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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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No, why would she do that. There's no where for her to go now anyways.


What about when Shahn yells "Why is there PAPER all over the FLOOR".


She flinches but doesn't bother hiding.


Around lunchtime Mikko does open her door to see that she's there.


She is - she's actually fallen asleep by then but wakes up once he opens the door.


"Lunch?" he asks.


No reply.


...okay, he doesn't know exactly how much she has socked away but will check on her, like, vital signs, at bath time - this still seems more likely to be psychological than physical, but he'll check up on her in more detail come bathtime.

They spend the afternoon working very hard on getting Shahn to meet his adoptive parents and are able to get him to go out to dinner with them, and then they text that they're taking him to a movie, and then that they should send his stuff along to their address. Good. That means they can switch over to focusing entirely on Eefa, all the new intakes are getting funneled to West.

Mikko offers dinner much the same way as he did lunch.


She will follow him out and to the table if he is leaves the door to her room open.

Even now food is still important.


Dinner is cheese bread stuffed with chicken and pickles. Optional onion gravy. Chioss and Mikko are the only other people there and they smile encouragingly at her when she sits down with them.


This food is very easy for them to have put things in that would hurt her. Is there anything else around?


There is a broccoli side dish!


She will clean the broccoli with napkins before eating it, with only a little bit of a suppressed reflex to not eat in front of people who want to hurt her.


Chioss and Mikko watch this behavior with furrowed brows but don't try to stop her!


Good, or bad. Depending on what's in the food.



It doesn't taste like poison, at least.


Then it will get eaten until she is full, at which point she will fold up some napkins around the leftover broccoli to take back to her room. 


"- Eefa, do you want some snack packages that don't need to be in the fridge, to keep in your room?" asks Mikko. "The broccoli won't be good to eat tomorrow."


This is suspicious probably but doesn't elicit a reply from her either way. 


"Eating the broccoli tomorrow, if it isn't in the fridge, could make you sick. Do you want to save some in the refrigerator so it will be okay to eat tomorrow?"


No reply! Though she'll leave the broccoli on the table wrapped, if they are so insistent about it.

She does wish she could not be watched so closely by them so she could sneak some anyways.


Once she has put the broccoli down Chioss will put it in a little container in the fridge and put a strip of tape with Eefa's name on it!


Such weird looking symbols. 


Yeah, the gesture appears lost on her. They will not trouble her if she wants to go hide in her room till bedtime.


She'll stay in her seat in the kitchen - there's not an obvious reason to move.

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