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Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
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Yeah, she can. So long as there aren't too many people speaking at once and they aren't talking too fast.


"She vanished!"

"Okay, so, let's check under the -"

"No, she didn't hide - well, sort of, she was hiding there, I don't even know why, she had a bath last night - she didn't hide she disappeared."

"Go sit down, drink some water, I'll look for her."

"She disappeared."

"If you're right you're right and if you're not you'll feel better after sitting down and getting some water," says Chioss, waving him out of the room. She starts casing all of the possible nooks and crannies, patting down surfaces and opening compartments and lifting the mattress.


Eefa... is not ready to run yet. She is confused and doesn't know what's going on and outside here might actually be worse, she doesn't know.

... she forces herself to phase back, becoming visible to Chioss all of a sudden when he's about to pat her anyways.


Chioss startles and pulls her hand back.



Eefa attempts to push herself further back into the hidey hole but stays visible.


"Eefa, how - how did you -"


She is staring very intently and keeping quiet, all tensed up to run.


"How did you - do that."


"Don't wanna say."

People usually get mad when they realize that she's not like them and so she's getting ready to run but she's scared and....

"I want to keep my skin."

She's not quite hyperventilating but is close to doing so.


"- your - skin? Why wouldn't you keep your skin?"


"Mikko said he was gonna clean it off me."


"- oh, no, Eefa, that's not what he meant. Skin has lots and lots of little tiny parts. It's always growing new ones. The old ones are worn out and no good any more. They come off if you just sit there, too. It's just better to do that in the bath. It'll be just like your last bath, nothing extra. - but how did you disappear."


She does not remember her skin coming off in the last bath...

She also isn't going to answer the question. Instead she keeps sorta almost hyperventilating but not quite as much as before.



"Would you rather talk to Mikko instead of me?"



She still doesn't trust Mikko about her skin. Though whether or not she trusts him probably doesn't matter.


"Can you - vanish whenever you want to?"


No, but telling someone that doesn't seem very smart so she stays quiet.


"Is this the first time you've done it?"


She responds only with silent staring, of the terrified about what is going to happen to her variety.



"Eefa, honey, nobody's going to hurt you, it's just nobody else can do that and we're very confused."


She believes about half of that. 


"Do you feel okay? Do you need help or -

- you look pretty stressed out. How about I just give you a bath - same as last night, no surprises - and put you to bed and we bring this up with the doctor in the morning."


"I get to keep my skin."

It's unclear whether this is a question, plea, or demand.


"You still have your skin now and you got a bath yesterday, right? Tiny, tiny, tiny bits of skin come off people all the time. It doesn't hurt, it's always growing back."


This sounds suspiciously like an excuse to take her skin but... it's probably not worth upsetting Chioss and Mikka any more. At least untill she's more certain about it.

She nods, slightly.

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