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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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Eefa is unclear on which teeth option this person wants.


"So if you might have a problem with your teeth, or any other part of you, it's my job to find out what's wrong, and figure out how we can fix it before it makes more problems."


Eefa continues to glare. These sounds like very obvious excuses for them to do experiments to her or change her in some way.


"If you don't want me to get close to you, maybe Mikko could help me. He could look at you and take pictures with his pocket everything, and I could tell him what I need to see next."


Eefa continues to glare.

"Don't get what you mean."


"Mikko isn't a doctor, but if I tell him, 'take a photo of Eefa's teeth', he can do that, and then I can look at the photo, without having to go near enough to get a good look myself."


"How's it gonna hurt?"


"Taking a picture of your teeth won't hurt at all. If something is going to hurt I will warn you. If something is going to hurt more than a little, we can also give you medicine to make it hurt less or not at all. And everything I do is to minimize how much hurt there'll be in the long run."


It's an obvious lie. Eefa stares accusingly at the tooth inspector.


Mikko interjects, "I could take a picture of my own teeth, to show you."


... seems like a trick, but she'll watch Mikko do it.


Mikko opens his mouth really wide, takes a selfie of his mouth, and shows Eefa the picture.


Eefa holds out her hand for the picture-maker.


...sure, she can have the pocket everything.


She inspects it very carefully to figure out how it hurts.


It's a smooth glass-and-plastic rectangle with a picture of Mikko's teeth glowing on the glass side. It has two physical buttons on the back, flush with the casing.


Eefa pokes at the glowing teeth.


The picture zooms in.


Poke again, this time while watching the real Mikko for a reaction.


Mikko is watching her and does not seem to be having any mouth related issues. She can get a real closeup view of his upper rightmost incisor.


She doesn't know how this is going to hurt but it's better to find out now then when she's not expecting it.

She'll take pictures of her mouth as instructed.


It doesn't hurt at all! Mikko sends the picture to the doctor.

The doctor frowns at it.

"How old are you, Eefa?" she asks.


Eefa shrugs.

She hasn't been keeping track, and her memories from when she was smaller are a lot less clear.


"Your teeth look bigger than they should be, but there are also fewer of them, so they're fitting into your mouth just fine. That's strange, but I don't think it will start hurting you if it isn't already," says the doctor.


Eefa can't figure out why the tooth inspector saying this is suspicious but decides to find it suspicious anyways.

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