but we sure are
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Or they can wrap up sooner, game length's basically arbitrary. Tetsuma's fine with either, though.

He gives Dayo a nice long, lingering kiss before going to bed.


Nah he wants to continue and see exactly how he's gonna lose. Tomorrow!

And bed.


That's fine, then.



The next morning Tetsuma wakes up, stretches, and realizes that for the first time in a week her skin isn't crawling. She grins to herself, then gets up to dress lightly and go on a run. The sun's still considering whether to come up, so it's nice and cool out.

She's back a bit after dawn.


And Dayo's up!


Kiss! "Morning, lovely. Want to get breakfast?"


"I'd love to! And then go swimming."


"I found a nice place on my run, it's not that far but it doesn't look like people frequent it a lot."

Breakfast is down in the courtyard. People here apparently go for light breakfasts - there's pretty much only fruit, a few varieties of bread-and-preserves, and tea. Almost no one's awake yet, but there's a few other early risers sitting on cushions or benches.


Dayo has a good relationship with her sleeping patterns and has long since gotten them to match Tetsuma's so she's pretty awake.


Tetsuma tends to wake up around or before dawn no matter when she went to sleep. Which is somewhat annoying after staying up.

Eat and then head pool-wards? (Tetsuma talks to the serving girl, and they can also take a basket of finger foods and a jug of tea with them for a small charge, if they want to bring snacks or have lunch out.)


Those sound like good ideas, then they don't need to worry about coming back for food.


Yeah, that's what Tetsuma was thinking.

The pool's about a bit over a thirty minutes' hike away, and why it's unfrequented becomes kinda obvious - there's some not-quite stairs, and the hike's annoying enough that most people probably try to find closer pools. The pool itself is cool and clear. It's not quite still - a creek feeds into it on one end, and water exits in a series of small falls on the other, making it more of a temporary pause in the river. It's nice and wide, only coming up to a bit over their waists at the deepest point.


She strips down to her underwear and gets into the water.


Tetsuma sets her stuff down, then takes off her shirt and skirt. There's not really underwear for women beyond like an underskirt (which she's so not wearing to swim), so she's just wearing the fundoshi, which is pretty much a loincloth. She undoes the sarashi she's using as breast-bindings - they're fine for exercising in, but they don't do well wet.

It doesn't seem to have occurred to her yet that she's half-naked, and she's less embarrassed about Dayo's state of undress than she was earlier. (Context. Context is everything. And not being surprised helps.)


"—that's a fundoshi? That's basically being naked with a bit of cloth in front of your privates!"

And, well, the top can come off, too, if that's the case.


"It covers more in the front! And is looser." Tetsuma had mostly been embarrassed about tightness, not amount of skin. "The style for wearing under armor also covers a bit more and is looser than this. And the normal undergarment's a short robe for men or a shirt and skirt for women, though, and there isn't - casual being-in-underwear."

She is conspicuously not looking at Dayo's body. And is blushing some. (Okay a lot.)


"Looser also means the faintest breeze will lift it up!"


"There's something under it, too! The cloth's just - an apron in front."


"What's it for then?"


"...I mean, it's the tail end of the rest of the thing? It's all just one strip of cloth, wrapped around - everything. You can tuck longer ones in more so there's not much hanging down, but it's typical to have the end of the cloth in front."


"Aha. Makes sense, I guess."


Tetsuma got wrapped up in the quasi-argument enough that she forgot that they're both shirtless.

She promptly makes the mistake of looking at her girlfriend, turns bright red, attempts to get back into the 'this is totally fine we're just swimming' mindset, half fails, then sort of slinks into the water.

Swimming's fun, though!


She laughs, but swims, yes.


Tetsuma has a good bit of fun swimming around looking for interesting pebbles. There's a lot with bits of shiny embedded in them.

...She then has an absolutely terrible idea. 

The next time Dayo's facing away from her, she flashes through three handseals in quick succession, causing a thin whip of water to rise from the surface behind her girlfriend's back and then splash over her head.


She eeps and whirls around and blinks in confusion at the distance between them. "You used magic!" she accuses.

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