but we sure are
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Tetsuma giggles. "I'm a shinobi, of course I cheated." She's mostly looking skyward, but keeping half an eye on Dayo in case she retaliates with a water bullet or wave or something.


Nope, she'll retaliate by modifying her hands and feet so they're webbed and swimming very fast towards Testuma to splash her!


Different cheating! Tetsuma jumps on top of the water, then forms a handsign and kicks the surface, sending out a far-too-large wave. (This is complicated by constant giggles, and having trouble looking at her girlfriend without nearly melting.)

She doesn't exactly dodge, so she'll likely still get splashed.


Sure, and Dayo can go underwater and splash Testuma from below.


Yeah if Dayo surfaces right under her Tetsuma's going to lose her footing. She recovers, catching herself on her hands before flipping back to her feet, eeps when she accidentally looks, then closes her eyes and shoots a weakened water bullet. It'll make a decently sized splash, even if it misses.

(Okay, play-fighting without looking at your opponent is hard.)


Isn't it just? Especially when the opponent has no such qualms and will in fact grapple her.



Tetsuma fortunately knows a truly ludicrous number of ways to break holds, and moves to throw Dayo to the center of the pool. 


Well, Dayo is pretty helpless then isn't she?


It's a soft throw, but yes. Tetsuma flashes through another three hand-seals, forming a whip of water from her hand to try and grab Dayo with. (Mostly trying to locate her by sound, given the risk of spontaneous combustion from blushing if she looks.)


She is grabbed!


The whip wraps around her waist and lifts her in the air, somewhat tenuously. Tetsuma's clearly concentrating fairly hard. 


She claps!


"I win!" She's pretty much bouncing in the water - fighting's fun.

The water whip gently lowers Dayo back into the pool and then collapses. 


"You do! Should I reward you with kisses?"


"Oh, definitely!" Tetsuma is very enthusiastic about the kisses. 


Eeeeee! Kisses! Topless kisses!


Tetsuma steps back for air after a bit, somehow flushes an even deeper red, and says, "I'd like to - look properly."




"Um. I've kind of been - not looking - and I'm getting annoyed at myself - and I keep thinking and would rather not be frustrated like this the next however long - so..." She opens her eyes and properly looks at her girlfriend.

...Her brain promptly goes offline.





She waves a hand in front of Tetsuma's eyes.




"You're also topless!" she accuses.


Brain nudges slightly. "I don't have a crush on myself! And I'm thinking about stuff."


"I mean, you're probably used to seeing girls topless if they do that to swim where you're from! Come on they're just nipples!"


"Girls aren't supposed to swim for fun - most of the Senju don't, it's not like we have a lake in the clan compound or anything. We'd be topless at the hot springs, but going to the baths with my cousins is different than - looking at my girlfriend. And - you're really pretty and you're you and I had a lot of fun fighting and my mind keeps producing images." She's babbling isn't she. 

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