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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Most of the most interesting items are rather expensive, and in terms of practicality it doesn’t seem like much beats cloaks of resistance or rings of protection in protection per cost, but there are still some things that might catch her eye. Is she interested in a protective ring that lets the wearer turn into a songbird? A set of sleeves that promise the ability to imitate any other set of mundane clothing? A set of gem-adorned gloves that let the wearer heal others? A feather that can turn into a tree, boat, or catapult? A necklace of throwable fireballs? 


The gloves are a very clever piece of work; she hasn't seen anything with that sort of gem-based power reserve before. Could their useful life be extended by replacing the expended sapphires with new ones of the appropriate size and quality, or are these particular gems integrated into the construction such that they couldn't be replaced without rebuilding the structure around them?


“Hmm. You couldn’t just slot in new sapphires to recharge it, or add more for extra storage, but I would guess a crafter with the requisite skills and materials could recharge a partially used up set for less than it would take to get a new one. It would have to be someone pretty skilled, though, since there’s a lot of complicated spellcraft that goes into making that many spells play nice together; I had to commission it custom from an acquaintance in Absalom.”


"How interesting! I'm no expert but it looks beautiful."

If she can't cheat ridiculously with the gloves, she's going to set them aside, give the acrobatics boots one last longing glance, and buy the cheapest cloaks of resistance for everyone in the party who can be easily persuaded to take one, because that's the most useful thing she can afford one of for everybody.


Cloaks of resistance are one of his more common items; she can get them in matching or personalized aesthetics, as she chooses. It's not as big a sale as he'd hoped for, but it's still a tidy profit and if her party associates his shop with magic items they might swing back themself, so he'll count it as a win and knock a bit off the price.

It's pretty easy to get Seelah and Wenduag to take theirs, but Nenio and Ember are apparently both distracted talking with different objects.


Distracted from what? Nenio is pretty confident interviewing this golem is her main goal at the moment, actually, and honestly she's had no shortage of worse interviewees over the last few days; having to rephrase questions isn't the biggest deal.


"-And there I was, demons on all sides, but I had a clever plan. You see, a phantom blade is never without the right tool for the job, so I switched out my sword for a flail and made them all keep their distance while I made for the cave exit."


"Oh, what happens next? Did you make it out alright?"


Part of the awesomeness of having the best headband is that she can get cloak color preferences from the people inclined to have them and listen in on the golem interview at the same time and woah, talking sword! "Oh, hello!" she says, and pauses in looking through cloaks to hear the rest of the story.


"Hello to you too, miss! You've arrived at just the right time. At first, my plan was working perfectly; none of the demons wanted to be the first to take a hit from me, and my weapon has no issues hitting the intangible so the succubus couldn't close the gap with Ethereal Jaunt. However, there was one flaw I had overlooked; the closer I got to the entrance of the cave, the smaller the passage got, and the more I had to shorten the chain on my flail to keep from hitting the cave walls! Not only did this mean the end wasn't moving as quickly, it also reduced the size of the space I could keep clear of demons, which some of the more enterprising Babau took advantage of to try and jab me with their spears. It got to the point where I couldn't safely go any further, but staying where I was meant exhausting myself as I slowly died to a hundred glancing blows. My escape was within sight, but just as far from reach as ever; if only I had learned to cast dimension door! I would have to do something drastic if I wanted to make it out alive. I transformed my weapon into a defending spike shield, bull rushed my way past the first demon blocking me, and cast telekinetic charge to send myself flying out the cave entrance! The landing was a little rough, not to mention getting hit on the way past, but I was out in the open with a solid lead, and I made it back to the crusader's fort before they could take me down!"


Ember claps enthusiastically at the conclusion.


"I'm glad you made it out! So can you shapeshift into any weapon?"


"Any weapon I'm familiar enough with to properly visualize. I knew this fellow once who swore by his spiral rapier, but I could never get the hand of visualizing it properly and didn't have much better luck using his when he lent it to me one time."


"Do you also have a form with hands, then? That's convenient. What's a spiral rapier?"


"Of course I have hands, see?"

No hands make themself evident.

"I'd love to show you, but like I said I never got the hang of it. It looks something like a corkscrew, but much longer and with sharper edges; the guy who had it was always doing crazy tricks to disarm people."


Fyllamen's voice comes to Brenda as a whisper from where he's sorting through a pile of loose rings.

<Don't push Finnean too hard on his shape. He had a nasty run-in with a demon cultist who called themself the bladesmith, who trapped him inside his weapon as a sick experiment, and nobody's been able to figure out how to fix it. Ever since he's had some memory problems and issues picking up new information; you can get him to realize what happened if you work at it, but he never takes it well and he'll forget it soon after.>



<Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for explaining.> Wow, that's incredibly fucked up!!!

It occurs to her that True Love's Kiss would fix this, but she can't put herself in the mindset of pursuing a serious romantic relationship with Finnean and expects that trying would only cause horrible drama. She will simply have to learn all the magic and then come back and dispel him.

Out loud to Finnean: "That does sound tricky. But it sounds like you're so good with so many other weapons I doubt you'll need that kind of fancy trick." 

And then she flees makes a dignified exit to go watch Nenio interview the golem.


After finishing up her initial survey questions, Nenio set out to try and tease out the golem's internal experiences, which she managed to make a bit of headway on by repeatedly rephrasing her queries before getting distracted by a disagreement over the importance of memory storage.

"-And thus by choosing to forget irrelevant details, you can streamline your recall apparatus, and thereby remember the important things more easily. When are you going to need to remember everything you saw a week ago?"


"This unit was last called upon to do that: 15 minutes ago. Troubleshooting of model G-504-ENE shows no change in recall times from filling memory banks."


"Do you have a perfect memory? How far back does it go? Nenio, can you actually forget things on purpose or just not put effort into remembering them?" If the golem does have an eidetic memory Brenda isn't going to be sad about DFEW not copying it, but only because her headband has improved her memory a lot.


"This unit's memory extends: 13 years, 4 months, 11 days. No degradation of memory quality has been observed."


"I forget everything unimportant or irrelevant!"


"What, on purpose? What if it becomes important or relevant later?"


"Well, maybe I do forget something that will be important later occasionally. Or maybe not; I don't remember."


"I will keep an eye out and let you know if I notice you having forgotten something important," Brenda says seriously, because that's what friends are for.

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