An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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"So... should I just not talk to anybody?"

Emily really wanted to talk to someone about Oliver's questions.


"Depends what it is you want to talk to them about.  Previously having 0G?  That one seems unusually dangerous.  People being asleep and awake in Pelican Town?  They might think you're crazy."


"What if I want to talk about... what I really want, and how I'm going to try to get it? If I suddenly seem to have... options about that?"

Emily does not particularly want to involve Gus in her love life.


" much would you be asking them questions unlike anything you can ever remember asking them before?"


"Hmmmm. I guess that's probably not a great idea, now that you put it that way."


Jeepers, being awake in this town is going to be really lonely if she only has Gus and Oliver to talk to, and she doesn't want to talk to Gus about very personal things. This romance with Oliver better work out, or else she might end up waking someone else up just out of loneliness.


Emily has another thought.


"But wait... it doesn't really feel fair, not to wake everybody else up."


"Point one:  It's not clear that they're really people at this point, to maybe be wronged.  They might be, Pierre didn't seem very much on repeat, but I don't actually know."

"Point two:  Let's see how happy or unhappy you or Gus end up, now that you're awake."

"Point three:  I don't think we can put them back to sleep, if we're hasty.  We can always choose to wake them up later."

"...does Marnie work as somebody for you to write to?  She's already at-risk and I don't think you'll wake her up much more, by talking about life goals, so long as you don't specifically point out to her that she seems to have 0G."


Emily is mildly offended by the idea that she wasn't really a person until yesterday, but she can kind of see Oliver's point.

She is pretty sure she is much happier now than she was before, so that point is not very compelling.


Point three is something to consider, though. Especially since she can probably go ahead with it even if Oliver doesn't totally agree.


"I mean, if it's Marnie, I'll probably just go talk to her. If were going to write a letter, I'd write to my friend Sandy in the desert, but it sounds like I shouldn't do that yet."

Emily is not particularly interested in talking to Marnie about this. Marnie is much older and Emily thinks she wouldn't really get it.


"If Sandy isn't here then she's not where we can help her if she wakes up and then something else goes wrong for her.  Unless the desert is just a false-hour's walk away."


"No, the Calico Desert is a bus ride away, and the bus is broken down right now. But I usually only go visit Sandy on her birthday, the rest of the time we just write to each other. She's kind of lonely out there, I think."

"She runs the Oasis and they charge G there so I think she's in a different part of here."


"Well, it's advice meant for different circumstances, but they do say that you should lean against awakening people to new parts of themselves if you can't be there in person to oversee any fun and interesting new problems that result."


Emily wonders if Oliver is intending to be around for her while she wakes up, or if she's even allowed to ask that. She knows for sure she doesn't want to ask in front of Gus. She wonders if Oliver is already thinking about this or if he's going to need it pointed out.


She realizes she is not at all sure she wants to work at the saloon today. Or ever, really.


"Gus? Should I... keep working here?"


"Oh gosh. I don't know. I sure will miss you if you don't! But now that you mention it... there isn't really so much to do here that you need to be here to serve the customers."

"We should figure out how we're actually going to generate money. I bet we can find another way to generate more money than both of us working here."


"I don't know any particular reason why we'd need money quickly, but if we did, the obvious thing would be to walk through all of Pelican Town and its surroundings, singing 'Ten thousand bottles of beer on the wall' to each other so time didn't move, and gathering everything in sight."

"...that might possibly be tempting Fate, if it's Fate that made you unable to buy things without money after you woke up.  I think mostly I'm supposed to farm, in the start of things.  You could try helping with that.  Or if Gus can still sell beer, we could look into Emily working at other shops and see if she can generate income there that wouldn't actually exist otherwise."

"We don't know much about how anything works for us, right now.  For you even less than for me, because everyone knows what I can farm and how much it sells for."


If Oliver's the only person she's allowed to talk to, she probably wants to help with whatever Oliver is doing.

"I don't think there's really all that much stuff to gather around town? But I would try farming. I doubt I like it as much as sewing, but if we could work our way up to producing cloth at the farm then I'd be pretty into it."


"What's that production line look like?"


"So, we could have a flock of sheep that produce wool, and then weave that wool into cloth on a loom. Though... I think we'd need to make the loom, and I don't know how."

"Some people make cloth out of old, soggy newspapers. You can get those from fishing, I think. But then you need a recycling machine, and I don't know how to make that either."

"Do you know how to make either a loom or a recycling machine?"


"That would require me to have Internet access, and if I had that I might be able to use my old bank account to order cloth from Amazon.  But someone in town will know, or be able to sell us a loom, or a loom recipe.  You wouldn't have been created with an unsolvable quest."

Oliver silently wonders if reality is realistic enough that soulless Jojamart has cheap cloth.  Having enough cloth for everyone was the original reason why humanity adopted soulless mass production in the first place.


"I think a couple of people in town have internet. Sebastian does for sure."

And Leah was thinking of getting it to sell her art online, and Maru probably has it for her science projects, and Abigail for playing video games. No need to volunteer any of that though.


"I admit, I'm not very hopeful that your Internet is the same as my Internet.  Who's Sebastian and where does he live?"


"Sebastian is Robin's son. I think you met Robin, the carpenter? They live up on the mountain north of town. Sebastian writes computer software."


Now there's somebody who'll either be very easy to wake up or impossible.  "Noted.  Shall we away to farming?  Or maybe gathering.  I admit, I'm still tempted to go gather a total of 50 wood, for having-storage purposes.  Seems like the sort of thing that could suddenly matter at any random time, and I don't want to be tempted to eat the salad."


"I'd like that!"

"Gus... would it be okay if I try quitting my job? And... if farming doesn't work out... could I maybe come back again?"


"Of course. I will miss you. I'm going to have to think about how to run this place better. There are a lot of times there's nobody in here, maybe there's something better I could do with the time. I'll have to think about what that would be."

"Could you guys imagine me mining part-time? Or maybe fishing. Fishing sounds safer!"


"Awww, thanks Gus. I'll miss you too. And I'll come by a lot! You're one of the only people around here to talk to, after all!"

"Maybe we should have little committee meetings or something."


"Anyway, I'm ready, Oliver! Show me how to farm?"

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