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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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It's really obvious Mikko is trying to find words to convince her something is safe. She isn't going to respond to this or much think about his tricky words at all. She's still paying attentiont to how he moves and to the entrance to the room though, so she'll notice if something bad is about to happen.



Five minutes of silence again?


The silence is nice. Not that she'll tell him that.




"If you don't like this doctor, but you might like a different doctor, we can get a different doctor."


She doesn't respond to the sounds he is making.


"A lot of sicknesses wouldn't just affect you, but also me and Chioss and Shahn, and people we meet too."


She might have had a reply to that but right now isn't thinking enough about what he's saying to notice this.


"I'm going to give you a little while to think about that. We can pick up again when you come out for lunch."

He gets up and leaves the room.

It smells like Chioss is making stirfry. Lots of onions.


Hrm. She's going to stay in for lunch actually - she has enough food stockpiled in here by now to make that reasonable.


They will wait for her for a bit. Chioss tries calling, when she doesn't come to get her bowl.


Eefa doesn't answer - she's actually finished eating already and is resting in the soft floor, curled up with blankets around her.


Mikko looks in on her. "Not hungry?"


She shakes her head.

(There are some crumbs on her face and on the blanket she has around her.)


"Oh, I see you had a snack in here. I'll put your plate in the fridge and if you want it later it can get warmed up."


Oh. That's... sort of nice which is probably a bad sign given all the other things that have happened but still. She can't quite bring herself to be upset about someone saving food for her.

"thank you," she says in a very quiet voice.


"Of course." He goes and covers her plate and fridges it.


She does not plan on going to eat today regardless - she had a snack and breakfast and tons of meals the previous day. She will stay in her room for now.


He'll let her know when it's dinnertime, too, but again put her plate by for her if she wants to hide. For all he knows it's an inchoate quarantining instinct and she'll get her checkup after a little more reflection on it.


Eefa has no such instinct - she is just a normal person who eats a normal amount of food and will have a normal amount of nausea and vomiting if she keeps eating as much rich food as she's been having the past few meals.


Well, the presumed inchoate quarantining instinct gets to skip dinner but does not get to skip bathtime.



It is not even a loud no but it is a very definite no. As if that will help.


"Eefa, we're trying really hard to go slowly enough with all the new scary stuff and give you space. Baths aren't new and scary, you've had two here already," says Mikko. "We can do it real quick if you want to get it over with, you can have a shower instead if you prefer, but me and Chioss are not doing our jobs if we let you go to bed unwashed."


Eefa said no already and is just going to keep quiet and ignore Mikko or any sounds he makes.


"I would really rather not get into a physical struggle with you. I don't want to need to and I don't want to set us up as having that kind of relationship. This is just one I am not allowed to let go. Kiddos we're taking care of need to get cleaned up, every single day."


Those sure are sounds which Eefa is ignoring.

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