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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Nenio will color spray the two attendants to get them out of the way, then.


Angel sword to the guts, backup sword to the leg, and the other two hands are dragon claws attempting equally unpleasant things.


Under ordinary circumstances, only the angel sword amongst those would really matter. Here, however, even the claws are backed by Brenda's prodigious strength, and between them and the arrows it just proves too much for her to take. Her attendants and the man kneeling on the floor in front of her look lost and angry at her death, but are too shocked and frightened to attack Brenda about it.

"What have you done? How could you?"


"I'm afraid she wasn't what she seemed," she says gently. "If you come with me to the temple of Iomedae, I'll explain everything, and if I need to be arrested they'll arrest me." 


They are not very enthusiastic about going anywhere with the armed adventurer who just murdered someone they... loved? in front of them.


Seelah thinks through her options, winces at what she comes up with, and thinks through them again. It isn't lying, everything she's planning to say is true. And it's in their best interests, not breaking the laws of Kenabres, and it means she and Brenda don't have to knock out innocent civilians. But it still feels dirty, like the kind of thing that the code against lying is supposed to forbid, like she's sacrificing the law in the name of good. 'Inheritor' she prays, 'guide me in my uncertainty, and grant me your grace, that I might make the right choice.' There's no answer, of course, but she didn't really think it would be that easy.

"I'm Seelah, a Paladin of Iomedae," she says, stepping forward to get their attention with a sword pointed at Brenda. "I'd like you to come with me to the temple, so you can give your reports and justice be served for the deeds done here today. They always want witness testimonies so they can be sure they're levying the right punishment and the guilty don't walk free."

She turns her attention towards Brenda, and mouths an apology for the act.


As far as Brenda is concerned this is perfectly reasonable! They'll explain everything as soon as everyone on both sides of the explanation is plugged into consensus reality. She puts her hands up and says "Yes ma'am" and wonders what the paladin equivalent of "officer" is and maybe now they can all depart under their own power, she hopes. (Except the dead succubus, which Brenda will carry if nobody objects.)


Once Seelah reframes the issue, they become much more cooperative, though they aren’t happy about the idea of Brenda carrying the corpse or her leaving it and Seelah ends up having to have one of them carry the corpse just to keep them satisfied.


Alright, she can do this. Seelah winces at the unconscious bodies of the guards at the front door. It’s not great to leave them there, but she can’t ask Brenda to carry them she’s supposedly the prisoner, there’s no way Nenio will be able to carry one, and if she picks one up then she won’t be able to be convincingly with a sword in control of the situation…

”Wenduag, can you grab one of them? The two of you are on carrying the other one.”

Seelah ends up having to teach two of the people a modified fireman’s carry to move the guard at any reasonable pace, but fortunately the townhouse isn’t that far from the temple.


It's very inconvenient how this whole situation is such that Brenda, the logical choice for carrying heavy things, cannot carry any heavy things, but that's how it goes sometimes. Onward to the temple; hopefully Hulrun will not spend too long arresting her before he helps the mind-controlled people. Or after, for that matter.


For an old man who'd been awake for over a day straight, Prelate Hulrun is surprisingly alert. To most of those who didn't know him, it was a certain sign that the man was a soulless automaton dedicated only to the persecution of any possible cultists, while asking Liotr Hawksblade would result in the man pinching his nose and sighing at Hulrun's habit of casting keep watch and then micromanaging his subordinates. Regardless of the reason, however, when Brenda arrives at the temple of Iomedae Hulrun can be seen out in front of the entrance telling a wincing soldier in unfamiliar livery that he doesn't care what the count said, he wants all of them searching for demons yesterday.


There are few things Seelah would like less than to get in the middle of a struggle between the Count and the Prelate. Thankfully even with their altered cognition the civilians she's escorting are just as loathe to drag his attention to them, so she can wait until Hulrun angrily dismisses the man before trying to catch his attention.

"Excuse me, sir, we were hoping to make use of your expertise here."


"What is it?"

His eyes run over everyone present, lingering a moment on the succubus corpse, then return to Seelah.

"They're all enchanted, if that's what you're asking, other than your party and the one with the spiky hair. Both charms and compulsions. I'll have them step into the temple, see if that snaps them out of it, and then hold them here until Terendelev can stop by and dispel them all in one go, and then see if any of them other than the wizard were working for her willingly. Good work, Paladin."


"Er, Nenio is with us, sir. Not them. She's not enchanted because we killed the succubus before it could use its magic."


"Is that so? Because she matches some reports from a few weeks back of a magic-using suspected cultist who gave my subordinates the slip. You there, girl, what do you have to say for yourself? And step into the zone of truth before you answer."


"I'm Nenio, scientist and author of the soon-to-be-published Enyclopedia-"


"About your crimes. Are you a demon cultist? Have you ever worked for demons, demon lords, demon cultists, or anyone you suspect to be one of the previous? Have you broken any of the laws of the city in your time here?"


"I work for science, not for people. Besides, they're pretty much all boring anyway. I don't know if I've broken any of your laws, I don't remember irrelevant things like that."


Hulrun is, for once, not entirely sure how to respond to that. Wizards, he's tempted to think, but no, he's interrogated wizards before. Most of them aren't a tenth this bad.

"What demons or cultists don't you think are boring, then? And are you or are you not the individual who, two weeks and three days ago, were caught shouting 'Hail Baphomet' and then fleeing arrest?"


"Well, Areelu Vorlesh sounds pretty interesting, and I don't have enough evidence to prove there aren't any others, but none of the ones I've met have been very interesting conversationalists even compared to crusaders. And yes, that's me! Please thank your inquisitors for me, their response time to reports of cultists is a valuable contribution to the encyclopedia."


'Might defect if Areelu Vorlesh asked them to' is not exactly the most encouraging trait for someone to have, but it's not like it's much larger of an attack surface; if she actually met with this... Nenio and wanted their assistance, Nenio's compliance wouldn't be a factor.

"Right, I've heard enough. That's a serious crime even if you weren't a cultist, you've earned yourself a stint behind bars even accounting for leniency from confession."


"Prelate, she's been assisting us with the defense of the city. She helped us take down a shadow demon and free all these people from a succubus. Surely this isn't more important than defeating the demons?"


"And you're willing to vouch for her?"

At Seelah's nod, he turns back to Nenio.

"If I release you into her custody, will you try to flee the city?"


"Probably not! I mean, maybe if something way more interesting happens nearby, but that seems unlikely to happen if Brenda is here."


That's as good as you'll get with wizards, and more honest than a no would have been, zone of truth or no.

"Very well. I'll let you act as her warden for the duration of the crisis, then, and count her community service against her time served. If she commits more crimes or evades judgment, however, it'll be on your head."

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