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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Does trying to turn invisible and slip away count?


No. Stab.


Seelah will also stab him a moment later, having continued to track him with detect evil, but it's an unnecessary addition; he's quite thoroughly dead.

"We'll probably need to take his corpse to the temple; I don't fancy the odds he tries to rise from the grave. Hopefully he doesn't have any more surprises hidden elsewhere."

Then she can go back to eliminating the zombies and ghouls before they get lucky and injure her.


Once the zombies and ghouls are all cleaned up Brenda pops around a corner and comes back with a shroud to carry the necromancer in.

"What should we do with the rest of the corpses? We can't just leave them here; the whole street will reek. I guess ideally there'd be some way to identify their next of kin but that sounds logistically complicated." By which she means she doesn't want to tell someone 'hello I stabbed your zombie sister', but also it does legitimately sound complicated.


“I’m not sure; with some of them, I bet Hulrun or Jhoran or someone will be able to identify them, but others don’t look nearly intact enough for that, to say nothing of the shadows. Maybe there just isn’t a good way to do more than guess. We should…” she stops, then rallies. “We should tell the church to bring a cart. They’ll need the bodies anyway if they’re going to bury them.”


"Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't realize the shadows used to be people."


Unless Brenda wants to offer an opinion, Seelah will default to leading the way back to the temple of the Inheritor, where she talks to Stasia about where to send the cart (and the soldiers Stasia decides to send with them, because obviously she's not about to ask them to collect corpses from a necromancer without paladins with them).


It's about this time that Terendelev arrives as well, making a landing in front of the building. She pronounces the city streets clear, but reminds everyone that there are still likely cultists and a handful of demons lurking and that they should make sure to report anything suspicious they see to the authorities.


Yay! Brenda is going to stock up on food (Hollow Leg means she no longer technically needs to eat, but she still gets hungry) and figure out something analogous to hotel rooms for herself and Wenduag, and then meet back up with Ember and see how her demon redemption attempt is going.


Food is definitely available, both still given out at the temples and some tentatively reopened locations if soup isn’t to her taste.

With people starting to return to their homes, the temples aren’t going to be as crowded? Alternatively, she could see about getting a room at an inn - the defender’s heart is popular amongst adventurers, partially due to it’s attached tavern - or ask someone in the city to put her up. There are probably also houses for sale with the kind of money Brenda has, but given the timing that probably means choosing one who’s owners just died, and thus may not be to her taste for reasons other than cost.


She's sure the soup is fine, but nobody with her amount of money should be taking charity food; she'll find someone who has managed to start selling it again. And then get rooms at the Defender's Heart unless Wenduag prefers somewhere else, because while she has no objection to buying a dead person's house she doesn't want to deal with that much logistics when she has no idea how long she's in town for. 


The owner of the Defender's Heart is a tall, pale man of few words; he doesn't react at all to either of Brenda or Wenduag's appearances, even to at the background level of double takes or second glances they usually get from people on the street. They can get one or two rooms, depending on preference, each with a solid deadbolt and windows that can be shuttered against arrows. The building itself is clearly built to be defensible, with its own wall and gates and a sturdy construction; most likely either the architect was paranoid of this kind of incursion or this kind of security is just reassuring to adventurers. It also sells food and drinks, which there look to be some armed and armored people taking advantage of on the main floor.


Two rooms, unless Seelah's or Nenio's houses have been damaged. 

How is Ember doing? Hopefully her afternoon was less eventful than the rest of the party's. Hopefully her player is back from whatever schedule conflict caused her to miss a week.


Ember thinks it's been going pretty well! The fact that they were trapped in the cell made it harder, but the guards might have actually helped; lots of things are more scary before you get to know them better. There's only so much you can do just by talking, and she thinks she still has a ways to go, but Ember is pretty sure she's right that at least some demons can get better.


The other person in the jail is trying quite hard not to seem like he's listening, but this act is somewhat foiled by the fact that he absolutely is.


Brenda is glad to hear it! She'd be happy to talk to the demon some more if them getting to understand her better would help.

The other guy listening to Ember is valid; she's very worth listening to. Brenda gives him a friendly smile.


The moment he realizes he's been caught, he jerks his head away.


"How did you get the demon to be so cooperative? All the ones I've encountered are disappointingly uninterested in responding usefully to survey questions."


"Well, I think the first thing you have to do is make sure you aren't fighting them when you get started on the conversation. With Drovidra, I was already talking to him when he learned I knew he was a demon, which made it easier to keep talking instead of automatically fighting them. You also have to make sure not to be too scary or too scared, since most demons have conditioned responses to those and their learned habits aren't very good for them."


Nenio will take notes!


Her friends are so good! 


"Do you think you'll be able to notice if and when he becomes able to be okay living on the material without hurting anyone?"


"Without wanting to hurt someone? Yes, I think so. But it's harder to guess how he might act if he gets too stressed or scared or angry at the wrong time, or if something... reminds him, in the wrong way. I'm more confident that getting further away from other demons and the worldwound would probably help him recover, but for a lot of this I'm just going on intuition."


Brenda would probably also kill fewer people if she was somewhere else, so that tracks!

"Yeah, I get the sense that Kenabres is an unusually stressful place to be. I don't know where the least stressful places are; they're probably the ones I haven't heard of yet."


"According to my research, the least stressful places to live in Golarion are Hermea and Kyonin! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to confirm these findings personally, but I hope to rectify this once I can teleport!"

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