An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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This sure is going to be fun.

As Oliver counts "one, two, three..." at one-second intervals, the stopwatch does the same. Then when Oliver says the 'n' in "seven," the stopwatch shows that ten minutes have gone by.

"eight, nine, ten" line up with 10:01, 10:02, 10:03 and then at the 'n' in "fourteen," the stopwatch shows that twenty minutes have gone by.

It is now 12:40pm.


Dang.  There goes Oliver's notion of looking at his stopwatch while walking to Emily's house in order to slow down time along the way.

Oliver will leave the saloon and run to Emily's previously identified house, then.


Running across the town square means it only takes twenty minutes to traverse!

Oliver arrives in front of the aforementioned brown house with the sun symbol over the door. There is a trash can to the left of the door and two planters to the right, under the window.


He'll knock and also immediately cry out "Emily!" in hopes of starting a conversation as soon as possible, before he eats up any more of the roughly fourteen minutes of non-conversational life he gets per day.


The door opens and Emily is there, beaming at Oliver.

"Oliver! That's so weird! I was just taking a nap and dreaming about you. There is definitely something special about you. I think our destinies are intertwined!"


(How does Emily physically look, from a potential romantic entanglement perspective, in full daylight?)



(Less concerning than she looked by dim cellphone-light.  There may be hotter women in town but Oliver would do this one.)


"It'd be more surprising if our destinies weren't intertwined, really.  Do you remember anything from the dream?  I've got other things to say but should ask that quickly in case you'd forget otherwise."


"It was pretty standard for me. Floating above a purple pyramid, lots of shapes and colors, palm trees. I was chanting power words. But the weird part was that you popped out of the clouds and joined me! And then there were rainbow streaks across the sky! That doesn't usually happen. I think it was a sign."


"Probably, but that doesn't help unless you have some idea what it's a sign of."


"Happiness? A change for the better? Fulfilling my destiny?"

She giggles.


"Do you have a destiny?"


"I think I do... I have big ideas... there's something I want to do a lot more than just tend bar at the saloon."


"Well, just saying, whether fulfilling your destiny is a good thing or a bad thing depends entirely on what your destiny is exactly.  And if it was a bad destiny, or just not good enough, I'd hope to make a better one for you instead.  Doing things beyond the laws of reality as you once knew it ought to be good for that if anything is."


"Do you want to come in and I'll tell you what I think my destiny is? It's a little uncomfortable talking about it, and I feel extra weird doing it here on the doorstep."


"Certainly."  He'll step on in; entering her house doesn't commit him to marriage so long as he doesn't give her a bouquet, as he understands customs and/or the laws of physics.


Emily and Oliver step into Emily's house. She leads him past the red couch in the living room and into the kitchen, where they can both sit at the kitchen table.



"So, um, welcome to my house. My sister Haley and I live here. Anyway."


"So, I work at the bar to save up money... though I realize now I haven't actually been saving, and I really want to change that."

"But what I really want to do is make clothing. I love to sew, I love color and design and fashion."


"And then... most of all..."

She blushes.

"I want to make clothing that is so right for people that it changes their lives."

"...Which I realize now might actually be pretty difficult around here."


"That gets into some pretty deep topics.  The nicer thing to do for people is to give them the power to change their own lives for themselves, and I think the first step there is getting them to think in a way where they can see for the first time how nothing is changing, imagine the world being different from that, and act on their own to get there."

"Possibly you could put all that into a piece of clothing, but I bet not on our second day figuring out how it works."


"Yeah, maybe not."

"And I've got an even bigger problem, which is that nobody in town sells cloth, and I don't have the tools I need to make it myself, so I just have to wait around for people to give me cloth as a gift, and that basically never happens. So I don't get to do a lot of sewing. I have one piece of cloth on my table in my room but I never dare cut it because where would I get another one?"


"I think I should probably work on changing my own situation before I start trying to fix everybody else's."


"I have 5000G today, up from 500G yesterday, which means that the items I put in the crate converted to money, and the item you put in did not."

"I doubt there's any way for me to give you G in such a way that you end up with more than 0G, but some of that money should count as yours, and there should be some pathway I can use to buy you cloth."

"Though what kind of situation we're in, there, depends on whether you still show as having 0G today."


"Wow, thank you for wanting to help!"

"I do still have 0G at the moment. But I only just decided this morning that I'm determined to change that."


"Okay, this is going to get metaphysically complicated."

"Changing whether you have 0G, or whether anyone besides me has non-zero G, might possibly be way more difficult than making an arrangement where I hold G and consider some of that G to be yours.  What we did with the tacos and the crate didn't violate... the kind of physics that doesn't depend on anyone's choices.  There's probably some level of reality that thinks you aren't supposed to 'buy' tacos with your fixed 0G and then just give them to me, but it's something you can do as a choice.  Having more than 0G directly inside your own existence may not be something you can do as a choice.  It may just be how the world works."

"This town could still have money that behaved like money, it would just need to be... not G, because the world already thinks it knows how G works and that you're supposed to have 0 of it no matter what you buy or sell.  We'd need to make that money out of our own choices."


"That sounds really complicated."

"Before we invent a whole new currency, can you try just giving me 1G? Just to make sure it still doesn't work?"

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