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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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Well, then, they will clean up the dinner things around her and make light inconsequential conversation about Mikko's niece and the most recent arcball game.


Eefa listens silently, blinking only occassionaly.


"Do you want some dessert?" Mikko asks her. "I have taro ice cream today."


Eefa understands very little of that sentence.



Well, he's going to put a little dish of it in front of her anyway, and serve himself some too, and sit by her and eat it.


She thinks for a bit, but settles on not risking it - even though he did serve himself from the same container. 


If she's not going to take it eventually Chioss will nab it and eat it.


She considers taking some once he's demonstrated that hers is actually safe but he'd probably be mad if she did that.


Mikko's keeping an eye on her gaze. "- change your mind? There's some left."


She will try some from his bowl, sure.


- yeah, all right, he'll get himself a third bowl and her a new spoon and she can finish his.




"Yup, ice cream is a cold treat! Take little bites so your mouth can warm it up."


Well right now it is getting spit out back into the bowl.


"Did it startle your teeth?" asks Chioss.


It was sweet at least - she ignores Chioss and tries licking at it like she's a cat drinking water.


This gets her puzzled looks but no reprimands; she'll just have to have her bath right after dinner if she gets it all over her face.


Lick lick. It's tasty.

Eventually her tongue starts feeling numb and she's pretty sure that's from the cold but not completely sure and so she is done now. 


Okay. Bathtime.


This pretty quickly returns Eefa to being glassy eyed and minimally responsive.


The oranges exchange worried looks, but put her to bed and tuck her in.


She sleeps - it's not like she can do anything else.


The oranges will carry on in roughly this vein for several days, seeing if she can be drawn out, tempting her with three meals a day. Once Chioss tries reading her a bedtime story.


Things being the same seems good for Eefa - she relaxes a bit as long as nothing obviously terrible happens. The oranges might even manage to figure out her food preferences - she likes food where it's easy to notice if something bad has been added to it - like salads or whole fruits - and avoids things where something can be mixed in, like stew. She prefers to serve herself, and will accept almost anything if she sees it removed from a can or wrapper in front of her. She still won't eat three meals everyday, but she'll eat two.

Baths don't become any easier or harder - she still goes limp and withdraws from the world. If Chioss tries the bedtime story immediately after the bath she'll notice that Eefa doesn't stop being withdrawn during the reading. 

Eefa still gets up in the middle of the night a few times, opening her door and watching the night-shift orange without exiting her room unless it's obvious that's okay. 

After a few days they notice that she's become restless, gazing outside longingly.


The night-shift orange does try asking if she needs the bathroom once. They shift their meal habits and generally aim for getting her to eat breakfast and dinner with lunch as a stretch goal, they get more packaged stuff even though Chioss winces about it and tries cooking in front of her to see if that helps.

"Do you want to go outside?" Mikko asks her.

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