"Sounds like we need to stop it from getting out of the light, then."

Seelah ducks low in an attempt to keep from casting a shadow on it, and starts pulling away bricks from the collapsed pile in the corner.

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Does stabbing at it with the angelic sword work better or worse than the magnesium did?

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Better! Bringing the light closer to it cuts down on the shadows it can make use of all on its own, and it does not like being stabbed. With most of its body phased into solid objects the angle is a bit awkward to actually hit it without having to break through bricks to do it, but she can manage it with a little patience.

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She's not going to blunt her beautiful magic sword on bricks but she's fast enough and dextrous enough that she doesn't need to. Stab stab stab.

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On the fourth jab, the demon shrivels up and vanishes; the glitterdust still on it falls through to the bricks below.

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The combat's over? Nenio will start going through the stuff in the basement, then, and pulling stuff out of boxes or off of shelves.

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"What are you doing?"

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"Taking an inventory! This is the first cultist dwelling I've gotten to examine in detail. Ooh, does that trap trigger a summoning? I wonder what kind of demon they have it linked to, maybe it'll be another shadow demon!"

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"We should probably just dismantle it rather than waste time and spells fighting a summon, but it would be pretty handy to know how to tell what a trap will do before trying to take it down . . ." She peers at the trap without touching it, both with her eyes and with Detect Magic, trying to deduce what it does from the way the parts are rigged to snap together.

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Ordinarily Nenio might say something about that being more boring than triggering it, but in fact she’s immediately distracted by explaining how to she would go about identifying them. Her explanations leave a bit to be desired in terms of not skipping over whole sections for being too obvious to be worth mentioning or jumping around, but since Brenda is currently smarter than she is that shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

After a bit, it transpires to Nenio’s disappointment that the trap is only strong enough to call up a few Dretch and is easily dismantled, allowing access to the locked chest behind it.

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Brenda prods the chest to make sure it isn't a mimic, then goes through the dead cultists' pockets for the key. She refuses to get in the Dungeons and Dragons habit of stealing everything that isn't nailed down, but she should make sure there isn't a disaster waiting to happen in there.

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There's a key in the pocket of the most important-looking one, and it proves able to open the (entirely non-mimic) chest without difficulty. The chest seems to be a catchall for anything whoever owned the place didn't want others to see or get their hands on, because there are several pages of writing in a language that's not Hallit or Taldane about demonic rituals and a book titled 'One Thousand Voices in My Flesh' alongside of some gold and a jet-black longbow that detects as noticeably magical.

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"Seelah, what's the normal and socially accepted thing to do with creepy books and cool weapons you find in a basement full of dead cultists? Leave them alone, take them to someone who'll know who their next of kin are, finders keepers, some other thing?"

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"Uh, I think the inquisition seizes the goods of any cultists they nab as part of their funding, but I haven't heard of like, adventurers stopping by to deliver their loot? If you kill a demon you usually get to keep their stuff, so probably that, but if any of it is stolen goods whoever had it before might want it returned. Demonic books you can deliver to the church, but most of them will just get burned I think."

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Alright, fine, when in Rome. "If anyone makes a vaguely credible claim for any of it I'll give it back. Is there a collection of things that have been reported stolen, so I'm not just waiting for someone to see me and say 'Hey, that's mine?' And I'll probably read the books while bearing in mind that they're likely to be full of lies; I need to know more about what kinds of demon there are and that seems like the sort of thing they're least likely to lie about."

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"Mostly people go the the eagle's watch when things get stolen from them, but I don't know how they handle that. And, uh, that sounds like the kind of things that ends up not being a good idea but I don't think demon books just mind control you or anything."

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"Ooh, a book that mind controls everyone who reads it sounds like an interesting thing to design. Maybe something based off of symbol of persuasion, but charm effects aren't that strong as mind control goes and I bet there's a more efficient way to make it work if you're getting them to read a whole book instead of just glancing at a symbol. I think I would remember if any demon holy books did that, though, and you'd have to hide the magic somehow since it doesn't look enchanted."

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"None of these are showing up to detect magic so the worst they're likely to do is be full of lies about something tactically relevant."

It's very relatable how Nenio just says things. Brenda used to be like that but 1) a bunch of people told her to stop, 2) Friends In Places is confirming that she shouldn't start again, at least not in front of Seelah, and 3) the more powerful she gets the more likely she is to actually scare people so she had really better not. 

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Seelah doesn't look entirely reassured by that, but she doesn't have anything further to say on the subject.

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Wenduag has a different priority than demonic texts.

"If you aren't returning it, may I use the bow mistress?"

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Akdsfjdsfjhsashj why this (this does not show on her face).

"Sure! And please call me Brenda." She was looking forward to having something ranged, but Wenduag can make better use of it and Brenda should focus on learning magic. Actually, if Brenda wants a longbow she should commission one with an inhumanly high draw weight first, not learn the wrong muscle memory and then switch. She needs to start thinking of money as one of her available tools.

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"Thank you, mi- Brenda."

Wenduag stumbles over her words, but manages to catch herself before finishing.

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Appreciative smile for Wenduag! "It's magic, by the way; I look forward to seeing what it does!"

More looking for trouble?

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Most of the demons that haven't been taken down by Kenabres' defenders by now are well hidden, which would ordinarily prove quite the roadblock but avails them naught against the eyes of an Aeon. In short order she will be able to track down several dretches and two lone schirs before she finally meets a roadblock in the form of what seems to be two members of the city guard at the entrance to a large townhouse with a demonic signature within.

"I'm afraid I can't let you in here, the lady of the house is not to be disturbed."

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"I have the ability to detect demons at range and there's one in the house. If that's news to you, I'd prefer that you trust us enough to let us in, but please at least go and make sure she's safe and not being controlled or impersonated. If she's gotten one to surrender then good for her and we'll go away." She points at the correct part of the house. 

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One of them glances at the other, questioningly, and gets a headshake back.

”She said she was not to be disturbed.”

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"Is the problem that you don't believe me, that you do believe me but don't want to interact with whatever is going on, or that you know what's going on and are okay with it but don't want to explain?" 

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"I don't see any particular reason to take your word for it, but even if I did it's not my business to second guess her."

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Brenda is aware that some people are such lousy bosses that their employees would rather let them be eaten by a demon than risk getting yelled at. She is also aware that there are demons who wear their victims' faces. 

She doesn't know, but can imagine, that there might be things that can cause false positives--or false negatives--for her Aeon sight. Fortunately she has a way to double check. Detect Magic. Detect Fiendish Presence.

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There's a faint fiendish and magical aura around both of them; not enough for them to be demonic clerics or demons that could hide from her sight, but like the kind you might get from a spell or weak magical item or similar.

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Brenda turns like she's given up and gestures to Wenduag and Seelah and Nenio to follow her into the nearest alley.

"There's some kind of demonic effect on them both; I'm worried the demon in the building has them enchanted. I have a sorcerer spell that might be the one that helps people throw off enchantments, but I haven't actually cast it before and it could be a different abjuration that won't help. Seelah, Nenio, do either of you have something more certain or is 'try my spell and see if they snap out of it' our best bet?"

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"I could pray to Iomedae for a solution; she sometimes gives paladins the ability to use magic like protection from evil, and helping an innocent person escape a demon might warrant my getting it. But I don't know if this is more likely to work than your magic and praying for spells is supposed to take a while."

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"If you have a new spell, you should definitely test what it does! Abjuration is one of the most boring kinds of magic, so I don't have protection from evil prepared, but if it doesn't work and we need to I suppose I could cast it with my bonded item. Or if you think they're enchanted we could just knock them out."

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"I'm thinking try the spell and if it doesn't do anything either knock them out or sneak in the back and deal with the demon directly."

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"If we go in through the back, I don't have enough spells to turn everyone invisible, but I can just put up an illusion to hide us."

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"I should try to copy the invisibility off that one kind of demon, but first things first."

She walks up to the guards again, smiling politely, then pokes them and casts what is, in fact, the sorcerer form of Protection From Evil.

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The spell fails to accomplish anything other than make it obvious she's using magic, and the guards are not happy about it.

"Hey, what are you trying to pull here? Trying to enchant the city guard is a serious crime, miss, don't think that being an adventurer will let you get off free. I advise you surrender, or you won't like what comes next."

They raise their swords at Brenda.

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Valid as far as it goes but if she'd warned them they might have been required to avoid it. She knocks their heads together with carefully calibrated force, silently grateful that they'll be fine later because nobody ever gets concussions in Dungeons and Dragons.

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A pathfinder character with class levels is unlikely to be permanently or seriously injured by nonlethal damage, since they have more than enough real HP to sap up any accidental overkill that leads to ordinary injury. This does, however, mean that they are significantly harder to knock out, and while Brenda slamming their helmets together rings them like a bell it's insufficient to put them down. They'll try to stab and slash her, respectively, since those are the least awkward angles from their positions.

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Their swords clang off her variously magic-item-boosted armor and she bonks them again. She will apologize later.

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That'll drop them! Once past the door, there doesn't seem to be any more guards; the demonic presence is across the ground floor in what seems to be a room for entertaining guests.

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Wenduag is better than the rest of them at sneaking; does she want to try to scout ahead or should they just barge in all together? (The Message cantrip is very handy for this sort of thing.)

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With the help of some invisibility from Nenio, Wenduag will do just that, making sure to walk quietly and minimize her exposed profile in case whatever demon is in there can see through invisibility. About a minute later, she reports back in a whisper.

"The person in charge seems to be a female demon; looks like a succubi, but maybe there are other kinds that look similar or it's something else pretending to be one. They don't seem ready for a fight; they're sitting in a chair with their feet resting on someone, I couldn't see who, while two guys attend to them. If there were any other demons or combatants there, they were hiding, disguised, or invisible, but I don't think there are and I'm pretty sure she didn't notice me."

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"Great, thanks. Let's all go at the probably-succubus first; if there are any other demons I should be able to tell when I have line of sight. If we kill her or knock her out will everyone she's controlling immediately recover?"

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"Even killing her won't do that. If she's using suggestions, that'll wear off in half a day or so, but any charm or dominate effects could last over a week if they aren't removed."

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"Figures. I have two more spell slots, but given how well that worked last time we may not be able to do better than knocking them all out and dragging them to someone with more options."

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"The church will definitely be able to help them, but succubi are dangerous for a reason. Maybe if you can make her surrender like Minagho she can undo it, but that sounds risky if she gives them a harmful order instead or uses the opportunity to escape; getting them help might be safer for them."

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Brenda nods. Anything else before they go in?

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Nobody else has anything to say. The four of them can sneak up to the room undetected, though Seelah has to be very careful about her armor not making too loud of a noise, and avoid anyone detecting them long enough to make it to the doorway. Inside the situation is largely as Wenduag summarized, though apparently in between then and now one of the men attending to the demon was told to bring her some food.

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Brenda waits until she's maximally distracted by taking a bite and then charges in, swords blazing. (Metaphorically. No shadow demons to dazzle this time.) She's expecting the controlled humans to potentially be used as human shields, so she needs to get between them and the succubus as quickly as possible.

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The succubus' first reaction to an enemy in full plate armor charging her is to try use her magic, but a pair of arrows from Wenduag interrupt her before it becomes clear what she was trying to cast and she fumbles her concentration, allowing Brenda to reach her unimpeded.

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Nenio will color spray the two attendants to get them out of the way, then.

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Angel sword to the guts, backup sword to the leg, and the other two hands are dragon claws attempting equally unpleasant things.

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Under ordinary circumstances, only the angel sword amongst those would really matter. Here, however, even the claws are backed by Brenda's prodigious strength, and between them and the arrows it just proves too much for her to take. Her attendants and the man kneeling on the floor in front of her look lost and angry at her death, but are too shocked and frightened to attack Brenda about it.

"What have you done? How could you?"

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"I'm afraid she wasn't what she seemed," she says gently. "If you come with me to the temple of Iomedae, I'll explain everything, and if I need to be arrested they'll arrest me." 

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They are not very enthusiastic about going anywhere with the armed adventurer who just murdered someone they... loved? in front of them.

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Seelah thinks through her options, winces at what she comes up with, and thinks through them again. It isn't lying, everything she's planning to say is true. And it's in their best interests, not breaking the laws of Kenabres, and it means she and Brenda don't have to knock out innocent civilians. But it still feels dirty, like the kind of thing that the code against lying is supposed to forbid, like she's sacrificing the law in the name of good. 'Inheritor' she prays, 'guide me in my uncertainty, and grant me your grace, that I might make the right choice.' There's no answer, of course, but she didn't really think it would be that easy.

"I'm Seelah, a Paladin of Iomedae," she says, stepping forward to get their attention with a sword pointed at Brenda. "I'd like you to come with me to the temple, so you can give your reports and justice be served for the deeds done here today. They always want witness testimonies so they can be sure they're levying the right punishment and the guilty don't walk free."

She turns her attention towards Brenda, and mouths an apology for the act.

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As far as Brenda is concerned this is perfectly reasonable! They'll explain everything as soon as everyone on both sides of the explanation is plugged into consensus reality. She puts her hands up and says "Yes ma'am" and wonders what the paladin equivalent of "officer" is and maybe now they can all depart under their own power, she hopes. (Except the dead succubus, which Brenda will carry if nobody objects.)

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Once Seelah reframes the issue, they become much more cooperative, though they aren’t happy about the idea of Brenda carrying the corpse or her leaving it and Seelah ends up having to have one of them carry the corpse just to keep them satisfied.

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Alright, she can do this. Seelah winces at the unconscious bodies of the guards at the front door. It’s not great to leave them there, but she can’t ask Brenda to carry them she’s supposedly the prisoner, there’s no way Nenio will be able to carry one, and if she picks one up then she won’t be able to be convincingly with a sword in control of the situation…

”Wenduag, can you grab one of them? The two of you are on carrying the other one.”

Seelah ends up having to teach two of the people a modified fireman’s carry to move the guard at any reasonable pace, but fortunately the townhouse isn’t that far from the temple.

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It's very inconvenient how this whole situation is such that Brenda, the logical choice for carrying heavy things, cannot carry any heavy things, but that's how it goes sometimes. Onward to the temple; hopefully Hulrun will not spend too long arresting her before he helps the mind-controlled people. Or after, for that matter.

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For an old man who'd been awake for over a day straight, Prelate Hulrun is surprisingly alert. To most of those who didn't know him, it was a certain sign that the man was a soulless automaton dedicated only to the persecution of any possible cultists, while asking Liotr Hawksblade would result in the man pinching his nose and sighing at Hulrun's habit of casting keep watch and then micromanaging his subordinates. Regardless of the reason, however, when Brenda arrives at the temple of Iomedae Hulrun can be seen out in front of the entrance telling a wincing soldier in unfamiliar livery that he doesn't care what the count said, he wants all of them searching for demons yesterday.

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There are few things Seelah would like less than to get in the middle of a struggle between the Count and the Prelate. Thankfully even with their altered cognition the civilians she's escorting are just as loathe to drag his attention to them, so she can wait until Hulrun angrily dismisses the man before trying to catch his attention.

"Excuse me, sir, we were hoping to make use of your expertise here."

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"What is it?"

His eyes run over everyone present, lingering a moment on the succubus corpse, then return to Seelah.

"They're all enchanted, if that's what you're asking, other than your party and the one with the spiky hair. Both charms and compulsions. I'll have them step into the temple, see if that snaps them out of it, and then hold them here until Terendelev can stop by and dispel them all in one go, and then see if any of them other than the wizard were working for her willingly. Good work, Paladin."

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"Er, Nenio is with us, sir. Not them. She's not enchanted because we killed the succubus before it could use its magic."

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"Is that so? Because she matches some reports from a few weeks back of a magic-using suspected cultist who gave my subordinates the slip. You there, girl, what do you have to say for yourself? And step into the zone of truth before you answer."

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"I'm Nenio, scientist and author of the soon-to-be-published Enyclopedia-"

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"About your crimes. Are you a demon cultist? Have you ever worked for demons, demon lords, demon cultists, or anyone you suspect to be one of the previous? Have you broken any of the laws of the city in your time here?"

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"I work for science, not for people. Besides, they're pretty much all boring anyway. I don't know if I've broken any of your laws, I don't remember irrelevant things like that."

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Hulrun is, for once, not entirely sure how to respond to that. Wizards, he's tempted to think, but no, he's interrogated wizards before. Most of them aren't a tenth this bad.

"What demons or cultists don't you think are boring, then? And are you or are you not the individual who, two weeks and three days ago, were caught shouting 'Hail Baphomet' and then fleeing arrest?"

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"Well, Areelu Vorlesh sounds pretty interesting, and I don't have enough evidence to prove there aren't any others, but none of the ones I've met have been very interesting conversationalists even compared to crusaders. And yes, that's me! Please thank your inquisitors for me, their response time to reports of cultists is a valuable contribution to the encyclopedia."

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'Might defect if Areelu Vorlesh asked them to' is not exactly the most encouraging trait for someone to have, but it's not like it's much larger of an attack surface; if she actually met with this... Nenio and wanted their assistance, Nenio's compliance wouldn't be a factor.

"Right, I've heard enough. That's a serious crime even if you weren't a cultist, you've earned yourself a stint behind bars even accounting for leniency from confession."

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"Prelate, she's been assisting us with the defense of the city. She helped us take down a shadow demon and free all these people from a succubus. Surely this isn't more important than defeating the demons?"

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"And you're willing to vouch for her?"

At Seelah's nod, he turns back to Nenio.

"If I release you into her custody, will you try to flee the city?"

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"Probably not! I mean, maybe if something way more interesting happens nearby, but that seems unlikely to happen if Brenda is here."

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That's as good as you'll get with wizards, and more honest than a no would have been, zone of truth or no.

"Very well. I'll let you act as her warden for the duration of the crisis, then, and count her community service against her time served. If she commits more crimes or evades judgment, however, it'll be on your head."

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"Thank you, Prelate. I'll make sure you don't regret this."

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"See to it that you don't."

With that settled, he's going to take these civilians into custody and ensure the succubus is very thoroughly dead, because you can't be too careful with those sort.

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"Thanks, Seelah. You're a really helpful person to be around. Nenio--I'm sorry you helping us out got you in trouble."

Nenio definitely also contributed to her own being in trouble, but--she had been looking forward to spending time with Nenio as a voluntary associate, as a colleague. Maybe as a friend. And if she learned one thing from doing group projects in school (debatable) it's that the fastest way to make someone hate you is for an authority figure to force them to work with you on something. It could be worse, though; thank goodness she's not in Seelah's shoes. And if she's lucky Nenio will think it's a fun sentence.

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"What do you mean?"

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"Hulrun being all---" vague handwave. Apparently Nenio is simply too punk rock to be phased by any of this. "Uh, please don't do more crimes? I don't want Hulrun to cause trouble for Seelah either. There's tons of fun science to do that isn't illegal." She thinks. She should really get a copy of the Kenabres and Mendev law codes and read the whole thing looking for counterintuitive stuff; it probably won't be as long as the US equivalent and she's now a much faster reader with a much more complicated life and she'll need to pay her own taxes and stuff. She makes a TODO about it.

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"Oh, that. I've already forgotten about it. As for the law, where's your spirit of scientific inquiry? As scientists our goal is to advance the boundaries of knowledge, not do what some boring official tells us to!"

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"There are loads of boundaries of knowledge, though, so why not work on the ones that don't bother anybody first?" she says lightly. "You've got to pick somehow, after all."

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"Huh, so only do science that breaks the law right before you leave? I can see the appeal, there are a lot of things that are easier to do if the guards aren't bothering you in the middle of setting up the experiment. Always checking if something is legal before doing it sounds like a real waste of time, though, since you could just be spending that time doing the experiment."

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"I mean, one of the things I was just thinking was that I'm curious what the laws are here compared to what they are back home. We could investigate what effect the existence of truth magic has on criminal procedure, and the effects of gods existing, and actually this is a perfect way to take advantage of us being from different worlds!" That sentence started out as a somewhat manipulative persuasion attempt but it was extremely sincere by the time she got to the end of it.

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Detecting manipulation? That sounds like a task for someone with a sense motive bonus higher than one.

"Ooh, that does sound interesting! Of course, there's enough differences in the situations it will be hard to track down what specific causes each change has, and Golarion has more than one set of laws, but at least we can set up a baseline of comparison for further research to build on and look at what varies at all."

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"Golarion having more than one set of laws definitely makes it more work but it'll be good in the long run to have a higher sample size. It's too bad I didn't bring a bunch of law books from Earth." She knew she would want more books no matter how many books she brought, though, so she doesn't think she really made a mistake there per se.

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This is probably a good sign when it comes to Nenio obeying laws, right? Probably. At least she should be too distracted when she is literally reading to do any crimes, and even if it just reduces the instances after that it'll make her job easier. And thankfully Nenio didn't convince Brenda to start breaking laws with her, and Wenduag seems perfectly sensible about it and would probably only break a law if Brenda told her to.

...She has no idea how Irabeth managed to be an adventurer for so many years, partying with people who weren't paladins.

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The next anomaly visible to Brenda's Aeon sight is in fact not demonic at all, though it definitely doesn't feel like an angel either. The signatures are much weaker than she usually gets from a demon, but there are rather a lot of them.

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(Seelah is a good friend and a good person and Brenda wants to make her life easier rather than harder, and also she is not extremely punk rock and didn't take Undiplomatic Immunity so she doesn't want to break any laws for selfish reasons either.)

"There's a whole bunch of little--extraplanar something--over there. Not demonic or heavenly. I don't know if they're dangerous or peaceful or what." Can she get her regular eyes on the swarm-or-something?

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They're all inside of a house, though they don't seem to be near the entrance or windows to it.

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Maybe this time she can just knock on the door like a civilized person. Hope springs eternal.

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It takes a bit, but a short, mousy looking man comes up to the door, though he doesn't open it more than a crack and there's a visible chain that prevents it from being pushed further without excessive force unless unlatched.

"Yes? Who is it?"

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"Hi, we're adventurers checking for demons. Are you aware that you have a bunch of small extraplanar beings in your house? Not demonic but that doesn't mean they're friendly, so I just wanted to make sure everything is okay."

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"What? Oh, yes, it's nothing to be concerned about, they won't be here long."

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That's what someone would say if they were having a perfectly normal poker game with their air elemental friends. It's also what someone would say if they had something deeply fucked up going on. She gives him her friendliest smile.

"Do you mind if I come in and say hello for just a moment? The more kinds where I can match a physical appearance to what they look like to my magic, the less likely I am to get spooked by someone friendly or deceived by someone hostile later. Also I just like meeting new kinds of being."

She's expecting a no, but if she's lucky the type of no will be evidence about whether this guy is assembling an army of devil rats or baking baby proteans into pies or what.

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"I think we'd better not. They don't tend to be, ah, the most interested in making friends with new people, and neither they nor I know you from any other group of adventurers. In fact, for all I know you could be disguised demon cultists."

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"I'm a Paladin! We're not cultists."

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"I only have your word to go on for that; I don't have a good way of telling you apart, after all."

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Brenda takes advantage of this exchange to fire off a Detect Fiendish Presence and a Detect Magic while he isn't paying attention.

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There's no fiendish presence, but the man has a faint aura of magic around him.

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Well, so does Brenda so that's not that suspicious. Unlike this situation as a whole.

"You're saying you can't tell a paladin from a demon cultist? In my experience it's not particularly difficult."

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"Well, anyone can call themselves a paladin, and unless they're strong enough to have the magic who's to say they're not just a normal person? Not all of us are experienced adventurers; I'm not that impressive in a fight myself either, so getting it wrong could be dangerous."

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Brenda nods thoughtfully to buy time to send Seelah a Message. <Does he read as Evil to you? He seems off to me but he might just be scared.>

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Seelah whispers her reply, somewhat awkwardly.

<Yes. Not an especially strong aura, so probably not a demon, but definitely evil.>

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As far as she knows Detect Evil doesn't have a lot of false positives. She isn't getting any less worried for whoever is back there.

Casually, idly, she says "I'm surprised there isn't a reliable method for paladins to identify themselves. Really seems like the whole point of paladins would work better if they all had some kind of convenient hard-to-fake ability."

She pretends to be looking at something off to the side and casts Message again, aiming it past the man into the house, at the beings she can see with her Aeon sight. <Who are you? Why are you here?>

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The voice that comes back doesn't rasp, but it somehow carries with it that same impression.

<I hunger...>

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That's so fucked up! And surprisingly uninformative on the 'evil army' vs 'tortured kidnap victims' front!

<Is the human your friend or your enemy? What kind of food do you want?> Are they gonna say braaaaains, this seems unfortunately likely to be a braaaaains situation.

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<Want to eat you.>

The other part of her question goes unaddressed; her counterparty does not seem to be much of a conversationalist.

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That's a bit more eloquent than 'braaaains' but comes down to the same thing. Brenda relays this exchange to Seelah and adds <Is that enough evidence to break in?>.

Also, what's the suspicious human doing?

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<That sounds like bad news, yeah. Let's try not to hurt him too bad until we know for sure but I'll take responsibility if it goes wrong.>

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The man has closed and locked the door and appears to have moved away from the entrance way.

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Brenda gets the rest of the party caught up on what the fuck in a quiet but nonmagical voice, then squints at the gap between the door and the wall and attempts to use Mage Hand to unbolt the bolt and unchain the hotel-room-door gadget. Breaking and entering: because it worked great last time (TM).

Apparently Mage Hand is completely useless for moving small objects relative to other small objects. Fine. She rips the stupid door off. If she manages to avoid killing him she'll buy him a new door to celebrate.

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That kind of casual display of strength is extremely alarming!

"Defend me, my creations!"

Several shadowy figures (though noticeably different from the demon they fought before) phase in through the walls at his command, and there's the thump of footsteps indicating more corporeal entities are on their way.

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"Oh, is it just necromancy? And here I was hoping you'd decided to do something interesting."

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"Shut up! People like you just don't understand the art!"

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"Why did you think making people that eat people was a good idea?! What is your endgame here?!" Nearest shadowy creature gets a face full of angel sword.

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The shadowy creature does not like that at all and tries to claw her for it. Her instincts give a sense that even a glancing hit from this can be bad news.

"My creations obey me; they kill who I order, when I order it, and none other. Each one I create brings me closer and closer to one day reaching the peak of necromancy itself, and I won't let you stop me! Haste!"

As he speaks, the first of the more corporeal undead start to make their way into the back of the room, a mixture of rotting corpses and pale, starving creatures that still look almost human; their vanguard, like the shadows, has had their speed artificially increased by his spell.


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That's a lot of bodies he's trying to put between him and them, but how good is he at dodging?

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Not great, judging by the arrows that sprout from his chest before he ducks behind a zombie.

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She moves fast and slashes with her swords but doesn't use the claws this time; she doesn't know if whatever touch attack they have can get her that way. When the zombies get close enough she'll try to grab one and throw it at the shadows, both to tangle them up and to see what happens.

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It takes about two hits to take down a shadow, but even with the extra speed they aren't able to land a real hit on her as long as she's paying attention. The zombies and ghouls are even less of a roadblock to either party, unable to either prevent her from throwing them on a whim or to even momentarily inconvenience the shadow they pass through.

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Zombies! Finally, something she can uncomplicated stab. Radiance cuts through their putrid flesh with ease, and each one she finishes off is another soul freed. Apparently the fact that she's moving forward instead of being stopped by the shadows makes her a bigger threat, since he tries something that rattles her down to her bones, but it's nothing her lay on hands can't fix and in fact if she tries she can just ignore the zombies and head straight for him to stop him from doing it again.

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Brenda takes out shadows until there aren't any left, unless an ally gets ganged up on and she needs to switch tactics to help.

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That won't take her long, especially since nobody needs rescuing to distract her. Once she kills four shadows no more show themselves, and Seelah has already backed the necromancer up to the far wall. She does have some zombies and ghouls around her, but they mostly seem to be bouncing off her armor and every couple of seconds Wenduag manages to drop one, sometimes with assistance from Nenio.

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Brenda joins Wenduag and Nenio in dropping ghouls. Does the necromancer seem inclined to surrender at all? How about if there are two women menacing him with swords?

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Does trying to turn invisible and slip away count?

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No. Stab.

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Seelah will also stab him a moment later, having continued to track him with detect evil, but it's an unnecessary addition; he's quite thoroughly dead.

"We'll probably need to take his corpse to the temple; I don't fancy the odds he tries to rise from the grave. Hopefully he doesn't have any more surprises hidden elsewhere."

Then she can go back to eliminating the zombies and ghouls before they get lucky and injure her.

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Once the zombies and ghouls are all cleaned up Brenda pops around a corner and comes back with a shroud to carry the necromancer in.

"What should we do with the rest of the corpses? We can't just leave them here; the whole street will reek. I guess ideally there'd be some way to identify their next of kin but that sounds logistically complicated." By which she means she doesn't want to tell someone 'hello I stabbed your zombie sister', but also it does legitimately sound complicated.

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“I’m not sure; with some of them, I bet Hulrun or Jhoran or someone will be able to identify them, but others don’t look nearly intact enough for that, to say nothing of the shadows. Maybe there just isn’t a good way to do more than guess. We should…” she stops, then rallies. “We should tell the church to bring a cart. They’ll need the bodies anyway if they’re going to bury them.”

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"Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't realize the shadows used to be people."

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Unless Brenda wants to offer an opinion, Seelah will default to leading the way back to the temple of the Inheritor, where she talks to Stasia about where to send the cart (and the soldiers Stasia decides to send with them, because obviously she's not about to ask them to collect corpses from a necromancer without paladins with them).

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It's about this time that Terendelev arrives as well, making a landing in front of the building. She pronounces the city streets clear, but reminds everyone that there are still likely cultists and a handful of demons lurking and that they should make sure to report anything suspicious they see to the authorities.

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Yay! Brenda is going to stock up on food (Hollow Leg means she no longer technically needs to eat, but she still gets hungry) and figure out something analogous to hotel rooms for herself and Wenduag, and then meet back up with Ember and see how her demon redemption attempt is going.

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Food is definitely available, both still given out at the temples and some tentatively reopened locations if soup isn’t to her taste.

With people starting to return to their homes, the temples aren’t going to be as crowded? Alternatively, she could see about getting a room at an inn - the defender’s heart is popular amongst adventurers, partially due to it’s attached tavern - or ask someone in the city to put her up. There are probably also houses for sale with the kind of money Brenda has, but given the timing that probably means choosing one who’s owners just died, and thus may not be to her taste for reasons other than cost.

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She's sure the soup is fine, but nobody with her amount of money should be taking charity food; she'll find someone who has managed to start selling it again. And then get rooms at the Defender's Heart unless Wenduag prefers somewhere else, because while she has no objection to buying a dead person's house she doesn't want to deal with that much logistics when she has no idea how long she's in town for. 

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The owner of the Defender's Heart is a tall, pale man of few words; he doesn't react at all to either of Brenda or Wenduag's appearances, even to at the background level of double takes or second glances they usually get from people on the street. They can get one or two rooms, depending on preference, each with a solid deadbolt and windows that can be shuttered against arrows. The building itself is clearly built to be defensible, with its own wall and gates and a sturdy construction; most likely either the architect was paranoid of this kind of incursion or this kind of security is just reassuring to adventurers. It also sells food and drinks, which there look to be some armed and armored people taking advantage of on the main floor.

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Two rooms, unless Seelah's or Nenio's houses have been damaged. 

How is Ember doing? Hopefully her afternoon was less eventful than the rest of the party's. Hopefully her player is back from whatever schedule conflict caused her to miss a week.

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Ember thinks it's been going pretty well! The fact that they were trapped in the cell made it harder, but the guards might have actually helped; lots of things are more scary before you get to know them better. There's only so much you can do just by talking, and she thinks she still has a ways to go, but Ember is pretty sure she's right that at least some demons can get better.

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The other person in the jail is trying quite hard not to seem like he's listening, but this act is somewhat foiled by the fact that he absolutely is.

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Brenda is glad to hear it! She'd be happy to talk to the demon some more if them getting to understand her better would help.

The other guy listening to Ember is valid; she's very worth listening to. Brenda gives him a friendly smile.

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The moment he realizes he's been caught, he jerks his head away.

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"How did you get the demon to be so cooperative? All the ones I've encountered are disappointingly uninterested in responding usefully to survey questions."

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"Well, I think the first thing you have to do is make sure you aren't fighting them when you get started on the conversation. With Drovidra, I was already talking to him when he learned I knew he was a demon, which made it easier to keep talking instead of automatically fighting them. You also have to make sure not to be too scary or too scared, since most demons have conditioned responses to those and their learned habits aren't very good for them."

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Nenio will take notes!

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Her friends are so good! 

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"Do you think you'll be able to notice if and when he becomes able to be okay living on the material without hurting anyone?"

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"Without wanting to hurt someone? Yes, I think so. But it's harder to guess how he might act if he gets too stressed or scared or angry at the wrong time, or if something... reminds him, in the wrong way. I'm more confident that getting further away from other demons and the worldwound would probably help him recover, but for a lot of this I'm just going on intuition."

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Brenda would probably also kill fewer people if she was somewhere else, so that tracks!

"Yeah, I get the sense that Kenabres is an unusually stressful place to be. I don't know where the least stressful places are; they're probably the ones I haven't heard of yet."

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"According to my research, the least stressful places to live in Golarion are Hermea and Kyonin! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to confirm these findings personally, but I hope to rectify this once I can teleport!"

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Brenda suspects that nowhere can be the least stressful place on the planet while Nenio is investigating it, but least stressful is different from most fun.

"Kyonin is the elf country that hates tourists, right? What's Hermea?"

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"Indeed! On average, Kyonin only lets in 7.5 humans a year! Hermea is an island to the west of Avistan lead by the gold dragon Mengkare dedicated to what he calls the Glorious Endeavor, an effort to make a perfect country of perfect people, and he spared no expense building his vision for a Utopia. It's incredibly isolationist; nobody who isn't accepted in is allowed to leave the port city for the rest of the island."

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"I guess it makes sense that the two calmest places are the ones that can keep out anyone who might cause problems." She's pleased to realize that she has no particular desire to hide in either one of them instead of working on becoming an archmage and fixing the Worldwound, though she does kind of want to see what Mengkare or his admissions process would make of her.

"Is Hermea succeeding at being utopian, as opposed to merely quiet?"

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"People in the city of Promise seem very enthusiastic about it, but it's possible the rest of the island is less utopian and they're being deceived or are happy to lie about it."

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"Oh man, people must be trying to sneak in constantly. But this is a tangent. Ember, I don't suppose I can talk you into letting me get you a room in the Defender's Heart where Wenduag and I are staying?"

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"Why would I need a room?"

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Apparently that's too much for the boy to stay quiet through.

"People usually don't want to sleep on the street."

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Ember smiles at him, and he quickly looks away again to hide his embarrassment with slightly darkening cheeks.

"I'm used to it though, so I don't need that."

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"May I ask your name? I'm Brenda."

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"The name's Woljif, chief."

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"Pleased to meet you." She's curious what he's in for but that's rude and she should mind her own beeswax. "Your horns are cool."

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“Thanks, your ears are pretty nice yourself! Sometimes I think my handsomeness is as much a blessing as a curse, though; people assume there must be something wrong with me to make up for all my blessings. I mean, why else would an innocent man like me be in jail?”

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“Woljif, you’re in that cell because you’re a thief, not because you’re a tiefling.”

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“See what I mean? Always so quick with the slander, even though I didn’t do it!”

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"Um. I'm not a lawyer and I'm not in charge of deciding who did what, but is there some reason you can't say you didn't do it under a truth spell?"

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"It's a matter of principle. They get you under that truthspell, and what? They don't stop with 'did you do it,' it's all 'have you ever committed a crime,' 'do you know anyone who did,' what is the membership of the thieflings,' and then they don't even have the decency to trust what they get! I'm no snitch."

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"Oh wow, that's really fucked up!"

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"Exactly! So I'm stuck here until they admit they're wrong, find the real culprit, or decide they've kept me long enough."

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Or he did it and he's stuck here until he's served whatever the sentence is. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things whether this particular person is innocent of this particular theft; the point is that Kenabres needs the US Bill of Rights.

"How long is long enough, anyway? I guess it depends on what they think you stole."

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"They're blaming me for the loss of some jewelry from the ancientries and wonders shop. If they'd just investigate, they'd know it wasn't me; if I were free I could prove my innocence inside an hour - but as things stand if I'm lucky, they'll make me cool my heels for a few weeks or months before letting me go, and if I'm not it'll be hard labor or the penal battalions until they're satisfied."

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"What would you do to prove your innocence, if telling me wouldn't mess it up?" Whether he's innocent absolutely does matter in the more immediate scheme of things.

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"I'd talk to the owner and track down who really did it. They've gotta have seen something, since the eagle's watch took the case, which means I'd just need to talk to sister Kerismei and find out whoever was mistaken for me or foisted me the blame. That, or prove he was just making things up to get me put away, depending on what actually happened."

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Nod nod. Unclear whether this is a task she has the ability to accomplish without knowing everyone Woljif knows; if it is, the plot justice requires that she give it a go. Or possibly offer to chaperone him while he does it or something.

"Who is sister Kerismei?"

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"She's something of, a.... community leader for us Tieflings, so if I got a description she could help find out who it matched."

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So probably not someone it would make sense for Brenda to talk to about the matter herself. "If you think it would help for me to take a message to her I could do that."

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"Ah, I don't think that'd be the best idea; she wouldn't take implications at one of her people too well from someone who's not a tiefling."

She wouldn't take it that well from Woljif either, admittedly, but he's sure he could talk her around. Sending the one person on the outside who might be willing to help him to piss off the head of the local thieflings, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of a good idea, especially since she'd also be mad at him for sending Brenda her way.

"If you gathered the testimony before the shopkeep's memory fades on the details, I'd be grateful, but getting me out would be a lot to ask of a stranger."

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"That makes perfect sense; I don't want to intrude where I'm not welcome. Which shop was it? I can ask for a description, though I should warn you, people's memory for that sort of thing is often terrible." Or maybe she doesn't need to warn him; fantasy novel logic says the description might be utterly useless but will more likely reveal that the culprit has some single distinguishing feature that the shopkeeper will remember perfectly. Or both, if it's "all I know is he has horns".

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"The ancientries and wonders shop. And if he doesn't have a clear memory, that's almost as good, since at least that way I might be able to convince some of them that I'm not guilty."

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That sounds like a really cool shop name she now wants to go to anyway!

"Sounds good; I'll stop by and ask around."

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"Think about what we talked about, okay? And take care of yourself, too, I know not being able to run away if you have to is stressful."

At the Vermlek's nod, Ember will give him another smile, and then head out with Brenda.

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Once they've left the eagle's watch jail behind, she'll turn very seriously for Brenda.

"Thank you for trusting me to try that, I really appreciate that. And for helping other people, that's very important too."

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"I'm glad you're willing to try. And that you're good at it. If there were thousands of you, maybe there'd be something better to aim for than closing the Worldwound."

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The ancientries and wonders shop is housed in building on the north end of Kenabres. It stands out from its surroundings both due to the signage identifying its name and the fact that its windows are constructed of relatively large sheets of glass when compared to its neighbors, and that it has rather more of them. Unlike many other buildings with glass windows this far away from the city center, however, its windows are unsmashed, a fact that might have something to do with the large, mobile stone statue standing by the entranceway.

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Ooooh. "Hello!" she says to the statue. "Is this your store?"

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"Negative. Greetings; this one is a golem, securing this location for master Frulliatros. Please by advised that theft will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of law."

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"Understood. May I use a magic ability to copy some of your abilities? This will have no direct effects on you."

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"That action is: not forbidden."

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"Thanks!" She figured them for a straight shooter. Her skin takes on a visual texture somewhere between skin and granite, and she suddenly feels zero tired. Better, like she'll never get tired. Sleepy, maybe, but not exhausted, even if she runs all day.

"I came here to investigate a previous attempt to steal from this store. Did you see anyone steal jewelry recently?"

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"Disseminating security information requires confirmation from master Frulliatros."

As though summoned by those words, someone else comes up from inside the store to the front door. They look vaguely like the necromancer she just fought, if you replaced everything nondescript about them with riotous colors. Their shirt is bright purple with silver stars and moons, their hair colored like a rainbow, and upon their head is a bright red hat with a wide brim.

"What brings you lot up here? Don't mind the mess, we're open."

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"I heard that this place existed and wanted to go shopping here, but also I heard you had a theft recently and was hoping to get a description of the thief."

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“Well, you’ve come to the right place; you won’t find a finer magic shop in Kenabres! Armor, weapons, rings, clothing; you name it, I've got it. Buying and selling, too; if you ever decide to get rid of any of your current items, such as to purchase an upgrade, I'll happily make you an offer for them. ”
At the thought of the thief his mood sombers a bit and he shakes his head.
”Nasty business, that; bastards nearly destroyed my poor golem, and they made off with the pride of my collection too. I was in the basement during the attack - the eagle's watch wanted to catch the thieflings, asked me to make it look like I wasn't there - but I did see some suspicious characters stop by earlier, probably casing the place. Refresh my memory, how many tieflings did we get that day?"

"Three. Tiefling male, middle aged: average height, long horns, dark skin, red hair, blue eyes. Tiefling male, young: medium height, short backwards curling horns, yellow eyes, curly dark hair. Special observations: annoyed master. Tiefling female, young: above average height, long pale hair, long horns, blue eyes, no observed tail. Special observations: scar on nose."

"Yes, thank you. You can ignore that third one - she was a paying customer with the crusaders, wish I had a dozen like her - but the other two were extremely suspicious. The older one was all wrapped up in a ratty green cloak, asked me to see some aasimar-made mithral chainmail way out of his price range, and he spent a while looking around. The other one was Woljif Jefto, a tiefling who's been sniffing around my shop for years, treating the place like it was some kind of museum. He was always trying to look at the moon of the abyss, no matter how often I chased him off; it went missing after the robbery, and he's obviously the culprit."


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She nods thoughtfully. Seen through the eyes of the shopkeeper, it's suspicious as all get-out. Seen through the eyes of fantasy novel logic, it's exactly what she'd expect to hear if Woljif was innocent: circumstantial evidence partially driven by prejudice with enough room for alternative explanations to drive a truck through. Except for the mention of an eyewitness.

She looks at the golem again. "He said the thieves nearly destroyed you; do you remember anything about the people who attacked you, either what they looked like or what they did?"

If Woljif is innocent and fantasy novel logic--really more like detective novel logic--is operative, either the golem will have incomplete and confused memories that won't seem useful immediately, or the golem will say it was Woljif and it will turn out to have been someone Alter Selfed into him (the latter is unlikely; if that was going to happen Woljif would have had a weak but extant alibi), and either way the subtle details will eventually prove to be inconsistent with something else and make the whole story in which Woljif is guilty fall apart. If Woljif is guilty and this whole thing is an attempt to mess with the players or the readers or something, the golem will identify Woljif and it won't be a disguise. If realistic causality is operating unhindered, things will be more complicated. Also, side note: if there really is a tiefling organized crime ring called the thieflings that would be a delightful pun.

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"Negative: the attack came from inside my field of vision, but the user was not visible. It temporarily suppressed this unit's defensive abilities and matches description: transmute rock to flesh. The followup magical attack rendered them visible but disabled this unit's visual apparatus."

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So it's detective novel logic, then. She should make sure not to discuss her inferences with anyone so she can do the big reveal at the end that's ridiculous on several levels and she will discuss her inferences with her party momentarily.

"Do either of you happen to have personally observed anything relevant to the spellcasting capabilities of either Woljif or the blue-eyed tiefling?"

She'd ask if there were any other suspects, but it's a magic item shop; pretty much anyone inclined to crime would have a motive. She'll just have to keep in mind that it could theoretically be a lot of different people including 'Frulliatros himself, for the insurance money'.

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"I know he's got some talent; enough to do some tricks with that shadow of his, at least, and I'd occasionally detect something from him when I ran him out. Not enough for a stone to flesh, but it's not too hard to cast from a scroll if you can get your hands on it. I dunno about the other one, I'd never seen him before but I wouldn't put it past them to have picked up the basics, and it could have been a compatriot with the scroll anyway; they made off with more of my display case items in more cases than I'd have expected one person to manage in the time they had."

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She nods. "So, multiple people but we can't confidently rule either of them in or out and there could have been a third person. Thank you; I hope the Eagle Watch will find it useful." Because she's definitely telling them as well as Woljif and Woljif probably won't find it useful at all, poor guy.

And now it's time for magic item shopping! She has one open ring slot, four friends to potentially buy presents for, and a pocketful of cash and bank drafts. Wow, she's going shopping with a group of girlfriends, her life got so weird it wrapped around to more normal than it's ever been. 

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If there's one kind of customer Fyllemen Frulliatros likes more than the rich polite kind, it's the extremely rich polite kind. Unless he's losing his touch, the girl's wearing over two hundred thousand pounds worth of magical items, and that's not counting the ones he doesn't even recognize. Even if he doesn't make a sale today, if he's lucky he can get her interested enough to drop by again whenever she next has a big payday.

"Is there anything in particular you're looking for, or shall I suggest things? I mentioned earlier that I happened onto some genuine aasimar-made mithral chainmail; as protective as full plate and a mere fraction the weight, and that's before you use it to fly! Or perhaps a luckstone, to help avoid the worst?"

Most of the items on display are not especially powerful; rings of protection, amulets of natural armor, cloaks of resistance and so forth, weaker versions of the ones she's wearing. But there are also a fair few more unusual items like a ring that promises to minimize wasted time asleep and eliminate the need to eat, or boots made out of leaves promising to make the wearer more acrobatic. There's also placards noting that more powerful items can be retrieved from storage on request.

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Oh, there are so many cool things here! If she was shopping for herself it would be easy, those boots are great, but she really wants to get things for her friends and five thousand crowns split four ways isn't enough for any of the really awesome items. Is anyone staring at anything in particular? Is there anything relatively cheap but really weird and obscure, because she knows what Nenio wants and it's something novel to do experiments on.

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Nenio has been rather thoroughly distracted by the golem; she might evince an opinion on magic items later, but for the moment you would have to first get her to realize they exist.

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Most of the most interesting items are rather expensive, and in terms of practicality it doesn’t seem like much beats cloaks of resistance or rings of protection in protection per cost, but there are still some things that might catch her eye. Is she interested in a protective ring that lets the wearer turn into a songbird? A set of sleeves that promise the ability to imitate any other set of mundane clothing? A set of gem-adorned gloves that let the wearer heal others? A feather that can turn into a tree, boat, or catapult? A necklace of throwable fireballs? 

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The gloves are a very clever piece of work; she hasn't seen anything with that sort of gem-based power reserve before. Could their useful life be extended by replacing the expended sapphires with new ones of the appropriate size and quality, or are these particular gems integrated into the construction such that they couldn't be replaced without rebuilding the structure around them?

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“Hmm. You couldn’t just slot in new sapphires to recharge it, or add more for extra storage, but I would guess a crafter with the requisite skills and materials could recharge a partially used up set for less than it would take to get a new one. It would have to be someone pretty skilled, though, since there’s a lot of complicated spellcraft that goes into making that many spells play nice together; I had to commission it custom from an acquaintance in Absalom.”

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"How interesting! I'm no expert but it looks beautiful."

If she can't cheat ridiculously with the gloves, she's going to set them aside, give the acrobatics boots one last longing glance, and buy the cheapest cloaks of resistance for everyone in the party who can be easily persuaded to take one, because that's the most useful thing she can afford one of for everybody.

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Cloaks of resistance are one of his more common items; she can get them in matching or personalized aesthetics, as she chooses. It's not as big a sale as he'd hoped for, but it's still a tidy profit and if her party associates his shop with magic items they might swing back themself, so he'll count it as a win and knock a bit off the price.

It's pretty easy to get Seelah and Wenduag to take theirs, but Nenio and Ember are apparently both distracted talking with different objects.

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Distracted from what? Nenio is pretty confident interviewing this golem is her main goal at the moment, actually, and honestly she's had no shortage of worse interviewees over the last few days; having to rephrase questions isn't the biggest deal.

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"-And there I was, demons on all sides, but I had a clever plan. You see, a phantom blade is never without the right tool for the job, so I switched out my sword for a flail and made them all keep their distance while I made for the cave exit."

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"Oh, what happens next? Did you make it out alright?"

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Part of the awesomeness of having the best headband is that she can get cloak color preferences from the people inclined to have them and listen in on the golem interview at the same time and woah, talking sword! "Oh, hello!" she says, and pauses in looking through cloaks to hear the rest of the story.

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"Hello to you too, miss! You've arrived at just the right time. At first, my plan was working perfectly; none of the demons wanted to be the first to take a hit from me, and my weapon has no issues hitting the intangible so the succubus couldn't close the gap with Ethereal Jaunt. However, there was one flaw I had overlooked; the closer I got to the entrance of the cave, the smaller the passage got, and the more I had to shorten the chain on my flail to keep from hitting the cave walls! Not only did this mean the end wasn't moving as quickly, it also reduced the size of the space I could keep clear of demons, which some of the more enterprising Babau took advantage of to try and jab me with their spears. It got to the point where I couldn't safely go any further, but staying where I was meant exhausting myself as I slowly died to a hundred glancing blows. My escape was within sight, but just as far from reach as ever; if only I had learned to cast dimension door! I would have to do something drastic if I wanted to make it out alive. I transformed my weapon into a defending spike shield, bull rushed my way past the first demon blocking me, and cast telekinetic charge to send myself flying out the cave entrance! The landing was a little rough, not to mention getting hit on the way past, but I was out in the open with a solid lead, and I made it back to the crusader's fort before they could take me down!"

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Ember claps enthusiastically at the conclusion.

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"I'm glad you made it out! So can you shapeshift into any weapon?"

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"Any weapon I'm familiar enough with to properly visualize. I knew this fellow once who swore by his spiral rapier, but I could never get the hand of visualizing it properly and didn't have much better luck using his when he lent it to me one time."

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"Do you also have a form with hands, then? That's convenient. What's a spiral rapier?"

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"Of course I have hands, see?"

No hands make themself evident.

"I'd love to show you, but like I said I never got the hang of it. It looks something like a corkscrew, but much longer and with sharper edges; the guy who had it was always doing crazy tricks to disarm people."

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Fyllamen's voice comes to Brenda as a whisper from where he's sorting through a pile of loose rings.

<Don't push Finnean too hard on his shape. He had a nasty run-in with a demon cultist who called themself the bladesmith, who trapped him inside his weapon as a sick experiment, and nobody's been able to figure out how to fix it. Ever since he's had some memory problems and issues picking up new information; you can get him to realize what happened if you work at it, but he never takes it well and he'll forget it soon after.>


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<Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for explaining.> Wow, that's incredibly fucked up!!!

It occurs to her that True Love's Kiss would fix this, but she can't put herself in the mindset of pursuing a serious romantic relationship with Finnean and expects that trying would only cause horrible drama. She will simply have to learn all the magic and then come back and dispel him.

Out loud to Finnean: "That does sound tricky. But it sounds like you're so good with so many other weapons I doubt you'll need that kind of fancy trick." 

And then she flees makes a dignified exit to go watch Nenio interview the golem.

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After finishing up her initial survey questions, Nenio set out to try and tease out the golem's internal experiences, which she managed to make a bit of headway on by repeatedly rephrasing her queries before getting distracted by a disagreement over the importance of memory storage.

"-And thus by choosing to forget irrelevant details, you can streamline your recall apparatus, and thereby remember the important things more easily. When are you going to need to remember everything you saw a week ago?"

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"This unit was last called upon to do that: 15 minutes ago. Troubleshooting of model G-504-ENE shows no change in recall times from filling memory banks."

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"Do you have a perfect memory? How far back does it go? Nenio, can you actually forget things on purpose or just not put effort into remembering them?" If the golem does have an eidetic memory Brenda isn't going to be sad about DFEW not copying it, but only because her headband has improved her memory a lot.

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"This unit's memory extends: 13 years, 4 months, 11 days. No degradation of memory quality has been observed."

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"I forget everything unimportant or irrelevant!"

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"What, on purpose? What if it becomes important or relevant later?"

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"Well, maybe I do forget something that will be important later occasionally. Or maybe not; I don't remember."

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"I will keep an eye out and let you know if I notice you having forgotten something important," Brenda says seriously, because that's what friends are for.

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"Thank you!"

Really, this has been a great day so far for science!

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If they're going to be staying here for a bit, Wenduag will stay by Ember. This Finnean seems to have once been a capable adventurer, and learning how to make her weapon change shape could be very useful.

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Fyllamen is pretty confident by now those gloves are a kind of magic item he's never even heard of before! It's incredibly difficult to puzzle out, but he's hardly going to ask any of them to leave before he manages it and if they stay they might decide to make another purchase.

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Brenda has a bunch more questions for the golem! She wants to find out their digit span and reverse digit span and how they do on the stroop test (being part notebook is very handy for administering this) and incidentally how does Nenio do on all of these and how does she do now that she has the best headband and can she come up with a decent shape rotation task and and and . . . 

(But eventually (in a surprisingly small number of actual minutes) she gets out of the snuggle pit science hole and pays for the cloaks and leaves.)

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If the golem has a digit span; it's not something she'll manage to find in a casual examination; it is perfectly capable of repeating back hundred number strings to her, including if she gives another string in between. They don't even seem to notice the incongruities of the stroop test either, but the reverse digit span gives them a lot of trouble until she finds the right way to phrase it and it becomes as easy as the first string. Nenio fares significantly less well on the digits, though they do seem to have a relatively normal human memory at least while the test is ongoing, but does nearly as well on stroop testing and can solve any shape rotations almost as quickly as Brenda can come up with them.

While none of the individual things Brenda did today were especially time consuming, by the time she heads out of the store it is nonetheless mid evening and the sun hangs low in the southwest sky.

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She hopes and intends that telling both Woljif and the Eagle Watch all the relevant information she learned from the golem and Frulliatros will be the last errand of the day, a leaf-node of the errand-tree from which she can exit to her room at the inn and not talk to anyone (other than Alpina) or do any tasks (other than study magic) for several hours, and maybe also sleep.

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There are always more things she could do. The church of Desna is holding an evening vigil for the dead, rumor has it count Arendae decided to take the demons being driven off as an excuse to throw a party, and the eagle’s watch is still keeping a guard on the wardstone, to name but a few. None of them require or expect her involvement, however, and if there are expected to be any lives on the line it’s only in the form of tail risks.

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Then she will choose: none of those things! She hopes the rest of her party has a lovely evening doing any or all or none of them without her.

She's been keeping Alpina apprised of her various shenanigans in real time, but it's nice to sit down with her in the peace and quiet of a little bedroom and give her her full attention.

Hi! I think I am finally out of short-term quests for today. I'm sure I'll get more soon, though--and I think I'm actually looking forward to it? It's nice to be useful even if some of the things are ridiculous.

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That makes sense. It's nice to be able to help people!

How have you been doing? What do you think of the things you've learned and the people you've met and the heritage you've gained? Or would you rather not talk about it and just take the time to relax?
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I know it literally says in the description that Dragon Fairy Elf Witch is always benefits and not drawbacks but I keep being surprised by how cool it is! I should mentally review all the enemies I've fought lately and copy all most of them (the ghouls and zombies didn't really seem to have anything going for them). But right now I want to experiment with spell scrolls!

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Experimenting with spell scrolls sounds really exciting! What experiments are you thinking of?
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I want to see if either of us can copy them! Also whether you can tell what they do without my telling you, just from looking at the magic while it's attached to you.

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I was right, that is exciting! Let's try it.
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Brenda adds a little smiley face next to "that is exciting" and slips one of the scrolls of Sleep between her pages.

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That's so pretty... I'm not sure what it does but I really like looking at it!

So the next thing is to find out if I can copy it, right? Let me see... oh, that's tricky... ⏳
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Brenda bounces excitedly and contemplates which demons she should DFEW. The shadow, maybe, while focusing hard on not wanting to look creepy all the time. Also those big ones that teleported behind her during that first fight and injured her; the teleportation might have been another sorcerous bloodline and anyway they were strong enough they probably had something awesome going on. Nothing the succubus was doing was appealing at all and she doesn't trust her subconscious enough to be sure she wouldn't get any of it, especially if she didn't have anything else. She should probably do Deskari but she wants to know more about what his deal is first; she doesn't want bug powers or to be kaiju-sized, but there's no way that's all he's got.

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The hourglass finishes after about half a minute, and Alpina shuffles a page into place under Brenda's hand with a copy of the scroll scribed neatly in place.

On the facing page, she scribbles excitedly,
I did it! Wow, that was really hard. I think that might have been the hardest formatting job I've ever, ever done. But I did it and it's there now! ✨ And now that I've done it once, I bet it'll be easier the second time...
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Yay! That's so cool! And both versions show up to Detect Magic so I think I could cast it from either one! Do you know whether, if I cast from your copy, you'd be able to make another one without looking at the original again or if you'd have to have it on hand page every time?

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It might have been pretty difficult to reconstruct it from memory before I copied it myself, it's much harder to work with magic than ink, but now that I've copied it once I can do it again no problem. My memory and the contents of my pages are sort of a little bit the same thing.
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That's so cool and impressive of you! I want to try casting something, but that scroll I gave you is actually for making people fall asleep and I don't want to go to sleep yet, I just gave you that one because I had a bunch of it so it would be okay if you needed multiple tries. Can I give you another scroll that's for getting a summary of a book by touching it, so I can try casting that on one of the magic books?

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Yes! Wow, what a neat spell!
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Right? I'm so excited to try it!

Spell scroll!

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And another half-minute later,
Done! I think this one is even prettier than the last. Spell structures are so lovely!
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They're so great! I'm gonna cast it!

And about three seconds later:

Eeee this spell is so neat! Side effects may include wanting to read the entire book immediately. Fortunately I have nowhere to be for the rest of tonight and not much tomorrow either.

Unless Alpina evinces a preference for something different to happen, the next hour will involve a lot of liveblogging of The Principles of Abjuration and their Applications to Spells of the First Four Circles: Being a Treatise in Six Parts with Exercises for the Diligent Student of Arcana.

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Who could possibly have a preference for something different than this? What a fantastic way to spend an hour!

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Alpina is so good and fun and awesome!

I'm kind of thinking about maybe introducing you to Nenio, once I know her a little better and if you think that would be fun. We could all talk about magic together.

She is aware that sometimes you can be friends with two people who would not at all be good friends with each other but it would be so great if they were all three friends.

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Oh, that could be neat! And it'll be much easier to tell you apart from other people now that you don't need a pen to talk to me.
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Oh hey, I just remembered I got some scrolls of Sending from Areelu Vorlesh, I should show you one of those too!

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The Sending diagram is a lot more complicated than the other two, being fifth circle. While Alpina is hourglassing, Brenda adds:

I still wish I knew what Areelu Vorlesh's motives are. It really seems like she wants to be friends, but I don't get the sense that she's sorry for opening the Worldwound at all, and I don't know what that adds up to in terms of how scared of her I should be or what I should do if the answer is "very".

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Yes, that's a really difficult question!

When it comes up for me, I always try to be kind and helpful even to scary people, because I think most people, even very scary ones, are better and not worse when they have nice things and people are kind to them, and even when that's not true, I still don't like being the sort of person who isn't kind to people. But I am a notebook, and I mostly only ever encounter people in one context, and you are a person with arms who takes actions and has adventures, and I think you will need a different answer to situations like this because my answer was made for a different kind of situation.
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Yeah. I like the idea of being kind and helpful to everyone but I don't want to accidentally be helpful with a plan I'd really rather be thwarting.

On a lighter note: I keep going back and forth on the question of whether to Dragon Fairy Elf Witch a spider. Because having any of the powers Spider-Man has would be awesome but I'm not sure having the powers of a regular spider would be awesome. I'm not sure if spiders even have enough intelligence for it to work, though, so maybe it's moot. And I guess having really lame spider powers wouldn't actually be a problem.

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I think it's generally pretty safe to try to DFEW a being when you're not sure if they have any powers you want, because the worst thing that could happen is that they don't have any powers you want and so you don't get any powers, and then you'll still have their heritage later if it turns out that their heritage synergizes well with something else. And if they're not aware enough to count as a being you can DFEW, then nothing happens.
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Yeah, fair. It's been a good idea every time so far!

She then doesn't say anything else until about a minute later.

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Apparently spiders don't have experiences, which is good actually, being a spider sounds terrible. I bet farm animals do have experiences though and that also sounds terrible and I think I'm going to stop eating meat about it given that I don't really need to eat anyway.

The good news is that some of the demons I fought yesterday and today have awesome powers! One of them made me ✨ smarter ✨ in a way that's less intense than my headband but also broader/more comprehensive and gave me the ability to teleport, which was a very convenient pair of things to get at the same time because it turns out I get one a day and I was smart enough to test it by teleporting across the room instead of somewhere that would have been inconvenient to walk back from. Also I can blend into shadows and turn invisible and I'm a little faster and more graceful, which is fun.

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Oh, that's so neat!

Sending is a lot harder to copy than the other two, but I think I almost have it, I just need to concentrate for a little longer...

It takes about another minute for the hourglass to finish.

Got it! That was really something. I'd love to copy more scrolls for you, they're tricky but in a fun way!
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I'm glad you think it's fun! I can tell it's going to be amazingly useful, but I'd feel bad bugging you to do it if it was boring. I'm curious whether having a conversation made it take longer or if you can seamlessly multitask that kind of thing?

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Having a conversation does slow me down a little but I can always stop writing during the really tricky bits.
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Makes sense!


It's really great how much freedom my powers give me. I don't have to worry about getting a job or going to school, because I can sell diamonds and I don't even need much money. I don't have to have any equivalent of parents. Everyone sees how much magic I have and assumes I'm basically an adult, and if I couldn't make things work as basically an adult that would be nerve-wracking, but I'm playing "being an adult" on easy mode and it's working great so far. And if I hadn't picked Isekai Roulette I'm not sure I would have realized that even if it had still been true.

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I'm really really glad! My favourite thing is when people benefit a lot from their powers and live better happier more free lives because of them.
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It would be really cool to collect statistics about who takes which powers and what they end up doing and how happy they are with their choices. I'm glad I took There's Another One, even if I hope I don't meet them until we've both accomplished a bunch of impressive things.

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You're right, statistics would be neat! I think I'm glad I don't have them, though, because I bet there are lots of people who would want privacy about that. Maybe if you meet a lot of people chosen by the Spirit, you can get statistics about just the ones you meet?
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I don't understand the mindset of someone who wouldn't be okay with having their choices recorded as part of aggregate data with nobody hanging onto their identifying information, but I don't have to understand them to be glad the Spirit is respectful of their privacy. If I meet a lot of people chosen by the Spirit I'm likely to end up collecting statistics on them whether I try to or not, at this point--my memory keeps getting better every time I DFEW someone with a really good one.

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It'll be neat to see what you find out!
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It will!

And then there's more reading to do until she gets tired enough to want sleep, and then even more reading to do in the early morning when Brenda discovers that not getting physically tired means she needs less total sleep!

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Wenduag gets up when the sun starts peeks over the horizon, unused as she is to sleeping somewhere lit, but outside of a quickly aborted yelp she's pretty quiet about it.

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Brenda overhears the yelp, but it doesn't sound like Wenduag's having a problem so she ignores it. Once it's a reasonable time for everyone to be awake, she pries herself away from her reading and joins whoever else in the party is amenable for breakfast, downstairs if this place sells breakfast and elsewhere if not.

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Nenio is something of a night owl, but more in the sense that when they're doing something interesting they forget to sleep than in the sense that they can obviate their need to get 8 hours of sleep to prepare spells. Unless something interrupts or otherwise wakes her early, she'll be a bit.

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When Brenda seems to be getting up, Wenduag will do the same and meet her in the hallway outside their rooms. She gawks a little at the variety of food people seem to be consuming in the main room of the tavern, but otherwise doesn't take any issue with it.

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As usual, Seelah rises before dawn, and finishes her morning ablutions in time to pray with the rising sun. For the first time, her hour of morning prayer results in the goddess sending her spells, but neither her excitement nor the distance between their lodgings delays her overly on her trip to the defender's heart.

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Ember doesn’t really have a consistent wake up time per se, especially since the quality of her sleep does end up rather depending on where she’s doing it, but like most days she ends up waking relatively early. Thankfully, now that the demons are gone almost everyone has gotten healed, but none of the clerics spend channels on helping out animals. It starts with a bloodied cat limping nearby, but once she’s reminded Soot is able to help her find a lot more of them.

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Breakfast and socializing! More reading! If Nenio shows up before lunchtime Brenda will attempt to rope her into casting cantrips while Brenda watches with Detect Magic and possibly also into experimenting with how Time Enough For Love decides what counts as a social interaction and who is having it.

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Rather than Nenio, the first interruption to Brenda's routine actually comes about an hour before lunch in the form of Horgus Gwerm. The man looks incredibly out of place compared to the adventurers and travelers who make up most of the tavern's population, but the man is undaunted and makes a beeline for Brenda and Wenduag.

"Ah, there you are! Horgus Gwerm has been looking for you!"

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"Oh hi! How have you been? You and yours make it through the chaos alright?"

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"Yes. The crusaders were in fine form this week, and despite the scale of the attack there was not a single scratch on my mansion from looters. I'm told you went on to assist them too, for which our fair city owes you a debt of gratitude, but before that Horgus Gwerm owes you a more monetary debt."

The man reaches into the bag he carries and pulls out a locked box, which then lightly glows at the touch of his key and allows him to open it. He pulls out a large sack, which makes a satisfying clunk as it lands on the table.

"Let it never be said that Horgus Gwerm forgets a debt."

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Now that she knows how much a thousand crowns is she feels super overpaid for something she would have done anyway, but what she says is "Indeed not. Thank you, and I'm glad to hear all's well with you. I'm looking forward to seeing what Kenabres is like when things are calm."

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"Inheritor willing, that day won't be too long from now."

His task accomplished, Horgus Gwerm stores his lockbox and then strides out of the defender's heart, ignoring all the stares he got from that display.

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About half an hour later, Nenio makes her way into the room.

"Oh, there you are. Brenda, spider girl, and paladin girl... wasn't there someone else?"

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Nenio is exactly like Brenda was before she got the Friends In Places powers and it's honestly kind of cute even though Brenda likes being the way she is now.

"Hi!! Ember's not here but I figure she's just busy. Want to help me figure out how to combine wizardry and sorcery into being an arcanist?"

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"Yes! I've wanted to figure out what was going on with arcanism for a while but none of the ones I met were very cooperative about answering questions!"

She fetches her spellbook out of her pack and puts it on the table.

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Brenda gets out her inks and the blank book she got from Rathimus; she doesn't want to introduce Alpina to Nenio just yet and it would feel weird to use Alpina as scratch paper anyway. 

Can she look at Nenio's spell diagrams and use Detect Magic to watch her cast some of her cantrips? 

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She can! Prestidigitation looks like so and ghost sounds like so and here's Nenio's personal arcane mark. Nenio kind of wishes she had known they would be doing this ahead of time so she knew to leave more slots open, but she does have some empty slots and can also show Brenda how she hangs them if she wants.

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Sorry about that; she'll plan ahead better next time. Watching Nenio hang some spells would be great!

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Then she can watch Nenio hang up silent image, erase, and glitterdust! It's a bit of an involved process that starts with Nenio hooking some ambient magic on the corresponding spell diagram and then twisting it into the proper shape, using different markings on the pages to pin down different parts once they're done. Silent Image and Erase look rather different from each other, but they're similarly involved processes and take up about the same amount of magic. Glitterdust, on the other hand, has a more involved geometry; if she looks closely, she can see the bit that holds the package together long enough to get the dust to exactly the desired location and no further, or the bits that make it stick to people and objects, but even with Nenio moving slowly detect magic only has so much granularity to it.

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It is, nonetheless: SO cool. If you took out that bit would the dust float in the air, or fall--ah, no, it would definitely collapse the whole spell. She knows spell development is difficult and dangerous and she isn't going to do any, but there's no harm in looking, is there.

Now the way arcanists supposedly work is that she needs to set up a sort of scaffold-for-a-scaffold, low power and reusable, so she can hang a bunch of different spells on it and cast them one after the other. Which means she needs interface points compatible with not just every spell she's seen but every spell that could stabilize at all . . . She was totally right about needing a bunch of scratch paper, her arms aren't large enough flat surfaces for this.

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Once Brenda has plausible ideas Nenio can help demo them with silent image, which isn't as good as actually trying it but is much faster and doesn't require you to hold concentration while hanging a spell to see what you're doing. Illusions really are the most convenient kind of magic if you ask her opinion.

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Illusions are pretty great! Brenda is excited about the potential of divination and transmutation.

After several false starts, she gets a structure that can hold any of her cantrips or Prestidigitation!

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That's the hardest part of preparing spells done! Higher level ones do take more intelligence to make hang properly and use at their full potential, but for most wizards who can do it at all the biggest issues with hanging higher circle spells is their magical capacity and sourcing the spells rather than the job being too difficult. She should try hanging first circle spells, or maybe a cantrip she doesn't have with her sorcery, or making a scroll, or inventing entirely new cantrips, or-

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She's not going to get into spell development until she's significantly harder to blow up but only because she thinks it probably won't be that long of a wait! She wants to learn to cast Silent Image!

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Not only is Nenio happy to help out, she can also show off her own personal tweaks that make low-light images seem slightly crisper than the normal version, which she promises only blew up twice while she was designing it.

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Ooooh neat! Brenda has darkvision so she can really see the quality improvement! (Nenio is so brave and clever and cool!)

After lots of joyful fiddling: success! She puts up an image of Nenio in Kitsune form from memory.

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Nenio pulls out a mirror and transforms to do a side by side comparison!

"This is pretty good! I think the fur isn't responding properly, since there's still some air movement even indoors yours isn't fully accounting for, but in terms of appearance it's very similar!"

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She animates the fur, then has illusion!Nenio pull out a matching mirror. Does it reflect automatically without her having to think about the details of the reflected image? Apparently not, which means she can't look around corners with it. She tries anyway and gets the hilarious result of it looking like a drawing of a mirror, featureless shininess with no image in it. She has illusion!Nenio hold the illusion!mirror up to the physical mirror and manually animates it doing the thing, giggling manically as the recursive images recede into the infinite distance.

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Nenio grins and makes a glowing sphere in between the two mirrors, cycling it through the rainbow spectrum from red through violet.

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She can't update the mirrors quite as fast as Nenio can update the sphere, but she can stay close on her heels for a bit until she's laughing too hard to concentrate and loses the whole spell.

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That seems to be a trigger, because Nenio also breaks into laughter. Eventually she calms down herself, though, and dismisses the glowing orb.

"It really is a shame illusions can only really interact with light by blocking it. Otherwise I would use them to make a telescope, or a death ray, but thus far I haven't been able to figure out an alternate formulation that allows it."

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"Yeah. Maybe there's something in conjuration or evocation that could do it. Are you familiar with lasers? They might be more doable than lenses and there are lots of things you can do with them, or at least with combinations of technology that include them."

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"Your tongues didn't translate it at all, which means it's something Taldane doesn't have a word for. Hmm, from the context presumably it's something about light... not focused light, considering it's not related to lenses. I think I don't know what lasers are!"

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Brenda launches into an explanation of lasers! 

The one inconvenient thing about Nenio hanging out in kitsune form is that some corner of Brenda's brain keeps being distracted by how soft and fluffy she looks. But this will not be allowed to get in the way of engineering!

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Lasers are incredibly cool! Nenio starts absentmindedly doodling ideas for an spell to generate them while she listens; it'd probably be easier with evocation than illusion, actually, but probably still at least 6th circle for the first castings. When Brenda gets into talking about wavelengths though she gets even more excited.

"Oh, we already use some of that! A couple of spells like sunbeam and sunburst seemed less bright than they should be for how much energy was being put into them, but all the changes that fixed that ended up making the spells less powerful, particularly against fungi. It took a while, but eventually the Acadamae hall of Induction managed to figure out that some of the light just wasn't being measured because we couldn't see it!"

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That's delightful! What's the state of the art on measuring how much energy is going into a spell more precisely than just what circle it is?

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You can get a bit more precise than what circle it is with arcane sight instead, and greater arcane sight is a better than that, but if you really want to be precise you have to have a go at the diagrams and break out the math. It's possible some archmage figured out an easier method, but if so they're being extremely rude and not sharing.

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Yeah, that's the downside of wizards being able to accomplish so much as individuals. On Earth, if you want to win fame and fortune and see great things come of your discoveries you need to collaborate and publish everything, but that comes with its own problems. Still, it's cool that their theoretical models are good enough to notice discrepancies like the one with Sunburst! Reminds her of an anecdote about how Earth discovered the existence of Neptune . . .

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“It’s just the worst,” Nenio agrees glumly. “Aroden at least used to have a library he made in Absalom, and the starry-eyed conservatorium has some of Nex’s, but most archmages barely leave anything behind. Arazni’s been in charge of Geb for almost a millennia and somehow the best sources we have are still the memoirs of people she taught a few tricks during the shining crusade. It’s hard to imagine what magic would look like if everyone shared their findings; earth science sounds amazing.”

The bit about Neptune is one of the coolest things she’s ever heard and now Nenio is dying to interview the people who did it.

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They're super dead, but that might actually make them more accessible than if they were alive, if they went to the same set of afterlives. Though she does want to find a way back to Earth someday too. She and Nenio could go there together, maybe, and see the Smithsonian and the Grand Canyon and the Amazon rainforest and things.

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Brenda does have some good ideas. Unfortunately she doesn't think Golarion has anything like the Smithsonian unless you count magical academies, which are almost as bad as archmages about not letting Nenio learn all their secrets, but they do have interesting locations and maybe they can make a star chart of all the planets in Golarion's system, see if any are missing, and then eventually go visit them.

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That sounds awesome!

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At some indeterminate point on their subjective timeline - but a bit before noon objectively - Ember will also show up, though she sits by Wenduag and Seelah rather than interrupt the two of them. Her new sweater is already a little dusty, but she hasn't ditched it yet, and Soot is occasionally still glancing at her ornamentation in the windows.

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"Hi Ember! How was your morning? I've been learning magic!"

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“I think it went pretty well; I’m pretty sure I got to almost everyone who was injured and willing to get my help. I thought you already had magic, though; do you mean learning new kinds?”

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"I'm glad to hear it! And yeah, I already had a bit of sorcery; Nenio was helping me pick up the basics of wizardry and integrate the two. And I expect it will be a good long time before I run out of wizardry to learn."

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"You both seem really happy."

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"You should have seen them just a bit ago; I couldn't even follow half of it, but they were excited enough to be practically finishing each other's sentences."

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"What about you two, then?"

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"It's still strange to me; I'm not totally used to the sun yet, and the food is all unfamiliar. It's not bad though."

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"I guess I don't have anything as big as the sun to talk about, but we've clearly been doing something right because the goddess decided to give me spells today."

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"Oh, congratulations! I don't know very much about how divine spellcasting works; do you pick how many of which ones you want every morning or pick a set once and stick with it or one of those but the god picks?"

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“I talked with one of the other paladins this morning, and it turns out I pick spells every day but on rare occasions the goddess might give me a spell I didn’t know I would need. The example they used was getting detect charm if someone was secretly running around using enchantments.”

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"Handy! Is that easier on the goddess's end than communicating in words?" She knows Iomedae used to be human but isn't clear on exactly what capabilities she lost in the transition.

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“It’s definitely easier than a vision - almost nobody gets those - but I’m not sure how it compares to a commune or sending an angel.”

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"Well, I guess if it's easier to tweak someone's spell list than send an angel, she can unexpectedly give someone that spell for summoning angels and then make sure the right one answers, right? Except then I guess there's no way to say 'you're going to need to summon an angel at some point today, not because of a message but because of an emergency it will be good to have an angel around for'."

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"That sounds right, but I think you also have to be a pretty strong paladin to summon an angel at all; it's more the kind of thing you hear about Iomedae doing when she was alive than something that happens all the time."

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"Makes sense. I'd expect it to be as difficult as Plane Shift; maybe harder, since you're moving someone other than yourself."

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Seelah is not entirely clear on how hard plane shifting is either but that sounds reasonable.

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"Anyways, it's really cool that you have magic! What spells did you pick today?"

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"So far, I've got one that lets me protect myself against demons, but I might end up picking the one that lets me make my sword magic or stay up all night instead in the future."

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"All cool choices! Does making your sword magic just make it hit harder or are there fancier things? Not that hitting harder isn't necessarily the best option."

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“It would make it hit a bit harder and more accurately, but the bigger deal would be that I could do stuff like actually hit any more shadows or shadow demons we run into.”

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"Oh, that's excellent!"

"Speaking of demons, possibly the Wardstone should be moved back where it started. I might stop by the temples and ask what the plan is there. And check for any other" plot hooks she might otherwise miss "problems it would make sense for me to help with."

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“That seems sensible. There are worse places it could be than inside the gray garrison, but that’s still half the city demons have an easier time getting to, and there’s probably a plan of some kind but I don’t know what it is.”

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"Yeah. I expect whatever it is will benefit from a bunch of people, if only to hang around deterring any demons from trying something."

They head to the temple of Desna first, pretty much entirely because Brenda doesn't want to talk to Hulrun if she can trivially avoid it.

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The people at the temple largely share this intuition, especially the ones that aren't totally sure he's given up on trying to get them back in a cell.

"Welcome back! I see you've already found a new companion."

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"Yes! This is Nenio, she's a scientist. Nenio, Ramien has been helping me find things to do and avoid dying."

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"I don't usually have trouble finding things to do, but needing to avoid dying interferes with a lot of interesting experiments."

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"Well, it's nice to meet you as well. Have you been holding up alright? You seemed calm enough once things got going that first day, but these last few days have been a lot for anyone."

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"I've been figuring stuff out. It's a big adjustment from what I was used to but I think it'll be good for me in the long run."

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He smiles brightly.

"That's good to hear. For my own part I have to say being able to fly and teleport is very exciting. I was talking with Rathimus about doing a run to Nerosyan to pick up some supplies for disaster relief before we learned it wouldn't be needed, and there are a lot more places I can see myself going if it means not leaving Kenabres behind for as long."

Ramien shakes his head a bit.

"In more material matters, the silver has continued to work fine and the clothes you donated have been very helpful; we'd take a few more to store for winter, if you're willing."

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"Flying and teleporting sound great; I hope you get to go tons of awesome places! And I'd be happy to provide some more clothes."

Once the clothes logistics have occurred: "So I was wondering if there was a plan in the works for putting the Wardstone back where it was."

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"We're just waiting on doing a bit more repair work for the fortress it's supposed to stay in, since we only have so many walls of stone available a day, but Terendelev says she can levitate it over when the time comes. It'll still need to be pulled, of course, but that's a much easier task without friction getting in the way."

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"Excellent. I'm happy to help pull when it's time for that. I'm not sure how people in Kenabres get in touch with each other when they have messages that aren't urgent enough for a Sending, but I have a room at the Defender's Heart."

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"I'll make sure you're informed. There's an inquisitor spell for it that the Iomedaeans sometimes use, but I don't know the details of it beyond that it can be a little finicky. Mostly people either send runners or go in person; Desna sometimes gives people a spell to make them faster at it, so it's a bit easier for us, but it's not really a sea change."

Another Desnan comes out of the temple towards them, and catches Ramien's attention.

"I'm sorry about this, but do you mind if I step out for a moment to help her? It shouldn't be a minute."

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"Of course."

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As thought it was just waiting for him to step away, there's another brush against her mind. It's different from the previous visions - less insistent, perhaps, or maybe less personal? - but still recognizably a similar phenomenon asking to deliver its message.

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She is available to be messaged.

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Then she'll find herself in a dreamscape, faced with a beautiful woman set against a backdrop of the night sky. Things she isn't focusing on feel more like impressions than distinct objects, and there's a sense that it would normally be hard to come away with concrete details.

"Hear me, dreamer, and take heed! The hordes of the abyss march on Kenabres! Their target is the wardstone, and they must not be allowed to succeed. Otherwise, the result would be disastrous..."

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"What, again? Is this a prerecorded message?" How do civilizations function without the telephone for long enough to invent it.

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Unfortunately the vision is unable to clarify its status vis-a-vis being prerecorded or simply unidirectional, so her question goes unanswered other than by the image collapsing in a sensation not unlike waking up.

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"Did anyone else just get a vision warning about what sounds like the attack from two days ago?" she asks her party.

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There are headshakes all around.

"What was it like? There aren't a lot of ways to do that without being nearby, and you usually have to be asleep for someone to get you with a dream - unless someone invented a better version! Or maybe it was just a god, I guess."

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She describes the vision in detail, both the visual effect and the somewhat-incoherent vibe, and quotes the wording exactly in case it's important.

"It didn't feel like a god," she concludes, "but I don't know what gods would feel like. Just that I would be surprised if they felt like that."

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"Well I'm not sensing any lingering evil presence, and it'd be pretty hard to do that in a hallowed temple anyway. That doesn't mean it was current, and you'd think they'd mention it was a second attack if it was, but probably you should tell someone anyway just in case."

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"I was thinking of trying to Sending her, but it might make sense to tell Ramien first."

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Speaking of the opposite of devils, it's about then that Ramien makes his return.

"Thank you for your patience, it turns out it was nothing a lesser restoration couldn't fix."

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"Oh good. And I'm glad you're back, because I'm suddenly in need of a dream expert." She explains the whole thing again.

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"That sounds like the one we've been getting for a few days now, since before the attack. It's somewhat concerning that it's still being sent, though; most of the other warnings were one off affairs. I had thought that was just because the scale of the attack warranted it, but if that's not the case... I'll pray to Desna about it, and see if I can get some more people by the wardstone."

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"Maybe it was prerecorded somehow? Or the sender is hiding somewhere and doesn't know whether the attack happened yet. Do you think it would be foolish of me to try to reach her with a Sending? I'd expect a warning like that to be more likely from a confused friend than from an enemy."

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"That sounds safe enough; there's no known way to intercept a sending unless they're actively inside the divine realm of a hostile god, and while in theory a sufficiently powerful hostile person could use a sending to them as a target for a demand we're fairly confident whoever it is is on our side and it wouldn't work if you were in the temple anyway."

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"Cool."She tells Alpina what just happened, spends a few time-warped seconds speculating with her, then attempts to Sending the vision-sender. Possibly she doesn't have enough familiarity with them to be a valid target, but it's worth a shot.

Brenda here. Got your message about abyss attack on Wardstone. Was it about the recent attack or a future one? Who and where are you?

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Thank Desna you heard. The lilitu Minagho plans to corrupt the Wardstone, with an army to attack Kenabres, any day now. I'm- just a prisoner.

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Oh yikes! Fortunately Brenda has infinite scrolls. (She keeps the people around her up to date on what she's saying.)

She attacked two days ago, got driven off. Do you want rescue? Where are you? Who's holding you, what people and resources do they have?

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Be careful it's not a trick; she's a master of deception. I'm imprisoned in Drezen, but I'm not someone worth throwing your life away for.

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Brenda doesn't have a response to that immediately; she relays it to the party and frowns.

"What sort of trick is she worried it is, if she's telling the truth? Where is Drezen?" She should buy a scry of Minagho anyway; it's about time to check if she's kept her word and start in on taking her down if not.

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"Drezen used to be a crusader city north of here, inside the border of the wound. Minagho helped conquer it back in I think the second crusade, and now I think some bigshot demon is in charge there."

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"As for what Minagho could do as a trick... Any lilitu is an expert at mind control and illusions, to say nothing about their skills at lying or disguising themselves as a mortal, and in Minagho's case whatever witchcraft she was able to make use of. In many ways they're like a succubus but more so. I don't think she'd be eager to make return any time soon after how much you and Terendelev terrified her, but she's a good enough at deception that I can't be totally sure of it, and of course some of her subordinates could have slipped away as well to ensorcell people. That's why Terendelev put the eagle's watch on duty at the wardstone, since Paladins are relatively resistant to that sort of thing, but I know Hulrun's been keeping an eye on the situation to be sure and I've been called over for some spot tests to make sure there's nothing for me to break them free of."

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Brenda nods thoughtfully.

"Alright, let's think through the possibility space here. Branch one, the message-sender is lying. Most likely motive is to lure some or all of us into a trap. The trap could have been set up by Minagho, or by someone else pretending to be Minagho. It could be a straightforward ambush with no prisoner, or it could be an attempt to have us 'rescue' a 'prisoner' who's actually an infiltrator. It could be someone with no presence in Drezen at all, trying to get us to attack their enemies there; I'm given to understand that the demons are a bunch of warring factions. Could theoretically be a demon faction willing to make common cause with humans temporarily, but since we're stipulating they're lying it's more likely they just want two of their enemies to fight each other. 

Branch two, the message-sender is telling the truth. And not a mind-controlled sleeper agent who thinks she's telling the truth, I mean, though there's plenty of room for ordinary mistakes. In that case, who is she? Could be a demon imprisoned by another demon faction who's decided the enemy of her enemy is her friend, whether out of desperation or because she genuinely prefers the mortal way of doing things. Could be someone from this plane who got captured and brought there, or tried to infiltrate Drezen and got captured, or someone who has been trapped there since the city fell.

There are plenty of other possibilities, of course, but I think that covers the most likely ones. Are there any I'm forgetting that you think are plausible enough to go on the list? Also, should we be having this conversation somewhere with a little more privacy and a big chalkboard?"

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"I think it's rather unlikely that the demons have anyone listening in here - even if it doesn't fully keep them out, they don't tend to like sticking around on hallowed ground - but I see no reason this can't happen indoors. I don't exactly have a chalkboard, though, so if that's a necessary component I should get out some paper."

He leads Brenda and her group inside past the main hall to an office in the back.

"Apologies, this is a little more cramped than I'd like, but we don't have a lot of places that are both private and designed to hold six people and their writing supplies. I am fairly sure whoever has been sending those visions is on our side, because we've only been getting them in the temple and it's mostly just been clerics getting them. It's hard to affect clerics in general, and clerics under the effects of protection from evil are even harder, but even beyond that the dreams of one of her clerics in ground sanctified to her is one of the places Starsong has an easy time interfering. The last big case I've heard of someone trying something along those lines ended up with her killing the demon lord responsible, so even they mostly tread lightly there. There's also the fact that all the visions we've gotten have turned out to be accurate; it's hard to see what Minagho would get from this that's more valuable than not warning us about the attack in the first place, to say nothing of the other factors.

"The sender being mind controlled is a more concerning thought. Our best guess was that the person sending these messages was an Azata that Desna had sent to aid us by spying on the demons, but a sufficiently powerful demon can still control one of them if they catch them. I definitely wouldn't make any plans to do something reckless about it without further information; if she's not being controlled, then she warned you it wasn't worth it, and if she is then it's a trap."

He looks somewhat sheepish.

"For my own part I did start considering the logistics of a prison break on Drezen once you mentioned it, but I can at least teleport out and I probably wouldn't do it without a commune first."

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"Oh, believe me, I am definitely also considering the logistics of a prison break on Drezen. Especially if the goddess wouldn't pass on a message from a demon enchanted to think she was a captured azata. She said it wasn't worth it but we know more about our resources than she does. My understanding--please correct me if I'm wrong--is that doing anything overt would require more force than it's feasible for us to pull together, so it would have to be by stealth. Fortunately Nenio here is an illusionist, and more importantly we have someone on the inside. I have unlimited Sendings, so the prisoner can in theory tell us everything she knows about the situation in Drezen, where she's being held, and what kind of guards and defenses they have." (At twenty-five words each way per ten minutes with someone who doesn't show any signs of knowing information theory, which is terrible, but maybe if she does it alone in a room Time Enough For Love will let her fudge it a little.) "A Commune also sounds like a good idea. Can you tell me a bit more about how those work and how much information of what kind you can get with one? I don't know yet whether we should do it before or after the probably several hours of Sending conversation."

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"Most likely yes. It's possible I might be able to get some of my colleagues to assist, but a lot of the stronger Desnan clerics don't spend much time on Golarion and we don't really have an equivalent to Iomedae's Lastwall so I wouldn't be counting on it. As for illusions... plenty of the stronger demons can see through them automatically, but if Nenio has a talent for it that could go a long way with everyone else there. How did you get unlimited sendings, was there an Oolioddroo you managed to copy? No, you were using scrolls - nevermind, the how isn't especially important. Commune is a 5th circle spell that lets me ask a series of questions to Desna that she can answer yes, no, or unclear; I can get nine in a go, but stronger clerics can get more. It's normally fairly pricy to cast, but the material components are holy water and incense so that's probably less of an issue."

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"I can probably help with the incense if I get a look at some to copy, but I can't do anything about the fifth circle spell slot, so we should still try to cram everything we need into nine questions. That would let us choose between five hundred and twelve different plans, so it really ought to be enough if we plan it all out in advance--probably want to start with a couple questions about who the prisoner is and how much time pressure we're under, maybe one about whether our current goal is even a good idea, and then go into the plan tree. Do you have to ask all the questions at once, or is there time to discuss the answers in between?"

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"You can't pause a commune in the middle, but they do get asked in sequence, so I could do something like ask if they're an azata and then use one set of questions of the answer is yes and another if it was no. I've only got the one free slot at 5th circle today though, so if your sendings are free it probably makes sense to get as much info as possible beforehand."

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"Makes sense. For reasons of me having, stop me if you've heard this one before, an extraordinary ability*, I might be able to shave some casting time off the Sendings if I'm alone during them. If this is an okay spot to do that, I can come find you guys when I think I've gotten everything I can get or you can come find me if it's getting too late in the day?"

*Brenda has now read enough arcane texts that she knows the jargon for "weird power that doesn't shut off in an antimagic field".

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Ramien nods. He's not really sure what kind of extraordinary ability would do that but it's not like he knows that much about extraordinary abilities.

"I can tell everyone that this room is occupied. Try not to break anything unless it's for an important reason."

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"I'm just going to be sitting here casting Sending repeatedly, don't worry. Anything I should be sure to ask about that you think I might not think of?"

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"Hmm. Ask to make sure they aren't regularly being interrogated so you don't give things away by giving them a sending while someone is watching their reactions, maybe? A password in case someone pretends to be them during the rescue is also probably a good idea, but it's not foolproof."

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"Brilliant, thanks." So many fantasy protagonists just have to figure everything out as they go along, but Brenda has experienced friends to help her out and it's great.

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Brenda here. Want to help you; you helped us. Are you being watched? Do they interrogate you? Are you in danger? How much, how soon?

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They come by to taunt or hurt me, but not much interrogation. I'm awaiting execution, but that probably won't happen until they've stopped having fun.

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I'm sorry. Hold on. Who are they? Names, kinds of demon? When did you last see Minagho? Where in Drezen are you? What's your name?

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I don’t know most of their names; incubi and babau and vrocks, mostly. I haven’t seen Minagho since I was captured. My name is Arueshalae.

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It's good to meet you; I look forward to doing it properly. Where in Drezen are you? What building, where within it? How's it guarded?

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In the prison in the outer city. It’s mostly guarded by minotaurs, including at least one powerful cleric, but also some cultists, incubi, and babau. 

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At least one and at most how many? What do you know about how powerful they are--spells you've seen them cast, or something.

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He has two followers, but if they are they're weaker; I haven't seen them use spells. He's at least 5th circle but probably not 7th.

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Thanks. Do they guard your cell or just the building? Where in the building are you? 

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Just the building, but there aren't many prisoners; just a captured crusader, a minotaur, and a few other demons. My cell is near the middle.

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Okay. I think we can put something together. When we find you, the password so we know we've got the right person is "blueberry pie".

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Be careful. Darrazand isn't an active ruler, but he is a very dangerous one; you don't want to come to his attention. Dreamer bless you.

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At this point Brenda judges that the next thing to do is go find Ramien and her friends and fill them in on everything she's learned so far.

"Does anyone have a map of Drezen and how to get there overland, or know where to get one? Ramien, am I correct that you can teleport us out but not in?"

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"In order to teleport, you need the to have seem the place you plan to go and I have never seen Drezen. I could fix that with a scry on a willing target there, but that would still run into the problem that I only have one teleport a day until I hit 6th circle. Rathimus could get us a second teleport, but he's not one to take risks so it probably makes more sense to see if Torag will give Jhoran a wind walk. Maps are a harder question; the library might have some, but Staunton Vhane would be the ideal source if we wanted to sneak in."

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"It sounded like she's unlikely to be killed tomorrow, so if we end up spending today and tomorrow on preparations that's worth it if it increases our chance of success enough. Potentially something to put in the Commune. How many people can you take in a teleport and does it help if some of them are in a bag of holding at the time?"

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"I can take three other people with me, and anyone in a bag of holding doesn't count against the limit."

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"So if all of us go we'd have to fit three in the bag or get at least one of us an alternate exit method. Not asking anyone to commit to anything yet, but who here is thinking they're probably in and who's thinking they're probably out?" Her best guess is that Seelah is uncomplicatedly in, Wenduag will say she's in no matter how she feels about it, Ember's not sure about the potential combat but will at least wish everyone else well, and Nenio is in if only because she gets to take a look at Drezen.

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"If it's the best choice to rescue someone from the demons, it's an easy decision, but not if my coming along makes it harder for everyone else to get away - I don't want to put anyone else at risk just so I can say I helped."

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"I'm not sure there's much to learn in Drezen, but it could be good practice for making better illusions."

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"It sounds like Arueshalae isn't having a very good time there; they gloss over it in their responses to you, but being imprisoned even without torture is very bad for you, and demons can be very cruel to people in their power. I'll help however I can."

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"If you're going, you can count on me."

And even if it goes badly and she dies she'll probably get to come back to life anyway. It's kind of hard to process that fully but it means the real risk is being captured herself and she can endure anything they try and put her through that doesn't kill her.

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"You guys are the best. I'll need to take all the books out somewhere and then we can check how many people will fit in the bag. Also I might be able to gain the ability to dig really fast, so possibly I should try that and see if it's fast enough to be a good alternative escape method."

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"I'll go talk to Jhoran and refresh my memory on the details of how wind walk works, in case there's something I'm forgetting, and ask him to prepare it tomorrow morning. You're welcome to store things here but if you want more security than that you probably want to ask Rathimus."

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"I'm sure leaving them here will be fine, it's better than trying to stash them all in my bedroom." She'll do some experiments with one she's already read to see if she can use Dressing Room to store them 'in a backpack she isn't wearing' and actually leave them here as a fallback if that doesn't work.

"Possibly the next thing is for you to go talk to Staunton about maps and Jhoran about Wind Walk while I figure out how fast I can dig, and then meet back up to figure out a question tree for the Commune?"

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"I can do that, yes. Longstrider."

Ramien's steps suddenly lengthen, and he speeds up by a third as he heads off.

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"You want me to what? If this is your idea of a joke, Voyager, I'm not laughing."

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"No, I'm extremely serious; a life may depend on it. One of our people got captured by the demons, and is currently held in the Drezen prison; I'm working on arranging a jailbreak before they get executed. That's why I need you to tell me how to bypass the defenses of Drezen."

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"It's been years. The Demons will have had plenty of chances to figure out all the secrets we built in, and we didn't design it to be easy to infiltrate in the first place. That was the whole point of having defenses."

The dwarf sighs.

"But it's not totally hopeless. I'll see what I can do; if my former position lets me save someone via creating a weakness in its defenses, I suppose that's at least one silver lining to this whole affair. How many people are you bringing with you, what kind of capabilities do you have, and how heavily guarded are we expecting your prisoner to be?"

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Fortunately, his talk with the forgemaster is not nearly as fraught a topic as was speaking with his brother. Sixth circle spells are valuable, especially when it turns out Jhoran can only get four people a casting and will thus need to prepare it twice, but the spell turns out to be even more ideal for his purposes than Ramien was expecting. Apparently the spell has an absurdly long duration and can be freely stopped and restarted partway through, though it's not the fastest at it; even if things don't go according to plan, anyone who can break contact from the demons for half a minute can make their escape. It also turns out that he's being something of an idiot about their escape plans; plane shift allows for eight passengers, so if things go wrong he can just evacuate everyone to Elysium. It'll take longer for them to return, especially if he plays it safe with the plane shift back to the material the next day, but better they be stuck somewhere safe than leave someone behind at the mercy of the demons.

There's a bit of an awkward moment when he runs into an inquisitor as he leaves the Temple of Torag, but even if Hulrun were still bullheaded enough to try something now none of his inquisitors are both brave and dumb enough to try on their own. All told, it's about two hours after he left that he makes his return to the temple of Desna, his pockets a little lighter in gold and richer in information.

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Brenda, having decided it's worth being potentially rude to the earth elementals she met on day one, is now slightly more glittery. She has discovered that she can swim through earth like it's water at a speed sufficient for running away from demons, but cannot dig a tunnel anyone else can follow her through faster than a slow walk even with shovel gloves, so that's useful for scouting and for running away if she gets separated from everyone else but nowhere near as good as escaping by Plane Shift. On the other hand, she can totally store her books in a temporarily unreal backpack, so that's that entire class of problems solved forever. Dressing Room is really exceeding expectations on the 'control over much of physics' front. 

She also demonstrates her ability to blend into the shadows, which doesn't work in direct sunlight and is therefore only good for once they're already in the building or if the operation somehow takes so long it gets dark out.

"I haven't planned any kind of combat mission in more detail than 'show up and kill everyone causing problems', so I'm not sure what factors are most important. There's who we bring, what spells we prepare, do we get any additional items, do we attempt to rescue anyone other than Arueshalae and the captured crusader, do we let the other prisoners out as a distraction, do we try to incapacitate the guards or talk our way past them or sneak past them or tunnel into the building from underneath, at what degree of things going pear shaped does the objective change to getting out with just the people who went in . . ."

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"I'd like to retain the option to rescue other people there; if someone else was captured and brought there between now and then, I would have a hard time leaving them behind. All else equal I would definitely like to expand that to letting everyone else free, but not if it means risking someone here dying. On the plus side, I do have a way to evacuate more people if needed; in addition to everyone who arrives by wind walk being able to leave the same way, I can also plane shift eight other people to Elysium if we don't have time to get in people into a bag of holding. In terms of items... well, there are always more items that would be useful to have, but in terms of staying within my budget probably the most useful would be scrolls of invisibility, and maybe one of plane shift for if I get incapacitated during the jailbreak but you still need to make a getaway. I wouldn't want to bring more than two other people unless they have their own method of escape, since each group member increases our chance of being caught and in an emergency I wouldn't want to leave anyone behind. Your other questions are trickier; I'll confess I'm not too familiar with what spells wizards or witches get, so I can't do much advising there. I don't think I could talk my way past the guards but fighting versus sneaking might depend on what the situation on the ground looks like. For evacuation... if the alarm gets raised, I want us leaving in the next two moments, ditto for if any greater demons show up or it looks like an ambush, so we should make sure not to get further than that from each other."

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"How many other people we need to rescue besides the two known ones sounds like a good Commune question. Possibly also whether we should plan to let everyone else out of the prison. I should be able to use one scroll of Invisibility to cast it as many times as necessary if I do it early enough that a few seconds' delay between castings doesn't matter, though I can't turn one scroll into more scrolls. Also I can teleport once a day; I haven't checked the range yet but even if it's not enough to get back here from Drezen it should be enough to get us somewhere along the route that's not in whatever mess we're potentially in. 'Should we buy a scroll of Plane Shift' is maybe a good Commune question? When you say you wouldn't want to bring more than two other people, what baseline is that on top of? I mean what do you think should be our cap for people going in, possibly as a function of how many people we need to get out?"

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“The baseline I had in mind was your adventuring party; since I can only evacuate eight people in a moment, with the five of you and myself that leaves two other slots. If we don’t bring anyone else, that could be the prisoners, but if we have to evacuate before then I wouldn’t want to leave someone behind. With your teleport we could go a bit beyond that, but I wouldn’t want to without good reason because the more complicated an evacuation is the more ways it can go wrong.

“As for reusing scrolls… your abilities really are something else. I’ll plan on just the one, then.”

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“If you just need a scroll of invisibility, I have one! Actually I have a few scrolls, if that works in general.”

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"Oh, that's awesome! And I don't even need to keep the original; any scroll I get to look at in private for a few minutes I can then cast copies of indefinitely. Can I look at all of yours? I'll give them back unaffected."

"Another thing I should mention: Arueshalae's wording on some of the Sendings implied she's a demon who's decided to defect to our side. Which explains how she was able to find out about the attack in advance and warn us. I took your advice, Ramien, and set up a password: if one of the prisoners says 'blueberry pie', she's the one I was speaking with." 

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In addition to invisibility, Nenio has scrolls for Mirror image, Silent Image, color spray, Magic Missile, and after some digging through her pack Mage Armor, though the last one looks significantly older.

"I've never heard of a demon that switched sides before. According to my interviews, though, the promise of false redemption is one of the twenty most common ploys used to trick people by demons to trick people."

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Brenda wonders if she can infer anything from the fact that some of those Sendings definitely didn't take ten minutes, or if Time Enough For Love helps her spend time trying to forge friendships that are totally doomed.

"The way I see it, she did us a good turn warning us about the attack on the Wardstone. Even if she's still evil in the sense of wanting to eat people or whatever, we still owe her one. If that policy gets us an epidemic of demons sabotaging everything Deskari tries to do, then that's actually awesome and I don't see a need to try to avoid it. Or maybe I'm missing something and Desna will tell us not to do the rescue at all." She's not sure she necessarily agrees with Desna on everything relevant, but she's even less confident she can sell Ramien on helping if Desna gives a response that unpacks to 'you will probably succeed but you still shouldn't do it', and she's inclined to give Desna the benefit of the doubt.

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Right, okay, they're asking Desna first. She's a good goddess, she can totally tell if this is a good idea or not; there's no need to bring Seelah's bad feelings about this into it.

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"So it sounds like the questions I should be asking are if we should make the attempt, if we can trust Arueshalae, if I should be borrowing money to get extra equipment to make this safer, if there are other people to rescue, and if we should free the other prisoners. That leaves four questions, any thoughts?"

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"I assume you're phrasing that as 'people other than Arueshalae and the captured crusader she mentioned'? Are you able to use the 'not sure' option to split things three ways? Like, 'say yes if we should go in right after dawn, no if we should wait at least two hours, unsure if we should wait at least four hours' or whatever? Or do they have to be phrased as yes or no questions?"

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"Yes, that's correct. And it's supposed to be questions that are yes or no, unsure is for if it's... an ill posed question, or involves information she doesn't know like the secret plans of evil gods or events far enough in the future."

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"Okay then, hmm . . . maybe ask if we should try sneaking past the guards as opposed to sneaking up on them and taking them out? And whether we'll need any equipment we don't have yet to get the prisoners out of their cells, and whether there are more questions I should ask over Sending."

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Ramien nods, fetches the required incense and holy water, and begins to pray. He speaks the words aloud, not because it is neccesary, but to let those listening keep track of where he is in the commune. It's not like anything he's ever experienced, even when he felt the dreamer's touch making him a cleric, or the distant connection he feels when he receives spells. It's like touching on something impossibly vast that cherishes him, but is so impossibly powerful that even an errant glance from their full attention might damage him and is being incredibly careful not to hurt him.

"Should we make an attempt to rescue them?"


"Can we trust Arueshalae?"


"Should I borrow money to get extra equipment to make this safer?"


"Are there other people to rescue?"


Should we free the other prisoners?


"Should we try and sneak past the guards?"


"Do we need equipment we don't have to free them?"


"Are there other people that should come with us?"


"Are there more things that Brenda should ask or say via Sending?"


Once the questions are completed, he takes a moment to gather himself again, then relays the answers he received.

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"I think the 'unclear' might be that we should get extra equipment and I should pay for it rather than anyone borrowing; I have a bit over a thousand crowns in specie."

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"That might explain it; I don't have nearly that much cash on  hand. Possibly we then want quite a few scrolls, if your ability means we just have to pay to borrow scrolls from Rathimus for a few minutes, but that's only if you want to advertise you can do it. If not, I'm thinking in addition to plane shift we probably also want one of communal nondetection, chameleon stride if he has any, and maybe a few scrolls of heroism for good measure."

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"I think I'm fine with letting Rathimus know I can do it. What's Chameleon Stride, something for blending in with the background?"

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"Yes. It's not as good as being invisible, but it works on Babau and Schirs."

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"And those kinds can see through invisibility? Can someone have both up at once?"

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"Yes and yes. Nondetection should usually beat see invisibility, which is why it's my primary method, but if that fails I'd prefer it fails in a way that still doesn't let them notice us."

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"Makes sense! Also I should buy the Plane Shift scroll outright so you can be the one who casts it. If memory serves it's a big one, multiple circles bigger than I've ever cast before, and I don't want to mess it up under fire."

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"I was actually rather thinking the opposite, though perhaps it would make more sense to leave Nenio with it. If we need to plane shift out and I'm able to use spells, I can simply use plane shift myself, but if something happens to me the scroll is a good way for someone else to get us out of there."

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"Ah, okay, I thought it was a case of limited spell slots. Nenio can have one and I can take a look at it first and you can have it prepped and then three things have to go wrong for it not to work."

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Then with that settled they can head off back to the bank, though Ramien restrains himself so as to not outpace the group.

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Brenda spends the trip over asking questions about how having Longstrider up feels. 

"Hello again! I'd like to buy a scroll of Plane Shift, if you have one, and also--rent some scrolls? Buy them and then sell them back to you an hour later?" She lists off all the ones they decided to get and don't currently have: Chameleon Stride, Communal Nondetection, and Heroism.

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"I do have those. Do you want the chameleon stride also communal, or is personal sufficient for your needs? If you're just borrowing them collateral is fine instead of payment, but if they're damaged or used up from whatever you do I'll need you to pay for them."

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"Communal for both, please, and how much collateral do you need?"

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"785 Crowns for all of them, though I'll also loan them out individually if you prefer. Plane shift is 1,125 crowns to purchase if you want it as a divine scroll or 2,275 as an arcane scroll."

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Ramien glances at Brenda, then Nenio.

"I think we want arcane; I'll be the one buying this one."

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"I can cast cleric scrolls just fine, if that's what you mean. It's not really as hard as everyone says."

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Nenio is so cool. "Okay then, let's get the divine version. Nenio, I am going to ask you so many questions about how scrolls work as soon as nothing else is more urgent."

So no unlimited access to the local multiverse for her today, she thinks as she counts out the appropriate collateral, but hey, she hasn't crashed diamond prices yet, maybe next week. She'll ask Ramien later how Elysium feels about tourists.

Once all the scrolls are in Alpina's memory and also in Rathimus' stockroom or Nenio's pockets as appropriate, she asks Rathimus for a private meeting and sets up death insurance for the two members of the group who don't have it. Since Brenda already has death insurance she ought to be able to get them out of any catastrophe a True Resurrection can get anyone out of, but that's exactly the kind of thought that would be ominous foreshadowing so she's just going to get the insurance. And not tell them about it until she's had more time to think it over, because they both seem liable to deduce too much and even if they can both keep secrets perfectly there's a lot of mind-reading on this planet.

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Rathimus does not have a problem with arranging this! He’s not entirely clear and unwilling to speculate for reasons of privacy what the purpose of borrowing scrolls like this is, beyond at least confirming the returning scrolls aren’t damaged by it, but selling a scroll of plane shift and the arrangement fee on two counts of resurrection insurance are a tidy profit for this meeting and well worth his time.

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Is that it for preparations until dawn tomorrow? If so, she wants to look at the maps of Drezen and its surroundings some more.

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Pretty much, yep. The map Ramien found looks quite old, and there's a note that the details may be out of date, but it seems to have a least a dozen internal secret passageways through the city mapped out, including one leading to the prison from the city's temple of Iomedae, and the precise layout of the interior rooms in the walls and citadel.

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She memorizes it, spends a bit speculating about what kinds of changes demons might have made to the place. She doesn't trust the secret passages to have stayed secret, especially with minotaurs around--according to Nenio's research, they're disproportionately Baphomet cultists, and Baphomet cultists love secret passages. If they approach by air from this direction, with the stealth spells up, the safest thing to do is swing around to here, scout the doors and their guards from the air, and find either a window or a good place to land. 

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There's a risk involved since you need to slow down to maneuver precisely and that takes time off the invisibility duration, but wind walk also works like gaseous form so they can travel even through cracks; they might be able to just go through the prison walls or a broken window, if they're not in good enough repair.

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Will they be able to talk normally while wind-walking? Possibly they should do all their coordination over Message either way. Also, will it interfere with her spellcasting at all, bearing in mind that she's very unpracticed?

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It's very hard to spellcast while wind walking; spells without verbal, somatic, and material components are fine, but that's a minority of spells. They'll probably want to touch down outside of view from the city - there are a few hills here that might work - cast the spells, and then make the last leg in with the spells up. Thankfully wind walk is very fast so even stopping a mile out shouldn't be more than a minute's travel, and they probably don't need that far. You can talk just fine, though.

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Makes sense! Does Nenio have a general sense of what level of resources the demons are likely to be prepared to defend against? Like, will the guards have a plan for invisible gaseous people that they have to defeat, or are they mostly there to defend against escape attempts by individual non-spellcaster prisoners and likely to be taken by surprise? Obviously it's impossible to be certain, especially about demons in a city Nenio has presumably never been to, but it seems useful to speculate about what their enemy would do if they were putting in the same kind of budget the party is.

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She's not sure; she's only ever really tried to fool mortal guard before, mostly for lack of opportunity. If they really wanted to be sure they'd have a demon with true seeing there, which could be a problem if they get too close, but even a demon as strong as a Balor would have a hard time keeping a Painajai or Glabrezu or Nalfeshnee assigned to grunt work like that. The other way would be to get a mortal spellcaster to put the area under dimensional lock or have a forbiddance in place and just catch people as they escape, which means she should prepare an illusion to make it look like the prisoners were still there and maybe something to dispel any spells they had on the prisoners.

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Good plan! Would a forbiddance have blocked the Sendings or the original vision? If they do run into someone with true seeing, should they just bug out immediately?

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No, sendings go through a forbiddance just fine. The thing is that they're expensive and require a powerful mortal cleric and get more expensive the more area you cover, so she expects they probably skimped on it. As for the true seeing, it depends on where the demon in question is. True seeing only works out to about a hundred twenty feet, and it doesn't do anything about seeing through walls or in the dark or around corners or behind your back, but if there is such a demon close enough to spot them and they aren't ready to fight the demon then that would probably be smart.

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Well, Brenda is slowly but surely improving at being able to tell how serious a threat to her any given opponent is. Perhaps she should spend the rest of the evening in the library, looking for books with pictures of demons and descriptions of their abilities.

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That sounds smart. Honestly Seelah feels like she should have already done this and known the result if she found reading less aversive but now that Brenda's doing it she doesn't have an excuse to put it off more.

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Huh, people just give away information on what kinds of demons there are? And somehow just from the scribbles underneath the pictures you can figure this out.

"How exactly does this work?"

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All previous plans have been violently shoved down the stack in favor of excitedly teaching Wenduag to read! Reading is so good and cool and fun you can use it for eeeeeeeeeverything here's how the alphabet works!

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Wow, that's completely bewildering! And people on the surface do this all the time?

..She's a neather, she can do anything they do as well or better than they can. Wenduag commits herself to the task of learning from Brenda with a somewhat alarming intensity.

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That is a totally normal and reasonable amount of intensity for learning to read! Let's goooooo. Brenda is down to teach until Wenduag is either satisfied with her skill level or needs to go to bed, whichever comes first. The time dilation probably doesn't help with fatigue, especially other people's, but it will help with having time to get a good night's sleep afterwards.

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Wenduag isn't exactly a genius, but she's not stupid either, and reading is in fact simple enough that a child can learn. Well, eventually learn. By the time Wenduag's eyes are glazing over, she's at least managed to pick up some of the basics even if she's not remotely ready to figure out the whole researching demons bit.

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That's totally fine and normal, it's not intuitive and it takes a bit! They can do some more practice tomorrow and she'll keep getting better. In the meantime Brenda can read the demon books out loud, or just summarize them for Wenduag in the morning.

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She'll take the former. Also wow there are a lot of kinds of demons, she thought she had probably seen most of them fighting in the past week but it turns out she absolutely did not.

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There are a truly unreasonable number of kinds! Theoretically if the Abyss is infinite there could be an infinite number of kinds, but only a finite subset have any idea that Golarion or the Worldwound exists or have any interest in going through. They'll focus on the common ones and keep improving their intuitions for how scary unfamiliar kinds look.

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Probably none of them are scary to Brenda but even with her new magic bow there's no way she'd be able to take on Savamalekh yet. And it turns out there's a whole species of him, and a few other kinds of demons even stronger than that. The fact that Vrolikai are still considered one of the strongest kinds is only so reassuring about how far there is to go.

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Seelah is struggling a bit with her own research, but once she managed to get Nenio to talk about their entries in worldwound section of the Encyclopedia Golarionnica it got way smoother. She's not sure all of it is useful information, but it's surprisingly easy to remember the details about Babau when she connects it to Nenio talking about her desire to see if their tails can actually be tied together without slipping apart due to slime.

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It seems highly unlikely that this mission will involve them killing two babaus and then leaving in a leisurely manner, but Brenda will take note for the future that 'two freshly dead babaus' would make a good present for Nenio. (If she happens to end up with them anyway. She believes that most demons would be happy to kill her, at this point, but that's no reason to go out of her way to kill more of them without a good reason.)

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Eventually Seelah will get tired enough that she has to push down the urge to just cure it with lay on hands.

"I'm probably going to turn in soon, make sure I'm not tired for the rescue tomorrow."

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"Yeah, I should do likewise. There's probably some kind of useful experiment I should do with my one teleport for today, but I can tell that I can't take a passenger and I don't want to test the range any further than I can walk back from so it won't tell me if I can get back from Drezen."

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"You could teleport into the air, and then land with feather fall! Though I guess if you went as far up as Drezen is from here you'd be in space, so it's probably not safe for much more than making sure it's longer than dimension door."

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"And Dimension Door can't bring people along in a bag of holding, can it, so that's another thing to check. Who wants a bag-ride to the Defender's Heart?"

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"Ooh, I definitely do!"

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This is what they're planning to do to leave Drezen? Then it probably makes sense to test it ahead of time, so she doesn't show weakness then.


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"I'll pass, if that's alright, I'm not even going to the defender's heart."

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"Ooh, it's like a carriage ride but for teleporting! That sounds fun."

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"Awesome. Seelah, I'll see you tomorrow. Everyone else, all aboard." She holds out the empty bag at the least inconvenient height and angle for people to step in. Having four arms to keep the opening square helps, but it's still pretty weird climbing into an extradimensional space with non-rigid walls.

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The bag is dark, but she can still see everything in shades of grey; other than the shifting of the cloth walls, it's not really any different from being back in the caves. It doesn't bother her at all, Wenduag decides firmly. Besides, the other two still look excited.

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Well, she doesn't have to put up with it for more than like twenty seconds before Brenda opens the bag again to reveal her room in the Defender's Heart.

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Oh good.

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"That wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but it wasn't bad."

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Brenda practices getting in and out of the bag once too, in case it makes sense for her to be one of the ones doing it in the field, then they all head off to their separate rooms and go to sleep.

Brenda is up early again, naturally, so if the Blackwing Library is open she'll go and read more until it's time to meet the rest of the team at the temple of Desna.

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The place isn't locked overnight, but if she sticks around long enough about half an hour after dawn a middle-aged man dressed in Iomedae's colors will enter the building through the front doors and startle at her being there already.

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There's no point being anywhere else until Ramien has finished his spell prep, so she's still there, albeit looking for a good stopping point in her current book. At some point in the past couple days her situational awareness has improved to the point where she notices when he gets close.

"Good morning!"

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"Good morning," the man answers, seemingly on reflex. "I, uh, wasn't expecting anyone to already be here."

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"Apologies; it was unlocked and there wasn't a schedule posted so I wasn't sure. What hours is the library open?"

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"We usually open it about an hour after dawn, most days? Not because people can't do overnight research with permission, just so that we don't get people damaging or walking off with the books when nobody's around."

He glances at the still visible damage from the Baphomet cultists a few days back.

"I guess it's not really the most pressing issue at the moment, you just surprised me."

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"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Does your church run the library? It's a good library and I appreciate your keeping it open despite all the turmoil."

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"Yes; we handle purchases, upkeep, that kind of thing. It's not as glamorous as the fighting but it's an important job."

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Brenda's opinion of Iomedae's church qua church (as opposed to 'the set of people to whom Iomedae gives magic') is now much higher than it was five minutes ago. 

"It is! I've been using it for fighting-adjacent purposes--reading up on common demon species--but there are a lot of good reasons to have books widely available."

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He blinks; that was not the answer he had been expecting from someone as young as she looked. Still, she does seem equipped for it, and it’s not like he has any idea how four armed cat people age. For all he knows she’s been adventuring for decades by now. 

“Did you find what you were looking for?”

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She smiles. "I did! Relatedly, I should probably head out soon."

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"Inheritor bless you, then."

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Off to the temple of Desna, then, where she arrives just before Ramien is done with his prayers and hangs out outside waiting for it to be go time.

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Almost an hour on the dot after dawn, Ramien comes out of the temple.

"Ah, you're already here. Should we pick up your party, or are they also ahead of me and at Torag's temple?"

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"I'm not sure yet, I got up early and spent a while in the library. So we should probably stop by the Defender's Heart to make sure nobody is there waiting for me." 

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Then Ramien will go with her, keeping to whatever pace she sets.

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By the time they arrive at the defender's heart, Wenduag, Ember, and Nenio are all waiting at the front, though Seelah doesn't seem to have made it yet.

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There's a bulletin board of adventurers looking for parties and people offering bounties for various things and one "I found this cat, whose is it"; Brenda leaves a note on it for Seelah in case she comes here first and they all head off to the temple of Torag.

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They'll encounter Seelah en route moving the opposite direction, at which point she flushes slightly and turns around to go with them.

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"I trust you're all aware that this will be no easy task, and may end up costing your lives if you're unfortunate?"

When they all nod he casts a pair of spells, each targeting half their group. Utilizing the ability is a strange feeling somewhere between spreading yourself out and fading into the background, but it's surprisingly intuitive.

"Good skill."

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"Thank you." Off they whoosh! It's delightfully weird. 

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Between the spell itself and a tailwind provided by Ramien they travel quite quickly, but the speed is likely more novel to Brenda's companions than it is to her; it's fast, but more in the sense of a car on a highway than an airplane.

From the air, it's easy to see how the wounded lands earned their name. While the terrain on the Mendevian side of the wardstones is no rainforest, much of the land on the demons' side of the line consists of with vast tracts of bare reddish soil, occasionally dotted by stunted trees or patches of grass. Occasionally there are rifts in the earth with geologically implausible lava visible, and on one occasion a small lake of blood.

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Wow, that's pretty fucked up! She wonders whether it's a consequence of the planar rift, the presence of lots of demons, the deliberate actions of those demons, or the amount of magical combat in the area. If there was a planar rift to Heaven or Elysium would it have similar consequences, or the opposite ones? She quietly shares her speculations with Nenio.

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It’s almost certainly the abyssal influence, since it’s a better match for the closest abyssal regions on the other side of the wound. It’s harder to guess what an elysian or heavenly tear would look like though, since planar rifts of this kind are rare. There’s a portal to Abbadon in Thuvia, but the place was already a desert beforehand, and some smaller openings to the abyss in Tian Xia, but none to the upper planes so far.

This means they should totally figure out how to make one and find out! It might be more scientifically efficient to start with Elysium or Nirvana though, since Bachuan is supposed to have a plan in the works to make a permanent gate to heaven.

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That's very cool of Bachuan, though she hopes they got permission from the heaven end first--she can easily imagine a society of all Lawful Good people building a bunch of their institutions with the assumption that everyone interacting with them would be Lawful Good such that unexpected immigrants would cause a lot of trouble. Making a portal to Elysium sounds like an awesome idea, again assuming they go to Elysium and find a place that's okay with hosting the other end.

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“I’m confident Desna at least wouldn’t mind it as long as it wasn’t being used for an invasion; she’s strongly in favor of people being able to travel wherever they want. I don’t know if she’d be able to send as many Azatas as the worldwound has demons, though.”

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"Just because Elysium is nice and the Azatas want to stay there whereas the Abyss is lousy and the demons want to leave, or some other reason?"

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“There are limits to how the gods are allowed to interfere with the material plane, so they don’t destroy it with their fighting. Desna is not a lawful goddess bound to her word, but Asmodeus is and would be permitted to respond in kind, so she can only do it in places where both of them doing more still comes out to the benefit of the world. And also… all the stars in the sky are other suns, and many of them have other worlds. Desna acts to oppose evil on all of them, and while the gods are mighty their power and attention isn’t infinite. Deskari is said to have abandoned almost all of his other concerns in favor of the conquest of Golarion.”

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"And Deskari doing things doesn't mean Desna gets to do more things, or Asmodeus or Iomedae for that matter, because he's not a proper god? Or it does mean that and Desna is just allocating it elsewhere? I'm not trying to second-guess any of the gods, to be clear, just trying to understand the constraints and how they interact with things mortals could theoretically do."

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“Far be it from me to say how you should relate to the gods. As I understand it, the primary god opposing Deskari is Iomedae, who can do so most efficiently, with a coalition of other lawful gods and good gods supporting her, and that this is how she is able to afford to pick so many paladins in Mendev, supply the wardstones, and have cheliax cover the northern border. I don’t know the details of why this is the tradeoff she made though or if there are more gods intervening than have advertised to mortals.”

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"Do you ever think it would be easier for humans and gods to work together if we and they could communicate better?"

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“Yes. I think it would make the world better, too, because we mortals share more goals with the good and neutral gods than we do the evil ones. Asmodeus has to lie, threaten, and bribe to get even evil people to work for him, whereas if Desna wants me to help someone I only need to know where to find them.”

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"Yeah, that's what I thought." Unfortunately, even if that's the sort of thing that Omniglot would help with, it's clearly not sufficient on its own. The Princess and the Dragon could do it though while the question of what it would mean to have sex with a god is a pretty cool question Brenda is pretty sure she doesn't feel that way about Desna or anyone else.

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A few hours after they took off the city of Drezen comes into view. It was clearly impressive once, and equally clearly those days are long behind it. Drezen’s enormous grey walls are cracked and crumbling, and half the watchtowers that once overlooked them have collapsed. About the only part of the outer defenses that still look to be in good repair are the great front gates, and even there good is very clearly a relative term. The terrain surrounding the city is bleak and empty, but if there are alert sentries or demonic patrols they aren’t visible from the air.

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It looks like the pictures of war zones in Earth's newspapers. 

Brenda looks for a place well outside the walls and ideally out of line of sight of any roads where they can land and do all the stealth spells. How inhabited does the city look from the air? Are there demons not on watch but going about their business?

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There are a lot of demons, but not nearly as many as the a city of this size could hold; it's hard to get a precise survey of even just the ones outdoors, but there are look to be fewer than a hundred visible all told. Some of them are walking around, some of them are probably either talking or arguing, and there's one visible brawl ongoing. There are a number of places relatively close to the walls that could shelter them from view, such as the small hill off to the east of the main gate, but they might also just be able to use the walls themselves as cover.

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The closer in they get, the more time they have on the stealth spells, and they don't need to do anything louder than mutter incantations. If nobody else indicates otherwise, she'll start heading for the shadow of a relatively intact bit of wall.

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Nobody has any problem with this!

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While they're preparing, Ramien will take the opportunity to cast Magic Circle against Evil on himself and Nenio, under the theory that aside from the probably immune Brenda their backup escape plan is probably the best person to make thoroughly immune to domination; Wenduag, Seelah, and Ember will have to settle for protection from evil.

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Nenio isn't really big on defensive magic, but conjuring a forcefield for the less protected members of their party is at least involves enough conjuration to be worth learning.

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Wenduag feels a little self conscious about not having any spells - even the crusader girl got some yesterday - but definitely isn't going to speak up about it. She'll just have to work twice as hard to prove she can still be useful.

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Brenda is no party composition expert but she's pretty sure having someone who can sneak around and shoot people is important. She also does nothing to communicate this. Communal Chameleon Stride Communal Nondetection Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Heroism Heroism Heroism Heroism Heroism Heroism. Alpina is the coolest book ever and possibly also the coolest person ever.

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It is, as it turns out, very hard to notice invisible people silently floating through the air. For a handful of demons invisibility is no shield, but such sight simply pierces through the illusion without interacting with it; there is nothing to draw attention to the wisps of slowly moving clouds, for those few Babau who catch a glimpse out of the corner of their eyes. When those invisible clouds drift above above the city prison, there are none among the demons who remark upon it.

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Brenda DFEWs the Babaus as they pass, in case of invisible demons and for anything else they've got. The anything else turns out to be a spell-like ability she will test later.

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The prison looks to be less run down than the walls by a significant margin, but whoever was doing the maintenance work was clearly doing it with an eye primarily to aesthetics. It looks impressively doomy even by the standards of prisons, with the grey stone of the walls dismissed in favor of some jet black rock and with a somewhat absurd number of spikes. Standing by the entrance are a pair of distracted cultists; if either of them have spotted the approaching infiltrators, they give no sign of it.

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They whoosh around the roofline, looking for broken windows, air vents or the like. The door the cultists are guarding probably has a crack under it, but that can be a last resort.

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The designers of this building remodel were not exactly fans of windows, particularly near the prisoners, but what ones they have are all accessible; the openings in the wall are simply barred and shuttered rather than waste glass or textiles to seal it.

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Promising, both in itself and for its implications for how prepared they are to repel high-magic infiltration. There's only one floor above ground, so unless they can spot a likely-looking prisoner through any of the openings they start with the one farthest from the door.

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Then they can drop into dark hallway. Through the dim light visible in the windows, it looks like it terminates in a dead end off to their right, as though someone liked the idea of ominous corridors more than the substance.

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Nenio mutters something under her breath.

"It's not a secret door either," she whispers. "I just checked"

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That is very cool and Brenda will want to hear more about door-finding later. How about the other direction, does that end go anywhere? Are there cells in this area or just blank walls?

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Once they round the corner, it feeds back into the main hallway about a dozen feet past the entrance. There are a few other branching hallways like it, but the main path is obvious both from being a straight shot inwards and having actual torches providing light to see by.

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Brenda has no need for light, but the torches are useful information nonetheless. They'll want to sweep this whole level before they go to the basement, unless they've found both their rescue-targets by then, but might as well check the main corridor first.

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The main corridor leads directly to a stairwell, the downwards steps similarly lit to the passage leading up to it. It's hard to be exact with proprioception, but judging by the distance traveled they've got to be pretty close to the opposite side of the building from the entrance.

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Off into the branching hallways, then, going systematically clockwise and keeping an eye out for any doors. Brenda's sense of space is good enough with the headband that she'll be able to tell if any chunks of the floorplan are inaccessible.

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Most of the corridors are similarly empty, but a diligent search will reveal a locked door leading to some depressing living quarters and an extremely doompunk armory. The latter has an impractically large number of glaives and scythes, but some concession was made to practicality in favor of spears, daggers, and scimitars. The hallways continue to come up blank on hidden doors, but there are a few suspiciously large spaces that might correspond to something or might just be randomly solid stone all the way through.

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They're not here to rob the place; for one thing, they need the bag of holding empty to use as the getaway vehicle. Brenda very quietly points out the suspicious areas, but if nobody else has a quick way into them it's worth going down to the first level of basement first.

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Ramien can try a dimensional door for one of them, but if there's nothing inside he'll be forced painfully out of the rock and he doesn't have a good way to leave again after if there is space inside. He doubts they're hiding the prisoners in a secret passage anyway; that would make it hard to bring them in and out.

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At the bottom of the staircase, the first cells are visible; judging by the construction of the bars and locks, this is a low security area, and the only prisoner inside is a solitary Dretch in the third cell on the right.

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Brenda is pretty sure that isn't Arueshalae, but is now realising that she should have set up some way for Arueshalae to identify herself in a more ongoing, passive way, and/or accepted the social awkwardness of asking what species she was. Regardless, they should find both of the people they need to rescue before doing anything obtrusive that might put them on a tighter clock. She observes the dretch silently and wafts onward.

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The medium security cells are more thoroughly sealed, with small reinforced glass panel on each cell the only way to see in or out. There are a handful more demons here; mostly schir, but there's also a Brimorak and and Incubus. The entire section has another locked gate to get entrance to, but the designers didn't seem to have considered gaseous form as a security vulnerability.

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"Blocking line of effect for summons, most likely - see how the air interchange doesn't allow an unbroken line through anywhere? I'm surprised to see something so sophisticated in good upkeep, despite how little use it's getting; someone important among the demons must have this place as their pet project."

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"Yeah. And I screwed up--I don't know how to identify Arueshalae without revealing we're here to anyone else. If we find the crusader and they don't know her, I might need to sneak out, do another Sending, and sneak back in. Sorry."

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"I prepared detect the faithful this morning, so I can check any likely candidates, but I'll lose it if I have to cast any other spells after starting."

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Past the middle security wing is another flight of stairs leading down, terminating in another hallway of cells. Unlike the previous floor, none of these cells block line of sight, but they do look more secure than the first floor.

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"Ooh, a trap!"

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Brenda freezes* and looks around for the trap. "Where?"


*Metaphorically. Chemically, she doesn't even condense.

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"Right in front of us! Look with detect magic, not your eyes."

It's impossible to see Nenio's still invisible expression, but the dissapointment is clear in their voice a moment later when they continue.

"It looks like it's just an alarm and a dimensional lock. That's disappointing, there's not even a puzzle."

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Vaporous squinting. "I see it but I couldn't've identified it. Do you know how to disable it without setting it off?"

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"If it's an audible alarm, I could use silence, but that doesn't do anything about mental ones. Can you tell which it is?"

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"Abjuration isn't really my specialty, but it looks like it's audible."

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Ramien mutters a quiet prayer to Desna, and holds up his butterfly necklace, after which bubble of illusion magic wraps around the center of the alarm.

"Let's move. That should make it so nobody hears any of us crossing, but only if we do so in the next minute."

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Onward. They might need to go through here again if Arueshalae turns out to be someone they already looked at (she's memorizing the appearances of all the prisoners as they go), but the farther they can get without going into grab-and-run mode the better.

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Having something blocking their retreat would have made Seelah nervous a week ago, but at some point in the last few days she lost the ability to feel fear. She still wants to avoid setting off an alarm and getting swarmed by demons, but the prospect doesn't nag at her mind.

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Brenda, on the other hand, totally is nervous. She's already discovered one mistake, so she probably made more.

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There are three people visible in the prison cells; all of them look vaguely human, but each is clearly not. The first is incredibly short, though not proportioned like a child, and is the least fantastical looking of the lot. The second is purely human from the neck down, but has the head and wings of a fly - even imprisoned, they appear the epitome of dignity. The third could almost pass for a tiefling if it weren't for the wings on their back - a succubus, of the sort Brenda has seen several of these last few days.

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Could the short one be the crusader, maybe? She examines their clothes and general affect and whether/how they're looking at the other two.

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None of the three of them have much in the way of clothing, just variously tattered rags. Through holes in the short woman's fabric, a number of healed over scars are visible, and on her shoulder are a few that haven't stopped bleeding yet; her gaunt frame bears the marks of once being heavily muscled, and her gaze is distant.

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Seelah floats over and whispers, "The halfling doesn't read evil. Neither does the succubus but she could be hiding it."

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Ramien nods, unnecessary as it is due to being invisible, casts a spell of his own.

"The Succubus is also showing up as a Desnan. Either this is Arueshalae or this mission is a trap."

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Wow, Seelah might have just solved the entire problem. She can't actually smile as a vapor, but it shows in her voice. "Great. How about we knock out the bug guy and reveal ourselves to the other two?"

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There's not really a perfectly reliable way for a low level party to knock out a demon like a Coloxus without raising an alarm, but a witch's slumber is one of the better options. Ember puts him to sleep so he doesn't have to get hurt.

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And Ramien relaxes, dismissing his preparations to cast wall of stone. 

"Now we just need to let them out and get out of here."

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Brenda returns to human-with-extras form and smiles encouragingly at the two conscious prisoners. "Hello! This is a jailbreak, we're getting you out of here. You're Arueshalae, right?"

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“You’re actually here? I thought I - blueberry pie.”

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"Yes, I'm here. With friends. We're going to get both of you out. Let me see if I can get this door open quietly before I do it the loud way."

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She examines the door lock; it proves to be both relatively sophisticated and magically reinforced. 

"Yeah, no, even if I could figure this out it would take too long," she mutters, and turns to address the air behind her. "Anyone got a clever idea or shall I try ripping the doors off?"

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“I could try and dispel one of them, but that would still leave a second door.”

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"I think the less time between the first loud noise and when we can all be out of here, the better."

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Ramien casts his first spell, and the magic reinforcing the lock collapses. A second spell sees her lockpicking skills improve.

”Hopefully that and the Heroism are enough, then.”

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There's still a bunch of fiddling around poking things with Mage Hand, her dragon claws, and her regular fingers until she gets lucky, but eventually the lock pops open.

"Alright. I'm going to start on the other one; everyone get ready for guards to start showing up." 

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Arueshalae exits her cell, still half disbelieving. Without her bow, there's only so much she can do to help in case of an attack, but her touch is still deadly; perhaps it will prove better than nothing.

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Brenda turns her hands to dragon claws again and starts tearing at the halfling's door with sounds of creaking metal and cracking wood. In about twelve seconds she'll have both the lock and the hinges sufficiently fucked up that she can pull it out of the frame.

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The prisoner in the cell starts at the sound, her eyes seeming to register their arrival for the first time. 

"Who - who are you? Inheritor, please-"

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Seelah starts materialising so she can be visibly a paladin. "We're here to rescue you. You're going to be alright."

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The woman detects evil, and when it doesn't get a response from any of them breaks down sobbing. 

"Please. Please. Please..."

When the doors go down in a screech of tortured metal, she starts crawling towards them.

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Brenda picks the crusader up, ever so gently. "We're going to get you out, hang on, we'll be safe in Kenabres in a minute."

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Seelah finishes materializing and does a Lay on Hands, then leads the way back towards the edge of the dimension lock.

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Just as they cross the boundary of the alarm and it begins shrieking loudly, a wall on the opposite end of the high security wing slides aside and a trio of glaive-wielding minotaurs charge out.

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Into another wall, this one made of solid stone!

"Quickly, into the bag. Three people outside at the most, and our rescuees aren't prepared for this."

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If Brenda gets herself and the halfling woman into the bag that's two in the bag already, and being fast is more important than having her out to help hold the guards off. In they get.

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Wenduag and Ember are still gaseous, so it's easy to go in alongside Brenda without wasting any more time.

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And then Ramien can grab hold of Seelah, Arueshalae, and Nenio to teleport them to Kenabres just as the wall of stone collapses.

"Well. It didn't entirely go according to plan, but I'm still prepared to call that a resounding success. Next prison break I go on I'll have to remember to bring more dispels."

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"I should have gotten descriptions of what everyone looked like," says Brenda as she exits the bag and sets the halfling woman on her feet. "But we all got out and nobody got injured--additionally injured--so yeah, I think that's a win." The sudden rush of adrenaline that didn't get used is threatening to make her wobbly.

"So, uh, where do you two want to go now?" 

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"I'm not sure - I didn't expect to get free after being captured like that. Now that my cover is blown, I can't really spy on any of the important demonic generals any more, but everyone in Mendev has good reason not to trust a demon, to say nothing of Lastwall or Cheliax."

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Seeing the sun seems to have sparked a new set of tears from the halfling Paladin. 

"I... I think I would like to go to a real temple again, and pray."

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"Of course. I can take you to the temple of Iomedae, or Desna or Torag. And Arueshalae, I'm not sure where would be a good place for you to--build a new life--but if you want to stick with me for a while I can straighten out anyone who thinks you're bad news." Ramien is probably about to offer her a bed at his temple, but there's no harm in giving her multiple options.

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"You would also be welcome in Desna's temple, sister. You wouldn't be the first person we had to hide from the Prelate."

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"I may have turned my back on the Abyss, but I am still a demon - I can't cross the wardstones. Is the temple not on the other side of the line?"

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"Hmm. That does make things harder. I expect we could route around it by going through Elysium, but I only prepared the one plane shift today. Maybe we should just find a place for you for the rest of today, and then tomorrow I get you to the temple? Or somewhere else, if you want - there's a whole world out there, and some parts of it are less likely to be hostile to a reformed succubus."

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Arueshalae looks a little lost at the thought of going elsewhere.

"Thank you, truly - that means a lot to me that you would offer that. But my place is here, at the worldwound - it's the only way I'll ever be able to undo even part of the harm I caused. I suppose I should disguise myself, then. With my wings hidden, do you think I could pass for a tiefling?"

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"In my experience one can just go around looking any old way and people will put up with it, but I haven't met enough tieflings to know, really. And my impression is that tieflings get some amount of crap from everyone too." She double-shrugs illustratively. "It's good of you to want to stay here and help."

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(Seelah thinks there really ought to be a solution to this situation that doesn't involve lying but she can't come up with one good enough to feel okay recommending it.)

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"I don't have a problem with being judged; they would even be right to in my case. I just don't want to be in a position where I have to hurt someone or run away."

Her wings fold up under her tattered clothes a little roughly, but it's at least less obvious that she has them. 

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"Curious. Succubi are well known for being able to take on alternate shapes. Is there a reason you aren't employing that?"

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"Yes. It's one of the things I lost when Desna helped me leave the abyss behind. I do not miss it, though; all I ever did with it was trick people to hurt them."

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It's too bad she can't do Dragon Fairy Elf Witch backwards.

"Would you like new clothes? Either of you. I can make clothes with magic; I could do something that would hide the wings."

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"Yes. Please."

Her voice is still cracking from disuse, but she's stopped sobbing, and her body language is starting to untense as it becomes apparent she might actually be out.

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"If you would. Something blue, maybe?"

Clothing has always been one of the things the Abyss has most lacked compared to Golarion; someone as wealthy as Arueshalae used to be would never lack for them, but the change from how everyone on Golarion has clothes of their own was one of the bigger shocks for new people arriving in Alushinrya. She had thought that they were still mostly made by hand, though; perhaps her rescuers simply had unusual magic, like they would need to break into Drezen anyway.

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"Alright. Just a minute, please." She scoots behind the nearest building and returns with a multilayered set of blue robes in Arueshalae's size structured to hide her wings, and a nice undamaged version of the paladin's outfit in soft but durable fabric. And a folding screen thingy they can hide behind to change.

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Then they can both get changed in private, and the paladin set off for the temple of Iomedae.

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Arueshalae hangs around a bit longer in case anyone has more questions now that she's not limited to sendings, but otherwise she'll go look for a place to stay. Ideally somewhere she can avoid drawing suspicion for not needing to sleep and, if she's incredibly lucky, perhaps finally dream.

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Brenda would kind of like to know more of her story and what "Desna helping her leave the Abyss behind" was like, but only if she doesn't mind talking about it.

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It's visibly hard for her to talk about, but Arueshalae pushes through it. Her rescuers deserve to know the awful truth about her.

"I used to be an normal succubus," she starts, then shakes her head. "No, that's not true. I used to be one of the worst. Where some succubi would content themselves with working as prostitutes or attach themselves to a single more powerful demon and only occasionally murder or torture, I delighted in it. I was a master at killing and torture, but my favorite thing to do was to find beautiful things and destroy everything good about them, to make them just as twisted as I was. It was enough to earn me a reputation even in Alushinrya, but I soon tired of limiting myself to that and went further afield looking for victims. Sometimes that lead me outside the midnight isles, sometimes to Golarion, sometimes even further. I might have stayed like that forever, but I overreached myself. There was this woman-"

Arueshalae's voice chokes, and she has a trouble continuing. Guilt and sorrow war on her face.

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"You don't need to tell me the whole story right away," she says softly. 

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It feels like cowardice, to flinch away from telling that woman's story because of how much it hurt her, but Arueshalae is grateful for it anyway. It's not as though she hasn't done more than enough horrible things to make it clear what kind of a person she is even without it.

"After that I left myself open to Desna's retaliation, but instead of smiting me like I deserved she decided to save me. She gave me back my memories from my mortal life, all the hopes and I had long since abandoned and given up on, and told me I didn't have to stay like I was - that even demons could dream. I don't know what she saw in me, but I swore I would not pass this chance up. I turned against the other demons, helping where I could, until I finally got caught and imprisoned in Drezen."

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"It's--really good--that Desna could do that." Deeply unclear why it was the right move this one time and not more frequently, but it's not like Arueshalae is a theology expert either. Probably. Maybe it's something about the nature of Chaos. None of this matters except that if it's possible for mortals to learn how to do it then Ember can, should, and will.

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"That was very brave of you. It must have been hard, leaving everyone and everything you knew behind, but I'm glad you decided to help people anyway."

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"You're mistaken. I didn't choose to stop doing evil - if Desna hadn't stopped me, I would be tormenting people like you to this day."

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"People always have choices. Even now, you could choose to hurt people - just like anyone else could! What's stopping you is that you don't want to."

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"Ember's right." Ember is so good and wonderful. "What you've done is part of who you are, but I think the bigger part is what you're doing now and what you're going to do in the future."

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Arueshalae flushes lightly.

"I don't know if I can live up to that, but I intend to try."

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"I think that's about all anybody can do."

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The fact that a paladin got rescued from Drezen is big news in Kenabres for the rest of the day, though the information largely spread by rumor and is therefore largely less than accurate. In one particularly wild retelling Brenda hears told in the Defender's heart, the rescuers were actually a battalion of angels lead by the hand of the inheritor and managed to kill the famed demon general Aponavicus on the way out, but most seem to stick to tales they consider more plausible than that.

By the next morning, however, the rumors have died down - not because adventurers in Kenabres had lost interest in wild speculation, but because they have a new target to sink their teeth into. When Brenda arrives downstairs to join her companions for breakfast, the news of the day is that the queen herself had been seen approaching Kenabres with an army, and half the room can't wait to advance their own theories on why.

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Brenda attempts to contribute some truth to the discussion of the prison break, but since she isn't willing to admit she was there this doesn't get very far. She listens with an attentive face and four skeptical ears to the speculation. "The Queen heard about the Wardstone and wants to verify for herself that Kenabres isn't a hive of demons now" seems plausible, as does "she thinks Deskari overextended and there's an opportunity to do something longer-term useful about it.

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Yep, those both seem plausible reasons for her arrival! Kenabres - or more properly Terendelev - driving off an attack by Khorramzadeh was one of the main triggers for the fourth crusade, after all. Some of the other ideas bandied around are that she's here to finally do something about Count Arendae (the adventurers in attendance seem to be evenly split between those disappointed at the idea and those thinking it's past time), that she plans to ennoble the mysterious savior of Kenabres, or that this was just a rescue operation and the queen just decided she'd already come too far to turn around.

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The first stop for the queen and her guards seems to be the temple of the inheritor. Equally unsurprisingly, a number of the city notable head over to meet her there, including Terendelev. A fair few of the people chatting seem to consider this interesting enough to head over and see if anything happens that’s visible from outside, but everyone else seems content to just go about their day.

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It is not that Brenda has anything against the queen, who by all accounts is a very good queen in the tradition of honorable and decent fantasy monarchs, but going somewhere just to rubberneck at her feels vaguely unAmerican. She continues her busy schedule of studying magic with Nenio, reading her way through the entire library, and maybe soliciting swordfighting lessons from Seelah but only if she gets the sense that Seelah would have fun teaching her.

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Then she can go about that uninterrupted until a Desnan adept drops by with a message from Ramien to tell her they're moving the wardstone soon.

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(Seelah doesn't mind teaching swordfighting, but she's also just gotten the ability to summon a horse and is busy learning to ride. And brushing his mane and petting him and feeding him carrots. His name is Valiant.)

She's happy to help move the Wardstone, though!

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So is Brenda, except--

"We should make sure Arueshalae knows. And is already outside. So she doesn't get chased across the city."

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"Oh no, you're right."

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A quick stop at the temple of Desna confirms that Arueshalae is there and doesn't need to worry--Ramien got her across the barrier by way of Elysium--and then Brenda and party head to the Wardstone.

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Then she’ll arrive at the garrison while they’re still in the process of fitting the stone into a rope harness. Gawkers are being held back by a security cordon, but one of the paladins on duty recognizes her and Seelah and waves the party past. 

From close up, more details become apparent; the rope harness is attached to a series of ropes trailing off it for easier pulling, and a number of what are presumably soldiers out of armor are arrayed to help pull it.

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The queen is in the middle of talking to Terendelev about something and doesn’t notice their arrival just yet.

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Brenda thinks that logically speaking she ought to be one of the ones doing the pulling and will attempt to dibs a rope if she got here in time for that and it doesn't look like the soldiers will be annoyed. She doesn't particularly expect to be noticed; she isn't doing anything unusual (for once).

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The soldiers are quite skeptical of the idea that a teenage girl can pull match an entire pulling team by herself, especially the ones from Nerosyan, but Seelah is a paladin and everyone knows those can't lie so maybe it's true? The worst case scenario for being wrong isn't very bad, though, so a skeptical lieutenant will authorize it. 

A few minutes later, Terendelev and Queen Galfrey finish whatever they were discussing and begin chanting a prayer to Iomedae. The wardstone lifts slowly out of the grey garrison, at which point people start steadily pulling it. Despite its size and mass, it's a relatively easy task; thanks to the fact that it doesn't need to touch the ground, the only thing slowing it down is air resistance.

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Brenda heaves after the manner of construction equipment, matching her steps to the other pullers the same way they're matching with each other, and the Wardstone glides along its intended path at a steady pace. It's satisfying work: no stealth, no violence, just "put this thing over here".

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Even with this many people pulling it, it's not a fast journey; the streets of Kenabres are not exactly straight, and even in the stretches where it is the wardstone's speed is limited to that of the people pulling the ropes. Still, the journey north passes without incident and the better part of an hour later it's time for the more delicate job of setting the wardstone back into its fitting.

Once the Menhir is settled into position, a sequence of clerics conjure walls of the same grey stone that makes up most of Kenabres' defenses, and less than a minute later it's impossible to tell the Tower of Kite was damaged in the first place. A number of the people who had been pulling cheer.

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Yay! Brenda cheers too. Fantasy Novel Logic had her expecting things to go wrong somewhere in there and while they could still go wrong in the next thirty seconds with excellent dramatic timing, it's starting to seem like they won't.

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If there's one thing her feats of strength were not, however, it is subtle. Once the work is done, the queen heads over to where Brenda and her friends are waiting.

"I'm told you're the person I have to thank for how well this last week went? I must confess, when I heard news of another major demonic attack on Kenabres I feared the worst."

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It's much easier to be blasé about the whole concept of a queen when she's not right there looking at you being more like a President than like someone who occasionally gets mentioned on the covers of supermarket tabloids. Also she did some very impressive magic earlier. Aaaaaa.

"I, um, thank you, your majesty. A lot of people did a lot of important things. I'm glad I was able to contribute." Argh that makes it sound like she was glad there was a demon attack, shutting up now.

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"There's no need to be so nervous. It's not every day that Mendev finds itself in debt to someone your age."

The queen smiles approvingly at her as she talks, and it's very easy to understand where all the talk about her charisma is coming from.

"I hesitate to ask this of you, after you have already done more than we can repay, but if you were willing there is something else you could do to help. I've heard you already had a recent adventure in Drezen?"

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Okay this isn't a social event it's a plot hook. A very fancy plot hook. Relax and find out what the quest is.

"I have, your majesty. And--I would love to hear what else I could do for Mendev." Maybe there's some important item or piece of information in Drezen the queen wants her to sneak in again and get.

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“When Kenabres fought off this attack, it did more than simply defeat the demons in front of it. Those demons represented a core part of Deskari’s current army - demons loyal or fearful enough of him that he could compel them into a suicide mission despite their ability to teleport. If he wishes for Khorramzadeh to rally him another army that amounts to more than simply Derakni and lesser demons, he will need time - time I do not intend to give him. I plan to declare the fifth crusade, and I would like for you to lead it.”

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Brenda nods along with the strategic considerations, then stiffens.

"I--it's not that I'm unwilling. I know the importance of taking territory back from the demons. But I know nothing of military strategy, very little of army tactics, nothing of logistics, nothing of inspiring or leading troops. Surely you have generals who would do a better job."

Even as she protests, though, she knows she's going to end up doing it. The weight of Fantasy Novel Logic is too great. There's going to be a dream or a curse or a prophecy and she's going to learn how to lead an army and she's going to make mistakes that cost lives. 

And the worst part? She's kind of excited about it.

She remembers that first massive battle in the streets of Kenabres, how her mind expanded to match the scope of the problem and she did things she hadn't been able to imagine. She wants to find out if she can use Battle Demon with an army as her weapon and another as her foe.

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"It's good that you're nervous. This is a large responsibility, and I'm glad you're taking the difficulty seriously, but I'm not asking you to handle it alone. I will be sending advisors with the army, to help and teach you what you need to know. What a Knight-Commander needs more than any of that, though, is to be someone that people are willing to believe can win, and after speaking with Terendelev I'm convinced you're the best candidate for the job."

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That's not surprising, and it's a lot better than having to scramble to recruit people based on recommendations from Terendelev and Rathimus. It also sounds like she's going to (quite correctly!) be something of a figurehead there to look inspiring and destinyful while the advisors run the show, at least until Anything You Can Do gets her up to speed, which could take years. At least it shouldn't be hard to make either friends or rivals out of all of them she should not deliberately become rivals with her coworkers to learn faster.

"Thank you. Is there a, a list of advisors I should be meeting with, a written description of the crusade's objectives, something like that? I'm sure there are a dozen things I ought to be doing but I don't know what they all are and which ones can be started yet." Her closest relevant experience to any of this is one summer of working the cash register at the supermarket; if the amount of initial paperwork scales proportionately with the size of the enterprise, she'll have a stack the size of the Wardstone by the end of this week.

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"Unless you have a reason to delay it, I will be announcing the crusade and its officers this evening, but there's certainly no harm in you learning sooner. My planned appointments are captain Harmattan to recruitment, Baroness Guanther as your strategic advisor, Quartermaster Garms on procurement, my advisor Nurah Dendiwhar to assist with the diplomatic aspects of the crusade, and Sir Tirabade to serve as your second and assistant. Your head cleric is not yet picked out; I hope to persuade Forgemaster Vhane or Fiducia Rathimus to take up the role, but if neither proves amenable I will have someone teleported in from Nerosyan. I'm not going to send out a crusade without someone able to cast raise. The strategic goal of this campaign is to retake the crusader city of Drezen, which is why the success of your raid on the city is such a positive omen."

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Irabeth is awesome; Brenda should have no problem becoming good enough friends with her for accelerated learning. Rathimus would be a very convenient choice since he already knows about the diamonds (and wow is that about to be even more important). 

"I've met Sir Tirabade and Fiducia Rathimus and they're both excellent; I'm sure your other choices are as well. I see no reason to delay the announcement. Would it be convenient for me to spend the time between now and then getting acquainted with the other officers?"

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"Certainly. Should I send word to have them meet you at the temple of the inheritor, or is there another location you would prefer?"

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"The temple sounds perfect, thank you your majesty."


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The first person to find her once she gets a room in the temple is a slate-gray man in golden armor.

"Pardon me, have you seen a woman named Brenda?"

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"That would be me; pleased to meet you." And eventually she's going to have the sort of collegial relationship where she'll be able to ask to DFEW him. Even if right now he appears to have been expecting someone older. (Dressing Room put her in what she's pretty sure is Mendevian formalwear before she arrived, but there's only so much good tailoring can do.)

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"I see."

Whatever thoughts are going on inside his head, nothing shows on his face or in his voice. 

"You asked to speak with me? I am Captain Harmattan."

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"Yes, I'm trying to get acquainted with all the key officers and learn what they need to get things up and running. Short medium and long term goals, problems you forsee having, ways I can make your life easier, and so forth."

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"My job is to make sure we have an army. That means I'm handling recruitment, conscription, basic training, and working with the quartermaster to make sure we have enough gear to equip them. I also handle the things that make sure our army can fight, like troop discipline and having competent officers. That probably also now includes making sure people accept the fact that their commander looks like a teenager. My work for the next few days before we set off will be swelling our numbers from militia, guards, and crusaders living in Kenabres or its surroundings; after that, the recruitment job gets harder because we need to raise troops somewhere we aren't and then get them to us without being ambushed by demons. You could make my life easier by being the kind of leader people are enthusiastic about following, not undermining discipline, and not promoting people on a whim."

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Oh no, she has to tell him.

"I might be able to stop looking like a teenager if it would help, but, ah. I am a teenager. I'm happy to let you handle discipline and promotions without getting in your way, but we should get on the same page about your general policies first. Have something written down we can cite if someone claims you're being arbitrary, that sort of thing." Aaaaa he's going to be so annoyed at working for a teenager but she can't just let him go all historically-accurate with the discipline without pushing back. Maybe he won't be inclined to.

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Captain Harmattan is far too professional to wince at that admission of her age, and it's not visible on his face either. It's not his job to second guess the Queen's staffing decisions.

"Generally speaking, this is one of the areas it's best to give the officers discretion. You don't want your officers not punishing misconduct, yes, but if you give out specific guidelines they're less likely to reduce the penalty even when the case genuinely calls for leniency."

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"That makes sense--a written policy can never fully account for every possible situation and we shouldn't try to make it do so--but I do think there should be some kind of broad guidelines, so that recruits know what's expected of them and to avoid different officers having wildly different standards from each other." 

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He still thinks describing exact thresholds for what punishments to give to what actions is a bad idea, but he can give some examples of times he thinks punishment was properly applied, and if she wants give those examples as training for new officers. The captain doesn't go into exhaustive detail, but it's easy to get a sense for the kind of punishments Mendev employs. Minor things - mutinous muttering, poor marching order, oversleeping, and so forth - tend to get punished with unpleasant duties like digging latrines or half rations, while more serious violations get punished with lashes or transfer to the penal battalions. They don't seem to make much use of the death penalty except insofar as being put in high risk positions counts, but a few things do qualify like high treason, being a demon cultist, and a few kinds of desertion in the face of the enemy.

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Would he mind explaining the concept of penal battalions? She would naively have expected that putting the worst soldiers all in the same place would lead them to drag each other further down to the point where you might as well dishonorably discharge them and have done, and if she's wrong about that that sounds important to know.

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Well, you have to do something to punish them to discourage that kind of behavior, and having trained soldiers executed is a waste. You have to watch them more closely, with loyal officers and soldiers or especially inquisitors when the church can spare them, but Mendev gets the benefits of a larger fighting force, the normal army get to take fewer risks, and if the penal soldiers serve their tour of duty when they're let go their crime is expunged. It's a fairly common destination for people with the right skills or fitness who commit serious enough crimes in civilian life too, though the queen has investigators to discourage people using it to be rid of people they don't like.

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If the results are worth the extra surveillance that's a convenient way for it to work out. What does the cost-benefit analysis look like for docking pay as an alternative to lashes? With the kind of energy channeling infrastructure an army will inevitably need anyway she can see how lashes wouldn't have consequences for combat effectiveness, and of course the point of these punishments is to deter malfeasance such that they rarely get used, but she still has a preference and wants to know if it's feasible.

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People have tried to implement it a few times, but it hasn't ever worked out. Captain Harmattan expects that the reason is it's not immediate enough; there's not much to spend money on other than gambling with your fellow soldiers in the wound, which they try to discourage anyway, and frankly pay gets disrupted often enough that if you make it a punishment the impact often gets lost in everyone else not being paid right then as well. Plus, it doesn't really have the same discouraging power; when someone gets whipped in front of everyone, their fellows get a clear idea of what they don't want to happen to them, but it's hard to tell who had their pay docked recently for breaking the rules.

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Brenda hates that and hates being responsible for it, but doesn't have the expertise to reliably cause something better to work. She doesn't say anything more on the matter. Instead she asks if Harmattan is planning to conscript anyone, and what goes into being the kind of leader people want to follow other than paying well, joining the fighting herself, and winning lots of battles.

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He is. You want as many volunteers as possible, of course, but trying to run a war on just volunteers is a way to get all the most loyal and patriotic people in your country killed by an army that outnumbers them and then you still have to do conscription anyway. 

As he understands it, an ideal general is a master of tactics and strategy, incredibly charismatic and capable at inspiring the men, able to politically maneuver to keep the nobles in line and the funding streaming in, and can personally outfight any assassins or enemy strike forces that come for them. Obviously no general can manage all of them at once - not even the queen, and she's had decades to practice - so you also want a general who knows how to delegate the parts they're less good at to their subordinates without leaving them too much work to do.

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She is so so out of her depth and should never have agreed to this.

She doesn't say that. She says she thinks she's got the assassin situation handled and that she'll be able to stay on top of the fundraising situation, but she'll need to spend a lot of time getting up to speed on strategy and tactics with the people the queen sent her for that. She'd appreciate lessons in being inspiring, unless he thinks it'd be a better use of his time to do all of that himself. (She also does not say out loud that he is starting out with an advantage by looking immensely cooler than her.)

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Captain Harmattan isn't sure how much of his methods will transfer, given their differences, but if she thinks it will help he's willing to try. 

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Speaking of her tacticians, it's not long before there's another knock on the door. The woman on the other side has golden hair and a halo above her head, which Brenda has presumably seen often enough to know means she's an aasimar.

"Captain," the woman says, nodding respectfully to Harmattan. "And I believe that would make you Brenda?"

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"It would!" Ooh, Friends in High Places is feeding her information on Mendevian sumptuary laws. "I'm expecting a Baroness Gaunther, is that you?"

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"That's correct, it's a pleasure. I hope I'm not interrupting?"

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"I don't think so, but she might have more questions I haven't covered yet."

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"I'm sure I could keep listing things I need to know more about all day, but I think we've covered the key points in your area at least until I have a detailed enough budget to talk numbers and pay scales. Baroness: I'm going to be frank with you. I don't have nearly enough experience with large-scale combat or the logistics of getting an army from point A to point B, and I want to remedy that as quickly as possible through a combination of meetings where we plan operations together and reading any books you've found helpful."

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"Hmm, that's a hard ask to do in a hurry. In an ideal world you'd have attended Galt or Lastwall's war college and then spent a few years working with smaller commands, and while that's not really practical to do or fair to ask of you it's a lot of ground to cover. I'll make sure you know when we're doing planning sessions and do my best to explain the decisions and tradeoffs, but you'll have to make sure to ask about anything unclear. As for books... the traditional answer is to suggest the Acts of Iomedae, which in fairness does have a lot to reccomend it. The inheritor was a brilliant strategist and had several brilliant strategists working under her, was facing a similar problem, and laid out almost all of her work and reasoning for posterity - as well as the book having the not insignificant advantage that very few demon commanders are willing to read it. 

"With that said, it's not actually my first choice here. For all the political applicability, both magic and warfare have evolved a lot in the last thousand years, and the demons are about as far from being the Whispering Tyrant as Mendev is from Imperial Taldor, so it's more something to look into if you find yourself with spare time. Instead... a bunch of the other ones are a bit more technical than is ideal for a beginner, but Aspex Mendisant's A Treatise on Modern Warfare is well written and only mildly dated, and the aptly named Crusade Chronicles should help you catch up on the last four crusades at the wound. If you find yourself struggling with it Dendiwhar's works are a decent overview and easy to read, but I find as a historian she sometimes interprets facts to support a narrative when it's ambiguous what happened."

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"Technical is good; I'd rather put in the time to get a real understanding than end up with an oversimplified one. I'll write to the war colleges as well and ask about correspondence courses or hiring a tutor; if this crusade has a timeline like the previous ones it'll be worth taking some time at the beginning to invest in skills that will be useful in the long term. I expect to be able to keep up with my day to day work at the same time." By using her golem heritage, Time Enough for Love, Just A Little Longer, and Iron Will to work 22 or more hours a day and not go insane, probably, because there's no way running a crusade isn't a huge amount of work.

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Her other two advisors arrive at about the same time; the taller of them is a jolly looking man who identifies himself as Wilcer Garms.

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And the shorter a blond haired woman who could pass for being even younger than Brenda. "It's a pleasure to meet you! It's not every day you get to see history in the making."

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'Looking as young as her' is a stupid reason to like someone, but Brenda wants to like all her advisors and she might as well start with the stupid reasons, so she doesn't try to stop.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both! Quartermaster Garms, there are three numbers I'd like from you whenever you get the chance, ideally in the next day or two. Item one, a number of crowns per month you would consider a bare minimum shoestring budget that would force us to make serious tradeoffs but that we could just barely run a crusade on. Item two, a number of crowns per month you would consider a reasonable budget, where we would still have to work at keeping costs down but could take good opportunities to turn money into combat effectiveness when we found them. And item three, a number of crowns per month on which you could run the most well-supplied and effective crusade since Iomedae defeated Tar-Baphon."

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"I can do that. We're in between the first two numbers right now, but it's a good idea to get you a sense of what kind of tradeoffs we're looking at. Do you want a breakdown of what we're currently spending where as well?"

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"Yes, thank you, that would be lovely, especially if you also provide a couple examples of the next things we'd start buying if we had slightly more money. I didn't realize a detailed breakdown would be possible already; are those the numbers for Mendev's standing army? Do you have a sense of how the fifth crusade is going to affect them, beyond 'generally attacking is more expensive than defending'?"

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"Mendev's standing army, and my best estimate for what the costs of conscripting and equipping the new troops will be. Obviously there's only so precise we can get before we do a headcount and assess the equipment they bring with them, but this isn't our first time raising an army or supplying it in the wound, so I can make a decent guess of what the numbers will look like once we've done so. The biggest wildcard is Kenabres, but from the looks of things the attack wasn't bad enough to reduce the numbers too much here. Do you have a temporary command post I should bring these to once I have them assembled, or just wait for you to drop by?"

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She nods along, smiling appreciatively. "I'm afraid I don't yet. I need an office, I've been staying in an inn and if I'm going to be an attractive target for assassins it seems polite to stop that. But that's a subcase of the general problem of needing somewhere to put everyone we're bringing here, so there may already be a plan for temporary buildings?" 

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"We'll be operating out of reinforced tents when we're in the field for ease of transportation, but at the moment I'm renting space at the temple of Abadar. I understand the Baroness is staying with one of her cousins, but I'm not sure about the others and most of the ordinary soldiers are camped outside the walls. I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue to set up your command tent early, I just wasn't sure if you already had availed yourself of something before we arrived."

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"I own a tent but it's not really big enough to take meetings in; if you have a tent that can fit a desk I'd happily start operating out of it. Does the crusade already have an account with the church of Abadar, or should I set one up this evening?"

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"We do; it's pretty impractical to get donations from outside Mendev without one. You should have access to it when you officially get appointed, but I'd recommend having one of your own if you don't yet so you don't mix finances. I'll tell them to get the commander's tent pitched."

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"Thanks! And yes, I definitely want a separate personal account." Because the alternative involves deciding an official amount to pay herself, which sounds way worse and more awkward than deciding on an amount of money to not-donate even if it's almost the same thing.

"Another thing that might or might not turn out to be relevant is that I can create clothes, which probably includes armor, fairly quickly any time I'm not being observed. It might not end up being worth it at the kind of scales we're operating on, but at some point today or tomorrow I'd like to look at a couple examples of anything you want lots of and see if I'm fast enough for it to be useful."

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"I don't know if it'll be the most efficient use of your time, but if you can make clothing that would definitely be useful. Especially if it includes armor, but even if it doesn't there's always a use for more boots and gambesons and socks. I'll try and see if I can get you a list of how much various kinds are worth in savings."

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"Which kind of not being observed, the one where it's secret enough we need to make sure nobody observes it or the kind that is impossible to do if you are? And I suppose relatedly, what kinds of observation? If it's the former, we might need to look into better scrying protections if it ends up being worth your time, while the latter is giving me half baked ideas of using it to figure out when you're being spied on."

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"The second one, and that's very clever, I don't know if it can detect scrying but it should be an easy enough experiment to do. If I'm in a meeting I'd have to ask everyone else to look away for a moment, which would let someone scrying me know to do the same to fool me, but for something like reading confidential reports alone it'd be a good check."

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"I'll make sure to inform whoever gets assigned as your guards, then. Asking to not observe their charge without an explanation will tend to make them nervous."

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"Don't be so melodramatic about it - it's not like they'd be able to watch her all the time anyway. Besides, she scared off a lilitu. Any demon assassin looking to one up that wouldn't be slowed down by whatever guards you assign."

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"While you are correct on the substance, that's no reason to go adding extra vulnerabilities. Anyone can be killed if they're sufficiently unlucky or caught off guard, which is why guarding against edge cases and not getting complacent is so important."

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The prospect of having guards is kind of terrible, slightly because of privacy but mostly because it's making other people do work and take risks because she can't be trusted to not die. But also Harmattan is obviously right, so she nods. "Can't be too careful. Or, you can be, but you aren't right now at any rate. I have resurrection insurance for similar reasons."

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"A sensible precaution. Ideally you never need it, but I suppose ideally we also start winning quickly and thoroughly enough that they get very motivated to try."

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"Indeed. On that note, I should check that we have the same idea of what winning looks like. It looks like moving the army to Drezen, controlling the city and all the territory between here and there, and moving the Wardstone line in behind us to make the gains easier to hold onto?"

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"Yes. If we can accomplish that, it will shorten both our lines and the Chelish lines by a significant margin, in addition to the morale benefits of retaking territory. That means less space between wardstones, so the barrier gets stronger and more troops are available for each section of the border. If we're truly lucky we'll be able to retrieve the sword of valor as well, but frankly it could be long gone by now."

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Brenda nods, and makes a mental note to get a scroll of Discern Location, but doesn't mention it--she's not ready to talk about the scroll situation just yet.

"I know a lot of the reason we're moving now is that Deskari lost a lot of people and a lot of cohesion attacking Kenabres; does that mean we should be expecting our opposition to be more in the form of guerilla raids and less like another army looking for a decisive battle?"

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"As long as we're quick about it, yes. They won't all be tiny groups - there are a number of demon organizations and forts that don't answer to Deskari in practice, and some of those will likely still try and interfere with us - but until we reach Drezen it shouldn't be anything like a peer fight."

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Brenda has heard enough anecdotes about Vietnam not to underestimate guerilla opponents, but without a friendly-to-them civilian population for the demons to disappear into it probably won't get as bad. 

"Speaking of speed--Captain Harmattan, do you have a sense of how long it will take to raise the size of force you're looking for, and of what I could potentially do to make that happen faster or more effectively?"

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"I'd like to spend three days at it. That won't get everyone we could from nearby Kenabres, but it should suffice for most of them, and frankly more numbers only does us any good if we can equip them. I could do it in two, but I think the tradeoff there is steeper."

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"That's faster than I would have guessed--and makes me think it's fairly likely that it'll be worth me making some of the armor unless you have a bunch stockpiled, given that the alternative is having some imported on short notice."

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"I can help you check that once we're done here, then. We mostly want chain - full plate is more protective, but it's heavier, requires special training to use, and needs to be individually fitted, which defeats the point of making it in bulk. If that ends up too far from clothes to work, though, we can see about what kinds of leather armor are workable."

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"Sounds good; if anything chain should be more likely to count as clothes than plate. If I can see an example of what I should aim for that will help me make sure it comes out right." Dressing Room has so far been very good about giving her practical, durable outfits, but she doesn't totally trust it with armor of a type she knows nothing about and which will necessarily leave the power's sphere of influence.

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"I don't have anything urgent myself, seeing as nobody is in a hurry to manage diplomatic relations with a crusade they don't know exists, but at some point in the next few days we should find some time to get on the same page instead of sending mixed messages."

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Oh noooo calm down Brenda you have magic powers for this now. "Yes, of course. What sort of things that send messages are we going to need to do? Public announcements, meetings with specific governments, other things?"

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"You've got a lot of leeway since you'll be presumed to be busy crusading most of the time and a lot of things can go through Mendev since they're sponsoring you, but most countries are going to want you to do things for them in exchange for their support and keeping the world safe from demons doesn't cut it outside of Lastwall. Galt will want things that play well back in Isarn or embarrass Cheliax, getting help from Absalom means making the crusade look like an attractive employer for adventurers, Cheliax will want things that make their own lines easier to hold or political concessions, and so forth. Sometimes we'll be able to do that with announcements that'll then be reprinted in broadsheets, sometimes it will be more involved. I'm here to help you handle that so you can spend your time knight commandering, but it makes my job harder if I tell Andoran one thing and then you're overheard saying the opposite."


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"I appreciate that and I'm very glad I'll be able to focus on the military side. I do have a couple opinions of my own, which are that making the Crusade attractive to adventurers seems like good sense, and that I'd prefer not to give Cheliax a wooden nickel* but making everyone's lines easier to hold is more important."

*Idiom translated from a similar one in Hallit

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"You could say that again. If we didn't need their help to save the world, I think most people would be happy not to give them the time of day."

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"I'm glad to hear it; those are fairly easy messages to work with all told."

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"Oh good. To get a sense of the stakes here, what sorts of help or hindrance are other countries going to be contemplating? And while I'm thinking about it, I'm going to need a copy of the full text of the Worldwound treaty; none of the books I've read yet had the whole thing."

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"Obviously it will vary based on what we do and which country, but some of them are easy enough to guess. Absalom isn't unified enough that they can really be said to do things as a collective, but individual actors in the city might offer us favorable loans or rent us the services of their retainers or advocate in favor of our crusade in the public sphere or join up themselves. Oppara is similarly disunified and unlikely to approve of anything that involves directly transferring wealth, but we might be able to get some faction to send convicts here to serve their time or politically disfavored military units or the like. Andoran might send actual army units, but are unlikely to want to send a significant military force they can't get back in a hurry if things heat up on their border. If we were working with Cheliax their help would probably involve more coordination with their military and hellknight orders, spellcasting support, or leaning on Isger to formally join the crusade."

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She still hates how many of the soldiers under her command aren't going to be there willingly. She'll just have to pay and equip them as well as possible to make it up to them and win battles as effectively as possible so they can survive and go home.

"So it sounds like a lot of factions can help us, and the more the better, but no single one is likely to actively harm us except by ceasing to help?" 

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"Not openly, at least. Demons are not exactly popular with most governments and interfering with the worldwound defense is a quick way to get a lot of very powerful people who would ordinarily not work together mad at you specifically. I'm sure we'll get some anyway, but outside of demon cultists it should mostly take the form of people interfering with their rivals' efforts to help us when they have enough plausible deniability."

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Some people care way too much about politics and not enough about everyone on Golarion not being eaten by demons, but this is not a surprise per se; she has lived among humans for years.

"Alright. Quick review of the things I need to do so far: meet with Nurah about how not to imply things I shouldn't, meet with the quartermaster about armor, meet with Rathimus about bank accounts, do the scrying experiment--I can probably get my friend Nenio for that so none of you need to spend the time--read the books the Baroness recommended and write to the war college." And talk to Alpina and Ember and Seelah and Wenduag, all separately from each other. "Is there anything else that should be on that list, and do any of those things need to happen before the official crusade announcement? . . . Am I going to need to make a speech?" (She keeps the nervousness almost entirely out of her voice on that last bit, but some of the people in this room probably have excellent Sense Motive.)

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"That should be everything. You can make a speech if you want, but the queen will be there and she's very good at that so you could also skip it and just be visibly there."

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"I don't think it makes sense for me to do one if it isn't necessary." Her Friends In Places powers are pretty laser focused on making friends with specific individuals and she doesn't actually have anything she wants to convey in a speech anyway. "If we have extra time, it would be nice to know a bit about who you all are and where you're from."

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"Very well. I hail from Osirion; my parents were caravaneers, but I was never much for the desert so I enlisted in the infantry and served for some years. Osirion doesn't fight many wars, and despite my duty to my country I came to feel my time there was being wasted. Instead of renewing my contract for a third time, I took my leave and traveled to Mendev and joined the fourth crusade. I've spent the last twenty years fighting demons in service to her majesty."

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"I suppose I'm next, then. I'm an aasimar, as you might have noticed; I'm descended from an archon on my mother's side. My family's lands are on the southern end of Mendev, but we know our duty. I joined the fourth crusade when I came of age, and didn't stop serving when we had to end the offensives and regroup. As an officer my talents lie more towards command than personal combat, but I have some skill as a sorcerer and am a passable melee combatant. I have something of a reputation for daring victories, but it's honestly rather overblown; I mostly just avoid committing to fights when I don't have a way to win."

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"My story isn't nearly so impressive as theirs, so this is a bit of a hard act to follow. I'm from a humble family in Kenabres, but I taught myself how to read and write, so once I'd served my term as a shieldbearer I moved on to other jobs. I spent some time in the stonemason's guild, but eventually I changed careers to become a shipwright and then eventually a merchant, where I spent a few years on the trade routes sailing to and from Iobara. There was good money in it, but it felt wrong to be out there getting rich when people back home were dying for the sake of keeping people like me alive, so I made my way back to Mendev and rejoined the army. Almost joined the infantry again as a sergeant, but someone in logistics caught wind about it and they needed more people with my skills. They poached me as a quartermaster before I finalized my decision, and I've spent the last few years getting experience there."

He shrugs, lightly.

"There's not much more to it. Once we finish this crusade I've been considering retiring, maybe starting a family."

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"And that just leaves me!"

Nurah smiles brightly at Brenda. 

"I'm from Isger, a patch of land with the dubious honor of being one of Cheliax's client states. They're big on the idea of freedom, but only when they're talking about their own freedom from Cheliax, which they're sure they'll achieve any day now - never mind the fact that it hasn't once been independant in all the centuries since its founding. I've always found the talk laughable. Isger has a large population of Halflings, and much like those in Cheliax itself, nearly all of us are slaves. I was relatively fortunate - I was able to demonstrate my intelligence from a young age, so they sent me to school to learn to be a secretary instead of relegating me to farm labor. I was sold to lord Axilar Trezbot, who decided he wanted a historian of his very own so as to better chronicle his achievements. He's the one I left Isger with, and with any luck to never return.

"Lord Trezbot set about organizing a little crusade of his own; he felt that the reason that Mendev's efforts had stalled out was the inherent weakness of the followers of good gods, and that proper Asmodean discipline would let his people succeed where they failed. He saw some success, but even someone like him couldn't stand against the demons alone; his last act was to cover my retreat after we were caught in an demonic ambush so I could tell the world his story. I made may way back to Mendev, and once there I don't mean to brag, but - actually, yes I do. My books chronicling his adventure were very successful, and for a time I was pretty famous.That's what brought me to the queen's attention, and she recruited me in the hopes that I would put my knowledge and skill with words to work wrangling people rather than just stories."

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"I didn't know that, about halflings--I'm glad you got out. I hope things get better there someday." Maybe someday the Worldwound will be closed, and--don't worry about that. Focus on the crusade. Everything else can and must wait.

"I guess I should tell my own story too, though there isn't much of it. I grew up on a planet with almost no magic. About a week ago I got the opportunity to get some magic and leave the planet, and took it. I've been getting used to my new abilities and helping out around Kenabres most of the time since."

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"Wait, are you saying you got this strong in a week?"

It flatly doesn't make sense. Nobody levels that quickly on their own, and even if she somehow was such a once in history prodigy that wouldn't explain the gear. Which, well, maybe some god for baffling god reasons pumped her to ninth circle and opened their vault to her, but then her gear isn't good enough to fit the explanation. If it's a lie, it's one she doesn't understand; it obviously wouldn't fool anyone. Which means it's a joke, to yank the rug out from under her feet and then give her the real answer, but she's pretty good at reading faces and Brenda looks serious.

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"Yes--but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep getting stronger at the same rate. Sorry if I got your hopes up."

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This still feels like the kind of thing that can't possibly be true, but if it is hiding something it's probably not something her commander is willing to share? 

...She supposes if Brenda had just said 'sorry that's private' she would have accepted it, so she shouldn't accept an obvious misdirection less? Maybe?

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Captain Harmattan's opinion is impossible to guess, his face doesn't move.

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Ugh, she should either not have told them anything or told them a lot more detail. But she doesn't want to talk about either Alpina or Areelu Vorlesh and everything she can think to say leads in one or the other of those directions. Better to just change the subject.

"I know it would be helpful to tell you more details, but there are things I want to keep secret even from trustworthy people. Oh, something I should have asked earlier: do we have a plan for setting up new fortifications when we gain enough territory to move the Wardstones in, or is that something we need to figure out between now and then?"

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"Walls of stone, when we have them spare; palisades until we do. For some of them we can also ship stone over land but that's not always going to be practical. Ideally we would also get earth elementals to dig ditches and help make it harder to approach on foot, but that takes money and wizards. Some of the hellknight orders might have improvements on that, but there aren't a lot of people with experience building new forts to hold off demons as cheaply and quickly as possible."

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She makes a mental note to get a scroll of Wall of Stone. It likely won't be a full solution on its own given how many walls they're going to need and how many things she'll be doing, but it'll be good to have the flexibility.

"Is the money to pay the earth elementals directly, or do they want to be paid in kind? I'd guess the latter, since they spend most of their time on a different plane from our economy, but that doesn't get me anywhere on knowing what they have a use for."

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“There’s actually a fairly steady trade with the elemental plane of earth, so plenty of them will take money, but not all of them or at great rates, and if you’re summoning randomly you’ll want other options available.”

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"That's really cool!" Brenda doesn't want to discuss either the feasibility or the strategic usefulness of her getting a scroll of arcane Plane Shift and doing a bunch of tourism on all four elemental planes, the Good afterlives, and Axis, so she steers the conversation elsewhere.

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Pretty soon they've covered everything on their lists and everything the conversation thus far has added to them, and Brenda's new subordinates start trickling out. She has a few hours to herself before the Queen's speech this evening even if she wants to spend some time preparing.

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If Baroness Gaunther has copies of any of the books she recommended easily available, she borrows them, but she doesn't start reading them immediately.

Hi Alpina! You'll never guess what happened unless you're really good at guessing things based on narrative logic, because that's the only logic under which it makes any sense. The Queen of Mendev is launching a crusade to push back the demons to make the Wardstone barrier shorter and stronger, which is totally reasonable, but also she has put me nominally in charge of it! I think I'm mostly supposed to look cool and let the adults on "my" staff run things, but if it's going to have my name on it I feel kind of responsible for it and anyway I want to help, so I'm going to do as much of the actual work as I can and try to use Anything You Can Do for a lot of it.

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Oh, wow! That sounds like a lot of responsibility. But also a lot of opportunity to help people! I'm excited for you.
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I'm glad you don't think I'm insane. The people I'm going to be working with seem like they really know what they're doing, and it's my best chance to close the Worldwound--both in terms of doing enough fighting to become an archmage and in terms of getting to the center of the rift to see how it works.

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I don't think you're insane at all! You have important things to do and you're trying your best to do them. I think that makes perfect sense.
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You're such a good friend. <3

There was something else I wanted to ask you about. Your ability to make copies of scrolls gets around one of the biggest limitations of this magic system, the limit on spells per day. Being able to cast the same spell over and over, and cast higher-circle spells than I've learned to prepare on my own, would let me do a lot of things for the crusade that would take a lot of work from a lot of people to do any other way. I'm talking about things like building protections for the Wardstones when we move them closer together, but also using a lot of magic in combat to make battles go better and lose fewer people. But I know you care a lot about not acting outside your covers, and I don't want to ask you to do anything you wouldn't feel good about doing. Giving me all those Sendings to talk to Arueshalae was awesome, but I don't want to assume that because you were okay with that you're okay with helping me fight. Would you mind thinking about what sorts of things you'd be comfortable making scrolls for? You don't need to have an answer right away.

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Oh, that's really sweet of you!

I think I'm definitely okay with giving you lots of scrolls to talk to people, or build things, and if there's an emergency and you want me to make scrolls so you can do something really important, I'm okay with trusting you about that and making the scrolls and waiting until afterward to decide whether I want to help you in that kind of situation another time. Outside of emergencies, though, I'm not sure how I feel about helping you in fights, and I want to think about that more before I decide anything for sure.
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That's super reasonable! It might not even be a good idea for me to try to use scrolls for combat, because anything bigger than I can prepare myself is hard enough to cast that if I'm in a hurry I might mess it up. For now I'll plan on the assumption that you won't want to help with anything violent, and whenever I want scrolls I'll talk to you about what I'm planning to do with them. It will probably be good for me as a person for it to be easier to solve problems peacefully and harder to do anything that I don't want to explain to a friend.

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I think that sounds like a wise and sensible plan. ♡
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One thing I'd like to do that I think you probably won't object to is to Plane Shift to the Good planes and Axis and the elemental planes to meet lots of elementals and angels and axiomites and learn what their lives are like and Dragon Fairy Elf Witch them. I don't know when I'll have time to spend on that, but when I do I think it will be useful and also a lot of fun.

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You're right, I don't object to that at all! ♡♡♡ I hope you have time for it soon. I want you to have the opportunity to meet lots of different kinds of people and learn lots of new things and gain lots of new ways of being.
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I guess we'll see how my various powers for doing more things in less time stack up against the work involved in crusading! I'm kind of expecting the paperwork to try to expand to fill every hour not spent fighting, but Time Enough for Love means I'll at least get to talk to you and Nenio and Ember and the other folks I've been adventuring with.

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I'm happy to talk to you over books or paperwork anytime! ♡ And I'm glad you're making lots of other friends too.
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I'm going to be reading a bunch of books on strategy and tactics soon and I'd love to discuss them with you! And I should visit Arueshalae and make sure she's settling into Kenabres well.

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I look forward to those, then! And I think that would be a lovely thing to do.
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Brenda adds a smiley face next to the first sentence.

It's weird trying to figure out how much to tell my coworkers about my powers. I don't want to tell them about you in case they try to bother you; I don't want to tell them about Areelu Vorlesh because there are a lot of ways that could go badly and not many it could go well; I want to explain that it's useful for me to encounter more species without it sounding like I'm slowly becoming some kind of agglomeration of demons; I don't want to tell them about the diamonds because it would be really dangerous if too many people found out; I don't want them to decide I'm lying or insane but I do want them to decide that they shouldn't trust me with anything because I'm too young and inexperienced if they would be correct to do so. So I think I told them too much and not enough at the same time earlier when I said I was from a magicless planet and got all my powers last week. In conclusion having important secrets is really complicated.

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Oh, I see what you mean! Navigating that sort of thing can be really hard.

What do you think they understood you to mean, and how do you think they responded, and what do you think you would do differently next time?
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They might have thought I was lying or insane or they might have correctly concluded that I was being basically truthful but leaving a lot out. I don't know how they responded other than that it made it harder to make friends with them. And that it didn't make it impossible, I guess. 

That's another thing, though. I'm trying to become friends with all of them and a lot of the reason is that I want to use Time Enough For Love on our meetings and Anything You Can Do on their skills. And that's a really fake reason to become friends with someone. I definitely don't dislike any of them, but if I wasn't going to be working with them I probably wouldn't seek out their company and if I didn't get magic benefits from being friends with people I would probably be aiming for, like, friendly acquaintances or something. And that's kind of messed up, actually? And maybe I should tell them about Time Enough For Love and Anything You Can Do and let them make an informed decision about whether to try to be friends with me.

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Oh, I see what you mean!

But I think...

People can want to be friends with other people for all kinds of different reasons. If you want to be friends with someone because being friends with them will help you manage your time better and learn the things you need to know faster, but you still approach them with an open heart and a sincere wish to find out what kind of friendship you can have with them, then I think that's just you embracing the new possibilities that your powers open up for you.

I still support you telling people about those powers, though, because it matters whether you're comfortable with how you're approaching your friendships, and it matters whether your friends are comfortable with how you're approaching them, and it sounds like telling them would help make sure of both of those things.
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I'm not sure if the thing I'm doing is "not being convinced of that second-to-last paragraph" or just going "yes but I think some reasons for wanting to be friends are better than others" but it doesn't super matter because I'm definitely going to tell them. If I thought someone wanted to be friends with me because they thought I was cool and then it turned out they mostly wanted magic friendship benefits I would be sad about it, and even if the crusade staff wouldn't be sad about it I'd still rather tell them up front.

Neither of those powers are particularly related to any of my secrets anyway, if I don't explain why I have them. I think I need to get better at answering questions with "Sorry, I don't want to tell you."

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I think maybe what I was trying to say with that paragraph is... it matters that you'd be sad about it. It matters if you're sad about it, and if your friends are sad about it. But if nobody is sad about it then it's okay.

A lot of the people who want to be friends with me have reasons besides enjoying my company. I can be pretty useful to have around! But I'm okay with it, as long as they're interested in me as a person too, as long as they sincerely want to be my friend. And I don't think it's messed up of them to sincerely want to be my friend while also wanting me to be a helpful diary. I can be both of those things!

Anyway, I agree that "Sorry, I don't want to tell you" is a really useful sentence, especially in situations like yours.
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That makes a lot of sense! I think I originally asked if you were going to come with me because I wanted to know if I'd be able to ask more questions about my powers, but actually you're an awesome person to talk to about everything.

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Awwww, I'm really glad! ♡
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♡ You're kind and wise and already know a bunch of the stuff I want to keep secret from other people. And also I couldn't make eye contact with you if I tried so it's really obvious that I don't have to. That's less important now that I have the Friends In Places powers but it definitely helped before that.

I really like how those powers are implemented, by the way. They don't seem to have changed my priorities; they just let me guess the consequences of my actions and suggest actions that have the consequences I want, at least when the consequence I want is friendship. And they make me less scared. Some of that is just knowing that I'm less likely to screw up but it's not all that. I don't know if telling the Spirit "thank you" for me is a thing you can do, but, they're good powers. I was worried they'd make me a different person and they didn't.

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Oh, I'm so glad your powers are working out well for you and doing the things you want and not the things you don't!

I don't think telling the Spirit "thank you" for you is a thing I can do, but I think the Spirit knows, and I think it's glad too. ♡
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Speaking of powers doing only the things I want, I should probably Dragon Fairy Elf Witch Minagho and Deskari--those are the two powerful one-off demons I've seen and haven't copied yet. I keep putting it off because I'm worried I'll do it and then something about my circumstances will change in a way that changes what parts of their heritage I want, but it's probably more important to get whatever I can now and figure out what it all is before I end up in a situation where I need any of it.

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That makes sense! And I think it's very possible that if your circumstances change in a way that makes you want different things out of the heritage you've acquired, your expression of that heritage will shift to keep up, although it might not happen immediately, and might not happen at all if you value stability more than flexibility in the expressions of your heritage.
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Awesome! I think most of the things I've gotten so far are things that it wouldn't bother me to have shift if it was practical. Except the notebook heritage, the improved senses, and the extra arms; I'm very attached to those and would probably still be attached to them even if it would for some reason be better for them to change.

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I admit I am also pretty attached to your notebook heritage. ♡
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Brenda's hand on the page displays a heart with a little animated swirl of sparkles around it.

I think I got some stuff from Deskari that isn't active right now, but Minagho has a really cool sensory power! I can see something I think is the ethereal plane!

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Ooh, neat! ✨ What does it look like?
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Like it's full of fog, mostly, and the walls aren't there! It's very weird in a cool way to see stuff right in front of me that I can't interact with at all. My brain is taking information from a fourth spatial dimension and projecting it into the same three dimensions my eyes can see and it's so awesome!

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They spend the rest of the time before Galfrey's announcement reading together, which is so pleasant she almost forgets to be nervous.

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In that case time will fly (or, possibly, crawl but in the best way) until the appointed hour arrives. There's a soldier from Nerosyan sent to escort her, and when she arrives at the stage she'll see a number of familiar faces with the queen. In addition to the advisors she met with earlier, she can catch sight of Jhoran Vhane, Rathimus, Irabeth, and of course Queen Galfrey; the woman smiles at her arrival. 

"Are you ready?"

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When she stands up to follow the soldier she realizes that Dressing Room has totally redone her outfit.

Brenda's armor, while still clearly intended less for ceremony than for combat, is elegantly embossed and polished until it gleams. The clothes underneath are legally and culturally suitable for a non-noble military officer, but one with a massive clothing budget and a very tasteful and intelligent tailor to absorb said budget. The soft green and white fabric drapes in elegant lines that flatter her four-arned figure and draw the eye to follow her movements. The boots are fine leather and hug her calves in a way that makes her legs look longer, with heels thick enough to add a bit to her height but not tastelessly or obviously so; they also encourage her to take longer, more confident strides. Her cloak of resistance, being a magic item, is unchanged, but she's now wearing a second shorter cloak atop it, green embroidered in white and silver with the image of an owl holding a sword*.  Her hair has been artfully piled atop her head in a way that reveals the elf ears, deemphasizes the cat ears, and shows off the headband. 

Brenda can't actually see all the changes, but she can tell they're extensive. And unlike every previous formal event she's had to dress up for, nothing has poking tags or obtrusive seams or gets in the way of her movements. It feels like Dressing Room cheering her on. She smiles at the queen and everyone else, pleased to see that Rathimus agreed to join. "I'm ready."

*Vert, an owl close guardant maintaining in its talons a sword argent, if you know the jargon and want a clearer mental image. It's not overtly heraldry, it's plausibly deniable, but it's also a design nobody else in Mendev or any nearby country happens to be already using. The narrator is indulging herself.

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Then they can walk out onto a wooden stage! The area around them is packed, with only a thin line of soldiers keeping people from spilling up onto the stage itself, but it's not just limited to the square in front of them. There are people on the nearby rooftops, packed into nearby streets, and in one case flying above the crowds, all craning to get a good look. It feels like half the city is out this evening, and that's before counting all the out-of-uniform soldiers visiting from Nerosyan in attendance. If it hadn't also been kept clear by soldiers, it seems likely the backstage area they met up in would have been similarly flooded. Most of the attention isn't on Brenda yet, what with her not having been announced as knight commander, and it can't really compare to the magnitude of crowds Brenda might be familiar with from super bowls or presidential inaugurations, but even so there's a somewhat intimidating amount of eyes tracking her every move and craning for a better glimpse of her.

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Oh geez. She had apparently been thinking of this situation as analogous to giving a presentation in class, but an important feature of giving presentations in class is that everyone else is either thinking about their own presentation or totally checked out and only the teacher is actually paying attention. This is more people than were at her entire middle school and a lot of them are paying attention.

She smiles and makes eye contact with one of them for a little bit, then moves onto a different one. She still doesn't look people in the eye by default unless she's really focused on them, but when she chooses to it's not mysteriously terrible anymore.

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"People of Kenabres!"

The moment she speaks, the murmurs and chatter die down, and the eyes of the city focus on her.

"Four days ago, Kenabres faced down the greatest challenge in all of Mendev's history. No less than Deskari himself sought to break your spirit, but despite his terrifying power, and despite all the armies of the abyss he brought with him, he failed. Kenabres still stands as strong as ever, and I could not be prouder. To everyone who stood and fought, to everyone who helped others hide and escape, to everyone who, when the demon cultists came recruiting, stood by your gods and country - thank you, from the bottom of my heart. All of Mendev owes you a debt of gratitude for your heroism.

"Thanks to your efforts, what he hoped would be the start of his final victory is now the site of his greatest defeat - no, his greatest defeat so far. For like Khorramzadeh before him, in seeking to take Kenabres, the demons have overreached. Their greatest army is scattered, their leader humiliated, and their promises shown once more for the hollow lies they are. Were we content to rest on our laurels, this would merely be the start of a few years of relative peace while they rebuilt and regrouped, but we of Mendev are not ones to aim our sights so low. Instead what this success offers us is an opportunity to push the demons back and make this victory the first of many. That is why... it is my duty and honor to declare the fifth crusade underway! To lead our brave crusaders upon this mission, I have asked for and received the assistance of the very same hero who has accomplished so much here in so little time. Kenabres, please welcome Knight Commander Brenda Banner!"

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Now she has the crowd's attention, and their very enthusiastic approval. The cheers hit almost like a wall of sound, but with her powers it's not enough to even feel mildly uncomfortable, merely emphasize the energy behind it.

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It's a good speech. Makes this whole thing feel badass, and the people of Kenabres absolutely deserve all the nice things Galfrey's saying about them.

She doesn't feel uncomfortable in the "painfully loud" sense, or even in the "too much noise can't think" sense, but she can and does feel uncomfortable in the "I'm an impostor" sense. She smiles and waves and feels like a puppet sewn by Dressing Room and operated by Friends in Places, which is fine, way better than the alternative.

She remembers that she could theoretically use her once a day teleport to be hundreds of miles away in another country, and feels a bit better; remembers that Alpina said she wasn't being insane and feels a lot better.

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The queen lets the enthusiasm continue for a few more moments, then sets about introducing the other officers of the crusade. None of them get quite the same level of enthusiasm as Brenda did, but the crowd still seems excited about the whole affair.

"Tomorrow, we will set about our preparations. But for tonight, let us celebrate!"

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Once the speech is finished, the crowds disperse a little, making their way to the varying stalls and pavilions set up for distributing drinks and hot food, listening to music, or games. The atmosphere is somewhat reminiscent of the day that Brenda first arrived in Kenabres, but there's no missing the fact that there's simply more people out and about, and people are paying her significantly more attention now.

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It's a nice reminder that at least the city isn't being attacked by demons. She hangs around near Irabeth and the other senior staff and does whatever they're doing, presumably "make small talk with various people".

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That depends on who she wants to imitate! The queen is doing a meet and greet, but Irabeth found Anevia and set off in the direction of the dancing, Gaunther and Wilcer Garms are getting started on their drinking, and Jhoran Vhane is in the middle of making himself scarce.

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Following the queen around would be weird, and she's immune to alcohol now, so how about she tries a drink?

Nope nope tactical error this tastes like hand sanitizer and it would be rude to visibly get rid of it. Fortunately she can just have one hand occupied by drink the whole evening and not be much impaired in the hands department. She'll go listen to the musicians.

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She has a few choices that she can flit between, depending on what mood takes her. At one point she'll catch Aranka performing, and Nurah seems to be spending some time in the area, but there aren't any crises grabbing for her attention and while people definitely recognize her it's not in a sense where they stop partying to crowd her.

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Then she can spend a while peacefully enjoying the music! And also at some point find Rathimus and express her appreciation for his decision to join the crusade, and find Irabeth and express looking forward to working with her.

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"You are quite welcome. Abadar is generally against war if there is any other option, but both he and I are in agreement that demons should not be permitted free reign on Golarion. I also expect that my role in facilitating transactions will be helpful for this crusade; were I unable to go myself, I would have made sure to recommend a colleague."

There's also the other matter, but he's not mentioning a word of that in a public forum like this and the other reasons are more than enough to justify his decision.

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Yup. They can talk business at a time that isn't now at a place that isn't here. She says she looks forward to working with him and drifts off to see if Nenio or Ember or Seelah is at this party, or if not to simply wander and people-watch until it's a reasonable time to leave.

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Seelah is at the party! She's enjoying a few drinks with her friends, and cheerfully introduces them to Brenda. 

"So, Knight Commander, huh? It's a big job, but I bet you'll do great! Demons won't know what hit 'em."

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"Thanks! It's exciting to get to do something that will make a real difference in the long run."

They pass the rest of her time at the party chatting, a word which here means "Brenda gets Seelah's friends to tell her all their cool adventuring stories". Eventually Brenda leaves and goes to bed in her new command tent, and a long time after that she falls asleep.


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Starting shortly after dawn, the crusade encampment is a bustle of activity. People and wagons run to and from the city, transporting people, food, weapons, and other supplies to their proper locations, and some of the junior officers seem to be taking this as a chance to get started early on drilling unit cohesion for the troops they brought with them and the new recruits. About an hour after that the clerics and paladins finish up their prayers and join them, which would make it even busier if it weren't for the people that then take the opportunity to attend a morning service. 

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She watches a bit of the drilling on general principles, trying to be unobtrusive about it without, like, hiding, and then goes to meet up with Rathimus once the Clerics Are Busy hour is over. She should probably go to a religious service herself at some point, just to see what they're like, but not today; today is only going to escape being solid meetings thanks to Time Enough For Love.

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Due to the suddenness the crusade declaration, Vissaliy Rathimus has elected to spend most of the next few days at the temple of Abadar so as to finish handing things off to his successor. With any luck, Abadar will pick them once they're on the job, since even being a first circle cleric is very valuable in this line of work. As such, he is very easy for Brenda to find.

Even if she wasn't the crusade's knight commander, Brenda Banner is a valued client and trade partner of his. Since she does have that rank, it just makes it an even easier decision to make meeting with her the priority. She'll get waved on tthough without having to wait, and less than a minute later he finishes securing the files he was working with and is ready to meet with her.

"Knight commander. Do you anticipate this meeting will require particular secrecy?"

He has more scrolls of private sanctum if it's needed, but while he would love to conduct all his meetings under it for plausible deniability security has to balance efficacy with cost.

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I'm the future she'll be able to save him the scroll, but only for meetings she's in. "I expect it will, yes."

And once they're fully secured: "Now that I'm running a crusade I need to get serious about money. I want your help selling diamonds in Axis until--probably there's some other commodity I should switch to before the point where they're literally using diamonds as board game pieces, but until the price crashes or I have enough that we don't need to cut corners. And unless you object I'd like to set up an arrangement where the church charges the crusade a flat fee per recovered dead person and sources their own diamonds, potentially but not necessarily from me, so it's less obvious that we're using a lot of them and not importing any."

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Diamonds cheap enough that they can be used as board game pieces is not a turn of phrase he has ever considered, but he finds he quite likes the idea. 

"There is obviously not infinite demand for diamonds, but I expect it will remain the most valuable per pound for a long time, particularly if much of that turns around and gets used up on spells you commission. As for the raises, are you imagining the crusade publicly pays in gold equivalent to the price of the spell and the diamond, the church uses the diamond you sell us, and then pays you for it without an announcement? If so, while that will likely help conceal the exact source of your cash flow, if you purchase such spells at rates limited by slots and not material components there won't be any hiding that you have some phenomenal source of income. I can work with the church to mitigate this, such as by having the crusade receive anonymous donations that actually come from you or by paying the church to increase their contributions in their own name across the entire worldwound defense so the crusade stands out less, but there are still limits on how much spending this is capable of plausibly disguising. I advise taking some time to consider at what rates you're willing to trade your anonymity for your cash flow, so that when you make the decision it's a trade you endorse the details of."

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"Yes, that's what I'm imagining. It's going to be obvious that we have some secret source of funding as soon as we start providing the troops with good gear and resurrections and so on. I'm mostly concerned with concealing that one, our source of wealth is conjured diamonds, and two, that it's me personally. My current plan, and I'm very open to suggestions on this, is to have an account for me personally and an account for the crusade, deposit the diamond money in the former and make anonymous donations to the latter. Depending on how many people are likely to be looking at the crusade's books we could even do something like set up a bunch of medium-sized recurring donations on different schedules, so it looked like we had several mysterious benefactors instead of one."

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"That won't stretch infinitely far, but it will almost certainly help. Now, the other limiting factor on raises is that they each require a seperate spell. I have three 5th circle slots a day, and Jhoran has more than I, but from what her majesty said the next most powerful cleric traveling with the crusade is currently only at 4th circle. By Mendevian standards that's a fairly large thoroughput even accounting for the other powerful cleric spells you might need cast, but from the sound of things you would like to at least be able to manage more than that. Is this a matter you would like to purchase the church's assistance with, or would you prefer to handle it yourself or through the crusade?"

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"You know a lot more about where and how to recruit clerics than I do, but I should speak to Captain Harmattan and find out if he's already doing that as part of his recruiting efforts or not. Relatedly, I'd like to give both him and Quartermaster Garms an estimate of how much the crusade can spend per month. I shouldn't give them the full number right away unless I decide to tell them everything, but can you give me your best guess at how much I can bring in? Based on past crusades I'd like to spend at a pace that we can sustain for ten years, maybe somewhat more at the beginning for one-time startup costs, but I don't have a good model of how the market will react to a giant pile of diamonds all at once versus a smaller but steady flow of them. Probably the latter is better for not crashing the price because people will develop new things they want them for?"

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Rathimus nods.

"For values this large I would want to pay for teams in Axis to do evaluations before committing to a number, but certainly enough that it wouldn't make sense to denominate it in crowns. If you supplied a sufficiently large volume I expect you could get at least 4 million pounds a month in gems and dust without significantly crashing the price, and somewhere between ten and a hundred times that if you were."

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That's a lot of money. She has no idea how it compares to the crusade's monthly budget other than that Garms didn't say anything about crowns being the wrong units. 

"How much volume are you estimating? Either in number of gems of various sizes or in, uh, is gallons a reasonable unit? Also I wonder if it wouldn't be easier logistically to transport me to Axis so I could make the diamonds in a vault or something there?"

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"The most steady markets are in dust and raise quality gems. Diamond dust goes for between 7000 and 7600 Absalom pounds per pound of diamond, depending on the supplier, while raise dead gems are-"

There's a brief pause, as he does some mental math. "About 38 million pounds a gallon."

What a world. Nobody measures diamonds by the gallon, but if you could just produce raise dead diamonds by the thousands... There's a sort of feeling of being adrift. The diamonds yesterday had been enormously valuable, but it feels like something just hadn't sunk in until he imagined a bucket filled with diamonds. "Abadar, grant me aid, that I might not fail at my duty..."

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There are few things in creation that Abadar can see more clearly than fair trades between entities trying to deal in good faith. That one of them is His own chosen does help, but the main thing preventing Him from already knowing every detail is that His employee is being very legible about this meeting being a private one, and gave no indication that this privacy shouldn't include Him. Now, though, His aid has been sought-

Oh, hey. It's that squirrel that came past immigration. She's different enough from Him on sufficiently many axes that to get real visibility on her He would have to pay another god for it, which would be against the spirit of his cleric's promise, but neither is she foreign to Him. He can see the deal she's offering, the hand reached out in good faith in search of a deal that's beneficial for all parties, for Aktun the city where everyone can afford what they wish, the desire for wealth achieved in exchange for doing things of value for others - and He does not want to give her cause to regret trying to deal with His followers in search of it. With all the care He can muster, He reaches to brush against the soul of His follower.

<Aktun the city of portals / The balanced scales / The pages of a contract / The foundation upon which exchange can happen>

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Rathimus' brow furrows slightly at the resulting headache, but any pain is overwhelmed by the feeling of assurance.

"Abadar confirmed that we may use his realm in Axis for storage or to secure transactions against theft or observation. And I think he might have given me another cleric circle, though I won't be sure until I prepare spells tomorrow."

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She keeps being wrong about when prayers are direct communication with gods that the gods respond to and when they're more like attempts to steady one's mind, which is a slightly unsettling thing to keep being wrong about.

"That sounds very useful; I appreciate it. And congratulations on the possible new cleric circle! --I don't know if being able to use Abadar's realm is a, a job perk of being a cleric or if I'm supposed to pay for it but if it's the latter I assume you'll explain how." She is dealing with a mental image of bearded-old-man cartoon God sitting behind a cash register and it needs to go away.

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"There is a sense in which most of Aktun is Abadar's realm and is thus accessible to anyone, but operating out of there full time is typically expensive enough to be out of reach for business dealings; even the church itself does not rent much property there. Abadar told me that we would be permitted to do any exchanges in one of the areas where His influence is strongest, which would make theft, violence, and hostile observation nearly impossible. I would have to speak with the relevant Axiomites to know if I need to rent storage separately, since it's hard for Abadar to give details like that in a vision, but if you find it agreeable it would be significantly safer than even commissioning a private demiplane for the purpose."

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"If it wouldn't take too big a chunk of my total revenue that seems like the way to go. Thank you for all your work on this. Is there anything else we should cover other than scheduling a time for the trip to Axis?"

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"Not unless you expect to need more cash on hand before the first sales go through, or to make purchases through the church."

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"I would actually like to buy one each of a lot of scrolls, especially Wall of Stone, Discern Location, and the arcane version of Plane Shift. And Mage's Private Sanctum. I can do something that's effectively casting from the same scroll repeatedly, so I'd be able to save you the scroll for future meetings."

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He doesn't have discern location, but he can do the rest of those and put in an order for it. The church probably has several in storage, but if not it'll probably be about a week for one to be scribed.

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Awesome; she's happy to pay for that one now with the rest if that's simplest. And they should do whatever paperwork is necessary to create the official crusade bank account and her personal bank account and then she can get out of his hair.

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While the sheer scale of what he's now responsible for is somewhat stressful, that bit at least is just the same as it normally is. He can get her set up with that, then, and once she's on her way put off returning to his work for a bit while he uses the sanctum to look over his reference materials on Aktun and notes from his previous visits. He'll have tongues up for the language, of course, but it's been years since he last visited for any prolonged amount of time.

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That's a sentiment Brenda finds extremely relatable. Onward to meet with Quartermaster Garms about armor.

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Wilcer Garms is very enthusiastic about meeting her for armor! He spent the time since their last meeting getting his hands on copies of all the common types of armor in use by Mendevian forces, in case some of them were easier or more feasible than others, as well as gambesons, buff coats, and boots. Between that and the paperwork it gives his tent something of a crowded feel, but there's still plenty of room for Brenda.

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She appreciates his having done all the running around!

"So, shall I just figure out how many of each of these I can make in a minute?" she asks, scanning her eyes over the panoply and contemplating the fastest way to take each one off. "What kind of size range do you need for each thing? Or maybe a better way to phrase that is, what are the species we need to have stuff for and what's the tallest member of each species you want to accommodate? Making anything smaller than I can wear myself will be slower but from what I've seen I'm on the small end for a soldier so that shouldn't be too constraining."

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"If you could, that would be great! Most of the army is humans, but we do have a number of halflings, dwarves, half elves, and gnomes, plus a handful of rarer species. If the armor isn't an exact fit we can do resizing, which is still usually much faster and cheaper than making it from scratch, but you're right that a range of sizes are easier if it's not more of an inconvenience. I would guess about 80, 90% of people are between five and six feet tall, ranging towards the upper end of that zone? We'll probably want to have an armorsmith on hand before producing too much, but I figured it would be better to go to them with an idea of what was possible.

"As for shorter than you... there are some, particularly halflings and dwarves, but even if we end up having to equip them normally it will be a lot easier without having to spend as much of the budget and our smiths' time on the others."

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"Makes sense. Hmmm, one more question--are there any ways any of these could be improved on? Better materials for the armor, making the rings single pieces instead of riveted since they don't need to be assembled, anything like that?" She suspects titanium might offer some advantages over steel, but she'd need to dig around in her materials science textbook to figure out the best alloy. Or just put a couple different chain shirts on scarecrows and stab them repeatedly.

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"Single riveted rings would be very useful, if it's not particularly more difficult to manage. Chains breaking in combat are mostly a problem with shoddier gear, which I have tried to avoid here by making sure my examples are masterwork and had been recently inspected for defects, but every little bit can help on the margins. As for special materials... you'd think cold iron would be helpful, but I actually checked and aside from the cost the problem is that it doesn't actually help outside of weapons. Mostly we just try and use good steel... I guess the hellknights use adamantine, but even if we could afford it the advantages of switching over wouldn't be worth giving up the ability for you to quickly make replacements."

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"I might be able to make adamantine versions. How about I give it a try, and if it works we can figure out whether it makes sense to try to have me make enough for everyone or accept having a mix or stick with steel all around."

It seems like a waste to deliberately make something worse than optimal, but she can see the argument for not having to deal with the question of who gets the nicest armour.

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"None of the armor here is adamantine." Why hadn't he gotten any, when she said she could make clothing? Because - at the time, it had seemed like obviously the kind of thing that wouldn't be included in that kind of power. It hadn't even risen to the level of conscious thought as something to be considered and rejected, it was just obviously an underlying fact of the universe that things wouldn't be that convenient. "If your clothing making ability might stretch that far, do you have a sense of if it would also work on mithral? Or, enchanted armor? I can have examples brought, though it might take a bit."

Everything his layman's understanding about magic knows says that the answer to the last one is going to be obviously not but he can't not ask.

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"Enchanted, no--maybe if I learn to enchant armor I'll be able to do it faster than average, but today, definitely not. Mithral is another maybe. If you have a bit of either it might help--not necessarily armor, just an ingot or something."

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"If just an ingot will do, that should make things easier - I know Vhane has some of the material on hand. I'll send a runner to ask him to bring some over when he has a chance."

He pulls out a piece of paper, scribbles a quick note, and then puts it in an envelope that he seals with wax and stamps. One of the guards watching the entrance can be re-tasked for the delivery.

"I'm sorry about that; I should have had those on hand, but it didn't cross my mind that it might be a possibility. In the meantime, do you want to see if any of the designs are easier than others, or go over the finances while we wait?"

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"That's alright, it didn't occur to me either. Let's take a look at the finances before I pile more armor all over the floor."

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"Right. So when we arrived at the city, we had about seven thousand men under arms - four thousand of them trained and active professionals from the standing army in Nerosyan, and three thousand levies. From what Harmattan says, we can probably pick up at least another thousand people from Kenabres and the surrounding towns, but probably not more than two thousand. A lot of them are going to have their own weapons, and some of them armor, but not always the right kinds and not always in the best of repair, so they might need maintenance or replacement. Unless things go poorly that number should expand, from mercenaries and from further levies and from rearranging parts of the border to be held by a higher proportion of local troops to free up professionals to join us.

"The bare minimum numbers I have here cover the essentials only - making sure everyone has a weapon, making sure we don't run out of arrows, making sure nobody starves - and involves making a lot of sacrifices. It would mean cutting everyone's wages, it would mean not having enough fuel for regular fires, it would mean our people are equipped with a hodgepodge of gear and would absolutely cause problems come winter, but in a pinch it would be enough to keep the army from disintegrating. To pull that off with our current numbers, we'd need about thirty thousand crowns a month in maintenance.

"Next is the targets I would like to be able to hit. This means having everyone in chainmail and gambesons, good boots for hiking across rocky terrain and for the cold, some extra cavalry for scouting, a healthy supply of cold iron weapons and arrows, spares of critical equipment, shipping over plenty of food to keep the soldiers fighting fit, guards for the caravans, adventurers for rapid response teams... that comes out to about ninety thousand a month, though if your ability to produce clothing scales enough we could knock a good ten to fifteen thousand crowns off that. 

"Moonshot numbers are a bit harder to quantify - there's no shortage of things that could help if we were spending gold like water, like supplying our forces via teleport in the Chelish fashion, but in terms of sticking to the things that would get good returns on the investment I think with about 300,000 crowns a month would cover enough of them that we wouldn't have to make any painful tradeoffs. Right now we have a bit of extra flexibility in funds to get our forces established, but from what my colleagues at the treasury say we're probably looking at Mendev being able to supply us about sixty thousand crowns a month. Once we start seeing successes donations and volunteers should bump that up some, but it's hard to quantify how much."

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Rathimus said four million a month sustainably. She keeps her smile small enough that it's plausibly about Garms' clear and concise explanation. 

"Thank you, that's a very clear overview. Could you list a few of the things that would get good returns on investment that you'd want to buy at three hundred thousand?" She should ask a question that isn't about the high end so it doesn't look like she knows something he doesn't. "And if we end up with less than expected, do you think it would make sense to cut back on recruiting before cutting back on supplies?"

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"More cold iron weapons - having some at all is a bigger benefit, but the more people who can reliably hurt the demons and the more freely we can use our arrow stocks, the better. Extra consumables, for emergencies - Bless Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon, for taking down powerful demons, or scrolls of Haste, or extra wands of cure for when the fighting grinds on enough we run low on channels. More regular teleport runs, for high value goods and improved communication bandwidth. Raising salaries so we get more volunteers, especially clerics. That sort of thing.

"In terms of what I would have to cut first if we have a shortfall... recruitment somewhat, yes, but the problem is that a lot of the time if we can't pay for something in gold we have to pay for it in lives, and we'd still need recruitment to keep the numbers up. I wouldn't want to authorize any big expansions if we were running a deficit, but we'd still need some recruitment. Outside of that... pay, certainly, since if we do better later we can make it up and it's better for the men to earn less than have to go to sleep with empty stomachs. Fewer horses, which means fewer patrols and more ambushes but they're expensive enough to pay and feed we could make real savings. Being more conservative with our supplies of cold iron arrows and relying more on the melee combatants against lower level incursions. That sort of thing, mostly, though if the shortfall was large enough I'd have to do it places it bites more than that."

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The realization that she's conscripting horses and will inevitably get some of them killed hurts less than the realization that she's conscripting humans did. 

"Makes sense. We both have access to the crusade's account; can I see your recent notes on how much was spent on what so I can learn the format and make my own entries later if I need to?"

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"Yes, but please be careful where you spread it. Most of it isn't especially secret, but there are a number of ways cultists could cause problems if they knew exactly how much we were spending and where."

The main sheet is a copy of a ledger listing payments to and withdrawals from their account with the bank of Abadar, which as of this document dated two days back claims to be hovering at a little over a hundred thousand crowns, but it doesn't say much about what they were spent on or from who the money came in from. He has... most of that recorded, but it's scattered across a lot of pages of budgetary calculations and bills from dozens of merchants and payments to paymasters for their soldiers wages and sometimes in documents in almost illegible script that need deciphering, which state of affairs he seems somewhat embarrassed about.

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The concern for secrecy is very sensible; she appreciates it and will be careful. (She's still not going to tell him the whole story, at least not yet.) She'd be happy to sit down with him sometime and help get everything nicely written down in a single ledger; it'll go a lot faster with two people. Six hands make light work, ha ha.

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After a few minutes of this, Jhoran Vhane arrives.

"Quartermaster. You said you needed me to bring a sample of Adamantine and Mithral, for something important but non urgent?"

His voice lets some of his puzzlement leak. "Ah, and the knight commander too. Is this related to whatever you needed all that armor for?"

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No point hiding this bit, it's going to be totally obvious if it works. "Yes, thank you! I'm working on a trick to produce some extra armor. We'll see whether it proves useful."

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"And you need the materials to see if you can make things out of them rather than just steel. Like amazing tools of manufacture but, hmm, as a spell? Those do work on other materials, but do so less efficiently. Checking if yours has the same limitations rather than assuming seems sensible."

He hands both ingots over to Brenda. There's not a lot of metal, but even from the small sample it's clear that the silvery metal is significantly lighter than the jet black one.

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She spends a few moments examining them, more out of curiosity than for any practical reason--their weight, how they catch the light, how they react when squeezed against each other. "Do the properties of either of them change in an antimagic field?"

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“Not as far as anyone has been able to determine, and it comes up often enough that people have tried.”

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"That's promising. I'll let you know how the experiment turns out."

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"Good skill."

There's some temptation to see if whatever she's doing with making armor is soemthing he can learn, but he wasn't invited for that and he is in fact very busy with rush orders at the moment. His cargo delivered, Jhoran Vhane exits the tent and heads back towards his forge.

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"And now, if you'll close your eyes for a moment please?"

When Garms opens his eyes again, she's wearing a mithral chain shirt over one of the gambesons, with her lower arms folded inside it so it has the conventional number of sleeves. And also her hair is done up again so the rings don't eat it. "I think," she says as she takes them off, "that when I go to mass-produce these I should be hanging upside down by my knees so they just fall off, if we can find somewhere with roof beams or something for the purpose. The limiting factor is definitely how fast I can get them out of the way."


(Author's note: I have taken off chain mail shirts before and being upside down helps big time.)

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Wilcer Garms is delighted! Mithral armor would mean they could outfit people in heavier armor than is otherwise practical or march longer in a day, while adamantine would keep people more safe per size of armor, and he's not sure which he values more but either one will be a huge improvement to how many people survive. And also to how many recruits and adventurers they can attract, since it says good things about their chances, how serious they are, and how well they can pay.

...Probably it's in fact good enough he needs to budget in significantly more to catching thieves and deserters trying to make off with their gear. At least he doesn't also have to guard shipments of the stuff coming in or panic too much at a set going missing.

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She's glad he's delighted! Also wow there are so many interlocking things to keep track of and it's very cool and she looks forward to learning more about them. Blink again please? Thank you. 

If one of the benefits of mithral is marching speed (she says as she starts getting out of the adamantine) that sounds like they shouldn't just solve the problem by letting people pick which one they get when they sign up, and probably also like they shouldn't go with mithral unless the speed test shows that she can scale it to entire units.

(The possibility of getting a scroll of Gate, renting some real estate in Axis, and wildly cheating on the required amount of marching everyone has to do occurs to her, but she wants at least the scroll and Alpina's okay and probably a lead on the real estate before she's willing to rely on this plan working.)

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"That seems sensible. It does have other benefits, that would still make it valuable, but since this is costing you time we should make sure to use whatever time you spend as efficiently as possible. I think the only other pressing questions I have are how far clothing extends. Could it make weapons, if they were fashionable? 'Armor' made out of arrowheads stringed on twine?"

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He's clever and that's awesome and she really hopes he doesn't think about diamonds. "It can make a scabbard if I'm holding a sword and need somewhere to put it, so maybe? If you turn around for a minute I can experiment."

The results of her experiments, which she describes out loud to the back of Garms' head, are:

- Dressing Room will not make A Sword, even a very fancy one, or any other sort of in-hand weapon.

- It will make an overskirt out of a bunch of swords, but only if they have very fancy guards and aren't sharp enough to stab her if she moves carelessly. (This latter requirement isn't obvious, because swords that are the normal amount of sharp take quite a bit of force to break her skin.)

- It will make a shirt out of arrowheads, strung on wire mesh with beautiful tiny glass beads in between them. It drapes amazingly and makes a pleasant wind-chime sort of sound as she takes it off.

She does not narrate the experiment in which she discovers that it will make a cool cyberpunk glove with a nine millimeter built into it, if she mentally talks it through all the moving parts. She's going to need to think about that one for a while, before deciding whether to test it. The glove goes away again.

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"If you can make them in cold iron-" he has a dagger of the stuff, just in case "- that might be even bigger than the armor, frankly. One of the biggest problems with fighting demons is that even lesser demons are highly resistant to normal weapons, and the stronger ones are all but immune. Cold Iron alone isn't enough for the really scary ones, but the more our archers can do the less we have to rely on infantry with polearms to carry the day."

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She examines the dagger carefully. "What makes it different from ordinary iron?" She's worried that if she isn't careful she'll produce arrowheads of pure iron at fridge temperature, which would be less useful than steel and very embarrassing.

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"I'm not sure what the metallurgic difference is. I know the only deposits are pretty far underground, and that a lot of the price comes from the extra work of forging it at low temperatures, but if I wanted to check and something wasn't labelled I would have to ask a smith or test it."

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"Does it rust like iron, with the same colour rust? How similar are they in weight? Is it cold iron when it's mined and heating destroys it, or does it need to be worked at low temperatures to become effective?" Does it stick to this here magnetic bracelet?

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"It definitely rusts - every so often somebody will get issued a cold iron weapon and then end up being too lazy or forgetting to take care of it, and they can get in serious trouble for it. It also doesn't help that some demons like babaus are covered in caustic slime. As for mining, I'm pretty sure - no, completely sure it's already cold iron when it's mined. I remember some people trying to take advantage of that by using slings instead of bows to hurt demons, and it worked just fine but the bullets took more metal and were easy enough to lose it didn't actually save anything. Heating it up too much will destroy its effectiveness, though."

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The knife is perfectly happy to connect to a magnetic bracelet!

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She is, tentatively and with great awareness that she hasn't figured out how much this world's superficial similarities to Earth materials reflect underlying similarities of chemistry, suspecting that cold iron is something like a magically active isotope. She really needs to spend more time with Nenio.

"Okay. I'll make a batch, but someone who knows how they're supposed to perform should test one against a demon before we start handing them out to the troops and making promises about them." Big spinny skirt of cold iron arrowheads that overlap each other in several layers when she isn't spinning.

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"Thank you, I'll have someone look it over when I get a chance. I'm trying to think if there's anything else vaguely clothing like that would be helpful to have for logistics... the only thing that's coming to mind is food, and that seems like more of a stretch and also there's no way it's an efficient use of your time even without comparing it to the other things you make, but maybe I'll think of something else later. Aside from that, I believe the other thing I should be asking is if you have any other powers that might simplify logistics? Not that this one isn't incredibly helpful already or anything, because it really is, but I'd be remiss if I didn't ask."

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"I can teleport once a day, but I haven't tested the range and can't take passengers unless they're in my bag of holding. It could be useful for supplies if the range turns out to be long enough." And she'll want to talk to Nenio about that too, because all the methods of testing she can think of involve potentially blowing herself up if the answer is "no".

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"If you can only transport yourself, that's unlikely to be decisive; with just the savings from the armor we could hire more teleports, and Rathimus said he can prepare a teleport for us most days. I'll make sure to let you know if I think of something, though."

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"Okay. I'll look into ways to safely test the range but won't consider it urgent. I think the next thing on the agenda is finding out how much armor I can make in a minute, and even apart from wanting to be upside down, if I make enough for a good test in this tent we won't be able to get to the door. How about I go back to the Defender's Heart, do the tests in one of their rooms, and give you the numbers and the stuff when I have them?" Yay for low-tech hotels with visible beams on the ceiling.

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"Inheritor keep you, then."

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"You too." 

The process of testing her armor throughput is surprisingly fun for a repetitive task. For one thing, she's now strong enough to jump multiple feet in the air, grab a ceiling beam, and pull herself up to hang from it by her knees, and if she isn't superhumanly or even average-humanly graceful about it, well, nobody's looking. (Except people in other universes in which her universe is a movie, and even then this bit is probably getting skipped for being boring.) For another thing, hanging upside down and having chain shirts repeatedly slump off her into a pile on the floor makes a very cool sound. She does five people's worth of everything Garms showed her, in a larger size than her own to account for the resulting extra difficulty, times the last four of each to make sure she's getting the steady state, and converts to people per minute. The adamantine mail shirts are the fastest; the boots are the slowest, both because of sizing issues and because even hanging by a beam from her arms and creating them with the laces untied it still takes a bit to kick them off.

Half an hour later she finds Garms again, with a full bag of holding and a giant backpack and a list of numbers to recite, ranging from 6/minute for boots to 15/minute for gambesons to 20/minute for mail shirts.

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Happily that works out to mail being the most efficient to do, which is good since they're the most expensive ones. He's very pleased by this whole affair; he was expecting whoever got appointed as knight commander to be some genius tactician or combatant, and maybe she's that too, but her being supernaturally good at logistics is something he can actually understand and see for himself.

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Brenda is very happy to have exceeded someone's expectations! Especially Garms' expectations; he seems like a really sensible and competent person. She finds it pretty unlikely that she'll be able to do as well at her next meeting, because it's with Nurah about diplomacy, but she'll do her best.

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"Knight Commander! What can I do to help you today?"

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"I was hoping to talk some more about the diplomatic aspects of my job, especially the parts that are, hm, inextricable from my other work. What kinds of actions I take as part of crusade operations and strategy are likely to have diplomatic implications and how to know what those implications are. And anything else I can do to make your job easier in general."

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"Alright. I'll try and keep things at the broad strokes to start, but if there's anything you want more detail on just ask. Starting with the players, the biggest ones to care about are Lastwall, Cheliax, Galt, and Irrisen. Irrisen mostly doesn't bother with outsiders, so unless you're actively trying to get involved it's unlikely to be relevant to us, and Lastwall is a paladin country that doesn't really do diplomacy the normal way, but it wouldn't be a great idea to get in a scuffle with either. Taldor, Kelesh, Absalom, Andoran, and Ustulav are currently less involved, but they're close or powerful enough that it would be worth changing to the extent feasible.

"For the crusade itself, you're mostly in the clear; nobody will be surprised by you working with Lastwall, and even Cheliax's enemies mostly admit that they're needed at the wound. If you work with them too closely or openly spurn them, that could have consequences, but if something makes strategic sense it shouldn't be a limiting factor. Pretty much everything else is a different story. Recruitment will heavily influence what impression we give; in addition to countries being more likely to support the crusade if it means supporting their own people fighting there, it's also an endorsement of their abilities. If the Eagle Knights assist in a big win, that's a win for Andoran as a whole, and some of the prestige filters back to the rest of their army. Countries that support the crusade will, in addition to anything negotiated directly, expect their contributed forces to have opportunities to get those impressive wins and for the crusade to agree they did. Cheliax will likely try to do the same for any fight where your forces cooperate with theirs, since they lean pretty heavily on their contributions to the worldwound and anti-piracy efforts to make up for the diplomatic unpopularity of the church of Asmodeus and an endorsement - or something they can spin as one - of their efforts from the knight commander could help them a lot once you start seeing successes. Where you choose to do crusade fundraising will matter, who you send to do it will matter, how impressive you are about it will matter, and so forth, but it's hard to generalize things there since different countries will react differently to different approaches.

"In terms of what makes my job easiest... the biggest things are not causing a diplomatic incident by insulting or quarreling with any representatives and not agreeing to things without talking with me, but if you do end up messing up there please let me know promptly since it's always easier to solve early."

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"With you so far, I think. Is Cheliax likely to want us to recruit there, or just to do operations in concert with their army, and how much of a problem will it cause if we don't? Or don't unless it makes a lot of strategic sense, like if we need to go after territory near their forts or something."

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"Cheliax likes to keep a tighter control of its borders and populace than that, and they have their own forces at the worldwound they can send their soldiers to. If they help with recruitment, it will probably either be by loaning Hellknights or by telling Isger to cooperate more closely. In terms of what they can do if you spurn them too much... they can't act directly against you, both due to the worldwound treaty and their own strategic interests, but they could refrain from coming to your aid or cooperating on joint operations, which might be very inconvenient since they're the largest military power at the wound. If things get bad enough that they outright stop selling to you, magic items and scrolls are likely to get significantly more expensive, as are a number of manufactured goods."

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Some of those things sound like problems that can be solved with money, though if she can avoid the problems there will always be other things to spend the money on.

"So, at least at first the retaliation for not wanting to do joint operations with them is them also not wanting to do joint operations with me? Or are there other things you're imagining I might do that would cause that?"

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"If you're too open about taking in their defectors, that might do it; they know it's legal, but they don't exactly like it or people advertising it. Outside of that... insulting their queen or tying yourself too blatantly to Galt or Andoran, maybe. My counterparts on their side are also going to be trying to keep things from disintegrating, but pride is one of the central tenets of Asmodeanism and it's one they're quite happy to embody."

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" . . . Would being open about taking in their defectors enable more people to defect? I'm not going to do things that risk the success of the crusade for the sake of a small number of people but--it's a thing I want to be aware of."

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"Probably. It's possible that you could get them being enough more cautious about putting troops of uncertain loyalty in places they have the chance to defect that it cancels out, but my guess would be that it would make things easier."

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The Spirit dropped Brenda on a specific problem, but it also dropped her on an entire planet and she doesn't intend to lose sight of that fact.

"Then--that's something to evaluate once we have more information about how much we need their cooperation. In the meantime, what actions would constitute being too open about it? Just public announcements, or would things like promoting especially competent defectors to prominent positions send the same message?" 

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"They're intentionally vague on where the lines are, but... stuff like just quietly taking in defecting chelish soldiers is mostly fine. From their perspective that's probably the best outcome of a successful defection, since its still making the job of their loyal forces easier. If you take in a prominent Chelish defector, like maybe some officer who's disappearance was too notable to cover up, and give them a high ranking position and permission to publish anti-Chelish tracts, they're not going to be happy about the embarrassment. The same would apply to people like Alexandre Esquerra or Didac Picot, even if they already left before you got started. In between those there's a spectrum of escalation based on how much you helped the defection, how obvious it was, how important the defector, and so forth; the easier it is for them to ignore, the more inclined they'll be to do it."

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Brenda has to spend a moment internally boggling at the idea of someone wanting her permission to publish something that's not even related to fighting demons, because she's still not used to this whole "running a military" thing apparently. 

"Understood. --I really don't want to turn anyone away. Concealing their involvement would be one thing, but not letting someone join who would be able to help, if they think invading the Worldwound is safer than their alternatives, is a line I don't want to cross unless I have to."

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"I'll make the preparations to help smooth that over as much as I can, then. Are there any other policy decisions or the like that you think will involve other countries and I haven't touched on?"

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"Thank you. Are there--laws of war? I assume the demons haven't signed any treaties, but is there a written list of all the things I can't order anyone to do, or things I have to provide for everyone, or circumstances in which I have to give specific aid to the other forts, anything like that? I'm not asking because I want to get away with anything, I just haven't fought a war before and might not realize how important something is."

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"There pretty much aren't any that you have to observe with demons or their cultists, but there are some that touch on them tangentially, like the fact that you can't send any 'spawn or servants of the abyss' into any signatory's territory without their knowledge and consent.

"As for what you have to observe with your fellows... you can't attack people fighting at the wound unless it's self defense, and you'll get in trouble if it's ambiguous or turns out not to be self defense later. You can deny them entry to your fortresses and encampments if they're a security risk, but we do have to supply them with food and water if they need it as long as they aren't lingering, which has a technical definition in the treaty but it mostly means what it sounds like. You can't fight people who are operating at the wound while they're doing things related to their operations, such as preparing spells or scrying on demons or buying gear, even if they're not currently at the worldwound. There are also some provisions about when you do have to come to your fellows' aid but there's a lot of leeway for judgment calls relating to the risk being too high, it's not a suicide pact. I can get you a copy of the text but it's not meant to be the kind of document everyone has to memorize in order to comply with."

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"I definitely want a copy of the text, thank you." She's probably going to memorize it just to be on the safe side, because she has the best headband, and possibly keep a copy in tiny print on her feet or something, because why not. "Does it count as sending spawn of the Abyss somewhere if they rout in an inconvenient direction and my army gives chase and they end up in someone else's territory by mistake? Or does that only refer to territory outside the Wardstone barrier?"

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"Mostly the latter, but if you end up chasing demons into someone else's camp and they get overrun that would run afoul of other sections of the treaty."

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"Well, it was already important that I not do that so I guess it's good that there's a treaty provision to make sure I pay attention. I guess the details of how to prevent it are more Baroness Gaunther's area, though. Oh, did taking this job make me a citizen of Mendev or a member of the Mendevian government or anything? Are there things I need to do about it if so?" If Mendev has an income tax she will need to find out what kinds of accounting maneuvers Fiducia Rathimus is allowed to help with.

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"A 'citizen'...oh, like in the Galtan sense. No, not from being knight commander, though if you swore an oath of fealty that would come with certain privileges and duties. You'll have to follow Mendevian laws on Mendevian land and ambiguously while on a Mendevian crusade, but it shouldn't involve any orders outside of your role as knight commander and no lasting obligations once the crusade is over unless you seek them out. Military service like this is a traditional way for adventurers to enter the nobility but it's not required."

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"Makes sense. I would prefer to avoid any permanent entanglements. I should read the laws of Mendev at some point as well; would you be able to get me a copy?"

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"As far as I'm aware no such document exists for you to get a copy of, but you might want to check with a barrister to be sure."

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Blink. "Is it multiple documents for different topics?" That would make sense; if you had all the US laws in a single document you'd probably need a forklift to move it around. Somehow she suspects the truth is odder than that. Maybe the barristers all memorize parts of it and you have to check with one whenever you're planning something that might be illegal. That probably isn't the answer but it might be the right degree of odd.

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"Nothing so neat, though the varying issuers of local and religious and state and customary laws is part of it. There's just not a repository for every law in Mendev, particularly if you include ones not being actively enforced."

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Oh dear. "Does saying 'if I say I plan to do something that you happen to know is illegal, let me know and I won't do it' sound like as insufficient and doomed of a strategy to you as it does to me?"

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"If I'm being honest, it doesn't sound very doomed at all. it's not foolproof, but the laws people don't know are mostly also the laws that don't really get enforced. The fact that you're the knight commander will help as well when it comes to people not wanting to try it - that wouldn't save you if you were consorting with demons or committing treason, but most of the crimes you could manage by accident would be fine."

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Brenda is pretty sure that on Earth adults doing serious military and government things have access to all the relevant laws and also lawyers to help with understanding them, but maybe that's a modern technology thing. "Okay. Uh, let me know if it looks like I'm planning to do something illegal, I guess. Is there anything that's illegal--or just considered really rude--in Mendev that's fine in other countries? If I'm going to mess up that's probably where."

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"There are a lot of things that are more harshly punished in Mendev, but most of them are things that are already illegal or discouraged elsewhere. The most obvious exceptions are that the lines around necromancy, defeatism, and consorting with demons are much more widely drawn, such that even an ordinary wizard binding demons to their service would likely still be arrested and tried. There are also obviously differences with specific countries, like Mendev forbidding the murdering of babies unlike Cheliax, or worship of Norgorber being illegal unlike in Absalom, but I don't think any of those are the kind of things someone would expect to be legal by default. Some kinds of publications, perhaps?"

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"Where I grew up, nearly all publications were legal," she says with a note of wistfulness and pride, "so I definitely need clarification on which kinds are illegal here. Also, what does it mean for defeatism to be illegal?" She isn't sure whether 'murdering babies' means abortion or infanticide, but that's not going to come up in the process of Knight-Commandering especially since she has Planned Parenthood.

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"The big ones are inciting people to crime, aiding in the execution of other crimes, blasphemy, lese majesty, and slander - you'll run into a few other edge cases here and there if a particularly onerous censor tries their luck, but nothing that would stick to you while you're the knight commander. Slander is similarly unlikely to be an issue unless it's at least two of blatantly false, very damaging, and to someone sufficiently important. The other four still are still potential issues, though. As for defeatism... that's the one that's mostly your tool. It covers people advocating for surrender, cowardice that doesn't rise to the level of desertion, opposition to drafting and requisitions, and so forth, as well as anything related you can swing it to."

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She has to make an effort not to scowl about blasphemy and lese majesty--for about two seconds, before she's thoroughly distracted by the defeatism thing. It doesn't sound like her tool. It sounds like another opportunity for Captain Harmattan to persuade her to do things that make her feel sick. She had been hoping to offer high enough wages that she'd get a lot of volunteers and make the conscripts feel vaguely okay or at least like it could be worse. But she's never going to find out if she's succeeded at that, is she, because if people don't complain it'll be because they expect complaining to be illegal. Keeping her face neutral was a lost cause. 

Friends in Places reminds her that Nurah didn't write any of these laws and is just the messenger. "I appreciate the explanation. I'm going to need to do some thinking."

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If Nurah sees this internal struggle, she gives no sign. 

“Of course. Don’t let me keep you, then.

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"If there's anything you need from me to help with your work, don't hesitate to ask."

She's going to go find Nenio. Because there are important things for them to talk about and because she wants to.

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Nenio is extremely findable! Not because she is still where Brenda last met her, but because - especially now that she regularly goes around looking like a kitsune - everyone vaguely nearby knows exactly who Brenda means and which direction to head. Said girl can be currently found staring intensely at a very precisely balanced set of scales.

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Brenda is now also staring at the scales trying to infer what's so interesting about them!

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To detect magic there's obviously a spell affecting exactly one of the weights, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything, and when it fades about a minute later the balance is still unnaffected.

"Another negative result," Nenio mutters, her pencil scribbling into a notebook, before she catches sight of Brenda out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, there you are. Hello Brenda!"

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"Hi Nenio! What's the experiment? Are you trying to prestidigitate something lighter or heavier?"

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"Yes! Lighter, primarily, but if I could manage it heavier was next. I found a book recently whose author purported to have a number of alternate uses for prestidigitation, including making small objects weigh less or even levitate, but I haven't managed to recreate any of them - even when using their claimed methodology. Making permanent color changes is already out, but I still have to try using it to alter an object's scent."

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"Ooh. I'd expect heavier to be easier than lighter because temporarily adding something seems easier than temporarily removing something, but there are other approaches that I'd expect to be equally easy in either direction. If it does tastes it should definitely do scents unless the tastes are touch-range illusions. Can I try some things?" If permitted she will make a few attempts to prestidigitate one of the weights lighter by holding in mind that she specifically wants to flatten out the distortion it's causing in spacetime. 

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"Certainly! Just make sure to record what you try."

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She takes careful notes in the same format Nenio is using! Can she change weight by adding or removing spacetime distortion? By adding or removing mass? By just focusing on the desired result and not trying to force the implementation details? By using the "make something dirty" function and focusing on the "dirtiness" being heavy metals? Lead pollution is a form of pollution so lead ought to count as dirt. 

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Her first attempts don't do any better than Nenio's, but when she just focused on getting the outcome she wants the spell is happy to oblige her. The side she focuses on stops weighing down the scales, and the opposite side falls to the table due to the unbalanced load.

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"Ooh, you did it! And without using the telekinesis to lift it as an imitation. What was the trick?"

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"The trick was not having a trick, weirdly enough! I was just thinking 'I want that block to weigh less and I don't care how that happens'! So my guess is that either it's something I haven't thought of yet, or I was messing myself up trying to think about too many things at once."

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Nenio frowns, staring intently at the other end of the scales. It still doesn't move, so she switches over to detect magic. 

"It's doing something for you that I can't get it to manage. Which means... I now have a research project!"

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"Awesome! I'd love to help with it if you want. Also that reminds me, I came here to ask you to help me with a research project. I have a teleport ability and I want to find the maximum range with the minimum amount of blowing myself up. Is there a better way to do it than 'try doubling the distance repeatedly and see what happens'?"

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"A fascinating question. How to isolate the range on a teleport with the fewest number of attempts... one avenue would be trying to see if it's Teleport, Greater Teleport, or neither. You can do that with just Detect Magic, either by watching it during the attempt or by checking how long the lingering aura sticks around for, since Greater Teleport is almost always a 7th circle spellform and Teleport is just 5th, though it might fail to differentiate an ability that's not analogous to either, and it still doesn't get you a precise distance. Hmm. Teleport has a range of about 200 miles per circle, and Greater Teleport is famously difficult to check because it's enough to get anywhere on Golarion and not enough to reach the moon. So you could start by trying to Teleport 1450 miles, and then you know if it's greater teleport or Teleport from the aura. Then go to 1725 or 1175, then 1038, 1313, 1587, or 1862, and then you've got it down to just over half a circle in three tests. Or maybe you could get hit by a maximized enervation first, since that would cut your distance down by 400 miles and then... no, that's not precise enough, it would be better to just use a Wight."

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"Thanks! The other problem is that it's only once a day and I don't want to get stuck somewhere else for a day when I'm so busy all of a sudden, so I don't want to try it right this minute--oh, but you could still tell if it was Teleport or Greater Teleport or neither from the spellform if I just went across the street, right? And then if it's some third thing I can work on getting a scroll to teleport back with."

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“Probably, but if it’s just teleport it would take more tests to find the distance that way.”

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"If it's Teleport isn't it definitely 200 miles because I'm first circle? Or do weird abilities that don't use a spell slot not scale the same way?"

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"Most spell like abilities either have a set strength or advance with their caster's overall strength rather than their spellcasting, but you're right, that does still mean it could be teleport but weaker than wizards usually get it. I wouldn't expect that to go down to 200, but expectations are no reason not to test a hypothesis!

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Overall strength? Oh, right, D&D universe, if she was a fighter or a rogue or something but still had this ability it would be based on her character level. This feels vaguely like knowing something she isn't supposed to know and possibly the GM is telling her player and Nenio's player to stop dicking around, but Brenda and Nenio themselves can do whatever they want.

"Yeah, that makes sense and it's definitely worth testing! But I don't want to teleport out of Kenabres today because it's my first day on the job and people might need to find me for stuff, so probably today we should just check what spellform it is and then do other stuff until I have a night it's not a problem for me to disappear. And I should check tonight whether it refreshes at midnight or when I sleep."

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Nenio will open up her notes to a new page to record the results and cast detect magic, then!

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Pop! She goes across the street and also ten feet up in the air, just to see if she can. Another day she should try teleporting onto a fast-moving wagon or something to see if she can match speeds with something other than the relevant bit of planetary surface.

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“That looked like a strong aura, so it’s probably greater teleport. If we want to be certain we should check how long the aura lingers, but I’m pretty sure it’ll last more than 6 minutes.”

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Brenda puts up her own Detect Magic and starts watching too, counting seconds in her head. "Is it straightforwardly a minute per circle? Also, has anyone checked what happens if you teleport onto or off of a fast-moving wagon or a ship or something?"

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"Nothing so regular, but spells of the first three circles typically remain detectable for less than a minute, fourth through sixth circle for between one and six minutes, and stronger spells can linger for up to an hour, so it's a good way to check your work if you don't get a good read on the aura during casting. You can also see what school the spell is from if there's no interference, but even a minor active spell like dancing lights makes picking out that kind of thing pretty prohibitive. As for teleporting onto boats... I've heard it's easy to end up on the wrong one or even in the ocean if you mess up your visualization, but if you get the right place you'll end up there matching the ship's velocity. If you didn't it would be pretty tricky to teleport more than a few miles due to how quickly Golarion spins."

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"So it goes by the surface you land on and not the bit of planet, that's good. Has anyone tried going to the moon in multiple jumps by carrying some kind of airtight capsule? I bet wizards do that all the time. I bet the moon is just covered in wizards doing experiments and ignoring each other."

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“It’s a little tougher than that because it’s hard to target a particular point in space with teleport, but powerful wizards can go to the moon. I think it’s less popular of an option than making your own demiplane but I haven’t been able to do a survey yet.”

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"It's inconvenient that it doesn't natively take distance and direction. Demiplanes are very cool as a concept but not as cool of a place to hang out as other planets in my opinion. Oh, hey, I was going to ask, do you want to try to work out the fundamental principles of chemistry with me?"

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What kind of a question is that?


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A few hours isn't enough to completely re-derive the whole field of chemistry for Golarion's laws of physics, but for two enthusiastic scientists with matter generation powers and time enough for love they can make a pretty good start. The results are mostly similar to those from earth, but while all of the chemical elements seem to be the same magic fundamentally alters how they interact. In theory this might allow for a number of otherwise impossible material properties in alloys other than just those clustered around Mithral and Adamantine, but the question of how to determine which besides brute force is a harder one.

Some indeterminate eventually later, however, even Nenio starts to have to forget she's hungry frequently enough to distract her.

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It's probably good that time can't stretch an infinite amount, even if that means she eventually has to stop having fun with Nenio and do her job. She buys Nenio lunch and then goes off to write to the Lastwall war college and take more meetings and mess with time again by reading four different books all named variants of On War and liveblogging them to Alpina.

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And eventually tomorrow arrives as well, the stretch of time enough for love doing valiant battle with how quickly time flies when someone is sucked into a book.

Once he finishes preparing his spells (two of them plane shifts and one empty slot at 5th just to be sure), Rathimus sends word to Brenda that he's available at her convenience.


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Brenda arrives shortly thereafter. She's excited to go to Axis! It is technically not her first interdimensional travel but it's her first time doing it with a plan, and also she's not planning to stop being excited about interdimensional travel for at least the first twenty places.

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In that case he'll offer her the hand not holding a tuning fork, and after a brief moment where it feels like she could effortlessly resist the tug they arrive.

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Unlike Kenabres, Brenda's first view of Axis is enough to make it clear that she's in an actual city. Skyscrapers shoot up from the ground in search of the distant sky, and if they don't stretch as far vertically as some of the ones in downtown Manhattan, they make up for it in the alien architecture made possible by copious portals, flying citizens, and the ability to use magic to tell gravity to take a back seat in places mere material engineering struggles to suffice. Regular trolleys transport people along elevated railways, while others elect to simply get to their destination on foot or wing. A sizable portion of the crowd around her appear mostly humanoid, but they're outnumbered by the natives; some of them bear the metallic skin common amongst ex-mortal Axiomites, while the tall blue skinned individuals with numerous eyes match the descriptions of the mercanes and the glittering of golden dust serves to identify the Aphorites. Among them in smaller numbers walk other species - with her eyesight, in it's possible for Brenda to pick out on the various causeways and overlooks about half the species she's heard of on Golarion and a handful that don't match anything in the texts she's read.

Despite all this, she's not crowded in; the plane shift brought them to a platform empty of other people, and the streets outside seem to have been designed to handle their present traffic at a reasonable density.

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Brenda gawks like the tourist she is! She saw New York City once on vacation and it was amazing and this is better. She wants to go through the portals and ride the trolleys and meet the locals and Dragon Fairy Elf Witch them, but most of all she wants to get a scroll of Plane Shift. It takes her several seconds to get focused again and follow Rathimus to where they're going.

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Rathimus smiles slightly. It's a common reaction for first time visitors to the city of cities, and he wasn't any different; something about seeing this and knowing they can build it if they try is as inspiring as any sermon. He's not familiar enough with Aktun to navigate the place effortlessly, but thankfully getting to the heart of Abadar's realm is an easy matter from almost anywhere. He leads Brenda to a disk surrounded by railings that levitates them up to the next level, and from there it's only a few a minute until they can board the next trolley.

(When he had first encountered the system, Rathimus had been rather baffled at how un-Abadaran it was that using the transportation didn't require payment. The fact that it turns out when transportation is cheap enough the economic benefit of getting to vendors being lower friction more than offsets the cost of upkeep was an immensely cheering thing to learn.)

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The trolleys in Aktun are only moderately fast, particularly by the standards of trains, but the extent of the city's portal network is enough to ensure that distance is rarely the deciding factor in how long a journey takes. Before long the near future magitech construction gives way to the older architecture surrounding the First Vault; though they are headed for a nearby structure rather than the immense dome of the first vault itself, there is a tingle like static on Brenda's skin from the presence of Abadar. Theft is simply not an available action; unless she overcomes the weight of the very world around her, she can no more take something that doesn't belong to her than she can draw a four-sided triangle.

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Brenda isn't thinking about the transit being free because she's too busy trying to figure out how it works! She can tell which parts are magic and which parts aren't and from there she can put together some hypotheses and oooh that's a neat environmental effect. Can she tell without trying it whether DFEWing someone without permission would count as theft? She isn't going to try it regardless; she goes back to speculating about the elevator either way.

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It's not inherently banned, but some edge cases of using it might be.


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The building Rathimus leads her towards has a pair of inevitables standing watch by the entrance.

"Only authorized personnel are permitted beyond this point. Identify yourself."

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"Vassiliy Rathimus, Cleric of Abadar, and guest Brenda Banner, here by the invitation of the Master of the First Vault to engage in mutually-beneficial-trade*."

*A one syllable word in Utopian.

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"Identification confirmed. You may proceed."

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Follow follow she can offer to pay them for the use of their species bonuses on the way out maybe. She wonders if they're more like biology or engineering on the inside. If Lawful outsiders have the equivalent of backwards retinas and detouring recurrent laryngeal nerves that's a ripoff on a cosmic scale. 

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Inside their path opens up to a well appointed meeting room, where an elderly woman with dark skin and a middle aged man who appears approximately south asian are seated. Standing at a desk by the wall is another inevitable, this time with paper and what is probably a pen.

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"Those are Archbankers Maron and Sevandivasen, here to negotiate on behalf of the church. The Kolyarut is primarily here to take the minutes and write up the contract once there's an agreement, but if you have any questions that you'd rather not ask of your counterparty or points you need additional clarification on they're much better at interacting with mortals than most inevitables."

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"Pleased to meet you all. Is there already a precise agenda, or shall I start listing things I think should be on one?"

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Temos Sevandivasen takes the lead in responding.

“Our primary goal here is to make a deal for purchasing diamonds that’s agreeable to you now, would still be agreeable to you if you exhaustively reviewed the contract with the help of lawyers and oversaw the sales we make, fairly divides the gains from trade, and ideally does not at any point in the future cause you to regret dealing with us. Towards this end we would also like to ensure you are on the same page on tradeoffs between profit, secrecy, rate, resale, and so forth. We also want to make sure you understand all of what you are agreeing to.

“If there is anything that you think you want that even might not be included in that or that you want clarified before we start, like the details on our agreement of confidentiality, it would be a good idea to talk about it now. We can renegotiate things after, but it’s almost always better to get things right the first time.”

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"That's a good set of things; talking about the confidentiality agreement would be good too. I'd also like to talk about how open you are to making this a recurring transaction, with or without a commitment to any particular schedule, and the question of whether it's possible to arrange things so that Good individuals and institutions have more access to the new diamond supply than Evil ones or if diamonds are too interchangeable for that to make sense. Also whether I should be investing somehow instead of getting paid completely in cash? I'm not sure whether Golarion has a stock market or what I'm supposed to do if it does and maybe you aren't even the right people to be talking to about that, it just occurred to me just now and I figured I'd ask." Brenda runs a hand through her hair nervously. She'd wish she had talked to her parents more about finances before leaving Earth except she's pretty sure her finances are about to be more complicated than theirs were.

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Kalit Maron nods.

"Confidentiality, future purchases, outcomes of the trading, and how you'll be paid. Those seem like good additions, and I think the obvious place to start is confidentiality. The first thing I'd like to make clear is that there's no such thing as perfect secrecy; things you tell Abadar in confidence come very close, but for anything short of that there's always a way around it if someone powerful enough is willing to spend enough. This means there are two concepts to keep in mind; what we'll be keeping hidden, and what is being done to ensure that. The three of us are all fairly powerful clerics of Abadar, and have a number of magic items and spells dedicated to our defense, but we're not invincible. If you have something to say that you need to keep secret from archmages - that is, wizards capable of 8th circle spells - you should probably only tell me, and if something you need to share has to be kept secret at all costs we would need to find an inevitable willing to remain in Abadar's domain indefinitely.

"As for what is being kept secret: without your explicit prior permission, we will not reveal your identity, how you obtained the diamonds, how many there were, what price they were sold for, what conditions you ask for, or anything you ask us to keep secret to anyone not currently in the meeting. We will not speak of it amongst ourselves it in a way that we expect to spread the information, purposefully fail to secure it, or otherwise act in a way that we expect might cause someone who heard that promise to feel mislead. We will also default to not publicly spreading details not kept secret, but you should expect that to be less thorough a guarantee. Some outcomes are also largely impossible to keep secret in their entirety; we cannot both sell diamonds and completely hide that we have them, for instance, or make our customers agree not to resell them to demons via any intermediary without telling them that's requested of them.

"Is there any part of this that needs more clarification before we continue?"

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"That all seemed quite clear, and like it will do as well as can be reasonably expected at achieving my concrete goal, which is that I not be attacked by powerful entities looking to get diamonds or prevent me from selling them. Can you also agree to try to warn me if you believe someone has gotten past your defenses and found out?"

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"Yes, certainly. That would be considered as part of the normal terms regardless, but we can lower the threshold of certainty for reports as well if you would prefer more complete coverage to not having false alarms.

"For recurring transactions, we currently anticipate that there will still be a large demand for diamonds after we complete this deal, so we're certainly not opposed to performing it again. With that said, if you want to lock in the price for those trades now instead of negotiating it then, we would have to set our price point lower to account for tail risks like someone crashing the price between then and now. Trades at a specific known time are more valuable than at some indefinite point, but both are certainly possible."

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She wants a bit more info about their usual thresholds for reporting possible leaks and the frequency of false alarms and ends up settling on a threshold somewhat lower than the default (most people with similar arrangements are mostly running the risk of having their trade secrets stolen rather than the risk of e.g. the Black Triune getting interested in them, and have fewer options for reacting to this than Brenda has for getting away from civilians).

She's open to doing this trade repeatedly at scheduled times a few times a year at whatever market rates happen to be at those times if both parties are still interested; they can also renegotiate the product mix if e.g. the price of diamond dust crashes and the price of larger stones doesn't. Mostly she wants the bureaucratic framework in place for making this a regularly scheduled thing without having to renegotiate everything every time, plus the ability to turn spot diamond prices at time T into a rough prediction about her revenue at time T+a couple months.

Can they talk a bit more about what options are available for asymmetrically funneling the diamonds to Good users or at least away from Evil ones, and what they trade off against other than the aforementioned secrecy concerns?

(Abadarans, as it turns out, are very pleasant to negotiate with. They never complain that she's asking too many questions or offering too many details or that she doesn't share some unspoken assumption. Friends in Places is basically backing off and letting her be her unmodified self, almost as much as when she's with Nenio.)

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Much like with security, there’s not really a way to make sure diamonds are only easier to obtain for good people; even if you exclusively sold to lawful good churches who agreed not to resell them, the fact that there is then less competition for buying other diamonds would still drive the price down a little for everyone else. With that said, though, there’s no reason the change has to be the same, for all parties, and depending on how much potential profit she wants to trade for it there are a number of options she could take. At the lower end of obviousness, they could strike private deals with good churches and adventurers to offer rights of first refusal on certain bids or discount those sales, while at the more obvious end they could set up a blacklist or refuse to sell to anyone who wasn’t detectably good and force anyone evil to also be paying a good middleman. She could also just try and maximize her profits and then donate part of the proceeds to organizations of her choice, which they could then decide for themselves if the optimal strategy was using that to buy more diamonds or spend it on their goals directly.

In terms of how payment is distributed, the usual answer is to make payments in a mixture of Aktun’s currency, Absalom pounds, and balance with the church of Abadar, but they can also do the currency conversion for her if she decides she would prefer Taldane solidi or Mendevian crowns or any of the other myriad currencies on Golarion. They sincerely recommend allocating her offering loans and purchasing shares in shipping companies and investing in adventuring parties and buying land and ownership in businesses. Putting your money to work is better for both your account balance and the economy than just keeping it in a vault, but how much of it she wants locked up like that depends on how much liquidity she expects to need. The church of Abadar has a number of portfolios with different expected risk if she wants that handled for her, but there are also a number of companies in Aktun she could try out or just interface with the markets directly.

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Brenda can see the logic behind maximizing her profits and donating, but the problem is that then she would have to decide how much to donate to the Crusade versus other causes, and what those causes should be, and every possible outcome is going to involve letting someone down, and Brenda is Wise enough to know that that isn't a good reason for not doing it but not quite Wise enough to do it anyway. 

She doesn't say any of that out loud, obviously. What she says is that she wonders if "not selling to anyone delectably Evil" is any less obvious or more profitable than "selling only to people who detect Good". She's fine with random rich people who aren't particularly heroic getting diamonds to resurrect their dead relatives or whatever; all else equal people getting things they want is great. If that isn't a good happy medium for whatever reason, selling to Good people first and at a discount makes sense to her.

On the (much less fraught) subject of currencies and investments: she'd like to start out with a relatively low-risk/low-reward investment mix and a relatively high level of liquidity for the first couple months while she figures out what her expenses look like and gets through all the big one-time expenses of launching a Crusade, and then reevaluate from there. She probably wants at least a bit of the payment in Mendevian crowns, especially if she's going to need to pay Mendevian taxes.

Uh. Speaking of which. Does Rathimus know what her tax situation is, and is there any way for her to stay on the right side of the law without telling anyone in the Mendevian government where the money came from.

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Income tax? Of course not, they're not Galt. Mendev has a number of taxes on commoners engaging in commerce (and nobles have feudal responsibilities and land taxes of their own to make up for them being relatively less encumbered on those), but they certainly don't regulate exchanges made in Axis about objects that never even passed through Mendev. Bringing them into the country's borders for sale would require paying tariffs, but there are a host of exemptions for use by adventurers and for military purposes that she'll qualify for in most circumstances, and the ones she sold to him are covered by his own arrangements. Mendev does desperately want more income sources, but not at the expense of high level people refusing to stop by and help out.

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It sounds like they can move on to talking price, then! Temos Sevandivasen is much more tapped into the international diamond trade, which means he knows that Rathimus was substantially underrating how valuable miracle diamonds are. Thirty thousand is about what you can get for a gem like that if you're trying to liquidate it in a hurry, but if you've got connections and are willing to wait while people with lower liquidity put the funds together for the rare opportunity to increase their emergency stockpile you can do significantly better. He thinks if he uses his contacts in Tian Xia and taps into the Arcadian and Garundi markets he could get a stable income of about five million pounds a month indefinitely after the church's cut, though that would drop depending on how much she wants to discount and at what price. If she wants to risk the current suppliers all having an incentive to go for her head and considers the added attempts at finding out her identity from him worth it, he could do ten or twenty times that now, or if she thinks she'll want to do it later let him know so he can make preparations.

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Yay for not having to pay taxes! Especially when nearly all the money is going to a government project anyway and she'd potentially be getting taxed to fund herself. At this point she feels like she's competing to see how far she can get without ending up on both sides of the same transaction. Five million pounds a month is a lot more than she needs, so she can offer a substantial discount to the forces of Good out of her share and not take the extra risk of making enemies.

She thinks that's everything she wanted to sort out, so--time for her to deliver the goods!

She has been thinking for a while about how to do this.  As soon as she's unobserved, she makes a pair of shoes with built-in detachable buckets, followed by a lot of variants on Miranda Jones's dress from "Is There In Truth No Beauty", with all the beads replaced with poorly-attached diamonds. Gems pour from her arms and body like a waterfall. Several sets of buckets later (each filled with a single size of gem or in one case neat little capsules of diamond dust), she lets the Abadarans know they're good to turn back around.

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That's an awful lot of diamonds. Even having prepared for there to be a lot of diamonds only goes so far to make them less shocking. Sevandivasen will dutifully measure and weigh them as a matter of principle, but with the transaction taking place in Abadar's realm he doesn't actually have any doubts he's assuaging.

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And the Kolaryut will present the text of the proposed contract for their perusal! It's written in Utopian, which as long as you can read it fluently goes a long way towards removing ambiguity. The Inevitable also specifically draws Brenda's attention to the section for where and how to handle contract disputes; the archbankers have suggested the ordinary set of Axis and Heaven-based arbitrator organizations for high secrecy high value negotiations, but just because a list is standard is no reason that she shouldn't make sure she knows what she's agreeing to before she does it.

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Utopian is a beautiful language and Brenda's self-control is running low; she'll read and understand and sign the contract but she'll also ask a bunch of questions about whether it's a natural language or a conlang and whether any efforts are being made to prevent it from evolving and by the way would the Kolyarut like to sell her permission to copy their heritable traits?

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Utopian is a constructed language, designed by the Axiomites and some of the first Inevitables to fit their needs and maintained by consensus based updates; occasionally for changes where it isn't clear if a change is for the better part of Axis will switch to it and then they decide which one to merge based on the results. Since most of its speakers never die and they have a lot more ability to stay in communication than most mortals do, it's inherently more resistant to drift, but part of it is also done due to Inevitables being the way they are as a class of entities. There are also a number of other languages in use in Axis that do change more but most people who speak one of them also learn to speak and read Utopian.

What would that entail? There's a standard contract for payment to the varying designers of Kolaryuts and their improvements according to their contributions to the intellectual property that gets used when someone wants to make a new one, and another similar set for when you want to borrow features for a new kind of Inevitable, but if what she wants isn't analogous to one of those it will need to search less frequently used contracts.

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Language version control! So cool.

It's a lot like borrowing features for a new kind of inevitable! Brenda would start having some of the features of the Kolyarut (which ones isn't possible to be certain of in advance); there would be no direct effects on anyone else.

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In that case she should sign a contract agreeing to the following compensation to the following entities detailing the compensation for each bit, and then pay out the associated amount depending on what she ends up getting.

Designing new ineveitables that include some of the fancier features like constant Discern Lies and Geas are pretty expensive by the standards of mortals, though nothing that Brenda can't afford, but others like the regeneration and spell resistance and darkvision are apparently independently reinvented often enough that the price to use them has been bid down a lot.

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It's cool that independently reinventing things counts rather than privileging whoever got there first.

Would this have been more complicated with a species that hadn't been designed, or less? Regardless, she's fine with it. 

Looks like she got . . . faster reflexes and a spell-like ability! It's an enchantment, looks like it's for paralyzing people? She's getting better at figuring out what spell structures that show up in her brain do without poking them.

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Hmm, interesting. Those aren't the most unique to Kolaryut characteristics or the cheapest or the most commonly reused, which implies that whatever is guiding the copying has different standards or doesn't track any of those. They're both midrange features by price, though.

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She thinks it's at least partially guided by what's the most different from the abilities she already has. Anyway, she can pay for what she got and then she's ready to go. 

Does Rathimus have time to stick around a bit longer while she finds a scroll shop and buys a bunch of scrolls, or do they need to head back now?

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He cleared his schedule in case negotiations ended up taking longer. 

"Usually it's advised to do shopping on the material when you can, since on the outer planes you need to pay for both for the items and the intervention and magic items can get expensive even by the standards of someone as rich as you are. Buying in Axis is a lot more convenient in some ways though, especially if you want things that are rare on Golarion, so it's a question of how much money you're willing to trade for that and less attention."

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"Oh, I hadn't realized there were intervention costs if it was just me buying from a local with no gods more than peripherally involved. Sorry. Is it because you brought me here and I should get a scroll of Plane Shift on the Material and come back on my own? If I use two Gates to get the army from point A to point B via an uninhabited bit of Elysium, does that cost Elysium?"

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“Most of the limitations on how the outer planes can interfere bind the gods, since they’re the ones most able to, but the outsiders are also subject to them. It is why Axis cannot just teach us all of the knowledge required to build Aktun on Golarion, and the gods of Nirvana cannot just look the other way while swarms of angels head to the material to rescue everyone from harm. There is nothing wrong with buying goods here, they are just often more expensive due to having to also pay for the intervention.

“As for other cases… I believe that would not charge Elysium, and certainly not more than a minuscule amount, but I am not an expert on the matter. It is certainly cheaper for them than if you needed an Azata to make you the gates.”

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"I'll be sure to ask Ramien before I commit to doing it."

While scroll-shopping will be cheaper on the Material, and just as convenient if she starts with a scroll of Teleport, Dragon Fairy Elf Witch-shopping is decidedly not the same everywhere. She'd like to stop at a few stores run by interesting-looking folks who don't look excessively busy and attempt to purchase their heritages before going home, if that's alright.

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Certainly. They can take another trolley away from the first vault towards one of the market plazas that caters to selling Golarion export-legal magical goods.

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When they arrive it's to a square with dozens of stores, mainly run by Axiomites and Mercanes. Each one has signage cheerfully listing their specialization (and thereby expected selling point compared to their peers) at the front, varying from 'Keeps rare protective items in stock for immediate purchase in exchange for correspondingly higher prices' to 'proprietor does custom armor enchantments, current queue 1.5 weeks' to 'this store rated at 93rd percentile satisfaction for matching items to purchaser's use case at only 76th percentile prices.'

Is there a specific decision criteria she has for where to start?

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Mostly whoever looks cool! And like they won't mind a weird trade offer. The "matching items to use cases" place is probably used to conversations of varying lengths and the axiomite behind the counter is elegant and graceful; she'll start there.

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"Greetings! What can I help you with today?"

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"Hello! I have a somewhat unusual request for a trade: I have an ability that lets me copy some of the traits of anyone I meet with no effect on the other person, and I'd like to purchase permission to use it on you. I can't predict in advance exactly which of your abilities I'll turn up with; we can do a flat fee or if you'd prefer we can agree on multiple possible amounts depending on the result. I can also try to avoid any specific thing you'd prefer not to share, but I don't have conscious control of the process so can't commit to that."

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Hmm. Well, that's not in their primary business model and likely to be less profitable than their usual trades that they specialize in, but since it's not currently trading off against their sales and is thus plausibly worth it in expectation.

"What counts as a trait, and what does copying imply here? Is it personal skills like knowledge of magical items, crafting practice, and so forth? Is it analogous to having a simulation of me and then being able to query it on questions?"

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"No, it only includes the traits inherent to you being an axiomite, as opposed to an inevitable or an elf or something. The abilities you had when you started existing, roughly speaking. There are definitely no simulations of you involved." 

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"Then if you require an agreement of sale first, I'm not sure I can offer it. The ability to become an Axiomite is something inherent to residing in Axis; I did not myself purchase any rights, that I could resell to someone else or otherwise, and therefore cannot offer you them in a contract."

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That's a bit of a headscratcher. "I wouldn't be becoming an axiomite exactly? Just copying some of the abilities you have that other people don't. I'm not sure if you're saying that you don't care whether I copy you or not but don't want to have a formal agreement about it, or think it would be improper for me to do it at all. Does it help to think of it as selling me the information you have about what being an axiomite is like, except I'd be doing magic things with it instead of just learning it?"

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"I don't have a problem with you becoming an Axiomite and wouldn't consider myself to relevantly have the authority to approve or disapprove of you doing so anyway. If you entered into a deal to compensate me for becoming an Axiomite that would be a deal entered under false pretenses where you paid me for something I didn't own and wasn't providing. I would be willing to tell you things about being an Axiomite."

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"Okay, that makes sense." Heritage: get! And she'd love to learn about axiomites, what they do for fun and what kind of communities they live in and what they think the coolest jobs are. (And since she's taking up this guy's time she'll also at least look at the actual merchandise and see if there's anything really useful that she couldn't get on Golarion.)

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It sounds like Brenda might like an Astralabe, a device used to help people navigate other planes! It's not exactly needed in Axis, but particularly for the chaotic planes it can be very helpful. For her work as knight commander, she guesses that Brenda could make use of a Lord's Banner of Swiftness to increase the speed at which her soldiers travel overland, and while Brenda's experimentation seems harder to pick out a specific item she guesses at p60% that Brenda will get enough use out of Triple Eyes of Vivid Auras to be glad of the exchange. Brenda may also want to look into a Ring of Delayed Doom, Amulet of the Planes, or Boots of Teleportation, but she doesn't currently carry them and would have to refer Brenda to another vendor or put in an order from one of her suppliers.

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She likes the look of the Lord's Banner of Swiftness! (The Gate-via-Elysium plan might obviate it for longer repositionings, but it's a good fallback if that doesn't work and will also help with situations where they don't know where the demons are and need to traverse some ground looking for them, and with moving the Wardstones without taking them off the plane.) She'll do some more research about how Rings of Delayed Doom work but doesn't want to put in an order for one yet.

Though, hmm, would her army be able to benefit from a Lord's Banner of Victory at the same time as the Swiftness one? If so she'd be interested in buying one of those should it become available, or she might get one made on her home planet. (Brenda's brain noise generator informs her that any banners she uses are Banner's banners. Heh.)

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There shouldn't be anything preventing both banners from working at once, though the banner of victory has a somewhat smaller range of effect. She does have one available, but if Brenda has access to a sufficiently skilled crafter on Golarion and is willing to wait she believes that the method for making them is relatively well known there.

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In that case she will depart the shop with one banner--

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and the ability to do THIS, which is So Immensely Cool. Wheeeeeeeeeee flying and being amorphous!

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And sobering up because Rathimus is still here and she should neither lose track of him nor act like a fifth grader.

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"Was there more shopping you wanted to do here? There are a number of stores selling scrolls, but of course there are also such stores in Absalom or Isarn or Opparra."

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"And it sounds like those places will have them cheaper. Do you think it will be sufficiently easy to get a scroll of Gate on Golarion? That's the highest circle scroll I want to get quickly."

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"How difficult it would be depends on how much haste you want and how good our timing is. If Felandriel Morgethai has one available, it would be very easy, but if she doesn't you would need to wait a few days for her to scribe one or get a less friendly ninth circle like Razmir involved."

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She explains her idea for moving the army to wherever it needs to be without traversing the intervening space by means of a Gate to Elysium and back. "So I'd like to have one ready by the time everyone is mustered and ready to go, but it's possible Ramien will point out some reason it won't work or Baroness Gaunther will want us to go on foot to get in some skirmishes. It might make sense to check in with them over repeated Sendings, but at ten minutes a casting it would probably be faster to get a scroll of Plane Shift in Absalom, talk to them and possibly Felandriel Morgethai face to face, and come back here if I need to. What kind of 'less friendly' is Razmir, is the risk that he'll charge more or sell me a defective scroll or attack me for asking or what?"

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"Razmir is an archmage who, some years back, took over a country in the river kingdoms and started claiming to be a god. He's very touchy about people not giving him the respect he feels he deserves, but those of the church who have dealt with him say that if you're at least willing to talk around it he usually accepts it. The bigger problem with dealing with him is that he doesn't reliably think things through, which is particularly bad in combination with him having enough personal power to escalate things very quickly without assistance and having a strong dislike for being seen to back down. The church was itself victim of one such incident where he decided being low on liquidity was a good reason to nationalize the banks and seize all of their assets.

"If you were to trade with him for a scroll of gate, I think it would probably go fine, but I can't in good conscience actively recommend it. Most of the time it would go fine, but you'd be taking on a tail risk of him deciding that he could just kidnap you for all your money and magic items instead."

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Bleh. On the one hand, Friends in Places will probably help. On the other hand, she can probably afford to get the scroll from Axis. "I'll see if Felandriel Morgethai has one."

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And he can take her hand and transport her back to the material! Fortunately he gets Almas, though they end up a fair ways from the university; it's usually easier to target cities on the material from Axis, but that doesn't mean it's reliable enough that there wasn't a chance of needing a teleport.

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Nice! (She really needs to get a scroll of Teleport.) But first they can go see about finding Felandriel Morgethai's secretary or mailbox or whatever she uses to handle being an extremely busy person. Hopefully she'll be able to get back to them on the question of whether she has a scroll of Gate today regardless of the answer.

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Felandriel Morgethai is the Provost of the university of Almas, which is necessarily a public facing institution that requires interacting with the rest of the world relatively frequently. Not being an idiot she doesn't stick around on the material in predictable locations, and not being made of spell slots she doesn't use Astral Projection, so instead she has a secretary to forward her things like a normal person.

The number and quality of Brenda's magic items on display might be enough to get her a meeting with said secretary on a reasonable timeframe, but it also might not; fortunately a 6th circle cleric of Abadar definitely is, and they have a relatively short wait before they get a meeting with the woman. It is not generally known whether or not Morgethai is usually watching her, either with a scry or other magical method, but it's generally considered a smart choice to assume she might be rather than try things you'd rather she not notice, like attempt bribery or coerce her secretary with magic.

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She's not here to try any of that! She'd like to buy a scroll of Gate, if one is available or can be scribed in the next few days.

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"I'll let her know."

She doesn't appear to do anything, but about half a minute later Brenda gets a message. 

"What do you expect to use it for? Keeping that secret isn't a deal breaker, but I charge more for scrolls when I don't like how they'll be used and I'd have to check to make sure it wasn't a purchase on the behalf of someone I refuse to sell to."

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"It's for my own use, for the Fifth Mendevian Crusade at the Worldwound. I'm the Knight Commander."

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It's a good thing that this conversation isn't happening in person, because it means there's nobody there to see her blink in surprise. 

"Right. I'll need you to confirm that under Abadar's truth, but that shouldn't be an issue. I assume your companion has it prepared? I'll send Gallipsiwhoop over to pick you up once that's handled."

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"I do."

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And then a foot long dragonfly is hovering in the room with them, ready to observe the enchantment go through.

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She fails her save and repeats herself.

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Gallipsiwhoop confirms that they're not messing with the spell, and then leads them down a hallway to where Felandriel Morgethai keeps the portal to her demiplane. They each have to say the forbiddance password aloud to get through unharmed (particularly given that Rathimus is neither chaotic nor good). The rest of the defenses are temporarily disarmed ahead of their passing or are triggered on things they aren't, like devils. Then they're through a portal door and... in a house. Here and there there's evidence that this entryway also doubles as a killroom in case of emergencies, but past that it's a quite pleasant building looking out onto a meadow in the woods. 

An elven woman with silver hair is waiting for them there, and Gallipsiwhoop flies over to perch on her arm.

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Felandriel Morgethai is obviously powerful and very cool and somewhat intimidating purely on the basis of coolness, to say nothing of the power. (Though it doesn't help that Battle Demon pipes up to inform Brenda that if she wanted to fight her the best place to do it would be Not Here.) But the other magic instincts keep humming in her head, saying that strange archmages are just friends she hasn't met yet, so she smiles.

"Hello; I'm Brenda. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance; thank you for meeting with me on short notice."

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"It's good to meet you as well. Terendelev says that there's a good chance your assistance saved her life, and that's not a resume that many can lay claim to. Are you actually only here about a scroll of gate, or was that claim meant for the ears of my nosy neighbors to the west?"

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It's so weird when people she hasn't met have conversations about her when she isn't there. "I am primarily here for a scroll of Gate, but there may be other things we can do for each other. I'd also buy a scroll of Discern Location if you have one, and if you have any diplomatic questions about the Crusade I'd be happy to answer them."

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"I leave the diplomacy to the supreme elect; Codwin's got a good head on his shoulders, and I'm busy enough with running the university. Scrolls I can do, though you'll want to be careful with gate summoning; a scroll isn't strong enough to control anything more powerful than a Planetar safely, and you'll still need to negotiate payment separately for whatever you summon. I strongly advise anyone who isn't an experienced binder to stick to willing summons."

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"That's good advice and I intend to follow it. I expect there are very few circumstances where compelled assistance is better than willing help." Also she's not particularly planning to use Gate for summoning any time soon, but she's trying to get in the habit of not telling everyone everything about her plans.

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Gate scrolls for summoning are pretty expensive, what with having to use up the incredibly valuable incense and offerings during the scribing process, but discern location is significantly more reasonably priced and neither is outside of what she can afford.

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"What is the function of the incense and so forth? Does it compensate the target plane for their intervention budget somehow?"

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“No, it’s a requirement to let it target by creature instead of by location. Responding to a summons by gate is cheaper than manifesting directly, but if what you’re calling them to do isn’t something they really want to do anyway they’ll usually want compensation to make up for it.”

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"Is it possible to make a cheaper version that targets a location, or does it only stabilise the one way?" It's a question that might have practical applications, but she wants to know even if she doesn't decide to explain her plans for the scroll.

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"Significantly so. That one doesn't take any materials besides what you need to stabilize the spell scaffold in the scroll, but even if you have the incenses available you can't then use it to call an outsider; it's just usually worse than just plane shifting unless you can't get a tuning fork."

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It's going to be obvious what she's using it for when she uses it anyway, since she'll be doing it in front of hundreds of people. "I'd actually prefer to purchase one of that type, if you have one available. I'm intending to use it to get around the limitation on number of targets for a Plane Shift."

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"I don't have one prepared without, but they only take a day or two to make. How many do you think you need?"

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"Just one for now."

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"Then I'll get it to you by tomorrow afternoon."

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They get all the way through the delivery logistics before Brenda nerd-snipes herself with a question about how gravity works in demiplanes. Surely there isn't a sufficient amount of mass hanging around for ballast?

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This one is a little bubble off the ethereal plane, so it borrows the local gravity, but if you cast the 8th circle version of the spell you can change that with experimentation and a bit of tricky spellcraft. She'd normally be willing to demonstrate, but in addition to it taking two eighth circle slots to do and undo it the spell takes four hours to cast. 

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Totally reasonable not to demonstrate that. Brenda hasn't learned anything with a casting time anywhere near that long, yet; is it as much mental activity as casting a short spell for the whole time or are there long periods of just waiting and watching while things proceed basically deterministically? Do wizards know about gravity being a result of space being curved? Is that even true around here?

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It's a fairly intense kind of focus required - create demiplane isn't nearly as bad as what it takes to do a hallow, but it still requires a lot of attention. If you get too jostled or distracted or otherwise interrupted while casting it, the spell fails and unravels from the scaffold, but the more experience you have with casting and the more talented you are the easier it is to not screw up - concentrating on harder spells is harder, but usually by less than casters get more skilled before they can cast them. If she had a silent rod for it or was using a telepathic bond, she could carry on a conversation while casting it, but you'd probably be able to tell you didn't have her full attention and she certainly couldn't cast another spell while doing it.

"Hmm, what would it even mean for space curving to cause gravity - no, that makes sense, actually, the same way a straight line on a sphere curves. I wouldn't expect that to be be the cause, it doesn't match my intuitions from reverse gravity, but it's possible the spell is just misnamed, and uses... telekinesis, maybe, there are some similar components in the structure, though then you'd expect heavier objects to fall upwards more slowly..."

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It's quite possible that gravity works differently around here than where she first learned about it! She'd need to remember and rederive a bunch of math in order to even know exactly what experiments to do. Well, in principle she could check whether light has a speed and how fast it is and whether Greater Teleport is faster, that would be suggestive. What does her experience with Reverse Gravity suggest?

(Ironically, this conversation is itself causing time dilation. Friendship!)

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Reverse gravity is a seventh circle transmutation spell - one of her favorites, in fact, since it completely ignores spell resistance and most defensive abilities other than flight.You create a number of ten foot cubes of space in which things fall upwards at the same rate they would otherwise fall downwards, which if you do it indoors leaves them falling into the ceiling and outdoors just being stuck midair. Her intuition is that if it worked on bending space there would be different behavior at the edges, but instead of you make it to the top you shoot outside the zone a little, fall back down into it, and then spend a bit oscillating until about half your mass is on each side. It also doesn't do anything to obscure or lens vision.

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Wow, yeah, with the kind of gravity she's familiar with she'd expect weirder behaviour at the edges. At least for a strong enough gravity field. She wonders what would happen if you cast it on a heavier or lighter planet, or in outer space--if you go to outer space you're in free fall, right?

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"It's less powerful on the moon, but I've never checked on the other planets; by the time I could get to them, I was pretty much retired from adventuring. As for space... well, there's still gravity in freefall, so I expect it would work about like normal if you were close enough to the planet, but anyone who's not in orbit has some way of getting around that it wouldn't block, and if you were in an orbit you'd leave the spell behind pretty quickly."

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"It's really cool that you've been to the moon! I wasn't even thinking about using it on someone, just about whether the spell would do anything noticeable if you were far from everything and not in orbit."

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"I expect it would work at least a little, as long as you were near enough to the sun, but if you went out far enough past the stranger... hmm. I expect you could notice it if you were careful in measurements, but not otherwise."

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"That sounds right, but what's 'the stranger'?"

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"The eleventh planet in our solar system, also sometimes called Aucturn."

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Odd name for a planet, but not all that much odder than fictional gods. "When you said you were retired from adventuring by the time you were able to reach other planets, did you just mean that you didn't want to travel for that long, or are they dangerous? Beyond the ordinary unbreathable air and storms and so on, I mean."

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"Some of both. I run a university, which doesn't stop generating work just because I'm not there, and of course whenever I'm gone for too long my neighbors start getting ideas. The main reason, though, is that I try and avoid risks where I can, and while I'm sure there are places on other planets that would be safe enough to visit I don't know where they are."

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"Makes sense. Do you ever miss adventuring, or is the university work more satisfying?"

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"There are days when I miss it, but mostly they're few and far between, especially since near the end I wasn't getting much from it. If I was talking about what I miss the most it would be the days before the war, when I had more freedom to teach and meet with students to help them out in person."

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"Yeah. It's good that you're keeping everyone else safe, and it's not fair that you have to hide. I hope things get easier someday."

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"The same goes to you. The demons may not be as organized as the devils, but that doesn't mean they're not plenty dangerous."

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"Thank you. Speaking of which, I should get back to Kenabres and talk about logistics some more, but it was awesome meeting you. I'd love to take some classes here someday, if I can spare the time."

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"I'd be happy to have you."

Gallipsiwhoop can lead them back through the defenses on the way out, disabling again the ones that automatically re-armed, and then set them all up again as he returns to the demiplane. When Brenda emerges once again from the hallway, it is slightly lighter than currency and a scroll of discern location heavier, with the promise of another delivery on the way shortly.

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One more scroll purchase while she's in a big city (regular Teleport), and they can head back to Kenabres! Brenda appreciates Rathimus' work today very much; the Crusade will have a lot more options now.

Her next port of call is the temple of Desna.

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The temple of Desna is right where she left it, though with rather fewer people sheltering there than the first time she stopped by, presumably due to most of them returning to their homes. Ramien himself is inside the building but easily findable.

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"Hi! Can I talk to you in private for a few minutes? It's not bad news and nothing scale-of-minutes urgent, just a question I think you're equipped to answer."

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"Certainly! I've got a bit before I've got anything planned."

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"Awesome." To a meeting room!

"So, I have a clever idea for something that might be useful for the Crusade, and I need you to tell me if it's actually clever, or stupid and dangerous."

"I have the ability to cast Gate as many times as I want, and it seems like it should be possible to use that to move the army farther than they can otherwise march in a day by having people march through a Gate to another plane and then through a second Gate to their destination. I figure if this is a good idea at all then Elysium will be the best place to do it, because it's infinite and I can aim for somewhere really far away from anyone, but I don't know if I'll be able to find somewhere that's safe enough or if having a bunch of people passing through will bother the gods or cost them a ton of intervention budget or anything."

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He smiles brightly.

"No, I cannot imagine that being an issue. Desna is certainly wholly in favor, and I expect others besides her - Cayden, Pulara, and Tolc at least, and I would be surprised to hear Kofusachi or Keltheald or Sinashakti speak against it. if you do choose somewhere isolated the uninhabited parts of Elysium are not wholly safe, but for an army traveling to fight demons I would not expect many problems."

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"That's great! And I'll be on the Elysium end the whole time, so I'll notice if something goes wrong. Do you know of a specific area that would be good for this, or should I just aim for somewhere uninhabited?"

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"Hmm. I expect Cayden's fields of battle would be one of the more secure places, if you were looking for somewhere with Azata to fend off any demonic efforts; his and Gorum's realm would be some of the better places if you were looking for help as well, though the latter is likely also willing to assist the demons against you as well. Desna doesn't spend much time in elysium herself, but her realm is always open to use by travelers. Beyond that, though, I would have to call up some of the Azatas I know and ask them."

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"So, Cayden's fields if I'm worried about demons trying to get through the Gate at either end, Desna's realm if I'm confident we can secure both sides? Sounds good. I'll probably do the former at least the first time, just to be on the safe side."

"Is Arueshalae still staying here? I'd like to say hello to her, check if she's settling in alright."

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"She is; I think she might appreciate that."

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"Then I'll go and find her next. Anything I can do for you while I'm here?"

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"Not that I can think of at the moment, though if the gates are actually unlimited rather than practically there are a number of places I would love a chance to go to some day."

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She smiles. "I think the main constraint is going to be my time, and I expect I'll be able to find time to go travelling with you."

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"I'll look forward to it then."

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When Brenda finds Arueshalae, she's in one of the rooms set up for visiting desnans. It's relatively small and unadorned, particularly given the woman hasn't done even temporary decoration, but seems cozy enough. She's still wearing the same blue outfit Brenda gave her, with the her wings tucked away in the back - from the looks of things, Arueshalae was praying when Brenda arrived, but the sound of her footsteps outside the door was enough to catch her attention.

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"Hello--is this an okay time? I just wanted to stop by and chat."

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"Yes. I'm grateful for all he's done for me, but there's not much I can do to help Ramien or anyone else here."

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"I'm glad you feel safe enough here to be thinking about how you can help," she says warmly. "Is there a particular kind of thing you'd like to do?"

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"I don't know. Fighting demons, I suppose, since my cover is blown."

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"Uh, to be clear, I'm not trying to recruit you? I really did just want to say hi and ask how you were settling in. If you want to fight demons, you'd be welcome, or if you wanted to get a non-combat job doing logistics work, but if you want to be done with everything Abyss-related forever and go study wizardry or something I can help with that too."

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Even the person who's running an army doesn't want her help and would only take her on out of obligation Even if that were true it would be nothing less than she deserved.

"I hurt a lot of people, enough that I can't make up for it, but I owe it to them and to Desna to try if I can."

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Brenda still feels like she has no idea how morality works, but she can do friendship, at least. 

"Then I would be happy to have you fighting beside me."

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Arueshalae smiles, slightly.

"I won't let you down."

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Brenda smiles back! "Have you met my friend Ember? She was one of the people who came to Drezen with me, but we didn't have much time to talk then, and I think you'd like her." 

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"I haven't. Was she the kitsune, the elf, or the... tiefling?"

The third girl didn't quite look right for that to be the case but she's not sure what else would fit more.

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"The elf. The kitsune is Nenio, who's amazing if you want to talk about magic; the one with the blue face is Wenduag, who's a Neather--that means she's from the cave system under Kenabres--and the paladin is Seelah. I'd love to introduce you to everyone, but we've got to go in some kind of order and Ember is super nice and I've been meaning to visit her today anyway."

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She'd be worried about lying to them, but the people who came to rescue her already know she's a succubus.

"I'd be happy to meet your friends."

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"Ember is usually hanging out on a street corner somewhere taking care of animals; if we go for a walk we'll probably find her soon enough." Especially if she's right about how Time Enough For Love seems to mess with conversations had while walking to make sure they're always at a reasonable stopping point at the end of the trip. "Have you had a chance to see much of Kenabres yet, or have you been staying inside?"

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"I've gone out some, but... mostly to watch people, not to go traveling. I've seen some of the places near the temple, and near where I was staying the first day, but not the rest of the city."

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"Well, we can go see some more of it. I'm not much of a tour guide--I've only been here about a week--but it's still a cool city. Shall we?"

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Arueshalae will happily follow Brenda on a tour!

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Ember is, as predicted, in the streets near the market square, though she doesn't seem to be currently talking to any animals besides Soot.

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"Hi Ember! I thought it would be nice for me and you and Arueshalae to all spend some time together. How have you been?" And are you disappointed in me for taking a job that involves killing lots of demons.

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"It's been nice. Everyone seems much less scared now."

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"Yeah, it's nice to see everything getting rebuilt and going back to normal. And if we manage to move the Wardstone inward, it's less likely to happen again." Probably Drezen will gradually accumulate civilians too, and there will always be some kind of dangerous border area until and unless the rift gets closed, but at least the people living here will get to see the danger moving farther away.

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"Is that your plan? If the demons have to go back to the abyss... I think they'll get hurt more, but they might also hurt other people less, and that's just as bad for them."

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"I really don't know how to deal with the fact that there are infinite demons. Even if demons who came to Golarion were way better off and also didn't harm anyone here, that still wouldn't solve anything, because Golarion could fill up and build space colonies and there would still be infinite demons having a bad time in the Abyss."

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"I don't think there are infinite demons. There are a lot of us - them, but there are parts enough of the abyss that are far enough out or deep enough that there aren't many demons, and most demons come from mortals one way or another. Maybe if you count the lurkers too, but I'm not sure they're infinite either."

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"That's--good, I think. And a reminder that I shouldn't believe everything I read. There's probably still more demons than I have any idea how to help without, like, changing the fundamental nature of the Abyss somehow. I think maybe the most important thing, if I had any way to do it which I absolutely do not, would be to stop people from going to afterlives they don't want to go to in the first place."

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"I know some demons try to steal souls from the river, but that's the kind of thing that's dangerous even for the really strong ones - there are angels and devils and psychopomps guarding it, and if you do it too much you risk making Pharasma mad. All the other ways I know of to change the sorting only involve sending them somewhere bad, like malediction."

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"Do you know why the asymmetry? Both "why don't Azatas try to steal Evil people's souls from the river" and "why Malediction"?

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"I don't know for sure. Whenever we talked of it amongst ourselves, we just treated it as a sign of the inherent weakness of good, and the only time I've had a prolonged conversation with an Azata was when I was trying to break them."

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Auuugh she is supposed to have magic powers of not putting her foot in her mouth. Possibly what she has in this conversation is instead magic powers of being able to react gracefully to the existence of painful topics. And not asking any questions about what there was to be gained by 'breaking' anybody or whether it worked. 

"I'm hoping to get to meet some Azatas at some point; maybe we'll be able to get their perspective on it."

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"I'm sure they'll have better advice for you."

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"If I want to actually make things better, I'm going to need all the advice I can get--yours, theirs, and everyone else's. It feels like every problem I can imagine solving is just a corner of a much bigger problem, and if I'm not careful I'll fix one thing and make another thing worse."

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"Maybe that sometimes happens, but I think it's the wrong way to look at it. It's not that every problem is a part of a big problem, it's that every big problem is made up of little problems that you can deal with now. I don't think helping people will just make things worse."

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"Yeah. I do think pushing the Worldwound line back will be net good, and closing it would probably be better."

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That won't get any disagreement from her. 

"Do you know what your next step will be?"

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"Broadly speaking, 'get the army moving toward Drezen and see what attacks us'. Or did you mean on a smaller scale than that?"

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"I was wondering if there was anything I could tell you that would still be true by the time it was relevant. I'd been doing a lot of spying in Drezen, though, and most of it was pretty recent - from just before I got captured."

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"Ooh, yes actually, I'd love to know roughly how many demons are there, and who the most dangerous ones are, and, how to put this, how dug in they are? How hard are they likely to fight to keep it if they have the opportunity to run away? And have they been preparing for a siege or making the buildings more defensible or anything organized like that?"

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"Not much organized in terms of defenses - the gates are at least sometimes repaired, but most of the wall is crumbling. It's not a recent enough victory to be fun to lord it over the humans and it's not a good staging ground for raiding, so it doesn't get many... demonic tourists. It had a fairly experienced force under Aponivicus, but when Derrazand took over that left with him, so last I had heard there weren't many capable commanders. He does have connections of his own, though, so what he lacks in officers he makes up for with individual combatants - in addition to Minagho and the Minotaurs running the prison, I know there's at least one vampire that helped do architecture on the prison, and I'd heard Janeamine had left for the attack on Kenabres but she might have returned if she survived."

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"I suspect that in war everything is harder than it sounds, but that sounds less bad than I was worried about. Though I've heard vampires are really bad news."

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Arueshalae looks slightly troubled.

"You're right. I didn't consider it, since they can't affect me with their mind control, but they're a much bigger concern for mortals. It might make sense to try and do the attack during daytime if you can, then."

And she'll have to see if she can work out by process of elimination where he kept his coffin. 

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"If their main thing is mind control I should try to fight this one personally. Or both of us if you think it makes tactical sense for you to be there. I don't suppose anyone knows why vampires are vulnerable to sunlight?" Because she could absolutely deck herself out in blacklights, but she can't match the frequency mix of the local star and if it's something more conceptual then it wouldn't matter even if she could. Maybe she could make a sort of sunlight grenade by making a sphere with a mirrored inner surface except for a small patch, holding it in the sun, capping that patch, and then reversing the process, but there are so many ways that could go wrong that it's better to just stab the vampire like a normal superhumanly strong person.

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"I've heard it attributed to Sarenrae, but I don't know if that's true... lots of undead are hurt by sunlight, not just vampires, and there are light based spells that hurt them too."

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"Good to know. Are vampires one of the ones that come back unless you kill them in a very specific way or do they die from being stabbed a lot?" She's going to need to be careful to separate her actual knowledge of vampires from all the cruft of earth popular culture. Also, she is a lot more similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer than she used to be and this is amusing.

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“Yes. Whenever they die, they go back to their coffin, but if they’re too far away to reach it they can die for good. Sunlight also takes them out permanently if they can’t escape very quickly, and staking them through the heart puts them down until someone removes the stake.”

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"Okay, so stabbing and taking somewhere else in whatever order. Is 'too far' more like a mile or more like a continent or what? And do they have any other nasty tricks besides the mind control?"

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"More than a mile, less than a hundred? I'm not sure if it varies between vampires, but I haven't made a habit of fighting many of them. As for what they can do... they're extremely strong, fast, and tough, they can turn into animals or clouds of mist, they can steal people's life force with a touch, and they usually have a few other magical abilities."

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"Thanks. It's going to be really helpful to be going in prepared."

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Arueshalae is glad she can help at least a little.

...If Brenda is going to go talk with the crusade leadership next she should probably stay behind, her disguise is far from flawless.

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It would probably be useful to have her there if the crusade leadership were going to be sensible about her, but Brenda doesn't predict that they will be sensible, so, yeah. Sorry. 

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The baroness is busy enough that it looks for a minute like she's going to have to wait on that, but the guards recognize her and she's waved through instead. From the looks of things she was in the middle of something when Brenda arrived, but at least she doesn't look annoyed at the interruption?

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"It's not scale-of minutes urgent, if you want me to come back later? I think I have a way to let the army move many days' march every day."

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"That might not be minutes urgent, but that changes things enough that it might make everything else I do in the meantime irrelevant so we might as well go over it. How secret is the method?"

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Tippy-hand gesture. "The details are secret, but the whole army is going to see the general idea--but if the demons don't find out about it until we do it it'll be harder to interfere with. If we want to do it multiple times we'll have to learn to do it without the element of surprise, and I think we'll be able to, but it might be worth having it the first time."

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She'll cast silent table from a scroll, then. 

"What are the plan-relevant details on it, then? Does it have a limited number of targets? Are we limited on what kind of mass we can transport? And how many days are we talking?"

She gestures to a map.

"There's only one really good ford ahead of us that we'll have to take en route to Drezen, at least if we want somewhere we can maintain lines of supply to it from Mendev and from it to our siege camps near Drezen, but there are fortifications there to hamper any crossings and the demons are likely to try and make us pay to get there. If we spend the first few weeks marching normally, though, and can hit them with the main force while they think we're still several days off... that would be a worthy place to spend our element of surprise, if we can maintain it until then, since there's not another chokehold that good for them until we're nearly there."

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"It's actually both better and more complicated than that. I can cast Gate as many times as I want, and I think by alternating between two gates we can get the army from anywhere to anywhere via Elysium. The risk is that we'll be bottlenecked coming out at the far end, and depending on how good of a staging ground I can find we may have to have part of the army come out at the far end before everyone's gone into Elysium at the near end, and they'll have to hang on until the rest of them show up. So at a minimum I'll want to do some scouting to make sure they don't come out right on top of a bunch of demons. But if we do it right we can come out on the far side of the fortifications and hit them from a direction they're not expecting on a day they're not expecting."

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"And you're sure these gates definitely go to Elysium and not, say, the first world?"

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"My understanding is that Gate always goes to both the plane and the location within the plane you want. Have you heard of it misfiring? It's not through an item, if you're worried I got a cursed one." She'd offer to go off somewhere and make one and go through with her party to scout, but she's pretty sure that impulse comes from the desire to fool around in Elysium DFEWing random Azatas and not from actual caution.

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“My understanding is that gates to the fey realm are rather easier than to further planes, and there are many places that could pass for either without detailed examination. The stories are clear that there are some of their kind that would delight in a large group of mortals wandering into their territory thinking it Elysium. An army wielding cold iron rather less so, admittedly, but refraining from examining the mouth of a gift horse is just asking to be bitten.”

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"Is that a failure mode that would apply to casting Gate from a scroll, if the scroll was itself trustworthy? Either way, I can take my party through one to scout before we try it with the army." She'll need to make sure can reliably aim for Cayden Cailean's battlefield and not e.g. some other guy with a similar name's turnip patch anyway. She can pick an amount of time to scout for and come back after that time and tell Seelah not to let her get distracted by random Azatas.

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“Not by accident. Fey Gate is a full circle simpler and nobody skilled enough to make either would confuse them. My concern was for an item professing to provide such gates at will, not a scroll whose workings can be verified.”

Which doesn’t mean she’s not blindingly curious as to where someone would get that many scrolls of Gate from, much less ones that they were willing to spend so freely here, but she wouldn’t be able to demand that kind of answer even if Brenda was her subordinate rather than the other way around.

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Yeah, sorry, Brenda is for real keeping this one under her hat."Then I might still scout just to get all the logistical details figured out, but I trust my source. Does using it to attack the fortifications at the ford make sense to you? I do think we should keep operating under the assumption that we'll need overland or Teleport-based supply lines, not because I expect to lose the Gates option but because I can't share it and don't want to be a single point of failure for too many things."

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"Yes. There's the temptation to hit a bunch of the roadblocks at once, or just skip straight to Drezen, but the former risks us getting into a serious fight when our soldiers are exhausted and if the latter goes poorly even a gate might not be enough for everyone to retreat safely. We should have a solid advantage in over the demons for at least the next several months, and I'd rather use a handful of gates to build on that than go for a larger gamble and risk more than we need to."

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Nod nod. She looks at the map again. "Does it make sense to go straight from here to the far side of the river, or are there likely enough demons between here and there that we'll need to go overland most of the way to the river to secure our rear and then use Gates to skip the crossing? I also have a Lord's Banner of Swiftness, if that affects the choice either way."

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"I'm not familiar with that magic item, but from context I assume it does something about how quickly the army can travel? If so, I don't think so..."

She frowns, and sketches a quick map.

"No, actually, I think we could. Not much further than that, but we could ship goods up to the ford by water, so it wouldn't be totally cut off. It would be better to have the banks cleared to reduce the number of attacks on any supply barges, but we could set the troops we expect to save from not marching through to defend them we could still come out ahead on men and time. That would make the next geographical issue..."

She draws another circle, up north of the one around the ford.

"At Leper's Smile Canyon. That one I'm less sure we can skip across, though, as much as I'd like to. There are paths across without dipping into the ravines, but not enough to pin a supply line to and especially not when every twist and turn is a demonic ambush waiting to happen. We'll need to get there and hold long enough to build bridges for at least the worst of it."

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"Apologies, yes, it makes the same effort cover more ground. I've heard of the possibility of supplying the army by teleport, if the funding situation works out for it. I imagine that wouldn't change the tradeoffs very much, because the Wardstones would still need to be moved overland through territory mostly cleared of demons, but is it something worth discussing?"

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"I've looked at some of the estimates for what it costs Cheliax, and as long as a normal supply route is possible I'd almost always rather sell the teleports to buy more supplies, or better yet use them for strike teams. Especially when we're operating inside the wound - we can't teleport across the boundary either, so it's paying the full price for 900 miles travel to get things a fifth that distance, half of which has a perfectly good river."

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"So, hit the fortifications from their rear as soon as I've done some scouting and the army is ready to move, then overland from there until somewhere on the other side of the canyon? Sounds good. I should be able to get the scouting done tomorrow morning at the latest, or today if tomorrow would be holding everyone else up."

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"I'll see about getting some of our veteran units prepared to go first, in case the demons catch on before we have the whole army through and we need to fight with just the vanguard. I think we could be ready by tomorrow if you were, but I wouldn't turn down another day of drilling fast marches through narrow corridors. Inheritor go with you."

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"And with you as well."

And then she'll go convene Nenio, Seelah, Ember, Wenduag, and Arueshalae and find out who wants to go scouting with her and when they'll be ready! (After a subjectively leisurely but sidereally brief break to get Alpina caught up on everything and speculate excitedly with her about what Elysium will be like. And maybe get sidetracked into the physics of how Gate works and how the planes are laid out in higher-dimensional space for twenty minutes. Whatever. She has Time Enough For Love.)

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Seelah still has most of her spells for today thanks to an absence of emergencies; she's fine going now. There's other stuff she could be doing but there will be other stuff she could be doing tomorrow and this is more important.

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Arueshalae has very complicated feelings about going to Elysium but if Brenda thinks she'd be helpful, she owes it to the girl to try.

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Nenio is a lot more interested in the gate than Elysium, so she'll probably just be watching it as long as it’s up, but if Brenda has something in mind for afterwards sure!

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And Wenduag, as always, is not one to turn down requests from her mistress even if they're phrased like she could refuse.

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Ember doesn't really have any special attachment to Elysium as a place but spending time with her friend sounds fun.

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Great! Nenio is encouraged to watch the Gates and Brenda is excited to look over any notes she takes about them. Step one is to go find somewhere on the outskirts of town where nobody demonic or otherwise is paying attention to them, and then: Gate!

It's a rush, channeling that much magic. It's vastly more than she's ever handled at once, and she can see why using scrolls to cast spells you can't hang doesn't always work--it's a lot of power to hold onto and keep aimed in the right direction as it pours out of a spell structure with quite a lot of tricky twists and turns. But as long as she stays in control it's like riding a rocket. And three seconds later it turns into something stabler, albeit something she still has to think about, and there's a five-foot-wide hole in the air with somewhere else behind it.

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Nenio has greater detect magic up before Brenda starts casting, and maintains the divination as the spell unfurls from the scroll into an interplanar scaffold and then bends space into a large circular passageway. She has one hand scribbling notes, but enough of her attention is elsewhere that her handwriting is bad even by her own standards.

…There might be a problem or two with Nenio’s plan to just watch the gate, like the fact that it’ll only stay open as long as Brenda concentrates or that she seems to have forgotten the part where she goes through it, but she doesn’t seem to have noticed either in favor of being excited.

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So this is a gate. It’s not as obviously impressive as the bolt of heavenly light that Brenda called down to defeat that cultist or when she defeated Savamalekh, but Wenduag is uneducated, not stupid. The raid on Drezen was enough to impress on her the value of magical transportation, and this is a greater achievement than that - a gateway large enough for a whole tribe to travel though, and magic enough to impress the wizard girl.

If she had somehow maintained any doubts until now about Brenda’s strength, this would have ended them, but in fact she just appreciates the show and readies to prove her worth. She won’t give Brenda cause to regret choosing her, no matter what these Azata are capable of.

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It’s easy to tell where the material ends and Elysium begins, but that fact would still be true if there wasn’t an obvious portal hanging in the air. For one thing, it seems to be an Elysian night, but light is sufficient to make navigation easy even for those without darkvision and the silvery moonshine makes the droplets of dew sparkle. The plants also seem rather more vibrant, even compared to those on the side of Kenabres opposite the wound, and the difference in fauna is even more pronounced. 

The portal doesn’t seem to have opened directly onto any Azata, but there’s more than enough signs of habitation to rule out them having ended up in one of Elysium’s trackless wilds.

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Oooh it's so pretty. If you had asked her "will Elysium be pretty" she would have said "yes, that sounds narratively appropriate", but she had been thinking mainly about the practicalities and so is pleasantly surprised. Also: oh no, timezones. Probably they can set up some lanterns if it's still night tomorrow morning and the army has trouble staying organized. 

Onward! . . . "Nenio you'll get to see more Gates if you come through with the rest of us."

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"Huh, what was that?"

Nenio blinks away her confusion, but cooperatively walks through the gate to look at it from the other side.

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Ember starts to walk through after her, then turns around and... doesn't offer her hand, because with how Arueshalae feels about touch that would be cruel instead of supportive. Instead she'll try an encouraging smile.

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Stay calm, Arueshalae. You're different from how you used to be, you won't try and ruin Elysium. Desna saved you for a reason.

It's not totally convincing, but it's enough that she manages to put one trembling foot in front of another until she's on the other side, and somehow the realm of heroes doesn't reject her for her trespass.

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Coming up behind them - though making no particular effort to be stealthy - is a winged woman with the lower body of a snake. In her hands is a lute, but a sheathed sword rests by her side, and in the air next to her flutters a miniature amber-colored humanoid surrounded by bubbles. When she speaks, it's as much a song as it is recognizable words, and while the words are somewhat cautious she doesn't appear to be hostile.

"Hail, travelers."

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Ooh, they're both pretty. "Hello! I'm Brenda; it's nice to meet you." She introduces the rest of the party.

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"I am known as Azariel, and this is Exie."

The Ataxian flying next to her waves one of his hands.

"What brings you here? It is not so rare that visitors arrive from Golarion, but traversing a gate most assuredly is, and you have both unusually much and unusually little magic for adventurers."

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Haha yeah she is doing everything extremely out of order isn't she. "I'm going to be leading an army to fight the demons that are invading Golarion, and I'd like to use Gates to help them get where they need to go. So I'm looking for somewhere out of the way where it won't cause problems if a lot of people walk in and then shortly walk back out again."

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Azariel isn't exactly a customs agent - putting aside how Elysium is very much not the kind of place to have customs agents, if they were nobody would ask her to be part of it. She briefly considers the possibility that they might be lying and planning to invade Elysium instead, and if she should do anything about it if they were, but then decides that if anyone actually did that she could just make that the Gorumites' problem. Some of them would probably fight alongside the invaders, of course, but if she asked them they'd just say it was more interesting that way or something.

"That's the good thing about Elysium, there's always somewhere out of the way. Even a few million people wouldn't bother many people unless they decided to move in long term. Is there anything else you need from your location, like temperatures? I think I remember that being a bigger deal for mortals."


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"Yeah, it needs human-survivable temperatures--a little on the cold side is okay because we're coming from somewhere cold, but not much below the freezing point of water--and roughly this atmosphere, I can give more details on that if it varies a lot, and roughly this gravity, and--Nenio, what am I forgetting? Barometric pressure! This area is pretty good on that front too."

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"It also needs to be somewhere that the ground is solid enough to stand up to a lot of weight, and that isn't slippery." 

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"Oh, I know just the spot! Follow me!"

The Ataxian flies off, then circles back around when it realizes that they can't all fly.

"We used it for this one dance party, but I don't think anyone's hosting one that big near here soon."

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"Yes, also those! Thanks, Wenduag." She follows the Ataxian, in flying cloud of glitter form but at a speed everyone else will be able to keep up with easily. "We'll be coming through tomorrow and then probably not again for a while, and when we do I'll make sure the area is free again first."

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A short flight and one hill later, Exie arrives at a large clearing. In the center is a small rise, and along the edges of the clearing are a few massive trees with roots that hang around above ground for long enough to make benches of various sizes. The moon and starlight are joined by various bioluminescent fungi in a wide array of colors.

"Do you think this will work?"

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She visualizes nine thousand people moving in columns through the space, adds the supply wagons with their horses and mules and their need for slightly smoother ground. She'll come in there, she thinks, and put the exit there. "This will be lovely, thank you! By the way, may I ask what kind of being you are? I haven't met one before."

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"I'm an Ataxian! An azata of courage, drinking, and parties!"

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"And of bar fights."

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"Only when it's for a good cause! It's like the big man always says - you gotta be the scrappy underdog rising to the occasion, not the bully throwing their weight around."

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Brenda has a vague sense that continuing this interaction will result in being taught the True Meaning of Party as something other than "a group of people who would prefer she wasn't there, being very loud", but decides she's fine with that. "Does that mean you never get in bar fights with each other, since you can't both be the underdog, or is it alright if you're evenly matched and having a good time?"

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"Well, sometimes things do get a little heated. But we can't really hurt each other when sober and it's even harder when we're drunk, so there's never any lasting injuries, and once we've seen each other's commitment it's easy to make up afterwards. Or make out, depending. So all's well that ends well!"

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Amused but friendly snort. "Glad you're having fun! Hey, mind if I use my ability-copying power on you and see what I get?" Possibly she'll never find out what she gets because it will only kick in when she gets drunk or something, but whatever.

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“Oh, sure!”

Being an Ataxian is awesome and more people should get to do it.

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Dragon Fairy Elf Witch! She acquires an aura of tiny bubbles and turns it off and back on again.

"Ooh, looks like I can conjure somethi--whoops!" Brenda laughs as a pint of ale materializes in front of her, minus the pint glass, and she utterly fails to catch it in the hand extended for this purpose. "And the other one is a one-a-day transmutation for . . . operating a variety of mechanisms? It's so flexible I'm not sure where to start." She squints even though the spell structure is in her head, and her irises do the spinny loading icon thing. "Oh, it's for picking locks! That'll come in handy sooner than later."

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"Always useful to be able to get past a lock when you need to. Like treasure chests, or jail cells."

The usefulness of being able to create alcohol of course goes without saying.

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"And it's just one action, not two? Normally magically creating beer takes two spells, one to make water and another to transform it, but I suppose I have heard people say Caydenites can do it as a cantrip..."

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"Yup, definitely one action! Or possibly it's two magical actions happening really fast and triggered by a single mental action rather than one magical action.  Now that I've done it once I think I can do either ale or wine but not, like, vodka, or piña colada, or for that matter water."

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"Distilled alcohol is pretty tough to do with magic, so a lot of us just make it ourselves and then share it with each other - if you want some, I can go get it! What's a Pina Colada, though?"

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"Nah, don't worry about it, I was just curious. A piña colada is a cocktail with pineapple juice and coconut cream and rum and a lot of shaved ice," which she has technically never had because she's too young to drink, but it's good without the rum at any rate. 

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She's so lost as to what any of those things are - she'd say except for the ice, but she's never heard of a kind with hair.

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Arueshalae, meanwhile, is listening as carefully as she can without being obvious about it to everything. Elysium is very different from what she imagined, but - most of the differences are good ones, and it makes sense that there are ways to be good and make other people happy that wouldn't even occur to a demon like her.

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"Ooh! Azariel, I know what I want to do after this - do you know where we can find a coconut tree?"

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"Yes, though I'm less sure about the pineapple. We might need to go on a bit of an adventure."

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Brenda could potentially Dressing Room a pineapple hat, but her friendship instincts are telling her not to ruin their excuse for an adventure. "Have fun! Azariel, mind if I copy you too?"

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"I can't think of anything, so go for it!"

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And now Brenda can swap back and forth between having human legs and a snake tail! Her snake tail is purple and Dressing Room automatically adjusts her clothes to match and puts a tasteful stretchy headband with trailing ribbons on it.

"Ooooh, this is really neat!" she says, clumsily attempting to slither. "Also what's your once a day divination spell? I can't tell what it does other than affect myself somehow."

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“Divination… either talking with animals or talking with plants, I think, though if it’s copying spells it could be identify or read magic or something?”

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"Woah, you can understand animals? And plants? How does that work?" She bounces up and down in excitement, which turns out to still work with a snake tail.

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"Lots of animals can already understand people, and communicate back to an extent; the magic helps you turn your words into something that they'll be able to comprehend, and understand what they're trying to communicate back. It doesn't make them any smarter than they were, so some animals are still pretty hard to get through to. Talking with plants is a lot harder, though, and takes a more complicated magic - if I didn't have it from being a Lillend it would be a stronger spell than I could cast. With plant creatures, it's just a trickier bit of speaking with animals, but for normal vegetation... the experience of being a plant is really different from being an outsider or a mortal. They have very different senses and relationships with time, so you can't ask them for directions or anything, but you can ask them what the weather has been like or if there's been woodpeckers or stuff like that."

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"That's such a logical way for it to be! I guess if it's Speak With Plants I can try it out now and if it's Speak With Animals I'm probably going to have to wait for tomorrow anyway. Unless you don't mind introducing me to some animals later, Ember?"

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"Some of my friends get nervous around people they don't know, but I can ask who'd want to talk with you."

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"Thanks! We should be getting on with things," she adds to Azariel, "but it was lovely meeting you both. Have fun!"

"So, I've been thinking, and for scouting the other side it'll be better for surprise later if nobody notices the Gate. So I'm thinking I'll open it with the far end way up in the air, go through invisible and flying and come right back." 

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Wenduag thinks back to how the gate looked when they crossed through, and assesses it against the sky.

”If you opened it up facing away from them, that might work, but some demons have really good senses. Is there a way to make it invisible too?”

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“Not exactly, but you could do something pretty similar with the right illusion magic. Demons have true seeing and good willpower, of course, but the former is pretty short range and willpower only lets you see through an illusion if you interact it, so if I was quick enough to put it up right as you finished the gate they probably couldn’t see anything even in theory unless one of them happened to be right next to it. You’d still need nondetection or mind blank for see invisibility, though.”

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"I don't have Mind Blank but I can do a communal Nondetection." Because Alpina is the best and coolest.

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"Then unless I mess up the illusion, I don't think that leaves any vulnerabilities."

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"I don't know for sure that the very strongest demons don't have anything, but that kind of stealth would have been more than enough for anyone I dealt with."

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"Sounds good. Nenio, do you think you can illusion a return Gate from the Elysium side, or do I need to do all my scouting and come back before the first one closes?" 

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"I wouldn't be able to see you casting, so it would be hard to get the timing exactly right and there might be a second or two where it's not covered. If I went across with you, though, it would work just fine."

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"Can you fly? I don't think I can carry you in axiomite form, it's too insubstantial."

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"It's a third circle wizard spell! I'd have to rederive it since I don't have it in my spellbook, but I have levitate so it's probably not too hard."

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"How long do you think that will take, and will it be faster if I help?"

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"If everything went smoothly, it would take about three weeks to re-derive it in full, but if I'm willing to settle for something that just functions I might be able to do it in one, though it might not be as good. Researching with you would go much more quickly!"

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"I'm sorry if this is obvious, but couldn't you just find someone who already has the spell and learn it from them?"

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"She could, but rederiving it is more fun. I don't think either of those is going to work for scouting the ford today, but I would love to help you with it later!" To think that she ever thought Time Enough For Love might not be useful. "For today I think I should stick to one Gate and get all my scouting done in a minute and a half." It's very convenient that she already DFEWed a hawk and will be able to see a lot from high up. While she's thinking about it she DFEWs a bumblebee, for the ultraviolet vision.

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Nenio is still halfway paying attention to the world around her, but the rest of her attention has already gone into figuring out the first steps on reverse engineering Fly. She'd say she couldn't help it, but that would imply there was a reason she would want to try, and for the most part the only thing that can divert Nenio from science is other science.

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That's so reasonable but they need to do a bunch of stuff at the same time. She does the Nondetection and the Invisibility and then asks, "Nenio, are you ready to do the illusion on the Gate as soon as it goes up?"

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She puts her hands in the starting position for the somatic components, and prepared to time it to finish exactly alongside Brenda’s casting.

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Arueshalae will get her bow ready, then, and enhance it with Gravity Bow before following the transmutation up with Cat's Grace and Eyes of the Falcon. It's not enchanted like her old bow, and the draw weight leaves much to be desired, but between the magic and her knowledge of demonic anatomy it should still let her help a little in a fight. If one of them does try to chase Brenda back the gate, she'll be ready.

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And Wenduag will string her own bow, because she's not going to be outdone that easily.

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Seelah has her sword out for the same reasons, though she hopes the stealth works well enough that it won't be necessary.

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Brenda smiles appreciatively at the backup, makes eye contact with Nenio, and counts down "3, 2, 1, now." The Gate goes up, small and horizontal, and an invisible cloud of glitter drops through it.

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An illusion the color of empty sky covers both her and the gate, but to Brenda's True Seeing it look like someone turned the transparency all the way down; it doesn't impede her vision in the slightest even before she finishes flying out of the affected area.

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Villareth's Ford is, in a word, old. As a the best location to cross the West Sellen for several hundred miles around, the location has seen use by various sophonts inhabiting Sarkoris and Mendev for over two millenia, and not even the incursion of the worldwound and the displacement of the Kellids was enough to change that. In the third year of the fourth crusade, the Mendevian army constructed a stone redoubt to command the river's western bank and ensure that none of their supply caravans would have to make a contested crossing, and over the years since engineers expanded the strongpoint and set about making the river even easier for heavily laden wagons to cross. When the fourth crusade ended in a bloody stalemate, the position was judged too exposed to house a wardstone and the crusader lines withdrew across the river, leaving it in the hands of the demons.

It's not the largest fortress, nor the most manned; while the structures were clearly designed to retain as much effectiveness as possible even when operated by a skeleton crew, the positioning of lookouts on the wall seems to leave a lot of gaps in their coverage; even if she weren't invisible and flying, it seems likely she could get a small group fairly close to the structure without being noticed. Unfortunately, the structure has been in demonic hands for far less time than Drezen has, and looks to be nearly intact. There are a number of Baphomet's unholy symbols inscribed on the walls, of course, but they don't seem likely to threaten the structural integrity.

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Do the holy symbols actually do anything, or are they just graffiti? No way to know; even if she wanted to get close enough for Detect Magic she couldn't cast it without dropping the Gate. She does a quick count of numbers and inventory of visible demon types and quantity and condition of equipment, never getting within a hundred meters of the ground, and then returns the way she came and describes it all to the others. 

(Heh. She went to paradise via flying through a hole in the sky. It's like some kind of Super Mario glitch.)

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No demons appear to notice her flying or her gate out, and certainly don’t put it together in time to do anything about it. It’s almost as though countering high level magic is very difficult!

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“I doubt any of the sigils are symbol spells; there are definitely demons who know how to do that, but it takes expensive materials to do and there would be more demons there if someone was invested in the fortress.”

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“Plus, just leaving symbols out isn’t very good security anyway. They only work at close range, so it’s pretty easy to cover them up or break the wall they’re mounted on. Now, if I was making a puzzle maze…”

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"Are puzzle mazes a common thing or just something you think would be awesome?" Because it would be So awesome.

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"Puzzle mazes are used in some Thassilonian and Osiriani ruins, but they should be used much more than they are. They let you keep your secrets secure, but still ensure that once you pass all your magical discoveries aren't lost as long as someone clever enough goes looking. Plus, if someone gets through them while you're still alive it's an easy way to meet interesting people. I have a lot of ideas in mind for when I get around to making one."

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"That sounds like the coolest thing ever!"

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Seelah doesn't think puzzle mazes are cooler than regular normal buildings, let alone being able to ambush demons with your unlimited eighth circle spells, but wizards are going to wizard and it's nice that they're keeping each other company. "Anything else to do before we go back and report? Seems to me you should be able to make this work, if the army's coordinated enough."

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"I haven't thought of anything." And if nobody else has either, she'll Gate them all back to near Kenabres.

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Nobody else has anything to say, and Nenio is still enthusiastic about the gate despite the three she saw earlier today.

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She gets all her senior staff briefed on the plan, checks with Harmattan that the army is recruited and supplied and ready to go and with Irabeth that she's not forgetting anything important, and then is up bright and early to get the ball rolling. She's pretty sure she's going to freak out as soon as there's an actual battle and people under her command get killed executing a plan she came up with, but she can't seem to get the freakout meaningfully done with in advance so she's aiming for "after the fighting is thoroughly over for the day" instead.

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Some of the soldiers aren't ready as soon as she is - Mendevian army doctrine says they should be ready to, but the fact of the matter is that lots of them are really green. The hour it takes for the clerics to prepare their spells is enough time to fix that, though, and the army is formed up for optimal spellcasting support; there are clerics standing by to cast bless on the soldiers and bless weapon or greater magic weapon on the arrows of the first groups through the gate, and the fact that the rearguard is (hopefully) safe from combat until the battle is joined in earnest means they can afford to distribute more clerics to the vanguard.

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They're really green (and so is she) and also they need human amounts of sleep; she's not going to judge. Instead she's going to put up a Gate as soon as Irabeth gives her the go-ahead, twenty feet wide and opening on the beautiful forest clearing, and pop through it first so she can do later ones from the Elysium end and prevent columns from bumping into each other. She's got one hand in a pocket between Alpina's pages, reading the scroll with the palm and talking too fast about the experience of pre-battle nerves with the back.

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The soldiers will rush through the gateway! Considering the speed they're moving in armor, under ideal circumstances an aperture this size could let about fifteen people through every second, for a total of maybe one and a half thousand per casting; under the circumstances, her subordinates seem to have decided to avoid any fancy maneuvreing for straight blocks of soldiers moving through the gate, and are managing maybe half that total when accounting for various people bumping into each other and places where the formation isn't as tight as it could be. All told it takes 12 castings and almost 20 minutes to get all her soldiers into Elysium, and more accounting for the baggage.

From one perspective, this is a fantastically long time to ask her to concentrate on the spells, and a profligate spending of gates. From another, even accounting for longer delays when heading somewhere less welcoming, she can transport thousands of people anywhere on the planet in an hour.

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Gate. Gate. Gate. Concentrating on the spells uses neurons that would otherwise go to pre-battle jitters so that's great actually. Un?fortunately? with the headband she has plenty of spare neurons. Gate. Now there's a thought; does the headband modify her brain to have more neurons or more synapses or faster synapses or what? Gate. (They should have done a day of just drills; everyone is going to trip over each other on the way out and get killed.) Or is it more like an extra RAM stick in a computer: an additional place for thoughts to happen that passes data back and forth with the rest of her brain? Gate. (What if a couple of demons sneak through one of the exit Gates and wreak havoc in Elysium next week?) Gate. Would it be possible to distinguish those possibilities with an MRI? Gate. It's too bad she can't deal with the Worldwound and simultaneously go to Almas University and simultaneously go to an Earth university. Gate. (She originally came up with this idea so the soldiers wouldn't have to do so much marching and now they're all going to wish she hadn't but they won't complain because they're not allowed.) Gate. Gate. Gate. 

There is no external sign of most of these thought processes. Just Gates, with the Kenabres end in the same place every time and the Elysium end moving occasionally so everyone has clear space to step into.

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And then when everyone is in good order in Elysium: Gate to right up against one of the fortresses, close enough to the wall that the soldiers will be hard to aim at from the ramparts, angled so they're coming out parallel to the wall and there's space for a continuous stream of them to run out and turn to the attack.

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All told, it takes almost thirty seconds for the demons on watch to raise the alarm. The attack wasn't remotely expected, either by this method or this soon, and the walls haven't become less undermanned in the last twelve hours, but that's only half the story - the other half comes from the fact that the crusade sent its best in the vanguard to take as much advantage of the surprise as they could, which in this case takes the form of a dozen hasted archers firing blessed and enchanted cold iron arrows at every demon with line of sight on the Gate. Their swiftness negated by surprise and their hardened skin by the arrows, all that remains is a clash between demonic toughness and mortal weaponry, which the latter handily wins. These soldiers are then followed by a second wave carrying ladders, which they set against the now-undefended walls.

Unfortunately, while the arrows take a toll on any demon they can reach this does nothing to prevent other demons from seeing their perforated corpses, and many of those happen to have solid stone between them and any intrepid archers seeking to send them to join their fellows. The discordant tone of Baphomet's horn sounds from one of the gate towers, and demons drop what they're doing to scramble for weapons or scan for the attackers. There's clearly some panic taking hold among their numbers, but the majority seem willing to keep fighting for the moment.

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Gate. Gate. Gate. They talked about this; she's more useful keeping the reinforcements coming than joining the fray personally. Gate. The faster everyone gets through the sooner she'll be able to help more directly. She should probably shout something inspiring but she doesn't have any ideas. Gate. 

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Luckily, she has people for that! Calls come out from the officers extolling the men in the name of the queen, Iomedae, Mendev, and glory, and between their words and the lack of organized resistance the soldiers continue to stream through the portals in high spirits. There are casualties, yes, but for the moment far fewer among the crusaders than among demons and many of the fallen prove capable of getting back up when supplied with miraculous healing. Archers take positions on the near wall to suppress any efforts to organize, and an elite team takes the gatehouse and opens the fortress for soldiers to stream in directly. 

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Golarion has had both fortresses and attempts to take them by magic and arms for thousands upon thousands of years. It should perhaps be unsurprising then that there are countermoves to almost every strategy that can be devised, such as building walls higher to prevent ladders or in multiple layers lined with metals to prevent spells like stone shape or passwall from instantly bypassing them. Some of these methods are secret, of course, but not most of them - there are major tradeoffs between keeping something from being known and being able to use it. Why, then, can any fort be taken without overwhelming force?

When it comes to the failures of efforts to build an impregnable fortress, some people point to magic. At the highest levels the arms race between spells to break down walls and spells to reinforce them is one that offensive spells have decisively won, and any effort to overturn this paradigm amounts to throwing away money for security at increasingly poor exchange rates and then losing anyway - only suitable for people who expect to be vastly wealthier and more capable than their opponents, or who consider buying a few more moments to react so precious it's worth the obscene price tag. This is true, but even were there some level of defense that could not be broken, it would do nothing about the far bigger issue of price. Mendev was unwilling to spend enough to make this fort a masterwork, and no demons were willing to put in the time to even keep it at that level of defensiveness. If this fortress is to be held, it will have to be held by the defenders within it.

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In this case, that takes the form of dretches launching stinking clouds into the advancing ranks of the army behind what is hopefully adequate cover while a few Brimoraks try and use fireballs to hit them while they're concentrated. The demonic forces seem wholly unwilling to meet the charging crusaders in a melee, and those with wings are largely already taking to the sky in the hopes of escape.

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Seelah isn't officially part of the army, having judged it a better idea to stay available for following Brenda into whatever excitement crops up, but the only reason a unit would turn down an appropriately leveled paladin would be if they were a well-coordinated machine and didn't want anyone who hadn't trained with them. These units are nowhere near that point and it was easy enough to find a group at the front who were happy to have her along. Now she's on a wall, stabbing demons back to back with someone she never exchanged names with. 

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Paladins are good at killing evil things, and the first few times a day they're the best in the world. In short order the wall is clear of demons - about half from cold iron poisoning, and the other half from demons deciding that the crusaders are a lot scarier than whichever superiors are still alive and sticking around, and deciding to jump and take off running rather than fight it out. By now there's enough cavalry out and around to start running them down, but at least some of them will probably manage to go to ground.

For those trapped inside the fortress, escape is a pipe dream. The main gate is packed with crusaders going the other way, the walls are held against them, and a stone wall sprang up in front of the keep to stop more than a handful of them from taking refuge there. With escape not on the table, they try to fight it out, but all their magic isn't enough to do more than slow the advance and when it runs out it's all over but the dying. Here and there a demon manages to lay out a crusader with a hit, but there are plenty more to take their place and against enemies without the time to double-tap magical healing can work wonders. All told, there's less than fifteen minutes between Brenda opening the first gate and the crusade's flag flying over in the fortress. 

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That's substantially longer than it takes to get everyone out of Elysium, though if and when they repeat this maneuver again it'll probably go a lot faster for having had one run worth of practice. Brenda gets all the supply wagons out, which is simplified by not needing to put them well back from the fighting, and goes to rendezvous with her staff. She could see a fair bit of how things went through the Gates, and it's definitely a good thing how one-sided the battle was, but it leaves her feeling like they should have been more prepared to take prisoners. 

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Her armies were perfectly prepared for the number of prisoners they ended up taking, which is none! If she wants to change that, though, yeah - some preparations are probably in order. 

There's enough discipline not to break ranks to celebrate just yet, but the mood is very upbeat. Whenever a unit catches sight of Brenda she's greeted with spontaneous cheers, and her command staff seems quite optimistic at her arrival.

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She's not sure under what conditions demons would be responsive to demands to surrender, but the conditions today seemed like a good candidate such that it might have been worth trying.

She smiles and waves at all the cheering people because they did an awesome job.

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Seelah falls into step with her and grins. "The Inheritor was with us today! Everyone who hears about this battle is going to think it's an exaggeration."

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"Well, if the demons don't believe it that's all to the good, I suppose."

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"Hah! I guess so! I expect they'll be more prepared next time, but so will we." She peels off as Brenda arrives where the command staff are gathering; she's not one of the brass and doesn't want to be.

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They've commandeered one of the more intact buildings inside the fortress - the keep is hardly fit for human habitation just yet, but the old chapel was largely avoided by demons beyond wrecking it even once they evicted the crusaders and there were plenty of spells left over to jury rig it into something usable. Not all her senior staff is there - WIlcer Garms is busy getting all the logistics sorted out after the sudden relocation, and the clerics are helping put the walls back together, but Harmattan, Irabeth, and Nurah all managed to join the Baroness and a pair of adjutants are standing by for note taking and any required fetching now that there's no longer a point in keeping the gates need-to-know.

"I was afraid I was setting my expectations too high for the gates, but this is right up there with my most optimistic ones. Congratulations are definitely in order, for what I expect is the most one-sided engagement of this size since the first crusade."

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"Depending on your exact definitions there are a handful of battles in the fourth that might count, but I'm inclined to agree. The only problem with making this a PR coup is people not believing it, and there are enough witnesses that we can overcome that easily enough. I'll do some workshopping on catchy names once we're finished here and then make sure our version hits just long enough after the rumors for the best effect."

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She has gotten a good grade in war, a thing that may or may not be reasonable to want but is apparently possible to achieve!

"Thank you. And you as well, your excellency; I did the Gates but the details were mostly your plan and it worked great. I don't know how much the reduced surprise will make it harder next time, but since we're not planning on doing it again for a while it'll be less than completely predictable."

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Congratulations all around then; she can also name a few of the junior officers who she thinks distinguished themselves well in the battle for commendations, though she'll still have to keep an eye on them afterwards to make sure it doesn't go to their head. She's also got a preliminary list of their losses, if Brenda seems interested, but she honestly doesn't much expect it and is happy to just spend whatever time she's set aside for this talking about their next moves.

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She does want to see the list of their losses. "And we should have some kind of policy for determining when to resurrect people, but that's probably a conversation to have with Fiducia Rathimus and the Quartermaster. Considerations for our next moves--how fast to go, how far to go before we start moving Wardstones inward and how heavily to fortify them if we plan to move them again, and how to handle the ravines at Leper's Smile. I'm inclined to leave a garrison here and get moving again within a couple days if I'm not missing something that makes that unrealistic, to keep the demons on the back foot."

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Their losses are immensely cheering from a military perspective, which is to say that from any other perspective they're rather disheartening. About a dozen dead, several times that missing limbs or otherwise too crippled to fight, and a still unclear number more more suffering from various burns, nausea, and demon plague of varying seriousness that could put them out for anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. The primary metric tracked is combat effectiveness, though, and those numbers suggest that by this time tomorrow their army might well be stronger than it was before the attack.

"The official policy from the fourth crusade was to raise paladins at second circle and clerics or wizards at fifth, but drops in funding meant we weren't reliably hitting that at the end unless they could pay part of it themself. Even at a more generous policy, though, I don't think we have any particularly good candidates since all the deaths were unempowered infantry. A few people I wouldn't mind having Jhoran regenerate if he hit seventh, I suppose. After the success today I definitely want to move as fast as we can to get ahead of the news of our coming; there's an argument to spend a full day regrouping so all our clerics have their spells and channels for any attack on the march, but there are few enough people injured that we patch most of them once we know for sure we don't need the channels to deal with a counterattack and everything else can come from clerics on garrison duty without leaving them dry."

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She wants to raise all of them. She wants to promise that nobody who dies under her command will stay dead if they don't want to and she can help it. But she can't let on that they can afford it. The first "anonymous donations" have already started arriving in the crusade account but it's very possible the quartermaster hasn't found out yet and he definitely doesn't know how much more is coming. And even if everyone involved knew they had the money, they don't have enough clerics yet.

It's not as bad as people dying on Earth, she tells herself. Most of them were probably good or at least decent people, and they all died heroically fighting demons, and probably they're fine. Mostly. She can get a scroll of scrying later and check. 

"That policy seems reasonable for now; we can adjust it later as circumstances dictate. Will we be able to get moving again tomorrow, or do we need longer than that to get a garrison organized?"

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"We can get moving by tomorrow - it'll take time to sort things out, but it's not even noon yet and we can do most of the work before the evening meal. I plan to pick out a green company that didn't take any losses today, stiffen it with a squad or two of veterans and a cleric, and then leave them here with those too badly injured to travel until the caravans start flowing. I don't expect any demons to try something for at least a few weeks but that's not a reason to leave defenses that would topple if they did."

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"Excellent. Will that be enough to cover our supply line between here and Kenabres as well, or will we need to detach separate people for that, or is the Kenabres end expected to handle it?"

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"Ideally we'd want two or three more forts along the way so supply caravans from Kenabres headed up the river would have a safe place to sleep, or better yet move the wardstone line up to the Sellen and have the entire trip be covered, but in terms of what's feasible it makes the most sense to have the Kenabres garrison handle that leg of the journey. The city is hardly the economic powerhouse it was before the last attack, of course, but as long as it has Terendelev and the Prelate there it would take truly overwhelming numbers to storm it by main force."

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Nod. "Do you have a sense of how far it's a good idea to get before moving the Wardstones up? And would having  access to unlimited castings of Wall of Stone change the answer?"

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"The main problem with moving the wardstones is not how far in they go - moving them will will make the logtistics of supplying them harder, of course, but it'll be manageable if the transit is safe and if the Sellen were secure for boats that would help still more. The reasons we haven't moved them all in already are threefold. Firstly, there are forts where they currently stand and would not be at their destinations, exposing them to more risk both in transit and upon arrival. Secondly, a wardstone in transit cannot bear much strain without shattering the barrier, so demons would have an easier time breaking through the line until that was fixed. And thirdly and most importantly, without a way to clear the intervening space of demons moving the wardstone line risks the whole affair - any demons that now found themself on the other side would be free to wreak havoc in Mendev, or else assault the barrier forts from the behind, where there is no barrier to defend the soldiers within. Walls of stone alone only mitigate the first, but they would mitigate it enough that I expect it would make such movement much more practical."

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"Hmmm. Clearing a large area of individual demons isn't something I'm well suited for; I can fly around and scout but I can still only cover so much area at once. I can arrange for the Walls of Stone, at least, and if we want proper forts that people can live in rather than giant versions of a child's sandcastle I'll arrange to talk to an actual architect." Maybe a military architect, if those are a thing; someone who can look at her vague memories of nineteenth century star forts and say if they're suitable for a situation with demons instead of cannons. "Anything else we should go over today?"

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"Nothing urgent." 

She's not thinking of anything that would qualify besides the knight commander getting it in her head to lead from the front next time, and she doesn't want to borrow trouble there; Brenda has seemed eminently reasonable about the matter so far and she'd prefer not to put the idea in her head by warning against it if it isn't already. Apparently sometimes you just win the battle so thoroughly you don't need to adjust your plans much in response.

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For the most part, the advance northwards over the next two days goes as planned. Nobody else dies as a consequence of their injuries or sickness, though not all of them are going to be fighting fit soon without more than just channels, and while the twisted wildlife of the wound is a constant hazard encounters with isolated demon bands tend to end in the demons fleeing, and if there's any failures it's that some of them manage to get away instead of being shot out of the sky or run down. They're making good time towards the Leper's Smile canyons, supplies are plentiful, and morale is high. 

Which makes it all the more shocking when one of their easterly patrols is goes missing with all hands, and the followup patrols don't find any bodies, human or otherwise. There's not that many things that can take down a dozen armed and armored cavalrymen without a trace, especially not when one of them was a paladin.

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Well shit. Time to get her party (herself, Seelah, Wenduag, Nenio apparently the mystery isn't tempting enough, Ember, Arueshalae) together and investigate! She's been able to hang third circle spells since the battle--only three at a time, but they're faster than asking for scrolls and it's okay if they're combat spells.

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Whatever it was that attacked the scouts doesn't appear interested in an immediate encore, so they're free to investigate in safety.

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"There was definitely a fight here. The horse tracks stop out of nowhere, and there are some signs that they didn't cover up. I can see some half broken arrows over there that whoever did this must have either missed or not cared about."

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"Wenduag is right, there definitely was a fight here, but I can't find any tracks leading away. Unless someone was using a very uncommon sort of magic for demons, that means they flew off."

She doesn't consider the possibility that they could escape on foot without magic, since the chance of them managing it is low enough to be laughable.

"Even if they killed the horses and then carried them off in pieces, that's a lot of weight to fly with. The arrows are concerning too; the blunting on the cold iron heads isn't right for it to be from hitting the ground after skittering off, but cold iron cuts through most demons too easily for that to be the cause either. Either the demons behind this are very powerful, or they're clever enough to use magic or armor to make up for what they lack." 

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"I doubt there was anything special about that patrol; if they got away clean once they're likely to try again. I should get wands of Sending for more patrols so the next one can call for backup. . . . And also Sending this patrol and ask what got them; they might not know exactly what the demons did but they'll know more than we do."

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If you send out scouts with expensive gear then it’s even more painful when they die in an ambush unless you can retrieve it after. But she doesn’t have a good sense of how valuable those kinds of wands are, and anyway obviously Brenda can get them back if she wants to. 


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“For people who have been kidnapped by demons… even if they’re still alive, they might not be in a position to respond to a sending. Or they might have been charmed into lying to you, or something - I don’t think it’s a bad plan, but you might want to make sure you’re sending the Paladin or use scry instead.”

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"You think they captured them alive, and didn't just take the bodies so we couldn't Raise them easily?" Or to eat. "In that case I should definitely scry them first, and be quick about it. I hope you're right." Dressing Room means never not having a scrying mirror when you want one. She has all their names, so might as well try for the paladin first. Where are you, Arcturo, on this plane or any other?

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The scry goes through the first time. The room in question is dark, but Brenda’s darkvision works just fine through the scry so it just renders the scene in black and white. He’s chained up against a wall, suspended off the ground, and in what looks like a lot of pain; she can see two other members of the patrol in the same room, in what seems to be even worse condition.

There’s no obvious identifying features of where they’re being held, just a bunch of unremarkable stonework.

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"Yup, this is a rescue mission now." Thank goodness she got that scroll of Discern Location; she knew it was going to be important eventually. 

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Storeroom #12, Lost Chapel, The Wounded Lands, Avistan, Golarion, Prime Material.

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"Has anyone heard of a 'Lost Chapel'?" Someday she's going to be an archmage and she's going to invent a version of Discern Location that does a compass heading to complement the existing version.

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None of her party members have heard of it, but the name and stonework is at least suggestive of it having once been built by mortals.

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She tries a Message through the Scry but it doesn't go through, so she switches to Sending. This is the Knight-Commander. I intend to rescue you. Do you know how far you were taken or which direction? Are you in a city? 

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He jerks, slightly, in the scry.

In the mountains, long flight. Turning them into ghouls, they-

The sending cuts out halfway through before he uses up all of his available words, but with an effort of will he sends what he has instead of letting the whole thing slip through his fingers.


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She relays this to the party and bites her lip. "I can try teleporting off the scry image. It would probably work. Maybe one chance in three or four it doesn't, and then we'd probably still end up somewhere close. Or we might explode. Does anyone have a better idea?"

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"Nope. And I'd rather explode a bit than get turned into a ghoul."

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"There's a ranger spell for tracking people through the sky, but I'm not quite strong enough to cast it yet."

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"That's going to be really cool when you get there." In the meantime: teleporting! They all join hands and she reads off a scroll-page and--

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And then they're in a dark underground room! The correct one, though Ember and Wenduag lack the darkvision to see as much.

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Huh. She knew the stats but she was still kind of expecting to explode. Time to grab the prisoners and teleport them right out of their chains along with everyone else, back to right outside one of the Crusade's healing tents!

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This will work just fine!

…Not all of the scouting party is in this room.

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But now she's been in that room before, and she's not about to run out of Teleports! 

"I'm going back in for the others. Do you know how many are still alive, or where they were being kept?" she asks the one she Messaged.

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Even after they apply some healing, he’s very much not in good shape, but he’s still doing better than his compatriots. Everything is awful but he can force himself to push through it for the sake of the men he’s responsible for.

”Two of us died when they attacked, but they carried off the bodies. Probably zombies now. Enric managed to force his captor to drop him, his corpse was too badly mangled from the fall for them to use.”

There’s a ghost of pride at that.

”The other… I don’t know, they separated us. Tried to infect us with ghoul fever but they didn’t know I was immune.”

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"Thank you. You've been very brave and very helpful; get some rest and I'll be back soon."

Once more into the breach, this time with direct memories of the other end to aim off! Hopefully nobody in this party gets Teleport-carsick.

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Her teleport is once again on target! Holding the image in her head the second time seems noticeably easier. There does not appear to be any alarm of the sort one might expect from a group that had discovered some of their prisoners escaped.

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It hasn't been long enough to rule out "they had a magic alarm but the response team is on the slow side", but more likely that they didn't. How many visible exits does this room have? They will absolutely not be splitting up, but it's important to check.

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One door! It’s barred from the outside.

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She squints at the bar through the little window in the door (also barred, in a slightly different sense) and now her jacket has as an accessory a long curved piece of metal with a hook on the end large enough to grab it. Fish fish fish clunk onward.

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They don’t waste magic on interior doors. It’s stuck enough to take a little force or wiggling, but if she supplies that it yields before her and the door obligingly swings open.

It squeaks as it open, but hopefully not that loudly?

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Honestly it's less likely to blow their stealth than Seelah is as she follows Brenda into the next area. She's trying to move as quietly as she can, but she inevitably clanks.

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Most of the rooms in the hallway are empty. One of them reveals another pair of her scouts, plus three people she doesn't recognize in a completely unfamiliar clothing; the rest of her people are not here. There are stairs leading both up and down.

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Do the people in unfamiliar clothes look like they're here voluntarily or are they all prisoners? Are any of them partially or entirely ghouls?

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Unless they enjoy being chained to walls for fun, they're probably not here voluntarily. None of the ones currently restrained are ghouls, but some of them look very sick.

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This is actually more people than she can move in one teleport. 

"I'm going to get them out of here and come right back for you, okay?" she murmurs to the rest of the party. I know it's a bad idea to split up but I'll only be gone for a round."

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Can't scare her! "We won't go anywhere, don't worry."

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Arueshalae nods, activates her hunter's bond, and casts a few spells in case someone is waiting for Brenda to leave to strike.

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It takes a bit of shuffling to get everyone touching someone else without having to rip any of the chains out of the wall, but then: Teleport


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They don't know her but she's not a demon and they're hardly going to refuse a rescue; even if she's secretly an evil cultist wizard who wants to use them for experiments it's not like they have a chance to escape.

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The people at the medical tent can explain what happened and she can apologize for the rush later. Once they've checked all the rooms on this floor . . . upstairs first, she thinks, unless someone speaks up in favor of down.

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Heading up the stairs sounds fine. There might be more prisoners downstairs, but there also might not, and getting to the surface is the most plausible way to figure out where they are.

The stairs let out into an badly damaged temple. The walls are crumbling, the roof is missing entirely, and all the religious iconography has been destroyed or rendered unrecognizable; all that remains of a statue that once dominated the interior is a shattered plinth. They are not immediately met with an ambush.

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"I can smell corpses. A lot of them."

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Brenda is also experiencing the consequences of copying a dog's sense of smell. "Can you tell which way it's coming from?" she asks, while trying to be subtle about breathing through her mouth.

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"All directions, but more of it at the front and to the left side."

The reason there are fewer to the right side is because the chapel is actually built next to a cliff, but seeing through walls is not one of her advantages over humans.

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Brenda can't do that either, but she can go investigate some corpses. Who, how many, dead of what?

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Dead of what is easy to figure out - it's ghoul fever, judging by the fact that the smell is coming from ghouls. Who and how many is much harder to figure out, but if she heads out of the chapel itself looking for ghouls she can spot five of them pretty quickly - at, admittedly, about the same time they spot her.

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Brenda applies the standard first-line treatment for end-stage ghoul fever (slicing them in half).

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The ghouls object to this, and the arrows that start sprouting from their flesh get a similarly poor reception. In the case of the ones closest to Brenda and Seelah, this doesn't much matter, but one of them manages to get to cover and another lunges for Ember as the presumptive weakest of the group.


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Seelah goes after the one going for Ember. The girl is a lot more dangerous than she looks, but you still gotta keep the casters out of melee.

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Brenda chases after the other one in case it means to come back with friends.

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Ember ducks around the blow, but it's not alive enough to go to sleep and there's nothing else she can do to a ghoul without killing it. She's considering whether killing a ghoul is enough more like saving someone from being hurt than it is like killing someone that she should be healing it, but Seelah cuts it down with a sword before she finishes.

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It mostly just meant to get a stone wall between it and the sudden adventurer party to try safely shooting arrows but if she's just going to vault over the wall like that it's going to try legging it instead.

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Brenda is aware that ghouls have to eat people to live and also that being a ghoul is worse than the majority of afterlives, so when she catches up to this one it gets skewered without much in the way of emotions.

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Personally he rather preferred staying alive, but apparently nobody was asking for his opinion here!

...Apparently that was only the last of the ghouls in this group, because from the sound of things there are a whole bunch more of them on this mountaintop. Some of them heard the commotion and are headed over to investigates.

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The actual goal here is to find any further prisoners and any important intel and then get out, but if they need to kill another wave of ghouls first then okay.

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Another wave might be a slight understatement; this mountain seems to have rather a lot of ghouls, and a fair few of them are significantly more dangerous than the ordinary kind. If whoever is in charge here doesn't know about her arrival yet, they probably will soon from all of the commotion, and in the mean time a few of her companions are rather squisher than she is.

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There aren't any rescuable prisoners up here and she doesn't want to just keep doing this until someone in the party gets hurt. Fighting retreat back down into the building to check out the floors she hasn't seen yet, keeping everyone close enough together to Teleport out if things get any dicier?

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The next level down below her initial entrypoint does not appear currently in use; though it's certainly set up to hold more prisoners and probably did at some point in the not-too-distant past. 

The stairs leading down to sublevel three, on the other hand, are covered in a thick layer of dust. None of her companions so much as give it a glance while they sweep the rest of the floor.

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"I know it looks like nobody's been here in ages but we should check it anyway--wait, can you guys not see these stairs? We should definitely check them then." Emphatic pointing with both lower arms.

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They can't see it, even with her pointing it out; Wenduag tries to walk in the direction of Brenda's arm and ends up curving without noticing it. 

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It's not clear whether the magic that turns them aside is a bit less powerful than the illusion or if it's just that elves are a bit more resistant to compulsions, but Ember can walk into the solid wall; even once her hand sinks into the seemingly solid stonework, though, her eyes still insist that it's a genuine barrier.

"That's really weird!"

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Seelah sticks a hand through the wall next to Ember's. "Yup. It has to be an illusion but I still can't stop seeing it." She tries leaning forward a bit and sticking her head in.

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Her head can go through just fine as well. It's a rather discomfiting experience to experience the sensation of your head being engulfed in solid stone, but she can still breath just fine and it doesn't seem actively dangerous.

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"This is very strange. I can't see anything without going in farther."

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"They probably didn't illusion everything on the far side unless it's a really small area. Let's all hold hands and go down slowly. Uh, Wenduag, just hold onto me and Seelah and go where we're going."

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They'll go along with this!

As expected, a few feet past the stairway the illusion fades and everyone else can see the same dusty steps Brenda can. The path takes them a good fifteen feet further down into the earth before leveling out into another hallway, still in a similar state of disuse. Each side of the corridor bears a pair of large double doors, securely shut, but the door at the other end is open. Ordinary eyes would have issues picking up details in the gloom, but to Brenda it seems to be a library.

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She has just enough self-control to check the books for trappedness with Detect Magic before she starts shoveling them into the bag of holding.

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Wizards (affectionate). Seelah keeps both eyes and a Detect Evil out for ambushes.

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In between blinks, he arrives. Around his body hangs the threadbare remnants of once fine silks, but they are not enough to disguise the figure before them. No effigy of sallow flesh and taught skin is this; even that flesh has long since faded away, leaving nothing but the pale bones underneath. The intensity of the evil aura is not strong enough to be blinding, but it's a near thing; to arcane senses, he glows like a skyline at night, but even they cannot overshadow the bright green flame that burns intently in what used to be his eye sockets.

"Well, what do we have here? The first visitors I get in decades, and they don't even have the courtesy to remember their invitation."

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Well this guy is clearly up to no good, she can tell from how Seelah is looking at him and also from how it's completely obvious. He's probably going to try to kill her in the next thirty seconds regardless of what she does next, which actually makes this less socially awkward than the alternative. One hand on her sword, one in her pocket on a teleport notebook-page, the other two hanging around ready to grab party members if necessary.

"Hi. Nice evil lair you've got here. More evil lairs should have libraries." The part of her conscience that cares about stealing appears to have gone on vacation; even knowing these books aren't abandoned she still thinks she should have them and not skeleton guy.

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His permanent arcane sight takes in her party in turn. A wizard of some means and middling ability, a disguised succubus, and a handful of irrelevant gnats too far beneath him to be of any interest. 

...Well, perhaps that's overly harsh. They did manage to get through the defenses he put up around this place, and it's not as though he's been swimming in other visitors. 

"This is not an 'evil lair,' crusader, and hardly deserves your praise. You have the honor of meeting Zacharias the lich, warden of the Newfound Sanctuary and master of this place."

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It still takes her a moment to realize 'crusader' refers to her. "So, what's the point of this place, then?" Either deliver the evil monologue or skip to the fighting part.

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"They told me it was to be my own command, a bastion from which we would reclaim all of Sarkoris. The fool I was, I was actually flattered when they bequeathed this heap of stone onto a mountainside to my command. But instead, I have been forced to watch their retreat year after year, as even the most idiotic demons have proven capable of seizing territory from those worthless so-called crusaders. And all due to my foolish oath, this worthless place has been naught but my prison...

"Fortunately for you, though, you now have an opportunity to rise above such mediocrity. Do as I tell you, and not only will I permit you to leave this place alive, and I shall aid you in overcoming your fetters and mortal limitations."

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"So, I'm all for overcoming mortal limitations, and defeating the demons, and I do appreciate your rare ability to not immediately attack me, but it seems pretty obvious that whatever you're going to suggest is going to be super evil, so, no." Shrug. "I suppose you could always surprise me." The funny thing for him to do there would be to say something like 'I can--surprise!' and attack her, but she's thought of that already and won't find it very surprising.

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"You retrieve my wand from where my apprentice has stashed it, and return to me bearing it to ask for my help, allowing me to fulfill my oath. In exchange for finally freeing me of this prison, I will help you clear this mountain of demons, and aid you in shedding your mortal imperfections to become a lich. Then I will leave this place, and our paths will never cross again."

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"I think I would rather not do that, actually."

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His tone takes on a lecturer's quality, as though a teacher speaking to an obstinate student.

"If you are worried about me holding up my end of the bargain, you need not be. I do not make this offer out of facile altruism, but because of the oath that binds me; if I betray you or do not follow through, I shall be just as trapped as before. And you need not concern yourself with your own inability; I am no petty necromancer or arcane dabbler, and I have perfected the rites of lichdom. Even the slightest trickle of magical ability on your part will suffice to complete the ritual in a timely manner.

"It is an excellent deal. In exchange for a simple task, you will receive power, immortality, and direct tutelage from one of the finest magical minds of the planet. I shall even ensure that we not come to conflict after, and will leave this place far behind when my work is complete."

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"See, it's the leaving this place I'm concerned about. If I thought you were going to go sip cocktails on a beach for the next forever then I wouldn't care, but you seem like more of the 'wreaking havoc and devastation' type."

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How long are they going to keep talking before the inevitable fight starts.

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"A pity. Perhaps the next crusaders will be less foolishly obstinate."

And then all of their souls are going to try to leave their bodies! Well, most of them; Arueshalae and Brenda are unnaffected.

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And there goes her last stupid shred of hope that he would just tell them to fuck off. How about his head attempts to leave his shoulders via holy sword? He can also get punched in the chest for good measure.

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Ow, whatever that was she did Not like it. Second sword.

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A lich's bones are as far from those of an ordinary skeleton as steel is from rusted iron; even without a single one of their other abilities, a lich may walk unharmed through a whole company of ordinary soldiers. But only a fool would settle for those defenses alone, and when it comes to preserving his own existance Zacharias has spared no expense. Overlapping layers of protection attempt to turn her attack aside; a ring that turns the angle of her blade slightly awry, that it cannot bring the full force of her strike to bear behind its edge to shatter the panes of force that encircle his body, and the dragon scale totem that wraps around his collar grants him a portion of the defenses its original owner once boasted. When her sword collides with his neck in a burst of holy fire, even her prodigious strength is only enough to for the blade to bite into the vertebrae, not split it outright. The followup blow from her first into his ribcage makes even less of an impression, lacking as it does any of the magical powers that strengthened her blade.

Unfortunately for Zacharias, this is not the whole of the story. While the defensive advantages of a form without any vulnerable vitals or readily damaged extremities are obvious, it also leaves him weighing only a small fraction of his former mass, and none of his defenses grant him an immunity to kinetic energy. The second blow takes him right off his feet and on an express trip into the far wall that ends in an impact hard enough to crack stone.

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Her first arrowhead passes through the empty air that his body recently vacated, but the following three do their best to race the lich across the chamber, and the foremost of their number strikes true just as the lich begins to rebound. It’s not the right weapon for the job either, but she’s good enough that means less than it otherwise might.

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And two corpses-

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Hit the ground.

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Oh shit change of plans she's grabbing everyone and teleporting them the fuck out of here and back to her command tent.

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He could counterspell the teleport or tag her with a dimensional anchor, but between her theft, obstinance, and pugilism a more direct remonstration seems appropriate. Midway through her chant, he twists his hand in a gesture and her blood starts trying to exsanguinate her.

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Blood pours from her ears and nose and mouth to pool at her feet. It hurts as much as anything has hurt in her life and she's going to die of it--

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Seelah grabs Ember with one hand and Brenda's leg with another, but it's not going to matter if they can't get out of here--

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Brenda's mind is magically hardened against interference, be it magic or simple agony. There is just enough space between the pain and the fear to move one hand through the spell's gestures while the others clutch Wenduag and Arueshalae and scream out the verbal component through a mouthful of blood, and the world whirls around them as the spell goes through and starts going black a moment later.

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Seelah lays on hands before even checking where they ended up.

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In front of a very surprised cleric at the crusader medical pavilion. He can... channel? This is really concerning!

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Brenda stands shakily on her feet, because sitting down would require making a decision, and stares at Ember and Wenduag, who were definitely in range of that channel and didn't get up.

"Oh god . . . I'm sorry--I didn't realize--I'm sorry."

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Seelah puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't panic. You got them out, we all have insurance, we've just got to get them to Fiducia Rathimus and they'll be fine by this time tomorrow. Yes, you underestimated him, but you were prepared for that and you'll make better decisions next time."

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"Arueshalae doesn't have insurance. Arueshalae, I'm sorry to you in particular, I was putting you more at risk than everyone else and I'm so glad you're okay and if you don't want to have anything to do with me after this I totally understand."

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"No, it's my fault."

She looks over at Wenduag and Ember's bodies, guiltily.

"I should have realized from the illusion was that we were dealing with someone really dangerous, instead of just assuming that Seelah and I had just gotten unlucky. I can fight a lich, if I have to, they can't."

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They fought a lich? And half of them still alive? That feels more like the kind of situation where he's supposed to be congratulating them for that many making it out - and be seriously impressed if it's not just bravado. It also raises another question, though.

"Are you saying a lich did this to them? I'm sorry if this is a bit insensitive, but did you see how they died?"

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Brenda belatedly remembers that she's supposed to look like she has everything under control at all times for morale and makes a valiant but not particularly successful effort to pull herself together and put on a poker face.

"I didn't recognize the spell, but it was a necromancy area effect that hit us all at once. They just--fell over."

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"It allowed a save, whatever it was, because I could tell it almost got me." She says this in an easy neutral tone, just providing information on the spell.

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He winces. It’s probably going to go under like a lead raft, and ideally he’d want to give someone more time to stabilize before springing it on them, but if she tries it and fails that won’t do her any favors either.

”I can’t be certain, since I didn’t see it myself, but given that it was a lich and I can’t see any injuries… a raise dead probably isn’t going to do your party any good.”

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"What about--Resurrection, True Resurrection . . .?"

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“I’m not sure. I’m not even close to being able to cast those, so it didn’t seem like a priority to learn; I know that death magic can interfere with bringing them back, but adventurers who get killed by necromancers do come back sometimes so it’s clearly not impossible. I’d expect true resurrection to work on almost anything, but it might be that ressurection is plenty or it might depend on the spell or it might depend on if the lich or the cleric is stronger.”

He seems faintly embarrassed at the hole in his knowledge.

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"I guess I'll find out when they try it. I should go find Rathimus. Thank you for the channel and the warning." She and Seelah pick up Ember and Wenduag and head off towards his tent.

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"You're welcome. Lady Shelyn bless you."

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Rathimus is currently talking to Wilcer Garms; is this urgent on the scale of minutes?

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Objectively speaking, no. She will find somewhere to wait and be scared and miserable until they're done.

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If it is urgent to her she can just pay to expedite it! Unfortunately he cannot read her mind to tell her this, particularly not while in the middle of another conversation.

In about seven minutes they'll be finished and she can come in, Brenda caught him near the end of the consultation.

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Even if that had occurred to her she would feel bad about interrupting what's probably important crusade business.

"Hi. Um. Ember and Wenduag need to take advantage of their insurance policies. They were killed by a necromancer with some kind of instant death spell, I hear that might affect which resurrection spell it makes sense to try first."

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"Greater Detect Magic."

He looks over the corpses for a moment.

"That's the lingering effects of a moderate necromancy aura, so unless I miss my guess it was circle of death. As you've surmised a raise dead won't work, but resurrection won't have any problems. If you'd like, I can cast Sending to inform Archbanker Sevandivasen to expect your arrival and start preparing two ressurections at 7th, but if you're teleporting there you might outpace the message."

It would be rather convenient to already have a permanent telepathic bond for communications now that he's both on a vitally important assignment and also an extra teleport away from everything, but there hasn't been much time since it suddenly became a sufficiently lucrative investment to justify it.

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She relaxes just a bit at 'Resurrection won't have any problems'. 

"I probably will outpace the message, yeah. If he won't need the Sending to confirm that it's me or whatever you can probably skip it?"

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"He will want to confirm your identity, but a first circle truth spell is both faster and more reliable than my sending ahead on that score. Do you have a teleportation location in Absalom?"

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" . . . no, actually, I've been to Almas and Axis and never ended up needing to go to Absalom before. Do you happen to have a sufficiently good picture or map I can look at?"

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"I should have some in my atlas, if you're willing to chance it on that. I can also teleport you there, but I only have two a day so you'd have to wait until tomorrow or find your own way back."

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"Probably safest if you take me; I can get back here alright. Thank you."

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He can take four people with him on a teleport, so he'll quickly flag down a few people in procurement who can take advantage of a day trip to Absalom, and then head out. The first teleport takes them to the wardstone line near Kenabres, at which point they have to do a quick hike across the barrier, and then from there-

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Absalom is, by almost any metric you can imagine, the greatest of Golarion's cities. It's not unfathomably grand to someone whose reference class includes the United States and Axis, but it's still very emphatically a city, and a large one to boot. At the other end of the teleport Brenda finds herself in a courtyard of grand cathedrals, directly in front of one emblazoned with a golden key; off to her right is a vast chasm surrounding an island standing on a stone column, and around her is a fairly sizable crowd going about their business.

Some people's eyes linger on the corpses in her arms, or possibly her own unusual appearance, but she and the people with her are fundamentally not weird enough to make a real splash here.

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It's beautiful. She'll probably enjoy it next time she's here. Into the Abadaran temple she goes.

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Hello there visitors, what are you looking for at Abadar's temple today? We've got courses, tours, theological questions-

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"Fiducia Vassiliy Rathimus and guest here to meet with archbanker Sevandivasen. I'm bidding at 500 pounds, standard conditions for 30 minutes of his time, spellcasting negotiated seperately."

He'll almost certainly get most or all of the money back when Sevandivasen agrees prioritizing the meeting was in both of their interests here, but doing it this way keeps all their incentives properly aligned and a thousand an hour should handily clear the next highest bid on his time.

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The lay priest in question will take off at a dead sprint into the back of the church; he gets a commission for trades like these and his share looks slightly better the faster the turnaround. 

Unsurprisingly, the bid is accepted and he hurries back out to the front. "The archbanker will see you now."

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"Thank you." She goes to whatever office she's directed to, doing her best to carry Ember and Wenduag in as dignified a position as possible. Even with four arms it's a little tricky, since they're both limp weights.

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It's a little ways back from the public spaces, but on the ground floor, so it's not a particularly challenging work of navigation. From the outside the door appears to be solid wood, but opening it reveals a layer of metal running down the middle and a backing of some sort of fabric; the inside of the office is shrouded in foggy blackness.

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"It's a private sanctum, it's supposed to be like this."

He walks into the room without pausing.

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If Brenda follows him in, she'll find herself in a comfortably appointed conference room; there's a desk at the back, and a filing cabinet by the wall, and a number of decorations, but the only occupant is standing by a table at the center of the room. It's recognizably one of the people she met in Axis, though he's dressed a little less formally than she might remember. His eyes go to the corpses in her arms, but people bringing those to you comes with the territory once you hit fifth circle and he's completely inured to it by this point.


         "No, resurrections. There's necromancy involved."

"I don't have two prepared today, so it'll be a quarter hour while I ask Abadar to fix that, and then a minute per person. I'll need to confirm your identities first, though."

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"Alright. I'm happy to get an Abadar's Truthtelling about it. Will that be sufficient?"

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Yep! She'll have to confirm her identity, that she believes these are the people the resurrection policy is on, and a few other rephrasings to ensure this isn't someone trying to steal her promised ressurection, but then Sevandivasen will close his eyes and check out of the meeting while he fills up his spell slots.

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Brenda confirms everything she needs to confirm and then just sort of stands there with her arms full of corpses and tries to think about magic. Nenio being here would not help the cause of getting the resurrections done as quickly and smoothly as possible but she'd be an amazing distraction.

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He has some books on the wall, if she's interested in Osiriani economics papers or The Order of Numbers, but if Sevandivasen is much of a fan of fictional works he doesn't keep them in this room.

15 minutes later, the Archbanker opens his eyes and then goes to unlock a safe at the back of the room; he comes back with two small diamonds. After that - and a minute of chanting while holding aloft Abadar's holy symbol - the color returns to Ember's cheeks, and he turns towards Wenduag.

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The wave of relief is immense, but she's still anxious, why is tha--oh. She wasn't purely anxious about her friends being dead, she's worried about them being mad at her. That's a jerkass thing to be worried about. They can be mad if they want. 

She sets Ember gently on her feet. "Are you feeling okay, Ember?" she asks, quietly so as not to interrupt the chanting. "We're in a temple of Abadar, the lich killed you but the Archbanker got you back."

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"Oh, I died? Is that why everything feels so heavy?"

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"You died, yeah. A little under an hour ago. I don't know if everything feeling heavy is a normal consequence of being dead but I'll look into it and if it doesn't go away on its own there might be a spell for it. I'm really sorry for getting you into a fight we couldn't win safely and if you still want to do things with me I'll be more careful."

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"It's a common symptom of resurrection; nothing restoration won't fix. It's actually worse for raise dead, since it's twice as bad and you usually need to wait a week to fully fix it."

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"Oh. It doesn't feel very familiar, but I guess I've never died before."

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"I'll get you a Restoration as soon as we're done here, then."

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It's only a few more seconds before Wenduag twitches to life, her hands scrabbling for a bow that's not there while she frantically looks around.

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She also gets set carefully on her feet. "Hi Wenduag. We're safe here. I was stupid and didn't get us out before the lich killed you. Your bow is back at the Crusade camp with Seelah, we're in Absalom getting you and Ember resurrected. If you feel sick it's because of the being dead and a Restoration will fix it. Sorry for picking a fight we couldn't win."

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It takes another moment for her to calm down enough for the words to register, and then send her spiraling back into confusion. Her horror at having died without even noticing starts surface, and then the second part hits like a trebuchet. Brenda couldn't win the fight? She beat Savamalekh, was that skeleton somehow even stronger than him?

But despite that she's still alive again. She might have been killed, but compared to living and dying as a nobody in the caves...

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"Where is Absalom?"

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"Uh, south and I think east? Fiducia Rathimus teleported us but we can go back to the crusade whenever, except it might be better to buy some Restorations while we're here." Wenduag not being visibly pissed off at her is not really as much evidence of Wenduag not being pissed off at her as she'd like but she's not going to say anything about it, because aaaa.

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That's not really what she was trying to ask, but she's not sure what other answer would have been more helpful there; presumably it's somewhere that has resurrections, but it's not like she knows enough about the surface for that to help her.

Then the rest of the answer registers. The old man teleported them here? So Brenda probably didn't die, and there's nobody else here getting brought back, just her and Ember. Maybe they only lost the fight because half the people on their side suddenly died, even. She's going to have to work even harder not to get tossed away and replaced by someone stronger. "I won't let it happen again."

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It's? Nice? Of Wenduag to take some of the responsibility but Brenda was absolutely the one who started that fight instead of Just Leaving. 

"Me neither. I need to get smarter about which fights I pick." Guy with a bunch of skeletons claiming to be at the pinnacle of necromancy: pushover. Guy who is a skeleton, claiming to be at the pinnacle of necromancy: actually very dangerous.

"If I ever look like I'm about to do something stupid, please tell me or step on my foot or something?"

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"I'm not sure about stepping on your foot, but I can try to tell you if I think you're making a mistake!"

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She is absolutely never going to do that but she can make an appropriate... nodding gesture?

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"Thanks. I really appreciate both of you."

And she thanks the Archbanker as well, and then they can head out to the main temple, where she will inquire into whether there's a slightly lower-circle priest around who might want to sell them two Restorations and anyone, circles or no, who can renew their insurance (presumably more expensively).

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This is Absalom, the city of the gods. They can get her two restorations without a problem.


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The insurance is a bit harder, since negotiating about rates would require talking to someone who knew more about her situation and its risk factors, but since Rathimus is apparently getting a telepathic bond here he can just help her work out the rates with Sevandivasen at their convenience. (It's a lot less big a jump than she might think, they were already pricing it in as a high lethality activity). The time they spent at the church wasn't quite enough for her people to finish their shopping, but they're pretty efficient and it's not the much longer afterwards either.

All told, it's a little over an hour's time since setting out before Brenda makes it back to the Crusader camp, teleporting in for the second time that day.

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Are the prisoners she rescued before everything went to shit doing okay? Does anyone want to meet with her about anything?

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They're doing about as well as can be expected, all things considered. They've also managed to get a positive ID on some of the other people she rescued - apparently they're from a group of independent crusaders known as the Sunrise Sword that's currently deployed about sixty miles southwest of them. They'd been already been dealing with the attacks for a few days by the time the ones she rescued got took, and had apparently been struggling with the fact that their enemies seem all but immune to nonmagical weapons, cold iron or otherwise, unless a paladin gets involved.

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She still doesn't understand what was going on with that, and she's going to need to go back in there and investigate some more. She suspects, thinking about it further, that the skeleton guy isn't directly involved, or at least isn't the main guy in charge there, because he didn't brag about it and because he was off in an out of the way corner and complained that he couldn't leave. So there's something else going on, and if she is sneaky enough and focused enough she might be able to find out what. Also possibly one of the prisoners will have overheard something useful, enough to give her a hint about where in the dungeon to look if not enough to figure anything out from directly.

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The freed prisoners are in an isolated tent by the main medical pavilion; ghoul fever isn't that infectious as diseases go, but if someone's walking around with open wounds it can sometimes make a jump and that's hardly an unknown occurrence in the medical pavilion. They're also fairly sure the prisoners weren't also infected with demon plague or filth fever or any of the other myriad diseases that plague the worldwound, but it really is a case of better safe than sorry to keep them under observation while they convalesce. The healer on duty when she arrives is a paladin, who's not quite strong enough to be outright immune to all disease but is strong enough that he doesn't really need to be concerned; he can take her inside after detect evil comes up blank on infiltration and a check doesn't reveal any open injuries.

There's a bit of a ragged cheer from the Mendevian half of the room when they see her; the others don't seem to all recognize her on sight, but they warm up consideringly once the ones who were lucid enough to know that she's the one who rescued them tell their fellows.

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It's pretty great that she can't get sick and doesn't have to worry about it. She's moderately embarrassed by the cheering and considers what she might later be able to DFEW that would specifically make her able to not blush.

Is everyone doing alright? She still hasn't solved the mystery of why the demons are stronger lately but she's going to keep investigating; if anyone has any information that might be helpful she'd love to hear it but mostly she hopes they all recover quickly and completely.

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Some of them are feeling various degrees of drained from the disease even after they got lesser restorations, but all their other physical problems could be fixed with a channel and the mood in the room seems pretty optimistic.

"Sarenrae's blessing on you, knight commander. Have you heard any word about our comrades? They were already driving us out of our camp when I got snatched, and I fear the worst."

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"I'm sorry, I haven't. Is there anyone you'd like me to try a Sending to?"

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"Sarvan - ah, Captain Munir, or Lady Inaya. If anyone managed to regroup after the attack, they'd be there with them."

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"Thank you. I'll check up on them and tell you what I hear."

She will in fact go to her tent and do this! Captain Munir first. 

This is Knight-Commander Brenda. Found some of your people in the Lost Chapel, got them out. Some others dead or ghouls. What's your status? 

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A sending from an unknown person. Best to not give away anything they wouldn't already know, if this is an enemy, but be as helpful as he can otherwise. 

Forced to retreat south, regrouped with losses. Encamped with Godclaw, but supplies low and understrength. Frequent night raids from the sky, only magic weapons injure.

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Better than them all being dead! She reports this to the prisoners, along with her intent to see what help she can provide them.

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They're very grateful! It hasn't been even two hours since they were basically certain they'd be turned into ghouls, and now most of their other comrades are probably going to be fine too. Brenda will get a few more effusive thanks on top of the ones she already got earlier.

(It's really lucky there was a crusade declared right now. It's not that they didn't know the risks of operating inside the wound, but even being worth the risk doesn't change the fact that most disasters like this aren't recoverable - if it had happened a month later they'd be lucky if half their people limped out afterwards.)

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Is Quartermaster Garms available to discuss the question of sending the Sarenrites additional supplies? (Several of the large randomized anonymous donations should have showed up by this point, so she hopes he'll be favorably disposed.)

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He is!

"The hardest part is going to be getting it to them, of course. We've got plenty of supplies - other than magic arrows, at least - but arrows, food, backup equipment - that's all heavy and bulky stuff. It sounds like they still have a cleric, though, so it's not as bad as it could be."

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"Can't just have me teleport back and forth with a wagon a bunch of times? I guess if it's dozens of wagonloads that's still pretty slow . . ." Maybe she can bring Nenio back and forth with her and they can try to rederive the rest of general relativity from what she remembers and both ends will think the other is just really good at packing/unpacking. "I assume all our bags of holding are already doing important things and getting more would take too long to be worth it?"

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"Everything I've heard says you can't take a wagon with you when you teleport - I've heard stories about loading up beasts of burden and then teleporting them, but even that wouldn't match a wagon for volume without a lot of trips and a lot of unloading and loading. I expect we can wrangle up a some bags of holding, but that won't be more than a few hundred added pounds a trip."

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"How about if I pick up the wagon? It really seems like it ought to work if I'm unambiguously carrying it, if there was a volume limit then dragons couldn't teleport."

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"I- yes, I think that would probably work. I'll see about getting some carts loaded up for you to take."

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"Thanks!" She is maybe starting to like this whole 'having employees' thing. It's nice, when you have only half of the ability to do something, for there to be someone else who has the other half and also wants the thing done.

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Under the quartermaster's directions, a pair of wagons start filling up with the requested relief supplies. There's food, of course, with large sacks of flour followed by salt and barrels of dried meat, butter, and cheese; they're joined by arrows by the barrel and box, containers of chain links, bandages and thread, bowstrings, and even spare clothing. The largest individual contribution, however, comes in the form of fuel - the ability to sustain fires is of critical importance in the field, and heating for food and warmth and repairs can go through a supply at breakneck speeds. For all that they have the money to afford it, it's clear that this is one of the things it pains Wilcer Garms most to part with.

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(A handful of scrolls and potions are set aside as well, but those are for her to carry on her person; they're not as valuable as the entire wagon, but by volume or weight there's nothing they'd prefer more to keep out of the hands of the demons if this turns into an ambush or any other trick).

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She tucks the scrolls and potions in her pockets, which acquire little bubble-wrap linings around the glass bottles, and heads over to the wagon. She did a bit of thinking, while the supplies were being gathered, about the best way to pick up a wagon that was never designed to be lifted off the ground. She lies down next to the wagon, scoots underneath it like a car mechanic, and bench-presses it with two hands on an axle, the other two on the sturdy wooden floorboards, and Alpina flopped on her face so she can read the scroll. It's not exactly dignified, but if anyone decides to complain she reads the scroll off before they can get to it.

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And then she exits the wagon as a cloud of glitter at the other end before coalescing back into a human with pockets, because why not.

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And comes face to face with a number of people in very evil-looking armor, leveling their spears at her.

"Identify yourself!"

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Godsfuckingdangit did she just teleport into a demon cultist ambush. Is there a mole in her staff or something. "I'm Knight-Commander Brenda. Who are you?" (She tells Alpina everything is probably under control but if she got another teleport scroll ready to go that would be super helpful of her.)

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"You are in the camp of - and under arrest by - the Order of the Godclaw. Do not attempt to cast spells, retrieve items, or flee; we will respond with lethal force. You will be held until such a time as we can confirm your identity, as authorized under Article 2, section 5 of the Worldwound Treaty, with the accompanying conditions."

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Aha. They have misinterpreted each other's aesthetics in similar ways. "I have no interest in harming anyone who isn't working with the demons. What's your plan for verifying my identity? I spoke to Captain Munir of the Sunrise Sword by Sending earlier today, these supplies are for them and you. If you Sending Sarjukheh Aamir he can confirm that I rescued him from the demons this morning and found out about your situation from him. I can also answer questions under a truth spell if you've got one. Whatever your preferred method is, we ought to proceed with it quickly, so I can get this wagon unloaded and go back for the second one."

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A sending to someone held prisoner by the demons means exactly nothing. Even if they haven't broken what passes for his discipline yet, nothing prevents a succubi from dominating him and forcing him to reply as they choose. And rushing a verification process by creating a sense of urgency is almost literally the oldest trick in the infiltrator's handbook, right up there with asking what the verification procedure they have to fake is.

"You aren't cleared to know that."

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The guards holding her at spearpoint are shortly joined by another group in the same ominous plate; as soon as they arrive the ones she'd already seen seem to somehow stand even straighter, but they don't take their focus off her for even a moment. One of the new group is significantly shorter than the others, and it's he who first speaks up.


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"Sir! The entity claims to be the Knight Commander, and appeared alongside what seems to be a cart of unknown provenance and contents that they described as 'supplies' intended for the Sunrise Sword. They have demonstrated teleportation or a convincing facsimile thereof and a shape-changing transmutation of unknown character."

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"If you manage to verify my identity without my finding out what the procedure for verifying my identity is . . . actually that would be pretty clever and impressive of you. I have several more suggestions for options but I worry you'll want to avoid anything I've already mentioned and I'd hate to rule out whatever you're planning on doing so I'll only tell you them if you actually want them."

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"The verification procedure will not change based on your words. Escort her to zone three."

This process apparently involves the men marching her at spear-point away from the wagons and any sort of cover, where their archers have clear lines of fire; a trio of less heavily armored people who still visibly match the same aesthetic scheme join them there.

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She continues to have no interest in harming them, causing a diplomatic issue with them, or making them so worried the supplies are a trap that they never unload them, so sure, she'll go stand in zone three. And contemplate whether putting a hand in a pocket to Sending the Quartermaster that she might be late back is too much of a threatening gesture. It's not worth trying yet, anyhow, maybe they'll actually be quick about it and she'll be back right when she's expected.

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Then they're going to cast a number of spells, on her and on themselves, while having her go over her story multiple times under entirely different phrasings. Partway through she's told not to resist a spell that ends up making her 10 feet tall before it's dismissed while one of the other people watch her with glowing eyes.

Eventually they do bring out a wand of Abadar's truth, at which they want her to both confirm she hasn't lied to them and also repeat her claims in yet another phrasing that they devised for her; they've got a script.

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She says things! They're all true! Being unexpectedly ten feet tall is pretty neat and the whole thing is admirably thorough. She memorizes as much of the procedure as she can deduce, in case she needs to check whether someone is a spy at some point, because she very well might. She should ask for their manuals once they're sure she's legit, she muses. 

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Excellent. They've narrowed down her infiltration possibilities to either a non-divinely-empowered humanoid who is very good at disguise and has a trick for beating truth spells, or a master spellcaster with magic they've never heard of. According to procedure further checks in this situation are not worth the resources expended in expectation.

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And more importantly, they've had people going over the alleged supplies with a fine toothed comb while she was hopefully too busy to interfere. It's come up empty on poison, magic, or hidden goods, though they'll need to do a more thorough check later on individual packages. 

He still doesn't trust that she is who she claims to be, but the treaty is clear on what the grounds of reasonable suspicion are for holding allied units prisoner and this no longer qualifies. 

"Release her."

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"Yes, sir!"

And then they can carefully disengage. They're clearly still ready for combat, but they no longer look like they're a second away from stabbing her. 

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Cool! This qualifies them for various Pocket Goodies! Here, have a bunch of scrolls and potions which you'll probably also want to inspect. Are they going to arrest her again if she teleports out and then back with another wagon, or can they give her a passphrase or something she can use to confirm it's still her?

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They can give her a passphrase that they will be only mildly suspicious of her if she says it when she returns, yes.

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Awesome! She will help get the wagon unloaded so she can bring it back at the same time as getting the second one. Also, while she's here, do they have a manual with whatever subset of that procedure isn't itself secret? She'd like to improve her Crusade's operational security. If the whole process is classified that's reasonable and she'll approach the problem independently.

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Their exact implementation details are still classified even now that she passed the test, but she can have the same broad-strokes summary they give to preemptively unreliable allies like the Mendevian army or other Hellknight orders. If she's done any research into the Mendevian inquisition, she'll see the main differences are that the godclaw focuses more on preemptively preventing people from being potential targets so they can afford to spend more on verifying individual cases; there's heavy emphasis on ensuring all patrols go out in trios (or pairs, in emergencies), that guard shifts have redundancy, and that under absolutely no circumstances do you allow someone to bypass checks even if it seems like a really good idea, with the penalties for violations starting at "incredibly brutal" and working up from there.

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It's hard to tell with the helmet, but her interest seems to have resulted in the Paralictor looking at her with slightly less disapproval than before.

"Before you implement any changes, you'll need to ensure it will be followed. Never give an order that you know won't be obeyed, and that goes double for anything that just gives you a false sense of security where the demons are concerned."

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She nods thoughtfully. "Yes, better to have a slightly worse procedure that actually gets followed than a nominally better one that's onerous enough people skip parts of it." 

(She will not be importing the brutal penalties. Not only is she deeply skeptical that they're necessary, even if she had cold hard proof that that they'd save enough people to be worth it she's not putting that tool in her toolbox.)

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Lacking the will to do things properly is a known failing of other armies. He's not disappointed; being disappointed that your model of reality is correct is among the clearest signs that you've gotten things twisted inside. There are more practical matters to be handled regardless.

"Have the sunrise sword briefed you on the enemies we have been dealing with?"

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"They said they took a lot more hitting to take out and that cold iron didn't help as much as it should have. Have you learned anything else about them?"

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"Yes. The fundamental issue they failed to recognize was that our foes were not demons at all, but a tribe of Gargoyles. Many of them appear to have demonic blood or empowerment from the fiendish powers, which allows them to overcome much of their weakness to magic, but they are fundamentally mortal. This is why neither blessed nor cold iron weapons find purchase and smites manage only a partial stopgap. The surest antidote we have found, for organizations lacking in magic weapons, is that of a coordinated defense; they have little ability to strike at range, and if enough force can be concentrated it is possible to slay them between when they first dive for a victim and when they take off again. A lucerne hammer is ideal, when they can be brought to bear."

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"I'll aim to get you some of those, then, if you don't have enough. And more arrows." And raid their base again; maybe she can kill a bunch of them and take some of the pressure off.

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"My unit would find use for another twelve such hammers, arrows up to four thousand, and wands or scrolls of magic weapon up to five hundred castings; I will approve payment for their transportation from citadel Dinyar or purchase them from your stores at up to half again their Arodus market values in Absalom, under the authorization of Paralictor Regill Derenge."