An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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"Oh wow! I have 1G! It worked!!!"

Emily jumps up on Oliver and wraps her arms around his neck and squeals.


...he guesses it's the first money she's ever earned?  Like a 5-year-old getting her first allowance no, bad thoughts, possibly inconvenient thoughts.

Can he, like, spin around while holding her without falling over or twisting his ankles, now that he's running on somewhat different physics?


Yes! It feels easy and natural and nobody gets injured in the process.


That's actually a bit fun, then!  He'll spin Emily again and simultaneously give her the remaining 1499G from her share.



"Oh wow, I'm so rich!"

Emily is suffused with joy. She can't stop checking the location in her memory where her G balance is. It keeps saying 1500G, and it keeps being fun to check it again.


"I am SO GLAD you moved to Pelican Town!"


When the spin is over she reluctantly lets go of his neck and drops back to the ground, but continues beaming at him.


He wishes he could beam back, but it'll come out as a horrible grimace if he does that without feeling it, and he can't help but think that the endless wealth in her balance is less than 15 baguettes.  Or a bit more than 15 cherries, apparently.

"Shall we report back to Gus, and give him his share?"



Emily grabs his hand and starts walking toward the saloon.


He'll follow.

"There's a complicated conversation we ought to have, and I don't know any good ways to introduce it because it hasn't really... happened ever before in the history of the universe, so far as I know.  Can you let me just blurt out a bit about it, even if it sounds a little shocking or strange?"




"I'm aware that it probably feels instinctively like it would be a really wonderful thing if I'd bought you a piece of cloth, at Pierre.  Possibly at some point I will.  The reason I haven't, yet, is that--I'm wondering if the spark that's growing inside you has its own opinion about that, and if, for example, it thinks that a man should have to do something else to win your heart than just buying you a piece of cloth, or maybe that you want to buy cloth for yourself now instead of waiting for someone to buy it for you."


Emily sure would love to get some cloth from Oliver, but that feels hard to say out loud, so she'll misunderstand the point of the question.

"Oh, silly, Pierre doesn't even sell cloth. Nobody in town does."


"I'm glad to hear that, in a way.  It means that whoever carved the groove in fate where Emily's heart can be won by giving her cloth, didn't want it to be that straightforward."

"The question is whether you approve of that groove carved into fate, now that you're in a place above that fate--whether you want your heart to hang on cloth at all.  Maybe it's fine.  Maybe if you like someone anyways, you're fine with him putting in whatever effort it takes to find a piece of cloth, and then liking him that much more."

"But you have the power to question that, now.  The answer you give to yourself doesn't have to be 'no'.  But it's something where I'd want to hear that the question had been asked, before I walked down that groove in fate myself, and tried to use its power over you."


Emily has never had a conversation anything like this before. Usually she knows exactly what to say, almost like reading a line. This... this is just confusing.

The main thing she knows for sure is that Oliver is talking about winning her heart. She likes that. She likes that a lot.


"I don't really know what to say! Is it okay if I think about it?"


"You thinking about it is part of the idea, even."

He briefly considers saying that Emily is even allowed to change her mind, after her first answer... but Oliver then decides that he wants to think about that more, before he says it to Emily.

Humans change their mind too easily about relationships, in Oliver's opinion.  If he's teaching this one how to be a real person from scratch, maybe he won't go and say that it's her privilege to change her mind any time she wants.

Oliver doesn't much know what to say next either--too many half-formed thoughts, trying to warn her that Oliver may not be what the grooves in fate think of as normal, wanting to know how she feels about polyamory because Oliver is not particularly naturally monogamous, trying for that matter to find out if sex is possible here or if screens just fade to black... maybe first see if Emily can master the basic ability to reflect on the nature of her own relationship desires, before going that complicated...

Oliver would actually like for this conversation to have finished and for them to be at Gus's tavern, if that's an option.  He wishes he could match Emily's cheerful bright pure enthusiasm and it sort of hurts that he can't.


Emily has bookmarked the idea that she really needs to think about what Oliver has said, but prefers to spend this moment enjoying her newfound wealth and that a boy has a crush on her. Or something.

She is okay with arriving at the saloon now.


"Howdy, folks! Back so soon? It's still not time for Emily's shift. What can I get for you?"


"Emily could not buy anything from Pierre with her balance of 0.  I've given one-third of the 4500G from the fish tacos to her, and plan to give one-third to you, because my guess is that you also cannot buy things now with a balance of 0.  You ended up impacted by our little test, so you get some of the proceeds.  Unless you object?"


"Of course I don't object! That makes my day! That makes my whole week! Thank you!"


Oliver will transfer 1500G using the power of his mind.  At least, Oliver assumes that is how he has been doing it.


"Amazing! I see the money right now! It worked!"


"But wait... we got this money because yesterday we could transfer goods around for free... and we can't do that anymore. Now what?"


"So here's the thing.  I, on the surface of things in Pelican Town--I don't know how seriously to take that surface--can do things like buy parsnip seed packets, plant them, water them, and sell the parsnips for more than I bought the parsnip seeds for, a few days later.  That, I worry, may require somebody to still be asleep, like Pierre, so they can act as part of the system that turns G into seed packets and parsnips into G."

"In general, be careful who you wake up, if possible.  I realize it may not be easy and that Marnie for example might already be coming awake.  But don't point out to people that their balance is always zero G, if only because then they'll really have zero G and not be able to buy things and this will be your fault."

"You might be able to sell drinks to people who are still asleep, and then have G.  I really have no idea if that's going to work for you or not until you try."


"But wait... what do we know about what wakes people up and what doesn't?"


"I know I started to feel more awake when we were playing with buying and selling the salad and the tacos yesterday, and then more when Oliver and I were walking back to the farm."

"And... probably even more today."


"It's a great question and we are, for the moment, limited in what we ought to rush out and try."

"My working theory is that there is a way that asleep Pelican Town works, and a way that asleep people believe Pelican Town works.  They wake up, maybe in pieces, as you point out pieces of sleeping Pelican Town that don't fit with the sleepy belief about Pelican Town.  It happens when you steer them to look at the way things are, and actually think about them, and see the contradictions and the incoherence and the way it doesn't fit together.  Then they start to think about what they're seeing, they can't just load in the usual prerecorded sleepy thoughts, and that means they're thinking."

"Or it could be as simple as, once you point out to somebody that they always have 0G, they look and realize it and then they can't buy things.  Does Marnie still have an infinite amount of hay or an infinite amount of chickens?  Maybe Marnie can still buy things because nobody's pointed out to her specifically that she has zero G, even if she's awoken to her infinite hay supply."

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