but we sure are
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Magic!! So cool!!!!


Kiss! Dayo is so adorable when she's excited (not that Tetsuma isn't excited too; persistent magical effects are cool, but her girlfriend's too cute for words).


Eeeeee! Magic and kiss!

"This world is great."


"It's so - relaxing. And pretty. And - " kiss - "it dropped me in front of you, clearly it has very good taste in people."


"I should say the same," she says, eyeing Tetsuma up and down.



Tetsuma flushes fairly deeply. "So," she tries and fails to say casually, "Um. We should probably talk about stuff. And things."


"I believe we should!"


"Um. I really liked everything we did. It was - fun. More than I was anticipating. I'm - probably still going to be nervous and easily flustered about stuff for a while, but I think my subconscious has calmed down some now that I have reference material." Very deep blush.

Then, a deep breath, and slowly: "I was actually - definitely interested - since the last stop, but I decided that I'd rather wait until I was female again to - approach things. Because the transformation doesn't handle arousal well yet, so I'm... probably until I manage to fix that going to have weird patterns of partial disinterest in the future. Especially since I sometimes have dysphoria when neither. I think though that waiting - built up my anxiety - so that was part of - " she waves her hand vaguely - "brain stuff getting bad."


She nods. "Of course. We can go as fast or as slow as you want and we won't do anything you're not comfortable with."


Kiss! "I wasn't worried, just - thought it should be said. And I think I'll be okay with decently fast? Just with - pauses." She makes a face. "Frustrating pauses."

Then blush, and: "There's actually - stuff - I want to try, too, that I'd like to talk about maybe doing? And I'd like to know what you're interested in, what's even - a thing to do, I'm really not well-calibrated on what's possible beyond what can be gotten from gossip."


"You can assume the answer to the question 'what am I interested in?' is 'yes' for the purposes of this conversation."



"So. Um. I'd like to - Just." She blushes and buries her face in her hands. "Winning at the splash fight like that was - fun in a really... Kissing way. Once I'm - able to - stuff - without stammering, I'd be really interested in... Like, sparring, and whoever pins the other gets to decide - things, or chase games. While I was a boy I was also thinking about - stuff we could do - if I could get the transformation to handle arousal but not full everything, and - there's some things that'd maybe be fun with jutsu, especially wood release? That I'll probably manage sooner."

A pause.

"Maybe we can discuss more of what's - possible - once I'm comfortable to that point, though."


She nods. "Those all sound like lovely ideas."


Tetsuma nods and takes a few deep breaths until her blush fades. Dayo being so - calm about everything is really helping her uncertainty.

"So. Anything else to talk about?"


"You're the captain, here. I'm interested in everything you're interested in and I probably have enough experience to show you all the ropes."



"So, what're we planning for the rest of the day? At least some of this area should be shady during the worst of the heat, so we can stay and swim some more - or spar or something - or head back to town?"


"Up to you. I could nap, after this."


"Heading back works fine for me, then." 


She should kiss Tetsuma again though.


Eeee! Tetsuma is very happy with stealing kisses while they pack up and get dressed. 

It's still a bit of a hike back to town, unfortunately, and it'll be getting into the hottest parts of the day by the time they reach the inn.


But then they can nap, yes?


Yup! Tetsuma's not quite tired yet (more energized), so instead she'll quietly work on the transformation jutsu for a bit, but she'll settle down to nap after working out the worst of her energy.




Zzzz. (Once Tetsuma's over her energy burst, she crashes, and will probably stay out until the evening or so if not woken.)


She'll wake before that and work on jutsu herself while she waits for Tetsuma to wake up.

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