An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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"Sure thing.  Oh, and Gus?  When I'm outside the tavern I'll see if I can still transfer 1G to you when I can't see you.  If that works, send it back to me.  If that works, you can send me 3G to signal me if there's some emergency that needs my presence, like everyone in your tavern suddenly seems to be waking up, or something.  If Emily's with me I should arrive here almost immediately from your viewpoint, time doesn't pass while we're having conversations and it works for effective teleportation from the standpoint of anyone not inside the conversation."




not blink

not blink [1]


"Golly. All right. We're gonna have tee-lepathy!"


"Sometime I'll have to tell you about the world I'm from and some fancy inventions called cellphones!  Trying it now."

Oliver steps outside the tavern, and then tries to send Gus 1G.


Gus has 1501G!

Gus sends back 1G.


He'll step back into the tavern.  "Excellent!  It worked, Emily, in case that wasn't clear from context."

"Quick amendment, though, it occurs to me that until we have time to cook up a fancier code, we can't really signal 'come to this person' so much as 'come to this location'.  So if you're suddenly 3G richer, that means, come to Gus's tavern.  And if you're suddenly 2G richer, that means, come to my Grandpa's farm.  Emily, do you want a separate code for your house, or is there any other location we should add?"


"Let's use seven for my house. Seven is a mystical number, connected to the chakras!"


"Seven it shall be!  Shall we be off for real this time?"


"Yes! Let's farm!"

Emily has the enthusiasm of a person who has not yet begun to toil.


The pair sets off.


'Toil' as a concept is related to sweat, or something you've done enough that it's started to be boring.  Neither of those apply to farming, yet!

"You can nominate your own topics for the walk-topic if you like, but I'm interested in the Wizard and the mining-related Adventurer's Guild!"


Emily's head is swirling with thoughts about her own future, wanting to wake up Sandy and maybe Haley, the fact that she just QUIT HER JOB for Yoba's sake. But she doesn't really know where to begin with all of that, and she doesn't want to be annoying about it, and so talking about other subjects suits her fine for the moment.


M. Rasmodius, better known as the Wizard keeps to himself in his tower west Cindersap Forest.

The older townsfolk can remember that the Wizard used to be married, but that the marriage went sour when he took up a relationship with one of the other villagers. Even the dalliance might have been tolerable, until he fathered a child with his lover -- or maybe she just happened to get pregnant by her own husband, the townspeople aren't sure. They are also divided about the identity of the girlfriend and the child.

The Wizard's wife turned green with jealousy and left him. The Witch is seldom seen around Pelican Town these days, though sometimes her eerie cackle rings out over the land, and Marnie sometimes complains that some of her eggs have been turned into void eggs.


The Adventurer's Guild is far up in the mountains, northeast even of Robin's house, near the entrance to the mines. Marlon and Gil live there. Marlon will buy and sell weapons, armor, and adventure loot; Gil mostly naps in the rocking chair, but wants to hear stories of your exploits and will occasionally share a trinket from his own past adventures.

Rumor has it that if you get into a lot of trouble in the mines and drop all your loot, Marlon will retrieve some of it for you, but he's a cranky old coot and won't retrieve everything, so you'll have to prioritize. Oh, and it'll cost you.


That's enough time to arrive at Grandpa's farm, Oliver thinks?  He'll arrive, and then look it over to see how much land-clearing remains to be done, and in particular if there's enough wood-stumps to make a storage box... actually, is he allowed to cut down trees?  Do they yield more Wood?  He'll ask Emily that.


As he forms the question in his mind, Oliver finds that he doesn't need to ask Emily.


Most regular trees can be chopped down for wood! If you chop down a mature tree you'll get 12-16 wood, or even more if you take the Forester profession. You might also get sap or tree seeds. Make sure to chop in a good direction; you don't want the wood to fall into the pond or on the other side of a fence!

When you've chopped a tree, there'll be a stump. You can chop that too for another 5-9 wood.


Looking around the farm, there's really a lot of land left that could be cleared; Oliver has barely made a dent. There is definitely enough deadwood and trees to make several storage boxes or even chop the wood for a house upgrade.


"Time to see if the laws of physics allow you to Farm, Emily!  Do you want to try the axe for chopping trees or clearing stumps, the scythe for cutting weeds, the hoe for preparing ground - though we haven't seeds for it, I think - or the pickaxe to.. break the rocks?"


"Jeepers. The pickaxe sounds really intimidating! I think I'll try the scythe."

After all, a long, wicked, curved blade at the end of a pole taller than she is -- that's not intimidating at all.


He'll take the scythe out of his 'backpack' and demonstrate on a patch of weedy ground!

Now that they're both awake, is he allowed to hand the scythe to Emily, or does he need to drop the scythe and let Emily pick it up?  For that matter, is it possible for the scythe to pass out of Oliver's possession at all?


Dropping tools works. (Putting tools in chests also works.)

When Oliver tries to hand the scythe to Emily, he instead swings it directly at her.


"Eeeeeek! Watch out with that thing!"

Emily jumps back just in time.


Oliver will probably let out some kind of involuntary scream as soon as he feels his hands start to swing the scythe toward Emily, if that's an event that doesn't happen instantaneously, and try to let go if there's enough time to try to do that, and then regardless of the result he'll drop the scythe as soon as it finishes swinging.  Then stare at the scythe, maybe a glance at Emily, and then back to staring at the scythe again.


"Oh Yoba, that was scary! I'm sure you didn't mean to do that!"

"Maybe I should have asked to start with the watering can instead!" Emily giggles weakly. She's shaking a bit.


"I absolutely did not mean to do that holy shit.  I--tried to hand it to you--it's a way that my kind of people had of giving things to one another directly without dropping them on the ground first--and then the scythe did that, I couldn't stop it--shit."

"...anyways.  You have a point.  Let's check if you automatically know how to use a watering can--no, there's nothing to water yet--well, we can check if you can refill the watering can at the pond--and then we'll try the hoe and then we'll try the scythe.  You could actually hurt yourself with an axe or a scythe or a pickaxe, if you don't just know how to use it the way I did."

Oliver drops the watering can.


Emily is feeling a little steadier now. She manages to smile at Oliver. He seems more freaked out than she was!

She picks up the watering can, carries it to the pond, and dips it in. It fills!

"There! I did it! I'm officially a farmer. I farmed."

She looks up at Oliver to see if he seems to have settled at all.


Oliver will have been testing whether anything happens if he swings his pickaxe at a patch of ground with no rocks, or tries to use his axe-blade as a hoe.

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