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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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No, sendings go through a forbiddance just fine. The thing is that they're expensive and require a powerful mortal cleric and get more expensive the more area you cover, so she expects they probably skimped on it. As for the true seeing, it depends on where the demon in question is. True seeing only works out to about a hundred twenty feet, and it doesn't do anything about seeing through walls or in the dark or around corners or behind your back, but if there is such a demon close enough to spot them and they aren't ready to fight the demon then that would probably be smart.


Well, Brenda is slowly but surely improving at being able to tell how serious a threat to her any given opponent is. Perhaps she should spend the rest of the evening in the library, looking for books with pictures of demons and descriptions of their abilities.


That sounds smart. Honestly Seelah feels like she should have already done this and known the result if she found reading less aversive but now that Brenda's doing it she doesn't have an excuse to put it off more.


Huh, people just give away information on what kinds of demons there are? And somehow just from the scribbles underneath the pictures you can figure this out.

"How exactly does this work?"


All previous plans have been violently shoved down the stack in favor of excitedly teaching Wenduag to read! Reading is so good and cool and fun you can use it for eeeeeeeeeverything here's how the alphabet works!


Wow, that's completely bewildering! And people on the surface do this all the time?

..She's a neather, she can do anything they do as well or better than they can. Wenduag commits herself to the task of learning from Brenda with a somewhat alarming intensity.


That is a totally normal and reasonable amount of intensity for learning to read! Let's goooooo. Brenda is down to teach until Wenduag is either satisfied with her skill level or needs to go to bed, whichever comes first. The time dilation probably doesn't help with fatigue, especially other people's, but it will help with having time to get a good night's sleep afterwards.


Wenduag isn't exactly a genius, but she's not stupid either, and reading is in fact simple enough that a child can learn. Well, eventually learn. By the time Wenduag's eyes are glazing over, she's at least managed to pick up some of the basics even if she's not remotely ready to figure out the whole researching demons bit.


That's totally fine and normal, it's not intuitive and it takes a bit! They can do some more practice tomorrow and she'll keep getting better. In the meantime Brenda can read the demon books out loud, or just summarize them for Wenduag in the morning.


She'll take the former. Also wow there are a lot of kinds of demons, she thought she had probably seen most of them fighting in the past week but it turns out she absolutely did not.


There are a truly unreasonable number of kinds! Theoretically if the Abyss is infinite there could be an infinite number of kinds, but only a finite subset have any idea that Golarion or the Worldwound exists or have any interest in going through. They'll focus on the common ones and keep improving their intuitions for how scary unfamiliar kinds look.


Probably none of them are scary to Brenda but even with her new magic bow there's no way she'd be able to take on Savamalekh yet. And it turns out there's a whole species of him, and a few other kinds of demons even stronger than that. The fact that Vrolikai are still considered one of the strongest kinds is only so reassuring about how far there is to go.


Seelah is struggling a bit with her own research, but once she managed to get Nenio to talk about their entries in worldwound section of the Encyclopedia Golarionnica it got way smoother. She's not sure all of it is useful information, but it's surprisingly easy to remember the details about Babau when she connects it to Nenio talking about her desire to see if their tails can actually be tied together without slipping apart due to slime.


It seems highly unlikely that this mission will involve them killing two babaus and then leaving in a leisurely manner, but Brenda will take note for the future that 'two freshly dead babaus' would make a good present for Nenio. (If she happens to end up with them anyway. She believes that most demons would be happy to kill her, at this point, but that's no reason to go out of her way to kill more of them without a good reason.)


Eventually Seelah will get tired enough that she has to push down the urge to just cure it with lay on hands.

"I'm probably going to turn in soon, make sure I'm not tired for the rescue tomorrow."


"Yeah, I should do likewise. There's probably some kind of useful experiment I should do with my one teleport for today, but I can tell that I can't take a passenger and I don't want to test the range any further than I can walk back from so it won't tell me if I can get back from Drezen."


"You could teleport into the air, and then land with feather fall! Though I guess if you went as far up as Drezen is from here you'd be in space, so it's probably not safe for much more than making sure it's longer than dimension door."


"And Dimension Door can't bring people along in a bag of holding, can it, so that's another thing to check. Who wants a bag-ride to the Defender's Heart?"


"Ooh, I definitely do!"


This is what they're planning to do to leave Drezen? Then it probably makes sense to test it ahead of time, so she doesn't show weakness then.



"I'll pass, if that's alright, I'm not even going to the defender's heart."


"Ooh, it's like a carriage ride but for teleporting! That sounds fun."


"Awesome. Seelah, I'll see you tomorrow. Everyone else, all aboard." She holds out the empty bag at the least inconvenient height and angle for people to step in. Having four arms to keep the opening square helps, but it's still pretty weird climbing into an extradimensional space with non-rigid walls.


The bag is dark, but she can still see everything in shades of grey; other than the shifting of the cloth walls, it's not really any different from being back in the caves. It doesn't bother her at all, Wenduag decides firmly. Besides, the other two still look excited.

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