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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Well, she doesn't have to put up with it for more than like twenty seconds before Brenda opens the bag again to reveal her room in the Defender's Heart.


Oh good.


"That wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but it wasn't bad."


Brenda practices getting in and out of the bag once too, in case it makes sense for her to be one of the ones doing it in the field, then they all head off to their separate rooms and go to sleep.

Brenda is up early again, naturally, so if the Blackwing Library is open she'll go and read more until it's time to meet the rest of the team at the temple of Desna.


The place isn't locked overnight, but if she sticks around long enough about half an hour after dawn a middle-aged man dressed in Iomedaean will enter the building through the front doors and startle at her being there already.


There's no point being anywhere else until Ramien has finished his spell prep, so she's still there, albeit looking for a good stopping point in her current book. At some point in the past couple days her situational awareness has improved to the point where she notices when he gets close.

"Good morning!"


"Good morning," the man answers, seemingly on reflex. "I, uh, wasn't expecting anyone to already be here."


"Apologies; it was unlocked and there wasn't a schedule posted so I wasn't sure. What hours is the library open?"


"We usually open it about an hour after dawn, most days? Not because people can't do overnight research with permission, just so that we don't get people damaging or walking off with the books when nobody's around."

He glances at the still visible damage from the Baphomet cultists a few days back.

"I guess it's not really the most pressing issue at the moment, you just surprised me."


"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Does your church run the library? It's a good library and I appreciate your keeping it open despite all the turmoil."


"Yes; we handle purchases, upkeep, that kind of thing. It's not as glamorous as the fighting but it's an important job."


Brenda's opinion of Iomedae's church qua church (as opposed to 'the set of people to whom Iomedae gives magic') is now much higher than it was five minutes ago. 

"It is! I've been using it for fighting-adjacent purposes--reading up on common demon species--but there are a lot of good reasons to have books widely available."


He blinks; that was not the answer he had been expecting from someone as young as she looked. Still, she does seem equipped for it, and it’s not like he has any idea how four armed cat people age. For all he knows she’s been adventuring for decades by now. 

“Did you find what you were looking for?”


She smiles. "I did! Relatedly, I should probably head out soon."


"Inheritor bless you, then."


Off to the temple of Desna, then, where she arrives just before Ramien is done with his prayers and hangs out outside waiting for it to be go time.


Almost an hour on the dot after dawn, Ramien comes out of the temple.

"Ah, you're already here. Should we pick up your party, or are they also ahead of me and at Torag's temple?"


"I'm not sure yet, I got up early and spent a while in the library. So we should probably stop by the Defender's Heart to make sure nobody is there waiting for me." 


Then Ramien will go with her, keeping to whatever pace she sets.


By the time they arrive at the defender's heart, Wenduag, Ember, and Nenio are all waiting at the front, though Seelah doesn't seem to have made it yet.


There's a bulletin board of adventurers looking for parties and people offering bounties for various things and one "I found this cat, whose is it"; Brenda leaves a note on it for Seelah in case she comes here first and they all head off to the temple of Torag.


They'll encounter Seelah en route moving the opposite direction, at which point she flushes slightly and turns around to go with them.


"I trust you're all aware that this will be no easy task, and may end up costing your lives if you're unfortunate?"

When they all nod he casts a pair of spells, each targeting half their group. Utilizing the ability is a strange feeling somewhere between spreading yourself out and fading into the background, but it's surprisingly intuitive.

"Good skill."


"Thank you." Off they whoosh! It's delightfully weird. 


Between the spell itself and a tailwind provided by Ramien they travel quite quickly, but the speed is likely more novel to Brenda's companions than it is to her; it's fast, but more in the sense of a car on a highway than an airplane.

From the air, it's easy to see how the wounded lands earned their name. While the terrain on the Mendevian side of the wardstones is no rainforest, much of the land on the demons' side of the line consists of with vast tracts of bare reddish soil, occasionally dotted by stunted trees or patches of grass. Occasionally there are rifts in the earth with geologically implausible lava visible, and on one occasion a small lake of blood.

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