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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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"Thank you, Prelate. I'll make sure you don't regret this."


"See to it that you don't."

With that settled, he's going to take these civilians into custody and ensure the succubus is very thoroughly dead, because you can't be too careful with those sort.


"Thanks, Seelah. You're a really helpful person to be around. Nenio--I'm sorry you helping us out got you in trouble."

Nenio definitely also contributed to her own being in trouble, but--she had been looking forward to spending time with Nenio as a voluntary associate, as a colleague. Maybe as a friend. And if she learned one thing from doing group projects in school (debatable) it's that the fastest way to make someone hate you is for an authority figure to force them to work with you on something. It could be worse, though; thank goodness she's not in Seelah's shoes. And if she's lucky Nenio will think it's a fun sentence.


"What do you mean?"


"Hulrun being all---" vague handwave. Apparently Nenio is simply too punk rock to be phased by any of this. "Uh, please don't do more crimes? I don't want Hulrun to cause trouble for Seelah either. There's tons of fun science to do that isn't illegal." She thinks. She should really get a copy of the Kenabres and Mendev law codes and read the whole thing looking for counterintuitive stuff; it probably won't be as long as the US equivalent and she's now a much faster reader with a much more complicated life and she'll need to pay her own taxes and stuff. She makes a TODO about it.


"Oh, that. I've already forgotten about it. As for the law, where's your spirit of scientific inquiry? As scientists our goal is to advance the boundaries of knowledge, not do what some boring official tells us to!"


"There are loads of boundaries of knowledge, though, so why not work on the ones that don't bother anybody first?" she says lightly. "You've got to pick somehow, after all."


"Huh, so only do science that breaks the law right before you leave? I can see the appeal, there are a lot of things that are easier to do if the guards aren't bothering you in the middle of setting up the experiment. Always checking if something is legal before doing it sounds like a real waste of time, though, since you could just be spending that time doing the experiment."


"I mean, one of the things I was just thinking was that I'm curious what the laws are here compared to what they are back home. We could investigate what effect the existence of truth magic has on criminal procedure, and the effects of gods existing, and actually this is a perfect way to take advantage of us being from different worlds!" That sentence started out as a somewhat manipulative persuasion attempt but it was extremely sincere by the time she got to the end of it.


Detecting manipulation? That sounds like a task for someone with a sense motive bonus higher than one.

"Ooh, that does sound interesting! Of course, there's enough differences in the situations it will be hard to track down what specific causes each change has, and Golarion has more than one set of laws, but at least we can set up a baseline of comparison for further research to build on and look at what varies at all."


"Golarion having more than one set of laws definitely makes it more work but it'll be good in the long run to have a higher sample size. It's too bad I didn't bring a bunch of law books from Earth." She knew she would want more books no matter how many books she brought, though, so she doesn't think she really made a mistake there per se.


This is probably a good sign when it comes to Nenio obeying laws, right? Probably. At least she should be too distracted when she is literally reading to do any crimes, and even if it just reduces the instances after that it'll make her job easier. And thankfully Nenio didn't convince Brenda to start breaking laws with her, and Wenduag seems perfectly sensible about it and would probably only break a law if Brenda told her to.

...She has no idea how Irabeth managed to be an adventurer for so many years, partying with people who weren't paladins.


The next anomaly visible to Brenda's Aeon sight is in fact not demonic at all, though it definitely doesn't feel like an angel either. The signatures are much weaker than she usually gets from a demon, but there are rather a lot of them.


(Seelah is a good friend and a good person and Brenda wants to make her life easier rather than harder, and also she is not extremely punk rock and didn't take Undiplomatic Immunity so she doesn't want to break any laws for selfish reasons either.)

"There's a whole bunch of little--extraplanar something--over there. Not demonic or heavenly. I don't know if they're dangerous or peaceful or what." Can she get her regular eyes on the swarm-or-something?


They're all inside of a house, though they don't seem to be near the entrance or windows to it.


Maybe this time she can just knock on the door like a civilized person. Hope springs eternal.


It takes a bit, but a short, mousy looking man comes up to the door, though he doesn't open it more than a crack and there's a visible chain that prevents it from being pushed further without excessive force unless unlatched.

"Yes? Who is it?"


"Hi, we're adventurers checking for demons. Are you aware that you have a bunch of small extraplanar beings in your house? Not demonic but that doesn't mean they're friendly, so I just wanted to make sure everything is okay."


"What? Oh, yes, it's nothing to be concerned about, they won't be here long."


That's what someone would say if they were having a perfectly normal poker game with their air elemental friends. It's also what someone would say if they had something deeply fucked up going on. She gives him her friendliest smile.

"Do you mind if I come in and say hello for just a moment? The more kinds where I can match a physical appearance to what they look like to my magic, the less likely I am to get spooked by someone friendly or deceived by someone hostile later. Also I just like meeting new kinds of being."

She's expecting a no, but if she's lucky the type of no will be evidence about whether this guy is assembling an army of devil rats or baking baby proteans into pies or what.


"I think we'd better not. They don't tend to be, ah, the most interested in making friends with new people, and neither they nor I know you from any other group of adventurers. In fact, for all I know you could be disguised demon cultists."


"I'm a Paladin! We're not cultists."


"I only have your word to go on for that; I don't have a good way of telling you apart, after all."


Brenda takes advantage of this exchange to fire off a Detect Fiendish Presence and a Detect Magic while he isn't paying attention.


There's no fiendish presence, but the man has a faint aura of magic around him.

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