An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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"All right, here goes."


"Hi Pierre!"


"Why yes, it is unusual that I'm here at this time on a Monday!"


"Yes, everything is okay!"


"I'd like to buy one cherry sapling, please."


"No, seriously, I'd like to buy a cherry sapling!"


"Huh, this feels a bit odd. I'm not sure I'm doing it right."


"Seems good to me, though?"  Oliver is perhaps not the best judge of what is normal.  "Head on in, I'll try to listen through the door from outside, if that doesn't work I might try to sneak in and observe from inside."


Emily strides confidently through the door!

As she enters, she sees Pierre behind the counter and Leah browsing the shelves of merchandise.


How do the laws of physics feel about Oliver attempting to keep the door a little open with his foot, and listen through that gap?


The door shuts with a firm click.


Does Oliver appear to have a "sneak" option he can access, like the "run" option earlier?


Just as local physics and biology do not model arms getting tired from swinging a scythe, they do not permit for that much variation in physical movement.


Then Oliver will head on in through the doors and immediately look at the merchandise shelves after the manner of a busy person who already has something in mind!


Inside, Emily is brightly approaching Pierre's counter with a smile plastered on her face. She feels like she's about to attempt shoplifting.

"Hi Pierre! I'd like to buy one cherry sapling, please!"


"Why hello, Emily! What a surprise seeing you in here on a Monday afternoon! And buying a cherry sapling, no less! What in the world are you going to do with that? Where are you going to plant it?"


"I, um. Want to try my hand at starting an orchard. Somewhere. And I think cherries are a pretty color."


"Seems like maybe a waste of your hard-earned G, if you're just doing it on a lark."


"Sometimes people want to try something new, Pierre! Just sell her a sapling. What's it to you?"


"Well, I guess it is nice seeing more young people take an interest in farming."

"Don't s'pose you want a sapling too, Leah?"


"No thanks, I'm good."

Leah turns her back abruptly and almost barrels right into Oliver.


He should probably not wake this person up.  Things get more complicated when he awakens more people, probably.

Normal.  Oliver needs to say something normal.  Needs to say something normal for normal Pelican Town and its simplified reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost didn't detect that collision," is what comes out of Oliver's mouth.


Wow, this guy is... unusual.

"No worries at all." She brushes past him to reach for some vinegar.


Meanwhile, Emily is dying of agony from trying to get Pierre to sell her a sapling, but is determined to see it through, especially since Oliver is right over there talking to Leah.

"So... sapling?"


"All right, all right!"

Pierre goes to ring up the transaction on his cash register.



"That's odd. Emily, it seems like you don't have enough G."


Emily was fully aware this might happen, this is part of what they were testing for, but she still somehow feels inadequate, like she failed Oliver.

She turns and gives him a sad, questioning look.


He gives her what's hopefully a reassuring nod betokening 'We mostly expected that and you're not due to starve anytime soon unlike normal people with zero money.'


She sees the nod, by which Oliver seems to be saying that her failure was inevitable and expected, and accepts his judgment as her due.


She turns back to Pierre.

"Oh, jeepers, I'm so sorry, Pierre. I guess I'll have to come back after payday!"

and then darts down the aisle and out of the store.


It'll look suspicious if he darts out right away... but he doesn't want to leave Emily waiting... well, possibly both of those desiderata can be satisfied simultaneously, depending on whether her time goes on hold when his does.  "I'm new in town," Oliver calls over to Pierre, thereby Starting a Conversation.  "What are cherry tree saplings good for?"


"Welcome to town! Now, you're exactly the sort of person who could actually use a cherry sapling, assuming you're Greenie's grandson and you inherited the farm? You have good arable land to plant the sapling on!"

"If you plant this tree, it'll take a while to grow, but once it's grown it will produce one cherry every day all Spring long! Or if you plant it in a greenhouse it'll give fruit all year round."

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