An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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Emily shares the following information about Junimos:

1. They are called Junimos, not Julinos
2. They are adorable
3. They are real, no matter what anybody else says
4. Emily has never actually seen one
5. But despite that, she is pretty sure they look like this



Oliver wishes to know (a) why Emily believes the junimos can fix the bus and (b) how Emily is conveying that visual information to Oliver.


(a) The fables and fairy stories about junimos involve them cheerfully doing good works for worthy people; if you are good, junimos will be good to you. And the kinds of things they can do seem big and difficult, but the junimos use some combination of magic and relentless joy to solve problems. Fixing a broken-down bus sounds right up their alley.

(b) Oliver experienced the image transmission as Emily speaking words and then a picture forming in his mind. Didn't he?


Oliver's not going to push it.

Does Emily happen to already have an exact idea of what sort of good deeds would get junimos to fix a bus?  Or, perhaps, a notion of a book about junimos that you can only take out from the town library after ridding their basement of rats?

Also how does Emily know what junimos look like, if she's never seen one?


"I feel a little bit out of my depth when it comes to actually trying to interact with junimos on purpose! I realize now that although I believed in them, maybe I didn't really believe in them, because when I try to make a plan to work with them, I don't know how to start, and it feels like it won't work before we've even started?"

"If I push through that doubt, I think we need to ask somebody who knows more about how this town works. Maybe Mayor Lewis, or maybe Gunther at the museum."


"I know what they look like from books of fairy stories!"


"Gunther or the Mayor it is, then!"  Are they perchance at the Mayor's house now?


Sure! Why not!

The Mayor's Manor is a stately white wooden home just southeast of the saloon. It has a small garden plot out front.


What an excellent way to know whether a conversation is reaching a natural end!  Oliver knocks upon that door.

(Also, does the garden plot look just like a section of his farm but smaller?)


"You know, you can just go in? It's fine just to go into people's houses during the day."


The garden plot visually resembles a small section of his farm, but is inaccessible.


"Not in my section of the universe!  New customs understood however!"

What exactly is meant by the garden plot being inaccessible?


Well, there's a weed in it. If you were holding the scythe you could try to cut the weed, but it wouldn't work for you. Because it's not your garden.


You know, he's just going to walk into this other guy's house and leave all the Additional Questions there for later.



As per usual, the house is a lot bigger inside than outside. There's nobody inside.


"So in my corner of a larger reality, you're not supposed to just take interesting things that you find in other people's houses.  How does that custom stack up here?"


"What would you take?" Emily giggles. "Theoretically."

"I've never tried to take anything that wasn't mine. I don't even know if it would work!"


"...huh.  What would local customs say if I tried opening up this guy's refrigerator and looking inside?"


"Oh that would be totally fine. Go ahead."


...he'll look inside the refrigerator then.


"Suppose one were to ask why the Mayor owns a refrigerator when there is nothing inside that refrigerator..."


"Um. Well. Let's see."

Like every question Oliver ever asks, Emily has never thought about this before.


"So, a fridge is like a storage chest, except it's special for cooking. And Mayor Lewis likes to cook. But maybe he doesn't keep extra ingredients lying around. Maybe he just shops, puts the ingredients away, and then cooks them pretty soon after. And we didn't come at the right time to see the ingredients."


Oliver will try to put 1 Hay into the refrigerator!  For SCIENCE!


There is one (1) hay in the refrigerator.

Science gives no indication of being pleased or displeased by this.


And, then he'll try to take 1 Hay OUT of SOMEONE ELSE'S REFRIGERATOR.

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