An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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"I think we should probably go check at the Museum -- it doubles as a library. If anybody knows anything about books, Gunther will."


Does Oliver know anything about blue books?  Like how much they sell for?


Oliver knows that you can't sell what you don't even have, and Oliver and Emily do not actually have any books!


"Think the main lesson is, don't do farming to any area that looks weird or anomalous.  Like having wriggly worms on it, but also anything else that seems special or weird."


"All right!"

Emily is running out of clear land in the immediate vicinity to till anyway.


"I'm feeling brave... can I try the scythe? I'll do it far away from you."


Have Emily's hoeing movements looked like the smooth, perfect, insta-land-altering thing that happens when Oliver himself has tried it?


Yes! Emily looks just as competent at farming as Oliver.


"You look about as competent as me, so sure, go for it."  Oliver drops the scythe.


Emily takes it ten squares away and begins attacking some weeds with it, and calling out her lines as she goes.


Oliver sings back!  It's amazing how he doesn't particularly need that breath in order to destroy wood stumps with one mighty axe chop!'s the world-clock?


Still 2:10pm!


Then he'll go on singing and farming, and shake a few more trees in case that goes better, and inspect any section of Farm that looks weird!


Tree-shaking does not particularly seem to be getting him anywhere.

The farm looked like this last night; Oliver cleared a bit of it late last night and planted the parsnips this morning, and he and Emily have made a little headway this afternoon.

What about this looks weird to Oliver, that he wants to investigate more closely?


There's all kinds of things there to investigate!  What's that broken-looking structure?  What's that doorlike dark gap in the fence nearby it?

Does anybody who's not him own those pink trees, such that they couldn't be cut down or maybe picked for some sort of fruit?  Does Oliver know already of a way to expand out his farm's borders?


Oliver will need to walk close to each of those things to investigate them. Does he do that?


...sure.  "I go to look..." he sings.


Emily is swinging the scythe with greater and greater abandon, laughing to herself as she does so.

"You go to look!" she echoes, but she doesn't follow.


Oliver first approaches the broken-down looking structure. It clearly used to be... something... and now it's in ruins. It will be a major project to repair it.


Perhaps the mayor will know, or Robin.  The wall-hole, if that's what it is?

"I examine the wall..."


It's a dank, musty cave!

Emily sings back, faintly. "You examine the wall..."


Uh... huh.

"I examine the cave," Oliver calls, and tries shining cellphone-light into it.


Inside, the cave is dank and musty with no other distinguishing features. It drips a little bit, maybe. It's about six by nine meters inside.

Emily does not seem to be singing back.


If possible, he rushes back out to the farm and looks for Emily.


Emily is fine! She's pretty close to where Oliver left her, still happily weeding with the scythe. She seems to be enjoying what she's doing.


"I stopped hearing you sing back when I stepped into the cave.  Did you stop singing, or stop hearing me sing, or...?"

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