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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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Yeah, he's going to brace himself a little bit and step closer, slowly, telegraphing, but inexorable.


Eefa is not going to actively fight him so long as he doesn't deviate from the previous routine, but she also isn't going to help him. It's barely apparent that she's even aware of what's going on.


That is so much better than it could be. He will get her cleaned up in an extremely routine fashion and put in clean pajamas and tucked in to bed.


She isn't going to bother fighting unless it's actually worth it - otherwise she'll just get hurt more. 

After he leaves she does a check of her skin to make sure it's all still working.


Skin is all present and accounted for.

Lights out.

"See you in the morning, Eefa."


Sounds continue to not be processed. 

She sleeps for a couple of hours.

She'll try sneaking around in the middle of the night a bit, staying hidden in shadows as best she can.


Her door is closed, and the night shift orange is looking her way by the time it's opened enough to let her out.


Nope, Eefa has been seen enough for the day! She vanishes right after making eye contact with the orange.


Ah heck he's going to get up and go and stand by the door and feel around.


Not before Eefa, still invisible, slips past him.


Yup. He's gonna... start tiling the entire floor of the entire place with printer paper.


Including this other person's bedroom?


The door to Shahn's bedroom is closed. He will be tiling all the unoccupied ones though.


Well, it opens a bit while he's doing that so she can get in and hide from him.


- yeah he notices the door move and he will go prioritize that area of the apartment.


She doesn't expect to find one but maybe there's a way to escape out Shahn's room? Without waking Shahn who did maybe threaten her earlier even if she doesn't seem dangerous.


Shahn's door is closed and the area in front of it is papered!


In that case Eefa will fall back to plan B - rematerialize crouching in a dark corner of the apartment and shiver uncontrollably.


"Hey, Eefa," says the night shift orange when he spots her. "Let's get you back into bed." He walks toward her, slowly, crinkling paper as he steps on it.


She shivers more when he touches her, almost going back to the silvery place where he can't see her but not doing it cause it won't help.


He carries her to bed, tucks her in, and shuts the door while looking right at her.


She watches him warily as he leaves, flinching only a little at the sound of the door clicking shut.


The rest of the night passes with no further incidents impinging on her. She can probably hear the shift change in the morning, if she's awake.


She doesn't sleep after put into the bed, or move much at all.


Not even when Chioss starts making breakfast?

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